"Bah, trust ain't comin' from'ere, neither!" Korvash returned, a frown creasing its way across the brute's face. Inori contrasted this with a somewhat amused expression. Watching two 'lesser' beings interact was always an entertaining endeavor. As if a theatrical display by the less fortunate, those born beneath a lesser shroud. One could not blame Inori for this approach, as every demon shared his view. In fact, Inori could very well be considered tame, in this regard. He actually interacted with these entities and presented himself as an equal in regards to social interaction. He was not upfront about the most common trope among demons. Arrogance.
"That's quite enough, Korvash," Inori pitched in, his small claws gently tapping the spear, where he sat, each motion leaving a lingering clang. Indeed, though ghostly in appearance, Inori's manifestations appeared very much real. Such was the nature of an Ethereal Weaver, as he would describe himself. Of course, if there was a more official title to offer this conjurer of ghostly spectacles, he was more than willing to hear it. "Even orcs ought to welcome a guest, vacant of hostility." Turning his crimson gaze towards Korvash, Inori's unnaturally large eyes, glimmering with the very hellfire which burned within his kind, there was a split second of intimidation which overshadowed the creature's every other feature. "It is unsightly," Inori stated, his voice calm, cold, and calculated. Onlookers would perhaps draw the conclusion that a tiny creature had just managed to stare down an orc, and such an outrageous claim found itself more truthful than expected. Korvash clenched his teeth, and looked away, avoiding the abyssal pits of what could only be eternal torment, within the demonic boy's visage.
This did not last, however, as the magical entity turned to Cadence with his usual, soft smile. What had transpired between Inori and Korvash appeared lost in the wind, as if the creature discarded it moments later. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Cade of a Thunderstorm," the demon's smile gave way for an even more usual expression. His playful grin. "Quite the lofty title, if I am to present a personal view, on the matter." With a claw moving to gently tap the demon's chin, Inori leaned back on his spear, enjoying the comfort of where he sat. It was not a common sight, by any measure, seeing someone pleasantly relaxing atop a floating weapon, but in a world so seriously strange, nothing could be taken for granted. This, naturally, brought Inori's thoughts back to the surge of magical energy he had felt, before. However, this man, Cadence, could not possibly have been the cause. The mere notion was laughable. What Inori had felt was beyond the demon, and by proxy, far beyond any other creature with the exception of an incredibly powerful fairy, or elf mage, neither of which appeared plausible. Was it the Lich? Unlikely. It did not feel like chilling, all-consuming darkness.
Eventually discarding these thoughts, the demon narrowed his eyes as the view of this feline creature lingered. "I am Inori, a simple wanderer." Though not a complete lie, Inori was not going to delve deeper. A wanderer and monster hunter, was exactly what his life had devolved to, and his past was irrelevant for social circumstances. "This is Korvash," the demon offered a soft wave to his side, presenting the orc who huffed, in response.
Throughout their conversation, silence had once more swept over the forest. which elevated the snapping of a twig. Inori shifted his gaze towards the sound, the demonic boy's claws gently wrapping themselves around the spear he was sitting on. Another guest? He was growing popular.