"There I saw another vision; I saw the habitations and resting places of the saints. There my eyes beheld their habitations with the angels, and their resting places with the holy ones. They were entreating, supplicating, and praying for the sons of men; while righteousness like water flowed before them, and mercy like dew was scattered over the earth. And thus shall it be with them for ever and for ever. Amen."Name: Enoch
Nicknames/Alias: The Patriarch
Age: Eternal (34)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Appearance Details: Enoch might be a larger than life figure but in truth she stands at a modest height of 5'7" though she still cuts a rather imposing figure thanks to her physical presence. She has a body that has shown the signs of hard living, cut from marble, not bulky muscular but toned, fit, and with enough strength to bloody her knuckles with few punches. Her hair is kept short, short enough that the branded emblem of The Pure is always visible on the side of her neck. Her clothing skews to the darker color, to blend with the environments as she goes; ultimately she looks no different from a regular citizen, other than perhaps the fact that she is clearly not wanting for food or succor, this, of course, is by design. It adds to the belief that the leader of The Pure can be anyone, can be anywhere, can see everything, and be everywhere.
Tattoos, Piercings, Scars, Other: The most prominent tattoo is more of a scar, a branding of the insignia of The Pure that she has forever marked on her neck, just above her left collarbone. Numerous scars, including a burn, mar the right side of her body, up to her shoulder. The worst of it she has covered with a sleeve of tattoos, none of which mean anything. Her deepest scars are the ones that aren't visible; they exist in her head.
Brand/ID Tattoo Placement: Left Wrist
Assets and Bank Account: Every child of The Pure must pay their tithe in offering to The Patriarch which gives Enoch more than a decent amount of money even before factoring in the payments she takes on the sly from those in Eden who might need a helping hand from a heavenly father to do some dirty work. If The Kings control the more prominent clubs and hotspots for the Korven residents, it is The Pure who control the lifeblood of those establishments and the more hidden establishments for those whose tastes run a bit more secretly decadent. As Enoch does not donate her offerings, she is doing quite well for herself, as much as a gang leader can be considered doing well.
Gang Affiliation: The Pure
Occupation: The Patriarch of The Pure
Sanction: Korven
Favorite Season: Spring
Personality: Charismatic. Manipulative. Enigmatic. Tenacious. Merciless. Resolute.
A woman in Enoch's position has little left in the way of humanity, that was stripped away the moment the brand went on her neck. But she is not without her vices and attachments; she might not truly value the lives of others even her own 'children' but she does not end lives unjustly or cruelly. In that way perhaps she does know mercy. She is still rather fond of certain passions and though she shies away from illicit substances herself she is not above distributing them. This doesn't make her a hypocrite in her eyes, no more so than a weapon seller is a hypocrite if they practice pacifism. Enoch is a well read woman, inasmuch as can be read, and knowing full well the way people think of her children and the citizens of Korven this is an edge she uses to her advantage. She can play the dirty bottom feeder as long as she needs, she has endured this long by knowing when to strike and when the bide her time.
Likes and Dislikes: +Pleasures of the flesh, and not just those of a carnal nature
+Noodles, specifically the broth
+Watching a good fight, particularly those that are sanctioned. Doubly so if it's a death match.
-Music other than those that have a piano/organ
-Drugs and those addicted to them
-Children who question her word
-The ostentatious nature of The Kings
Hobbies and Interests: Reading from old texts and books of scripture
Gardening, or what constitutes as such in the conditions
Small Biography: Enoch wasn't born Enoch, in fact 'Enoch the Patriarch' is, of course, a title she inherited once she become the new leader of The Pure. The Pure's system of hierarchy is such that only those in the upper ranks know the truth: that she IS Enoch; the Children of The Pure see Enoch as more of a Metatron figure, delivering messages and sermons from a faceless leader. It works, for the most part, and in this way a new voice for Enoch can be swapped out should she be rendered unable to do her job. Enoch has forgotten her birth name at this point, she's been Enoch for over ten years while having been a Child of The Pure from the age of five. She was discovered in an alley outside a drug den and was taken in with the promise of food and shelter. She was too young to realize it was a lie. She was too young for a lot of things.
Her survival instinct was what saw her through the ranks of The Pure. Her gender is what got her in with the previous Enoch, and it was those same survival instincts that she used to usurp the position for herself. There were some objections, but they were promptly silenced. Under her leadership, The Pure have become more visible in their activities, encroaching on The Kings territory but not yet crossing over the line to out and out gang warfare; she's even had meetings with Eden bigwigs. She has plans for The Pure, beyond just the immediate; that so few others who called themselves Enoch saw the true benefit in a cult-like gang of followers is beyond her. Sure, she has indulged in some of the sins of the past fathers, but her aim is much grander.
The question is how long until the next Enoch comes knocking.
Family Members: The Children of The Pure
Relationships: Jason Ryker - He was once a child of The Pure and while The Patriarch has let him leave the flock, a good shepherd is always mindful of her sheep, even the wayward ones. It would be wrong to consider them friends.