Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: The Attic (Confinement)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss took a moment as he felt a good part of the cross section of the bed, and started to pull on it, as he grunted slightly as her pulled at it a few more times. Eventually he was able to pull off a part of the cross section as he stumbled back slightly, as he ran his fingers around one of the edges. He noticed that it was pretty sharp as well, and made a note to be careful with it as he heard some clanging sounds he assumed that the door was finally opened. He looked over trying to find where Professor Walnut's voice was since she had helped him with the bed.

"Managed to get a part pried off. Do you need some help getting up?" Captain Moss decided to offer, he couldn't see where she was at the moment, but when he heard Sister Penance's voice that she managed to break the door open he smiled. They were now actually out of the goddamn room and he never wanted to be trapped in a room again. Captain Moss though decided to keep the bit of cross section for now in case someone did try and attack him, and he'd have something to defend himself with in case someone tried to hurt the others as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Laboratory -> Library (Attic)
Skills: Wisdom, Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine nodded towards Swamp as she began to check the two remaining doors. The one on the east side of the room that was most south yielded nothing. She couldn't find a key to work in it. That did not sit right with her, if she was correct it was one at the front of the house and went east. The only one left was the south most door that faced the front of the manor. Taking a breath she walked over to it and started to try the doors. Considering the north most door hadn't had a key to it she had little hope that this one would have a key on the ring she was carrying. Thing was, she was wrong and the key was there. It was about the forth she tried but it opened. "Doctor, it seems we have one more door that we can go through, but where does it go?" she said. It was a bit of a question but more so a question to herself than to him specifically.

There was a window at the far side of the room as she peaked her head in, which gave just a little bit of light. It wasn't much but it was far more than they had had without it. "Doctor.... You may want to see this..." she said as she stepped slowly into the room. She couldn't see well and had to keep her wits about her and her feet planted firmly but moving and looking at the wall where she can come in through she spotted something she hadn't been expecting. Books, shelves and shelves of books. Old, worn, books. "I don't understand, what written word is this old?" she asked, once again more to herself than to Swamp as she pulled one from the shelf and opened it. The writing looked as old as the manor. "I am afraid I cannot read this," she said as she turned around and held the book out. Amaranthine couldn't read well, she knew a little, her name mostly some other things having to do with her trade and profession, some basics but this was far beyond her.

A Little Light

*Remember, roll request can be placed at the bottom of the post and results will be posted in the next update. While the door is open now, it is still dark - so rolls will be needed to move around. Those with low light will get bonuses to moving around and such with their rolls.

Alright, those in confinement.. Congrats! You have an open door. Well a door off it's hinges right now. Either way, it means you finally have an exit to the room. It is the south most door. Not the one you came in through but the one that some have assumed that Titian left through. There is the faintest bit of light in the room beyond it from three windows on the other side of the room. Though it is snowing and dark outside, so not much light is coming through. The light will not really make any difference for those in the Confinement room, so will need rolls to move - as of course there are people in that room, a turned over bed, and pillars to get around. Those right by the door will be able to leave the room and see inside the new room, but faintly. There is a closed door to the left and the right end of the rooms.

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: State Linens (3rd Floor) -> Stairs (2nd Floor)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

There was a faint glimpse of a shadow that moved passed the doorway where Titian was hiding but it kept moving. Thing was, he opted not to move out into the hallway. He could still hear voices, it wasn't safe. Not in his estimation. Sure he could probably over power someone from the staff. Quinton could give him an issue, so could the man without a tongue but others he had seen he didn't believe he would have much problem with. He was after all Kliment Lothaire. He was tall, dark, handsome, and fucking awesome. Granted that was just his opinion but his opinion of himself was by far enough to keep him thinking well of himself. Those that didn't, well they just couldn't handle a gem like him. Oh yes, he was fabulous. At least in his own mind and well his own mind was the only mind he really had to live with.

Turning he went back to the stairs. Instead of going up, he went down. Screw going back the way he came from. Sure, he wasn't the brightest candle flame around but he wasn't stupid. Okay, maybe he was but he wasn't dropped on his head as a small child. Okay, well there was that one time. Anyways, he just knew it wouldn't be a good idea to go up, so he chose down. Carefully he went down the stairs, feeling around the walls and letting his feet trace each step to the edge and push down along the wall until they hit the next step. Like hell he was going to bust his ass and get anyone's attention because of it. He was large and that paid off many times, falling was not one of them. It made him louder than others and with everything going on he was sure that anyone that caught the sound of a 200 pound man hitting the stairs and tumbling down would come running, probably armed. Nope, take it slow and he did. Reaching the second floor without issue.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 19 min ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3
Walnut heard one of the women in the room announce that the door had been opened and she let out a slight sigh of relief - not so much relief from worry but relief from the irritation that had been readily mounting. Everything about coming to this place seemed to have been a mistake. They had been promised answers, and so far, all they had learned was that the staff appeared to favor Swamp and Amaranthine for some bizarre reason - it was as if they could do no wrong, true saints among men who purified the ground wherever they walked. Just thinking about it gave Walnut the sensation of bile creeping up along the back of her throat, the acidic taste overwhelming in her mouth.

She heard the planner wish the door opener a good job and Walnut could not help but make a slightly scathing remark: "I suppose you would like to wait in here and come up with a strategy before leaving the room, then?" she said, her words like daggers. It was not much of a question despite it being phrased as one - it was ridicule for the foolish and oft repeated insistences the planner had made. For all of the time the woman had spent whining about wishing to make a plan, she could have come up with one privately and then shared it with the others once the door was ajar. She then heard the male voice near her ask if someone needed help getting up, which Walnut took as strange. It clearly was not in reference to her, as she was not on the ground.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: The Attic -> The Next Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush hoped beyond hope that someone, anyone, would come and get this door off. The hinges were weak, so surely someone among them had the means to pry them off. Thankfully, here makeshift prayers were answered as one among them (she could still not place voice to face just yet) came and pried the door off. In a matter of moments, the door came undone. Blush held an excited yell that longed to come out. ”Very well done, indeed. We are one step closer.”

Blush held in a chuckle at the comment aimed at the figure who wanted to remain in the room to talk strategy. Even if it was a somewhat solid idea, she didn’t trust anyone in the room much further than she had before. Once safely outside somewhere, perhaps then they could talk about their next action.

She entered the next room. It was still dark, but she could make out some faint shadows. Two doors on either side of the room. ”Two doors on either side. If they are locked, we may have another issue, but I doubt they are as cordoned off as our prison was. All we can do is try.” Blush made her way over to the right door, and would check to see if it is unlocked or not. If it turned out to be locked, she may just kick it down herself in frustration.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/a
Hit Points: 4

Progress had been made on getting out of the attic confinement room, but Rave wasn't sure it was any more better idea than it was prior when the lights were still on. Chances were good that if they got caught downstairs, the people of the manor would attempt to at best confine them again at worst try to kill them outright. Sadly there wasn't much of a choice in the current situation. Suddenly she heard a voice, a female voice seemingly speaking at her, and not quite right. Nothing malicious was being said, but it confused her with that intonation of a perfectly decent question.. Still Rave didn't see a reason why she shouldn't reply to the honestly asked question.

"Ideally, we could have decided on the goals before the door got opened." She replied calmly." Now there's not much point in staying and waiting. Waiting only means getting found by the people of the Manor that we broke down the door, thank you for asking though." Was the end of her reply. She was honestly thankful for Walnut's concern about her opinion, but it was really alright." Guess we can decide on what we do from now on too. Just hoping that we don't stumble onto a bunch of armed people right away or something. No other choice than to plan on the go." Prima Rave said calmly.

With that said, Rave calmly patted her pockets, confirmed her good old paw the ferret was in her pocket. Carefully she touched the stabbed wound and confirmed that it in fact still hurts, shocking. Now it was all a matter of moving at the direction of the opened door. Light wasn't here to help either, so she was going to have to be really careful." Should I wait for you all to leave the room first? I'm moving slower than you all, so it might be better if I'm last?" She asked the others, she was going to move to the side of the doorway and wait there for the moment. No need to fight for the doorway with the others. Bumping into people wasn't nice. This is also why she was planning on moving by following the wall. That way she could also help herself by using it for support and put less pressure on her injured leg.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Confinement (Attic) -> Next Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"Wait, are you telling me you wanted to stay in that dreaded room longer then we already were? Is it just me or does that sound like one of the most ridiculous things ever. You can stay behind and come up with an idea of sorts all by yourself if you want to, I however am not going to stand around here much longer. You say that getting found out by the others in the manor is what will happen, but I honestly do not care about that anymore, as they are the ones who locked us in here in the first place for no real reason, so should we really care what they think?" Penance asked in response to Rave's words, glad that the darkness concealed the fact that she was rolling her eyes in the direction of Rave's voice.

With those last words, she turned back around towards the open door and made her way out of the confinement room completely. She didn't really care if the others went out of the room or stayed behind. However from the conversation she was fairly certain that she wasn't the only one who had wanted out of the room, based on the conversation that had taken place before everything. Penance made her way towards the other doors, heading towards the one on the left in order to see if maybe it was unlocked or something, and figuring that if anyone was going to tag along they'd follow behind her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt's brow furrowed slightly as he tried to focus. The door was open, but he still needed to get there. The light coming through the doorway was dim, and it did little to she any real light on their situation, so his progress was still slow. Even so, he pushed onwards. The sooner he was out of this room, the better. He kept his hand against the wall as he moved, using it as his guide. Luck seemed to at least be somewhat on his side, and he managed to stay on his feet, his path apparently clear. As he neared the door, he slowed. He could see silhouettes moving in the half-light, and he didn't want to blunder forward and collide with one of the other guests. Not yet at least.

One of their number had braved the next step already, a figure stepping through the unconventionally opened doorway, and reporting back. It wasn't the most revealing, but it was more than Cobalt could tell for himself, so he was grateful regardless. By the sounds of it, they had plenty of paths before them, and seeing as they were still apparently being left to their own devices up here, Cobalt was inclined to explore. If nothing else, it meant that once they were out of 'Confinement', then they weren't as bound to each other's presence. There were definitely one or two guests that Cobalt would happily spend some time apart from. As if on cue, the voice of 'the planner' piped up again, and Cobalt had to hold back a sigh.

The woman still seemed obsessed with the idea of planning, and in truth, Cobalt was almost impressed she hadn't dropped it by now. Nearly every other guest present had dismissed her idea, and yet she continued. Before Cobalt could open his mouth to berate her himself, one of the other guests did, in a fairly impressive manner. Considering the new speaker was the same voice that had announced their freedom, and therefore likely the same person that had won said freedom, Cobalt decided that this was a woman it could be worthwhile staying close to. If nothing else, she seemed to have her head screwed on right. Before he could reach her, however, she slipped through the doorway as well, into the unknown beyond. Cobalt frowned again, and took a step closer to the door. As far as he was concerned, his future lay beyond that door, and he wanted that future to be as imminent as possible.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: The Attic (Confinement)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked towards Prima Rave's voice as she spoke asking if she should be the last to leave the room or not and he simply shrugged slightly. "It's up to you really." Captain Moss said as he started to walk towards the door seeing the faintest light as he tried to make his way over towards the door. "But if you need help or someone to lean on you can." Moss offered though he wasn't sure where she was exactly, but he continued to make his way towards the door. He made sure that his little piece of the cross section was close by and made sure that the point wasn't pointed forward at anyone.

"If anyone needs a door opened I also have the cross section we pulled off."] Captain Moss said calmly as he tried to see the other side of the room and sighed when he couldn't see much of anything. Captain Moss turned towards where Rave's voice was he was pretty sure that she would be asking or something for other questions. "And lets just mainly focus on getting somewhere a little bit warmer and plan our next move then." Captain Moss suggested, since he was pretty sure that the other rooms in the mansion were a lot warmer than the attic.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Attic (Laboratory - Laboratory Library(?))
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

It was the tone of her voice that mostly motivated Dr. Swamp. It was one thing to simply say that one needed to see something, it was quite another to inflect it as profoundly as she just did. Okay, he was game. Swamp raised his lamp a bit and carefully made his way over to the doorway that the Chanteuse had pointed out, and then entered. The tap of his cane upon the floor could be barely made out as he stepped a little livelier, curiosity burning in that brain of his like the snatch of a song that just refused to leave. He needed to sate this. Of course, he had no idea what to expect. When he entered the room, Swamp could not help but stifle a surprised gasp at what was before him. It was glorious.

Books upon books all around him. A treasure trove of what he valued in the world: Knowledge. Carefully, the Doctor tucked his cane beneath his arm and accepted the text that was being held out to him. He was delicate, as only a surgeon might be, looking over the ancient-looking volume with rare reverence. "This, heh..." He wasn't speechless, but it did take a quick inhale of air to collect his thoughts. "...this is a remarkable discovery, Chanteuse. Remarkable." If one wondered what Swamp sounded like when he was impressed, that was it. Quickly, he recovered himself and looked over the book he was now holding, trying simply to understand the nature of the text before him. He could look at the others in a moment. Thinking about it, he could look at the others for years and still remain interested. Provided this winter did not result in their deaths, Swamp had the impression that much of the hassle and pain would be worth it, provided he had access to this for the foreseeable future.

"This tome, madame, discusses medical procedures," he explained. "Though it differs vastly from my own research, or that which I have studied in other places of academia." The Doctor nodded, smiling at the thought of what he held in his hands. "It discusses the removal of certain internal organs from a live subject, without killing the subject. This is quite extraordinary, though I do wonder what the purpose of it might be..." Of course, sometimes the purpose of knowledge was simply to have that knowledge. Future ideas and advancements might make the obscure and misunderstood suddenly take a new and valuable clarity. Who was he to judge such a thing? "I wonder what else is in this place?" he whispered aloud, truly intellectually piqued.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Library -> Laboratory (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine stood there and waited for Dr. Swamp to come into the room with her. Watching the way he looked around once he entered and gingerly handing over the volume of text once he held his hands out for it. Pulling her hands back she bit her bottom lip slightly as she listened and watched him. It seemed that he was able to at least discern what was on the papers where she was not. There was much she questioned about this evening, even if he was truly a doctor but the way he was able to handle the body and what was held within it. The way he spoke about what he was reading. It lent a heavy amount of truth to what he was. He had to at least be educated in the arts, didn't he? He was better about things than others she had seen in the past and while he hadn't needed to exactly heal anyone as of yet, not that she had personally seen only heard, he was able to instruct her well enough to be able to lend a healing aide to him personally.

Looking around the room she shrugged slightly. "I dare not try to conceive what all could be held within these volumes," she said before looking back over towards Dr. Swamp. "Nor what they would do to us should they find us within these walls and outside of the Laboratory," she added with worry lacing her voice. And it was in her eyes as well, even in the low light of the lantern they had. "We should make haste and either put distance between us and these rooms or return before the other does and discovers our dalliances," she said as she motioned towards the door. Sighing, she would like to know more but above that she did wish to keep her heart beating. Stepping back out of the room she looked around in the Laboratory and waited for Dr. Swamp to join her if he should so chose.

A Little Light: Part 2

*Remember, roll request can be placed at the bottom of the post and results will be posted in the next update. While the door is open now, it is still dark - so rolls will be needed to move around. Those with low light will get bonuses to moving around and such with their rolls.

Those still in the confinement room are going to have a harder time moving due to lack of light. Those who have moved to the room beyond have a little light coming in from the 3 windows but as it is night and snowing, it is not much. Those with low light do have some advantage as stated before.

Now, for those that called for rolls this last round. Blush is going to have no issue getting through the room and out the door into the other room without issue. Rave, isn't having such a good time. Her leg is stiffened up from stabbing herself, poor thing. So as she goes to stand and move, it will go out on her and make her drop to the floor. She will be able to get back to her feet this round but will take the remaining part of the round to get okay standing again without wanting to drop once again. Moss, will stumble slightly but will manage to keep his feet and be able to get out of the room this round as well.

No one is hearing anything on the floor from other areas in the attic. This is good most likely as it means there isn't anyone else coming up to check on you all as of yet but time is passing and one would think someone would be back shortly. Do note that the rooms are getting colder, quickly now.
Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Stairs (2nd Floor) -> Pantry (1st Floor)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

Now where Titian is, he is hearing some talk outside of where he is on the second floor now and he isn't wanting to stick around and listen. It is getting colder and he would much rather be somewhere warm. Save finding a woman to curl up to he opts to see if going down another flight of stairs could pay off in that. Slowly, he moves, step by step to ensure he doesn't trip and fall. He has gotten this far without knowingly being detected and he would like to keep it that way. Refusing to fully lift a foot as he goes down the stairs, he lets them feel along to the edge of each step once again before lowering it to the next. And while doing this keeping his hands against the walls to catch himself if a bad situation starts to get worse.

Thankfully, to him, he does manage to get down another set of stairs and into a lamp lit room. Though it is only an oil lamp left in the room and not one of the wall gas lights. He still is not seeing any signs that the gas is working again. But he ain't complaining about where he turned up. The room has some warmth to it and it smells wonderful. Looking around he finds he is in the pantry. "Food," he whispered under his breath as he reached out and picked up a wrapped bundle. Opening it to find bread. Placing some in his mouth he chews and looks around some more. Hey, if one has a chance to fill the hump, one does just that. For all he knows this is his last fucking meal. Oh hey, cheese and fruit. Jackpot. Now, where's some wine?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 19 min ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic) -> the Next Room
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 3
Walnut was incredulous as the self-stabber mistook her scathing remarks as actual concern. How daft just was this person, really? She glanced around the room slightly, making an obvious face - though in the low lighting, she realized hardly anyone would be able to see her. Perhaps the tomb raider that they had in their presence, though that little line of information would need to be dealt with later on. Instead, Walnut had to fight the urge to see what would happen if they locked the pathetic woman back in here alone - would she still whine and moan about making a plan? "Yes, I believe you should wait until we have all left the room. We will call for you to exit once we have done so." Of course, she had no intention of doing so. She wanted to see how long this woman would wait, alone in the darkness, for someone to tell her it was alright to leave.

With flawless grace, as if she had become suited to the darkness after this time, Walnut easily moved forward and exited the confinement room. In the new room, she noticed the small amount of light afforded to them from the windows. A macabre thought flickered through her mind, but she quickly put it aside. Perhaps if the others shared in her irritation, or at least vocalized it, she would be able to make such a suggestion. "Are the doors locked?" Walnut asked, since Blush had already gone over to investigate them. "It is fortunate that we now have multiple tools to choose from, should we need to bypass a door or... Well, I'll be blunt - if we need to defend ourselves from any persons we may come across."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: The Next Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush left most of them behind in the attack to sort themselves out. Especially the one woman who had stabbed herself previously, who felt it was best to sit and plan out their escape in a cold, dark room that the occupants of the house had locked them in. Seemed like a really stupid idea. She had no trouble voicing that either, but as of right now she wanted away from the blasted attic and the group she was forced to work with. They had the right idea, safety in numbers. She doubted anyone in the house would be ecstatic to see them out of their confinement. She also desperately wanted to find Titian so she could properly β€œthank” him.

As she made her way to the door, she checked it and found it unlocked. It seemed they had some good luck, after all. ”It’s unlocked. I doubt they expected us to escape. Keep up your guard though.” She knew she had the means to defend herself should things go south.

Once opened, she stepped inside. Darkness continued to permeate the area and she wasn’t able to get far into the room. ”More darkness, more rooms. I enjoyed this house at the beginning and now I want to see it burned to the ground.” Once she got out, she would put this place far from her mind. Once the other business was taken care of, of course. She had no further qualms about sorting out her affairs anymore.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/a
Hit Points: 4

"No, not really. Didn't say or mean that." Prima Rave replied to Penance's question, wondering where the woman was in the darkness. Why were people misunderstanding her so? She didn't say that, guess her words could have been taken that way? She wasn't sure about it though. She believed she expressed herself properly. In the end Rave reached the conclusion it might have been the difference of way of living before here? Whatever it was, she wasn't going to be leave the misunderstanding on this continue." What I meant that while the work to open the doors was happening, it could have at the same time have been decided on what to do. No time was going to be wasted really. Doesn't matter anymore since the door was already opened." She explained.

Sadly her condition turned out worse than she suspected. As soon as she had attempted to take a single step forward, even using the wall as guide to lean on, the once trusted limb gave out on her. With nary a warning for preparation, aside the pain she felt, her body lurched over as she fell to the ground from the suddenly lack of support that the leg had to provide." Ahh!" She groaned as she impacted the floor. It hurt, from the hit. She groaned and rolled over to lay on her back. Right now she sort of started to regret attempting to move after all...

Still, gritting her teeth, she slowly moved to a sitting position, and eventually with the help of the wall for support once more started to stand up. It was rather slow, but after a little while she was once more standing and mostly certain that her leg wouldn't give out on her right away once more, bringing her to the ground. She was now even more certain that her running around with this leg was a bad idea though. How the hell was she going to walk down the stairs in teh darkness? Maybe what Moss suggested? Having someone to help her with moving? She really didn't want to cause issues or hinder the others though.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt was quickly growing impatient again. Being trapped inside this 'Confinement' had been bad enough, but he felt like he had been fumbling in the dark for hours now. Even now that the window of escape, or rather the door, had been opened, it still remained infuriatingly out of reach. Not only that, but it was cold, true cold now. Ever since the lamps had spluttered out, he had felt the chill in the air, but now it was bitterly cold, and it cut through his dinner attire like he was wearing nothing at all. He clamped his teeth together to stop them from chattering, and then pushed forwards. He practically ran towards the dim outline of the door, desperate for whatever freedom the space beyond could offer.

Cobalt didn't know if it was the cold, the darkness, or some combination of the two, but his judgement proved to be a little... off. Instead of the welcoming embrace of freedom that the door promised, Cobalt instead found himself becoming far more acquaintance with the rather unwelcoming embrace of the wall a few feet to the left of the doorway. With a dull thud, Cobalt collided with the wall, the force of it sending him staggering back a pace, trying to blink away the daze. Through some stroke of luck, he emerged from his brief encounter remarkably unscathed, aside from a slight headache, and a stinging nose. He glanced around, but in the darkness he couldn't know if anyone was nearby, or had been in any position to witness his mistake. The darkness may well have been a blessing in this case, for Cobalt hardly wanted his fellow guests to think he was a simpleton. After all, he knew how much his opinion of 'the planner' had dipped after she had managed to impale her own leg.

As if on cue, Cobalt heard a voice that he recognized all too well cry out, followed by a resounding thud, the distinctive sound of something heavy falling to the ground with some force. It was still too dark for Cobalt to make out his own hand in front of his face, let alone anything happening anywhere else in the room, but judging by the groans and sounds of movement that followed the thud, it sounded like 'the planner' had unfortunately survived whatever had caused them to cry out. A shame, but by the sounds of it, they were likely to trip and fall down the first stairs they came to, darkness or otherwise. A more cynical man might comment on the hypocrisy of Cobalt condemning someone for their inclination towards accidents, but thankfully, Cobalt was not a more cynical man, and despite the stinging pain still emanating from his nose, he failed to see the irony.

Turning back towards the door, or at least where he was pretty sure the door was, Cobalt tried to shake the last of the daze from his head, ignoring the slight ringing in his ears. He was going to get out of this room, even if it meant running through a wall. For a start, outside meant freedom and warmth. And more importantly, there were a lot more pretty women outside than there were inside.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Attic (Laboratory Library(?) -> Laboratory)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

There was this utter treasure trove of knowledge sitting here, just sitting here with no one else who might appreciate it as much as he might, and no one had told him. Not that anyone associated with the house might have, given the nature of their arrival. And, of course, the events which had transpired after said arrival. So no, it was little wonder that the masters of the house wold not sit them down and trot out all of the best finery and key speaking points to the secret valuables of the house. Swamp was still reading the contents of the tome in his hands as Amaranthine spoke. He agreed with her on her first statement, giving a wistful, "Yes, indeed..." when she discussed what might be within the volumes. Then he understood her context, following up with, "Ah, my apologies. I am, ah, drawn to things of knowledge, regardless of source. It is joyous, though now that you mention it surely must have come at ...quite a cost in morality."

It took some effort, but he finally relented. Swamp closed the book that he was reading, but he did so in a manner respectful of the thing which held the fruits of scientific endeavors. He gave the room a long look before stepping back out of it, as if he might be able to simply absorb the contents of the books through sheer force of will alone, set the book back where it was procured, and left with a pang of regret. "You are quite right, of course. This is a dangerous line to walk, especially as we were not intended to gain entry to this room in the first place. In my condition especially, I am in no place to openly challenge any of the housemasters' wishes." He referred to his injuries, of course.

Swamp closed the door to the Library behind him and breathed a heavy sigh. He took a second, seeming to regard an issue, then initiated something wholly unrelated to their most recent minor adventure, "Ah, Chanteuse? If I may, I have a advantage in knowing a bit about you, on account of your more public lifestyle. In an effort toward leveling things," he leaned in closer, and in a clear but quiet whisper intoned his full, given, and proper name to the woman. He paused, looking rather sheepish for a second, and gave an understanding, "Dr. Swamp is perfectly fine in the interim, for obvious reasons. I just thought you should know."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Next Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"Well clearly they know nothing about people if they think we'd just sit around and do nothing for hours on end which honestly is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. But that door is unlocked, we might as well do a little bit of exploring, we aren't entirely positive as to where in this horrid manor we are in, so we might as well continue onwards. As for enough items to use to defend ourselves with that much is very true... And I do not know about you, but there might be more well, safety in numbers if we stay together, for the time being anyway," Penance commented.

With the knowledge that the other door was unlocked and now they could move on once more, things were really starting to look up. However, they were still fumbling around in the dark with nothing much that they could really do about that entire thing. If only the dumb lights would come back on, or someone was actually able to create a light source of their own. She made her way through the room, over towards the room that Blush had mentioned being opened. She was traveling somewhat slowly in order to ensure that she didn't run into anyone, as that could be a bit of a problem. Hearing Blush's words about burning the manor to the ground, she couldn't help but laugh. Clearly she wasn't the only one who thought that the manor was a horrible place and needed to be destroyed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location:Shadowell Manor: The Attic (Confinement) -> The Next Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss quietly moved through the room, he would occasionally stumble forward, but he managed to catch himself before he could even fall onto the floor and into the next room. Taking a moment as he looked out the window it was really dark as he could see just a tiny bit of light coming through. At least they weren't out in the cold right now as he sighed a little bit Moss stumbled down the hallway with the others. He nodded slightly at least they had things to defend themselves with if the others or the residents of the house ended up attacking them for whatever reason.

"I'm just glad we are out of the room." Moss said, as he stopped and turned his head when he could hear a thud back in the Confinement room. He thought about going back in there to see what it was. But it was really dark, and he didn't want to spend the next hour trying to fumble around in the dark room either. Though Moss did decide to stay just a little bit behind just to make sure and help that everyone else was out of the room. Moss watched as they opened the door to the next room and sure enough it was still dark there as well. "So, how long do you think we will be stumbling in the next room?" He asked the others.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Laboratory (Attic)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine looked over towards Dr. Swamp and nodded. While she did not understand what was within the volumes of text she could appreciate that they did hold within their covers text. Such things were rare, even by those that could write and had wealth. Yet from the looks of them, they were far older than anything she had seen before. Even to the untrained eye they had value. To someone like Swamp, she imagined that they held a far higher value because he could understand the words on the page. To her, it would have been like finding sheet music from hundreds of years ago. To be able to play such a thing would have cause wonder to her and she herself would have been lost reading what she could and perhaps feeling what the one that had transcribed it did when they wrote it.

The woman was not sure what was going on when Dr. Swamp came near her. She was worried and it was clear on her features that she was. It was not that the man hadn't earned some level of trust from her but she wore her feelings on her sleeve and it was clear she was still on edge. Then again who wouldn't be in such a situation. People were dying left and right. Some murdered, some, perhaps not? A strange home, in the middle of a storm, after a bridge blew. Though, where the people of the house telling the truth that there was no way out or was that to just deter them leaving? It was anyone's guess at this point. So when he stepped in she braced herself.

He knew who she was? Oh this wasn't good. And then she heard something whispered against her ear. Her eyes opened wide and she looked completely confused for a moment. Her head turning and she looked at him as if to ask silently, Seriously? But she held her tongue for a moment before accepting what he had told her and nodding towards him. "I would ask if you are telling me truth but I cannot imagine anyone using such a memorable name as a cover," she finally admitted. "Then Doctor is very fitting indeed. As Chanteuse is for myself. Perhaps while our names given are not on point, the titles seem to be. I wonder what this speaks of towards the others thus far in the party?" she mused as she looked around.

A Little Light: Part 3

*Remember, roll request can be placed at the bottom of the post and results will be posted in the next update. While the door is open now, it is still dark - so rolls will be needed to move around. Those with low light will get bonuses to moving around and such with their rolls.

Hrm, nothing much to update here as no rolls where called for. Things are the same. Get a roll in chat to see if your character moves like before. Above your dex, you fail to move, below your dex you move, crit fail, pm me. Door to the west is locked. Door to the east is unlocked. The room to the east outside of the main one just south outside of Confinement have NO light what so ever as there is no window to let any in. Still no sounds at this time from what you can hear, and it is getting colder. Room to the east outside of the southern room outside of confinement though is a bit warmer than the one you are trying to leave now.

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Pantry (1st Floor)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

There were sounds, he could hear something so he held his ground. Titian was a man of action but that action usually had to do with either his work or women. As he wasn't on the job right then and there was no woman near by to curl up to, this left his third favorite thing to do. Eat. Hey, it was a pantry, there was food. While not hot steaming food, it was fresh. Beggars couldn't be choosers and thieves did well to keep their complaints to themselves. Finding a basket of bread that looked to have been baked that morning he pulled out a few rolls and leaned against the wall in the pantry near the door. Dagger in one hand and a roll in the other. Chewing quietly as he listened against the door. He would need to make a choice but that required thought and insight. And well we know that Titian isn't one of the great thinkers of our time.

But he could listen at least while he filled his belly. Why not? Who knew if he would ever get another meal. This could be his last and well he would much rather go out after eating something hot, slightly pink on the inside, and juicy, (A STEAK PEOPLE! HEAD OUT OF GUTTER! LOL) he was more than content with some sweet bread. Could have been worse, he had eaten worse, he didn't want to think on it. From what he could gather though from the little he could hear was that it was the kitchen staff and they were complaining about the lights being out and wondering why. They were also talking about the guests. That got his attention and he stopped mid chew. Oh, this was getting interesting. Food, warmth, and entertainment? Yeah, it could be a lot worse than it was right then.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Dexterity, Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt did his best to orientate himself, and then moved towards the door for a second time. Maybe his collision with the wall had had more of an effect than he had originally thought, or maybe some malicious spirit had decided to torment him, but yet again, Cobalt's best laid plans went awry. He had barely managed a pace before he seemed to stumble, and the wall rushed towards him again. At the last minute, Cobalt managed to reach an arm up and catch himself. He staggered slightly as he struggled to regain his balance, and tried to shake off whatever affliction had been clouding his judgement. For a second time, he was grateful of the darkness hopefully obscuring him from the other guests. At this rate, he was starting to doubt if he was ever going to escape this infernal room!

Through the infuriatingly evasive doorway, Cobalt could hear the other's beginning to explore whatever lay beyond. As far as he could tell, he was one of the only guests actually left in 'Confinement', and the thought wasn't making his own getting out of the room any easier. Neither was the cold. Cobalt could feel it in his bones now, and he pulled his jacket tight around him, although it did little to stave off the chill in the air. If he didn't get out of this room soon, then it was going to be more than his pride that was hurt. To be this close to freedom and yet to continually fail in achieving it was infuriating. Cobalt reached out through the darkness, doing what he could to feel the frame, so that hopefully the next time he tried to make it out, he would be more successful. Failure left a bitter taste in Cobalt's mouth.

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