Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss took his seat back as he started to look over at Lady Analia when she spoke to her father and turned to look at him seeing that the Lord of the Manor wasn't looking really well at all until a few seconds later he collapsed onto the table. Which made Captain Moss stand up from his table, he really wasn't expecting to see the man to die. He was starting to get really worried that the food that was on the plate was poisoned by someone. Looking over at Titian when he said that the food probably wasn't poisoned, Moss really wasn't going to take any chances at all. For all he knew the Lord had eaten something before he came into the room that could have been poisoned, or he died of some kind of natural causes.

"I still wouldn't eat any of it though." Captain Moss said softly as he looked over at Lady Analia he did feel bad for the girl seeing as she had just lost her father, seeing her making her way towards the window. He was tempted on going over to try and comfort the woman, but seeing the servants she'd probably want some comfort from people that she had actually knew. Then he turned his head towards the door seeing that Amaranthine, Walnut and Swamp were all back now as well, he didn't feel safe at all in the manor right now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 32 min ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Sewing Room (2F) -> State Dining Room (3F)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 2

Swamp was finally satisfied that his belongings were present and intact just about the moment that their escort arrived to take them to the others. It was a fine waistcoat and concealed blood nicely, as the occasion called for it. He slipped it on and fixed his lapel pin thusly with his new, borrowed shirt. It wasn't too unlike his old shirt, be it not as soft and numerous of thread count, it was strong, thick, and of a color that suited the man. Patting his vest pocket, he produced a pair of rose-tinted glasses. Smallish, round lensed affairs that he immediately rested on the bridge of his nose. "Now that the masks are no longer necessary," he explained. Swamp took up his cane and rested some of his weight upon it, nodding to Amaranthine. He was ready to go, whatever small adventure awaited them next.

Oh, and he didn't have to wait long for that small adventure. Lucky for him, he had a pretty good alibi with a the household staff and a couple of the uninvited-invited guests elsewhere. But sure enough, the Lord of the Manor was dead. He felt that it was quite a shame. Answers might have been had from him, eventually, of one kind or another. "Pity," he said plainly. "This makes the remainder of our visit more complicated." Ever the pragmatist.

The words coming from the man known as Justice Cobalt struck him oddly for a moment. Perhaps it was the sudden loss of his mask that threw off the good Doctor, or perhaps he just needed a moment to allow the corner of his mouth to curl ever-so-slightly as his deductions about the man from earlier were confirmed. Or some of them, anyway. "Thank you, My Lord. I believe that you are correct." Swamp cleared his throat and addressed the family and staff of the fallen Lord Bardolf, "With the permission of those in authority to give it, I would begin an examination." Far be it for him to overstep his boundaries in this place where death is so unilaterally handed out to its inhabitants.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

The Gangs All Together

Well it seemed like everyone that was part of this wonderful party crashing group was finally in the same room together since the first time since they arrived. Granted they were down a few. Two had died already and no one knew what happened to those that hadn't joined the group or the one that had spoken with Quinton earlier. Not to mention we had one shot and one gun blow up, and a self inflicted wound. Oh and now the Lord of the Manor was Dead and Jasper was ordering that no one would leave alive until they found out what the hell was going on. Can I throw a party or what?

Quinton nodded and turned, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Lady Analia stood by the window weeping quietly over the death of her father. The four men, still didn't seem to care and were eating and drinking now that the body was sitting upright and slouched in his chair at the head of the table. Jasper turned his attention back to the Lord of the Manor and looked him over. "What happened My Lord?" he asked but he didn't expect an answer. Shaking his head he reached up and closed the mans cold dead eyes before looking over at Swamp.

"You, are you truly a doctor?" he asked. "Because if so, I need answers," he added curtly.

The door pushed open slowly and a woman peeked her head in. She was short and of average build with an average face. Dark eyes and hair were under a white cap and she had an apron on with a medical bag with her. Stepping in she looked around. "Oh my what on earth has transpired here? I dare say that something bad has happened," she began as she walked in.

"Rebecca, tend to the woman," Jasper ordered.

"Oh yes of course. Right away," she said as she walked towards her. "A knife? In your leg? My dear, what did happened to you? It looks clean. It must not have been used for dinner but here it is a dinner knife, right in your thigh. Oh this is not good but do not worry. I have pulled much odder things from the bodies of people before in my life. I would tell you of some but I wouldn't want you to turn your stomach counts out on my head right now," she rambled as she opened her bag. She just kept walking while she was there, looking at the knife and then grabbing it and ripping it out swiftly as she spoke. "There we go, oh my, so much blood, this really could be a bad thing if I was not here but glad I am. This is an emergency but it's a good thing that I'm a nurse," she kept rambling as she took a rag and put pressure to it. Rave got lucky, it was bad and it came out good. The bleeding started to slow and she slipped an arm under the girls leg and started wrapping the wound as tight as she could.

Rave takes 2 points of damage this round. (Than god for modifiers or she would have taken 5, you know who to blame)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 35 min ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: Constitution
Hit Points: 4

Prima Rave looked at the big Titian man as he was still by her being helpful and reassuring. She had to admit that she might have judged the book by it's cover a little bit too fast. Sure he appeared to be rough around the edges, but he was not... a bad person. He was trying to help her and for that she was really grateful. She smiled at him and nodded. He was kneelign now by her, for some reason, but she didn't mind. She followed his line of sight when he looked for the dishes and spoke out that it probably wasn't the food or drinks. Then what it was? If they didn't poison the food... was he poiosned beforehand? Or would it be a coincidence and he simply died for another reason? She was concerned about this, but they had a doctor... Supposedly. She wasn't sure if the Swamp man was really a doctor, he certainly was playing the part.

Then her attention was brought back to Titian who pointed out something on his face. She looked into what he pointed out and saw a long scar! What a big scar! Her eyes opened wide in surprise as she studied the scar for a moment and nodded subconcsiously." That must have hurt!" She said lowly but with surprise before she calmed down." I'm glad you were fine after it though and that it healed fine." She added, smiling honestly." Now that you pointed it out, it actually adds to your charm." It gave him a really manly and heroic in a way look. She had seen face scars before, but never one such well healed.

Suddenly her eyes darted back to the door when a woman's head appeared there. Turned out this was the help called to treat her. Rave finally relaxed a little now that a healer had arrived to see her wound. Rebecca studied the wound and pointed out the state of the knife, this caused Prima Rave's face to flush up in a little bit of embarrassment." Yeah... I kind of butterfingered the knife into that." She admitted and then it happened. The woman suddenly just grabbed the knife and pulled it out.

Rave somehow managed to hold in the pain as she grit her teeth and all she did was let out a whimper instead of screaming at the sudden display of the healing arts. At first she got startled by the amount of blood that was seeping through the cloth of her clothes, but then it seemed to lessen at least as the woman pressed up a rag against it. Finally the nurse started to wrap the wound good and Rave let out a small sigh of relief at it. At least she didn't bleed out! That was good!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut had half a mind to ask the woman talking about what this was meant to be how she envisioned the end result of this all to be. All of the murder and intrigue that had occurred so far was escalating, with the first death of someone not invited to be a part of this masquerade. All of the other deaths so far had been people invited by the blackmailer presumably to come here to Shadowell Manor. Had the blackmailer killed the Lord? Or was it simply one of their number, irritated by the man? One woman was being particularly loud about this and Walnut could not help but roll her eyes. "Shouting will get you nowhere," she muttered, darting a glance in Rave's direction. She was altogether even more annoyed, noticing that the woman had her almost-minion tending to her slightly. At the very least, all of this seemed to have shut up the Chanteuse - Walnut was grateful to whoever had accomplished that.

A funny thought then struck her - the Lord had thanked the individual, whoever they were, that had killed Kindle with the chair, as he had one less mouth to feed. Would he appreciate his own death then, since it reduced the number of people needing to be fed and housed? The corners of her mouth twitched slightly as she tried not to smile at the slight irony.

Unfortunately, Swamp was not similarly silenced as Amaranthine had been. He offered to do an examination and Walnut found that to be fitting - the man had killed his last patient, at least there was not much harm he could do to a corpse. It wasn't like Swamp could kill the man again. There was then some changes as to who was in the room, with Walnut's new least favorite person, a chatty nurse, adding herself into the mixture. Knowing better than to go up to the corpse right now, Walnut glanced around the room, before approaching the woman she had heard talk before - Blush.

"It appears I missed a great deal... Might you inform me as to what happened?" Walnut asked the woman. "I would owe you a debt."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt's shoulders slumped slightly as he glanced around the room. Several of the other guests had joined him in leaping to their feet, but if he had been expecting a rush of activity, then he would be a little disappointed. The Lord of the Manor was dead, but his servants, or rather former servants, seemed to be simply carrying on with their business. One of the guests seemed suitably shocked, but considering it was the same guest that had managed to stab herself with a dinner knife, Cobalt wasn't sure he should trust her judgement.

Titian seemed to be barely phased by the most recent death of the evening, and the good doctor made sure to take the opportunity to laud his apparent deductions over Cobalt once again, seemingly in no great rush to tend to the Lord. The four musicians from earlier simply continued to eat their dinner, and Cobalt was sure that they would have even been doing that in sync if he could bring himself to watch them. Had the world gone mad?

The door opened again, and Cobalt was already tensed, but once again it wasn't a killer who entered the room. Or if it was, she was very well disguised. The woman's reaction to the sight of her employer's corpse was almost comically understated, and she proceeded to babble away as she tended to the self-injured guest. Cobalt pinched the bridge of his nose lightly, trying to find some sort of sense among the insanity.

His jumping to his feet seemed fairly unnecessary now, but he was on his feet, and he would remain that way for now. The doctor would apparently be having a busy night, if the corpses continued to pile up. Somewhat a waste of his talents if his patients that Cobalt knew of had already been dead by the time of the inspection.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Penance was still quiet, not saying much of anything to anyone, when she noticed the commotion by where Lord Bardolf was, a bit confused as to what seemed to be going on, or what was happening for a moment. Then she heard what was being said, and she felt a bit sorry for the other woman there, Lady Analia as the one man called her. The words that the Lord of the Manor was dead was a bit concerning, and now she was wondering how on earth the man came to die? After all, it likely is not a very common for someone to just drop dead like that or something, and she couldn't help but agree with Moss and Blush. It was better safe then sorry and not touch any food or something if possible.

Now she saw that everyone seemed to be in one place, all of the people labelled as the "uninvited guests" at least. It made for an interesting time to say the least. Thinking about why they were all there again, and for all she knew, it could also involve the Lord of the Manor's death. It wasn't something to happen out of the blue, so there was always that. She noticed the woman she had spoken to before enter the room and ask what happened. However, now that she got a look at her, she noticed that Walnut's hands seemed injured, and she was curious as to what had happened. "Excuse me for the slight interruption, but might I inquire what happened to your hands?" she asked Walnut.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian glanced over as the others game in the room but didn't pay attention to them long, save for Professor Walnut, he gave her a broad grin but then looked away as there were other things happening in the room right then. Granted he wondered if she w as irked he wasn't at her side right then instead but all things had their reasons, even if Titian didn't think them out. It seemed that Jasper didn't care about the girl who had been stabbed, he wanted to know why the Lord of the Manor had died. Titian didn't think too much on it though, they had called for someone and he doubted it was the doctor who had been shot. He had given information to Quinton about what happened.

The nurse came in and she was mouthy. Not in a bad way but in a babbling way. She just kept talking and talking and talking. More than he did normally. But he shrugged and took a step back. Keeping an eye on the situation, watching as she yanked the knife out of Rave's leg. "Oh everyone should scream now and again," Titian said with a bright smile on his face as he looked at Walnut. It seemed that Walnut was being questioned by another and he chuckled a bit. He hadn't seen the second shot but he figured it had something to do with the fact that she had shot the doctor man. He couldn't be sure and once again, he didn't put any thought into it. Looking at Rave he tilted his head to the side. "Maybe we should stick to soup," he laughed pointing at his scar and making a a bit of a joke, a bad one.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

The man was dead and now they were prisoners. Amaranthine did not like this one bit and she wore that worry on her features clear as day. Swallowing the lump in her throat. At least this got her out of performing this evening with the other four that were eating as if nothing had happened. Slowly she looked over towards Dr. Swamp. They wanted him to help, with the Lord's death? Not the girl who had a knife in her leg? Biting her bottom lip slightly before speaking nervously. "Do you need an assistant to help?" she asked quietly. She didn't exactly want to but the man had been shot and had been kind to her during her time there so far. She would help if he needed it, anything to get out of there faster or at least to a point where they had the option to leave once the storm let up.

Poor girl, having that knife in her leg. The nurse came in and removed it, Amaranthine cringed inwardly and sighed. "Is there not something for the pain you could give her?" she asked in a concerned voice. Then attention went to Walnut, both for the one asking her a question and her comment towards Rave. "Do you have no compassion? Or do you just shoot first in all regards?" she asked before shaking her head slightly. She wasn't exactly expecting an answer and if she got one she was sure it wouldn't be kind. Slipping her arm through Dr. Swamps she turned and looked at him. "Let us at least move away from the door so that if others enter you are not knocked about by mistake.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush merely shook her head. How could anyone be this daft? ”I would argue, petal, that we were not the intended targets. If it was poison that just offed our host, then it would make sense that it was only his food or drink that was laced. If he was not poisoned, then it was through some other means. But then that only drives my point forward. This was not an accident. It happened suddenly. This was intended and the sooner those in the room realize this, the better.” She glanced at the weeping girl, aware that she was going through a lot of emotions at the moment. She knew she sounded jaded, but the lord HAD intended to unmask her identity through force. Plus, she had no sympathy for him anyway. After all, she knew why she was here. The same as the others.

The woman who had stabbed herself in the leg (or whatever happened) seemed to be taken care of as she sat back down in her seat, more aware now of the number of people in the room. What sounded like a doctor was here to examine the body and she worried that it would be dreadfully easy to hide any sort of misdeeds if one had access to the corpse. She kept her opinion to herself though. After all, she was the only one she trusted in the room and she would not let what happened to the lord happen to her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss watched as the Nurse of the place came into the building and made her way over towards Rave, hearing the woman rambling on as she spoke, and then a few seconds later proceeded to yank out the knife out of her leg. Moss still wasn't sure how she still got a knife in her own leg which was weird. Captain Moss crossed his arms over his chest and looked over towards Swamp as Jasper asked if he was actually a doctor. He wasn't sure either but he seemed like he was from the time he had been there, as he stood up Moss looked at everyone else within the room.

He listened to Blush as she spoke up, even if Lord Bardolf was the intended target of being poisoned he wasn't going to put it past them that some of these people could have done it. Moss then eyed Lady Analia feeling bad as he looked over at her for a moment, he wasn't sure who Lord Bardolf was as a father but he must have cared for her a lot. Captain Moss then turned his attention over towards Jasper, he wasn't sure what he intended to do with the rest of them and him in the manor since they weren't even the guests here in the first place. "So what do you suggest we all do in the meantime?" Moss asked Jasper.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 32 min ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3F)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

It was an interesting series of differing of psychologies that Swamp witnessed from those around the dining room. Apathy, hysteria, classic narcissism, not to mention a boatload of histrionics, manifest in basic attention-seeking. Or the additional fun of what appeared to be total obliviousness to that which was going on around them. It might actually be an impossibility to get this gaggle of misfits to agree upon a course of action in common, even something as basic to survival as exiting a burning building. Well, at least Swamp could attempt something useful to the situation, though it got him shot the last time.

The first person to address him directly on the matter received his attention. It was Jasper. "Indeed, sir. Whatever charming aliases were applied to all of us, the person who sent the invitation did at least get my title correct." He did not quite wish to impart more personal information than he absolutely had to, owing to the observed nature of most of those around him.

The Chanteuse had a bit to say, first to the nurse attending the lady who had an incident with the flatware and then to the woman who has recently shot him, Walnut. He didn't add anything to the conversation as it sat, perfectly content to deal with the puzzle he had at hand. When she took his arm and spoke to him, however, he cold not help but respond to her polite offer of help. "I may actually require assistance, as you mention it, Amaranthine. Thank you." If nothing else, an extra set of eyes while he worked would be extremely useful. Swamp had to admit that she did have a talented touch with a needle applied to skin. It was something particularly useful in his work. The last person who volunteered to assist him didn't work out very well. Swamp was confident that this time would be different. "Yes, let us get out of others' way and attend to the fallen Lord Bardolf."

Approaching the man, Swamp did not see the telltale signs of anything obvious. He pulled out a notepad and began to jot down some observations. "Jasper, yes?" he inquired, more to establish who he was speaking to and not to confirm his name. "I should require something more than a cursory glance to fit this puzzle together. Is there a more suitable place where one may operate?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

It's About To Get Interesting

Jasper looked at Blush and shook his head. "I hate to admit it but I believe he is right. Food and drink are all tested before serving for poison, by myself personally," he said. So that was why he wanted someone else to figure this out. He had self eaten or drank anything the Lord of the Manor had before consuming it to be safe. Looking over towards Dr. Swamp, Jasper lifted a brow. To operate? The man was dead, what would he be operating on? Then it occurred to him that perhaps he meant using an operating table. "Yes, we have a space for you and your assistant," he said as his eyes went over towards Amaranthine.

Turning his attention to Moss he looked around. "Not to do anything that could make yourself a target. The staff is very protective of this family," he added. It was a blunt warning.

Rebecca stepped back and stood up, wiping the blood from her hands on her apron. "That should be good enough for now. I would suggest being careful when walking for now, at least until it has had a chance to scab. And perhaps the man is correct, soup does seem to be the better option for you if such a thing occurred just while sitting here at the table. I must say, you do have some horrible luck to be skewered like that but no worries, a day or two and you should be right as rain, or as snow all things considered with the weather. My did that storm set in quickly. We already have much piling up on the grounds. To my shins I would think. Another hour and any travel would be impossible. To be stuck in this, death by frost is never pleasant, " she rambled on and Jasper rubbed his temples as she did.

The Lady in the room still stood there just looking out the window, trying to brush away the tears with the back of her hand. Whatever anyone thought of her father it mattered not, he was her father. She didn't look in the direction of the group until she heard the door open and Quinton came back into the room. This time accompanied by the guards that had been at the front gate when these unexpected guests arrived. Among them was a new face. An older woman who looked to be in her late forties or early fifties. She was dressed in finery and much lighter colors than others in the house. Light rose colors and creams. "Lady Oriold," Jasper said tilting his head in respect. She was quiet and said not a word as she walked. Past the guards and the visitors, over to the Lord of the Manor and sighed as she reached out and touched his quickly cold hand before pulling it back.

"Quinton, take the Doctor and the woman with him to the Laboratory along with our lord," he said quickly before stopping and looking at Lady Oriold and giving her a sympathetic look. "That is, if that is alright with you My Lady," he added. She stood there looking at the man before turning her attention to Jasper with a solemn look on her face.

"Yes, of course," she said in a quiet and nearly elusive voice.

"And the rest My Lady?" Jasper asked. Wondering and awaiting orders. Looking around the room she rested her hands before her.

"I will have to speak with the Dowager. This is her domain now," Lady Oriold said as the young pale woman walked over and she wrapped a supportive arm around the girl.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 35 min ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Well, things could have went better in so many ways. Sadly at this moment, she counted briefly all the things that were bad as she was clearing up her head after the removal of sharp pointy metal object from her leg. She was stuck in this manor where people didn't really want her, with other people in the similar situation who were probalby even more dangerous if the night so far was to be clear about things. Now there was a dead lord and they were all the suspects. Yeah this could have been better. Hopefully these people wouldn't tear each other apart as time passed. For one example, she was certainly going to be wary of Blush, after the event in the music room.

She nodded at Amaranthine with thankful expression when she heard the woman display some concern about her pains." I think it should be fine for now. It should fade somewhat... at least when I'm not moving the leg much. The concern is very appreciated!"

"Thank... you." Rave finally said to Rebecca when she had finished dealing with the wound." It could have been bad if it wasn't for you." She smiled and looked also at Titian. She had a little bit of happy expression on her face following that joke. She nodded at him." Yeah, I think soup would be preferrable. Least I get a habbit of dropping the knives." She got in the joke at herself. It wasn't malicious after all! At least she didn't feel it so.

The someone else showed up. A lady of the manor. They called her Lady Oriold. She suspected this might have been the wife of the Lord and now her concerns about their wellbeing were set ablaze again when someone else was mentioned - A dowager. So the mother of the Lord? Suddenly Rave clenched a fist as was wondering what were the chances of them being tortured to death to quickly found out who was responsible. The Lord was willing to accomodate them for the moment, but with him dead, that didn't mean it would be the case for the others in the Manor. Especially if hey were angry and wanted to quickly find the responsible. if the Dowager as a mother was furious... Rave shuddered just at the thought. She was going to cooperate no matter what they needed! She just hoped she doesn't end up in some stone dungeon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt half-glanced over towards the short figure of the woman that had intrigued him earlier. He'd wanted to talk to her then, but the imposing figure that had been watching over her had ended that idea then. Maybe in the shock and confusion following the Lord's death wasn't the ideal setting either. Before Cobalt could make a decision, it was made for him, another guest moving over to talk to the woman. Another time then perhaps, Cobalt did still want to learn more about the guest that had apparently shot Swamp. He was sure they would get along swimmingly...

He glanced around the room and noticed that he had been somewhat stranded in the middle. The good doctor had taken to the task of inspecting the Lord's body with ease, the Chanteuse hovering around him like a concerned mother hen. Titian seemed to be amusing himself with the woman that had managed to wound herself with a dinner knife, apparently keen to draw attention to the scar that Cobalt had noticed earlier. If it was an attempt to flirt by the big man, it was a strange one, and judging by the response from the woman, a misguided one. Beyond those two groups, the other guests included Walnut and her new companion who appeared to be in conversation, the reluctantly unmasked woman, who seemed content with issuing vague and foreboding warnings, and the handsome man, who seemed at a loss at what to do. Cobalt frowned slightly. That made two of them.

He needed something to do, if only to keep his mind sharp. One glance at the four musicians put him off that idea, he wasn't at such a loss that he wanted to tolerate the surrealism of four men speaking as one. Not yet anyway. The servants hardly seemed in the mood for conversation, and as he glanced across at Analia, he saw that she wasn't either. Besides, his time with the young lady had been fleeting, and it was far from his place to assume any kinship existed between the two. Even if he had wanted to attempt to talk to the girl, again, a decision was made for him.

The guards that had been summoned arrived into the room finally, led by an older woman. Lady Oriold if Jasper's greeting was anything to go by, although the name meant nothing to Cobalt. She seemed only half-there, letting Jasper issue orders, her own voice quiet. She moved to offer some comfort to Analia, and her words suggested that the power in the house had already shifted. Whoever this dowager was, they were all at her mercy now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian stood there and grinned at Rave. "Soup for us it is then," he said with a wink. It wasn't so much that he was flirting. Okay, maybe he was. But it wasn't a strong flirt. It was his general flirt. General personality. The man seemed to be willing to smile or wink or give a grin to anyone. Hell if he was drunk enough and there was a pretty enough potted plant with flowers on it he would probably try to talk it up. The man just didn't seem to have a clue that one could actually not smile or grin in a situation. He might have been tall and strong but with the amount of grins he gave one might conclude that his strongest muscles were actually in his cheeks at this rate, and we're not talking about the back side cheeks either. Which, if he was or even was not asked his opinion of, were magnificent.

Looking around, he took note of the new woman in the room and the guards, and the fact that Swamp needed shit, and that Amaranthine was going to help him. How? Hold his cane? Shaking his head he just stood there as he crossed his arms over his chest. Ever grinning. He wasn't causing problems, other than being obnoxious from time to time. The man was either daft or really good at hiding intelligence. Chances were he was daft. No one that walked around that happy all the time got out of infancy without being dropped on their head at least a few times. Maybe that was where that scar came from.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Glancing towards Dr. Swamp, Amaranthine nodded slowly and kept close to him. If he needed help she would attend to him. Only one other in the group that had been on the train when she arrived seemed to be half way decent, beyond the doctor, and he wasn't doing anything right then of note. Others, she wasn't sure of but then again she wasn't sure of any of them. She just hoped she wasn't setting herself up for the same fate as others had already succumbed to at this point in the evening. She really should have just stayed home tonight. Maybe they all should have. Stepping over with the doctor she kept her distance. She didn't exactly like being around corpses but she had said she would help. Sadly it didn't seem that the doctor could tell what happened right then and needed to operate? She had no idea why but she stood there.

Slowly turning her head as others came in. She recognized the guards from when she arrived but not the woman. Yet from how she was addressed and her age, she could only figure this was Lord Bardolf's wife. But it seemed she wasn't in charge but that didn't surprise her. Men tended to run things in this world, at least on most instances but it wasn't always true. Hearing the word Dowager let her know an older woman was in charge. Perhaps Bardolf's mother? If it was the wife's mother, then she wouldn't be considered. In lines of high families, it would go to the next blood. So had to be his mother. Otherwise it would go to a child of his. Her eyes darted to the white woman. She didn't seem strong enough to order a butler around much less take command of an entire house such as this. Amaranthine was really wishing she had stayed home.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Rather than being informed on the events she had missed from the woman who referred to practically everyone as petal, she instead had Sister Penance asking her as to what had happened to her hands. Walnut sighed inwardly. She knew that people were going to ask about this and she straight up ignored Amaranthine's barbed comments directed her way. "I was assisting Dr. Swamp with tending to the wounded man - Plum. Swamp attempted to kill Plum, I must confess I do not know why, so I used my pistol in an attempt to save Plum from the man. My first shot was unsuccessful and on the second, the pistol backfired and injured me," she said succinctly. She really hoped no one else would ask but she imagined that she would have to repeat that tale a few times before the night is over.

Her eyes went over towards the Lady of the House as she entered the room, though Walnut's initial labeling of her was incorrect. This wasn't her domain. At the mention of the Dowager, she began to anticipate an even older woman to come and take charge. She had to wonder how much the Lord had informed the rest of his family about all that was going on. Some men did not share information they did not deem strictly relevant to share with the others. Perhaps though these women knew more than he did. Walnut felt a slight pang of sympathy for the young woman weeping - it was a cruel world and some were not fit for it or prepared for the cruelty when it struck.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: State Dining Room
Skills: WIS
Hit Points: 4

Blush looked around the room to the people gathered. These individuals she was now stuck with. Any of them could be dangerous. Herself included, but she wasn’t the one who killed the Lord. Granted, he was an arse, and she wasn’t about to weep over his death, but if someone there felt the need to kick him off, what’s to say they don’t take kindly to the others being there and witnessing it? She would have to keep on her toes.

She noted that one woman seemed to draw bad luck. She thought she heard a name, Walnut or something? Either way, the woman was nearby almost every violent event. The chair, the violence downstairs. Plus, Titian seemed to avoid her like the plague now. Either the man went through women easily (which she wouldn’t put it past him) or he was scared. Now she was highlighting Swamps own violent advances. The woman could just have bad luck though. Either way, Blush would keep an eye on her.

And she was not content to let the doctor examine the body alone. No that would not do. ”I do feel it is in our best interest that if the doctor is to examine the body that he be monitored by someone. It would be easy to hide any evidence of wrongdoing if you knew what to look for. Take that how you will, but I am not convinced this was a mere accident. And if what the woman said is true, then he is dangerous. Precautions should be taken.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

She heard the words that were spoken around her regarding what potentially happened to the Lord of the Manor. Truthfully, Penance did not care about whether or not the man was living or dead, however the repercussions that were sure to follow is what did somewhat give her pause. With him dead, they were essentially trapped at the manor even longer, considering the fact that all of those present were considered a suspect in his death. For all they knew though, it could have been entirely due to him having health problems or something like that. She didn't really know what it could be that killed him, and she was somewhat curious to find out.

Turning once more to look completely at Walnut, she heard what she said about what had happened to her hands. "That certainly sounds dreadful, are you alright? If he was trying to kill another person, he could have just as easily turned on you. You are lucky to make it out with just an injury to your hands," Penance said, a bit sympathetic towards the woman. Could they really trust the man, especially since it sounded like he was going to be the one doing a medical exam of the dead Lord Bardolf. "I agree with her," she then said, nodding her head towards Blush, "He shouldn't be left alone, even with the woman who seems to have been wandering around with him for some time. Despite the fact that he was not in the room, he is just as much a suspect as those of us who were here considering that none of us were truly near him and what killed him could have been set in motion a while ago."
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