Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Titian was an oaf. That, or he was playing the role very well. The lumbering man took a seat close to Cobalt's own, taking the chair directly next to their host, and promptly demanded drinks. Hardly a model guest. Cobalt doubted he would intervene if the Lord decided he had had enough of the big man. In fact, Cobalt might even help. Even though he had been, presumably, drugged since he had arrived into this house, he ensured he kept his own manners. He had already found two hidden doors, who knew how many secrets this house held that only the Lord and his servants would know?

The intriguing figure who also wore her mask was apparently not content to ignore Titian's remarks, and Cobalt glanced towards her again as she spoke. He couldn't help but smile slightly. A sharp mind and that dress? If she was hiding a pretty face under that mask then they were all doomed. But apparently it wasn't enough to dissuade Titian, who seemed to take the remark as a challenge more than anything.

A handful of other guests filtered into the room, taking their own seats silently, most of them choosing to sit further down the table. Seemingly satisfied with the numbers, the Lord rang a bell, and in a moment, steaming trays of food were carried over to the table by three servants that Cobalt hadn't seen before. Cobalt glanced at each of them in turn, but he held his tongue for now, not wanting to interrupt the bustle. Cobalt winced at Titian's next outburst, glancing over at the other man and frowning slightly. He had clearly committed to his role.

The butler that had greeted them earlier paused in his task of pouring wine, and Cobalt turned his attention to see a face peering into the room. Cobalt watched her as she moved across the room and took her seat. Again, Titian clearly felt the need to comment. Cobalt gritted his teeth, but he'd held his tongue for long enough. He glanced across at Titian, watching the man for a moment. If he was genuinely this thick-headed, then Cobalt was amazed he had survived this long. Big or not, this was a world filled with people you didn't want to get on the wrong side. And if it was all simply an act? Well then he was looking for a reaction. Attempting to change the subject, Cobalt turned his attention to the Lord of the Manor himself.

"This is a fine spread, sir. I admire your hospitality, considering the circumstances."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2F)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 2

Dr. Swamp gave a surprised expression, hearing that Amaranthine was the type willing to get her hands bloody, even if was just in the name of the Healers' Arts. Perhaps his mind shouldn't have really taken that sort of turn, even to the point of assuming anything remotely dark about the Chanteuse. Maybe it was true and maybe it was not, but so far she had been nothing but cordial to him. Even defensive as the occasion called for it. She was, in his opinion, worth extending similar courtesy. Hopefully not to the extent of having to ply his trade upon her; it would be a fair shame if she also got shot during their stay. Anyway, if she was good with putting a suture to skin in addition to her obvious musical qualities, then she was most definitely worth keeping alive and sound for more than just her unparalleled contributions to culture - the thing without which we were all mere animals.

"Thank you, but no. I am still capable," he said in as stately a manner as possible, considering his still seeping side wound. Was the bullet still in there? Did it fall out somehow over the course of the last few minutes? No, he couldn't be that lucky. Through his own cursory self-examinations, Swamp could tell the basic nature of his injury. Dealing with it was another matter. Moreover, looking at the wound was so much different than knowing its severity. If Amaranthine was okay dealing with the blood and inflammation that was already forming, then great. But he was not going to request more assistance from the woman than was necessary.

With a grunt, Swamp pulled his vest from one shoulder and let gravity take care of most of the rest. He carefully placed it down next to him and began to work the buttons of his now absolutely ruined, formerly fine, black shirt. The Doctor's build was slender, even stork-like, depending upon how favorably one saw him. Lithe features spattered with blood, the ragged hole open to view. "That is quite the shame. I fear that I shall have nothing to wear to the Lord's excellent supper party. Pity." His side (and injury) now exposed to the Chanteuse, he suggested, "A semicircle needle is best, if they have it. Otherwise a fishhook needle for suturing. But I suppose beggars can't be choosers. Let us get this over with, madame. I am in your hands."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked over and smiled a bit when Sister Penance went to sit down close to him, though there was still an open seat next to him that no one else seemed to have taken just yet. And then Rave went to take the seat across from him as well and gave the woman a friendly nod towards him. As he leaned back a little bit and waited patiently and then a few seconds later he looked towards the wall seeing it open up somewhat which was pretty interesting to see as food was brought out. Captain Moss watched the three women servants started to pass out the food around the table and drinks as well. "Wine is just fine for me." Captain Moss said, as he watched his glass getting filled up and then reached over to take a sip from it.

He then heard the door opening a little bit and noticed a woman poking her head in seeing that she was really pale which he wasn't expecting to see at all really. Lord Bardolf waved her in Moss gave the woman a friendly smile and nod towards her, he didn't want to be rude as Titian spoke up and looked over towards him for a moment. He wondered if that was wise asking about the man's daughter by the looks of it seeing her taking a seat next to the man.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Second Floor Stair Landing (Going Up) -> State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush held a hand over her mouth and giggled slightly, letting the warm compliment wash over her. Truly the man was a charmer and was, most likely, used to the attention of women. He was quite handsome, she had to admit. Perhaps he could be a bit of fun. β€œYou flatter me greatly sir, but you see, I enjoy having the advantage. Does one share their hand in a game of cards? I think not.” The others around them were all settled and food and beverage was brought out, but she had to admit, something stronger would be welcomed. β€œI would not mind a stronger drink too. Tonight’s events have been dramatic.”

She turned to face her host now. β€œI agree sir. Your hospitality is most welcome. A man of your standing surely has no need to house strangers and, yet, you have done us a kindness. I do hope to return the favor if you would like.” She let that hang there, allowing others to interpret it as they saw fit. The pale woman who entered intrigued her. She looked as if a gust of wind would crack her. She would be interested in finding out more about her.

She eyed the food in front of her and she determined she was correct. The spread was great and looked most welcoming. She was excited to dig in, but decorum dictated she wait. The Lord held the power here, for now. After all, she knew why she was here as well as the others. There were no mincing words about that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2nd Floor)
Skills: Charisma, Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

The chanteuse averted her eyes slowly as Dr. Swamp removed his garments so that she could get at the wound. Taking a seat next to him she dipped the rag into the water and wrung it out. Looking over to him slowly and looked at his body shyly, swallowing slightly as she reached out carefully. "I will do what I can, please try to hold still if possible," she said in a song like voice. Taking a breath she started to clean the wound as best she could, it was still bleeding but it was starting to stop. All she could figure was that was a good thing, less blood loss the better. She didn't have medical knowledge but that was common sense. At least she hoped it was. Rinsing out the rag she continued until it was as best as it could get right then.

Picking up what looked like a pair of tweezers she looked at the man with sympathy. "I.. can see the bullet," she said as she placed a light hand above the wound. Taking a breath she slowly brought the tweezers near it and tried to grab it. The woman might not had any medical training but she was dexterous. Years of playing her instrument made her fingers nimble and strong. It was quick as she grabbed the bullet and pulled it out. Dropping it on the table it clinked against the cup next to it. The bleeding increased now but at least the bullet was out. Finding a curved needle, she threaded it with a thicker tread and sighed as she pressed the rag against the wound. "Are you ready?" she asked softly. She didn't look like she was enjoying this, the woman seemed to wear her heart on her sleeve. This was not fun for her but she was pushing through it.

*Before Swamps next post, a roll for dealing with the pain of bullet removal will be needed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut decided to ignore the words Swamp had said to her. The man was some sort of villain and she did not want to waste more mental energy and effort on him, especially considering his nauseating behavior with the Chanteuse. Honestly, she was a bit disappointed that her pistol had not backfired and rendered her deaf and blind, since then she would be spared the worse punishment in the history of Rutas Ma. Unfortunately, then Swamp had to direct words towards Rhoda about her own condition - she turned her nose up slightly. She was more than capable of telling the woman of her injuries. She then gave Rhoda a smile, before taking a seat on the stool.

"You are very kind - thank you," Walnut told the woman. She could appreciate the juxtaposition in Rhoda's form and presence as she allowed Rhoda to take the damaged and wounded hand. She overheard the Chanteuse as she spoke to Doctor Swamp and she almost asked for cotton to stick in her ears. "If I may be so bold, how was it you came to be employed here?" Walnut asked. It was mostly so that way there would be other conversation to help to drown out the sound of the lovebirds. She didn't really care how Rhoda had been hired, but then again, maybe she would learn something of interest to her. Hopefully Rhoda would turn out to be rather talkative - she didn't want to have to think of too many questions to keep the conversation going.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago


Lord Bardolf eyed a couple of people sitting at his table, whom where thanking him. His eyes narrowed some at them. "Then, before you insult my home or me again with your false praise and gratitude, remove your masks so that I can see whom I am speaking. While some of the others might be more vile in their speaking at least they have had the decency not to continue to play this idiotic game of show and tell." His voice was vexed as he spoke, eying the two in particular who had refused to remove their masks as of yet but spouted out gratitude. It was more than obvious by his words and his look that he was not buying whatever they were selling and in fact had done the opposite of getting on the mans good side, if he had one.

Jasper moved around the table, filling glasses as needed and providing strong refreshments to those that requested them. His face remained stoic as he did so, simply watching what was going on. He showed no reaction to the verbal berating of the others. Either he was accustomed to such speeches from the man or he didn't care. Could be either or the man could have just been very good at hiding his inner thoughts. It was up for debate. Setting his things he retrieved a bottle and walked over to the pale skinned woman, pouring her a glass of something different from the others. Her drink was milky with a tint of pink to it that seemed to swirl in the crystal flute. "Thank you Jasper," she said softly as she sat there.

Leaning closer to Lord Bardolf she spoke again. "I thought there were more," she said, looking a tad confused. The lord of the manor nodded.

"Yes but some have incurred injuries and others are being escorted to the gate to face the winter as they see fit. They are not my concern either way," he said in a flat voice before his eyes went over to her. "Nor yours." The last two words came out firm. Sitting up straight in her chair she nodded and picked up her flute, taking a small sip of it as she looked down.

Over in the sewing room, Rhoda looked over towards Professor Walnut and rose a brow. "Tis what I was instructed to do," she said as she went about taking a look at the wound and began to clean it with a soft linen and plain water. At the question, she did not look back up at the woman. "You may not," was all she said when asked if she may be to bold to ask how she became employed by the family. She obviously wasn't answering. "You are lucky, these wounds are not deep. A simple binding shall suffice," she finally said once it was cleaned. There where some cuts, some that were deep, but not long enough for her to stitch. Grabbing a dry piece of linen she started ripping it into strips.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6?

Sure enough as they had arranged around the table, food appeared in equally grand manner as all the rest of things in this manor. Rave watched silently with a small smile as women came into the room to start moving the dishes to the dining table. She hadn't seen such variety before and all the dishes smelled quite delicious, making her water moist with saliva. She was hungry, quite hungry by now and barely could hold herself from direclty starting her meal. Within moments later wine was being offered too. She could drink a glass." No, I will drink wine too." She replied to Jasper with calm voice when he asked who was going to get something harder to drink. She didn't need anything too strong, wine was good and it warmed the body well enough.

To her surprise though, there was someone else who had joined them. It was a woman, a pale woman. They lowered the light strenght in the room for some reason. Maybe she just didn't like the bright light? Rave didn't know, but she certainly was curious about this woman. The woman greeted them, so Rave hurried to do a quick bow with her head in greeting in return." Good evening, Milady." Prima Rave said with polite voice.

Rave slightly was startled when the Lord burst out about those who still held their masks. Still she had expected something like this to happen. At the end of the day all of them were just uninvited guests here. As if the host would be fine with uninvited masked people about his home. She knew she wouldn't be, it was only natural after all.

She also used this chance to take a closer look to the woman now that she had joined them at the table. She recalled seeing someone earlier when they were arriving at hte manor. Back then they were too far away so she couldn't see details, but she pondered if it was possible this woman was the one she saw? Still in the twilight of the weakened lights, her attention got drawn out to a candle. Her attention seemed to swing over to it for a reason unclear to her as her eyes observed the fire. Turned out focusing on a fire source in a dimly lit room wasn't the best of things to do as her eyes started to water up, as she started seeing spots.

In her briefly blinded out state, she moved her hand, hitting the knife in front of her that had gotten slightly pulled to the edge of hte table. From there as her hands hit it downwards on the handle that was sticking out of hte table, causing the knife to fly up in an impressive inintended display! Still blinded out, she missed it happening aside the simple fact she had sensed she hit something, but why wasn't she hearing anything fall on the ground. Her answer arrived with a stabbing sensation as the knife fell right on her tight, piercing about an inch into her flesh." AHhhhhhhGH!" She couldn't help but let out a painful scream as her hands shot to her leg in instinctive reaction to hold it. Seems she ended up stabbing herself in the leg too.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"Just wine for me please," Penance responded gently, glancing around at everyone else who was within the room itself. She did take notice of those within the room who had decided to have their masks remain on, however she didn't think too much of it, as it was a choice in her mind. Let them remain cloaked in shadows if they so choose to, it is their choice as to whether or not they unveil themselves to everyone else, and it was their own choices as to whether they spoke kindly to everyone else. It did not matter too much, but she personally would prefer them to remove their masks, but if they didn't want to then so be it.

She looked over at the woman who had entered the room, not too sure what to say to the woman. Others seemed to already be attempting to distract her or converse with her, so she wasn't going to try. Too many people talking at once could overwhelm a person to say the least. Then she glanced over at Rave when she heard the woman scream, and saw that she had somehow managed to stab herself, or did someone stab her? With the group that they were around it was very difficult to tell. "Are you alright?" Penance asked her, concerned. The woman had seemed nice enough before when she had been walking with her and Moss, so she hated to hear her in pain, especially since she still felt that the woman might be helpful to have around later.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Apparently whatever questions he had asked to the pale woman sitting across from him and to the lord of the manor were ignored. Wouldn't be the first time someone had brushed off what he had asked but that didn't mean he wouldn't keep trying. And it didn't damper his spirits, grinning broadly at her as he leaned back in his seat. He had time, in fact as far as he was concerned he had all the time in the world. They were hold up in this place until the storm broke and the snow could be cleared out and the bridge could be repaired it seemed. Oh yes, he had plenty of time to get to know that one.

Glancing over towards the masked woman that smile held. At least she seemed to speak. He chuckled a bit and picked up the glass of darker spirits that Jasper had poured for him. Holding it up to her and smiling. "Then here are to game and intrigue," he said in a small toast before taking a drink. He gave her a bit of a wink as he lowered the glass. Lord Bardolf's words caused his brow to raise. "Aww, let them have their fun. I do love unwrapping beautiful packages," he said as he kept his eyes on Maeve. The mask was nice but it didn't hide all her features. Enough was shown to know she had to be a looker and even if she was hiding some horrid disfigurement it wouldn't matter. He was scarred himself.

The man wanted to say more but then there was a scream and his head turned, looking in the direction of where it had come from. "What in bloody hell?" he asked. He couldn't see the knife or reason why the woman had screamed. She was still seated and sitting there. His head tilted to the side like a confused dog being told something he didn't quite understand. Shifting in his chair he leaned a bit but he wasn't close enough to her to get an actual look. "You alright girl?" he asked before taking a sip from his drink once again and glancing back towards Maeve, giving a well that was something look.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2F)
Skills: Constitution
Hit Points: 2

The first appearance of shock is a funny thing. Be it light, peripheral shock or the more deep set, eyes rolling back in one's head, saving the physical form from the trauma of it's own disfigurement type of shock. But the first signs include a cold sweat and a sense of nausea, both of which assailed the good Doctor as Amaranthine began to dig the foreign hunk of ammunition from the fleshy part of his side. Luckily, the type of shock that began to pierce its icy claws into Dr. Swamp's senses was closer to the first type than the second. It didn't help matters any, as he could still feel the metal penetrate his body and he sure as hell was reacting to it. Swamp was able to prevent himself from screaming, but his breathing was labored and the more-than-occasional nonsensical grunt escaped from clenched teeth.

When he was able to do so, Swamp managed to eek out something of an apology. "I am afraid..." It was a marginal start, but he continued, "...that I am a poor patient. You are doing fine." He exhaled a shuddering breath and took a touch of responsibility away from Amaranthine, "I am making it difficult. Please continue." There were very many things that he would rather be doing than have someone prod him with metal objects. Truth be told, he would have rather not been shot that day either. But into everyone's life a little rain must fall. Today was a downpour.

That, and he was giving some consideration towards revisiting what he had eaten that day in a highly ignoble, very abrupt manner. "Might I borrow a bucket or wastepaper receptacle, please? A precaution."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush was a bit taken aback at the man’s attitude. She thought she had built a decent rapport with him. Still, she had a trump card the others did not hold. Her identity was still hidden while others flagrantly broadcasted theirs. Truly, who was the fool? β€œGood sir, I will take the attitude as the stress of having uninvited guests in your home among the other events of the night. You see, I always say what I mean. So, if I pay you a compliment, it is genuine. But take it or leave it, the fact remains, I am a guest here and will be respectful for the home you provide.”

β€œAs for the mask, I shall keep it on. Wouldn’t want to spoil the mystery.”
She turned to Titian, giving the man a small wave as if the two of them held an inside joke. She wasn’t about to let this Lord have the upper hand, inside his own home or not. She DID get an invite and she dressed appropriately for it. Whether he liked it or not was of little concern to her.

Soon, drinks were underway until one of the guests let out a painful shriek the likes of which she had heard little before. Blush merely sipped her drink, enjoying the warmth it provided before setting it down. β€œOne way to liven the party up, but do be careful.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss leaned back in the chair and took another quick sip from the glass of wine as he started to look around at those within the room and towards Lord Bardolf's daughter as the Lord spoke about those who decided to keep their masks on. It was really up to them if they wanted to stay anonymous or not. Sure it did make him trust them less but it would also make eating food a little bit harder as well to as Moss jumped slightly hearing a scream and turned towards Prima Rave wondering how exactly she got herself injured while just sitting down at the table.

"Are you okay?" Moss asked looking over towards her as he got up from his seat and started to make his way over to where she was sitting to get a better look at what had happened to her. Captain Moss then listened to Blush for a moment as she spoke, still refusing to take off her mask and Titian mentioning it as well and shook his head towards him. "I'll say it maybe a bit tougher to eat with a mask on, just saying though it's up to you, we will be here for several weeks by the looks of it anyway." Captain Moss said towards her,
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt glanced across at the sound of giggling, the noise seeming totally out of place considering the situation they all found themselves in, but he wasn't entirely surprised to see who the sound was emanating from. The earlier hard edge to her remarks had clearly softened, and if Cobalt didn't know any better, he would say that Titian's brash charm was having the desired affect on her. That or she was just another actress, playing her chosen role. All of this was starting to give him a headache again.

They'd been invited to a masquerade ball, but it was quickly becoming clear that people didn't drop their disguises when they removed their masks. The pretense of the ball had been blown apart just as comprehensively as the bridge allegedly had been, but here they sat, caught in some bizarre mimicry of a dinner party, when any one of the guests sitting around the table could be a killer. Maybe Titian had the right idea in throwing off the shackles of polite society, this surreal situation could hardly get any stranger.

The still masked woman spoke again, echoing Cobalt's compliments of their host's hospitality, although with a far more licentiousness suggestion. Cobalt couldn't help but smile slightly. He had always thought he would die amongst blaggards and charlatans, so if he was destined to be cut down in the shadows of this house, then it would be almost fitting, considering his current company. His death seemed to quickly be becoming more imminent, judging by the tone of the Lord's voice as he spoke, but Cobalt's face didn't flinch.

Cobalt did hesitate though. There was a coldness behind the Lord's word, and the threat was barely veiled. Perhaps his time behind the mask was destined to come to an end, for the sake of his life if nothing else. The other still masked guest remained adamant that she would continue to wear hers, but her reasoning may be very different from Cobalt's own. Thankfully, the Lord's attention seemed to turn towards the pale girl that had taken the seat beside him, answering her observation of how the guests ranks had thinned somewhat since they arrived. One thing the Lord said did catch Cobalt's attention though. Escorted to the gate? A quick glance around the table brought one name to mind. Mauve.

Cobalt's train of thought was promptly derailed by a cry of pain, and he instinctively tensed as he turned sharply to find the source. Another guest, clearly in some discomfort, but he couldn't see any reason for it. Titian and another guest had already expressed their concern, as had the handsome man Cobalt had seen on the stairs, so Cobalt simply lent forward slightly, frowning as he awaited some form of explanation. In the rush of movement, and with everyone's attention turned away from him, Cobalt finally took off his own mask, laying it on the table beside him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2nd Floor)
Skills: Dexterity, Charisma
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine slowly pulled back from Dr. Swamp. He didn't seem to be taking the whole getting a bullet removed from his side very well. She forced a thin lipped smile towards him while the woman in the room took care of Professor Walnut. At least there were not two people for her to tend too right then, though the way that Swamp was reacting to this bit of metal removal, it might have been better if Rhoda had tended to Swamp and Amaranthine tended to Walnut. At least Walnut's wound seemed to be more minor. This was not something that Amaranthine was used to doing and as Swamp spoke she looked worried about the situation and concerned about the man. Once again the woman, if she was trying to hide her emotions she was failing. She wore them on her sleeve. At least he hadn't passed out.

Looking around she found a bucket and placed it on the floor next to him before double checking the needle. Reaching up with a wet rag she dotted his brow and down the back of his neck, letting it rest there for a it. It would be cool against his skin and hopefully help. "I promise to work as quickly and delicately as I am able," she said in a soft voice as she got closer to him and leaned down so she could get a better view of where the bullet entered. "I do not see pieces of bone, this is good no?" she said, hoping it was.

The Chanteuse was not medically trained, by any stretch of the imagination but she did have some skills. One of which was music. "Just focus on my voice," she said gently and smiled nervously towards him. So she sat there and sung very softly, almost a whisper as she began to sew up the skin to the best of her ability. "Wolves asleep amidst the trees. Bats all a swaying in the breeze, but one soul lies anxious wide awake fearing all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths. For your dolly Polly sleep has flown. Don't dare let her tremble alone for the witcher, heartless, cold paid in coin of gold. He comes he'll go leave naught behind but heartache and woe. Deep, deep woe. La la la la da la la da. Birds are silent for the night. Cows turned in as daylight dies. But one soul lies anxious wide awake. Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths. My dear dolly Polly shut your eyes. Lie still, lie silent, utter no cries. As the witcher, brave and bold, paid in coin of gold. He'll chop and slice you, cut and dice you, eat you up whole. Eat you wholeο»Ώ." It was an old and strange lullaby sung in the world.

Reaching for the scissors, she cut the thread and placed her materials down on the table next to him. She was done and had done a surprisingly good job on the stitching. Taking a breath she took a linen dipped it in the water, wringing it out as her eyes cast back towards Dr. Swamp. She said nothing, just watching and waiting to see how he was reacting to the last bit before she dared attempt to wrap up the wound now that it was sealed.

*Once again, I will need a roll for Swamp against Constitution due to being stitched up.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Enough II

Lord Bardolf eyed the woman who refused to take her mask off. "Jasper," he said. It was a single word but the man nodded and started to move over to her. "You will remove the mask and now or you will be put out in the storm," he warned before looking over at Jasper. "And to think, this was the one you already went out on a limb for and yet she does this. Perhaps you should remove any additional help she might need to get through the evening," he said in a warning voice. Jasper looked over towards Lord Bardolf and then towards Maeve.

"Yes Sir... It shan't happen again," he said quietly before taking another step towards her. The whole room seemed to have their attention on the girl who had stuck herself with a knife. Bardolf only gave half a glance in the woman's direction but his eyes were focused on Blush. Ignoring what else was going on around him, and forcing Jasper to do the same.

The pale woman sat there quietly, watching everyone. Her eyes darting to Lord Bardolf, to Jasper, to Cobalt, to Rave, and the others. Making the rounds again and again with her eyes as she watched them and the scene unfolding around her. The Maestro sitting next to Blush turned in his chair some. "That would be a pity to have you leave," he said as he sat there and tilted his head to the side.

Down in the sewing room, Rhoda got busy tearing the linen into strips and making sure they were the right width. Taking one she began to wrap the wound up, one piece and then another. She made quick work of it. Glancing over towards Dr. Swamp and Amaranthine, who seemed to be having a bit of problem with him and dealing with the bullet removal but the woman had said she would take care of it. Listening to her sing as she sewed the man up, she quirked a brow. Shaking her head she turned her attention back to Walnut and got the wound wrapped up fully and tied off. "That should do you, do try to keep it clean," she said in a quiet voice before standing up and starting to clean up the little bit of a mess that was made from everything having to deal with Walnut.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian looked over towards the Lord of the Manor, seemed the man was set and he wasn't joking about it and this was no longer a game. Picking up his drink, he took a long sip of it, watching the woman known as Blush over the top of his glass and wondering what she would do. He didn't know the woman and this could go so many ways. Women were very unpredictable. At least the good ones were in his book. She could flip out, she could go for the storm, she could attack, she could jump on the table and scream like a little girl. Oh wait, no that was his act. Shit, she could do a cartwheel and sing a song for all he knew. Either way, he was interested to see what the woman had up her sleeve this time, she seemed fun at least.

Then again, this wasn't the only thing going on in the room. One woman had screamed and he had asked if she was okay. It was a rather stupid question but he didn't know what happened to make her yell. For all he knew she saw a spider or someone tried to pull a move under the table. She hadn't answered yet but then again, not a lot of time had passed. Leaning back in his chair he looked across from him towards the pale woman and tilted his head to the side. She wasn't doing or saying anything, just sitting there quietly. He had to wonder what that drink was she had but that could wait. He gave a sly grin as he looked at her and winked. Sure, he was spreading the flirting around but there were so many lovely ladies around, it would seem a shame not to spread the love. There was plenty of him to go around.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6?

This dinner was turning out to be some peachy fine time. Around Rave other stuff were happening, the host was displeased by the people with masks on yet, but none of htat was in her mind as she was holding onto her leg as if her life depended on it. The pain was strong, thus she had yelled, but after a while she gritted her teeth, noting people were asking if she was alright. Many a thought ran through her mind before hse pushed herself slightly back with the chair using her other leg." I'm NOT okey..." She replied finally through gritted teeth, trying to figure out what to do. Her eyes were locked onto the knife sticking out of her leg." I hit the knife of the edge of the table by mistake and it fell... on my leg." She managed to explain.

Inside her pocket, the poor old ferret that was not having a good time either, having his owner move as she was. It was now also moving about in the coat pocket, she couldn't quite pay it any attention though." I... what..." She mumbled, looking at the knife, then at the people around." What do I do? Do I pull it out!? Anyone?" She asked, panicking as she continued to throw looks about. This was not how she wanted this to go... How the hell did that knife fly up and hten directly into her tight? Also why were these knives so damn sharp apparently!? She should have been more careful... Her hand was shackily reaching for hte handle by some blind instinct to pull it out, but she didn't know if she should do it in the end, so she returned to holding onto the leg.

Complicating hte matter further, her ferret finally poked his head out of hte pocket, clearly irritated from being pushed around inside it's cloth confinement till now. It then started climbing up her side until it was on her shoulder, sinking it's little claws into her clothing and poking at her non the less as if having a knife in her leg wasn't enough. She looked at it." You are enjoying this, aren't you..." She mumbled, watching the ferret that was simply now staring at her with it's beady ferret eyes. She just hoped it didn't cause some trouble now that it went out of her coat pocket.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Hearing Bush's comments about whether or not she should keep on her mask, it was definitely an interesting sort of conversation to be hearing. After all, from what she could tell, just about everyone else had removed their masks, so this woman did tend to stand out a bit. However, in her mind, it was completely up to her whether or not she should remove her mask, and the fact that the Lord of the Manor seemed to be sitting there arguing with her about it. Sure, it was his home and he could do whatever the hell he wanted, but why on earth would he sit there arguing over whether or not she removed her mask? Penance had made the choice earlier to remove her mask, but it ultimately had been her choice, why argue over it? "...If you don't mind me saying, but isn't it a bit odd to be arguing over a mask or such? I know that at least I myself chose to remove my mask, if the woman does not wish to remove it, then why not let her be?"

Glancing back over to look at Rave, she thought of what could be a possible solution to her problem. However, there wasn't really anything she could do about it, she wasn't one who really had any sort of medical skills. "I don't know what you should do... Perhaps there is a doctor or someone else who could aid you with your predicament... Though how you managed to stab yourself in the leg without even really trying is beyond me," she said to the woman. It was true, it took some skill to manage to stab oneself with a knife so spectacularly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked at Rave for a moment he could understand that she was in a lot of pain, he would have as well if he had a knife sticking out of his leg. He wasn't sure what to do exactly with the knife either, if he pulled the knife out then there would be a lot of blood which wouldn't turn out to well. As Moss looked he noticed the little ferret coming out of her pocket and climbing up her shoulder, he wasn't sure how she was able to smuggle in an animal here in the first place. "I'm not sure what to do either to be honest." Captain Moss said towards Rave, and turned his attention over towards Lord Bardolf for a moment and then over towards Jasper.

It probably wasn't smart to keep the mask on, but he wouldn't want to be out in the cold either as well which would really suck as well no one could survive that long out in the cold either as well. "I think we have a little more pressing issue with this knife sticking in her thigh than a woman simply wanting to keep her mask on. If she wants to she can take it off privately she could, or take it off at a later time." Moss said, but he took a step back it was up to Blush if she wanted to keep the mask on or not.
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