Guin Stark

Location: The Palace - New York City, New York (
Skills: Telepathy (Mental Link)
"Lame," Guin giggled, hearing that she would have to wait till later to get her Hanukkah gift. She wasn't religious, but she had no problem with celebrating the holiday. Eight days of gift giving? Yes, she knew that wasn't the point of it and she wouldn't tell anyone this - certainly not anywhere around King Erik - but she really loved it when Pietro spoiled her every day for over a week with gifts. They also tended to be shiny too and she couldn't help but love shiny objects. It was something she had in common with her mother - the one and only Pepper Potts. She had so many good memories of raiding Pepper's closet to play dress up, Pepper helping her learn how to use make up, even how to walk in heels.
"Looks like your parents are here," she said softly.
She loved Pietro's mother - Miranda knew so much about engineering and it was always cool to have someone at the Palace who understood what Guin was doing in her copious amounts of spare time (for once, not sarcastic!) Sure, Lorna was a scientist but she found it difficult to talk to Polaris. Miranda was kind and approachable - while her husband, King Erik, he scared Guin. He was king of the entire world and one of the strongest mutants on the planet. She didn't even want to think about what would happen if he got angry at her.
Let's go talk to Allison - you know your father kinda scares me... Guin told Pietro softly. They had a permanent mental connection, due to how much they loved each other and the fact that Guin was a telepath. It made it easy for them to speak privately, without fear of anyone else overhearing. Taking Pietro's arm, Guin dragged him along with her, heading over to Allison and Oshea.
"Hey Ally," she greeted, giving Allison a hug.
"Any hot gossip I should know about?" she asked, hoping the answer was yes. Things could get a bit boring sometimes around the Palace, especially since Pietro
really didn't like it when she went to Stark Industries to work on projects. It was an ongoing argument the two of them were having, as to whether Guin should continue to work or just spend all of her time relaxing at the Palace.
Casper Theriot

Location: LeBeau Casino - New Orleans, Louisiana
Skills: Mediumship
"Damn, who let the Femme Fatale in here?" Casper couldn't help but comment, his eyes widening a bit at Anastasia. She didn't look like she could've been older than nineteen and here she was, making illusions to corporal punishment and advocating its use over tardiness. His bottom felt a little bit sore just thinking about it and he moved in his chair slightly, as if to guard his rear from her. His eyes darted around the room, spotting a pair that could have been brother and sister - or brother and age inappropriate girlfriend. Not that he was judging, of course!
"Okay, so we need to figure out what is going on here, Casper..." Ben muttered.
"We can't be the only ones that know something is up, right? So we just need to find out who else does... Well, you need to." Casper nodded slightly.
"Just gotta find one," he mumbled to his friend. He knew that it made him look a little crazy, talking to Ben, but he wasn't going to just
ignore him or anything. Ben was his best friend - sure, Ben had a crush on Casper's brother and was horribly murdered, but friendship could withstand anything if it was true and strong! He then turned his head, as a girl in a leather jacket came over and started spoiling the kidnapped child. Would that lessen the sentence, if the child seemed to be happily giggling and wearing a gift an accomplice to the kidnapping gave her? Also, was Casper considered an accomplice, even though he had no idea what was going on? What even was the definition of an accomplice?
"Focus!" Ben snapped, telling that Casper was getting lost in his own thoughts. The girl in the leather jacket - he had nicknamed her
Bombshell in his head - kissed his cheeks in greeting. Not really knowing what to do, Casper kissed her cheeks back, staring at the Cajun woman. Did she know his mother, maybe? His mom was a piece of work and
was from New Orleans.
"... Do I know you?" Casper asked, tilting his head at her.
"Did we go to rehab together or something?" he followed up. His brother thought he was high, he knew that much, so he
had to have been forced to rehab at some point, right? If there was one constant in the universe, it was Jack forcing him to go to rehab to get clean at least once a year. There was a bit of drama going on with the Gingers - wait, was that
GAMBIT?! and Casper took a breath, focusing again on his brother and Jack's impending kidnapping charge.
"So um... What's the laws on kidnapping here in Louisiana?" Casper asked casually.
"Asking for a friend..." "You are so bad at this!"
Dominika Novikova

Location: Red Guard Mobile Unit - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A
Novikova glanced over at Cassandra for a moment, hearing as she asked for a refresher on their mission. It was a bit weird - Cassandra had never struck her as the inattentive type, not here and not in the real world. However, her mind practically short circuited as Maria gave her a kiss. It had been so long since she had been able to kiss her girlfriend - to hold her and make physical contact. Cassandra's plight could wait a little while. She returned Maria's kiss, wishing they had somewhere a little more private to go to for about an hour or so.
"Agent Abercrombie..." Novikova started to say, she wanted to warn her since it seemed like something odd was going on there, but it was hard to convey a message to people when ruby red shades made it so no one could see her eyes.
She couldn't remain passive much longer, though. The people around her were proposing horrible things. She took a slight breath, knowing that while she had joined SHIELD in order to pursue her scientific dreams, it also had been to help people. She became a part of the Phase Three program in order to make the world a better place. Arguing with Mystique and Frosty? Not a great plan. But Novikova didn't have a lot of options and she wasn't about to let them go piss off the Hulk and kill innocents - fake reality or not.
"Actually, I think I should go in and talk to him. I can take off my glasses, get a good look at the kid, and report back the most likely tactic to get him to come quietly without needing anyone to get hurt," Novikova said. She had the power to see people's alternate lives when she took off her glasses. She couldn't control it, but the longer she looked at someone, the more lives she glimpsed.
"And according to the files, he has a girlfriend. A human one. We might just be able to fabricate a crime to arrest her for and just drop the charges against her if he cooperates with our mission." And then, once they had Dr. Banner, she would spring him and set him free.
Runa Blake

Location: Banner Residence - Sydney, Australia
Skills: N/A
Before the shift in reality, Runa had been at her room in the fabled halls of Asgard. She spent the majority of her time in there, since her treatment at the hands of the other Asgardians was too difficult for her to bare. Her unique abilities made her a threat, one they believed could help bring about Ragnarok, the end of their world and ways of life. But instead of waking up to a bleak morning, she found herself somewhere she had never been before - until the memories slid into place. She wasn't a goddess here. She wasn't Runa, Baldur's daughter, Granddaughter of the Eternal Flame, Goddess of Lies. She was just Runa Blake, a human studying Astronomy in a society that could not accept the lesser evolved species.
And as the door to the room opened and Lance came in, she turned bright red, realizing that
she had a boyfriend here. She glanced down quickly, relieved to see that she was wearing some strange garments... Her memories of the false reality then supplied the words for her:
pajamas. They were pink with little kittens all over them and she couldn't help but giggle slightly, looking at the cute images. No one had clothing like this back on Asgard. Then as she looked back up at Lance, remembering all of the false things from this world, she felt this intense sensation of yearning. She just wanted to run across the room and hug him as tightly as she could and never let go.
Sure, she had dated Apollo but she never had felt this for anyone before. A slight tear went down her face from happiness and she dried it, only to notice that there weren't scars on her wrists from centuries of self harm.
"I'm awake," she said, a bit giddily. Yes it was concerning that reality had shifted completely but... the black dog of depression wasn't lurking in her head. Centuries of pain and suffering didn't exist here!
She got out of bed and ran up to Lance, giving him a hug - he was practically half a foot taller than her.
"How are you?" she asked, finding a new enthusiasm for life. She could get used to being human.