Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Benha (Exiting to Train depot -> Train depot)
Skills: Understanding of Egyptian superstition
Skills: Understanding of Egyptian superstition
The group of intrepid explorers of the ancient and unknown appeared to once again grow in size, now that the members of the Fellowship were joined by J.C. and the lady known as Bella. The Honorable Lord Major seemed to very much approve of Mahendra's presence in the party, so Mahendra gave a delighted smile, forcing himself not to salute the man. He was a civilian after all. "Pleasure is all mine, Sir." The thought that they would be safer in larger numbers once again crossed Mahendra as he walked with his group towards the trains and tours. And it would seem that their loss of Vera, which was a true shame indeed, could be temporarily recovered by what Bella appeared to know about one of the sights. She suggested them going on a tour to one of the ancient sites, Athribis.
Athribis? Did that name ring a bell in the Bengali geologist's mind? As they kept walking, Mahendra didn't take much note of those around him as he tried to think. And think hard he did, perhaps too hard? Of all the ancient legends, stories and lore of the supernatural in Egypt, his mind failed to bring forth any valuable information. Not even something trivial that could have brought Mahendra into the conversation between Bella and the Lord Major, who knew something about it.
No wait, that was a joke. Mahendra tried to understand the joke to the best of his abilities, seen as English was not his most proficient language, but the joke's meaning did eventually make him laugh a controlled, polite laugh. "Good one, Sir, good one." Mahendra told the Lord Major, before he turned to the others of the group. More specific Bella, as J.C. went off to get their tickets, even if he dreaded the thought that they both knew about his accident yesterday. "May I inquire whether you have been there before? Athribis. It does sound as if you have knowledge of the site's history, which is quite interesting." He asked her, awaiting politely an answer as J.C. returned with a ticket for everyone, including him. "Thank you very much, my good man."
Richard Barker

Location: Benha (Exiting to Train depot -> Train depot)
Skills: Observation
Skills: Observation
Richard pulled out the cigarette burning dimly from his mouth, holding it loosely between his idle fingers craving for something to do. They were talking towards the trains, brushing past and getting passed by a varied cabal of people who were going the same way as them. Richard thought that Faye and him were the only ones not going there to enjoy the views, they were out for clues. Or perhaps not? As they were walking in a moment of silence, Richard took note of some of the people in the river of men. Richard tapped Faye on shoulder and nodded his head in the direction of J.C. "Hey Faye, look. Ain't that the fella you were talking with yesterday? The guy drowning his sorrows more than a broken sewer."
Why was he there? At the one hand it made sense that he was there, since everyone had been shuffled off the ship for the day. Then again, Richard didn't like coincedences. He hated it, more than the pants he was wearing. Richard gave another curious look at the guy as he returned the cigarette back to where it belonged in his mouth, before starting to look around. "So where do you want to start looking here? The depot itself or the ticket stand? Unless you want to ditch the whole investigation and go take a train ride." They were approaching trains, and if they wanted to find anything on Mr. Gould, Richad figured their best bet would be to find someone in charge. Richard tried to look past the people obstructing his view, not paying enough attention to where he was going. Typical, why would fortunes smile on a hard boiled New York detective with a heart darker than his late shadow.
Richard found himself lying on the ground, head spinning and nose hurting. "...Son of a bitch..." he muttered through gritted teeth, looking up at what revealed itself to be a telegraph pole. Richard had walked face first into the pole, just his good old luck.