Here we go. The actual character sheet if this is good, will probably take the form of a police file. Presuming there's more than a few space governments after them. No picture since I don't see myself finding a real world person who would match, also can't use the ref sheet that this character takes soft inspiration from. Struggled on personality traits since I'm used to writing thos out. Hope this "rough" version is good for at least initial okay. If not, I can make changes as needed.
Archetype: Alien Techno
Name: Serena Drakos
The Mad Draconian
Butcher of Velbar
Roughly 1000 years old
Draconian Physiology - Draconians were once dragons who took on a more humanoid like form at some point in their evolution. This shift causes them to have a far superior muscular system to humans, denser bones, stronger lungs and oxygen carrying capacity, and slightly enhanced mental capacity. Serena is capable of short bursts of speeds exceeding 90 kilometers, lifting objects up to three times her own weight, survive for a short time without ready oxygen, and can be compared to most advanced intellectuals. Shame it went towards...well, less than savory purposes. Also possesses heightened senses, namely hearing, sight, and smell.
Technopath - Ability to control technology. Allows her to remotely operate her own gear, and possibly mess with the technology of an opponent. Primarily used as a form of tactile hacking, to make it easier to steal stuff, or remotely call in an escape.
Sonic Weaponry - Sufficiently high frequencies can liquefy organic material, or cause problems, sounds not audible to humans are audible to her, and they can hurt. Can also disrupt her power.
Psconic Weaponry - Attacks on the mind, while less effective from one species to another due to an alien mind, can cause disruption of her power over technology, rendering her ability to control effectively neutralized.
Explosives - Just like most lifeforms, while capable of withstanding some impacts, outright explosions can disorient, and disrupt powers, or jellify internal organs.
Notoriety - A Deserter, Terrorist, Pirate, Thief, Murderer. Serena has a rap sheet as long as she's been alive, or longer, matched as much by the bounties on her head. Makes travel difficult when your mug is splashed across dozens of stellar information nets, wanted dead or alive. Even when hiding out on a backwater.
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Calculating, "Greedy," Sadistic, Well-mannered, intelligent
Draconians, due to being formally fully fledged dragons, retain elements of their dragonic form in their bipedial form. In Serena's case, this manifests as a thin layer of scales under her skin, her left eye having an iris that looks like a dragon's eye, talons on her hands and feet, a pair of jet black horns that rise from the top of her skull and angle back, as well as a pair of featherless tan wings that extend from her back. Her right eye is green, and possesses a crosshair over the pupil, while her hair is a mix of black and red, extending down to past her waist at its fullest. Some scales are visible where the skin is broken. Her standard clothing, power suit aside, is a simple full length black jumpsuit, or human shorts and a solid blue top.
Draconians are the stellar version of wanderers, who spend their entire lives moving from system to system, taking safe harbor wherever they can find it, but rarely staying long, as they have a less than stellar rep of causing the destruction of their own worlds, or being cursed with such. Draconians tend to be mostly solitary when not among their own kind, and its not uncommon for them to build space stations in neutral space, the results of cobbling their vessels together. Serena was born on one of these "slumships," born of a warrior family, trained from birth to be a fighter, to perhaps help the Colony Drakos carve out their own territory. But, she was born with an especially potent sense of wanderlust, coupled with being born with a power that hadn't been seen among the Draconians in centuries, a power that was among those heralded as disaster borne. Being a technopath was a blessing and a curse.
In part due to being considered an outsider even by her own people, it wasn't long before Serena deserted her own colony, stealing a ship and supplies, and set off into the cosmic ocean, at the young age of 25. Becoming a mercenary, a profession not uncommon among the star wanderers, she worked a simple system. Sell her skills to the highest bidder, or taking whatever contracts suited her interest. If a power reneged on her payment, she usually took it for herself. Due to how Draconians can effectively live for centuries themselves, if not thousands of years, she tended to just "wait it out" if a bounty on her head became too much of a headache. Dashing off to an uncharted system, wait a few years while doing whatever she wanted, before the government ended up toppling or lost interest. By age 500, she'd become a stellar legend. Such as the Velbar incident, where she blew up an experimental weapon facility, stealing its riches and weapons in the process, being dubbed a Butcher by propaganda, due to killing plenty of enemy soldiers.
Due to Earth's status as a backwater for much of its existence, Serena has visited the planet a few times, hiding out among the solar system, ducking behind Jupiter when eluding fellow bounty hunters. Her last visit was in 1885, when she became a wild west gunslinger for a time. Her return to Earth this time is simple, she pissed off the latest version of a "galactic patrol," by raiding one of their outposts, and perhaps...overall being a headache to them, and even as an outsider, looking out for her own people. Some of her past clients have tried to do her people harm, so she didn't take too kindly to things.
Potential Storylines:
New Home: Simple enough, tired of running so much, and other factors, Serena decides to try and build an enclave for her people, so they can finally call a planet home, rather than slumships. Leading into possible tensions with Earth World governments as the effective stellar refugees start arriving in droves.
Karma's A Pain: Her crimes catch up to her, and bounty hunters track Serena to Earth, antics ensue. Maybe a stellar empire she pissed off comes looking to start trouble, or seeking to annex Earth, crosses paths.
Black Hole's Shadow: A darkness from deep space comes seeking Draconians, an old evil that's the reason Draconians rarely stay in one place. Just the usual "we messed up a long time ago, its still after us." Takes soft inspiration from the Interstellar Game's transcendence bad ending thing.
Draconians are a modification of a group from an rp game me and some friends are in, same name, but with a completely different situation. I do like the idea of wandering races, as that is a trope in some media. Serena's loadout would probably be a suit of power armor with shielding, but generally a high tech space suit really. Ship is a mobile home, with everything she could need. And yes, like most dragons, she hoards stuff. Mostly artwork and other cultural things she's stolen from various races that crossed her. Could be she's stolen a few Earth paintings in her life. Further questions can be asked whenever.
Name: Serena Drakos
The Mad Draconian
Butcher of Velbar
Roughly 1000 years old
Draconian Physiology - Draconians were once dragons who took on a more humanoid like form at some point in their evolution. This shift causes them to have a far superior muscular system to humans, denser bones, stronger lungs and oxygen carrying capacity, and slightly enhanced mental capacity. Serena is capable of short bursts of speeds exceeding 90 kilometers, lifting objects up to three times her own weight, survive for a short time without ready oxygen, and can be compared to most advanced intellectuals. Shame it went towards...well, less than savory purposes. Also possesses heightened senses, namely hearing, sight, and smell.
Technopath - Ability to control technology. Allows her to remotely operate her own gear, and possibly mess with the technology of an opponent. Primarily used as a form of tactile hacking, to make it easier to steal stuff, or remotely call in an escape.
Sonic Weaponry - Sufficiently high frequencies can liquefy organic material, or cause problems, sounds not audible to humans are audible to her, and they can hurt. Can also disrupt her power.
Psconic Weaponry - Attacks on the mind, while less effective from one species to another due to an alien mind, can cause disruption of her power over technology, rendering her ability to control effectively neutralized.
Explosives - Just like most lifeforms, while capable of withstanding some impacts, outright explosions can disorient, and disrupt powers, or jellify internal organs.
Notoriety - A Deserter, Terrorist, Pirate, Thief, Murderer. Serena has a rap sheet as long as she's been alive, or longer, matched as much by the bounties on her head. Makes travel difficult when your mug is splashed across dozens of stellar information nets, wanted dead or alive. Even when hiding out on a backwater.
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Calculating, "Greedy," Sadistic, Well-mannered, intelligent
Draconians, due to being formally fully fledged dragons, retain elements of their dragonic form in their bipedial form. In Serena's case, this manifests as a thin layer of scales under her skin, her left eye having an iris that looks like a dragon's eye, talons on her hands and feet, a pair of jet black horns that rise from the top of her skull and angle back, as well as a pair of featherless tan wings that extend from her back. Her right eye is green, and possesses a crosshair over the pupil, while her hair is a mix of black and red, extending down to past her waist at its fullest. Some scales are visible where the skin is broken. Her standard clothing, power suit aside, is a simple full length black jumpsuit, or human shorts and a solid blue top.
Draconians are the stellar version of wanderers, who spend their entire lives moving from system to system, taking safe harbor wherever they can find it, but rarely staying long, as they have a less than stellar rep of causing the destruction of their own worlds, or being cursed with such. Draconians tend to be mostly solitary when not among their own kind, and its not uncommon for them to build space stations in neutral space, the results of cobbling their vessels together. Serena was born on one of these "slumships," born of a warrior family, trained from birth to be a fighter, to perhaps help the Colony Drakos carve out their own territory. But, she was born with an especially potent sense of wanderlust, coupled with being born with a power that hadn't been seen among the Draconians in centuries, a power that was among those heralded as disaster borne. Being a technopath was a blessing and a curse.
In part due to being considered an outsider even by her own people, it wasn't long before Serena deserted her own colony, stealing a ship and supplies, and set off into the cosmic ocean, at the young age of 25. Becoming a mercenary, a profession not uncommon among the star wanderers, she worked a simple system. Sell her skills to the highest bidder, or taking whatever contracts suited her interest. If a power reneged on her payment, she usually took it for herself. Due to how Draconians can effectively live for centuries themselves, if not thousands of years, she tended to just "wait it out" if a bounty on her head became too much of a headache. Dashing off to an uncharted system, wait a few years while doing whatever she wanted, before the government ended up toppling or lost interest. By age 500, she'd become a stellar legend. Such as the Velbar incident, where she blew up an experimental weapon facility, stealing its riches and weapons in the process, being dubbed a Butcher by propaganda, due to killing plenty of enemy soldiers.
Due to Earth's status as a backwater for much of its existence, Serena has visited the planet a few times, hiding out among the solar system, ducking behind Jupiter when eluding fellow bounty hunters. Her last visit was in 1885, when she became a wild west gunslinger for a time. Her return to Earth this time is simple, she pissed off the latest version of a "galactic patrol," by raiding one of their outposts, and perhaps...overall being a headache to them, and even as an outsider, looking out for her own people. Some of her past clients have tried to do her people harm, so she didn't take too kindly to things.
Potential Storylines:
New Home: Simple enough, tired of running so much, and other factors, Serena decides to try and build an enclave for her people, so they can finally call a planet home, rather than slumships. Leading into possible tensions with Earth World governments as the effective stellar refugees start arriving in droves.
Karma's A Pain: Her crimes catch up to her, and bounty hunters track Serena to Earth, antics ensue. Maybe a stellar empire she pissed off comes looking to start trouble, or seeking to annex Earth, crosses paths.
Black Hole's Shadow: A darkness from deep space comes seeking Draconians, an old evil that's the reason Draconians rarely stay in one place. Just the usual "we messed up a long time ago, its still after us." Takes soft inspiration from the Interstellar Game's transcendence bad ending thing.
Draconians are a modification of a group from an rp game me and some friends are in, same name, but with a completely different situation. I do like the idea of wandering races, as that is a trope in some media. Serena's loadout would probably be a suit of power armor with shielding, but generally a high tech space suit really. Ship is a mobile home, with everything she could need. And yes, like most dragons, she hoards stuff. Mostly artwork and other cultural things she's stolen from various races that crossed her. Could be she's stolen a few Earth paintings in her life. Further questions can be asked whenever.
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