Time: 4 p.m
Location: Roshmi city, grand hall
Interactions: None
Ambiance: Swing of flowers
Ilan stood in front of a large mirror while a handful of other performers were bustling about, adjusting their clothes, tuning their instruments and switching out masks and other accessories. He folded his hands behind his back and looked at his reflection, cocking his head to the side, which almost made his mask[insert picture] fall off. He caught it just in time. He reached up with his slender fingers and tied the green satin ribbon behind his head. The ends disappeared into his curls. It had been a long time since he'd been in formal clothes. He looked wistfully into the mirror, his features combining into an undecided expression. A careful smile on his lips, jade green eyes clouded over in trepidation.
The craftsmanship of his outfit was incredible, yet understated. The tailor had done this on purpose. It was befitting of his timid nature and wish not to draw much attention to himself. It would be his music which would capture the hearts of all the visitors tonight. He smoothed out the silk vest, and adjusted the sleeves of his blouse. Both the vest and his pants were made of a precious pale green silk, the color of budding leaves. Along the edges a simple floral embroidery reflected his fondness for the natural world. Intertwining strands of various flowers, in a range of muted colors. The blouse he was wearing had a very faint peach hue, with slight bellowing sleeves. Even his mess of curls had been neatly coiffed. Instead of his usual wild adornment of many flowers, Ilan had opted for a simple flower broach, fastened to his breast pocket.
He held his lyre, happy to be reunited with his prized instrument. Ilan practiced a few poses. One for introducing himself, another to say goodbye. A deep bow, a respectful nod. The ball was an event of a magnitude the faun hadn't witnessed before, let alone perform. It was safe to say he was nervous, much more than usual. The mask did help in that respect, because no one would recognize him and he had a limited view of the room. He was grateful for it. A large standing clock announced it would just be another hour before the ball would start. They were going to need him at rehearsals.
Ilan quietly followed suit behind a group of musicians who would join him on the stage tonight. Some chatted excitedly, others merely clutched their instruments with a stern expression. He wondered in all the excitement and pre performance jitters how his friends were doing. He'd seen them last a day before, after they had agreed Ilan's place as a stage performer would be a useful vantage point. He got swept up in all the preparations and selecting his wardrobe for the evening. The hall was decorated lavishly, matching the beauty and effort everyone put into their appearance.
He whispered quietly, letting his gaze wander around. There were tables lined with all kinds of finger foods, exotic fruits and comforting sweets and cakes. Wreaths of lights mysteriously woven together and held by some invisible force bathed the hall in a warm glow. The dance floor was mapped out by rows of expertly crafted rugs of varying color and design. The stage captured Ilan's attention the minute he saw it, or rather part of the stage. Left of the stage a little farther back, a large magnolia tree rose up. One branch stuck out at an odd angle, on which someone had fastened a swing. There wasn't anyone on it, yet it swayed back and forth quietly, like it was being pushed by the wind. The ropes were decorated with wreaths and bundles of flowers of all kinds, shapes, colors and sizes.
The sight warmed his soul and he smiled. Content to just look at the swing, the faun remained still for a while. Behind him the large stature of the archer Regulus appeared. The sound of his hooves was muffled by the rugs, giving him the perfect opportunity to sneak up on the unsuspecting faun. The tall archer lifted him up with ease, placing his hands under the lean arms of Ilan.
Ilan let out a surprised yelp, suddenly feeling weightless as he was being held up by something. He strained his head over his shoulder to see Regulus giving him one of his rare smiles.
"What are you doing..?"
Ilan said sounding both nervous and happily surprised at the same time. His tight grip tickled a little.
"Put me down"
He laughed, trying to wiggle free. Regulus didn't say anything. The centaur started to dash towards the stage. The sudden change of pace made Ilan quiver. The rush made him shut his eyes.
"Don't drop me please.."
He managed to say while he was being rushed of someplace. Ilan felt he was being lowered to something. Regulus made sure the faun was seated safely after which he gently took hold of his hands and moved them away from his face. The faun still had his bright eyes closed. Regulus smirked at his mannerisms. How could someone like him exist in a cruel world like this?
"You can open your eyes now.." Regulus said with a smile, taking a step back.
Ilan opened his eyes to find he was swaying back and forth gently, surrounded by the scent of all kinds of flowers. Speechless for a moment, he listened to Regulus.
"That is your spot for the evening, I had it specially made" He explained gesturing towards, the decorations.
Ilan smiled his brightest smile.
"It's wonderful!"