Guin Stark, Dominika Novikova, and Runa Blake

Location: the Baxter Building - New York -> Stark Tower - New York
Skills: Basic Serbian,
Eldritch Magic
"I'm fine, sweetheart," October told Annie warmly.
"No need to fret about me, I've survived the cruel designs of mankind before." Of course, it was perhaps a bit ironic for her to say that and to be so calm - she had died as a teenager. She never got to reach adulthood thanks to the action of O.M.E.N. agents in Massachusetts. Annie seemed to be rather rattled from all of this.
"It's alright, dove." Guin glanced over at Allison, not really sure how to answer her question at first.
"We'll be fine," she then answered, still holding onto Pietro's hand.
"...Okay, if she's mad with my dad and they've known each other for a while, he probably slept with her, gonna be honest. My dad was a bit of a whore before he met Pepper." And even a little bit after that. She never really liked meeting her father's old girlfriends, usually since they all reminded her of her mother, Maddie le Fay a.k.a. Madison Cromwell, reality TV star and all around piece of trash.
"Pietro doesn't want his memories back, so he's not getting them, got it?" she then snapped slightly, annoyed at Lance for even suggesting that. She didn't want to leave him by himself back at the base and she was definitely going to be going off to get her dad. He was her only family. Her heart then clenched slightly. She needed to say goodbye to her grandparents, before reality reverted back and they died.
"I'm going with the group to Stark Tower, it's my home anyways," she then said bluntly, before turning her attention to her skittish lover. There was still lingering pain inside of her connected to her feelings for him, but he needed her right now so she pushed those things deep down and cupped his face with her hands.
"Hey, focus on me..." she whispered, before giving him a kiss. She was hoping it would slow down his thoughts enough and take his mind off of the blood and all.
"Volim te, Pietro," she whispered to him in Serbian.
"Volim te, Guina," Pietro muttered, though it seemed like he was starting to calm down ever so slightly.
Guin then leaned her forehead against his, having to stand up on her toes to make up the difference in height. As it was, even with that she was teetering on the edge of falling over - he was almost a foot taller than her.
"Volim te više." Pietro gave her a small smile, falling silent completely now.
She smiled back at him slightly.
"Oh? Da li sam tada pobedio? Da li konačno priznaješ da te najviše volim?" "No." "Then prove it," she told him with a slight smirk, glad that he seemed to be distracted at least.
"Now probably is not the time Guina," he pointed out, definitely appearing calmer.
She rolled her eyes slightly.
"I didn't mean like that - I'm not going to ask you to bend me over a table in front of the freaking Human Torch." Runa stared at Lance for a moment, before she nodded slightly. His mention of the laws just made her think about her brother, Forseti - he ran the courts on Asgard. He always was going on about justice - yet he had a healthy penchant for retribution as well, for harming those who had harmed you. He believed in an eye for an eye.
"Very well - I'll abide by the laws of this land as long as our enemies do the same." Perhaps it was something of a loophole, but she didn't intend it to be that way. If her enemies were going to try to kill, then she wasn't going to hold back, that was all and that was the compromise she was willing to offer.
Concentrating for a moment, she pictured the Human Resistance Headquarters in her mind's eye and she traced a circle in front of her. A few seconds later and there was a portal, surrounded by glowing golden light, for Niah and the others returning to HQ to take. She didn't know if she would be able to hold two portals at once stably, but she had to try at least. Taking another breath, she hoped Idunn would lend her strength as she opened up a second portal, this one opening up on the top floor of Stark Tower right in front of the bar.
"Please go through quickly, unless you want to risk being chopped in half if one portal were to collapse." Novikova didn't need Runa to tell her twice. Her knee hurt like hell but she went through the portal headed to Stark Tower. Her powers had the ability to restore memories, and even if Richards had a device, she didn't know how portable it would be. Once through, she saw the one and only Tony Stark, the Invincible Iron Man, passed out on the couch like a common drunk.
"Get up Stark," she ordered, hardly a fan of the man. Hank Pym was a mentor to her after all. She shoved Tony off of the couch, wrinkling her nose.
"You smell." "What the hell was that for and why are you here?" Novikova didn't feel like going through this charade and she took her glasses off, gazing into Tony's eyes as she restored his memories of the real world. “There, now pull yourself together,” Novi told him sternly.
"Your brat is here with her prince." She figured that knowing that his child was there might be good motivation for him - that it would prompt Tony to sober up quickly in order to set a good example for her.
"What the hell is going on... And don't call Guin a brat!" Novikova rolled her eyes.
“Wanda changed reality.” "Of course she did..." “Now are you going to keep on drinking whiskey or are you going to help stop her?” Novikova asked. She wanted to douse the man in water to get the scent of alcohol off of him.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming, clearly someone is a bit pushy." Guin then came through the portal, holding Pietro's hand and she looked around, before spotting her father.
"Hey there Guin, she a friend of yours?" He asked Guin, nodding towards Novikova.
“Her? No she’s a bitch.” "Good, glad we are in agreement on that issue."
Casper Theriot

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Mediumship
Ben made a bit of a face as Anastasia insulted Casper as a way to thank him for helping her.
"Biiiiiitch." Casper nodded slightly. Sure, some people figured that he was a simpleton but when he was off drugs and not going through withdrawal, he could actually be incredibly levelheaded. He had a lot of potential when it came to intelligence, Casper just chose to hardly ever use his gift.
"Gee, thanks. I can feel the love." He ran a hand through his curly locks of hair. He didn't remember too much of Anastasia from the other reality - what exactly had she done, again? There was so much drama at the Mutant Underground that it was hard to keep track.
"Wait NEXT TIME?!" Ben flipped out.
"For fucks sake, don't tell me Jack is actually into this little devil chipmunk!" Casper had decided to more or less just let Ben continue to complain.
"You know, offense taken. Being Midgardian or whatever isn't that bad - there's plenty of cool stuff down here! Why else would the aliens keep on coming back to attack New York?" he pointed out. Klara irritated him slightly, mostly since he actually loved his home planet. Sure, things weren't great - he was a mutant which was never easy and his father was a psychopath - but there were lots of good things about this world too. He had so many good memories of laughing with his friends, seeing the little smile on James' face when he was happy and content, gazing up at the night sky from the rooftop of the Mutant Underground HQ.
"Alright-y then, time to go play heroes..." Casper mused.
"Since we're officially on a secret mission - call me Spirit Box. I know, I know, SĂ©ance was already taken and Ouija sounds too much like Luigi. "