Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Priscilla Harker

Location: Benha(Rose Gardens)
Skills: Athletics

Mosi was just having fun, testing out perfumes and all that. With a smile on her face she let the man place hte drop of the perfume on her skin to check how it actually reacts to her. She was just about to comment on the performance and if she liked it when all chaos broke loose. There was some buzzing then the bees started to show up for real. She felt stung right away as the man tactfully put some protection for himself and told her to run away." YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! OUCH!" She swung a hand around, trying to make hte things get away, but then realized the advice was probably the right one as she got stung more. It fucking hurt like hell so she bolted. Yeah, she who generally didn't feel afraid from many things, actually was forced to flee by bees! Never underestimate the power of BEES!

She dashed away, but hell these were rose guardens. Lots of flowers so lots of bees, and the buggers were everywhere. She had trouble keeping her eyes on the road as the bees were there, stinging away.' Fucking swear I will never again use perfumes!' Mosi's mind roared as she was trying to get away by running, but then she triped on something. What did she trip on? Was it a pebble? Was it a bottle? Was it her very own legs?! She had no idea really as she fall right to the ground with a hell of a lot of bees still going for her. Hell this was not how she imagined this day going. This was a bad day in the end of it. Maybe whatever curse had struck all the people lately had finally reached her too? She recalled Mahendra and his near drowning incident in the river. Well she had heard him and alerted people back then. It seemed there might not be someone to help her here though. She was trying to protect her face as a thought ran through her head.' Can a person die from... BEES!?' In either case the stingings bloody hurt and she had already lost count!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Gene Benaszewski & Nora Kingston

Location: Train To Athribis
Skills: N/A
Gene chuckled slightly, spotting the red cat that jumped into J.C.'s lap. She was familiar with a red cat back home that always seemed to turn up when she least expected him to, though that was part of his charm. She turned her head slightly as the Lord Major indicated that she could sit with him, and she smiled pleasantly at him. "Great!" she exclaimed. If he had told her no, it wasn't like she was going to move anyways. She wasn't about to sit alone and the old man was way too much fun to poke fun at.

Nora nodded at Lauren's question, composing her thoughts for a moment. She had so many disconnected ideas on this topic and she couldn't decide which piece of thread to follow to the end of this puzzle. At the mention of her branding, Nora rubbed the branded thumb slightly with her other thumb, reminding herself that the mark was indeed real. She could not discount what had happened, could not wave it off as something impossible - it was just merely improbable from what she understood. She was slightly taken aback by the malice in J.C.'s tone towards the cat - sure, not everyone loved animals but they were innocent creatures in her opinion. However, the conversation quickly returned to branding and Nora took a slight breath.

While they had addressed Lauren, Lauren had not been branded. Nora had been. And of the others branded, Josephine was the only other one that still was alive and she was not currently on the train with them. "I was, as well as two others..." Nora said softly. She removed the covering from her hand and allowed them to see the brand on her. She wondered if the cat would have any sort of reaction to seeing it. "As for why this is happening... From what I can tell, a working explanation falls into line with what we discussed with Neema - that we have been chosen as protectors of sort for the Bastet in some fight... But I must confess, the theory seems shaky at best... but not one that can be dismissed outright."

"Try being more flexible," Gene told Nora, hearing her theory. So many people had it in their head that things had to be a certain way, but that wasn't the way to go about things. Gene believed in keeping an open mind and being open to possibilities, even things that defied one's understanding of reality. It would've been incredibly dull to live in a world where everything was within the realm of the expected. She wanted to be shocked and surprised - and to see these people in such an interesting situation, worried because it didn't adhere to their own sense of reality? It was a bit annoying and disappointing. "Assuming that the answer has to be what you'd expect is probably why you haven't sorted this all out yet."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Benha (Trains to Athribis)
Skills: N/A

Mahendra kept his eyes on the cat, watching it as it was picked up by Bella and giving the ball of fur a smile as he enjoyed looking at it. He liked animals, they were both good friends and loyal servants to have, thought a harsh master to be under. Then again, were cats the friend, servant or master? Mahendra could argue for all three, but that was a discussion for another time. Bella's words went past Mahendra, keep furless cats away from smooth surfaces? Mahendra gave her a confused look, but didn't question it. Instead he looked at J.C. with a frown at his not only harsh words, but alos ungentlemanly language! That was no way of speaking in the company of women!

Before Mahendra could voice his opinion on the etiquette of a proper gentleman, Lauren brought up one of the various events that had forever marked certain members of the Fellowship. Quite litterary; The brandings. It certainly would seem that Bella found interest in the topic, to which Mahendra found dismay, concern, but also curiosity. Indeed, why had they been branded? Why those specific brands, and why right now? Mahendra viewed Nora as she explained their situation, that her theory was based around their assigned roles as protectors of Bastet. Once again Bastet was brought forth, which made Mahendra look down at his own belly.

He was branded too, the mark of Set. He wasn't forgetting that scourching pain any time soon, not for the life of him. "If I may add, Miss Kingston, the brandings of Set of other members of the group? Does that make the others protectors of other deities, rivals to each other?" Mahendra asked Nora, a lady with an astute mind as far as he could tell from their little time spent together. He was more impressed with her than with Gene at least, thanks to her somewhat rude quip. "Miss Benaszewski, do you have any theories of your own then?"

Richard Barker

Location: Benha (Trains)
Skills: N/A

"Athribis and Leontopolis..." Richard repeated after the ticket-man, pulling out the cigarette as he breathed out the smoke through gritted teeth. "Great, I just love making choices like these..." he muttered, clearly not having a good day so far. Richard looked from the man and over to Faye, giving her waiting look as if waiting for her to say something informative about the two sites, perhaps a divine clue from the occult forces that may be. But all that Richard could gain from her supportive stance towards taking the trains, was the feeling he got that he would be the one paying. Oh right, this wasn't New York, out here Richard was expected to do stuff like this.

His ex-wife had never asked for him to pay for her. Then again, back when they hadn't become ex-wife and ex-husband, Richard had been a decent man. Looked like he'd have to brush off his manners, even if he was rusty. Then the guy continued to explain the two sites for Richard and Faye, thankfully someone was going to. Leontopolis was the typical tourist trap from the sound of it, while Athribis was the place for those looking to get their hands dirty. The latter sounded good to Richard, he knew all about getting his hands dirty on the job, and more people didn't neccecarily mean more clues. More people, more wrong answers. "I say Athribis then. So, how much for two tickets?" Richard asked the man, holding his wallet ready to pay for their tickets. "What can you tell us about Athribis then? Who's the fellow Yankees that are digging up there?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Benha (Train to Athribis)
Skills: Observation

Indeed the subject of branding was of the utmost of importance, being as this Fellowship was linked together for the most part by a series of odd, symbolic dreams, waking visions, and physical manifestations aplenty, this being most notable by the unnatural searing of the skin present on some of their number. The worst of it that he had gotten for himself was a particularly horrifying (but oddly interesting) dream about a jackal-headed fellow remotely removing Reginald's own heart while creatures most inhuman warred very nearby. Well, and the udjat ring dream that brought them all together in the first place. Well, most of them. The Lord Major's mind fluttered over to the other representative of the Royal Armed Forces present for the excursion. Why was he with them, again?

Reginald shook the thought from his head. They were all bound together by fate, or design of ancient powers, or whatever passed for either of those these tumultuous days. Everyone was there for a reason, even if that reason was unknown at the present. Besides, the old man needed to keep his mind in the present. He was on a grand adventure, possibly the last one of his life. He should enjoy and experience everything to its fullest while he had the opportunity.

But back to the issue of branding. It was being handled in conversation with their new friends from overseas and Miss Kingston. And Gene. Yes, Gene. To be diplomatic about the woman, Reginald might state that, despite the spirited and outgoing nature of the young lady, he was simply not swept away by her natural charisma nor force of personality. While not speaking his thoughts aloud, he did respond to her affirmation of what passed for permission to take the seat next to him with a cautious look and raised brow; the kind of expression that you might give a person who just told you that they had live snakes in their waistcoat pockets. Did you believe them? Could you afford not to? Did you know the person well enough to tell the difference? The tiniest of shrugs later, he dismissed the thought with a simple, "Quite. Do make yourself comfortable, madame."

His perusal of the train did not reveal any faces that were out of place, but he did try to keep track of some of the faces just in case they popped up later on. Naturally, as they were all going to the same place, that was a very likely possibility. It was good policy anyway. One could never tell who was friend or who was foe while "in country". He used the opportunity presented by looking about to respond to J.C. on a matter much more trivial, as the women and Mahendra discussed the branding, though he pitched his voice a bit quieter as not to override the existing conversation with something a hair toward the risque of topic: "Indeed, sir. A military man, that Mr. Benaszewski. I had always longed for a time that service to King and Country (or whatever you Colonials swear armed allegiance toward, do forgive my ignorance, sir), did not involve the rigors of those cheeky little invaders known to the line soldiery as "Trouser Lice". Be it from camp followers or improper laundering duty, many a good man has been laid low by the beasts. Not even the basic regimentation that ants possess, and I'm not a man who lobbies for their cause, either. Hmm..." Reginald frowned a bit, at this point absolutely certain that, in his rambling about communicable parasites, he had forgotten something important.

Though as long as his mind was drifting about in thought, not to mention enjoying the conversation and the view from the train windows, the memory of him waking up to a camel spider above his bed come to the forefront. He generally rested with his sword nearby; it was a fine weapon and the habit of keeping it nearby had saved his bacon in the past, as it did again concerning the offending creature. Was that part of the whole parcel of odd happenings that befell everyone, or merely a coincidence that happened occasionally along the Nile? Well, his windows has better be fitted with the parts he ordered to prevent such a thing again upon his return to the Qasr El Nil Barracks.

Haring Reddish

Location: Benha (Bazaar)
Skills: Arabic

One thing was for certain: That merchant had definitely lost himself a customer.

Thoughts of buttering the guy up and allowing marginal advantage in the haggling was meeting its swift and dramatic end as a flash of steel arced out from the man, scoring Josephine across her face. Her face. Reddish could get half of the skin on his own visage peeled away by artillery exploding nearby and he would still be able to do his job, although he'd probably never be allowed near state functions ever again. But Josephine? No, this would not do. The man had a blade out. Blood had been drawn. A very different form of Corporal Reddish came instantly to the forefront as, for a mere fraction of a second, his hand strayed to his belt where his Webley pistol rested. His eyes took on a terrifyingly blank aspect, and his other hand which had hung by his side twitched, the impulse to go for something unseen on his person squashed as soon as it flared up.

No. There were three of them. He could not get put into jail and summarily executed for murdering three people in broad daylight in the middle of a marketplace. That is exactly what it would be, murder; and then there was no telling what would become of Josephine. As a western female foreigner, she had no legal rights here. Just being out in public by herself could get her arrested or worse. British Commonlaw was no longer the ultimate arbiter of legal procedure in Egypt, and even when it was this kind of thing happened all the time.

Unfortunately, they did not have a lot of options. He would just love to sink a blade into the base of the man's skull, but nothing that he did was against the existing law of the land. So Reddish listened to the religious vitriol of the man who was very much a product of his time and place. He refused to answer or comment for fear of where his more headstrong nature would carry the exchange. Besides, the clock was ticking with Josephine. He had seen (and experienced) enough battlefield injuries to know that the chances to avoid scarring dropped the longer the wound was untended. She was an actress. Makeup could cover a lot, but damnit, he didn't want to take any chances he didn't have to.

Reddish took up a place at Josephine's side and applied pressure to the wound with his uniform handkerchief. "Hold that to your face, ma'am," he said with a grim, quiet voice. "Doctor, now." There was urgency and understanding in his words. Reddish began to lead the starlet away from the area, looking for a something resembling a medical facility. Maybe toward the Docks as businesses flourished around incoming trade, but he kept his options open. "The boat will have to come back this way, and if we're on it... Best served icy, Miss Clarke. " He maintained his search, asking questions as needed to passersby.

He didn't have the heart to tell her yet that he had heard the sounds of someone haggling over a watch somewhere nearby. The chances that it was the same one were remote anyway, and this was about Josephine's future, not her past.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Lauren Ridgeway

Location: Benha, Train to Athribis
Skills: N/A

Lauren looked over towards JC and Bella when he asked about the brandings, she rubbed her arm slightly she wasn't sure if she was allowed to mention it any further since she did sign some paper work back at the barracks a day prior as well. She watched Bella picking up the cat for a second and inspected it before putting him back down onto JC's lap. She did want to go over and pick up the little critter and bring it back with her if she could. Then Nora started to answer JC's question as she looked towards her friend and gave her a slight smile, she then looked at the brand for a moment. Luckily she hadn't gotten one like Neema or Nora did which was a relief as well, she then looked over back towards the others.

"Something about Bastet, and those with the brands being protectors. That's about all I know, I don't know much about Egyptian mythology sadly." Lauren answered him as she turned her attention back over towards the window as she wondered when they would be able to get to Athribis. "Though I do wonder what we will find when we get Athribis as well, and we can get some answers." Lauren said as she heard Gene speaking up looking over at the woman for a moment, and then Mahendra speaking up if she had any theories as well since none of this was really her forte either.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Benha (The Markets)
Skills: N/A

In all her time on this Earth, Josephine had truly never been in a dangerous situation. She knew how to protect herself, of course, but she hardly needed to use it. There may have been overambitious fans that saw her, but she was often accompanied by guards who ensured her safety. This was not the case anymore. So far her trip to Egypt had been nothing short of disastrous and she was lucky she got away with little more than a bump or two. She hadn’t expected it or seen the knife, but she knew the shop keeper was angry (but she was in the right!). So when he lunged at her, cutting her cheek, she was more shocked than anything.

Reddish, for all his worth, immediately sprang into action, taking her away from the scene and giving her a handkerchief to press to her face to staunch the bleeding. She did as instructed, taking some deep breaths to calm herself down. This sort of thing would not have happened in America, she was sure of it. It had to be this country’s backward system. She would ensure the shopkeeper gets his comeuppance in due time.

“I’ve never had that happen before. What kind of man does that to a woman? Even if he is angry?” She fought back her anger, she would not let anyone (especially Reddish) see her get emotional over it.

Faye Masterson

Location:Benha (Train Depot/Tours)
Skills: N/A

Faye got the distinct feeling Richard was not too happy to be paying for her. Was chivalry well and truly dead at this point? Especially in a foreign country like Egypt, women were still seen as lower than men. If Faye offered to pay, that may look badly on Richard and her. Plus, she wanted to save what money she had. She wanted to go to the shops here, hopefully after their train trip, but she had a feeling they may not have time.

Of the two places offered, Athribis seemed the best choice. Hopefully it would produce a lead or some clues to their investigation otherwise this was nothing more than a fancy trip. “Athribis sounds good. We just need to make sure we are back in time for the ship. Would hate to be stranded in an unknown city. Sir, if you do not mind me asking. Have there been any unexplained incidents either here or around here? Anything that seems out of the ordinary?”

She didn’t expect much, but it didn’t hurt to ask. The locals would be the best source of information to anything that was sketchy or off. After all, they lived here and experienced this daily. So, something off about an American man and his crew would surely be the high point of gossip or news. At least, she assumed.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Deeper Than The Sands

Date: October 6th, 1924

Notes: Remember - all directions are from the Docks. So if you want to go from one to the other you would need to head back to the docks and then go to another place. (Two rounds to get from one place to the docks, two rounds to get from docks to next place.)

To the left they would find the market and bazaar.
Straight ahead they would find the rose gardens and perfume dealers.
To the right there was a sign for Tours to Athribis and Leontopolis. Leontopolis was known for it's ancient tiles. Athribis was known as the birth place of Amenhotep and many artifacts in the museum back in Cairo held pieces from many a dig that had happened there, transported on rails by trains funded by a George Jay Gould. This is also where you will find the main train depot in the area.

*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update.

Market/Bazaar: Well that was exciting but the excitement is ending. Reddish is not really seeing anywhere to get poor Josephine's face looked at but the boat is still anchored in harbor right now and perhaps, this little problem might lead to something better. They would have medical of some sort on the boat and this is a hell of an excuse to get back on. Maybe, just maybe, if they play their cards right, they can get back on the boat and take advantage of that once Josephine is all patched up. Will have to see how that plays out. (And a boat with a crew does seem like a much cleaner idea than anywhere out there in the market, if this is how they treat women on the shore, perhaps she stands a better chance on the water.)

Rose Garden/Perfume Dealers: The bees, not the bees. Oh but they are still there and tearing after the woman as if she was Winnie the Pooh and she had just stolen their honey pot. Thing is she is still kicking and still alive. Hands are pretty swollen with little stingers and dead ones falling around her. Face has taken a heavy amount as well. Lucky for her she wasn't a belly dancer outfit, having that whole mid section exposed thing could be bad. Real damn bad. Maybe if Mosi could get out of the garden, she would stand a chance. Time to get up and try to run again girl because LLA hasn't called straight death as of yet.

Tours/Train Depot: The man selling the tickets gives a price that is posted and exchanges the money for tickets. He looked at them and shrugs. "Last I heard it was for the museum but the people tending to it are American's, they just don't tell us who pays," he said before giving a glance over towards Faye. "Nothing recently but we did have a fellow that came down oddly sick just after the dig began. Got really sick out of now where and had a burn on his hand. Died a few days later. Said it was from infection but rumors say it was a curse for opening the tomb. Though, just sounds like to me they are wanting to cash in like they did with King Tutankhamun."

A new trained pulled up to the station and people started getting off. "There is the train, if you would just follow the line, you can bored shortly," he said as he motioned towards the others that were starting to file over. There weren't that many this time, later in the day, less people but they, looking at the time, should have time to get there, snoop around a bit and then get back before the boat leaves.

Athribis: The cat didn't seem to take notice but Bella did as she leaned forward and looked at the branding. The woman's brow raising slightly in the process. Leaning back in her seat she laced her fingers together and rested her hands just before her waist. "There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy," she said in a smooth voice. There was the slightest tug at the corner of her mouth as she glanced over towards Gene before looking towards Nora. "All the unknown is nothing more than science that yet has understanding."

Sadly for Reginald, even with an on point roll there is nothing but desert out there but he is the first to notice Athribis off in the distance as the train approached. J.C. chuckled a bit and nodded. "Yes, you do sound like George," he said as he looked down at the cat in his lap that was now napping happily. Sighing he looked back over to the Lord Major. "Well, we swear to uphold the Constitution, against all else."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Priscilla Harker

Location: Benha(Rose Gardens)
Skills: Athletics

Mosi felt like she was in a complete nightmare right now. The buzzing... the stinging... She wasn't sure the reason for this almost divinely comedic tragedy, but whatever it was, she didn't really want to take part of it. Dammit she still wanted to live! She was going to struggle even if she was to die, she wasn't going to do so without a fight!" Not like THIS bees!" She shouted nearly, gritting her teeth as she rolled over and putting as much force as she could, Mosi managed to get up! The fight was not over, life was not taken as long as a single breath remained in her. Maybe she'd die, but maybe she'd survive and she was refusing to think about the bad end. No tragic ends allowed here, she wasn't a greek tragedy heroine!

With renewed vigor of having managed to pull herself up and get running again, she moved through the rose gardens and the swarm of bees that were buzzing. She could only hear the buzzing. Her arms moved, hell her arms moved like they haven't in a long while. She was glad of her skills as a smith right about now, her arms weren't tiring easily since she was used to swinging heavy hammers a lot. Swatting away at bees in a vague attempt to make htem keep away from her was a tactic, a not really working tactic, but it was keeping her mind focused on something as she was moving through the location, in the hope of escaping! Maybe if she managed to leave behind all these roses, teh bloody flying menace would fly back to the gardens as she highly doubted that the perfume drop on her arm would contend with the combination of a whole garden worth of flowers. It was her only hope.

Her arms were hurting, her face was hurting... neck was hurting. Every piece of her body that was not covered by her clothing was hurting like hell and some even through the clothing, but luckily not too much." Almost..." She gritted her teeth again as through the swarm, her eyes narowed so much, she managed to see the gates of the gardens. They were so close now! She was almost there!' No giving up now!' She thought to herself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Benha (Train to Athribis)
Skills: Observation

The lure of the desert pulled at the Lord Major, keeping his eyes moving back to the spans of gold-white sand that were constantly being built up and blown away, redeposited in new, sweeping waves of powdery, granulated earth. He had hoped to get a feel for the area, though they seemed to have traveled far enough away from the Nile that the lush, verdant growth had vanished. It left only the Sahara, and the train tracks cutting through her massive expanse. On the one hand, it made the task of seeing if anyone was following them or moving alongside the train rather easy. On the other hand, it was rather boring. Transfixing though, like staring into a fire or watching the ripples of a stream pass by.

The relaxed haze of Reginald's mind straightened back up as he did see something of human construction around the bend and growing in their horizon. "Aha! Athribis looms just ahead now, ladies and gentlemen! What a smashing eventuality, I must say, though I do regret that Lady Munn cannot be with us." He sighed, shaking his head but having to shake it off; they were there, she was not, and like so many others that could not have joined them, the Fellowship would just have to sally forth without.

Turning back to his group of adventurers and scholars, Reginald noted with a pleasant smile that the cat was still perfectly content to make itself comfortable in J.C.'s lap. Those cats tend to do as they pleased, in his experience. They were also of great help to the lads on the ground, back in the Great War, though the Lord Major spent most of his time in combat (in that particular war, anyway) behind the stick of various aircraft, high above the attentions of cats and their active role in trench warfare. He would have to assume that his batman, Reddish, would likely have more grateful memories about the feline companions. "Constitution, you say? Ah yes! Self-determination and whatnot. Hmm, quite. Realize, as a proper man of standing within the Empire, I cannot give the appearance of support to the ruling ideology of the rebellious Colonial elements. Unofficially, I might say 'Bully for you, good sir!' and have it at that." He lay a finger beside his nose and gave the man a knowing look. "We must all have a code with which to live, you see."

Haring Reddish

Location: Benha (Bazaar -> Docks)
Skills: Arabic, Observation

The immediate search for anything resembling a medical facility, or even a local healer or any type, was quickly proven to be a fruitless endeavor. Reddish searched both high and low, dipping into his linguistic skills with single minded purpose, only to have any avenue of possibility closed off to the two of them. It was getting a touch to the frantic, to be quite honest, not that the Corporal was going to let much of anything show outside of the urgency necessary to the situation at hand. And really, that was more than enough. In an attempt to have Josephine focus on something other than her injury directly, he gave a brief answer to her question. "Well no gentleman, that's for bloody sure, Miss Clarke. I tell you, the religion of the region isn't too kind to women, though I'm half sure that it's some kind of dodge, if you ask me. I hadn't figured that it'd be that bad this close to the Nile and Cairo, mind you. British influence isn't quite what it was. No ma'am! Horrid and contemptible barbarian, that man."

As it turned out, they were headed in the direction of the docks anyway, so it came as little surprise when Reddish saw their boat a little ways off. Though the search for a land-bound doctor was fruitless, there just had to be someone on board that might be able to help her, right? And if not, he knew for a fact that there were medical supplies on board. He had them loaded himself. Even gathered a lot of what they had on board personally from the supplies available at the Qasr El Nil Barracks, though that would mean that they would have to gain access to the boat, then the Cargo hold. He would much rather have a professional onboard take care of her. And a little selfishly, with their materials on hand. It would be much faster. If only they could just get on the boat.

"Hoy there! Hoy, wot?" he called to whomever was left to deny people entry. "We're passengers, we are! Miss Clarke's been attacked in the marketplace and needs a doctor!" Perhaps they had some special, nautical way of asking to be let on board - it was a pity that he was and Army man and never joined the Navy, for that reason. In any case, Reddish stood ready to repeat his request in the more local Arabic or spiffy sounding and widely regionally used French, as needed to get the message across.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Benha (Trains to Athribis)
Skills: N/A

Mahendra listened only with half an ear to the conversation between the Lord Major and J.C., focusing on the matter of the divine and unexplainable with the remainders of the group. Now he did pick up bits and bobs of their topic, especially the Lord Major's phrase of "King and Country" that he'd heard many times before, but even the Empire had to come second - a very close second mind you - to the subject of their brandings. Mahendra listened intently to everyone and their comments, while he couldn't the image of his own branding out of his head. It was there, right underneath his clothes, branded onto his mortal flesh.

It seemed that it wasn't only Mahendra who was saddened by the fact they weren't the expert they needed in egyptology, as to Lauren's note on Bastet. It was a true shame that Lady Munn weren't accompanying them for their little excursion, and Mahendra had been unofficially viewed as her replacement. Now he was more than willing to do his part, but was he able? Mahendra viewed Bella and the cat on J.C.'s lap in passing, taking note of Bella's smoothing words that he had to nod to in respectful silence. Indeed, the unknown was what science couldn't explain! What a poetic way of putting it, giving room for both what could be explained and couldn't.

And then it was announced; Athribis. Mahendra turned his gaze out of the window in search of the ancient city the Lord Major had spotted, his mind clunking along as he wondered what they would find there. Answers he hoped, doom he feared. "Quite indeed, Lord Major Sir. She would most certainly have had a wonderful time there, and enlightening for us too." Mahendra gave a brief shot into the conversation, his view back to the group and the cat on J.C.'s lap. "If only the animals of the Gods could pass their wisdom onto us, we'd might learn."

Richard Barker

Location: Benha (Trains)
Skills: N/A

They were making progress. Now they weren't making huge progress in their search for whether or not Mr. Gould had been killed or simply succumbed to a regular disease, but they were getting some answers out of the ticket-to-ride man. Even Faye had chimmed in the inquiry with her own questions, causing Richard to turn slightly towards her and give her a look of approval, quickly turning his attention back to the man as he answered them. Yes, this was how the dog barked right. Cigarette in mouth, hands sweaty and eyes on the man, Richard was paying attention. "Aha, don't tell me about it. People should be more open and tell." Richard commented matter-of-factly, carrying on the conversation. Americans at the dig-site normally left to the museum. Why were there Americans there? Not a huge thumb to stick out, but it was something.

Then it was Faye's question that got answered, the answer only befitting her unusual choice of expertice. "Oddly sick? Not the regular type of sick then. Was it long ago, pal?" Richard din't buy into the supposed man's death being caused by a curse for the exact same reason he didn't believe Mr. Gould had beed cursed; when poked, holes appeared all over the theories, and to him this was no different. But the part about getting sick, then burned and eventually dying was food for thought. He'd want to find out more about that incident. "If you don't mind enlightening me, who's wanting to "cash in" as you said?"

Richard and Faye though didn't get more time to interview him as a new trained pulled up for the passangers to board. Richard payed the man and got their tickets, giving him one last look and tipped his fedora to him. "Thanks for you help, you've been of help." he said to him as a last fare-well, and started moving towards the train. Trains, he wasn't a great admirer of them. Richard was a man of the city, trams and cabs were his oyster, preferably his own car that he liked driving around in. Out here however, he guessed trains were better. "So we've got fellow Americans digging out in the sandbox and now two men dead after digging for mummies. Sure will be an interesting sight to visit at least."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Gene Benaszewski & Nora Kingston

Location: Train To Athribis
Skills: N/A
"This is all conjecture but... Given that our markings designate us as protecting the Bastet and the averse reaction of the cat earlier, her sacred animal, to those with Set... I believe we are meant to be rivals," Nora told Mahendra softly. She did not care much for the idea but it explained the pattern that had been observed. Some of those that had been branded were selected by one cosmic side - and the others a different side altogether. Whether one of these sides was inherently good or evil, she could not say.

"Theories of my own?" Gene smirked slightly, thinking for a moment. This was ultimately their quest and she wasn't too certain as to whether or not to divulge extra information. However, she decided to allow events to proceed as they would have without her - giving them her exact ideas may prove counterproductive, after all. Some things were meant to be a certain way and she did not wish to disrupt the cosmic flow. "Well, now if I had found myself branded and these strange things happening around me, I wouldn't fight them. Accept them. And if you are confused, and one area of search provides no answers.... Try another. Keep an open mind," she told him. She reached into her pockets and thumbed the pack of tarot cards that she kept on her. She then gave a little wink towards Belladonna, happy to see that there was another one here who shared her particular viewpoint.

Nora had been about to ask Gene her particular method for finding answers, when the Lord Major exclaimed that they were at Athribis - or at least, that it was coming into view. She did not pay too much attention to the talk of Constitution and Codes amongst the military men, figuring that her brain power would be better dedicated to understanding their peculiar situation. Perhaps Gene had been right. If traditional mathematics and science could not yield an explanation... perhaps they simply were not searching for answers properly. She disliked the idea of turning to myth and magic, things traditionally thought of as impossible but... The impossible had already occurred.

"Perhaps they are trying to," Gene pointed out to Mahendra, as he lamented that the animals could not pass along wisdom. "Animals are far more intelligent creatures than most realize. Pay attention and you may find something you overlooked." She had known a few animals in her time that she took to be more intelligence than most of the people on this train at the moment. It was frustrating to see these people so concentrated on an answer having to be obtained a certain way, fixing what the end result must be in their mind. The future was never so fixed and reality was ever changing in her experience. It was one of the reasons why she loved tarot readings and kept a deck of tarot cards on her at all times. They gave a reflection, a glimpse of what might be - but not necessarily what had to be.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Lauren Ridgeway

Location: Benha, Train to Athribis
Skills: N/A

Lauren listened to everyone as they started to talk about various things, JC and Reginald were both talking about military it seems while Mahendra, Gene, Nora and Bella seemed to talk more about the brandings. She was glad that she hadn't gotten branded yet which was good then and she wasn't a target for anything really. Lauren turned her attention over towards the cat again as it was contently sleeping in JC's lap which made her smile ever so slightly. "Well it seems that the cat has it's eyes as you for it's bed now." Lauren said towards him with a slight smile. She looked down at her purse and made sure that her tickets and everything else that she had was still on her person as well, which was good nothing seemed to have gone missing yet either.

Then Reginald called out that their destination was closing in now, as she turned to look at the distance and could pick out the little bits of the structure there. "Cant wait to see whats there." Lauren said as she smiled a bit, she hadn't really gone to anything like this before which would be interesting as well for her. Lauren ran a hand through her hair as she looked around at the rest of the group as she thought a little bit. "So are we all going to be sticking together then?" Lauren asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Deeper Than The Sands

Date: October 6th, 1924

Notes: Remember - all directions are from the Docks. So if you want to go from one to the other you would need to head back to the docks and then go to another place. (Two rounds to get from one place to the docks, two rounds to get from docks to next place.)

To the left they would find the market and bazaar.
Straight ahead they would find the rose gardens and perfume dealers.
To the right there was a sign for Tours to Athribis and Leontopolis. Leontopolis was known for it's ancient tiles. Athribis was known as the birth place of Amenhotep and many artifacts in the museum back in Cairo held pieces from many a dig that had happened there, transported on rails by trains funded by a George Jay Gould. This is also where you will find the main train depot in the area.

*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update.

Boat: Over at the docks, things were calm for the most part. Two guards, if that is what you could call them, were posted by the gangplank and blocking entrance to anyone that came over. They both looked over towards Reddish oddly as he came over with Josephine. They listened. And seemed to understand. "Tickets please," one of them asked. Once those were handed over, they were told to wait as one of the men had to leave to speak with the captain and get clearance to enter the boat. If was up to him and not the two men standing their station. It was the best they could do for now. Pointing to a crate, the one that was left behind suggested that Josephine take a seat until the Captain could be spoken to.

Thankfully it wouldn't be long as the man that had left with their tickets came back, with the Captain personally. Seeing Josephine he nodded. "Yes, I will take her to our infirmary, you stay here," the Captain said as he held out the tickets to hand back over to Reddish. "Are you alright to walk miss?" he asked her as he stood on the docks, waiting for an answer.

Rose Garden/Perfume Dealers: Well, isn't this fun. LLA still hasn't decided if Mosi will die today or if she will live but she is giving the woman a sporting chance. Let's check in. Seems the woman will manage to get out of the gardens today alive but will she survive this? Only time will tell. Thing is, with bees. They don't just turn around and give up. While Bees in America tend to be less aggressive, those in Africa are the things of horror stories. They are aggressive, will follow their victims up to two miles, and will get more of the colony together for the chase. Even as Mosi exits the Rose Garden, she is pursued and stung. People making a wide birth from her to try to stay out of the way and rushing off to get away from any stragglers.

Train to Athribis: Over at the Train Depot and Tours, the man bid them good day and the train started loading up. It was rather empty compared to the earlier trains but that was to be expected. It was a nice set up, decent enough for a short trip. A middle isle separated two seats on each side in rows that filled the train car. There was plenty of seating to chose from for the two now boarding, only a few seats here and there were taken. They would pretty much have their choice of where they wanted to sit during this short little trip to the next stop. There was an announcement over the com saying in both the local language and English that they would be departing shortly.

Athribis: J.C. chuckled over at the Lord Major. "Bully indeed," he said with a grin. Belladonna had her attention over at the others, a brow perking as she looked over towards Gene and she nodded towards the woman. A slight grin pulling at the corner of her mouth. As the train pulled a stop, J.C. shifted in his chair and pushed the cat down. "Sorry fluffy, time to go," he said as she cat looked up at him and yawned deeply before padding off. Standing up, he held his hand out for Belladonna. Her long fingers laying into his hand and rising from her spot as the doors were opened and their arrival was announced.

"Yes, I would suggest we stay close. Never know what things could happen when we split up," she said as she waited for a path to clear enough for her to move into the isle and head off the train, J.C. following close behind her. Standing outside of the train, Belladonna moved out of the way for the other passengers and glanced around. There was a person offering tours of the location, to which she gave a sideways glance. "Tourist trap or set off for something more," she said, pausing slightly before continuing, "meaningful?"

J.C. smirked a bit. "Oh ya know where I would rather be," J.C. laughed as he turned around and waited for the others to join them. Keeping an eye out towards the train and waiving the others over as he spotted them. He agreed with Belladonna, it was better for them to stick together right then. He had seen one to many little trips go badly because people split up. It was usually best to stick together, especially with the unknown. "So what do you make of all this?" he asked her.

"More than I care to," she said quietly as J.C. laced an arm around Bella, giving her a knowing nod.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Priscilla Harker

Location: Benha(Rose Gardens)->Out of the gardens
Skills: Athletics

Well there she was almost at the gate. The buzzing was filling her head, it was quite hard to hear anything else beside it, given the amount of bees that were surrounding her. How and why the hell were so many bees... why!? Was this some sort of divine comedy? was someone out there having a laugh at her? This just seemed so absurd especially with all the flowers in the gardens for all these bees to be gunning for her, were the perfumes this strong on her right now that they prefered her over the flowers? Rather was it possible the perfume bloke actually made this happen? Didn't seem possible, considering she chose the notes, but still...

"Out!" She managed to gasp as she finally ran outside the gardens, hoping for some respite, but no... it was not meant to be it seemed. The bees were not decreasing at least seh couldn't spot the difference as she continued to run, feeling them stinging her and buzzing around her as a cloud of flying pests which they were. She currently wished for all these things to die a very gruesome death. Were cooked bees deliscious? She didn't care, she'd eat the hell out of them right now if the roles were reversed. Her vendetta on the bees had started now and it was a hatred to last a lifetime... She hoped it would be a long lifetime though. After a few more moments it was clear, there was no salvation yet. The bees were around her to stay and her struggle was going to continue yet!

She growled, trying to protect herself from the stinging as much as she could... in vain." HOLY GOLDEN CHICKEN OF RA, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY, DAMN THINGS!"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Benha (The Markets)
Skills: N/A

Josephine didn’t know what kind of backwards country would treat women in this manner. Granted, America wasn’t the pinnacle of progress, but it had taken steps. She was treated a lot better there than here. She wouldn’t have been cut by some man with a knife because she was a woman who spoke her mind, just for whatever was in her purse. She fought the urge to place her hand on her fresh cut, knowing full well it was bleeding, and she didn’t want to get it over her outfit any more than it already had.

Reddish had taken care of her, led her away to get help. She didn’t want to stick around anymore. What should have been an enjoyable trip to the market turned sour and she didn’t want to press her luck. Thankfully, men from the ship were there and managed to find the captain. She stood up by herself, showing she didn’t need aid in that department at least. “I can walk just fine. So long as we can get this cut taken care of, I will be even better. Can’t lose it, you know. It’s my money maker.” She giggled slightly, happy that she could at least see the humor in the situation.

She turned back to Reddish, as he had to stay behind. “Thank you again. I’ll see you shortly.”

Faye Masterson

Location:Benha (Train Depot/Tours)
Skills: N/A

Men who became sick after digging in a tomb? Any other person that would hear that might think it was because of the dig itself. Ancient germs and bacteria flying around. Nearby corpses of the past that have been left to sit, mummified. It would be so easy to put it up to that. But not to Faye. She knew it ran deeper than that. They got sick because they desecrated a tomb and whoever, or whatever, decided to take matters in their own hands. That was the danger you faced on these excavations. It should be about respect. Honoring the past and those who lived it. Not something to put up in a museum for others to bid on and by or to line your own pockets with.

She thanked the ticket man and made her way over to the train, with Richard hopefully in tow. They had their pick of seats and she sat down in the middle train car, with a nice view of the country as they rode. They would be leaving soon, judging by the announcement.

“I’m interested in exploring the two men’s death too. One doesn’t simply die because they explored a tomb. And before you say anything, I realize the sheer amount of disease that could be inside an unopened ruin, but I am willing to bet this was not their first time inside a tomb. No, there’s more to this story.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Athribis (Train Station)
Skills: N/A

The good and upstanding Lord Major stepped in a very lively manner from the train car, positively giddy at being alive and on this little adventure. Remaining stagnant in Cairo for what seemed like ages since this clandestine mission had fallen into his lap was not doing any favors to either his temperament nor his well-being. Getting a little desert air mixed with train exhaust reminded him that there was still a world of things unexplored out there, and he was getting back out into the middle of it. "Wouldn't it just be smashing..." he mused quietly, moving to join J.C. and Belladonna off to the side, to await the rest of their group, "...if I never returned at all?" He gave a quiet laugh and shook his head. "Ah, very sorry," he said, feeling rather foolish. "A bit of boyishness held over from days already spent."

Hoping for a quick change to topic, Reginald perked up his demeanor to something a touch more cheerful and inquired, "Well, being as I am not of sufficient qualification to decide our route, I should wonder who of our number is, hmm?" In a quieter voice, he offered his opinion, "Though I dare not believe it is the chap offering the tours like a streetcorner haberdasher. I've no patience for playing the seasonal tourist, quite." Yes indeed, this was the nexus point between preparation and actually adventuring. They were there to gather new information to aid them on their travels, while simultaneously visiting a new spot with new people. All they needed now was a more or less charming swordfight to really get the old man's blood moving.

Haring Reddish

Location: Benha (Docks)
Skills: N/A

Once the tickets had been handed over and Josephine was given instruction to perch on a crate, Reddish began to slip back to his usual temperament. The sudden departure into rational, serious behavior in the face of an emergency was fading, replaced by the more quippy, overly British nature that people of the Fellowship had come to know and ...barely tolerate... though he maintained position next to Josephine, his body providing a barrier between her facial injury and most of the people passing by. Just a touch of discretion; there was no need for people to gawk nor should she be subjected to it from strangers. Otherwise, he seemed more positive, bubbly, and mostly oblivious to his surroundings, like an extra in a comedy show involving soldiers of the Crown. "Oh, not a thing, not a thing, Miss Clarke! These strapping lads are showing respectable maritime discipline, they are, giving it a wait for permission before ferrying us aboard! Indeed, madame, requesting permission before just mucking about half-cocked is the cornerstone of a good unit, unless acting upon orders standing." He nodded vigorously and extended the men a heartfelt golf clap. "Bravo, sirs! Bravo!" Reddish looked back to Josephine and gave her a quick wink. Was he actually this obnoxious or was it an act to lull the general public into thinking he was a blithering moron? It was difficult to tell.

Upon the return of the Captain, Corporal Reddish accepted the tickets back and slid them into the breast pocket of his issued khaki drill overshirt. He listened intently to what the ready Shipmaster had to say, and moreover, the seemingly lighthearted response from Josephine. Yes, indeed. Maintain a level and jovial exterior, it was quite the appropriate response to an occasion meant to make one cower and find a level of social standing of someone lesser. Granted, back out in that same social group, such an action might be deemed unwise, but the mere showing that it hadn't dampened her spirits too much was a good thing to witness. Even if it was a bit of playacting. "Indeed it is, madame!" agreed the Corporal, with measured enthusiasm. "Indeed it is. Though it be not the fullest extent of your value, be it here or the measure of your professional activities, your darling face is the very business card that you metaphorically slip into the palms of those who would employ; and oft the expressive mirror of your public persona. I am sure the ship's doctor will make proficient work. But fear not! Unless I am mistaken (it has been known to happen from time to time), the good Captain was speaking to one of his lads about remaining here. I am, as I have promised earlier, at your service, Miss Clarke." He flashed a quick smile at both Josephine and the Captain, though quickly followed up with the proviso, "Or unless you do not wish my presence at the moment. I which case, I shall remain here. Otherwise..." Reddish motioned up toward the boat, "I shall follow after my betters."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 37 min ago

Lauren Ridgeway

Location: Benha, Train to Athribis -> Athribis
Skills: N/A

Lauren started to feel the train coming to a stop, she started to stand up looking over towards Gene and Nora for a moment as she started to follow the others off of the train. She noticed the cat starting to turn around and walk off as soon as JC got up as well, Lauren thought for a moment to go and pick up the cat. But decided against it for now and it would probably be there when they all got back from the train as well. She climbed off of the train and now on the ground with some of the others as she started to look around the area, it certainly had seen better days it seems after so much time of wear and tear.

Lauren's eyes started to wonder around as some of the tourists seemed to be more interested and following around the area with a tour guide, she thought about just going with them for a little bit. Lauren then turned her attention towards the others as she ran a hand through her hair. "I think exploring the area would be better than following a tour guide's preset directions around the area would be more helpful." Lauren said as she shrugged slightly though she wouldn't be able to understand any of the writings the guides could also be helpful with information.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Benha (Trains to Athribis -> Athribis)
Skills: Understanding of local Egyptian superstition

Mahendra had to admit, even though he tried to hide the toughts that were running through his mind with a firm look on his face, that Nora's conjecturing made some sort of sense. If some of the Fellowship's members had been branded by opposing gods and godesses, then the next logical conclusion could be that they as mortals were meant to be opposed to one another. For a religious man such as Mahendra himself, it wasn't too far fetched. But it frightened him. It was a sign, or it at least could be, one of death. Death for someone in their party, which had already happened.

The Bengali in the company of Brits and Americans tried to shake off the shuddering thought as they rapidly approached their destination: Athribis. Gene he didn't pay much attention to at this moment, except for her comment on keeping an open mind. Nothing too revolutionary. The animals actually trying to tell them something, however, he gave a polite nod to her for. Mahendra knew that animals could hide great intelligence behind their decieving eyes, perhaps more so in such a land as ancient as this? "I will do my best, Miss Benaszewski, I will."

It was not long before the train arrived at their destination and the group began to exit the train. Mahendra politely let others out before him, as was due conduct, while he tried to think. Nora's words from earlier stuck with him, even as he tried to shake them off. Their brandings, their meaning and purpose. As Mahenda got off the train and joined the swelling group of travelling companions talking about whether or not to take a guided tour, he tried to remember if their peculiar situation had happened before in Egyptian legend. Surely if it had, then their fates and fortunes could be predicted, no? But as Mahendra finally joined his companions, his mind came up blank. It was a shame, this wasn't boding well for Lady Munn's assistant. "I second us going on without a tourist guide, something more meaningful as you said Miss Bella. Perhaps the gods will look at us with favour for once?"

Richard Barker

Location: Benha (Trains -> Trains to Athribis)
Skills: Observation

Richard wasn't sure whether or not he liked the less amount of people around them as they boarded the train. He was a New Yorker, born and bred, and the relatively empty train cart was not something the hard-boiled detective was used to. At the one hand, the fewer people around him and Faye meant that they had fewer prying eyes going over each and every little detail that was visible. To Richard, that meant his scarred nose. At the other hand, Richard could argue for himself as he followed Faye into the train cart, down the isle and onto the seat beside her, less people also meant they were a lot easier to see with so few else around.

Finally seated comfortably on his sorry bum, Richard leaned back in his seat and took off his fedora, fanning himself with it in the desert heat comparable to a over-worked steamboiler. "Hey kid, I wasn't saying anything, but you've got a point. Our ol' Mr. Gould wasn't native to Egypt, so if he got some infection down in King Tut's basement, I can buy him getting sick and dying of that. But a worker accustomed to the crypt, like you said? You're right, Faye. Let's see what the two of us can dig up of this story." Richard told Faye, looking from her and out the window, then around the inside of the train cart.

Call it a professional habit, but Richard started looking around him and Faye for something, or someone. Not anyting in particular, just something that would normally stick out to Barker the private detective. Odd things had happened to them already, mostly him but that was beside the point, so Richard wanted to be prepared if anything or anyone took interest in them. But nothing stuck out to him. They were sitting in a perfectly normal train with a handful of people in it, Faye and himself included. So Richard breathed out and finished his now burned-out cigarette, flicking it out of the window as he looked out it. "Been a long time since I took a train like this, feels odd to not sit tightly packed like Swedish sardines for once. Last time I took one, I was investigating a concerned wife's husband. She thought he was cheating on her or something typical like that, always taking the train on certain times on certain days. So I tailed him, took the train more times in a week than in my life, in and out of the city. Turns out the sorry old geezer wasn't cheating or anything, he was just trying to get some time away from the madam." Richard finished up his monologue, not usually one to talk about his profession or his cases, but this one he could tell. He could relate to the husband, wanting to get away from it all. "And here I'm off barking again about old dogs. Old habit, my bad."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Deeper Than The Sands

Date: October 6th, 1924

Notes: Remember - all directions are from the Docks. So if you want to go from one to the other you would need to head back to the docks and then go to another place. (Two rounds to get from one place to the docks, two rounds to get from docks to next place.)

To the left they would find the market and bazaar.
Straight ahead they would find the rose gardens and perfume dealers.
To the right there was a sign for Tours to Athribis and Leontopolis. Leontopolis was known for it's ancient tiles. Athribis was known as the birth place of Amenhotep and many artifacts in the museum back in Cairo held pieces from many a dig that had happened there, transported on rails by trains funded by a George Jay Gould. This is also where you will find the main train depot in the area.

*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update.

Boat: "Yes, very right. Please, both of you, follow me," the Captain said. "Sorry for the confusion, but please, this way," he said to the both of them. The guards letting them pass before blocking off the entrance again. The Captain walked up the gang plank, making sure that he was not moving to fast in case Josephine was feeling faint or needed to take her time. He wound through the boat and up another flight and then another until they were on the Sun Duck and close to the Radio room. There was a door marked infirmary in both English and Arabic. Opening the door he lead them in and there was a middle aged man who looked to be of Caucasian decent dressed in slacks and a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up. He looked to have been reading before they came in. Closing what he was reading and slipping it back into his desk as he stood up. "We have an injury," the Captain said motioning over to Josephine once she entered.

"Oh my, yes, please come have a seat," he said as he motioned over to a table with a stepping stool in front of it. "Anything else Captain?" he asked.

"No, just make sure she is tended to," he said before excusing himself and stepping around Reddish to leave the room, shutting the door behind him.

"My what happened?" he asked as he turned his back and went to collect various items so he could clean the wound and tend to it.

Just Outside Rose Garden/Perfume Dealers: Apparently LLA has accepted the card against death this time. (Nat 20 roll) The bees, the bees! They are finally leaving the poor woman alone but damn is she hurt. Stingers still drilling into her skin from the too numerous to count stings and her face and hands are swelling. This is not good. The woman needs to seek medical attention and post haste. Everyone is avoiding her, needless to say. Who would want to be near a woman that is looking like this and was just being attacked by bees.

Train to Athribis: The train is now pulling out of the station and is on its way to Athribis. The trip will not take long, thankfully. As stated previously, there are not many on the train this trip, so the two are free to speak without having to worry too much about anyone hearing them as long as they keep their voices down. Those that are also on the train with them seem to have taken seats further away and are minding their own business. Looking out the window or just sitting there and waiting for the train to arrive at its destination.

Athribis: It seemed the general consensus was that no one wanted to do the usual tourist trap of a tour. Sure it could have been educational but not in the way this group was probably wanting. Bella glanced over towards J.C. and a gentle smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "That leaves us getting in without worry," she said in a soft voice. "I do believe what we could use is a distraction," she said and J.C. gave her a smile. Leaning in he whispered against her ear. Nodding Bella smiled towards him and he gave her a kiss on the cheek before excusing himself. "This way," she added as she started walking away from the tourists and headed towards the dig part of the site instead of where the tours were being held. It seemed that maybe those two were up to something.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Priscilla Harker

Location: Benha(Just Outside Rose Garden/Perfume Dealers)
Skills: Focus

The bees... the buzzing and the stinging. This was all she could think about as she was running away from the Rose gardens and hoping the buzzing will stop.' Dammit make it stop already...' She cursed in her mind through all the buzzing and pain. Hell she was having troubles hearing her own thoughts right now, but she just knew her hatred for these bugs was burning at untold degree right now. If she could, she would turn them all to cinders along with any hive she finds... Alternatively she could eat the bees... yes. No.

She ran, when suddenly she heard something or rather she didn't hear something. The buzzing was leaving her, but she didn't stop moving right away, she continued to move further and further away until one moment she just realized... The buzzing was gone so was the constant feeling of being stung or at least new stingings." It's quiet... Finally!" The bees put her through hell and it was showing. Her skin was swelling from the ordeal, she was hurting, it was hard to think now even with the bees gone. She steeled herself as she continued to move though. Focused her mind on a task of utmost importance... she needed help. People were keeping away from her, but she needed help. A doctor... a healer... a kind samaritan, anything and anyone... she just needed help about this.

Her mind was drawing blank right now though, she couldn't think of any place where she could go and get help, nor was she seeing anything that was going to work either. She was starting to feel uncomfortable in her own body with this swelling she was experiencing. She was never stung so much before, usually it would be a bee or two at most, this was a nightmare..." Help... need a doctor..." She said out as she walked in search for help.
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