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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 34 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Top Floor Baxter Building-- New York City, New York.

Antoinette's carefully crafted illusion eventually faded and she let out a tired breath at having held something for so long. It had done the trick though and as Antoinette ran over to Carolina to make sure she was okay, Guin put the soldiers to sleep and Novikova made sure they couldn’t move after that. ”You alright Lina? October?” Her voice shook some from the adrenaline still working it's way though her system. She looked both her friends over, scanning for any injuries or anything. She let out a relieved sigh and looked around them. There was quite a bit of destruction and Mystique was bleeding out it seemed.
Now that the soldiers attacking them had been properly subdued, Antoinette had to agree that leaving now would be good. There was no telling how many more men the King would be sending their way. They had to figure out a way to get back to their old reality or they would be running forever. At least back home, the real home, they had a bit more breathing room now and weren’t constantly on the run.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Baxter Building-- New York City, New York.

Niah holstered her ICER and just gave Carolina a bloody thumbs up. She didn't feel like talking at the moment any more than necessary. She didn't even know what Carolina meant. Niah kept her hand pressed against her side where the bullet had hit her. She wasn't certain if it was a graze or a penetrated shot. With her eyes closed, she took a few slow shallow breaths trying to gather herself again.

"Sue, would you by chance happen to have a first aid kit handy." Niah finally asked opening her eyes. "I need to take care of this before I go anywhere." At least the threat was mitigated. It had been utter chaos though, and they had gotten lucky. She assumed that they had been tracked by one of the phones of the royals or some other means. They should shed those devices before going to whatever their next location would be.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Baxter Building - New York
Skills: Precognition

Now that the situation had been taken care of, rather quickly too, Allison surveyed the scene around her. Everyone was more or less fine, though some were injured. She checked Oshea, seeing if he was ok. Once hse was sure, she made her way over to Guin. "Hey Guin, you both ok?" She wanted to check on Guin and Pietro, unsure how to broach the subject of Pietro and the other girl. He was accused of being a serial killer and he ran off. That isn't something one normally brushes off.

She was then hit with a vision. Once back, she knew what they had to do next. "Ok so I just had a vision. I saw us grabbing Tony Stark from Stark Tower and making our way to the palace. There we meet up with Miranda or Magneto's wife who we've met before. Well, either way, she and Tony start arguing, but it's like they've known each other for a long time. So there's something there. I don't know about after that, but that's what we need to do. And it requires us all working together."

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Le Beau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Once the situation calmed down, Tinley returned to Maria to check on her. Just as another redhead showed up. "I swear to God ou better be Mary then and this isn't some triplet thing going on or I will lose it." Once Wolverine explained the situation and she was sure this was, in fact, the original Mary she knew about, and Maria was treated for touch poisoning apparently, she got to work.

"Ok going to try this again. We are here to try to fix this reality. Princess Wanda changed this all and changed everyone's memory was altered. Well not everyone's, but most. Anyway, this reality is not the right one and we are uniting everyone to take the fight back to her and get this sorted. It's why we came here. So I suggest we get moving soon because I am tired of this reality already."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Le Beau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Ana thought about responding to James but thought against it. Not worth her time really. He basically sided with the stupid boy, despite her not doing anything wrong and even helping the situation. But no, she was the bad guy because she felt insulted. Jacks's shirt combusted and, judging by the comment and looks, the boy had something to do with it. Points for creativity, she supposed. She was still out of the loop though until Casper brought her up to speed.

"Thank you Casper. I appreciate that. I apologize for all the rude things I've said about you to your face and in my head." She then turned to Max. "So this other reality me had you so worried? She must be powerful then. Well, I don't take kindly to people fucking around with my memories, so I am in. Take her down and get this all sorted out then. The sooner the better then, yeah?" She wanted to get gone as soon as possible. The sheer idea someone messed around with her mind put her in a sour mood. No one did that and lived to tell the tale.

Though she was curious about this other reality persona of hers.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pietro more or less had fallen silent, more or less having a mental breakdown or something, but at least he wasn't racing around, causing a cyclone again or whatever. Though he didn't really respond to Guin at all, however she'd know that he was thinking about everything that had been going on, and what it is that he just did. His mind was racing at a thousand miles per hour, and he didn't seem to be calming down anytime soon.

"You have to abide by the laws of Earth while you are here Runa, even if they aren't the laws that you are used to... You still have to follow them." Lance told her, shaking his head slightly at her, before turning to look at the others. "I do recommend the whole, leaving fairly soon thing, since who knows how many people they'll send after us..."

"She's not going anywhere really anytime soon from what I can tell from that injury at a glance," Sapphire said, looking over at Niah.

"There is a first aid kit in a cabinet over there," Sue said, pointing towards one of the large cabinets in the room that hadn't been damaged or knocked over luckily. Meanwhile, Niah would start to feel really dizzy, despite her attempts to slow down the bleeding.

Sapphire instantly went over to it, pulling out the kit and going over to Niah. "Alright, hold still so I can see, I didn't get a medical degree for nothing it would seem. Though if you move It'll make things more difficult, actually you know what? Lie down on that couch over there," she said, before dragging Niah towards a couch and forcing her to lay down. "Let's see how bad this thing is then shall we?"

With that, she moved Niah's shirt somewhat in order to look at the injury. There was a few good things about Sapphire having a bit of a cold personality, she had one hell of a poker face, so she wasn't showing any sort of reaction really towards Niah's injury, all she said was, "Sadly I've seen worse. Anyone in here blood type O-? It's the universal donor, helping to take into account if she also is a blood type O-. So, any volunteers or whatever? Since I know for a fact that I'm not."

"I am, but I can't be a blood donor. However, Johnny is the same blood type as me, he can act as a donor for her. Do you need one?"

"Would I have asked that question if I didn't? Alright, so she's not really going to be able to head off to Stark Tower, but I can head back to the base with her, as well as with the Torch over there, so that we can fix her injury until the guy with healing powers shows up again."

"Runa... Think you can send them through a portal back to the HQ and then open one up so that we can head to Stark Tower?" Lance asked her.

Johnny had let out a bit of a sigh when it was revealed he was going to be the walking blood bag or something and walked over. "Alright, so how are we doing this?"

"Give me a moment, warning Bautista, this is going to hurt a bit," Sapphire said, before she prepared a needle and thread, put some gloves on, and grabbed some gauze bandages and what looked like tweezers. "Remember, I need you to stay as still as possible," she said calmly, before she went and removed the bullet. Pain would shoot through Niah, but it thankfully would be gone a second later as Sapphire stitched up the injury for her. "Alright, we have two options for this, one is that we hook up the transfusion and you end up getting carried by the Human Torch with someone nearby to make sure he for some reason doesn't collapse. Or someone else carries you and we make sure that you and Johnny aren't too far apart so that the transfusion doesn't come undone. I'd normally suggest you both lie down and don't move for a while, but time is a luxury that we don't have."

"I can carry her, just set up the transfusion or whatever," he responded simply. Sapphire shrugged slightly, before she pulled out the necessary equipment and got a direct transfusion going. With that, Johnny easily picked Niah up off the couch.

"If you can open a portal up, that would be amazing. You guys can go off to Stark Tower, anyone who wants to come with us can, we'll make sure she's back on her feet fairly quickly, don't worry about it."

"...I think either someone needs to give Pietro his memory back rather quickly, and hopefully he doesn't run off this time, or he needs to go back to the base or whatever since I think he probably needs to see a shrink at this point..."

Mary blinked her eyes, looking a bit confused, before she shook her head slightly. "Alright, now what the hell is going on, who screwed with the world?" she said instantly, and as opposed to a slight Cajun accent to her words, now there was a hint of a German one in it's place. "You all want to talk with Remy and Rogue? They're downstairs right now, follow me though if you want to, actually I'd recommend it. Since let's be honest, what are the odds he'd believe me if I walked down there and just said, oh by the way, someone screwed up the world we need to fix it. They probably wouldn't."

"Just lead us to the swamp rat already kid," Wolverine grunted, and Mary nodded her head, before she quickly leaned in to Maria to respond to what she had said.

"Next time we have a chance, but right now we've got bigger things to worry about then whatever it is you think we need to discuss," she said to her, before she lead the way to what looked to be a back room. Opening the door up, she lead them down a staircase that brought them to the main headquarters to the New Orleans Thieves' Guild.

Gambit and Rogue were in the meeting room off to the side, probably plotting the Guild's next heist, and Mary sort of tapped on the door before walking inside. "Hey Remy, we need to talk about something aside from the slight amount of chaos that Chrysi caused upstairs," she said, walking over.

"....Chère, tell me ya ain't joinin' the Aryan youth."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Ya voice mon amie."

"Oh... It's nothing..." Mary said, before glancing over her shoulder slightly at the others. She figured that Maria would use her abilities to fix their memories to make things a bit easier so that she wasn't going to sound crazy. Though in reality she knew that she really was crazy.

Back out in the main room, Jack looked over at Max after he had gotten rid of his shirt that had been lit on fire, and chuckled a little bit. "Guess that's one way to get someone shirtless, but I would suggest next time try to make it a little less possibly painful okay? And yes Casper, I could use another shirt," he said, adding the last part towards his brother.

"Perhaps I can help you out with that," Klara's voice called out, before she used her own magic to create a shirt for Jack, and walked over handing it to him. She had a mug of beer in her hand as she looked around at the group, "You Midgardians certainly are strange, though I do appreciate that beer seems to be a universal drink.

Jack took the shirt from her, looking a bit strangely at Klara, before he pulled the shirt on. "Uh... Thanks? Mind telling me who the hell are you?"

"Oh, sorry about that, my name is Klara."

"Uh... Okay then... Guessing you came with Max and James then?"

"Yup, anyway in this reality I'm Midgardian which no offense is horrid... In the real world though, my name is Klara, daughter of Thor and Goddess of Love."

"Cool... So anyway we should probably catch up with the other people in your group, looks like they headed downstairs to the main base area... And uh, Ana? I guess you can come along too... Look Max, I know you might not trust her, but right now we probably need all the help we can get in order to fix things."

"I concur, so as I was saying, I suggest we follow the others," she continued, taking a swig of her mug, before heading off towards the area that the other group had gone.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Guin Stark, Dominika Novikova, and Runa Blake

Location: the Baxter Building - New York -> Stark Tower - New York
Skills: Basic Serbian, Eldritch Magic
"I'm fine, sweetheart," October told Annie warmly. "No need to fret about me, I've survived the cruel designs of mankind before." Of course, it was perhaps a bit ironic for her to say that and to be so calm - she had died as a teenager. She never got to reach adulthood thanks to the action of O.M.E.N. agents in Massachusetts. Annie seemed to be rather rattled from all of this. "It's alright, dove."

Guin glanced over at Allison, not really sure how to answer her question at first. "We'll be fine," she then answered, still holding onto Pietro's hand. "...Okay, if she's mad with my dad and they've known each other for a while, he probably slept with her, gonna be honest. My dad was a bit of a whore before he met Pepper." And even a little bit after that. She never really liked meeting her father's old girlfriends, usually since they all reminded her of her mother, Maddie le Fay a.k.a. Madison Cromwell, reality TV star and all around piece of trash. "Pietro doesn't want his memories back, so he's not getting them, got it?" she then snapped slightly, annoyed at Lance for even suggesting that. She didn't want to leave him by himself back at the base and she was definitely going to be going off to get her dad. He was her only family. Her heart then clenched slightly. She needed to say goodbye to her grandparents, before reality reverted back and they died.

"I'm going with the group to Stark Tower, it's my home anyways," she then said bluntly, before turning her attention to her skittish lover. There was still lingering pain inside of her connected to her feelings for him, but he needed her right now so she pushed those things deep down and cupped his face with her hands. "Hey, focus on me..." she whispered, before giving him a kiss. She was hoping it would slow down his thoughts enough and take his mind off of the blood and all. "Volim te, Pietro," she whispered to him in Serbian.

"Volim te, Guina," Pietro muttered, though it seemed like he was starting to calm down ever so slightly.

Guin then leaned her forehead against his, having to stand up on her toes to make up the difference in height. As it was, even with that she was teetering on the edge of falling over - he was almost a foot taller than her. "Volim te više."

Pietro gave her a small smile, falling silent completely now.

She smiled back at him slightly. "Oh? Da li sam tada pobedio? Da li konačno priznaješ da te najviše volim?"


"Then prove it," she told him with a slight smirk, glad that he seemed to be distracted at least.

"Now probably is not the time Guina," he pointed out, definitely appearing calmer.

She rolled her eyes slightly. "I didn't mean like that - I'm not going to ask you to bend me over a table in front of the freaking Human Torch."

Runa stared at Lance for a moment, before she nodded slightly. His mention of the laws just made her think about her brother, Forseti - he ran the courts on Asgard. He always was going on about justice - yet he had a healthy penchant for retribution as well, for harming those who had harmed you. He believed in an eye for an eye. "Very well - I'll abide by the laws of this land as long as our enemies do the same." Perhaps it was something of a loophole, but she didn't intend it to be that way. If her enemies were going to try to kill, then she wasn't going to hold back, that was all and that was the compromise she was willing to offer.

Concentrating for a moment, she pictured the Human Resistance Headquarters in her mind's eye and she traced a circle in front of her. A few seconds later and there was a portal, surrounded by glowing golden light, for Niah and the others returning to HQ to take. She didn't know if she would be able to hold two portals at once stably, but she had to try at least. Taking another breath, she hoped Idunn would lend her strength as she opened up a second portal, this one opening up on the top floor of Stark Tower right in front of the bar. "Please go through quickly, unless you want to risk being chopped in half if one portal were to collapse."

Novikova didn't need Runa to tell her twice. Her knee hurt like hell but she went through the portal headed to Stark Tower. Her powers had the ability to restore memories, and even if Richards had a device, she didn't know how portable it would be. Once through, she saw the one and only Tony Stark, the Invincible Iron Man, passed out on the couch like a common drunk. "Get up Stark," she ordered, hardly a fan of the man. Hank Pym was a mentor to her after all. She shoved Tony off of the couch, wrinkling her nose. "You smell."

"What the hell was that for and why are you here?"

Novikova didn't feel like going through this charade and she took her glasses off, gazing into Tony's eyes as she restored his memories of the real world. “There, now pull yourself together,” Novi told him sternly. "Your brat is here with her prince." She figured that knowing that his child was there might be good motivation for him - that it would prompt Tony to sober up quickly in order to set a good example for her.

"What the hell is going on... And don't call Guin a brat!"

Novikova rolled her eyes. “Wanda changed reality.”

"Of course she did..."

“Now are you going to keep on drinking whiskey or are you going to help stop her?” Novikova asked. She wanted to douse the man in water to get the scent of alcohol off of him.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming, clearly someone is a bit pushy." Guin then came through the portal, holding Pietro's hand and she looked around, before spotting her father. "Hey there Guin, she a friend of yours?" He asked Guin, nodding towards Novikova.

“Her? No she’s a bitch.”

"Good, glad we are in agreement on that issue."

Casper Theriot

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Mediumship
Ben made a bit of a face as Anastasia insulted Casper as a way to thank him for helping her. "Biiiiiitch." Casper nodded slightly. Sure, some people figured that he was a simpleton but when he was off drugs and not going through withdrawal, he could actually be incredibly levelheaded. He had a lot of potential when it came to intelligence, Casper just chose to hardly ever use his gift. "Gee, thanks. I can feel the love." He ran a hand through his curly locks of hair. He didn't remember too much of Anastasia from the other reality - what exactly had she done, again? There was so much drama at the Mutant Underground that it was hard to keep track.

"Wait NEXT TIME?!" Ben flipped out. "For fucks sake, don't tell me Jack is actually into this little devil chipmunk!"

Casper had decided to more or less just let Ben continue to complain. "You know, offense taken. Being Midgardian or whatever isn't that bad - there's plenty of cool stuff down here! Why else would the aliens keep on coming back to attack New York?" he pointed out. Klara irritated him slightly, mostly since he actually loved his home planet. Sure, things weren't great - he was a mutant which was never easy and his father was a psychopath - but there were lots of good things about this world too. He had so many good memories of laughing with his friends, seeing the little smile on James' face when he was happy and content, gazing up at the night sky from the rooftop of the Mutant Underground HQ.

"Alright-y then, time to go play heroes..." Casper mused. "Since we're officially on a secret mission - call me Spirit Box. I know, I know, SĂ©ance was already taken and Ouija sounds too much like Luigi. "
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: The Baxter Building -> Stark Tower New York City, New York.
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked towards Annie and gave her friend a loving smile and nodded towards her. "Yeah i'm fine, it's always weird though suddenly being forced out of a body though." Carolina said, having possessed a few people in the past and then they suddenly either get killed or knocked out she always did feel whatever her host did at times. She dusted herself off and moved over and gave October another kiss and smiled at her love. They had some more people that they would be able to help restore reality, though she really wasn't sure what would happen once they made Wanda fix everything. She just really hoped it wouldn't be the last time she would see October again, as she watched Novikova metal bend the armed guards hands so when they came to couldn't attack.

When Allison mentioned a vision that she had, about Miranda and Tony and that they were arguing reminded her of what she did see and talked to her about after Miranda was nearly killed just the day before. It did match up with what she had seen earlier and looking over at Guin. But right now wasn't a good time to really say anything they needed to fix reality and then bring it up with Guin as she watched Pietro for a moment he seemed to be stable for now. Runa opened portals to both Stark Tower and the Human Resistance HQ, while Sapphire went to tend to Niah. "I'll go with you guys to Stark Tower." Carolina said as she quickly jumped through the portal, seeing Novikova knocking down Tony who was drunk off of the couch wincing slightly.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Baxter Building -> Human Resistance HQ, New York City, New York.
Skills: N/A

Cassandra watched Novikova start to bind the guards arms and legs so that they wouldn't attack them when they all came to, she looked at Niah her friend and fellow agent didn't look like she was in really good shape either. And ran over to see what she could do while Sapphire was on top of it all, and removed the bullet. They did need to move quickly before Magneto decided to send more men out to get them which she was pretty sure that it was going to be really soon now. Sapphire started to set up a blood transfusion for Johnny and Niah, which was good. She wouldn't be a good donor anyway either and they would have a hard time cutting into her skin as well, being bullet proof and all.

"I have some combat first aide if you need me to help, just tell me what to do." Cassandra pointed out, she certainly wasn't a medical expert like her friend Bonnie was but Sapphire knew more than what she did and would help out however she could, as she watched Runa opening a portal up for both the Human Resistance HQ and Stark Tower. She looked towards Guin for a moment and nodded towards her friend, before turning around and made her way through the portal to the Human Resistance HQ. Cassandra started to look around the area to make sure that it was clear which seemed to be for the most part.

Maria Smith

Location: The LeBeau Casino, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Skills: Novikova's (Dimensional Energy Perception)

Maria adjusted the glasses back on her head looking at Mary giving her a slight nod, sure wasn't sure what she saw exactly or how far into it would be. "Once we have free time here, or after we fix Wanda's mess something I saw but it can wait still it would be important" Maria whispered back as she started to follow shortly behind Mary down through some stairs and into the Thieves Guild's center of operations. She saw both Gambit and Rogue in the office like room the moment Mary looked at them Maria entered the room. "You two may get a little bit dizzy with the information download." Maria said as she took off her glasses looking at Remi first as she restored his memories, while seeing other realities of his.

Maria started to do the same thing, to Rogue though she didn't get to restore her memories the first time, but she did it again and managed to do it with no problem restoring Rogue's memories again before putting the glasses back on. "So to long didn't read and all Wanda Maximoff fucked up with reality and everyone's memories and we need your guys help fixing it." Maria said, she didn't feel like repeating everything again.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

James knew it had to be a matter of time. Anytime a few members of the Underground showed up, things always go out of hand. Case in point, Max’s magic. James shook his head. He didn't miss that of all things. The girl brought him back around quickly though with her continued commentary and he refrained from rolling his eyes. His initial judgement was correct: She was a total bitch. But, any help in this whole shit show was needed, not necessarily appreciated, so he wouldn’t voice his concerns. Worse comes to worst, he’ll just trip her up in an unfortunate situation and then poof, a little shit head gone. Perfect.

James blinked at Klara as she spoke, eyebrows raised high as she spoke. Yeah, it definitely wasn’t far fetched that she hated this world. She only completely abandoned her group and got captured wandering the streets alone after someone insulted her. Probably was trying to test if a swift execution could send her home. But that definitely wasn’t James place to say so he stayed quiet on that matter. Pus, he wasn’t sure if saying something even jokingly would end in a sword in his gut and he really didn’t feel like taking the time to heal that. He watched Klara walk off but instead of following turned to the others.

“Your turf, your lead, Spirit Box.” James nudged Casper with a soft smile, the butterflies still in his stomach. And if he decided to take the back seat to enjoy a bit more time with Casper, well he wasn’t going to say that. Plus, if he was left alone, he’d more than likely take a hard turn to the blackjack tables. It was just a math game and he wasn’t too shabby but saving the world was a little more important that getting cheated by a Casino.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: LeBeau Casino
ConjurationUpdated Outfit

Max hadn't minded too much when Casper offered to fetch Jack a new shirt. He was embarrassed as is with having his magic screw up so badly and even more so that it had harmed Jack in the process. His gaze hovered over the blonde telekinetic girl once again as she practically tried to rouse a compliment from his lips. "I wouldn't say it's the magnitude of your powers that scares me, although they're nothing to sneeze at, it's more the fact that in the other reality...the other you...tried to kill me. You lifted me up and tossed me out a window several stories high. So my apologies to all when I'm not over the moon at just blindly trusting the woman who tried to kill me." Max turned his gaze away from her, trying not to meet her eyes. Both her appearance and demeanor reminded him too much of Emma Frost and that was another name he wished not to remember. He looked towards Jack, taking in the sight before it would be taken away, blushing slightly and then being hit with regret as he saw a few of the burn marks. "I'm sorry...really I am." It was a bitter sweet apology as the words "Next time" ran on repeat in his head. Does this mean he held a chance? Was he saying there would be another time to see him shirtless? He lowered his head a bit meekly as a smile spread that he tried to hide.

Then ofcourse there was Klara. Running her mouth again about the world and taking the visual beauty away from Max no sooner than he had caused it. At least if Casper had fetched the shirt he'd be like that for a while longer but oh well. There was a bit of a race...species? Pissing contest of midgardian vs Asgardian between Casper and her and Max had to side with Casper. Oh god Max had to side with Casper, ew. Max stretched out his hand towards Anastasia and offered it as an olive branch. "Names Tome. Welcome along. Now let's say we follow that red head to where ever she's going g so we can meet this famous swamp rat and figure out a plan to take on the wicked bitch of the west. It's going to take aot of trust, and a lot of teamwork to pull this off. We hardly got away last time and now she may be expecting a fight, so let's stay together, alert, and work as one otherwise...this may be the end of it all. No pressure."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 34 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Top Floor Baxter Building ---> Stark Tower-- New York City, New York.

Antoinette smiled at her friends, relaxing a little at hearing they were well. For now the fighting had subsided but Antoinette knew this was far from over. Still, she would take the reprieve gratefully. Antoinette missed Allison’s bit on her vision but she did notice two portals being opened and people splitting off. She looked at Carolina, hearing her say she was going to Stark Tower and Antoinette immediately followed suit. She grabbed onto Carolina’s hand and jumped through with her.
It was a bit disorienting going from one place to another but they made it. She looked behind her, still seeing the top floor of the Baxter building. She looked at Lance, wondering where he was going to go now. He had been with the other group who showed up but now that his memories were back and he found them all again, would he return with them? Her nose twitched a bit as she thought this all over and looked away from the portal to listen in on Tony Stark. ”Out of the frying pan and into the other,” she whispered to herself harmlessly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Baxter Building-- New York City, New York. -> Human Resistance HQ

Niah nodded at Sue and took a half step toward the cabinet, but Sapphire was already grabbing it and then putting her on the couch. She didn't resist, it was too much effort to try to. "I am O-, and I've had worse actually. If Tempest hadn't been there, I wouldn't be here." She said when Sapphire asked for someone who was O-, it hadn't quite clicked in her head that the blood was for her. Sapphire asked her to hold still and she clenched her jaw and nodded at her. The bullet hadn't been a graze then. For a moment Niah wanted to scream bloody murder, but she refrained. Keeping herself still by flexing her legs and arms into the couch.

When Sapphire had finished digging out the bullet she relaxed. "I'm sorry." She said quietly, loud enough that she hopped Sapphire would hear. There was more than one thing she was apologizing for. Leaving her in Australia. For the fact that she was supposed to be with Flynn in this world. Where was Bonnie? Bonnie was human so probably nowhere good. Did the real Sapphire want to be with him? Why were they paired together? Why was he Royalty here?

Then there were hooking The Human Torch to her. He didn't need blood, she did. Slow brain. He picked her up and Runa opened a portal for them to go through. She wanted to help, but she was in no condition to do so.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Baxter Building - New York
Skills: Precognition

Allison waited as Niah was seen for her injuries while others argued. Especially Pietro who was probably going through a lot. Resotring his memories might do more harm than good, especially if he was a central reason all of this was happening in the first place. If he didn't want them, she wasn't about to force him to remember. Instead, she waited as a portal was created and they were able to make their way quickly to Stark Tower.

Guin seemed like herself now, though she wondered how she was doing now that she had been restored. Even seeing Tony Stark here and now caused her heart to beat faster. "Mr. Stark, we need to get moving. The sooner we take care of this, the sooner we can restore all of this back to normal. Or as normal as it was. So we need to stop picking fights amongst ourselves and work together instead. If people can't handle that they can leave. Otherwise, let's get moving." She addressed that last part mainly to Novikova, who seemed to be filled with some type of hatred for Pietro and Guin in turn. There was probably something to explore there to understand her reasons, but they didn't have time to play 20 questions. They were all on the same side now, fighting each other made things worse. She would know.

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Le Beau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

"Look, we don't have time to go into it further. Once Maria is feeling more up to it she can help restore your memories, for now, we need to collect whoever else we need and get a move on. We don't have to worry about any other psychos coming up to start shit do we?" She asked no one in particular, but she followed Mary in to see Gambit.

Maria basically stated the TL;DR version of the events. "Basically, yeah. Which is why we need to get moving sooner than later. The longer we wait, the more time she has to lick her wounds after the last battle and the longer she has time to prepare to alter reality more. Who knows what else she has planned or what else she could do to change things here or elsewhere. We need to hit her and hit her hard. We have a large force now to work with."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Le Beau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Ana merely shrugged off Casper's sarcastic comment back at her, instead, she focused on the blond boy offering his hand as well as his take on her powers. It amused her to think that this other reality had him concerned so much. If this other reality her did try to kill him, it stood to reason he wouldn't trust her right away. She accepted the hand. "As I said, I do not appreciate being messed with. So you have my aid, for whatever it's worth to you."

The talk of Midgardians or whoever was interesting, though was now the best time to be arguing for or against whatever that meant? "Now is not the time. We have our force now, I suspect, so we can proceed onwards." She eyed Jack, who seemed different now. "As I said I was coming multiple times now, not sure I really need your permission at this point. I am curious how long you knew all of this was a thing since none of what happened here or what was said seemed to surprise you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sapphire heard Niah's words, and for just a split second, Sapphire showed some emotion to someone who she didn't really know. Niah for a moment, would see that Sapphire was fighting back tears, so it was clear that she understood fully what it was that Niah had meant, regarding the part with Flynn at least. Sapphire plucked what looked like a frozen tear off of her face and tossed it aside. "It's not your fault, no need to apologize," was all she said as she headed through the portal, with Johnny carrying Niah and walking on through to the Human Resistance HQ. "Set her down over there on one of the places meant for sleeping or whatever and stay by her. In another few minutes should be able to stop the transfusion."

Johnny nodded his head in response, carrying Niah rather easily over to a makeshift bed and setting her down, before sitting down next to her. "So... Guess we just sit here or whatever for a few moments, feeling any better or whatever? Since a bullet to the side is never a fun thing. Sapphire had walked away from the group, choosing to be off by herself for the moment it would seem.

Lance edged over towards Runa, giving her a slight smile. "I'll stay with you until we all head back to the Resistance HQ okay Runa?" he said, figuring it probably wasn't a good idea for her to stay there by herself.

"So, the world got screwed up then? Couldn't you have come up with a nicer way to wake up someone who has a major hangover then pushing them off of the couch?" Tony asked Novikova, shooting her a slight glare as he picked up a glass off of the end table by the couch and took a drink. However, what he muttered under his breath was barely audible, but they could still hear it. "Damn Mandy you really need to dump the boyfriend if his daughter was willing to change the world for him..."

"Alright, so let's get going then, anyone got a full plan? Or are we doing this on the fly," he said out loud, tapping away at something on his watch. "We can't stand around here all day doing nothing now can we?"

Pietro walked up, instead of racing around, and was sticking closely next to Guin, and Tony raised an eyebrow, seeing that Pietro was covered in blood. "So... Guessing you all ran into trouble? Sounds like this'll be fun, so what are we waiting for? Let's get going. I would prefer to hurry this up, so that the world hopefully goes back to normal..." Tony said with a shrug towards the group.

Mary looked over at the pair of them, Rogue shook her head slightly as the memories came flooding back and Mary just decided to ask them one question, "Hey, you two okay? We've got a bit of a job to do and kind of in a rush to get to it."

"...Oui, chère, I's fine."

"Really Remy? Because you do not sound like it at all. Or does it have something to do with the fact that one of Magneto's kids screwed with reality or something?"

"Are we really that surprised that one of Magneto's freaky brats did this chère?"

"Well, depends on things, Pietro isn't that bad, but whatever, doesn't really matter," she said with a shrug, sort of glad to be ignoring the fact that Tinley had said any other psychos, and her mind instantly went to her "twin" sister that was currently unconscious upstairs.

"Quicksilver? He's the worst Goldie!"

"No he isn't once you get used to him Remy, so deal with it. You are still mad I convinced people to let Pietro on the team aren't you?"

"He tried to kill ya!"

"Around 6 years ago! You can't hold it against him forever! Not to mention we should not argue about this right now, we've got to deal with his twin sister instead Remy, not Pietro."

"Ya sure he ain't the one who told Wanda ta do this?"

"Because Pietro isn't like that! Can't you damn well give him the benefit of the doubt for once in your life?" she asked, clearly starting to get annoyed.

"No, ya don't get it mon amie, villains nevah change!!!"

Now Mary snapped completely, and it was probably a good thing that she was wearing gloves on her hands, as her eyes shifted to red and she smacked him across the face. "I told you to drop the subject about it, so how about you shut up about whether or not you trust Pietro, since I do and shouldn't that be enough? We've got bigger things to deal with then you holding some damn grudge!"

"Ya don't get to boss me around, Goldie!"

"No, you probably think that, but she has a point Remy. Just drop it, and argue later once the whole damn world gets fixed back ta normal alright?" Rogue interjected.

"I've got to give the kid props, she's seem to have gotten a mean bite being around here," Wolverine commented. Gambit huffed, knowing better than to argue with Rogue.

"So let's get going already," Mary said, heading back upstairs now.

"Why does it matter how long I've known? Trust me, I've met a lot of people like you in my life, so why the hell would I tell you anything, like seriously? You are probably the least trustworthy person I have ever met, and I've only known you for a few days. So why the hell, do you think, you deserve any sort of info from me? And those words coming from me, is definitely saying something," Jack said towards Ana.

"I didn't mean to insult, sorry, sometimes my mouth tends to run without me really thinking! It usually gets me in trouble with my parents, and just about everyone else really, a lot. Though Midgard certainly is an interesting place... I guess I can see why my father tends to spend a lot of time here as opposed to being on Asgard," she said, giving Casper a bit of an apologetic smile, but there was a tinge of sadness to the last sentence that she said.

"Looks like they are coming back upstairs," Jack said in response to Max saying they needed to find Gambit and them. He pointed and they'd be able to see Mary coming back upstairs. "So, mission accomplished then? So let's get out of here and head off then."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Guin Stark, Dominika Novikova, and Runa Blake

Location: Stark Tower - New York -> Human Resistance HQ - New York
Skills: Telepathy, Eldritch Magic
October had gone through the portal with Carolina, sensing that her wife needed her for the moment. Reality was going to be repaired and she would be dead again - these were the precious few moments that they would be able to have together. And while she was certain she would see Carolina again, October did not want to waste the gift of time that had been afforded to her. Not everyone in the world was so fortunate as to see their lost love once more.

"Ally, don't call him Mr. Stark - at least not when he's wasted," Guin commented. She hated seeing her father like this, a drunken mess scrambling to get to his feet. It reminded her too much of her own struggles with addiction and the potential wired into her genetic code to become a slave to booze and drugs once more. She winced as her father continued to drink, even with what was at stake. She hadn't seem him like this in ages, at least not in the real world. Here, her father's alcoholism was a normal sight... It broke her heart slightly. All of his progress was gone, his bad habits back in control thanks to Wanda Maximoff.

She had more options here though to help him. Figuring that she could try dumping a bucket of water on him second, Guin put a hand to her forehead and she tapped into her father's brain. Guin couldn't help but feel a bit sick as she did her very best to sober him up, using a great deal of mental strength in the process but she managed to pull it off. However, her nose was bleeding and she felt incredibly dizzy. "Okay, Iron Man is sober - let's get him the hell away from the booze and go back to your base. I think we've probably got enough to go up against Wanda now."

"Guina, don't hurt yourself," Pietro said, going over and steadying her.

Novikova rolled her eyes, hardly surprised by Tony's state. She was being mentored by Dr. Pym, working for him at Pym Tech after being fired from S.H.I.E.L.D. - and so when it came to the Pym-Stark rivalry, she was firmly Team Pym. When she saw Tony Stark, she saw a drunk playboy resting on the laurels of his father, unaware of the impact his actions had on the lives of others. She believed Pym when he told her that she should never trust a Stark - they were all vain and corrupt, even lying in bed with terrorists such as Quicksilver.

Runa stepped through the portal to Stark Tower after closing the one in the Baxter Building to the Human Resistance HQ, bringing Lance along with her before closing that portal. She was feeling very tired and drained, but her work wasn't done yet. They had gotten Stark on their side from what she could tell and Runa took a breath, before opening a portal from Stark Tower to the Human Resistance HQ. They would be able to see Niah and the others on the other side. "Please, step on through - this is tiring," Runa asked.

"If you fuck this up, Stark..." Novikova warned, before stepping through Runa's portal and arriving at the Human Resistance Headquarters. She looked around quickly, hoping to see Maria but there was no sign of her. She must not have returned yet from New Orleans. It wasn't that surprising, the New York group definitely seemed to have the more stable and competent of the two ex-Asgardian witches. She crossed her arms and went over to an open space, leaning up against the wall as she watched Sapphire tend to Niah. Despite her cool exterior, Novikova really did hope she was okay.

Guin then went through the portal, holding her nose in an effort to stop the bleeding. Once everyone was on through, Runa would then go through herself and close the portal, only to open one to the LeBeau Casino in New Orleans. It was time for the entire team to be reunited into one gigantic force.

Casper Theriot

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Mediumship
Casper couldn't help but pause for a moment and wonder if this was why there weren't more superhero team ups. It was getting pretty exhausting to go around explaining everything to everyone all of the time. Could this be the source of the rivalry between the Avengers and the X-Men - an unwillingness to spend more than a few seconds explaining the situation at hand? His train of thought was derailed by a feeling of almost dizzying happiness as James called him by his mutant name - he rarely used the moniker, but he was just giddy hearing it from his boyfriend's mouth. "I don't know if I could call it my turf, I don't have any memories of this world but... I did spend my teenage years growing up in New Orleans," he admitted with a sheepish shrug.

"You're fantastic at motivational speaking, Max," Casper quipped with a slight smirk.

"He fucking sucks at it," Ben complained.

"It's called sarcasm, Benjamin," Casper reminded him, trying to ruffle the ghost's head only for his arm to pass straight through. Ben recoiled slightly, never enjoying the sensation of having someone living go through him - especially if it was Casper. The inside of his mouth always seemed to taste like a Sephora store afterwards. Casper couldn't help but notice that his brother was more than a little bit tense, snapping at Anastasia. He vaguely recalled that she was a part of the Hellfire Club, but Casper was willing to work with his father's students and he had far more beef with them at the end of the day, so he didn't say much.

"Jackie... If you want to go and spend some time with your kid before this all turns back... I don't think anyone would blame you," Casper mentioned, guessing as to what was wrong.

A portal then appeared to the Human Resistance HQ and Runa was on the other side. "If you're here to bring down the King, come on through - we're ready to fight."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower New York City -> Human Resistance Building, New York.
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked over towards Annie when she held onto her hand and gave a smile towards her friend, and then looked at her wife they were pretty much all set to fight against Scarlet Witch now at this point. It would be the last time that they would actually be together again, she wrapped an arm around her and gave her a loving kiss. She looked between Tony Stark and Novikova wondering why she really did hate the guy for some reason. But as far as she could tell the SHIELD agent just plain didn't like him, but she didn't know her in the real world other than the small bits from what her sister had said whenever they talked on the phone.

"I guess we have everyone then." Carolina said, as she kissed October again, as Runa opened up another portal back to the Human Resistance HQ. Having never been there before she took a step through holding onto Annie and October's hands as she did so, and took in the large room seeing Niah, her sister, and Johnny near the couch while Sapphire tended to the injured agent. Carolina was ready to fix what Scarlet Witch messed with even if she was really happy here, and she didn't have all the head injury issues she had here as well.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York City, New York.
Skills: N/A

Cassandra remained pretty close to Niah and Johnny Storm while looking over at her fellow agent who seemed to be doing alright for the most part now that she was getting the blood transfusion done. "How are you doing?" Cassandra asked Niah, while she watched Sapphire for a moment as she took a step away from them. Wondering what was wrong, and then looked over at Flynn as well she knew that they were a couple pretty much in this reality. A few seconds later a portal opened from Stark Tower, at least they didn't have another fight to deal with which was good.

Seeing her sister coming back through with October as well as Annie to, giving her sister a smile and nod, while she leaned over against a nearby wall while they were getting everyone together. And then Runa opening a portal to what looked like some kind of casino which was the team who went to New Orleans. As well hopefully they got the people that they needed as well and they would have enough people against Scarlet Witch.

Maria Smith

Location: The LeBeau Casino, New Orleans, Louisiana -> The Human Resistance Building HQ, New York City, New York
Skills: Novikova's (Dimensional Energy Perception)

Maria stood there awkwardly while looking over at Tinley for a moment wondering if she should actually say something while Mary and Gambit were getting into an argument about whether or not they should trust Quicksilver. As far as she could tell Maria could trust him, he seemed to have helped out while the fight in the palace happened. "We need all the help we can get anyway, and he is her sister after all so maybe he can reason with her." Maria suggested, once they seemed to have calmed down and the arguing stopped she started to turn around and follow the others out and back to the main floor.

Maria looked over at where Chrysi's unconscious body laid, wondering if bringing her along was a good idea or not, but she didn't want to touch her. She already pretty much experienced the poison touch and she didn't want to experience that again either, looking over at Mary for a moment. "Are you going to bring her along?" Maria asked gesturing towards Chrysi, seeing the others there and some blonde girl from earlier were talking. "You might get a little bit dizzy so sorry about that." Maria said as she took off her glasses while looking at Anasastia and restored her memories. And then a few seconds later the portal opened up and saw Runa on the other end, and quickly stepped through as well. Maria looked around the room before spotting Novikova and made her way over towards her girlfriend and leaned in and gave her a loving kiss. "We are back."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: LeBeau Casino > HRHQ
ConjurationUpdated Outfit

He hated to admit it, but her worth was a lot. Perhaps they could use her to warp Scarlet Witch in a similar fashion to what she had done to Havock? Or maybe try to lock her down with enough telepaths blasting Wanda's mind to keep her occupied or still as the rest of the team worked on binding her hands and mouth. Regardless of the plan, having a powerful telepath was always a good card to keep. Max buttoned up his suit jacket so that his chest wasnt fully exposed, noting that everyone who had gone downstairs had made quick work of it and brought the rest of their party up and up to speed. Maria had unfortunately given Anastasia her memories back, and while he was sure she would still help them out for Wanda's I'll doings to her, he was worried that her now knowing him may prove to be a problem, especially if she was badly damaged from the fires that wrapped her body at his behest.

Max rubbed his temples as Jack continued to speak to Anastasia, his eyes closed as he tried to hone out everyone talking. "Jack that's enough. We're a team now and I think we should act like one. If Casper can be ok working with X-Men we should be able to handle working with a single person. Now, like you said it appears we're all but wrapped up here so let's see about getting home." Max was debating on saying something snarky to Casper or Ben, or even just seeing if he could punch this Ben person who seemed to say things he couldnt ever hear, which honestly felt very high school. But that would defeat the whole let's not argue arguement he just made. Max held his hands out, ready to open up a portal, when suddenly a golden ring of sparks appeared and a familiar portal had been opened up to the resistance headquarters. Max stepped through and his eyes immediately caught Pietro, and a girl he had vaguely seen at the ceremony earlier. Panic set in and all he could do was yell out "Look out they work for Wanda!"

They knew it was only a matter of time before the Scarlet Witch sent out some forces to find them, Max just didn't think it would happen so soon; but with a speedster like Pietro anything was possible. His new lifestyle memories briefly flashed as he recognized the other as Guin, married into the family by Pietro. His eyes flashed as his hands began to attempt and summon chains to bind the pair when suddenly Pietros eyes flashed equally as fast. A sense of recognition in him as he hoped his spell would conjure before the speedster could race off. Unfortunately for Max, Pietro was much faster. Using his speed and build, he used his body to charge at Max, his shoulder making contact and sending the blonde mutant flying into a wall. In a flash, Max opened his eyes the wind being knocked out of him, only to see that the Prince stood before him with what appeared to be the intent to strangle him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

“You spent time in New Orleans?” That was a new little tidbit of information. He frowned briefly at it. Sure, they were busy getting their asses knocked around at the mutant underground but clearly he had been focusing too much on the here and now if he didn’t even know something as simple as that. He made a mental note to coax more about his past; although, he would have never guessed New Orleans considering the city’s reputation for hauntings. “After this is all over, you should let me take you out on a date. I clearly need to hear about all the Big Easy shenanigans you got into.” James teased with a nudge of his shoulder before he was turning his attention to the portal that opened in front of them.

His hand instinctively flew to his gun, only to remember he wasn’t carrying his shoulder holster and Klara wasn’t an enemy anymore, so he attempted to salvage the motion by continuing it into an awkward wave at his previous enemy. Everything was shaping up for the final conflict and everyone seemed to be settling, even if it was rather resentfully, into the fact they all had to work together to get this finished.

If only.

Just as James was sliding his hand into Casper’s, Max suddenly went on the offensive. Against the fucking Prince no less. It took everything in James not to audibly groan because as much as he appreciated the dude, he really had a knack for fucking things over. So instead of holding his boyfriend’s hand as they walked to the inevitable conflict, he gave Max a thousand-yard stare, glanced down at Casper’s hand regretfully, and then jogged over to the pair before the Prince killed Max. He paused next to them, an apologetic smile as he held his hands up in a peaceful gesture.

“Max is just a little on edge. We’re all on the same team here, no need to start anything. We need everyone in one piece for the fight.” James spoke in what he hoped was a placating manner. “He came with Klara, Max. You can trust him. ” Even though she is naive as fuck. He didn’t say that out loud though. And the second the attention was shifted off Max, James was going to smack him over the head for being so damn stupid.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 34 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Stark Tower —-> Human Resistance HQ-- New York City, New York.

Antoinette was highly amused by a drunk Iron Man. He still seemed to think as a genius did but he was acting anything but. To see what it was like inside that man’s mind would be rather interesting. Antoinette remained at Carolina’s side while the discussion continued on what to do and where to go next. As long as Antoinette remained with her friends, the people she loved from this reality and the other, she would be content. Runa and Lance finally came through and Antoinette relaxed further. At least they would all be going to the same place, which was through another portal apparently.
Carolina pulled Antoinette along and she was glad to be holding her friend’s hand so she felt a little more grounded stepping into yet another random building. Different sounds and smells greeted them here but there were some familiar faces from the Palace fight. Including one face that Antoniette knew from what seemed like another lifetime. She released Carolina’s hand and walked over to Sapphire and Niah. Sapphire, along with Flynn, had helped get Antoinette out of that O.M.E.N. building and into the hands of the X-Men. Antoinette watched Sapphire’s quick work with patching up Niah. It seemed like she had it well and under control but still, Antoinette decided to ask if Sapphire needed anything. ”Do you need an extra hand at all?” She didn’t notice the topic of conversation she had walked into but was merely happy to see another friendly face. Antoinette looked back over at Flynn, wondering if he had his memories yet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"No..." Mary said instantly with a bit of a wave at Maria. "She'd just cause problems and that is a can of worms I don't want to open up."

Mary walked through the portal that Runa had opened up, just in time to see Pietro attack Max. Though to be fair, he did deserve it, and Max's words caused her to roll her eyes at him. "Let's be honest, there are plenty of people here who could probably take Pietro out if they were worried, remember, probably a lot of people in this room technically were doing things that they wouldn't normally do."

Gambit raised his hand. "I'd like ta volunteer to kill Quicksilver."

Mary then proceeded to smack him over the head. "No, how many times do I have to tell you that? You can't kill Pietro!"

"Do you meant I can't or I shouldn't mon amie?"

"Both! Ugh you are so annoying sometimes..." she said before turning to look at Guin with a slight wave, "Hey there Guin."

[color==A4FFFC]"No, I don't, since we've got something better,"[/color] Sapphire said to Annie, before turning to look over at James. "Hey! If you are done stopping your friend from being an idiot then I suggest getting over here! We could use someone with healing powers if you don't mind!" she yelled to him, before disconnecting the blood transfusion between Niah and the Human Torch. "Usually I'd suggest you don't do anything strenuous for several hours, we don't have that much time. So going to let the guy with healing powers fix you up fully so you'll be ready to go."

"...No, it's fine..." Jack said somewhat quietly to his brother, shoving his hands into his pockets, thinking of something his father had said to him, "...I know that she's in the real world too, just don't know where or whatever... I'll see about trying to find her once everything switches back, but this world... It isn't a good one for any kid at all, and it should be shifted back, that's more important then what's going on with the life I have here..." With those words, he went through the portal to the Resistance HQ, falling silent and not saying anything else. Letting out a bit of a sigh before he seemed to put on the facade that he was perfectly fine once again. The only one who'd know that he was faking it was Casper.

"So, anyone have any bright ideas as to how we are just going to go walking up to the Palace and essentially try and force Wanda to fix things?"

"Well, we have more then a few people here with mental abilities, and Maria can technically copy one of them, so we'll have several, what likely will work the best for us is if the rest of us essentially distract her, and those with mental abilities try and see if they can use their powers to more or less force Wanda to fix things, this if just talking to her doesn't work. We should try the simplest solutions first, but that's just me..."

"Well, that could work, though from what I know Wanda is more then a little bit mentally unstable, so we'd need to be careful no matter what we do. As otherwise she could probably just flip things around again and mess with reality again if she managed to do it this time."

"One of the reasons why I said we should probably be careful."

"There are so many things that could potentially go wrong with this, there are risks at every turn, we can't just sit around all day doing nothing."

"Yup... Anyway, I need to talk to someone, hey Maria," Mary said, calling over to her, "Sorry to interrupt, but you said you wanted to talk to me about something, now is the time to do it, since we likely won't have time later." With that, she walked off to the side, away from the crowd of people, waiting to see if Maria joined her. Mary more or less had been avoiding even looking in Cass' direction, still not too thrilled with her at all over the whole SHIELD Phase 3 thing.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ

Niah felt a little bad about making Sapphire cry. That wasn't what she had intended. People were starting to return. Her team had Tony Stark in tow. That was good. Looked like everyone they could hope to find was there. There were others she would like to make sure were okay, but at least she had these few. If they could fix this the others would come back.

Blood transfusions didn't make someone feel better instantly but in a way, Niah did already feel better. She wasn't certain how she felt about having James heal her, too bad Tempest wasn't here. Though James with memories of the real world was a very different then one in her memories of this world. She wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Niah nodded at Sapphire. "I have to help."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Guin, Novikova, Runa, and Casper

Location: Human Resistance HQ - New York
Skills: Mediumship

Casper wasn't a complete idiot - he knew that his brother was pushing aside his own feelings. He didn't know how Jack was so certain that his daughter existed in the real world, maybe he had just decided to believe in hope rather than despair. At any rate, Casper glanced at the others. "Excuse us, my baby brother and I need to talk," he told them. "Whatever you're planning, you've got us on your side - and we don't have mental powers so... Just say where and we'll go. Unless my father's there - then hard pass..." Casper then dragged his brother into a corner where they could talk privately. "Jackie, it's okay to be in pain..." he then told him, before pulling Jack in for a hug.

"I'm fine Casper, you worry too much about me, I'm fine, honest..."

"I think you should call Lexi, Jackie... Just to say goodbye."

"I-I-I don't know Casper," he stammered somewhat, looking down at the ground and shoving his hands into his pockets.

Casper let go of his brother. "As someone who sees ghosts... You don't want to die with any regrets. Maybe if you talk to Lexi, she might remember something about the real world... some clue for you to find her... And if you never do find her... She deserves to know that her dad loves her - we never got that, so end the cycle, okay?"

"How exactly do you tell that to a 6 year old or something, what exactly is going on, that we are shifting things back to the real world and this world isn't real? Since let's face it, odds are she's going to ask a lot of questions..."

"...Jackie, just call your daughter, okay?" Casper answered. He figured that Jack wasn't really worried about how to explain things to Lexi - he was probably more scared about talking to his daughter for what could be the very last time in his life.

Jack just stared at the ground, not sure what to really respond to that with. He wasn't sure if he should, since he knew that there was a chance he'd never see Lexi ever again in any reality. Sure, his father had said that he had a child in the real world what felt like forever ago, but still, that didn't mean he actually did. There was a chance that his father was just messing with him or something, but he was hopeful that he would be able to find Lexi in the real world.

Casper hesitated. "I'm not going to force you to call her, if you think that's best but..."

"I just don't know what to do..."

"...What's stopping you from picking up the phone, Jackie?"

"I-I-I don't really know..."

"I think you do know," Casper urged softly.

"Yeah, you're right, I do know, but I don't really want to talk about it Casper..."

"I think you should say it..."

"What do you expect me to say to you? I just told you I don't want to talk about it."

Casper sighed, looking down at the ground. "Never mind, Jackie, forget I tried..." he mumbled.

"...Sorry Casper... You want to know the truth, fine, I'm scared okay, the world is a big place, so even if she is still in the real world what are the odds I'd ever find her again? Odds are I won't be able to, and essentially there being nothing I can do about it... I'm stuck alright and don't know what to really do about it."

He bit his lip slightly. "Actually, there is a way you could find her..."


"My father, he can track mutants with Cerebro... He could use it to find Lexi no matter where she is in the world..." Casper explained quietly.

"...I never want to ask Xavier about anything or for anything Casper... No matter what..."

Casper shook his head. "No, no more broken families Jackie. I-if my father can reunite you with your daughter then... Th-then he'll have finally done some good. A-and if you won't do it for Lexi, then do it for me..." Casper started to cry slightly. "I don't want another kid to grow up afraid of the dark and wishing for their father's love."

"...Are you sure you want me to go to Xavier? Like, positive about it... Since even still, you know he's not the best person around... Not even sure if he'd be willing to help..."

He nodded. "I'm s-s-sure, Jackie."

"...Okay Casper..."

Casper dried his eyes. "So... Go call your kid, Jackie, okay?"

On one level, Guin was glad that Pietro had sent Max flying - the boy had been trying to attack them and she didn't really enjoy people attempting to hurt her, especially when they were idiotic enough to assume she was working for Wanda. "Piet, stop - you've made your point, no sense wasting your strength on an idiot," Guin cautioned, putting a hand on her fiancé's arm in an attempt to keep him from strangling the fashionista.

"He's an idiot, so why can't I strangle him? Would probably make things easier for everyone in the long run if the guy literally jumps to conclusions in two seconds when he walks through the door..."

"Because we don't kill people," Guin reminded him.

"...What about seriously injure?"

She rolled her eyes slightly. "I swear you sound like a Firefly character..." she muttered, pushing his hand down with hers. "If he attacks us again, then sure, shatter his kneecaps. But until that happens, we're just going to leave him alone okay? He won't bother us if he knows what's good for him."

"...So no breaking any limbs?"

Guin nodded, her nose bleed having stopped but her face still had a fair amount of blood on it. "No breaking any limbs."

"...You should probably wash the blood off your face," Pietro said, ignoring the fact that he himself was still covered in blood from what happened at the Baxter Building.

"Only if you wash the blood off of yourself," Guin wagered. She figured she wouldn't be able to get him to clean himself up otherwise. Besides, she also knew if she straight out refused he probably would just use his speed and clean her up before she would even have a chance to properly protest it... and given this Pietro, his idea of a change of clothes for her was probably a ballgown.

"...I honestly forgot that the blood was there..."

She nodded slightly. "Go clean yourself up, please?"

Pietro looked at the ground for a moment, before he sped off. Guin was left by herself for a few moments, before Pietro was back in a gust of wind, having changed his clothes so he wasn't covered in blood anymore at least. "Better?"

"Much better," she told him with a slight smile, before kissing his cheek.

The drug addict spiritualist, Casper, had excused himself and his apparent brother, the two of them going off to talk in private. Meanwhile, Guin couldn't help but notice that her father was uncharacteristically silent. "Well since we've got Dumbledore's Nephew here," Guin prefaced, gesturing towards Doctor Strange, "and a couple of other magic users... What if they all did some magic to try to cancel out Wanda's? It would keep her from being able to easily turn us all into toads or something during the fight."

Runa considered it carefully. "My magic is not as strong here as it is in the real world... But I can try," she agreed. She still kept her eyes away from Doctor Strange, still worrying that he might label her as a threat to the multiverse and decide to eliminate her. At least her cousin was here again - it was comforting to have Klara nearby, even in their weakened forms.

"I can help with the distraction," Novikova volunteered. She shot a side eye at the little Stark, wishing that Max had been successful in his attempts to attack her and Quicksilver. She had fought Luminous before and doubted that she was that different than her genetic template. Of course, the kiss from Maria had lifted her spirits slightly, especially since she had been able to return it. In the real world, physical contact between them wasn't possible. "Where is the Princess now? We should head on there now.... Before she realizes we're all assembled."
1x Laugh Laugh
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