Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2F)
Skills: Constitution
Hit Points: 2

That was a highly interesting song that the Chanteuse was gracing him with. Haunting, yet so endearingly comical somehow. It stood to both focus and amuse Dr. Swamp to such a degree that, upon commencing the stitching portion of his evening, he found it amazingly tolerable. Moreso than this, he felt great. So much better than just moments ago. Damage was still done, but he felt more whole and full of vigor than he had in a while.

"You... certainly have the touch, Amaranthine," complimented the Doctor. "I could not have done a better piece of work with it, myself, and I have been doing this for a bit of time." He could feel the beginnings of shock flowing out of his body and uncoupling from his mind. Be it the song or the delicate hand guiding the needle, Swamp felt better. "If you ever feel the need to dabble in medical pursuits, please consider my tutelage. I daresay you have a much better bedside manner."

Now yhe matter of dressing himself. His shirt was ruined, obviously. If a solution was not made apparent soon, he would have to inquire. This was a sewing room, after all. But not necessary right this second. For now, he merely craned his neck to admire Amaranthine's handiwork.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

If the Lord of the Manor cared about the distress that one of his guests had apparently put themselves in, then he certainly didn't show it, barely glancing over to the woman as she cried out in pain. It was towards the still-masked woman that his attention was turned towards. The chill in the Lord's voice only intensified, making it clear that the illusion of choice was quickly evaporating. They were his guests after all, and if the mood to throw one of them out into the cold struck him, then there were few that could stop him. Cobalt turned to watch the masked woman himself, curious to see if her defiance would last when the suggestion of a threat had become an actual threat.

The other guests attentions seemed torn between the two women, the stabbed and the masked, although the two guests that did speak up both seemed to suggest that the mask issue was one not work focusing on. Cobalt frowned slightly. If the Lord was willing to throw one of his guests from his house just for keeping her mask on, then what was to suggest that he wouldn't be just as trigger-happy with those attempting to argue with him? The Dining Room may well be becoming even more empty before long.

The injured woman seemed to be floundering, and unless the ferret that had just climbed out from her clothing had medical training, then no-one was rushing to help her. Cobalt wasn't about to either. Titian was being uncharacteristically quiet, and Cobalt glanced over at the large man, not surprised to see him leering at the pale girl. Predictable. For now, Cobalt held his tongue, but he didn't let his mind wander. He'd found that if things happened around here, they tended to happen quickly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2nd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Letting out a slow breath, Amaranthine looked over towards Dr. Swamp and blushed slightly at his kind words. The man seemed to be doing well, despite just having a needle being drawn through his skin again and again while she had stitched it up. Whether he just was being nice or not, she didn't think on. She was just glad he hadn't ended up passing out while she was in the middle of it. That could have made things so much more difficult. Especially if she had been in the middle of a stitch. Could have pulled and ripped things even more. Granted if he had passed out he wouldn't have felt it anymore but she wasn't exactly built for heavy lifting. While Dr. Swamp didn't appear to be exactly someone in a heavy weight class, he was still far larger than he was, and far taller. She doubted she would have been able to move him herself. Though, that wasn't a concern now.

The man was doing well, and ended up not needing a bucket to spit up in. Smiling faintly at him, she went about wrapping the wound up now that it was stitched and tying it off as best she could. Now came the moment where he would need something to wear. His skirt wasn't exactly in the best of shape and while it probably would be mended and cleaned, it would be wet for sometime even after all that. He needed something now. Glancing around she was not spotting anything right off hand and glanced over towards the woman that was tending to Professor Walnut. "Is there perhaps a shirt that the good doctor could be lent this evening?" she asked in a meek voice.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Really now, this was getting absurd. She had done what was asked of her and now she was to be forced? No no, that would not do at all. She weighed her options. The woman across from her had played with a knife and had gone awry, so the utensils on the table could be makeshift weapons if it came to that. She had a feeling she could take on Jasper, but the man was only doing his job. And she felt a sort of kinship with him. She wouldn’t mind sinking the blade into the Lord’s heart though, but she feared she would not find the target or, rather, find a block of ice where a beating organ would normally be.

The other option would be to play along. If they wanted to see her face so badly, why not give in? Everyone else apart from one other (who, she noted, was quiet and STILL had their mask on) was unmasked. She held up her hands in mock defeat. β€œReally now. There is no need for rudeness or violence. Surely, you’ve had enough of that in your home to last you a week, at least. If you wish to see my face so badly, I’ll oblige.”

She slowly removed her mask, setting it on the table and showing everyone, her face now. β€œThere. Are you quite happy now?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
It seemed that Rhoda was not going to be a conversation partner for her. What a pity. Professor Walnut sighed slightly as Rhoda began to treat and bind her wounds. She knew that she was lucky that they were not deep - but if luck had truly been with her, then there would be one less person drawing breath in the sewing room. "Even still, you have my gratitude," she told the servant, despite Rhoda's insistence that it was just what she had been instructed to do. Had Rhoda not been there, she would have had to treat her wounds herself. She certainly was not going to let the diabolical Dr. Swamp to do it. She knew that the man's nature would be revealed to the others in time, she had to be patient.

She really hoped he would vomit. At least then she would have some sort of entertainment here! Instead, her ears were forced to listen to Amaranthine sing to her sweetheart. Yes, she had seen the woman perform before and she had enjoyed it. But now, having actually met her and seeing her pathetic adoration of Dr. Swamp, it made Walnut once more wish that she could either gouge her ears out or sever the woman's vocal chords. How much more torture and agony could she be expected to bear? "Thank you," she said with a nod, as Rhoda finished. "Do you know if I might go rejoin the rest of the party?" she inquired. The room was stifling.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Enough III

The Lord Bardolf sat there and scowled. "What makes any of you think that you have a choice in the matter? This is not your home. It is mine. I have been kind enough to allow you to stay instead of putting you directly out in the storm to fend for yourself. Instead of turning you away at the gate, which if I had, you would have been caught in the storm none the less. It is a far journey to the closest town, you would not have made the return trip. So drop the entitlement. You are here by my leave and are lucky each of you is not in a dungeon being tortured at this point to get answers since for all I know you are part of whatever conspiracy is going on at this time to invade my home. Next time any of you speaks, I suggest you think on that before you say anything," he said in a cold voice. He had obviously had enough of not only whatever game was going on but these people in his home. Looking over at Blush his eyes narrowed. "Pull something like that again and I will have my guards tend to you and they are not as forgiving as I." His voice was like venom. These people were either severely entitled or just plain stupid. He hadn't decided yet.

Jasper stepped back, it seemed the woman had at least taken the mask off but he cast Blush a look and shook his head at her. The pale woman took a long sip of her drink, averting her eyes and looking down. The four men just sat there and started to eat as if nothing had happened. The lord of the manor looked over to the woman who had stabbed herself. "The so called doctor was shot in the music room with a gun by the Professor. So right now you might want to be more careful with the cutlery."

Jasper cleared his throat. "Should I send for Rebecca my lord?" he asked. Bardolf glanced towards the butler and gave a wave of his hand. "Thank you sir," he said before going to the door and opening it. Speaking to someone out of sight before closing the door and coming back. "She has been sent for sir."

Down in the sewing room, things were going much more smoothly. It seemed the Doctor was patched up but still needed something to wear and the Professor was ready to go. Rhoda looked over towards Walnut. "Once we are finished here, someone will take you," she said in a quiet voice before standing up and taking a look over towards Dr. Swamp. "Let me check the mending," she said before going over to a wardrobe and opening it. There were many items of attire hanging up and folded. Eventually she pulled out a black button down shirt. It looked to be one of the uniform shirts worn by the male servants in the house. Nice enough but hardly of the level of craftsmanship that the Lord of the manor wore. It was close enough in size though. "This should do," she said handing it over to him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6?

Rave's attention was pulled from the very pleased Ferret on her shoulder. Important to note was that what the ferret was really thinking about or if it was thinking anything at all, was a whole other matter. It was an animal, smart one that was true, but if it carried intelligence on part of a human she didn't know. She was sure it might be gloating though, probably because she kept it in the pocket for too long and all this commotion made it irritated. She didn't bother trying to put it back into the pocket though, it's claws had sank into her coat so it was going to be pain to do so.

Instead she returned her attention to the others, Moss and Penance seemed somewhat at a loss at what to do, which Rave understood, she herself didn't really know what to do. That said the tension at the table was growing and even she at the pain she was in right now, could very well get a sense of that. Refusing to remove those masks and then just trying to downplay the host's opinion wasn't the best idea. For all the man knew, one of them could be plotting his demise, but she didn't have the desire to get involved in that. She was going to heed the Lord's opinion and just comply with his rules and desires. His home, his domain, his rules, this was teh situation and nothing could change it.

The ferret on her shoulder made a complex maneuver to chance the shoulders it was on, still using it's pointy lil claws, causing her to flinch as it moved from one shoulder to the other, causing her much discomfort in the process. She groaned, as she threw an angry look at the lil beastie, a beastie that was like a few inches away from her face.

Rave's attention suddenly shifted back to her leg as the Lord explained to her that the supposed doctor got shot, by the professor. Guess that explains what had transpired back there with the shot... Her leg was still hurting and she could see blood, but at least the Lord was in good enough mood to actually allow for aid to be called or at least she hoped it was aid. Either that or he didn't want her bleeding too much all over his Dinning hall... she didn't mind either way." I'm sorry... " Rave apologized." I was too careless and caused needless problems." She didn't mention that she had just been blined by a candle of all things and butterfingered her way into this situation because of it. Now she could only hope that help arrived promptly enough and that this seemed a lot worse than it actually was... What were the chances though? She was trying to be optimistic.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: Intelligence, Strength
Hit Points: 4

Mr. Titian hadn't exactly shown the most active of brains yet. Since he had arrived at the gate he had just wandered around, a big goofy smile on his face, flirting and drinking, and maybe a single teeny tiny little scream while on a table. Not exactly a towering presence of knowledge. Just good looks. At least in his mind. Thing was, sometimes the smartest things come from the dumbest mouths. "Don't take the damn thing out, right now it's keeping it from bleeding more," he said towards Rave. The man wasn't a doctor but he had dealt with enough brawls and fights in his life. Turning his head a bit more towards her, the light caught his face and the faint scar could be seen. Apparently he had had a run in with a blade or two in his life.

Things were getting a bit heated. It seemed that even though the Lord of the Manor had spoken his piece, people were not taking it. Resting an elbow on the table, Titian palmed his face and rubbed it slightly. He was obnoxious but at least he wasn't being stupid right then. This place had guards, a lot of them that they had already seen. People were dead around the place and it was obvious this wasn't causing any worry with the people in the house. So yes, press the buttons on the man who is giving you food and shelter during the worst time of the year. Brilliant.

Leaning back in his seat he looked over towards Blush as she finally took the mask off. Maybe that would make the man happy or at least not as vexed. Nope, she kept talking. And then Bardolf laid into everyone, including him he figured since he had said something a while ago. Standing up, he pushed his chair back and moved over towards Rave. "Let's get you pulled back from the table, that way when help gets here there is room," he said as he put his hands on the back of the chair. He wasn't going to lift her or anything, he just simply pulled the chair back carefully. Away from the table and the others around her by several feet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss stared at the ferret once more before turning his attention over towards Lord Bardolf as he started to speak, and he certainly did not like the idea of either being sent out in the cold or being put into the dungeons either as well. He watched as Blush started to take off her mask, it was good now that she had taken off her mask and now that everyone was probably now a little bit better and wouldn't end up pissing off the lord of the manor now either.

He then turned his attention back over towards Rave, as Jasper went to call for a servant to grab someone else to help with the knife. "Just you know relax, i'm sure they will get it out soon. Look on the bright side it isn't infected or anything or getting removed." Moss said jokingly trying to lighten up the mood a little bit for her, and looked over at the Titian as he came over and pulled the chair back some for when the help finally did end up arriving. Captain Moss then got back up and started to move over back towards his own chair and say down so that he wouldn't end up being in anyone's way when help did come.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

A carnival of fools. The other guests continue to bicker, barely veiling their snide remarks about their host. If any one of them was a criminal mastermind, then they were very good at hiding it. And Cobalt was starting to lose his patience. He was on the verge of voicing his own opinions, when the Lord of the Manor spoke again. If there had been any veil over their host's threats before, it had been burned away now. The edge on his voice could almost wound, and even though the venom wasn't directed entirely at Cobalt, he still had to suppress a wince. He called for help for the accidental woman at least, although whether that was to save her or the room's furnishings, Cobalt couldn't be entirely sure.

For now at least, the masked woman had caved, taking off her mask. Although the choice that she had been faced with was hardly one that encouraged disagreement. If her defiant defence of her mask had been an effort to conceal her identity, then the plan had certainly backfired. Not only that, but she had managed to make an enemy of their host, and Cobalt didn't doubt that the eyes of the house would be watching her every move from this point on. If anyone was going to have a nasty accident in the shadows of the manor, Cobalt would almost be willing to put money on the fact that it would be Blush.

Titian seemed to have found his voice again, leaping into action and pulling the injured woman away from the table. The simple action of helping set Cobalt's mind whirring. With Mauve either dead or lost somewhere in the house, the closest thing Cobalt had had to an ally was gone. Who knew what friendships had already sprung up between the other guests. He knew the good doctor was likely still following the Chanteuse around like a puppy, although whether Swamp being shot had affected that relationship, Cobalt couldn't know. But there might be others around the table who had friends. For all Cobalt knew, some of them had been allies before they even arrived at the house. Cobalt glanced around at the faces around the table, and frowned slightly. For now, he'd wait, but the time for waiting quietly was coming to an end.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2nd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine was glad that things seemed to be calming down. The doctor was all patched up now, as best as he could be it seemed. And the professor looked to be taken care of by the woman who was call Rhoda. All in all it could have gone a lot worse. Especially after what she had walked into when she had first entered the Music Room some time ago. At least they didn't seem to be pushing each others buttons right then. She had questions but she wasn't going to ask them right then. Part of her didn't think it would be a good idea in front of Rhoda and another part of her just didn't want to stir things back up. It would have been like pouring gas on a fire. Best to let it remained died down.

Looking over at Rhoda she nodded and took the shirt as it was held out to Dr. Swamp. "Thank you, so very much," she said in a kind voice. Looking it over, it looked like it would do. At least it was something and wouldn't be too different from the shirt he had been wearing, at least in the color. It wasn't the softest fabric but it was better than nothing or many of the rags some had to wear in this day and age. And it was clean and blood free. That was plus. Shaking out the shirt she held it up as she took a step back, holding it in such a way that the Doctor could easily slip his hands in. Once he had she would help him button it if need be, if not she would let him do it himself. Either way, they would be ready to go hopefully by the time someone came and got them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2F)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 2

"Yes," said the Doctor coolly, in agreement with Rhoda. "This should suffice nicely. The hospitality of the household is noteworthy." Whether this was by the insistence of the Lord of the Manor or the basic duty of the staff, it was appreciated. It wasn't everyday that Swamp had gotten shot. Point of fact, this was a very new experience for him. He had seen many a body mangled by ammunition though, enough to know that he had gotten off very lucky, all things considered. At that thought, he craned his neck to examine his stitching. Satisfied, he gave Amaranthine a polite smile. "Superior work."

As the shirt was held out, Swamp slipped his hands into the sleeves and carefully pushed them through. It was a decent enough article of clothing, if not the level of quality of the one destroyed by gunfire and blood. It would, as he mentioned earlier, suffice nicely. And he did like the color, even if it was the attire of the servants of the house. His bearing would undoubtedly distinguish himself, of course. "Thank you, Amaranthine," he breathed, looking to his vest next. The mottled crimson brocade of the garment was appropriate accompaniment, and besides that he still had some personal effects in the pockets. The next thing he did was ensure that they were still present.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Penance fell silent again now, figuring that it best to remain quiet at the moment, especially given Lord Bardolf's threat towards Blush about disobeying his words about removing her mask. It wasn't too surprising from what she could tell about his personality somewhat, but still, it did seem to be just a bit on the extreme side in her opinion. It was just a mask after all, so why did it truly matter? It shouldn't, but oh well, nothing could be done about it, as the woman decided to listen to him about it. She might see about talking to the woman later, and likely tell her that she was in the right to stand up to him about it for as long as she did, since to her that seemed like a good thing.

Turning to glance back over at Rave and the knife that looked to still be in her leg, she wasn't so sure what to do about it. As Moss had said, it was likely a good thing that it didn't seem infected or anything, at least to her it seemed like maybe it wasn't. It likely was a clean blade too, making that sort of thing less likely to happen of course. It seemed doubtful that any sort of blade that was set at a table was dirty in anyway, so that made that easier. "Hopefully whoever is going to come to help with your injury gets here soon so you won't have to deal with a knife in your leg much longer," she mused slightly, looking at Rave still.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Something Unexpected

The Lord of the Manor sat there. He was watching everything going on and he was vexed. Very vexed. The entire evening had been a disaster. This was not how things were supposed to go. There was supposed to be a ball, there were plans. This was not them. These people in his home, these uninvited guests, acting as if they were owed anything besides the cold. He didn't have to take them in, to allow them into the warmth of his home. He pulse quickened at the very thought of some of their audacity. They were not there for the ball, they were strangers in his home. He had every right to see their faces. He had more rights than that. To know exactly who they were and just what had brought them there beyond a simple invitation that they had shown. From the way they acted he knew not one of them would have just let the same happen to them in their own homes. They would have demanded as many answers if not more. From the looks of some of them, they would have done far worse than he had. He had demanded simple respect for his home and yet not even that was given from the lot of them.

The pale woman sat there, putting her glass down as she watched. The last two having removed their masks. It was the first time she had seen them without them and she tilted her head to the side looking at Cobalt. The other four men at the table seemed to be busy eating but not her. Her eyes drifted from Cobalt and over towards Lord Bardolf. Her lilac eyes widening as the man sitting at the head of the table broke into a cold sweat. "Father?" she asked, saying so much more than just the single word that left her lips as she leaned closer to him. He grabbed his chest, clutching at his breast of his coat. "Father!" she cried as she stood up, her thing fragile body moving quickly. "Jasper!" she called and Jaspers head jerked to the the direction of her voice.

"My Lord!" he called out as he rushed over as Bardolf collapsed on the table, leaning over as his body convulsed and strained. "Sir!" Jasper said as he got there. The woman stepping back as her hand covered her mouth. This wasn't happening but it was. Something had happened. Jasper was rushing to try to get him to sit up. To see if maybe he was choking on something but that wasn't it. It was something more but what? The Lord of the Manor was gone and Jasper looked over at the girl. "Lady Analia...He's gone..." he said in a quiet voice. She shook her head, she couldn't believe it. "I'm so sorry child..." Jasper looked around at the people. There was no sign of foul play but he wasn't counting it out as his eyes narrowed.

Down in the sewing room during all this, things had been taken care of and Rhoda went to the door and opened it. Quinton was standing there and waiting. The two exchanged a few words before Quinton looked at the three. "This way," he ordered and waited for them to join him. Leading them up the stairs to the third floor and through the maze of rooms until they came to the State Dining Room. The door opening and Quinton stepping in with the three of them in tow. Only to stop a few feet in the room as he spotted the lifeless form of the Lord of the Manor sitting there, having been leaned back in his chair by Jasper. Jasper looked over to him with sadness and anger in his eyes.

"Alert the guards, no one leaves this house alive until we settle this," Jasper barked.

Lady Analia looked towards Jasper. "There's no one to protect me now..." she said as she spun and dashed weakly towards one of the windows to get away from the crowd of people.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room -> State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut nodded, hoping that whoever was going to fetch them would come quickly. The atmosphere in the room was positively suffocating and despite her hopes, Dr. Swamp had not collapsed and succumbed to his wounds in the process of the Chanteuse treating them. At the very least, the singing had stopped - that was a small blessing. Her eyes followed Rhoda as she went across the room, a bit amused that Dr. Swamp would have to don what seemed to be servant's attire. There was another silver lining to be found there. And finally, the door opened and there was one of the staff, ready to take them away from this dreadful room! There was the hint of a genuine smile on her face.

She followed Quinton without issue, taking idle note of the series of rooms in the maze that they had to travel to get to their destination. She hoped that they were being taken to rejoin the others. The longer she had to stay in the almost exclusive company of the insufferable couple, the more she wanted to scoop her eyeballs out and use them to plug her ears. As they finally reached their destination, the dining room, nothing had lead her to expect the sight she stumbled upon. The Lord was dead. Had he been poisoned? Had one of the others invited here decided to end his life? At the very least, her annoying enforced company with Amaranthine and Swamp gave her an alibi for this death.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Just as he was starting to admire the man, Cobalt could only sit and watch as the Lord all but keeled over, falling face first into his dinner. Cobalt instinctively rose to his feet, pushing his own plate away from him, in case the man had been poisoned by the same food that sat before him. A surreal silence seemed to have fallen over the room for an instant, the Lord dead, the pale girl crying out, and Jasper attempting to grasp what had just happened. And then the doors of the Dining Room swung open.

Cobalt turned sharply, half-expecting trained killers to pour into the room. But instead, he was greeted by the sight of another servant, Amaranthine, and the petite woman he had spotted earlier. And the good Doctor of course, so perhaps Cobalt was half-right about the killers, even if he had changed his clothes. Now that there was action happening before him, Cobalt could feel his thoughts sharpening, at last. Jasper had barked his own orders, but Cobalt added his own voice, looking towards Swamp as he spoke.

"I believe your expertise would be most welcome, doctor."

The pale girl's voice sounded again, little more than a whimper now, and Cobalt turned in time to see her break way, running towards one of the windows. Perhaps she knew something the others didn't, or perhaps she was simply trying to get away from her father's corpse. Either way, Cobalt found himself taking a step away from the table, so that he wouldn't find himself tangled in his chair if he needed to make any sudden movements. He subconsciously squared his stance slightly. People were starting to drop like flies around here, and Cobalt had no intention of being next.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush had just about enough of all of this. She had every right in her mind to stand up and charge after the Lord of this bloody Manor and show him what she found and tell him what she heard. IT was almost laughable how much she had figured out in her adventure upstairs. They were there, that much was obvious to anyone with eyes. Why were they there? They weren’t random strangers who decided to show up at some random mansion in the hopes of attending a ball and having a roof for the night. The sooner they realized that and it was out in the open, the better. She glanced at Jasper and gave him a venomous look that would kill the poor man if she had poison in her gaze. He had put his loyalty to some rich arse above her own choices and she would not forget that.

However, before she could stand and make her scene, the Lord had turned odd and appeared sick. Everyone else had run up to check on him. She stood up as well and took in the scene before her. Once it was pronounced that he was no more, Blush sat back down and folded her hands. She had gotten her wish, it seemed.

But then, how did he die? Surely, he didn’t just choke on something. Or have a heart attack. She stared at the food in front of her. ”I would not partake in the food if I were any of you. It seems this is finally turning into what it was always meant to be.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6?

To her great surprise the one who finally told her what to do was Titian. The big guy stated that she shouldn't remove it since it was stopping the bleeding. She looked at him, then at the knife and back at him." Ahh... alright!" She exclaimed as she decided to trust him on this matter. He appeared as a guy who knew about this and he had his confidence which made her do as he said." Thank you." She added as she made her hands were away from the knife itself so she doesn't hit it by chance. The ferret was still on her shoulder, sinking it's little claws into her and looking curiously about. Who knew what was going through the tiny head of this little mean thing. She should have left it home, but she didn't expect she'd get stuck here for this situation.

She suddenly blinked as the big man came over and dragged her chair backwards so help can have easier time when they arrived." Ohh, thank you for the help again." Rave smiled. Titian now didn't really seem like a bad guy, maybe a lil rough? Well there was still time to get to know the others better. Moss seemed to try ehh... being optimistic? Penance chimmed in too. Finally Rave nodded at the two of them as she returned her focus back to her leg. That latested for all of few moments before the voice of the extremely pale girl caught her attention as she looked at what was happening only to see what she didn't expect. The Lord... died. THE LORD DIED!!

"How?! Why?" Rave exclaimed as Jasper went ahead to confirm and the girl excaped away from them. The order to lock the grounds was given. Prima Rave suddenly felt that the knife in her leg was the least of her problems as she eyed down at the food, but... did the Lord eat from it to get poisoned? She hadn't paid attention to that... maybe it was in the glass? To make matters even bigger, more people arrived into the dinner room. She at least recognized some of the faces there. They were really screwed up this time. How did this happen? He seemed fine just a few moments earlier! and Blush's attitude wasn't making things any better!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: Wisdom
Hit Points: 4

The large man known as Mr. Titian looked over at Prima Rave and gave her a broad grinned as he knelt down next to her. If anyone came too close he was large enough to move them most likely. The woman needed air and room until someone got there that knew what they were doing. "Sure thing girl, ain't nothing no decent person wouldn't have done," he said, giving her a bit of a wink. Whether he was being sassy or not was anyone's guess. Chances were he wasn't thinking that hard on it and was just spouting off the first thing that came to his mind. The man wasn't exactly a planner. Titian didn't plan, he did!

Turning his head he glanced over as a commotion started to rise and stood up slowly. That was... Unexpected. The Lord of the Manor had just keeled over. Tilting his head to the side like a confused dog he looked at the man's plate. He hadn't gotten any food yet. And hadn't drank anything that he could remember. "Nah, if it was the food or the drink, I'd already be dead," he said before looking at the door as more came in. So the doctor was there now and the professor, and the little woman he had warned. She obviously didn't listen to him. Shrugging he knelt back down next to Prima Rave. "Don't worry, it ain't nothin' bad, I've had worse," he told her as he pointed to a very faded scar that ran the length of his face on one side. It was hard to see unless it was in the right light or was pointed out. It went right over his eye.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2nd Floor) -> State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"You're welcome," Amaranthine said in a small voice as Dr. Swamp thanked her. It seemed that they were done here and Rhoda was checking to see that they could leave. The man that brought them in was going to take them out. Or at least take them to join the others she hoped. It was a bit of a walk to the State Dining Room from where they were but at least it was only one set of stairs. Gathering her things, Amaranthine stayed close to Dr. Swamp, just in case he needed aide walking. Yes, he was taken care of but that didn't mean he didn't still need help when it came to moving around. It was best to be safe rather than sorry. Plus, herself and Walnut both had much shorter legs than the man leading them.

As they got into the State Dining Room, it seemed that their night hadn't been the only one that had seen some drama. Looking and spotting the Lord of the Manor her eyes widened and she buried her face behind Dr. Swamp for a moment. Another dead? And now there was an order given that no one would leave alive until they knew what happened? Maybe she should have stayed home. Blackmail was better than this and that thought read clearly on her face as she peeked her head back out and looked around. One girl was hurt and one man was dead. What the hell had happened while they were in the Sewing Room? Apparently, safety in number didn't exist here. Her brow rose as her eyes fell on Cobalt. It took her a moment to realize it was him, as his mask was off and it was the first time she had seen him without it. It took his clothing for her to be sure it was him. He spoke to Dr. Swamp and her eyes drifted over to him. Last person he had supposedly tried to help had, as far as she believed, attacked him and tried to kill him. Would this woman do the same?
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