Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

β„™lans β„‚hange: 3

Lord Bardolf glanced over towards the tall man who had taken off his mask first and then over towards another as they both seemed to express the same question. Just where would they be put up. "I have not decided as of yet. There are several options. In my guest house, in guest quarters here in the manor, or with the servants. I supposed that will be up to how much you all decide to disrupt my home and my temperament," he stated rather flatly to the question. He had not wanted them from moment one and that was made perfectly clear when they arrived. Though the staff that had met them at the gate didn't make any indication that they were not invited by the Lord of the Manor personally, he made sure that was clear as crystal as soon as they were within his home. "Shall we move on, I could use a drink," the man stated as he turned and headed towards the door.

Over in the Starry Salon, the four men stopped and exchanged a few glances with each other before carrying on and moving into the Central Hall where they started to make their way up the stairs. Jonas followed Walnut into the next room as Quinton stood there waiting for Amaranthine and Swamp to catch up. "Well from what that tall fellow said, the dead man caused the young woman's death by messing with her chair and causing it to sky rocket up. So defenseless or not, he has already killed someone here so he's better off dead. As far as I am concerned, anyone taking a life like for fun and games deserves to be drawn and quartered while being burned alive," Quinton piped in as he eyed Walnut. "So we're better off with him dead. Who knows, he could have targeted you next."

On the second floor landing the short woman nodded. "Oh, no, you are fine ma'am," she said as she stood there. Her eyes darting around constantly. Pulling the door closed behind her, she did follow Blush, coming up beside her. "Hi, I'm Edna. You said you were upstairs? You didn't by chance see a lovely pale young woman with pink eyes up there did you?" she asked in earnest, a bit of a 'oh please god tell me you did' look on her face. Turning the corner she stopped as the four men started coming up the stairs. "Maestro's have you seen the Lady Analia?" she asked quickly. They shook their heads towards her and turned their attention to Blush.

"Oh you might as well go back up stairs," the one that had identified himself as Maestro to Creme. "Bridge was blown apparently and you are stuck here. They are coming up for dinner soon," he said before tipping his head and moving passed the women, going up the stairs.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian listened and he smiled a bit. "Don't matter to me, I'm good in a bed of dirt," he said with a chuckle. Did nothing get this man down? Apparently not. Bridge blown? Nope. Woman shot to the sky and splattering all over the place. Nope. Man's head bashed in? As far as anyone there knew, nope. Hell he was smiling shortly after it and popping grapes. Seemed the Titian fellow was all smiled and chuckles. Even at the suggestion that they may be housed with the servants, which usually meant some place in the basement with the earth as a floor and bad beds or cots that had rats scurrying around and the smell of the sewage pit wafting in from all angles.

Standing up, he smoothed his pants down a bit and tugged at the bottom of his over-jacket. Leaving his mask on the bench he had been sitting on and taking a look around at everyone as their masks came off. This only made his smile grown even more. "Pity such lovely faces have been covered up for so long," he mused more to himself than to actually voice a compliment to the women in the room. Looking back at Lord Bardolf he smirked a bit. "Might as well put me with the servants. I'm obnoxious," he said with a cheeky grin before following the man towards the door. "Shit, when isn't a good time for a drink. Bottoms up pops!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Breakfast Room -> Grand Vestibule
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

The expression on Dr. Swamp's face could be read with equal amounts of relief and irritation. Perhaps it was the ongoing gnawing feeling of having an uncomfortable chunk of ammunition resting just below his skin. It certainly was a factor. He was a little outside of him comfort zone besides that, having been de-masked in a house full of people who, however unlikely, might actually know who he was. It did remove a ton of that anonymity that everyone had strived so hard to maintain. Then again, the chances that anyone present knew his identity was slim, with the exception of the blackmailer. The mask did not stop whomever that was, anyway.

Dr. Swamp regarded the young Chanteuse as they moved forward again, passing through the Breakfast Room and into the Grand Vestibule. She looked like she wanted spme sort of answer to the accusation from Walnut. The good Doctor felt obligated to deliver. "Naturally, Chanteuse." he began with clear sarcasm, "Despite the cries of myself as the incident commenced, the report of witnesses present (namely her man, Titian), and the judgement of the housemen coming upon the scene, not to mention the fact that the Professor fired upon me again as I lay upon the floor, already having been shot once and unable to defend myself; yes despite all this, Walnut is the real victim here." He cleared his throat and shifted about so as to provide Amaranthine less of a burden to assist. "Let us never forget."

As a point of subject change, he continued with, "Thank you, by the way, if I have not said so yet. A woman of your talent and stature should not have to play the role of a nursemaid. I appreciate you." As he spoke, Swamp's mind wandered back to the initial conversation they all had in the vestibule when they entered the manor, if it can be called a conversation. "Whomever rid me of one more mouth to feed this evening, you have my gratitude," from the Lord of the Manor. As it was, technically Swamp did just that, and by all accepted accounts in self defense. He wondered how that might play out, if anything came of it at all.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Second Floor Stair Landing
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush was intrigued now. "A lady with pink eyes you say. I cannot say that I have for I would have surely remembered such a vision. But I will keep my eyes out for you." She started to make her way down as more came up and shared recent events. Such as the bridge blown up. Whereas one may have experienced fear at this notion of not being able to leave, Blush did not want to escape quite yet.

After all, things were now getting very interesting.

"Do we know if it was an accident? Or on purpose?" She had a sneaking suspicion it was the latter. After all, why would they have all been invited here only for them to be able to leave whenever they chose? No, someone was working behind the scenes to ensure the guests remained. She was sure of it. She turned around to follow them back upstairs.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

She glanced over at Rave when the woman spoke about living arrangements, and she couldn't help but be curious as well to what Lord Bardolf's answer would be. Though Penance did not expect it to be too much of a kind one, since as she recalled the man hadn't wanted them in the manor to begin with. So why on earth would he show them much kindness as they were uninvited? No one else was really speaking up, just waiting to hear what the Lord of the Manor's response was.

It was a nicer response than she would have expected given the circumstances of their arrival and their being at the manor at all, so she had to give some credit to the man for that. She had half expected him to say that they all were to crash on the floor of the ballroom since he didn't want them there at all. Servant quarters would be better than having to deal with just being out in the open on the floor, probably without any sort of blankets or such. This sort of thing was getting to be a bit interesting in her mind, but she wasn't too sure what else to do.

The one man clearly was fine with the idea of sleeping in the servant's area, and that could be fine and dandy for him, but she personally would prefer to be somewhere else. One of the guest rooms or something would be preferred, and she hoped to not annoy Lord Bardolf at all, in hopes that perhaps he wouldn't have her go to the servant's area.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom.
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

More of the masks were removed, Rave noted as the Creme woman also removed hers. Well so much for the masquerade indeed, from now on she made sure to try to remember the faces of those she could see right here in the Lunar Ballroom with her. This was going to be an important thing for moving forward form this moment. Now that their faces were revealed, all that remained was to figure out if the one blackmailing them was someone from those who had arrived... The invitation had stated they will be revealed, but so far that wasn't the case. Who knew what was being plotted without their knowledge. Maybe this was an elaborate plan to get them all killed here, who knew.

Lord Bardolf spoke out, a reply to their question about the accomodations that would be given. The fact he wasn't sure what to do with them was partially good to hear and the options given were rather good. Even if they were to be hosted as the servants were, that would be better than any possible alternative cause the bad alternatives that weren't spoken were terrifying.” I would be content with any decision you may reach, even with being placed with the servants..” She stated as she took a breath of releave. She wasn't really looking to push the hospitality of their host. The mere fact he was willing to take them in for the time being was a great show of kindness on his part, as far as she was concerned. Besides living with the servants shouldn't be too bad. They could have been thrown out in the cold with the weather worsening.

At the words from the huge guy, Rave slightly blinked surprised and a little bit of color went to her cheeks. She wasn't good with compliments much. She then realized that their host was leaving for dinner and she hurried to follow.” Of course, right away, Lord Bardolf.” She hurried to say as she walked hurriedly to catch up. If they were being offered dinner, might as well take advantage of it. She kept her mask with her though. It wasn't for free she got it, so she didn't want to freely part with it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Trophy Room -> Starry Salon
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Another empty room. Cobalt decided that this must be a nightmare. It was better that than the reality of seeing no-one in this accursed manor. He would give anything for someone, anyone, to step out of the shadows. He'd take the irksome doctor, he'd take the four peculiar musicians, hell, he would even take the riddler and his damned bird at this point. Anything to break the infernal silence that seemed to stifle even the sound of his own footsteps.

At least here he had a choice. Analia had told him to keep going till he reached stairs, but a quick glance around the room told him that there weren't any stairs here. There were three doors though, and behind any one of them could be a crowd of his fellow guests. Or there could be another empty room. Cobalt physically shuddered at the thought. Focusing, he tried to work out if anyone was nearby. There might be no stairs in here, but the doors to his right were open, and through them, he could make out a staircase, presumably the ones that Analia had been guiding him towards.

She's told him to take a left, but as he stood there pondering his next move, he saw movement on the stairs, and his mind was made up for him. Even if it meant stumbling across a rampaging murderer, he would go towards anyone as long as it meant someone to break the silence. Besides, if it was a murderer, then at least it would give Cobalt something to do. Making his decision, Cobalt headed towards the stairs, and whoever awaited him there.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Breakfast Room -> Grand Vestibule
Skills: Dexterity, Charisma
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine watched the doctor's expression. She was not sure if he was irritated or if he was relieved. Perhaps a bit of both as she was to be rid of her mask. Yes, it kept her face covered and therefor it was better to hide her identity but the constant dread that it would fall off, or get in the way combined with the annoyance of having something on her face at all times. To say having it gone was a bit of a relief was an understatement. She did however look a bit worried, that was clear as day as she stood in the Breakfast Room with Swamp. The woman seemed to constantly wear her feelings on her sleeve as it were. Yet, that did not stop her from slipping her arm around his waist from behind and helping him from the Breakfast Room, stepping over fallen plates and cups as they went, into the Grand Vestibule.

That worry seemed to grow as he spoke. And as she heard what Quinton had had to say about the situation. She nodded a bit. She had no reason to trust any of them but Swamp had been showing her kindness since the moment she met him. He had done nothing, that she knew of, that would make her doubt him. So as far as those that were there were considered, he was the one she felt she could trust. Granted, that could mean her end but right there she had no friends there with her. One person she had seen dead and now she was learning of a second, who was really the first, that had died before she arrived. A friend was needed around here it seemed and if Dr. Swamp could take out a man and take a bullet, only to still be standing even if injured, it was a start.

Clearing her throat she looked around and bit her bottom lip nervously. "It seems that perhaps there was a simple misunderstanding and we are all safer now without such a cold blooded murder in our presence. Perhaps it was he that brought us here? We can only hope and then," she paused as she straightened herself a bit, "we can all move on with less dark clouds hanging over our heads when we leave this.. house," she said in a voice laced with hope, a dangerous thing she knew but she had to hold onto that for now. Looking over towards Swamp she smiled slightly. "Think nothing of it, some of the most talented come from humble beginnings. I have been nursemaid to to those that would be considered far worse than you," she said in a kind voice. Turning her attention to the others. "Please, continue to lead the way."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut had to bite her tongue, tempted to point out that due to Dr. Swamp's lies, he too could easily be placed in the category of taking lives for fun and games. Yet given that these servants and the woman seemed to have no ill will towards her for her actions, she decided that the subject could be dropped. An enemy in the form of Dr. Swamp was not one she would lose sleep over. He had been foolish enough to attempt (well, successfully) commit murder right in front of her, a total stranger. By her calculations, he would make the same mistake again and then be removed from the playing board.

Could she have responded to Swamp's taunts? Easily. But once more, she was forced to conclude that there would be very little point. The woman seemed to be depending on him for her source of truth. His list of witnesses and testimonies included people who had presumably heard a description from Titian as to what happened in the room, compounded with the events from earlier. As it stood, of those who had been in the room and knew what had transpired, one of them had died and would not be able to lend his story. Walnut was outnumbered. Besides, Amaranthine seemed determined to smooth the scenario over and paint it in the most positive light.

"My apologies, doctor, if this was truly a simple misunderstanding," Walnut said, offering him a slight olive branch as she had shot him. Her mind did flicker back towards what she had seen after shooting Swamp - the horrid sight that was Plum's fallen form! Plum's pet had been bad enough - but that had been truly wicked and awful. As for who the identity of the blackmailer was - she doubted that it was Plum. This matter would not be resolved so easily. "If that man was the mastermind behind all of this - I would be disappointed that his plan to kill us all was not more sophisticated," she concluded. "The earlier plans and designs... the manipulation with the chair... This does not strike me as coming from the same person that masterminded those feats. This is too simple."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 21 min ago

Captain Moss
Location: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss turned to look at Lord Bardolf as he mentioned about housing and he hadn't decided where they would have them sleep for the next few weeks while they were trapped here. Which was good at least they wouldn't have to be sleeping on the floor or on any other furniture that would be in the manor. He personally would prefer a nice comfortable bed and a room to himself, but Moss would sleep to whatever was assigned to him. He looked towards Titian who apparently would sleep pretty much anywhere he would actually like, the man was probably comfortable sleeping on a bed of needles for all he knew as well. "At least he's willing to accommodate us." Captain Moss said towards Sister Penance and Prima Rave as well.

Then Lord Bardolf mentioned about getting a drink which was pretty understandable he was probably stressed out and annoyed that there were a bunch of strangers that he didn't even know or invite by the looks of it as well. Moss stood up and stretched a little bit looking at the two of them for a moment. "A drink sounds like a good idea right now." Moss said, as he started to follow shortly behind Lord Bardolf and Titian as well. "You don't mind if I join you right?" Captain Moss asked, he wanted to make sure that it was alright and he wanted to also be on the Lord's good side as well. He really did not want to turn up dead or something if he had pissed off the Lord of the Manor in anyway as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

𝕄oving 𝕆n π•Œp

Lord Bardolf cast a glance towards the tall man who seemed to have a lot to say while really not saying much at all. "Yes... I will keep that in mind," he muttered. The man was living up to the claim that he was obnoxious. Others were following and asking to join. "Yes, of course," he said as he moved from the Ballroom into the Starry Salon. Spotting a stray as it were, one still wearing his mask. He eyed the man for a minute. "This way," was all he said towards Cobalt as he kept walking. He let out a slight breath. Not everyone was there yet but he could always send the servants to seek out others if they didn't catch up and fall in line. He had already been given word about some shenanigans going on. As he walked he adjusted the ruffles along his cuff, his shoes clicking against the floor with each step he took.

Edna looked a bit disappointed when she was informed that the woman had not seen the girl she was searching for. "Well bollocks," she said as her lips scrunched up a tad. Her eyes widened a tad at the mention of the blown bridge. "Oh dear," she said before she continued on her way down the stairs. One of the men looked over towards Blush and shrugged a bit.

"I would imagine it was on purpose. I doubt people would blow up a bridge on mistake," he said with a slight chuckle before offering his arm. "Going up? Or shall you be continuing down?" he asked as he waited. He would not wait long as the other three continued on their way up the stairs. After a moment, with or without Blush, he would continue to ascend the stair case.

Quinton nodded towards Amaranthine before glancing towards Professor Walnut. "Sometimes the best defense is simply to play stupid. And sometimes even the greatest plan can fall apart to a simple slip. Either way I am sure Lord Bardolf will flush out who is responsible for the disturbance of his evening if they are not already dead," he said before he continued on his way from the Grand Vestibule and into the Central Hallway. Spotting Lord Bardolf through the open doors headed his way with more of the group.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 10 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

As the Lord started to leave the room, Creme relaxed a tiny bit. It was her nature to be on edge around people of power; perhaps imbued by her need to help and please people. Either way, she now how to decide if she should join them. She hadn't partaken in food in the Breakfast Room, and a drink may help take the edge off of the night. Keeping her wits about her was important, and through it may impair her judgement, it may also help her keep her sanity. She quietly closed the distance between her self and Titian, deciding she'd accompany the Lord, and apparently him to get a drink, assuming the offer was open to all. Given his last words, endearing herself to him certainly sounded like a good idea in any case.

She took some note of Titian's words to herself and presumably Rave, and simply kept her mouth shut and smiled back. The man was crude, and not at all her cup of tea, but that was no excuse to be rude. She didn't particularly like being spoken to in that manner, but it wouldn't be proper for her to express that. She did, however, stop short of completely closing the distance between herself and him. That last comment, combined with his rather boisterous and loud attitude still gave her cause to keep her distance, and prevent interaction where she could. Just because she happened to be nice, didn't mean she had to avail herself to situations she knew would bring her nothing but trouble.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom -> Starry Salon
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian gave a cheeky grin towards Lord Bardolf. He knew he could be annoying, you know to those that had no taste but to himself he was a perfect gem. Why wouldn't he be? He was fun, cheery, strong and oh my oh so pretty. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirrors along the wall as they entered the Starry Salon he took a moment to admire himself. Adjusting his collar some before glancing over his shoulder towards the rest of the group pulling up the rear. It seemed everyone was coming along. Probably a good thing since even before the Lord Of The Manor had mentioned a drink he had mentioned dinner. Probably a good idea to fill ones belly. Who knew, this might be their last meal. If shit kept up that was.

One was already dead that he knew of for sure. No way splatter girl was still walking after that crash and clean up over at the front gate. And he was damn sure that the whole crushed skull and gun scenario had yielded another. Now thinking on it and looking around there were at least four others that were not present other than the two or three he was sure was with the dead poet's society. Wait, there was one now coming out of the Trophy room he and Walnut had went through earlier in the evening. "Shit man you missed a lot. Bridge went boom, we're stuck here a while, might as well get comfortable," he said towards the man he didn't know his name yet, but it was Cobalt and as far as the whole getting comfortable thing went, Titian was pointing to his head where his mask had been removed. Cobalt was the only one around them that still had a mask on, so he figured he hadn't heard yet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule -> Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 2

Swamp looked a little uncertain now that his face was exposed for the world to view. Wearing a mask for an extended period of time was not outside of his wheelhouse, as it were. People in his profession often found the necessity to don a facial covering as it came to business, be it to examine, treat, or to deal with the miasmas of the dead and dying. He gave a polite smile to Amaranthine and took his avian mask back from her, hanging it over the end of his walking cane. There was no reason for her to have to carry everything, himself included. Such imposition was impractical to her continued assistance.

The Chanteuse made a statement that seemed rather innocent. Hopeful, even naive given the circumstances and a few key facts that Swamp was able to assemble for himself, but he could not deny that it was a call for the cessation of their present drama. Such complications muddied the waters of his purpose in this place. All of it did. Now with this bridge being destroyed (accident, sabotage - didn't matter) this whole endeavor was less of a mission and more of a continuing campaign. Short term solutions could not be the priority. There was a related note of surprise, visible in Dr. Swamp only in the form of an arched eyebrow as he heard Walnut agree with Amaranthine. There were details of her words that he knew were ...inaccurate... forcing him to consider that she might be playing the more long term game as well. The whole truth might damn them both. Perhaps that was what Titian was doing all along. Swamp would have to keep an eye on that one. The big man might be more clever than he was letting on.

So when the Professor extended an apology, he responded with a simple, and noncommittal "Indeed, Professor." before continuing into the Central Hall with the assistance of the Chanteuse. This was a meeting place, apparently. A nexus point of people filing from one location to another. And likewise without the barrier of their masks to impede conversation - not that he was willing to initiate any at this point. His desires prioritized removing the bullet from his side and suturing his wound while he was still alert enough to be of use to himself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Starry Salon
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt was half-way across the room when he heard the doors behind him open. He almost fell over with how quickly he turned. People, living, breathing and talking people! Cobalt could have cried out with relief. His nightmare was over, at least for now. He recognized the leading figure as the Lord of the Manor himself, he wasn't going to forget the cold welcome they had all received from the man in a hurry. The Lord spotted him, but if he was surprised by Cobalt wandering around on his own, he didn't show it, simply telling Cobalt to follow him as he headed towards the stairs himself. Seeing as it was the direction that Cobalt had already been headed, he was hardly going to object.

A strange troupe seemed to be tagging along behind the Lord, and it took Cobalt a moment to realise who they were. His fellow uninvited guests, who had apparently all decided to forgo their masks. One of them also spotted Cobalt, and seemed to recognise, booming out an unusual greeting. Cobalt would have recognized the other man's large frame, with or without his golden mask. If nothing else, the greeting suggested that Cobalt had only been missing a matter of minutes or hours, rather than days, which was reassuring. Although the lumbering giant did have a point, it certainly sounded like he had missed quite a lot in his absence. If they were trapped there, then it certainly changed the mood of the 'party', and Cobalt couldn't miss the other man's unspoken suggestion that he remove his own mask.

He winced slightly at the suggestion, one hand instinctively going to light touch his own mask, before hastily bringing his empty hand down to his side again, managing a smile.

"Thank you for the update, friend."

With that, Cobalt turned, following after the Lord of the Manor, keen to see where the group was being led.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Second Floor Stair Landing (Going Up)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush weighed her options. Downstairs was where the others in her assortment were, but did she desire to speak to them? She had to admit to herself that, while she felt a draw to some, the rest were not worth much of her time. She had found the upstairs to be much more eye-opening to her interests and if she was being offered a way up again without being questioned, she would take it. β€œYes, I shall go back up then if that is the case.” She turned and followed the man going up.

She debated how to go about this. She needed more information, but would it be given freely? β€œMy dear sir, if that is the case then surely an investigation must be done. After all, one among us has blown up the bridge and has prevented anyone from coming or going. If we needed help we would not be provided with such. Someone among us surely meant for that to happen, in which case I dare not to think of the reason for it.” She put a hand over her heart to appear as a timid woman, but this was not so.

No, in fact, her mind was working overtime. Someone is intending to keep them there and she had a sneaking suspicion the person who invited them all here is the culprit. Or, at least, is a player in this game. If that were the case, she would have to keep her wits about her if she had any hope of surviving the night.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

The lady glanced over towards Professor Walnut slightly as she kept a hold of Dr. Swamp and tried to ease his steps due to his injury. She bit her lip slightly. A slight thought passing her mind and it seemed to cause her a bit of nervousness. "From my experience, the perverse rarely think logically," she said as she glanced down and shook her head before looking forward again. What Quinton said had a bit of logic to it, well to her at least. She had seen smart people do stupid things and every so often seen the dullest of people do something that would leave others wondering where that stroke of genius had come from. More often than not though, she had seen some rather perverse people attempt such that made no sense to anyone that didn't have a streak of madness within them. It was not a set of memories she wished to dwell on.

It seemed it was time to keep moving, helping Dr. Swamp as he lead the way into the Central Hall. It seemed that those that had been in the Ballroom were coming their way through the Starry Salon. Most of them without their masks now, just as she and the two other guests she walked with were. Though it seemed that one had chosen to keep his on. Stopping in the middle of the Central Hall, she adjusted slightly. Looking at the stairs and then the group coming towards them, and then finally to the wounded man at her side. "Perhaps it would be best if we were to wait and see which route they take and fall in behind," she suggested before giving a glance towards where the mans wound was. "We shouldn't rush your climb." She seemed concerned, about him, and the fact that if he had to rush his steps it could make things far worse than they already were.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom -> Starry Salon.
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

All in all the situation was mostly moving at the best possible direction thus far, given the circumstances of it. They were alive, well and on route for a welcomed dinner." That is true. I dread to imagine any chance of survival should we have been thrown out. I'm really grateful for our host's kindness given the situation." Rave replied to Moss and let out a small smile of joy as she hurried up to keep with the Lord in heading to the Starry Salon. As she did so, she couldn't help herself and looked behind her shoulder before she left the Ballroom. There was just a little bit of a regret in this, despite everything, she was looking forward to the big Masquerade Ball. This was going to be probably the first and last chance to witness something of this magnitude, especially at this so secretive location of Shadowell. Still with a last tinge of regret she turned around and walked through the door to the Starry Salon, after the others.

Having stepped into the Starry Salon, a few things had quickly pulled her attention away. She could spot other people now. There was one of the rest of htem, he seemed to still be wearing his mask, but the Lord more or less just asked him to follow, so he didn't seem to be minding too much. Then there was the fact some others were in front of them.

The man who they just reunited with didn't seem to want to remove his mask just yet. She couldn't really blame him as revealing your idenity might be problematic for some. Still she was happy to have removed hers. Since most others seemed to have removed theirs, she was happy that she didn't have to guess who was underneath those. Now she'd at least know their faces. Admittedly the names weren't spoken out yet and she wasn't sure she'd reveal hers for now. She wasn't going to lie, but if they didn't ask for it, she wasn't going to go out her way to say it quiet yet. It was important to protect herself... and what mattered in the end.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"You are quite right about that Moss, we can only be ever grateful that he is willing to house us while we wait out the storm. That is all any of us can really ask for isn't it? We can't be too picky about where we sleep, we are somewhat considered to be intruders in his home after all," she said simply, looking over at Moss. The man did make a fair point, sure, she would prefer to have better housing if possible, however she would have to make do with whatever was available. They hadn't been expected to arrive, they weren't supposed to be there. The fact that the man already had declared that he didn't want them there, it was a great kindness that he'd even consider giving them temporary living arrangements.

Hearing Rave's words about being thrown out, she nodded her head in agreement with it. That was definitely a very real possibility considering that they were more of hated and considered an inconvenience. That was something that bugged her, being considered an inconvenience on someone else's life. It was one of the reasons she was working to maintain a sort of respect and caring about how she acted towards everyone else, and most certainly how she behaved towards the Lord of the Manor. He could kick any of them out in a few moments, or potentially kill them somehow or whatever, since based on how she remembered the way he had addressed them, that too was certainly a possibility as well. He certainly wouldn't care if every one of them dropped dead, since he had been grateful it had seemed over the death of the woman that had happened before.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule -> Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut nodded, smiling slightly at the fact that the Lord of the Manor would bring those responsible to light. If she had truly been mistaken about Dr. Swamp, the apology would smooth things over. And if not, the Lord of the Manor would have him executed or dealt with appropriately for his transgressions. She had no difficulty imagining what sort of things Dr. Swamp could have done, things that would have caused him to receive the invitation to come here, to wear a mask and use a false name. She had to imagine that he was being blackmailed as well, as were all of the other unexpected guests. She would have continued to weave this imaginary tale for herself, of what her companions could have done, but there was more important matters at hand and she could not be distracted. Dr. Swamp seemed to have accepted her apology, allowing Walnut to mentally reevaluate him for a moment.

"And what exactly is your experience?" Walnut asked the Chanteuse. She knew who the woman was, having known her identity before Amaranthine had even removed her mask. However, she did not need to let onto that fact - not now, anyways. She followed Amaranthine's gaze, spotting the other group that was coming out and Walnut was glad to see that sight. They could join in with the others. Truthfully, she did not care to ease Swamp's agony or to afford him less walking up the steps - no, she simply wished for a change in companions. She did not know if the men escorting them would allow for them to seamlessly blend into this group and her hands did ache considerably from that searing pain, but Walnut was determined to put distance between herself and Swamp if allowed.
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