Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: State Dining Room
Skills: WIS
Hit Points: 4

Blush shook herself back to her own thoughts. She didn’t know what came over her, but she was in it now. She didn’t really wish to work together with these people, but if it got her out of confinement all the quicker, she would do what she had to. ”Well as I just got done saying, I didn’t take anything with me as I was worried I would be caught by one of the servants here. As you saw before, they got awful mad at me for merely trying to keep my mask on. What I saw was a list of names, with myself among them. I do not know most of your names, but I am assuming you were all on the list. It looked like an itinerary of sorts, like someone needed to know the names. A guest list, perhaps?

Why I am so suspicious is I didn’t see the doctor’s name on there. Or rather, I didn’t see anyone with the title of doctor. I assume since he is acting the sort he would be a doctor outside of these walls. If he isn’t then why would he be pretending to be one. There is more upstairs, I assume, but I wasn’t able to get a good look at it all before I had to return downstairs. And I did not want to share my findings with everyone in the room, least of all the β€œdoctor”. Who knows what he would have done.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Rave felt weird right now as the initial adrenaline from the injury was starting to wear off and she felt hte wound more and more with every little tug on her leg muscles. This wasn't really pleasant experience, so made sure to relax and not move the leg in any manner right now, what's more she could feel the ferret's weight on her lap and it was sort of pressing on the bandaged leg so she reached over and pulled it slightly so it didn't casually press her injury. It wasn't really heavy so she didn't believe it would cause it to reopen or the like, but it wasn't nice anyways. She started to pet the creature, it's eyes locked on the direction that Penance had dropped something.

Only now did she realize the woman actually had a knife and frowned. Well... why did she drop it? Prima Rave at least felt glad that someone didn't fumble as bad as she did earlier and stab herself... with her own knife. The following reaction from Penance made Rave frown." I suggest we don't try to actually break out of here... It wouldn't speak well of us if we try to, in fact it might make the people of the manor only feel even more suspicion towards us and even if we do leave this room, there wouldn't be anywhere to go! We cannot leave because of the storm." She added her opinion to the others.

She then listened to Blush's explanation." Were other titles mentioned at the names?" She asked and then frowned." Wait... the lord said he didn't send out invitations to us, but he did say he had recieved some kind of notice to our arrival. Could that have been the list you saw?" Rave asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Attic (Laboratory)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

"I agree, dear Chanteuse. I agree indeed." There was a twinkle in his eyes and his voice was, in contrast to the dry wit he had been expressing for most of the evening, hopeful. Commanding, even. Dare one say, optimistic? Yes, please dare. Optimistic. "I too have come here for a matter of personal difficulty, as I can only assume from the facts presented everyone else has as well, only to have the situation muddied by the malice and venom of... other factors." Swamp was looking about the room as he spoke. He had picked up a leather tool satchel and was collecting various items from around the room. "Hmmm... bone saw?" he asked himself, "Shall I require a bone saw?" He shrugged, a smile growing on his face, "Better safe than sorry!" he exclaimed, tossing it into the bag. It was one of many items of uncertain nature he had procured.

"While I gather this, Amaranthine, I do wonder if you would be as kind as to locate a tray, ah... it would be something like a table with wheels on the legs, that it might he moved easily. Oh! And this part it a little offputting at first, but we must divest him of his clothing just prior. Hopefully before his innards fully unclench, if the persons of the household wish to retain use of his pants ever, ever again. Hmm, nice tie..." He shook off the thought, but returned to the examination table and plunked the satchel of tools upon it, next to the Late Lord Bardolf. "Worry not, madame. I shall assist as best I can with that last task, most unsavory for a person of your obvious refinement. Just one more quick look about the room, and we should be ready to set to it. Madame Chanteuse?" He was smiling. Smiling. The Doctor actually had a nice smile, be it a bit wiry around the edges. "You are doing fine. Thank you for your assistance with this." Distantly, he was reminded of the last person who assisted him. Swamp hoped that it was not the same kind of help; he didn't think he could survive it again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor) -> The attic (containment)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked at those in the room as they started to speak as he just adjusted where he had been sitting a little bit to get comfortable on the floor that he was sitting on. He didn't know the doctor that well at all, as he looked towards Blush and Walnut as the two of them started to speak. He didn't trust anyone, but it seemed that Swamp was getting some special privileges than anyone else in the room right now. Which did irk him quiet a bit, for all he knew Swamp and Amaranthine could be behind it all he was pretty suspicious of them right now.

He watched as Penance had dropped something, and Titian pointing it out, he wasn't sure what else to do right now as he looked around the room a little bit. "Maybe there is some kind of secret exit out of the room?" Moss asked, since going out of the door that was the only way in or out was locked. "If we could get out of the room then maybe we can find some other evidence around this place, because i'd really rather not be trapped in here for who knows how long anyway." Captain Moss said as he gave a slight shrug, as he looked at everyone else in the room, he didn't want to be in here much longer.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian chuckled as he brought his hand up and scratched the dark hair on his chin. Leaning back against the wall near the door he had just checked he shook his head. "Hardly concerned with you darling, all butterfingers," he said with a chortle. Two doors into the room, the one they had come in and the one where he was standing by. Only other thing of note right then was the bed that no one was paying any attention to. "At least you're not asking the staff for weapons," he said as he smiled. His eyes fluttered in one direction but he didn't give a lingering gaze to one person too long.

"Only reason I am leaving this room is if they come back for us or if someone in here does something stupid." It was a flat tell. He had no intention of purposefully pissing the staff off. Sure he was big and he could handle himself but there were members of the staff he had seen that were as large as him and one of them was missing a tongue. He found the whole thing funny though. "Oh yes, a list. Sounds right convenient. All of us brought here because of blackmail. Right trustworthy lot." He couldn't help but laugh. There was innuendo and then there was what he had seen first hand. He knew the most dangerous person in the group was in the room with them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Laboratory (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"Oh yes of course," Amaranthine said absently as she started looking around for a table or tray or something that could be used in lieu there of. The room was large and she didn't like the fact there was another set of eyes on the both of them but there was nothing that could be done about that. Then again, if some of what others had said was true, maybe it was best to have Quinton in there if Swamp did try anything. Though part of her didn't worry. Again, he had been kind to her and hadn't shown her any signs of being horrid. She wasn't silly though, they were all there for a reason, Blackmail. Maybe he could be and she just wasn't in his sights for that. If that was the case she was going to do everything she could to stay on his good side.

Finally finding a tray and a table with wheels on it she laid the tray on it and pushed it over towards where Swamp was. He did have a nice smile but he seemed rather, shall we say, giddy over this? She didn't know if he was a doctor or not but he seemed to know what the tools were and what he was doing so far. And if titles that they were given were any indication, then he could very well be a doctor. Her title was fitting for herself. "Is there anything else I should do to aid you? I know not what else I could help with." She wasn't exactly trained for something like this. She played and she sang. That couldn't possibly be helpful right then, could it?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
While Titian was correct that the people of the house hadn't killed anyone yet, they have been more or less threatened with death on a regular basis since they arrived. The threat of violence loomed in the background constantly, which was understandable with the revelation that the Lord of the Manor supposedly had not been the one to send out the invitations. Before his death, he had even praised whoever had killed Kindle for giving him one less mouth to feed. She had to wonder if with the regime change inevitably following his death, would that attitude be held by whoever replaced him? Her eyes followed Titian as he propped himself up against the wall near the door. It gave her a slight idea. Penance's flattery of Titian made her want to gag.

At the mention of the list, Walnut's thoughts turned slightly towards Amaranthine. She wasn't going to ask Blush to confirm that her own name had been present. But Amaranthine? Oh, she hated the woman and she knew her real name. With the agreement to share information in mind and an equal amount of spite, Walnut glanced at Blush once more. "Was there a Diva Miranda Manchester on the list?" Walnut asked. "That is the real name of the Chanteuse Amaranthine." She then paused, thinking on Swamp as she looked at Rave again. "If none of us have the title of doctor, then I think Swamp is more and more likely to be the guilty party. He attacked Plum in cold blood, killing a defenseless and pitiful man. He claims to be a doctor but is nothing of the sort. I would not be surprised if he orchestrated the death of the woman earlier with the chairs... And perhaps he is somehow involved in the Lord's demise. A crafty individual like Swamp seems to operate from the shadows, pulling strings... and when I refused to let him murder an innocent, he has attempted to discredit me as mad."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 6

So the group clearly weren't about to start holding hands and singing songs around a campfire, but they weren't totally at each others throats. And when the woman spoke, then Cobalt's attention certainly was piqued. It appears that she had all of the rest of them at a disadvantage. She claimed to not have had a chance to properly inspect the list, but who's to say she was telling the truth? With Cobalt's own disappearance, he had no idea how long the woman could have been alone with those supposed list, it could have been more than long enough to learn the real identity of the other guests, Cobalt included.

Titian seemed to be entertaining himself with the idea of breaking down the door, or rather some of the other guests were entertaining the idea of Titian breaking down the door, and Cobalt didn't doubt that the man-mountain would be able to. But should he? Cobalt didn't fancy the idea of annoying the household any more than they already had, and even if the wall opened up to reveal an escape from the room, Cobalt wouldn't leap at the opportunity. For now, their best bet was to put their heads together, and try and work out what the brief clues they had all seen could mean.

As if she was reading his mind, the woman that had so intrigued Cobalt earlier spoke up, continuing her condemning of Swamp. Cobalt didn't like the good doctor, but his dislike apparently paled in comparison to hers. Hardly surprising, she had tried to kill him after all. Maybe it would have been for the best if she had succeeded...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Sighing, he didn't give a damn what these people's real name was. He didn't know them. What the hell did real names matter at this point other than maybe using that information to blackmail someone later on? Titian just shook his head. "Well my name is Kliment Lothaire. I am 34 years old. I enjoy strong drinks, being awesome, and long walks on the beach with pretty women. I learned to tie my own shoes at three and I can eat every fucking chicken in this place. Oh and I can be a bit aggressive towards people if they get on my bad side. Who's next? Oh right. It doesn't matter," he said while he rolled his eyes.

Titian was all for having some fun, especially at anothers expense. Hell, even at his own. Thing was, after what he had seen earlier in the night he had a choice to make. Right hand or in the path. Considering he walked that line daily in his life, he rode it out to see what would happen. Then he did and well, he knew crazy. And not the good kind of crazy either that was fun in the bedroom. Okay, well he knew that as well but this wasn't that type of crazy. This was dangerous crazy. They were there because of getting blackmailed. And even his dumb ass could figure out that wasn't the focus of what was going on here. People were pointing fingers to get keep fingers from being pointed at themselves. Titian might have been obnoxious but he wasn't evil. He wasn't good either but just damn. The man had patience, it was an asset, but you see, he failed it, epicly. He had failed keeping his aggression, an affliction of his, in check.

The man had had enough. Rubbing the back of his neck he started to chuckle. "Oh I seem to remember Swamp being in a battle of chairs with Cobalt there when all that happened. Refusing to move at all, after trying to help the woman who fainted at the gate." How could anyone forget the Chair Wars? Smirking he continued. "But hey, weren't you by that poor woman's chair? More than that, under it, messing with it, just before it went up?" he asked looking at Walnut. She had been sitting right next to the chair that went up into the air carrying Kindle, Walnut had fallen out of her chair right before and was right there. He kept thinking back on the night, as he was walking through the first floor with Walnut. Then he remembered the the Gun Room. "Oh and then threatened to cut the tongue out of one servant if he didn't speak and followed that up by asking for a weapon from the same man? Shall we call him in here and see if he will nod yes or no when asked?" And then there was the Joyous Corridor when people started yelling for help after Mauve attacked a bird and Plum ended up stabbing himself in the foot. "Then you stated have skills in matters when it comes to the injured not long before you shot Swamp. Are those skills in healing or inflicting? You are rather mad woman are you not? I must applaud you though, you have beauty to hide it, for a time." Holding his hands out he gave her a mocking clap or two. The man had tried to cover her earlier. Why he had no idea. And it took him a while for the gears to kick into place just how cuckoo this woman was, he wasn't the brightest after all but he wasn't as stupid as people seemed to think he was. Now that things fell into place and before she painted one more person as the murder she was, it was over.

"I might be dense but to me it seems the real danger is that little bird right there," he said pointing to Walnut. "Or..." thumbing over at the woman who dropped the knife, "maybe look at the other one that is drawing weapons right now. You know, the actual in the room threats." Shrugging he crossed his arms over his chest. "Hell, don't listen to me, I'm just the big dumb lug around here right?" It might have sounded like he was pulling shit out of his ass but out of all the theories so far, his was the only one that could be backed up with witnesses. Either those in the room now or the servants in the house. These were the events as they had unfolded in front of everyone. He wasn't saying Swamp wasn't a threat, but Swamp wasn't in the room and he was far more concerned with Death when it was right in front of him looking like an angel.

*Above are obvious things all or at least one other character/NPC was witness to. Now before anyone else metagames things - such as knowing Titian was checking to see if he would break a door down (as one of the most recent examples) - especially without a roll - shall we move on? Remember, if a character doesn't say it or obviously do something, you need a check. Thankies!

~Your loving but at the end of her rope GM~

Lady A
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: State Dining Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush turned to stare at Titian as he went off on his own little personal rant. She found it quite enjoyable seeing what she assumed was a standard man slowly go deeper and deeper into his own insanity. And surely that was what it was. Insanity. After all, being cooped up in a house where people have been killed off and now confined into a room full of potential suspects would surely drive even the most sane of them down the rabbit hole of madness.

Apart from her, that is.

She took a calming breath before she spoke. She had a few things to address. ”Are you quite done with your rant, petal? Yes? Then it is my turn to speak. You have some points, I will grant you, but I don’t believe one word of blackmail was mentioned in this room. Granted, I was not around everyone all day, but those I observed and overheard did not mention as such and it is truly interesting you bring it up. After all, that is why we are here, yes? Might as well get it out in the open. Yes, those two names were on the list I saw. Since we all arrived here together, I will assume that the list was made by an inhabitant of this house whose sole purpose was to bring us here. And now they have us locked in a room with nowhere to go. I don’t know about you, petal, but I would gladly take my chances with someone who knows how to protect themselves and are prepared to handle adversity than ones slinking around outside of this room observing the dead body of the Lord of the manor. Now, if we are quite done, I suggest we either find a means of escaping our captivity or buckle down for the night because it will be a long one.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Attic (Laboratory)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

After having removed the apparel of the late Lord Bardolf and laying him back upon the table, Swamp, out of what might have actually been a touch of prudent decency, draped a cloth across the man's unmentionable shortcomings. His servant in life was present, as was a lady of polite refinement. The Doctor himself wasn't affected one way or another, it was merely protocol if one was being viewed whilst mid-operation. Swamp procured but did not immediately tie on a simple surgical mask. One never knew what horrors might splurt from an otherwise still corpse, be they humours or merely vapourous. Well, others might not know. Swamp was a professional. An artist, even. Just ask him. Still, it would be necessary when he knew what to look for more invasively.

The Doctor gave a simple visual appraisal of the corpse, occasionally giving a prod with a cadaver probe. He checked the usual places on the exterior first, hands and fingernails, occasionally giving a little push on his abdomen with gloved hands. He checked the exterior and middle ears and even directed what light he could to view into the man's nasal passages and into the back of his throat with a reflective disk. "Hmm..." he pondered aloud, stopping his stride around the body for a second. His lips were moving, as if sussing something out for himself. Slowly at first, he began moving his hands in a manner that indicated discussion, were he to be actually speaking to someone else and trying to diagram something in the air. After a second or two, the movement of his mouth became vocal enough to be heard by any near him, "...evidence for a foreign agent introduced at sup is... mumbleindistinctmumbleagain ...with so many witnesses right there someone must... incoherenceblahblahshuffle ...and then there is, of course, the question of lividity. Hmm. Quite the conundrum."

Swamp's eyebrow arched wildly as a thought came to him. Carefully, he bent over the dead Lord's face, turning it this way and that, before gingerly opening his eyelids with his thumb and middle finger. The index finger twixt the other two prodded and moved the eye a crucially small amount. The Doctor stood suddenly. He held up a finger, pointing it upward and sporting a boyish expression of impending triumph. But he explained nothing. Instead, he picked up a large, crescent-shaped cutting tool and a chisel, setting them next to the body. "Oh, Chanteuse?" he called with spirited demeanor, "I believe that I've this part of the examination handled. If you would please be as kind, however..." A grin split his face. Mischievous, almost. "I should dearly appreciate some Autopsy Music, if you would, please. Yes! Something powerful, that I may engage with my post-mortem operation with vigor. And that I may boast to colleagues on a later day that I had the honor of such a serenade under these conditions from someone as revered as yourself. If you would please indulge me, Amaranthine, I would be in such bliss."

Upon uttering these words, Dr. Swamp donned his mask and began the first cuts into the Lord, moving into his torso to confirm his suspicions. Upon reaching the sernum, he absently lay his hands upon a flat blade and a mallet. Whether anyone else knew it, one suspicion of his had already been confirmed. What would he learn among Lord Bardolf's innards? Oh, he would find out soon enough. Yes, yes indeed.



1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Alright, things were going for the worst right now. People were throwing accusation left and right and even Rave thought that it was getting kind of hostile here. She listened to Walnut, to Titian who now said a name, a name she assumed was the real one as far as she was aware. She really didn't want to move as some were suggesting they leave in search of clues too, well to be fair that was mostly Moss and maybe Blush, but it was hard to tell about that one if she was actually suggesting it or was being sarcastic about it. Rave sighed as she leaned back and ran her hand across the fur of the ferret.

"I'm not leaving from this room." She said about herself and this wasn't just because her leg was injured. She wouldn't have even if she could walk normaly, she didn't think that breaking rules set up by their hosts was the way. She sighed as she started to evaluate the arguments that were being thrown around, some of those she hadn't actually noticed or heard, but certianly put a different spin on things. Problem was that there was no actual way to say who was in the right. Only she wasn't sure that she was buying Walnut's statement about Plum being innocent, given he had tried to stab someone.

She finally relaxed her shoulders and sighed, the attempt at sharing information turned into a witchhunt of sorts." Can't we just rest and wait for news now? No need to stir up the beehive pointlessly." She mumbled out. From everyone in the room, she was most willing to stick with Titian right now. Moss's desire to break out didn't sit well with her, Walnut had too many variables by the sound of it, Penance was in a similar position to Moss and she didn't trust Blush at all, not after what she had seen. The only other great virable was the man who was keeping silent for a good while now. Despite the way Titian may have looked, so far in her eyes he was the most approachable one and he did help her a lot, so she for sure was more willing to trust him than any of hte others.

She eventually let her eyes close for a moment as she rested her head back on the wall, still stroking the fur of the little animal in her lap, hoping it's sense of danger might be better than her own.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sister Penance
Location: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"Well, I've always been considered a bit of a butterfingers, I will definitely concede that," she said with a slight laugh towards Titian when he had said that to her. It wasn't too difficult to just say that right out, after all, slippery fingers and not being the best at holding things was an easy excuse to think up about everything. Him saying that he was staying in the room though made her let out a sigh, "Do as you will, I would rather not stay in this room, as it is a bit boring just sitting around here, doing nothing, just talking to other people about nothing entirely in particular..."

She nodded her head in agreement with Walnut's words. It was interesting to hear that she had figured out the true name of Amaranthine, and it did make her wonder if she knew the names of anyone else. "So, it seems like he might be the one responsible for the Lord's death by chance... It would make some sense, even if he is an actual doctor, he would likely have some knowledge about different ways to kill someone," she said with a slight shrug.

Penance was a bit surprised by Titian's sudden outburst, not only essentially accusing Walnut of killing the woman whose chair had shot off into the air, but essentially implying that she herself was wanting to kill someone. "If you don't mind me saying... But if you might calm down and think about your words, you might realize that you are contradicting your own words. As I recall, before, you seemed perfectly fine with being around her," she said, nodding her head towards Walnut. "So if I might be so blunt, if you truly saw what you say you saw, then why is it that you are only sharing this information now? If you were so concerned, then why is it that you stayed around her for one reason or another? Also, what would I have to gain from trying to kill someone? I am not the strongest person in the world, thought that would be obvious, so why would I attack someone so bluntly? Especially considering there are easily a few people in this room who I feel like could over power me rather quickly."

She then turned her attention to Blush. "I say we should see about leaving this room, not staying here at all, but that is my personal opinion, given the fact that there likely will be an argument and bloodshed if we stay here much longer."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: State Dining Room (3rd Floor) -> The attic (containment)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss sat there as he looked over towards Walnut as she started to mention Amaranthine's name, he didn't see the list but if it had their names on it, then his name was probably on there as well. He looked over towards Titian as he started to point the finger at Walnut for trying to kill Swamp, but if he remembered right Swamp tried to kill Plum as well and figured that it was probably self-defense. He wasn't sure what the events were since he wasn't there for any of it either so to him it was a more of a he said, she said situation. Blush then pointed out from the list that she saw that it was most likely a resident of the manor that had sent them all here.

Captain Moss stood up and stretched slightly, at least Sister Penance and Blush also wanted to get out of the room looking over towards Titian for a moment as he also mentioned his name, he wasn't sure if it was his real name or not. "Personally i'd rather have someone who could defend themselves, after all we should work together at least for the time being anyway. And we cant really find out who sent us here if we are all trapped in here, and seeing as the person who sent us here is a member of the house we should try and find a way out of here." Captain Moss said.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Laboratory (Attic)
Skills: Wisdom, Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine looked over towards what the doctor was doing and quirked a brow. Okay, this was not something she understood at all. He was muttering half the time as well. It made it hard for her to follow along but then again, maybe she shouldn't try. He was the doctor after all. He was the one that the staff had put in charge of finding out what had happened to the Lord of the Manor. Not her, she just volunteered to assist him in what ways she could. She had figured that would mostly be just gathering things and such for him since he had been shot and used a cane to walk. She half wondered what the others were up to but after what she had seen down in the State Dining Room maybe it was better that they were apart. Walnut had shot the Doctor. Having those two in the same room was a bad idea. Who knew if she had another weapon. It did make her wonder how many people had weapons.

Turning her attention back to Swamp, she quirked a brow. He wanted music? Well, it didn't make sense to her but it was something she could do. "Of course," she said as she retrieved her violin case and set it on a bench along the wall. Opening it carefully she thought. Just what could she play that was as he described Autopsy music? Taking a deep breath in she brought the bow to the strings and breathed out as she started playing an odd tune. It perhaps wasn't the typical type of violin music but she just rode with what she felt as she closed her eyes. It was hard, it was fast, then it slowed and turned darker, almost plucky in certain parts. Maybe it wasn't the right choice, maybe it was perfect. Only the doctor would know.

Oh My, What Now?

Quinton leaned against the wall and watched Swamp as he started. He had no idea what the man was doing but he seemed to be doing something and very interested in whatever it was that he was doing. His mind going back to what Titian had told him when he pulled him aside in the hallway when he had heard the woman scream, who he thought still to this point had been Walnut. When Amaranthine started playing, he was even more confused. Just what in the hell was going on with these two? The music was odd and it was loud. It would easily carry through out the floor even with the closed doors. Maybe nod loud in other rooms but it would be heard. He couldn't really blame the woman, the crack of bone was not something that everyone enjoyed hearing. At least she was probably drowning it out in her own mind.

Then he heard something, or he thought he did. Like a popping sound. It wasn't very loud but it made his eyes turn to the gas lights that illuminated each room in the manor. They seemed to flicker a bit more than normal. That was odd, his brow raising. Then the pop happened again. Anywhere in the manor where there was gas lights the popping was happening. Which did include the Confinement Room and the Laboratory. The popping became faster, sputtering the flames, they got weaker and weaker with each flicker. Faster and faster. "Shit," Quinton muttered just before the gas lights died out and everything in the Laboratory went dark, as did the Confinement Room. "Hold still," he said as he pulled something out of his pocket and a small flame started. A fire starter and a piece of paper. Walking over to a table, he lit an oil lamp. The flame flickered as he adjusted it before seeking out others in the room so they, and more importantly, he could see just what in the hell was going on.

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement -> ? (Attic)
Skills: Dexterity, Strength
Hit Points: 4

Titian stood there, leaning against the wall as people spoke. He let them all finish before he said anything. He might as well. None of them were listening. People wanting someone that could protect themselves: yeah, got with the one that dropped weapons or the other that had them explode in their hands. Great choices. Good luck with that. He wasn't by Walnut anymore, and in fact hadn't since she shot the doctor. He high tailed it away from her. He had spoken up about this before, just not to them. He had already spoken to a certain servant in the house. He could explain that while Blush was running about that the topic of all of them being blackmailed had come up. He could also point out that since she was not with the group a lot of the time that there was no way to prove or believe what she was saying. If she had names, maybe she was the one that started this. Or that others were gone from the group even before dinner. Or, or, or.

Yet, he didn't say any of that. It was obviously pointless. He started chuckling. "I'm beginning to think I'm the smartest person in this room and that boggles the damn mind," he laughed. Titian thought highly of himself, probably too much. He was narcissistic as hell but he also knew he was never the smarted person in the room. Until NOW. He tried, they didn't listen. No point in trying anymore. Anyways, for all he knew they had put them all in this room so they could be watched. Or listened to some how but hey, they didn't even think about that most likely. Shit, no one even bothered to check the bed, the one piece of furniture in the room. Maybe a few gave a quick glance around but not one person had actually checked anything specifically beside him and he had only lightly touched the door knob to check if it was locked.

They were focused on the wrong things. He had one of those moments of, yeah, not sticking around for this anymore. He'd rather be around staff or put in a dungeon. At least then it would be quiet. His head turned the side as he heard violin music playing softly through the walls. That was different. Then the flickering started and his head tilted back to the lights above them. "What the hell now?" he muttered under his breath as he shoved his hand into his pants pocket. Then everything went dark. "Fuck this shit," he said as a rattling sound started. No one tried anything but he was willing to try, something at this point. There was a creaking sound. Then the sound of a bash and metal hitting the ground, then a door slamming. Looking around, he spotted three windows and the faint evening light as snow fell. Breathing deeply he smirked to himself. Yeah, time to find some real answers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Intellect
Hit Points: 3
Walnut didn't believe at first that Kliment was Titian's real name. There was a good chance she could shout a random name for herself - style herself as Petunia Petalsworth - and it wouldn't be eliminated as a possibility. In the case of Amaranthine, of course, she had seen the woman perform before. She knew her identity for a fact. However, once Blush confirmed that Kliment's name was on the list, Walnut remembered her earlier thoughts, hoping that his name wasn't something along the lines of Bob. "Kliment" - whether real or imagined - was somehow even worse than that. Her opinion of the name certainly wasn't colored by any personal feelings. At Titian's accusation of her, saying that she had been messing with the chair and looking underneath it before Kindle's death, Walnut's eyes narrowed slightly. "If you truly believe the slander spewing from your mouth, then perhaps your own character should come into question, Mr. Titian - a truly better name than something as ludicrous as Kliment if you ask me."

"Yet you are correct - you are a big dumb lug, I will give you that." Her patience with him was growing thin. In fact, it had expired the second he had decided to side with Swamp and obscure the truth of the matter. Thankfully, Titian's speech did not appear to sway Blush, at least given by her words. She stared at Rave, feeling the slight pull but she did not make a move towards her. The woman wanted to stay here and not leave the room, that was fine. She definitely seemed to have gained an ally in Penance, given that Titian had commented on her and then Penance's rebuttal. Moss even seemed to not be swayed by Titian's speech. She tilted her head at the music coming in through the walls and she rolled her eyes in disgust. The lights started to flicker and Walnut similarly glanced up, wondering what exactly was going on. She took a breath as they were plunged into darkness.

With her vision not nearly as useful, the gas from the lamps gone, Walnut started to smell earth. She smiled slightly to herself. Someone in here would be able to restore the light, then. The noises though, they didn't make sense until she heard the door slam. Someone had left the room, then. There was a metal clang - was the knob broken off? With the knob out of commission and the door slammed, they'd have a hard time getting anywhere - of course maybe the door had just been broken down... "If someone here is able, would they provide a light?" Walnut called out into the darkness.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt's headache was starting to set in again. Titian had apparently identified himself and subsequently leveled accusations at just about everyone else in the room, whatever patience had been restraining the man seeming to snap. And it was certainly an impressive snap, and if what he said was true, then it certainly cast the petite would-be murderer in a new light. Clearly Cobalt had missed a great deal while trapped in the bizarre realm of his own dreams, and he was still playing catch-up. But if Titian's outburst was supposed to end the bickering, it only seemed to inflame it, and Cobalt quickly realised that his grand ambitions of the group working together was already falling apart at the seams. Sighing slightly, Cobalt glanced around the room, only half-listening to the argument of whether or not they should try and find their way out of their confinement.

In truth, Cobalt felt like he was largely out of place in the room. There at least seemed to be some loyalty between a handful of the others, but Cobalt had barely shared more than a handful of passing words with anyone in the room. The only guests that Cobalt had spent the time to try and understand were either presumed dead, or in an entirely different part of the house. And the figure that he felt the closest to having any kind of connection with, Analia, he may well never see again. At the very least, the abrupt death of her father would likely cast a dampener over any kind of kinship they could have shared. He had no reason to trust anyone in the room, and in truth, holding his tongue had probably caused him to slip into obscurity. With the almost overwhelmingly large character of Titian vying for attention with several of the other guests, who was paying attention to Cobalt? He wasn't used to it, and he wasn't sure he liked it.

The scratching at the back of his head sprang back to life, and the impatience that had been bubbling underneath the surface started to break out. If they wanted to break out, then break out! Wandering around the corridors of this house, with no idea what was around the next bend, let them damn themselves. Cobalt opened his mouth to speak when he heard the faint sound of a violin playing, somewhere within the house. His words died on his lips, and he cocked his head slightly to try and hear the tune better. He had heard Amaranthine play before, or Miranda Manchester if the other guests were to be believed, and he fancied he was hearing her again, although there was no way of knowing that. The music was like nothing he had ever heard, haunting and violent all at once. Cobalt almost allowed himself to be lost in it, before the lights began to flicker. He heard Titian's question, and then the room plunged into total darkness.

Cobalt knew he had the wall at his back, and he stumbled back until he pressed himself against it, suddenly wary of an attack from every angle, his eyes straining. He heard a door open and close, but whether that was someone coming in, or going out, Cobalt had no way of knowing. Someone at least had the sense to call for light. Hopefully someone would be able to provide it. Cobalt didn't like the idea of blindly wandering across the room, so he kept his back against the wall, senses straining for any clue.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 4

Rave was tired at this point and she honestly couldn't see why people were trying to head out and risk earning hte ire of the owners of hte Manor. Even had she not been injured, she wouldn't want to risk it, but the situation in the Attic seemed to be gettever ever more fiery? She really wondered why these people couldn't just act nice, what would getting in danger or running amok gain? She was about to open her mouth and ask why they thought getting out would be a good idea, when she heard music... What? Where was that coming from? She blinked in confusion, why was there music? Then the lights started flickering before going out." Why!?" She cried out as all descended into darkness, was this her luck for the day? Flying chairs, dying people, stabbing herself and now ending in complete darkness with a bunch of strangers?

She quickly thought about the situation, trying not to panic, but was reassured by the hard wall behind her back, still she did try to pull her legs back as much as she could, but she couldn't really easily do so with teh injured one because well it started to hurt when she tried to move it in any other position aside straightened. She frowned and forced herself to move the leg by using her hands until she could barely hug her knees, it wasn't pleasant, it hurt, but it was probably better than the possibility of someone trying to walk about and steppign on her leg or tripping over.

In the meantime she had heard Walnut ask if someone could get a light. Well Rave couldn't, so she didn't even speak out, mostly because there was also the issue with a really loud noise and crash, that sounded like something breaking, what was htat? Did someone try breaking open the door or did someone trip over the old bed and it broke down?" Is everyone alright?" She asked, trying to peer into the darkness and to listen well.

As she had asked that, she strained her head to go over the things in her mind. She had heard a clanging sound of possibly a doorknob hitting the floor. So a door was probably out for the count and they would have to break through it to use it. But... which door was it? There were two in the room after all. Suddenly she felt like Walnut's desire for light was indeed the best way to go.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: The Attic
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Everyone was more or less not all right with the current situation. Or rather, majority. And that was all she needed. Before she could progress to find means of escape, the lights flickered and she eyed Titian creeping around before total darkness enveloped them. Blush didn’t hate the darkness, but since it was not ideal to be locked in a room with other people who have killed before, she wasn’t ecstatic. She heard a loud clang as a door opened and slammed shut. She no longer heard Titian and could only assume the man escaped. To check, she moved forward slowly and reached around. She found no one.

”Well, it seems our dear friend has left us alone rather than allowing us all to escape. If our conversation didn’t already paint him in a negative light, then this surely did. I would not be surprised if he would run to Swamp or whoever he is and tell him about our conversation.” That annoyed Blush. She would deal with the man later. For now, their goal did not change, but instead was altered. Escape was viable, they just needed to see.

”Afraid I do not have a light source on my person, petal. Nowhere to keep it, you see. And I saw nothing in the room to indicate anything to aid so if no one has anything I am afraid we attempt this in the dark.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: The Attic (Confinement)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss started to hear some kind of music being played as he started to look around the room, wondering who was actually playing it, and stared at Titian again for a moment. He shook his head slightly he didn't really like the man that much and started to rub him the wrong way as well. Moss then started to notice that the lights started to flicker in the room, he wasn't sure what was actually causing it right now either. And looked towards the others to see if they were causing it or not, but it seems like it wasn't any of them at all and then a few seconds later all the lights in the room went out.

Then Moss started to hear some noise in the room, and the door seemed to have been closed his eyes tried to adjust to the dark in the room he couldn't see anything really. Then he heard Rave's voice and nodded slightly as he made his way towards the door to see if it would open or budge at all. "I'm fine." Captain Moss decided to answer her, as he looked towards where Blush's voice was as she spoke out he did start to agree with her a little bit. "Leaving like that just as the lights went out definitely does seem really suspicious to me." Captain Moss said, thinking either the guy was a coward or he did have something to do with what was going on around them.
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