Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked over towards Jasper for a moment, saying to not do anything stupid that would make him a target he of course wouldn't do anything like that at all. He would just keep his distance from some of these people, looking over at Rave who appeared to be more of a klutz more than anything as well as Sister Penance. "Don't do anything stupid, got it." Captain Moss said towards Jasper as he looked over at the young girl looking out the window for a moment, and then he stopped and turned his head to look over at the door seeing a new woman coming in. She looked like she was in her forties or fifties he wasn't really sure as Moss looked at her as she made her way towards the girl and Jasper spoke to her.

He then looked over at Dr. Swamp asking for a room to operate on as he looked at the body of the lord of the manor, he wasn't sure what it would actually reveal. Moss then looked at Walnut as she spoke up about the situation on what had happened to Plum, and then over at Swamp, he wasn't sure what to think of the others within the room at the moment. "I'm not sure what had gone on down there, so it's your choice to have a guard on him." Captain Moss said.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

This Is Not Your Home

It seemed that there was a lot of talk, from people that honestly had no right to an opinion in the house, of what should and should not be done. Lady Oriold listened as she held her daughter fast against her before letting her go. Lacing her fingers together she stepped forward slowly. Her chin firm as she moved away from the pale girl, whom was looking at her mother wondering what she was about to do. The Lady Oriold was not a harsh speaking woman, nor was she brash like some others. She simply cleared her throat to get the attention of the room.

"I do realize that this evening has been a trying experience for everyone here though I must request that you keep you opinions of how this house should be run to yourself. Please understand it is not your place. This is not your home but ours. As I have been informed not only were you not invited by my husband to the gala that was supposed to occur this evening but some of you have been most brash. You have no authority here and are here at our leave. My husband did extend that to you but that does not mean that the Dowager will honor it, especially if she is made to feel disrespected in her home. I am afraid that if you should continue to act as if you are entitled to anything and continue to display anything but thankfulness for our hospitality I will have to suggest that you be put out in the storm. Which would be the lesser of two evils considering the alternate, which would be the dungeon." Lady Oriold's voice was calm and oddly kind when she spoke. She was not meaning this as a threat but as a warning to them that their habits, at least vocally, needed to be changed and quick. Her husband had given a similar speech but in a much different tone. It seemed they did not heed it.

Sighing, she continued. "Until you arrived our home was peaceful, your arrival has turned things upside-down. Deaths and injuries. And we are receiving mixed information from the lot of you. One pointing one death at one, one pointing another death to another, none of this information lining up with the facts or the," she said, pausing a moment before continuing, "shown personalities of some of you. All of you will remain under guard or locked away until I hear further from the Dowager and all members of my household can converse to try to decipher which of you is truthful and which of you is lying." That was that, Lady Oriold had spoken.

"Rebecca return to your duties until further notice. Jasper if you will," she said before ushering her daughter out of the room, Rebecca following close behind.

Jasper looked around the room. "Do any of you have any sense?" he asked but he was not expecting an answer. "Quinton, escort the doctor and the woman to the laboratory with our Lord," he said before looking back at the others. "The rest of you will be escorted to Confinement for now," he said.

And so it was. Amaranthine, Dr. Swamp, and Lord Bardolf's body were taken to the Laboratory with Quinton there with them. It was a large room, fitting for a doctor, or something far worse. Operating table and instruments and other needed items there. The Lord's body was placed on the operating table and Quinton stepped back out of the way. The others were lead to a room known as Confinement. An Attic room with only a single single bed that looked that it had seen far better days and probably shouldn't be sat on in there, it was the only piece of furniture. The walls were bare and looked to never have been tended to. The only positive thing that could be said about either room really was the fact they were at least warm enough not to freeze to death. Heat from the rest of the house rising to the Attic space.

"I do hope you manners are better when I return," Jasper said before locking the rest of them away in the large room. Thing was now, what do they do? Two in one room with a dead man, the rest in another alone with nothing but themselves and their wits? The four music men were not taken away and were still eating when they all were lead away. This probably wasn't the best of places to be but they weren't out in the storm. That was good, right?

*Attic Map is now located in the Zeroth Post
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3F) -> Attic (Laboratory)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 2

The absolute and self-righteous delusions of importance of the masses of mewling and squirming "guests", verbally assassinating his character before having so much as three words with him. Most of them not even one. It would have been a pitiable thing, really, except that cast blame in a confined space often led to real danger. People trapped together might not elect a leader from among themselves, but throw any sort of stress into the mix and they would work hard to find someone to hate. Otherwise, the Doctor would have been much happier walking away from this whole, disgusting affair, blackmail or no. There might have been other opportunities. Walnut's story certainly seemed to agitate matters, despite the report of witnesses. Well, speak a story enough times and someone was sure to be influenced by it, regardless of external contradiction.

Swamp was eager to have this chapter of his life over and done with so that he could return to his work, far, far away from these people. His presentmost regret, however, was that he did not have the time to tell these people what he thought of their self-serving and poisonous vitriol, aimed at the one person who was actually trying to do something about their shared situation - that would be the good Doctor - before the task was taken care of for him by the Lady Oriold.

Rock the boat he would not. Not right now, of course. There was a mystery that he was uniquely qualified to investigate. His personal feelings would have to be set aside, and besides that it would feel centering to get back to his chosen occupation. Once they reached the Laboratory, Swamp allowed himself a moment to take everything in. This was more than he required for a simple postmortem examination. Much more. Whatever went on in this room, specifically, he could not help but wonder. "Thank you, Quinton. I shall do my best for your Lord. First, we must familiarize ourselves with the work area." He looked to Amaranthine, "Madame, you look cold. Perhaps we might find a lab coat or something suitable, if you would prefer it?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor) -> Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt could see the logic in the words of the other guests. Why leave the good doctor alone in his examination, and give him the opportunity to destroy or alter any proof. He would be accompanied by Amaranthine, but the dynamic between the two had changed somewhat since Cobalt had seen them in the Gaming Room, what seemed like an age ago. Then, the doctor had been following after the woman like a puppy, at least to Cobalt's eyes, but now it seemed as if it was Amaranthine that was doing the following. If she was willing to aid the injured man, the injured murderer if what some of the other guests were claiming was true, then she could be more than willing to help him in other ways.

The difference then, is that Cobalt chose not to voice these opinions. A decision that apparently put him almost in the minority of the unusual dinner guests. Three of the guests voiced their opinions on how things should be handled, but Cobalt held his tongue. Questioning the moral character of the good doctor was hardly something he drew issue with, in fact it was a past-time he had indulged in himself, but to almost outright accuse the man of killing the Lord? That seemed a step too far. As far as Cobalt knew, the doctor had never met the Lord in life, and almost all of Swamp's time since he had arrived at the house could be accounted for. He had spent time in Cobalt's company for a start, then during his fateful examination of the poetry-prone guest, and after that he had been whisked away for his wounds to be tended to. When could he have found time to commit murder? Cobalt checked himself. Commit a second murder.

Accusations aside, the Lord had clearly been irked by those thinking they had the right to an opinion, and if the remaining family shared his pride, then Cobalt didn't want to risk stoking any ire. For all he knew, the late Lord of the Manor could have been a pussycat compared to his mother.

Cobalt's concerns proved to be correct, Lady Oriold's soft speech not entirely covering the edge of her words. Cobalt tried to catch Analia's eye as she was ushered out of the room, trying to express sorrow for the death of her father, but if she saw his efforts, he couldn't tell, and he didn't even know if he would ever see the girl again. They were clearly more prisoners than guests, a point driven home as they were led to a room that Lady Oriold had ominously called "Confinement".

In truth, the room was far from the nightmare that Cobalt's imagination had conjured up. It was warm enough, and although it was bare, it wasn't uncomfortable. The only thing that did cause Cobalt to feel a little uneasy was the sound of the room's door being locked behind Jasper. He still couldn't rule out the fact that one of the guests that he was now locked in with was a killer, or even his blackmailer. And even if they were relatively innocent, he could hardly call any of those present friends, and this was a dangerous place to have enemies. In a room without windows, and with locked doors, things could turn ugly quickly. Almost instinctively, Cobalt moved a few paces away from the rest of the group, keeping the wall behind him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor) -> Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

This was a complete madness. Things were shifting and happening so fast! One moment things looked on the ups and then it all went down the drain. Now without much choice in the matter they were all led and put in a confinement. A confinement could be many things, it could be a cage, it could be a basement or a stone cold box. As it happens in this specific case the confinement happened to be the attic. Well of all possible things to be, this was on the nicer ones.

Rave hobbled her way deeper into the room, struggling as there was a stab wound in her leg. The door was locked behind them and Jasper stated he wanted better manners. Admittedly Rave thought she kept decent manners, but maybe they didn't see it as such. Or she just got wrapped in with the others, she couldn't say and didn't want to say. There was no point in well pointing fingers in this situation." This... is not bad." She said aloud as she moved to the west wall or at least she thought it was the west wall and leaned on it before slowly slid down to sit on the ground, as to have her legs rest, especially the injured one." The could have tossed us in a cold basement... or outside." She pointed out the greatest plus of the whole situation!

They were dry and well at least not freezing cold. She looked at the others and then relaxed as she leaned her head back on the wall too, looking up at the darkness of the roof above." Ohh... get down already...." She said as she looked at hte ferret that was still on her shoulder and patted her lap. The animal looked at her and then hopped on hte floor instead and looked about. After presumably confirming whatever it's little ferret mind wanted, it hopped into her lap and curled up, but it kept it's eyes open and attentive. Rave simply looked at it, tired. She should have left it back home.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room -> Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut was tempted to remind her of her name when Blush made reference to the woman, but she did not want to draw more attention to herself. She suspected that Amaranthine would do her best to turn opinion against her, due to her gross devotion to a man she had just met. It was almost annoying - Swamp's accomplice was willing to stay by his side with any act, but Titian ran away scared in a mere matter of self defense. Of course, it wasn't that she wished Amaranthine would dote on her. She knew the woman's real name and based on Amaranthine's sense of judgment, she was a fool. As Penance asked her if she was alright, Walnut gave the woman a slight smile. "I will survive, thank you. One of the members of the household staff aided in bandaging my hands - though I fear the potential damage to my reputation by Amaranthine and Swamp may have a longer lasting mark..."

As the lady of the household spoke, Walnut paid attention but felt no pangs of guilt. She hadn't been making suggestions on how to deal with the Lord's body, merely answering Penance's question about her hands. She did have to wonder what qualified as brash in the Lord's words, given that he had thanked one of them for killing Kindle earlier. Decorum was an oddly defined thing at times. The mention of the dungeon did intrigue her. Why hadn't the lord opted to send Walnut and/or Swamp there earlier? Why did he have them brought to sup with the others, right before his untimely death? The lady's then implication that their arrival was responsible for the discord in the household annoyed Walnut slightly. No family had a picture perfect home. No peace was created without some sort of strife.

It wasn't long before they were whisked away, with Amaranthine and Swamp (Walnut was beginning to wonder if time would be spent by coming up with a combined term to refer to the two, as they seemed to be operating as a single organism now) being placed separate from the rest. She glanced around the room they were in, noting the single bed that to her seemed to belong in a rubbish heap. "Perhaps we ought to organize," she suggested quietly. "Though the household will decide what to do with us... Maybe if we combine what we have learned here, we can discover why we were brought to this place by the blackmailer."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor) -> Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian chuckled a bit. "Oh why does anything happen? Like, why would a chair just fly into the air?" Titian said with a smirk on his lips and a sparkle in his eyes. The Lady seemed to have a few words to say on the matter as everyone was voicing their opinion and Titian just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, watching one small woman in particular. As they were lead up to Confinement he looked around but he didn't look worried, just grinning to himself, something going on inside that head of his but lord only knew what it was, hell Titian himself might not even know what was going on through his mind. It was probably a lot of things, or one thing in particular, probably something he shouldn't have been thinking about right then.

Looking around the Confinement room when they got there he smirked and nodded towards Rave. Yeah, it could have been a lot worse. The room at least was decently warm and dry enough. He had spent nights in far worse and much lower. This obviously wasn't a dungeon and it wasn't outside in the storm. Leaning back against a wall he kept his arms crossed over his chest. "Listen, I ain't bright but I do know two damn things. One. Y'all are idiots if you think Swamp had anything to do with the Lord murder. He wasn't around the man, hell he was with her part of the time," he said motioning to Walnut. "Hell for all we know his ticker gave out." There was a slight pause as a smile grew on his features. "And two, us workin' together? Shit, there's at least one murder in this room I bet and people just be pitting each other against the other. Even I ain't dumb enough to trust the lot of ya. Last time I trusted someone, they just shot themselves in the foot."" He couldn't help but laugh at that last bit.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor) -> Laboratory (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine turned her head and there was an obvious look of disbelief on it. Sure she didn't know Swamp and had her reservations about him but what some of them were saying just didn't add up in her mind. "How? He was with me or you," she said towards Walnut, "the entire evening. And him," she said gesturing towards Cobalt. "I find it hard to believe that a man that needs a cane to walk and has now been shot would be agile enough to have been in two places at once," she said before shaking her head.

As the lady spoke, Amaranthine buttoned her lip. Lowering her head. She wasn't going to say anymore right then. The woman was right, this wasn't there home. They were uninvited guests. Sometimes, no matter who you were elsewhere, you shut up and did as you were told. Especially if you were in someone elses home. Sighing she walked with Swamp and Quinton up to the Laboratory. Looking around she bit her bottom lip nervously and set her things down. She wasn't exactly sure what she could do to help but part of her felt like she needed to stay close to Swamp. He seemed to be a target for a lot of unjust accusations. It made her wonder, just why people were quick to point a finger at him. From what she had heard people and staff say, the man Plum had already killed one person. If Swamp had known that, he was simply exacting justice. Not in the way she would have preferred, she couldn't have brought herself to kill another. What was Walnut up to?

Turning her attention to Swamp as he spoke to her she nodded and glanced around. Walking over to a Wardrobe on the wall and opening it. There were a few long coats in there. Pulling one out she slipped it on and then took another into her possession. Stepping over to Swamp she held it out for him. "Should you need one as well," she said offering it to him. She didn't know if he was cold but he had been shot and lost blood, there was a chill in the room. Granted it didn't cross her mind they might need these to keep blood off their clothing. She had never dealt with an operation?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Charisma
Hit Points: 6

It was an unusual crowd that found itself locked in together, but then nearly everything about the night so far had been unusual. Death and intrigue had walked hand in hand through the house, uninvited and unwelcome guests, but then they all were. Two amongst their number had already met their ends. Cobalt stopped himself. Three. Mauve was gone, whether she was dead already, or quickly on her way there, Cobalt already knew that he would not be seeing the woman again, at least not in this lifetime. There were a dozen of them left now, but who knows how many would live to see the morning.

Cobalt came back to the present in time to see that the imprisonment had hardly drawn the group any closer. The woman that had managed to injure herself at dinner had slid down to sit against the wall, still accompanied by her unusual choice of pet. But it was two of the other guests that seized Cobalt's attention. The woman that had attracted his attention earlier, not just because of her attack on the good doctor, now seemed intent on uniting the group in order to root out the enemy within. It answered one question at least, Cobalt wasn't alone in being drawn to this house by a blackmailer. He had suspected some thread must unite them all, but now that he knew it was crime, Cobalt's imagination was whirring with ideas of what those around him could be guilty of.

Titian was back to his characteristically brash self, and even though Cobalt had seen the two together earlier, there was clearly no love lost between the two now. But in his uncouth manner, he voiced the thoughts that Cobalt had already had himself. Although he didn't like the man, Cobalt could hardly accuse Swamp of killing the Lord of the Manor. If Cobalt knew anything about group dynamics, then things in confined space could get heated quickly. Chances are, people who be drawn towards either one of the two figures, who could hardly be more different in appearance. Some would look for self-preservation in companionship, seeking the safety in numbers, while others would side with isolationism, keeping everyone else at arms length. The two groups could well, unsurprisingly, find themselves quickly at odds with one another. Maybe it was time Cobalt tried to put some of his charm to good use. Putting on his most winning smile, Cobalt glanced across the group, making eye contact with anyone who would let him.

"There's no need for us to become fast friends, hell, I still don't know what to call some of you, and I'm fine keeping it that way, but if we isolate ourselves, then whoever it behind all of this can just pick us off one by one. I say we try and work together so that we can get out of this place alive, after that, we need never see each other again. Someone wanted us all to be here, and from what I've seen so far, it wasn't for a good time, at least not for us. Keep each other at arms length yes, but I agree with the lady when she says that we should combine what we've learnt of this house's secrets."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor) -> Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Penance just rolled her eyes somewhat as she was lead to the attic area along with just about everyone else. Any sense? Was this man not an idiot of sorts? It would seem so, since to her it made absolutely no sense whatsoever to just lock them up when a few of them suggested that the other man couldn't be trusted. Just because he hadn't been in the room did not mean that he couldn't have had a hand in the murder of Lord Bardolf, after all, none of them had really been right next to the man at all when he died. So why was it so far fetched of an idea to say simply that someone else should go along aside from the woman who had been with Swamp for most of the evening so far? It made no sense to her, but it didn't matter. Being locked in the attic was not going to be any fun at all, that much she could tell.

With that, she listened to the others and rolled her eyes at Titian, he certainly was a bit annoying wasn't he? "Might I be so bold to point out that not really any of us were next to the man when he died. So Swamp not being near him does not immediately make him an innocent man. You are right, could be just that he died of old age or something for all we know, however Swamp is as likely to be the murderer as the rest of us are."

She nodded her head slightly at Cobalt, agreeing with him that they should share whatever information that they had. However, she didn't really want to be the first one to share anything, and to her being stuck in a room was a bit boring. Penance partially wanted something interesting to happen, so she thought, why not try and stab someone? She went to pull out her knife, but it would seem that she was a bit of a butterfingers and it dropped to the ground. That certainly wasn't a good thing, not to mention she'd need to try to find some way to hide what it was that she was trying to do. However she wasn't too sure what to really say to get out of it, so she didn't say anything at all, deciding it was likely best to stay quiet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: State Dining Room
Skills: WIS
Hit Points: 4

Blush was almost flabbergasted at the sheer amount of idiocy around her. She could not blame the family, of course, but to insinuate that she had any other indication of control other than trying to prevent further harm from occurring to them (mainly herself) was insulting. She kept quiet though, sure that if she spoke up and questioned she would be further punished. She would have to wait.

Being confined with these imbeciles was less than ideal, but it was better than being thrown to the wolves, as it were. Before she could take in her surroundings, a few others spoke. A man she had not interacted with before, but his words rang true for her. Working together, even for a minute, would aid them all if they were to get out of here alive.

”I agree with his sentiments. As many of you might not now save for one or two, I was allowed upstairs unaccompanied and managed to explore a bit. I fear I have found some information out that highlights his points. I am surprised no one else brought up the invitation, as I am sure we all have one. I further found evidence that puts the good Doctor in a negative light. I could not take it with me, unfortunately, nor would I have for fear of my own safety, but there was a reason I was so adamant the doctor not be alone with the body. He, out of all of us, holds the most potential for this heinous crime. I could not say such otherwise I fear the doctor might have taken action, but he is not to be trusted and I now fear for the woman who is now with him.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Alone - For Now

Quinton nodded as he leaned back against the wall. He wasn't one for idle conversation and just stood his post for now. Keeping an eye on things as it were and making sure that Dr. Swamp or Chanteuse Amaranthine didn't try to make a break for it or go somewhere they shouldn't be. Anyways he had something on his mind. Two things actually. One was what Mr. Titan, the loud mouth, had whispered to him back on the first floor after the shot had been fired. The so called information he had given him made him question several things. Especially the way he worded it. Maybe the man was just dumb or maybe he was playing him. Or maybe, just maybe, he had been telling the truth. It was something to think on that was for sure.

The second thing was, he was missing two items on her person and he hadn't yet informed anyone as of yet that he had. Where they could have gone and who could have taken them was a mystery, just as much as what had happened to the Lord of the Manor. Granted a key and a knife was not exactly something to really worry about. Whoever took them still had to be inside the Manor, the storm was too much. And it wouldn't be wise to bring it up just yet, not at least until they knew what happened to Lord Bardolf. Granted, seeing as Dr. Swamp was the only person who could really do anything to try to tell how the man died, it didn't matter what he said, they would have to go with it. Even if he hid something, there was no one it seemed that could attest to otherwise. Well maybe one but she did talk too much.

Over in confinement, well there is really nothing to tell you other than what the rafters look like but hey, they look the same as when you entered. That's good right? Oh wait, there are a few things. One, those in there that haven't rolled yet for Cobalts last post still need to. Interesting to see how this is playing out. Another is, Walnut is feeling an odd sense of wanting to be back around Amaranthine. And is very pulled towards Rave at this time. Oh my, just what is going on?

*This update will come less and less as things do or do not happen. Some rounds it will not be needed. Some rounds it will be. Do not count on this update section as a marker of when to post.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Attic (Laboratory)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 2

"Ah... Indeed," agreed the Doctor, taking the coat from Amaranthine with a more relaxed, confident expression. Swamp rested his cane against a table for a moment, just long enough to sweep the coat around his shoulders and allow it to settle along his slender frame. Something about his demeanor changed in the moment it took to don the coat; he seemed a little more animated, more boyish somehow. It was interrupted for a second as the pull of his skin reminded him of the stitching in his side (and why it was necessary in the first place), though the moment quickly returned to his face. "Thank you so much, dear Chanteuse. And please forgive me any lapse of professional demeanor. For the first time since setting foot upon these grounds, I feel useful to our situation. This is my wheelhouse, madame. I've a feeling we will take important steps toward solving our quagmire in this very room."

It wasn't exactly the cut of a labcoat that he preferred, but it was functional to his needs and fit him, plus gave an extra layer in combating the relative chill of the room. Next, he set himself to locating other protective garb before seeing to the body of the Lord, seeing as he could not rule out anything that caused his death as of yet. The thought graced his brain that, given the circumstances, the mask he wore into the Manor might actually be an appropriate selection. No, he shook that off for the time being. Fortune favored simplicity in occasions like this. No sense muddying the waters with unneeded sentimentality.

A set of gloves and a pair of sturdy goggles was required, certainly; the safety of one's hands and eyes were of paramount importance for a physician. "Now, if you would please, Chanteuse? I shall require the use of surgical tools: scalpel, bone chisels, mallet, tubal drains, probes, surgical rakes and the like... yes... And a case, satchel, or folding tray with which they may be staged. I did not think my talents in this area would be required for this visit, else I would have brought my own. I see the error in hindsight. A quick look around the room, madame, to see what may be of use? I shall begin the preliminary examination just as soon as we are equipped with contingency in mind. I despise being unprepared." He began a cursory search, leaning against the occasional surface for support as he mentally readied for what was to follow.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor) -> The attic (containment)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked towards the Lady of the Manor now, as she started to speak, he felt like hadn't done or said anything to anger any of the residence of the manor. As he and the others were all led out of the room and headed over into the attic of the mansion, as Moss looked around the room he just noticed that there was the single bed there. He sighed as he made his way to the closest wall and went to sit down resting his back up against the wall. He started to look around at those in the room with him except for just Swamp and Amaranthine as they were tending to the body of Lord Bardolf.

His attention turned over towards Walnut as she started to speak up, and nodded slightly though he did not trust anyone of these people in the room right but they could work together at some point. As he ran a hand through his hair and sighed listening to Colbalt as well as he said to try and work together. Which he did agree with as well and he was compelling enough, but part of him didn't really agree either as he looked at everyone. "I don't really have much to offer, I didn't notice anything while I was walking around." Moss said looking over towards Blush who seemed to have found some information.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Rave gently patted her pet ferret as they were all now getting comfortable around the confinement room. Well at least as comfortable as they could all be given the acommodations. Which wasn't all too bad at the end of the day. She started paying attention as the people around decided to talk about what had to happen and what they should do. Walnut began with a proposition that they should combine their knowledge of the situation to try to figure out why they were brought here.

Titian didn't hide his distrust about those present which would probably be a normal reaction, but Rave hoped that the killer wasn't among those in the room. She was thinking about Walnut's proposition now. Then the other man, Cobalt she thought was the alias she had heard earlier in passing stated he agreed with Walnut and put forth some arguments about why. She thought and then nodded. It was logical in many ways.” I...” She started as she was wondering how to say it.” I agree with them about this.” She finally said and gestured to Cobalt and Walnut.” Even if we do not trust each other, we should at least work together for survival. Trust aside, information that could lead to the identity of the mastermind might as well be shared. We don't need to talk about our identities and the like to work along on this.” She nodded.

She then heard what Blush was talking and raised an eyebrow. She didn't have the best opinion of the woman that was true, but the information she was talking about was of interest.” Could you share more details about what you discovered?” She asked of Blush. Some elaboration on the things she was mentioning would be great after all.

β€œWell... to be fair I don't think I could help too much with information either.” She said when Moss mentioned he hadn't spotted anything.” I was only on the first floor with the others so I've seen what all of you have and didn't spot anything too special.” She admitted a lil uncomfortably since she wasn't of any help.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut found herself in agreement with Cobalt - which was to be expected, as his suggestion was really more or less an agreement to her original one. It was a bit longwinded for her tastes and she was not yet sure what to make of him. She didn't have very concrete opinions on most of these people, as she had spent the majority of her time with Titian, and then Swamp and Amaranthine. As her thoughts flickered to Amaranthine, she felt a slight pull to go be around the woman - probably a desire to see her throat slit. She hated the woman with a passion and would love to see her world burn. She nodded in agreement with Penance's reasoning - if it had been a murder, well, they were all suspects. No one could be ruled out.

The knowledge that Blush had been allowed upstairs was interesting - Walnut wanted to know why, exactly. There was nothing that struck her as unique or interesting about the woman. Perhaps she had some sort of connection to the staff here. If anything, Blush's omission that she had been allowed upstairs made Walnut suspicious of her. It was evidence that she was being treated differently than the rest. "What information did you find exactly that incriminated the doctor?" Walnut asked. She then found her attention pulled towards Rave for some bizarre reason and she started to watch the woman, as if the fates had convened and decided that Walnut would want to be drawn to her strongly now. Walnut didn't understand it herself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Wisdom
Hit Points: 4

Titian looked over at Cobalt and chuckled a bit. "I'll take my chances with the people of the house. Sorry between them and this group, they aren't the ones killin' folk. So go ahead, have fun with that. Good luck," he said with a grin. Titian wasn't the brightest in the group, by far, but he knew one thing. He had seen two murders straight out so far and both of those were committed by people that were part of the whole shouldn't be here tonight group. He'd tried to cover for one already but that was blown off so no need to try again. Sure, some seemed to be going along with what Cobalt was saying but he wasn't buying it. He wasn't going to get stabbed in the back by trying to work with these people. Better to have your own back, at least then you knew what was what.

Turning his head as he heard something drop he looked over towards Penance and smirked. "Aww drop something?" he said as the smirk turned into a broad smile as his eyes glanced down at the weapon she dropped. So people were armed, at least one was in any case. Walking along the wall, he moved to the opposite end of the room and to the door opposite of the one they had entered through. He was sure it was locked but it didn't hurt to try. Yup, sealed. Looking at the door he was pretty sure he could break it down if he needed. Leaning back against the wall next to it he watched the group. If shit went down, he'd give it ago. If they ended up killing each other, it wasn't his problem.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Laboratory (Attic)
Skills: Wisdom, Charisma
Hit Points: 4

Watching Dr. Swamp, Amaranthine quirked a brow. He seemed like a kid for a moment the way he was when he put on the lab coat. It was odd and she wasn't sure what to make of it but as with most things that evening it was hard to tell just what was going on. She simply nodded towards him. "You are most welcome and I hope you are able to. This evening has been nothing if not a complete disaster. I came here hoping to end one problem and it seems now I am caught up with so many more," she said as her eyes darted around the laboratory. She did not like this room, it made her feel uncomfortable but Dr. Swamp seemed to feel right at home from what she could tell. At least, if anything, he didn't seem to be put off by it.

Then he started asking for things, many of which she had no idea what he was talking about. Yet she had offered to help him and if that meant finding things for him, she would do her best. The sooner they were done the sooner they could move on and hopefully away from the corpse that was laying on the operating table. "Yes, of course, I will do my best," she said as she started moving around the room. A rolling table wasn't hard to find and while she had no idea what she was picking up. Anything with some look on it like it would be of use she picked up and laid it on the table. Pushing it around with her and setting more things on it. Half the stuff she picked up was of no use but she did manage to find at least some of the items he had asked for.

"I am sorry but I don't know what most of these things are called, you'll have to enlighten me," she said in a charming voice as she pushed it over to Dr. Swamp. As far as she knew he had done what he did for the right reason. If he did just kill the man, then it was best to be on his good side. He had yet to be hostile against her, so out of everyone, he was the closest thing to having someone to trust as she could have in this place.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt had almost felt proud of his speech, a little long-winded perhaps, but he'd held his tongue for long enough, and he felt that his words had been charismatic enough. It certainly seemed to have some impact on his fellow guests at least, in fact it seemed to provoke another speech, from the woman that had been so adamant to keep her mask on earlier. What information she offered was exactly what Cobalt had wanted. They had all seen different parts of the house, whether voluntarily, or involuntarily in his case, and if what the woman said was true, then it certainly cast Swamp in a different light. But was Cobalt willing to practice what he preach and trust her?

His attempt to gauge how genuine the woman's reaction was only caused the headache that had been plaguing him since he arrived to rear it's ugly head again. Cobalt winced slightly, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment as he struggled to focus. The other guests mostly seemed occupied with getting more information about this apparently incriminating evidence, and Cobalt could hardly blame them. He doubted the good doctor had made any friends amongst those gathered, his only companion seeming to be the Chanteuse, so any information that could bring the man down, would be welcomed.

A laugh caught Cobalt's attention, mostly because of how out of place such a sound seemed, considering their surroundings. He wasn't surprised to see who it was that was laughing. He knew someone would push back, and he would have put good money on it being Titian. Truth be told, he wasn't too devastated. Titian hardly seemed to be the type to knuckle down and solve puzzles, and if the mystery killer managed to kill the big man, then they really were in trouble. Titian could keep to himself, the rest of them could try and work out who it was that had brought them all here, and who was responsible for the growing pile of corpses.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sister Penance
Location: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Penance glanced around the room, listening to what was being said about Swamp and how there was evidence against him. "Yes... If there is evidence against the doctor man, then please do share if you would be so kind. He certainly doesn't seem like the nicest man around, so I don't think anything would truly surprise me," she commented, looking over at Blush when she spoke. As for Titian, she as a bit annoyed with the man, as she reached down and picked up the knife that she had dropped.

"If it truly concerns you, I guess I might as well say this was mainly to think about potentially using it to break the lock in the doors. Since I suppose no one truly wants to be stuck around here forever, that would be incredibly boring. However, if you wanted to try a different tactic, go for it, you seem like a strong man... I dare say that using your strength to break the doors in this room shouldn't be too difficult for you," she said, giving the man a slight smile. She did not care much for the man, he was certainly being more then a bit annoying, but perhaps she could try and convince him to break the door down. If he hurt himself in the process or such, then she didn't really care. It would be his own fault if that happened.
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