Acion Nakamiji
For the entirety of the week was largely uneventful for Acion. Interesting if put in his shoes. His first date occurred, and it went just as wonderfully as it could ever have been. Classes came and passed, trainings every evening after school was a grind that he’d likely have the opportunity to thank his resilience later. But calm was usually the case before a storm. Or in this case a pretty busy day.
And it started quite unexpectedly.
“Mr Nakamiji, is it alright if we can have a moment with you?”
He was quite early for class. In fact he may have been the first to arrive on site, but a footstep away from the class room door, a gentleman in a neat black suit appeared down the hall and approached the young hero, addressing him directly. Strange. He didn’t think of himself as someone who would get attentions of a complete stranger. And he knew his name directly. It wouldn’t just be a fan or something. He probably had an agenda or something.
“Yeah, how can I help you sir?”“Ah, I was glad to be able to finally meet you. I was told you’d be here.”
“Anyway you’re probably confused. In that case I’ll make myself known. I am Yueyang. You may recall me from recent incidents you have with the school a few weeks ago.”
Latest incident? Well he had quite a lot of it. If it wasn’t the countless times things that churned up in the dorm or in classes, there were still a bit of something Acion had done outside classes. The fight with those shadowy individuals, the incident with the kid that almost ended up with his arrest...
“Oh, you’re the kid’s father, aren’t you.”The man nodded, visibly smiling that his son’s saviour recognized him.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry for what happened!”Immediately Acion bowed in apology. That kid, if he recalled correctly, almost died due to his negligence and brashness that day. It was a huge dent in his ego and conscience even today. He still thought of the kid from time to time, and yet today unexpectedly, his father turned up right in front of his class. He hoped he wasn’t there to blame him or anything.
To which he didn’t.
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” The man placed his hand on the young hero’s shoulder. “I sometimes wished things could’ve turned out a little better, but I think it’s not worth it. You showing up when and where he needed it was already a respectable thing.”
It still felt bad for him, but his words of encouragement was an uplifting moment. The job could be very unappreciative at times, but there are people out there that knows to give at least a thank you to the selfless work of the heroes.
“Thank you...” Acion nodded.
“I hope your son’s alright.”“Ah he’s all good now. Quite proud of what happened in spite of it.” He chuckled. Quite ironic to be frank. “But anyway that’s not all the reason why I’m here.”
“Sir?”“Don’t worry I already informed the principal. Come, let’s have a quick word.”
“So I wonder if you’ve heard of the Irian Corporation?”
“...I guess so. Yeah, in fact. I’ve heard of that somewhere on the news. Isn’t that the company that sponsored for some of the city’s infrastructure, including our school?” They didn’t solely donate this school, but they were in essence a part of why Komei existed.
“That’s the one.” Yueyang gave a thumbs-up as he gestured Acion to a seat in one of the school’s offices. “We also helped with the airport construction too, and our city’s stadium as well.”
That’s a lot of commitment given to the city itself. But what exactly do they want with a single student like Acion.
“Well I’ll cut to the chase here. Have you ever heard of the job bird chaser?”
Huh? A what?
“Bird...chaser?” Acion was a bit confused.
“Yeah I figure.” He laughed a little, seemingly understandably instead of mockery. “It is a recent thing we have established since there were issues of airborne creatures flying into airport’s airspace and endangering flight safety. So we’re trying to keep them out of the area. That’s basically the job in a nutshell.”
“That’s uhhh...” The winged man was very much bewildered. In no way before did he know this actually existed as an occupation.
“So you want to offer me that?”“You are the few youngsters I know whose natural habitat seems to be up in the air instead of on the ground, so I think you’d fit.”
“But it seems like a full-time job to me. I don’t think I’ll have the time for it”“Parts of the team are volunteers and part-timer. It’s fine.”
...Volunteering. If that was the case, then it would be a pretty good deal to him. Although it didn’t sound like something that a pro hero would do. A hero catching birds. Sounds a bit off. In fact he was willing to bet that some high-ego individuals had already refused this offer. But hey, it’s still a contributing job, and those who did it earnestly earned Acion’s respect already.
But now that he thought about it...
It would probably make a rather weird impression of him. A training hero shooing birds. It sounded like something coming out of a satirical comedy. Hell if the guys at his dorm found out, it would be a source of never-ending jokes targeted at him. Especially those weasels Roy and Jett. Although to be fair his Storm Bird hero name he made up on the spot probably wasn’t helping.
“You don’t have to make the decision now, Mr Nakamiji. I know you have class right now, so I shouldn’t waste anymore of your time.” Yueyang gave Acion a small business card, essentially telling him to give the call when he made up his mind. Yeah that’s probably for the best at the moment.
A weird offer, he’d say. But not necessarily bad. But nevertheless, the hero didn’t have time for consideration right now. The talk might not have taken that long of a time, it came to the misfortune that today also happened to be exercise day. And once Acion returned to class, everyone had already left, with the only note on the board for the late students of where they were heading toward, and what they needed to do.
“Ah, damn it.” There were so many to do, yet so little time!
Acion flew, literally, across the hallway to reach the changing room, where he had his costumes changed just as instructed. He had the chance to grab some hero gear, but if Acion had to be frank, in the heat of the moment, he couldn’t think of anything in particular to bring. He had always been playing the reconnaissance and harasser, and his bare quirk was already sufficient to perform top-notch.
Once finished, the winged man took off again. The school supervisor probably would want to know his location for his flight, but he was horribly late, even with a valid reason. His flight took him across the school yard and headed toward Training Ground Alpha. Approaching the group of students that Acion recognized as his classmates, he turned his body around and met the ground with a couple of strides before slowing down right in front of the prefects
“My sincere apology for my lateness.” He handed the note to the supervising teacher, explaining what happened, before receiving a brief recall of the rules. Then he quickly rejoined his class.
“I’m sorry for being late today. Some stuffs came up.” Knowing that the exercise was close to starting, he probably realized that the team had already finished planning and such. His input would probably waste more time than needed.
“Just tell me what to do.”