Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Free Servants:

Caster — Kaguya-hime

Free Masters:
Raniah Misharu

Mihama Nanako / Alter Ego — Meltryllis
Kishinami Hakuno / Saber — Benienma
Hayama Mana / Saber — Suzuka Gozen
Charlotte Velemyrus / Saber — Dioscuri
Fujimaru Ritsuko / Saber — Arturia Pendragon
Saotome Hana / Berserker — Lady Guan
Yuriko T. Louvyngyr / Assassin — [url=http://]Jack the Ripper[/url]
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

  • Name: Meltryllis
  • Class: Alter Ego
  • Appearance: "Humans never seem to learn."
  • Personality: As the Alter Ego of pleasure, Meltryllis is equal parts sadist and a maiden in love. Borne from the emotions of the cast-off Sakura AI within the Moon Cell (which thus became the existence known as BB), Meltryllis cares not for humans or their actions. Rather, her actions show a near-total contempt for those around her, regardless of her status, save the target of her affection (if any). To that extent, Meltryllis is also incredibly harsh to others; as she sees and acknowledges the fact that she is a monster, and thus attempts to create distance from humans and paint herself thus. That being said, though, the incidents that she has found herself wrapped up in have caused her to reconsider her beliefs and, at the very least, respect beauty that exists outside of her perception of the world... At least, to some extent. She still seeks love as a maiden, and pushes her own will upon others without care for their own feelings. Despite her own desires, she dances on the battlefield, a so-called 'monster' of her own volition who acts, lying to herself all the while.
    But if, by some chance, one manages to push past the barriers she has put in place and gives her a reason to love, she shall dedicate her everything to them. Not as a weapon to eliminate enemies, but as a simple maiden desiring the heart of another.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A+
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: EX
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: B. Cancels spells with chants under three verses. Higher-level spells will have difficulty sticking, if at all.
    • Riding: B. The ability to ride vehicles and animals that exist in the world. Barring things such as Phantasmal Species, Meltryllis is able to use such things as she pleases.
    • Independent Action: A. The ability to maintain existence in the world without a Master and act without the direct command of one. This skill also allows Meltryllis to exist for up to a week without being maintained by a Master's mana.
    • Goddess' Essence: B. A skill that can be described as an upgraded version of Divinity; in addition to all the benefits and demerits thereof, this skill maintains her mind, body, and soul. This, in other words, means that she is far more resistant to things such as mental interference and that her form will never change regardless of consumption of food or exercise. As Meltryllis is comprised of multiple divine existences, this skill manifests as such.
    • High Servant: A. An abnormal being (Alter Ego) composed of Artemis, Leviathan, and Sarasvati, this Skill essentially exists to denote Meltryllis, a member of the Sakura Five, as an existence beyond normal Servants.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Crime Ballet: A. As a ballet aficionado, Meltryllis re-configured her combat style to draw influence from the performances she learned of. The graceful movements she executes coupled with her high agility, in short, makes her able to weave through continued assaults without so much as a glance.
    • Sadistic Constitution: A. A skill that strengthens Meltryllis's combat capabilities. The longer she remains in battle, however, the more pleasure that she derives from the pain of others and the less composure she maintains. Her defensive abilities drop in turn, so extended combat can be dangerous if not properly moderated.
    • Melt Virus: EX. A so-called 'cheat skill' derived from Absorption and delivered by means of leg-based piercing attacks. Though ordinarily able to break down or copy even the most terrifying of enemies in order for Meltryllis to consume their abilities for herself, her manifestation here has led to it becoming far less lethal in nature. While higher dosages of the virus are still able to break down enemies and allow Meltryllis to consume them to strengthen herself, smaller amounts will only instead lower the parameters of any enemy who falls victim to it. Additional strikes will both allow Meltryllis to take in the elements broken down by the virus and inject more into the enemy's system.
      Survivors will regain their former abilities provided that they receive proper care thereafter, but the virus can remain in their system if not treated properly (by either Meltryllis herself or by someone able to nullify its effects). The effects on Meltryllis herself will wear off if she did not consume the entirety of her target, lasting for varying amounts of time depending on how much was absorbed.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa — Sarasvati Meltout
    • Rank: EX
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Though originally an Anti-Army (or Anti-World) Noble Phantasm, her current Saint Graph limits this to a physical attack. Though it shows its true colors when targeting noncombatants, its usage against other Servants (at least, in this context) becomes a combat dance of sorts. Circling the enemy faster than the human eye can see, consummating in a whirlpool-esque torrent of slashes from her feet that serve to fill her enemies with her virus and crush them mercilessly under her heel—this is how she executes her foes.
      Needless to say, the current her has no particular intention to strike down civilians—doubly so given the state of the world she has been summoned into.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good (Yes, really.)
  • Changes: Closer to her GO iteration in terms of abilities and personality. In other words, Melt Virus has been nerfed and she's less sadistic and selfishly one-sided. Additionally, there is a plot-related reason for as to why she is able to be summoned here, but that will become a plot point later on. Probably.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

  • Name: Mihama Nanako
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: "Oh, so that's how it is?"
  • Personality: Good-natured friendliness is an excellent way to describe Nanako's default attitude. No matter who it is, she'll always try to treat them well, and try to get to know them, even if it almost seems impossible. This can be called the core of Nanako's attitude. Even if there is thousands of years between herself and someone else, she'll do all that she can to understand them and get to know them. She simply doesn't believe in treating people as if they're somehow foreign to humanity simply because of things like that. Additionally, she has a very optimistic outlook on life. Nanako always believes there has to be some path forward, even if it's difficult to see at the moment. She is the sort of person who treasures those that are close to her, to the point of considering their wellbeing well before her own. Indeed, it would seem as if it's very difficult to break her cheerful demeanor... however, it isn't impossible. While she usually doesn't allow it to bother her, it cannot be denied that Nanako sometimes has feelings of inferiority due to her low capability as a magus, and the fact that she has yet to summon a Servant. She tries not to let this affect her, but it's difficult for her not to feel down about it at times. Additionally, while she isn't without self-worth, sometimes she is extremely quick to dive into dangerous situations for the sake of others. Even if those others are Servants who are probably better equipped to deal with it then she is.
  • Abilities: Nanako possesses low capability as a magus. While it's not accurate to call her totally talent-less, her magic circuits are of average quality and she has a relatively low number of them. Not rock bottom, but hardly the best, and most of the actual magi of Fusang surpass her. Her affinity for Air does grant her some versatility, but she does not possess a wide range of spells due to the youth of her family. If there is one thing it can be said she excels at, her reinforcement typically grants her a surprising durability even in consideration of other magi. This is quite useful for someone who has a habit of throwing herself into danger for the sake of other people.
  • History: Nanako is the child of a very new magus bloodline, one that only recently discovered their potential two generations prior to Nanako. Her family was ecstatic at this discovery, and immediately began pushing their children to succeed in magecraft. Nanako is no different in this regard. In spite of her low capability as a magus, Nanako is the best magi that the Mihama bloodline has produced so far. They managed to scrape together the resources to fund her relocation to Fusang, but on her arrival she was immediately struck by the fact that much of the population had more capabilities then herself when it came to magecraft. Additionally, when she attempted to summon a Servant, she was simply unable to. For quite some time, she was rather depressed over the fact she was both unable to summon a Servant(unlike the majority of Fusang's population) and was inferior to most magi on the island. However, Nanako has recovered more recently, and has been considering trying to summon a Servant once again.
  • Other: Nanako is a native Japanese speaker. While she can get by, her English and Mandarin are not as good.

  • Name: Benienma
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: The Innkeeper and the Enma
  • Personality: By her appearance, Benienma is a young girl who appears quite precious. Indeed, this can hardly be considered to be incorrect, but to assume she is immature as her looks would imply would be a mistake. Her demeanor, on most occasions, can be compared to a loyal, polite samurai. An official of the afterlife with a serious and considerate personality, Benienma is a very honest girl, but also one who is willing to be a blade for her master and strike down evildoers to protect the innocent. She does not bear ill-will towards those that are free-spirited, even if she is not among them. Her sense of duty to her Master is paramount. However, in spite of this cool-headed demeanor, in reality Benienma is a very sentimental girl that holds every kindness done for her close to her heart. She is also a proud cook and is happy to dispense(rather harsh, but insightful) cooking lessons. Indeed, she instructed many legendary youkai after their deaths. Due to spending time as an innkeeper(and still maintaining one), Benienma is versed in the art of caring for others as well as the art of the sword, due to taking the stance of someone who supports those who could be called 'good humans'. She takes equal pride in both. While, of course, she is a loyal and serious Servant, there are some things that can result in a more childish response from her. Getting a day off, the swordplay of a certain swordsman, and the Noble Phantasm of a certain Archer can cause this reaction(in positive, negative, and positive ways, respectfully). Even if she is a serious girl, she is not one to hide her happiness.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: D
    • Endurance: E
    • Agility: A++
    • Mana: B
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: B
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: A. The cancellation of spells A-rank and below. Even High Thaumaturgy is incapable of penetrating Saber's anti-magecraft defenses.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Eye of the Mind(False): A. The innate ability to detect danger, a technique that can be compared to foresight.
    • Independent Action: A. Even without the support of a Master, Saber is capable of remaining materialized for up to a week before disappearing.
    • Presence Concealment: A. The capability to obscure one's presence as a Servant. At the rank of A, it is possible to disappear completely.
    • Inn Creation: B. The capacity to create a territory for the service of one's Master and allies. Differs from Territory Creation in that it is not the workshop of a magus, but rather an environment designed to serve others. Can be utilized for the rest and healing of those designated as 'guests'.
    • Ventriloquism: EX. Saber is capable of speaking even in spite of the removal of her tongue, due to intensive training. As a result, it is impossible to silence her, nullifying the effects of skills that rely on the cancellation of beneficial effects applied to herself.
    • Basket of Stars(Big): EX. The basket of recompense. By preparing wicker baskets before battle, Saber is capable of creating a basket that, when unsealed, unleashes negative effects upon the targets. These effects include weakening their defenses and their capability to attack, as well as temporarily rendering it impossible to utilize their Noble Phantasm. However, the targets' injuries are also mended by this skill, as it is fundamentally a gift.
    • Basket of Stars(Small): EX. The basket of gratitude. The other half of the coin when compared to the woven baskets that induce a curse upon the enemy. This basket, when unsealed, instead grants a boon to allies. Blades are sharpened by magical energy, mana is replenished, and a measure of Magic Resistance is temporarily applied. Additionally, injuries are mended to an extent. However, the healing capabilities of the basket of gratitude are indiscriminate, and enemies are also relieved of a measure of damage.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Jyū-Ō Hanketsu - Tsuzura no Michiyuki
    • Rank: A
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: An enormous wicker basket is summoned, and from it is issued forth a blistering wind and the Hyakki Yagyō in the form of sparrows. This assault disorients the enemy, allowing them to be captured in the basket. While the enemy is captured within, it is almost impossible to escape, and a passage to a space where judgement can commence is created. Within, sparrows representing the ten kings that pass judgement upon the dead preside over Saber's deliberation. After judging the target guilty, Saber unleashes a single slash that pierces the basket and cuts through the one trapped inside. It is not impossible to survive this sentencing, but Servants of the Chaotic Evil alignment are assuredly killed. Additionally, the chance of being slain outright increases for Servants of a Chaotic Alignment, and increases further for those of an Evil Alignment. Even a Servant that survives will be gravely injured and incapable of continuing to fight until their wounds are mended. Perhaps this is the difference between those of pure intent and sinners.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A

  • Name: Arturia Pendragon
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: "Ex..."
  • Personality: A strong-willed, stubborn girl who is nevertheless extremely brave and filled with determination, Saber can be said to be one of the pinnacles of knightliness. Truly, she is the King of Knights. So dedicated is she to her knighthood that she considers herself to be a knight before she is anything else. While she is honorable and dedicated, she will not show mercy to her foes if they do not show honor and dignity themselves. A monster, it seems, will be treated as one. Saber has a strong sense of justice, and in all likelihood would first seek to eliminate any foes who choose to harm innocents or plan to do other actions that could be considered evil. Opponents who behave in an honorable fashion are treated with honor and respect, but Saber is not above concealing her weapon to gain an advantage in that regard. In spite of being a proud knight, Saber is riddled with regret and guilt for what she believes were her failures in ruling as King. While she adheres to a philosophy of a king ruling for their people, she still believes that it is her fault that Britain fell. Still, while she has these regrets, there is nothing that will stop her from her dedication to her knighthood nor her pride. In addition, Saber is also capable of being a kind and caring girl who shows concern for others. While she is proud and brave, she is also easily embarrassed and flustered.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: A
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: A+
    • Noble Phantasm: A++
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: A
    • Riding: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Charisma: B. The capacity of one to stand as a beacon to others, a sort of natural charm exhibited by those who spent their lives as leaders. At the rank of B, it is sufficient for one who was the King of a country.
    • Instinct: A. Finely-honed battle instinct comparable to predicting the future, allowing Saber to instinctively react to and understand even incomprehensible attacks. Visual and auditory interference can be be partially negated through this ability.
    • Mana Burst: A. Via the use of her enormous mana supply granted by her mana core, Saber is capable of reinforcing her entire body with mana, greatly enhancing her parameters. Primarily the use of this skill is for physical defense and speed, though even a single strike can be massively empowered by applying this reinforcement.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory
    • Rank: A++
    • Type: Anti-Fortress
    • Appearance: The sword gifted by the Lady of the Lake
    • Effects: Excalibur is the peerless holy sword forged by the planet. Unmatched by anything but the Sword of Rupture used to split heaven and earth, it is an incredible destructive weapon, a perfect sword created with the purpose of defending the planet. It is considered beyond any other sword in existence, even those that may have technically been crafted with more skill then it is. Its edge is perfectly sharp and it is an excellent tool for piercing and cutting a target, and it is also capable of unleashing a small beam of mana in order to assault her foes. However, its true power is unleashed when it is invoked as a Noble Phantasm. When its name is invoked, Excalibur unleashes a massive wave of destructive mana that utterly annihilates everything it passes over, atomizing every single thing it comes in contact with. Its strength, even in a state where its full power cannot be unleashed due to being partially sealed, is sufficient to permanently scar the earth in a manner visible from space if the blade comes in contact with the planet while invoked. Even phantasmal beasts and evil deities from alternate dimensions are annihilated by the wave of mana released by the invocation of Excalibur. While this is certainly an incredibly destructive weapon, Saber is unable to use it very often due to its high potential for collateral damage and strain on her mana supply.

    • Name: Invisible Air: Barrier of the Wind King
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Invisible Air is a sheath of wind that distorts and refracts light around whatever it encases. It is a simple form of magecraft that allows for the protection and obfuscation of anything it surrounds. Saber utilizes it to disguise the form of her sword, rendering it impossible to recognize the weapon she is using as anything other then something she wields with two hands. However, it can also be used as a form of projectile as well as a defense that can be applied to other objects. Saber may also utilize it in order to give herself a burst of speed, propelling herself towards her target in a manner similar to a rocket. When released to expose her sword's true appearance, it unleashes a shockwave that can damage opponents and knock them back.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 1 hr ago

  • Name: Kaguya-hime
  • Class: Caster
  • Appearance: This appearance may be familiar.
  • Personality: The demure but aloof princess. She cares not for humanity in general, finding them to be boorish and too easily swayed by her charms, but those who prove their moral standing or do something with no concern for the reward or pleasing a beautiful princess are exposed to a much warmer side, the "ideal daughter" of the bamboo cutter. She seems to delight in collecting oddities entirely for their own sake, but has enough restraint to not go rifling through every curio shop that shows up for something interesting.
    With her life having spent mostly at home, she's secretly eager to do something more exciting, even if not sure how.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: A
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: C
    • Luck: C
    • Noble Phantasm: A
  • Class Skills:

    • Item Construction: C. Rather than a case of limited specialisation, it is better to say that Kaguya is simply "following a recipe". If the instructions or method she copies are better, then so will the end result be.
    • Territory Creation: B. Creation of a workshop becomes possible. Though in the modern day, it might be more appropriate to say a server room...?
  • Personal Skills:

    • Clairvoyance: EX. Access to a complete repository of knowledge on the past and the present; although something about the situation seems to be interfering with many answers regarding the island?
    • Moonlit Beauty: A. Possessed of an unearthly beauty from birth, Kaguya cannot help but charm those who see her. Love at first sight and attempts at marriage are almost expected, and even those uninterested in such things or not taken in find wanting to destroy such beauty a challenge.
    • True Ancestor: B-. Nature as an Elemental born in the image of the Moon, giving Marble Phantasm as an ability and the Curse of Restoration; even as a Servant, albeit far more limited by mana, Kaguya will regenerate to the same base state if not thoroughly killed. Even now, a substantial amount of her strength is devoted to limiting the vampiric impulse that otherwise comes with this state, and all parameters are ranked down. On the flip side, she still strengthens with the moon, and at full moon this is entirely cancelled out.
    • Vampirism: D. Kaguya would gain no more mana than a human would in such a situation, but her bite alone does have the potential to spread vampirism itself.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Five Impossible Requests
    • Rank: C (EX in the system of the Moon Cell)
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: A crystalline branch with white jewels; a much more colourful round gem, the clothes that Kaguya is wearing; an unremarkable stone bowl, and a pretty sea shell.
    • Effects: The impossible requests that Kaguya set her prospective suitors--theoretically attainable, yet something that would never be brought to her, and gathered by herself as a hobby.
      The first is the Buddha's Stone Bowl. One might assume that a bowl is quite useless, but the bowl's original size is great--and it can be expanded to that full size immediately, and due to its holy nature almost cannot be destroyed. Aside from that... it's but a bowl.
      The second request was the Jewelled Branch from the island of Hourai--albeit, this "island" is rather the Moon itself. On Earth it has no ongoing effect but to symbolise Kaguya's other connection with the moon, but within the Moon Cell itself it would be possible to hand over as a "key" transferring administrative power over SE.RA.PH. However, on summoning, it did re-copy Kaguya's lunar counterpart into her earthly body--not that said counterpart has been required to do anything. In short; it made sure both the Moon Cell and Throne of Heroes versions of Kaguya are synchronised.
      The third request was for a robe made of the fur of the fire rat. It could be considered inaccurate to call this one item; rather, the impossibly fine clothing describes an entire wardrobe. When immersed in fire, the robe only comes out all the more lustrous for a time--and both it and its wearer remain unharmed. Being fireproof is sometimes useful.
      The fourth, the dragon's throat jewels, have the principle of gathering, and the one kept in Kaguya's possession is set to accumulate mana. In effect, the mana gathered by this jewel is enough to effect an A-rank of Independent Action--though rather than not having the skill, it simply operates as a back-up battery that has charged itself.
      The final request is but a simple seashell, beautiful, but oddly placed in a swallow's nest of all places. As part of the set, and Kaguya-hime's Noble Phantasm, it gives its owner the ability to charm birds; passively, she cannot help but attract them and gather their interest, but used actively it can magically compel them. But in the end, they are only birds.

    • Name: Elixir of Life - Lunar Gift
    • Rank: A
    • Type: Personal
    • Appearance: Looks like water...
    • Effects: A reward given for those who chose to help Kaguya even when it was time to return to the moon, a perfect medicine crafted with all the knowledge from the Age of Gods. The amount that Kaguya has is limited, even upon being summoned, but it has all the effects that one would ascribe to such a panacea: eternal life without the curse of vampirism and the healing of all injuries and illnesses. If used by a Servant, it would incarnate them in a physical body--though as ever, mana would still be required to use abilities.
      Quiet volatile; if set on fire it would burn forever.
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Changes: Kaguya-hime is an alien from the moon... which has one logical conclusion in this. Specifically, however, after an exciting period of time in which the moon itself was killed, information from the supposedly dead white titan filtered back to the Moon Cell, and all True Ether disappeared from the world, the Moon Cell undertook action to check its own functions were undamaged by the ramifications of the first two and to assess the accuracy of current observations given the apparent large changes.
    Thus, a new True Ancestor was selected as a host for an AI of the Moon Cell, and this was the "alien" that would be recorded in history as Kaguya-hime. Both an observer and a backup for important data, her unusual connection with the moon left her apart from her actual race and more interested in humanity.
    Rather than succumb to the increasing bloodlust, with the Moon Cell's actions complete and the observations corroborated, Kaguya-hime's mind transferred itself to the moon and her body into an endless sleep.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 1 hr ago

  • Name: Saotome Hana
  • Age: 24
  • Appearance: "Y-You mean I have to do something?"
  • Personality: There are those who don't achieve great things because they don't have the ability or the opportunity to. Then there are those, like Hana, who wouldn't do great things simply because that would require work. It's fair to say that it probably hasn't always been that way and in the end, Hana has no confidence in her abilities to do much of anything, but at this point the ingrained laziness is itself a habit and way of life. Unnecessarily exerting herself when she could sleep in then maybe watch some TV, or think really hard about what to have for dinner?
    Really, from that perspective, summoning a Servant is the worst mistake of her life... famous historical figures aren't likely to be content with Hana's desire to just stay home and avoid trouble, or squandering of the talent and intelligence that she has.
  • Abilities: Hana would like to pretend that she has no abilities and is the dead end for what was once a proud magus family and the crest on her arm is a tacky tattoo. But, this place... people just love to throw out terms like "average one", whatever the hell that means, or if it's important. It's way nicer to pretend that the tattoo on your arm is just a tattoo, not a library of impressive ways to kill people when you're the battery.
  • History: As her name indicates, Hana's family is hardly the most prestigious of magus families--their distant routes lost and barely distinguishable from the general populace of Japan, even though she's pretty sure her father said something about west Asia. Only the eyes really stand out as odd. Of course, such a loss of the past could only be expected with a gradual decline of magical talent through the generations, to parents that could barely count as mages at all, working office jobs of all things...
    And Hana? Never really good at work, let alone the pressures of entrance exams, wound up in the position of doing pretty much nothing. As certain as her parents that she was about as magical as kelp, the offer to stay in a nice, new city--at their expense! Though not the priciest, but definitely cheaper than home...--for the small cost of trying to do that "Servant summoning" thing? Yeah, that seemed great. Do something that would never work and she'd at least have some time not being bothered to get into a university, or find a job, or get married, or...
    It didn't quite go to plan.
  • Other:
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

  • Name: Yuriko T. Louvyngyr
  • Age: 23
  • Appearance: "This rose? For you."
  • Personality: Yuriko is extremely self-confident, lacking in any self-doubt when it comes to most matters. This is self-assuredness she feels is backed up quite nicely by her own capabilities as a magus. She's not so foolish as to say she could fight many Servants in hand to hand, but Casters and some Assassins, perhaps... Regardless, Yuriko's self-certainty and swagger extends to much of what she does. The fact she is the type to fly under her own rules and do what she wishes is also quite apparent in her actions, which is doubtless why her family as distanced itself from her due to her flagrant disregard for many of the guidelines they attempted to set for her future. Shamelessly and uncontrollably flirtatious, Yuriko's tastes lay exclusively in her own sex but beyond that are quite varied: Any pretty girl, human or Servant, is liable to get targeted and showered with charming lines and shows of affection. The fact she refused to stop skirtchasing without pause is one of the most notable reasons her family eventually distanced themselves from her at least publicly. There is a handful of matters Yuriko struggles with: She is easily embarrassed by being made to wear feminine clothing, feeling much more confident in suits and other similar outfits. She is also somewhat uncertain of how to handle children. She likes them, and wants to treat children well, but she is liable to go overboard or not fully consider potential consequences. This has become especially important after she used the catalyst provided to her by the Association...
  • Abilities: To say Yuriko can be considered anything less then a stellar mage would be a falsehood. Born of the combination of two lineages of magi possessed of considerable talent, Yuriko possesses not only a high amount of magic circuits but high quality ones as well. Perhaps this is one of the reasons she still receives some level of support from her family. Possessing a relatively rare dual affinity for Fire and Water, Yuriko has a strong capability in magecraft relating to destruction as well as cyclical magecraft. Causing objects to ignite, or even applying fire to her own body in some cases, is a staple of her more offensive spells. She can also compose objects out of fluid, carrying a vial of specially-treated liquid specially for this purpose. This liquid can become ignited without burning away, perfect for usage with her magecraft. Finally, Yuriko utilizes an array of jewelry on her body in the form of piercings. These are her earrings, but also other piercings across her body. These pieces of jewelry are arranged to symbolize the constellation Hercules. Indeed, with this arrangement, her body comes an earthly representation of the constellation. As long as her jewelry remains in place, Yuriko's body possesses the trait of self-reinforcement. This is an automatic response to outside stimuli, strengthening her body with an infusion of mana to amplify her blows or dull attack against herself. However, if a single piercing is removed the representation collapses and Yuriko loses this ability.
  • History: Years ago, the mage families Louvyngyr and Sumikawa came together to pool their talented bloodlines into a single heir. That heir was born in the form of Yuriko, a child who exhibited remarkable aptitude as a mage and took to her training with gusto as soon as it began. Indeed, a more satisfying outcome could not have come to pass, at least for the first few years. During this time, it seemed as if Yuriko desired nothing less then to make her parents happy and embrace magecraft utterly. And indeed, it can be said her embrace of magecraft has never ceased. However, as the girl grew older her desires changed. She began to reject the guidelines proposed by her parents, and entirely reject the idea of marriage to another talented male magus growing up in another family. Instead, though she eagerly pursued her studies, Yuriko began what can only be described as skirtchasing. She gained a considerable reputation in middle school and highschool, both for her girl-hungry ways and her general disregard for any kind of rule she didn't like. In spite of this, she excelled in both public education and her studies as a magus, and her arrival at the Clock Tower was unquestioned even as her family struggled to deal with her antics. It was here that her habits lead to a rather dramatic and deadly incident. It ended with one girl injured, and the male heir to the Vundervagon family dead. Immediately taking full blame for what had occurred, it was only due to the intervention of her family that Yuriko was not killed by the vengeful Vundervagon. Instead, her path was changed to that of an Enforcer for the association. She worked in this position for several years, until recently she was deployed to Fusang and provided with the summoning catalyst of a legendary Serial Killer from London for the purpose of investigating several unusual occurrences on the island. One of these is the rumored presence of none other than a True Ancestor... In recent days, she has struggled somewhat to care for her remarkably young and childish Servant as well as carry out her intended duties(and all the flirting), but she is doing her best and genuinely cares for her Servant's well-being.
  • Other: N/A
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

🔥Class: Archer
🔥True Name: Tomoe Gozen
🔥Alignment: True Neutral
🔥Personality: Archer's smile will always be gently, so long as fury does not completely fill her heart.

As a scion of ■■■■, Archer is inherently endowed with a savage disposition. However, she managed to contain that side of herself thanks to her feelings towards her beloved one, becoming a placid woman—or so it seemed.

Archer harbors a deep love for her Lord Yoshinaka. Even though she came to understand the reason for it in due time, the fact that she wasn't able to be with him in his final moments is her greatest regret.

Archer is a willowy maiden who embodies every aspect of the beautiful melancholy that shrouds every one of the greatest Heroic Spirits.

In defiance of the demonic nature of the blood that runs through her veins, she favors the beauty of nature to conflict with others. However, if her feelings are trampled, the soothing sadness which envelops her can twist into flames of resentment, turning the usually demure warrior into an aberration of wild flames—an Inferno burning everything in her wake to ashes.

Archer's thoughts on life and death are clear-cut. She's adamant that Servants are transient existences. They are guardians who should gracefully take their leave from the world, after their purpose has been fulfilled. Moreover, Archer would never allow anything to harm the future that her beloved Lord Yoshinaka fought for. So much so that she would have no hesitations about laying down her life to defeat a great threat either to her Master or to Humanity itself.

However, if the world Archer's summoned to is a truly pacific one... maybe she can show another side of herself even she may not be fully aware of?
🔥 Parameters:

🔥Class Skills:

🔥Personal Skills:

🔥Noble Phantasms🔥

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

  • Name: Uehara Mitsuki
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Oh, sorry, I'm in the middle of something. Give me a moment."
  • Personality: Mitsuki is a bit more sociable than one might expect, and despite his occasional weird bouts of focus or aloofness, he does have a tendency to get along with most others if given the time. He does not tend to anger easily and is often times able to keep a cool head in more stress-inducing circumstances, but that does not mean he cannot have lapses in judgement or respond to malice with malice. Due to his relatively strenuous upbringing, though, Mitsuki is a bit of a busybody; boredom (or what he perceives as such) is the bane of his existence, and there is only so much of it that he can take before he will actively search out something interesting to use his time and effort on in lieu of laying about aimlessly.
  • Abilities: As a descendant of a long line of onmyoji, Mitsuki is proficient in the creation and manipulation of Bounded Fields via the usage of ofuda. Coupled with his elemental affinity of Water, though, his Fields are able to shift in shape and location without sacrificing any defensive capabilities. Furthermore, Mitsuki is able to layer those Bounded Fields on top of one another, further increasing their defensive capabilities, or invert them to keep whatever is inside from leaving rather than entering. As is standard for onmyoji, Mitsuki is also able to create and use evil-warding talismans and charms, and, provided enough time, charms for protection or luck. Of course, the latter do not work for himself, but they are quite useful to make (and sell) when he is in need of money. Exorcism is also within his repertoire, as he can dispel lesser evil spirits with next to no work, but he is by no means able to handle anything beyond that without far more training or preparation.
  • History: As far as growing up went, Mitsuki found himself walking the odd line between modernism and tradition; though his grandparents were very steadfast in attempting to raise him as they had (with all the pride and decorum that came with being from a centuries-old line of onmyoji), his parents were nowhere near as conservative. That dichotomy had brought with it an increasingly more complex set of relationships—on one hand, he had an obligation to carry on the intense training that came with his lineage. On the other, however, the allure of modern-day life (and all the luxuries and excitement that came with it) only served to push him towards a lifestyle that, at the very least, would allow him some respite from the same monotonous cycles he had drilled into him.
    The rapid rise of Fusang in the public eye gave Mitsuki the perfect the solution to both of his problems. Though he was by no means a prodigy, a decade of his life being spent taking in the wisdom of his predecessors had, at the very least, allowed his parents to push his elders to let him travel overseas to study there. Not only that, but a land full of Servants, of Heroic Spirits with all their past experiences, might even allow him to find one of the founders of their craft and study under their tutelage directly.
    Of course, that last bit was more of a way to convince his elders more than anything; Mitsuki had no reason to pursue even more strenuous training so long as he was caught between these two ways of living. If anything, his time in a place like Fusang would only allow him to choose for himself what path to live.
  • Other: Surprisingly, he is multilingual; as onmyoji has roots from within Chinese mysticism, learning all three languages was something half-forced onto him. He's not fluent in Mandarin, but given the writing system, he can at least understand most of a piece of written Chinese if it becomes necessary.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

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