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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 3 days ago

FY-1427-AP: Yellow Wing

"Infernal door." The girl muttered under her breath. Since waking up in this small room she'd had little to do but explore the contents that accompanied her. For the structure around her was well equipped to keep her contained. The door was solid and smooth, nothing with which the get a hand hold. The walls were just as sturdy. Putting her head against the door she could hear a slight hum. Throwing a chair at the obstacle the poor piece of furniture didn't stand a chance and broke apart on impact. It did glean a small tidbit of information, the thing was magnetized as parts of the chair clung in place.

Having resigned to staying put being the only option the girl set herself to looking over the books and papers in the desk. Books, homework, stories... nothing particularly telling other than she was learning to speak English in particular, seemingly from Romanian. Shuffling through everything there were numerous references to FY-1427-AP. Must be her, whatever that meant. Locating a journal she flipped through the pages. Several were missing, having been completely torn out. Most entries were vague, almost cryptic even. Surely all of this was hers. Even testing some writing of her own it matched the look at feel. But she had no recollection of any of it.

Most of the stuff was uninteresting at the moment. Having destroyed the chair she took the journal and a bur puzzle back to the bed. If she was stuck at the very least she would keep occupied. Whilst reading she could have sworn she'd heard something outside the door. It was light, barely audible through the solid object. As briefly as it was heard it was gone. Her mind playing tricks on her already? Only a few minutes later the seeming tranquility was shattered as a screeching sound penetrated even into the bunker of a room. Lights going out the space was plunged into darkness. The sound of objects falling came through the void. Thankfully the pitch didn't last long as lights came back on. Well, some kind of light anyway.

Frantically looking around she was still alone which was a relief on one hand and terrifying on another. What the hell was going on? Releasing her grip she had mangled the frame of her bed when she'd grabbed it on impulse. Seeing the shape of the thing was something of a revelation. Made maybe the smallest amount of the journal make sense. Eyes turning to the door the bent parts of chair that had stuck to the door before now lay on the ground. Curious she approached again. No hum. Putting a hand against the door and pushing it budged ever so slightly as it was no longer receiving the needed power to keep it stationary. After some attempts to push the thing down she stepped back. There were slight indentations where she had been pushing against the thing with her hands. It had been groaning under the pressure but held. Well it wasn't immovable so maybe it had to slide, and slide it would, upward.

Outside in the hall of the Yellow wing a loud ringing of metal being struck by something massive would echo out. Over and over as something desperately fought to get out. The sound stopped for a moment before a new, perhaps worse sound followed. The screeching of metal against metal as a distended door down the hall was forcibly pulled open. Well and truly wedged in an open state. A few seconds later an almost five foot nothing girl stepped out and glanced around cautiously. She'd pocked the small journal and a pencil before making her exit. Somehow she had expected more of a reaction to someone breaking out of a steel prison. At first glance there didn't seem to be anyone, but then she saw, or thought she saw at least, someone further down. Reaching down she picked up a chair leg and carefully made her way toward what she could only assume were the people keeping her here. Food wasn't on her mind at the moment with the adrenaline pumping. Surely they had heard her escape. You'd have to have been deaf to miss it. Better safe than sorry though.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AelitaJezebelle
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


With things a bit calmer, Vam took the time to look closer at the object now in her hand. It was bone. HER bone?! How had she done that? It had felt so natural and effortless. The voice in her head quickly snapped her out of her thoughts and she spun around in confusion, trying to find the source. The shadowy being appeared to be looking at her, granted it was hard to tell. Had that come from him? Was it a him? Again, hard to tell. She stared at him a moment before finally responding in a quiet voice, "...I don't know..I don't remember..Who are you?"

The younger boy suggested going to the canteen, and she nodded her agreement. Yes, food sounded nice..if there was any food there. She wasn't convinced any staff was here at all. That was an automated message, after all. It didn't care who was here. It would still play. Everything was clearly malfunctioning though. If there were staff, wouldn't they have come by now? There would be someone guarding prisoners, right? Still she began to walk towards where she guessed the canteen was. That is until another sound stopped her, and she quickly turned, gripping the bone tightly again.

She stood frozen until the metal on metal sound stopped. It sounded fairly close, and she didn't know if she should be afraid of whatever it was or not..but she definitely felt it regardless! She was the only one of them with a weapon, so she motioned to the other two to stay and slowly approached where the sound had come from, prepared to fight if need be.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Subject: FP-1991-ED

Last Recorded Location: Purple Ward

Last Recorded Interaction: @BCTheEntity@Nyxira@Bazmund

The girl calling her self Dolly looked at the man who accompanied Blade back to the group. Of all the door they walked past to reunite together, there didn’t seem to be many other people within the hall. The entire hall full of identical rooms, and only four of them were occupied. Dolly didn’t question why Blade passed up the remaining doors, she figured they were probably empty anyway.

She looked up at the person Blade had found. The newest member of their little band was taller than everyone, but looked much skinnier. Dolly found it a little funny because it was like the man was stretched out half a foot, but kept it to herself. So far, she was the only child there, and she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. She turned back to the person she had found with the hoodie. He didn’t seem to react one way or another, and Blade caught on that the man was not all there.

After introductions were made, Dolly spoke up, “Um, if you don’t mind, I’ve decided to call myself Dolly.” She wasn’t entirely against the name Blade had tried to assign her, but she was more partial to Dolly. It sounded nicer. But since she didn’t have a name for any of the others outside of Blade, she thought it would be easier to keep it that way. Not entirely sure what a druggie was, she opted to just stick with Dougie for simplicities sake and it sounded more like a name than Druggie did. She also thought Sticks was a funny name.

Dolly followed Blade as he walked down the hall towards, well she was not quite sure, but it seemed like food would be that way. She grabbed a hold of Dougie’s hand and led him as they rest of the group started down the hall. She let go, and once she found that he was going to keep following them, ran to catch up to Blade as he took the lead. Side by side, she looked up at him while keeping pace.

“You didn’t give yourself a name. I thought of Blade because of the knife on your arm. Is that alright?” she asked. As they walked down the hall, Dolly commented about the halls, the doors they passed by. She wanted to ask him about the loud noise that echoed the halls before the lights had cut out. As far as she was aware, she was the only one who got scared by it. Dougie stood stationary as she clung to him, and the others didn’t bring it up either. Before she opened her mouth, they stopped by a pair of large double doors. Like the others, these doors were unlocked and pushed open ever so slightly. Presumably this was the cafeteria. Dolly forgot her question when the possibility of food just on the other side presented itself. She was hungry, Blade was hungry, and presumably the other two were hungry as well. Now would probably not be the time to ask, but in the back of her mind, she was afraid whatever that noise was going to come back.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Felix Jones — MY-1801-FJ

The boy watched his friend as he awaited their response, absentmindedly wondering if the wisps of shadowy stuff were thicker than they had been just moments before. Noticing his friend making some kind of gesture to him, a fist with their thumb pointed towards the ceiling, confusion flashed across the boy’s face as he tried to determine the meaning behind the motion, a lifetime without meaningful social interaction having left him at a loss to many basic social conventions. The boy’s confusion was short-lived, however, as only moments later the accompanying message reached the boy, making the gestures meaning clear, “Good idea”. Unlike the last time his friend had spoken, this time the boy was pretty certain that his friend hadn’t physically spoken, their voice seeming to have come from somewhere directionless. In his head maybe? The boy dismissed the thought, as far as he was concerned some people just spoke like that and right now he was more preoccupied with the pride that had begun to well up in him from the praise he'd received, however small that praise had actually been.

The boy moved to follow his companion, the smile on his face showing that his pleased feeling had not yet faded. The boy noticed his friend making the same thumbs-up gesture and another that the boy recognised as ‘come here’ to the girl but didn’t think much of it, it wasn’t like he was being asked to do anything difficult like speak to her after all. The boy found a strange comfort in having someone friendly to walk beside, an alien feeling, but a nice one nonetheless. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before the boy was snapped out of his stupor by a loud banging noise, followed by another, then another, then another, until, with a metallic screech, the noise stopped.

The boy saw the girl hold the flat of her palm out towards him and his friend. That one meant she wanted them to stop, didn't it? Watching her as she slowly began to move in the direction the noise had emanated from just moments before, the boy saw her clutching tightly in her hands the unidentified object he’d noticed earlier, what appeared to be some sort of sharpened instrument, made out of what looked like bone. Was she planning to go and see if whatever had made the noise was dangerous? He guessed so. Did she want to protect his friend and him? Even if he was too shy to talk to her the boy certainly didn’t want anyone to get hurt for his sake. Should he try and help her? The idea of facing whatever had made that crashing noise before seemed a little scary, but for whatever reason, the boy felt like it probably couldn’t hurt him, or maybe more like it wouldn’t matter much if it did… And maybe if he helped out his new friend would praise him some more afterwards? After several long moments of contemplation and hesitation, the boy decided he’d help the girl, taking a deep breath as he slipped his hand away from his friend’s and moved to position himself just behind the girl, trying his hardest to appear as small as possible as he did so.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Well, I was planning to call myself Grey or something, but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess. I'm fine with pretty much whatever." The giant said with a shrug.

He met the suggestion of looking for the cafeteria with an enthusiastic nod.

"Yep, I'll second that. I can't tell for sure, but it's possible I might actually be starving to death, so lead the way."

Honestly, he was just glad this guy knew where he was going. He felt like something in his head was going absolutely insane, to the point where any faint memories of where to go that might have remained were getting jumbled up along with the rest of his thoughts. Before he could voice that concern however, a massive screech rang out, and he and the other man were suddenly plunged into darkness. Barely a moment afterwards though, he noticed his head feeling kind of weird, resting his head his hand just from how strange it was.

"Ah, what the he-What the hell?" He asked, speaking about the odd feeling at first, but quickly asking once again when he noticed what seemed to be a flash of silver suddenly flaring in his mind. He could swear he saw the outline of his own feet somewhere in there, but he supposed it was also possible he might just be losing his mind.

Then again, if someone like him could exist, he figured he shouldn't pick the option of it all just being in his head just yet...

Before long, the lights came back on thanks to some backup generator or something, the lights turned back on, and no weird flashes appeared after the first.

"Uh, anyway yeah, let's go." He said to Red. "I'll just follow your lead for now."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The cafeteria was easy to find- there were multiple signs pointing there, and the subjects would find themselves directed like tributaries rushing into a river towards it. There was the heavy smell of disinfectent, artificial and welcoming, but the sight within the cafeteria was anything but. Yes, there was food- varied breakfasts left out, but there were others as well, and they were not all alive.

Five figures in total existed within the room, but only one looked likely to have blood still running through his veins. The man, for indeed that was what the alive figure was, a man, sat with his back and side to a wall, a large bowl filled with milk and cornflakes sat in front of him. He would look up as people entered the room, take up his mug of coffee and let out a loud slurp, wincing as he did so.

Then, he turned back to his cornflakes, eating them messily and splashing the otherwise clean white table with damp crumbs and dribbles of alabaster. Really though, under the circumstances, such a messy eater was hardly even ranked as among the most offputting aspects to eating a meal within the cafeteria.

Four bodies were spread out along the south-west and western wall of the cafeteria. Three wore totally black clothing- black helmets, black gas masks with black-tinted visors, black gloves over black sleeves of black shirts concealing black kevlar, with black trousers tucked in over black boots. All of them had their visors shattered and destroyed- red blood splattered across the destroyed glass. Eyes, cheeks, lips, noses... Holes had been torn through their faces, clean on one side, rough and torn on the others. Viscera- bone and pink brain matter, had misted over the walls.

The last body was a little more visceral though. Whoever, or, indeed, whatever, had killed them had done so brutally and likely fairly quickly. The man had been gutted like a fish- rough, triple marks that could not have been made with a machined blade ran from his neck to his sternum, his ribcage, collarbone and hipbone torn open. The figure's clothing- a white rubber lab coat, was now matted and sticky with blood, whilst in his hand was a small blue plastic card. The smell of death, and of the last man's bowel contents was thankfully covered by the heavy stench of the disinfectant, but the grisly show was unmistakeably real even with one sense dulled.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mentions: @TheMushroomLord, @AelitaJezebelle, @t2wave
Location: Personal Containment Hall [Yellow ward]

The trio hadn’t even been walking for a handful of seconds before they were stopped in their tracks by yet another source of heavy banging noises that left a light ringing aloft in the air. Then there was a pause.

Casey felt his heart thumping in his chest during the silence. Those other sounds from a few moments ago, they’d been in the distance. But these were coming from somewhere ahead of them, down the very hall in which they were standing. He felt his foot shift an inch backwards as the noises continued, but this time with a metallic screeching filling the air. He moved his hand back, only to find that it was now empty - his young companion has slipped away and was moving behind the girl with them.

Wasn’t he scared? No, Casey could feel that he was scared. But if that was the case, why had the boy moved forward when Casey’s own feet wanted to move backwards? He hesitated, but eventually forced himself to move forward, stepping to stand beside the two other individuals he shared the hall with. They moved forward step-by-step until finally the visage of a young girl came into view.

Casey’s head tilted up slightly, his large white pupil-less eyes moving past the girl and to the door behind her -- or rather, what used to be a door. It looked very broken. She had...no. There had to have been a malfunction or something. His eyes turned down to his hands, looking at the inky wisps flowing hesitantly around his wrists and hands. What the hell was going on?

His face turned up again to look at the new figure. Were they.. they weren’t normal, were they? He clearly wasn’t. His gaze shifted once again to the boy in front of him. Was he abnormal? And what about the woman? Where’d she get that weapon?? She seemed just as clueless as he was. His thoughts were racing, and he honestly didn’t know what to even do at this point. All he knew was that the three figures standing in front of him all seemed to be in the same boat - at least he assumed so for the young girl; she had come from a room similar to theirs after all.

Well, there was another thing he knew. They had to find someone to tell them what was going on and where they were.

He felt his gaze pull from those in front of him and to a shape in the corner of his eye. A wide corridor. He looked between his companions and the corridor, hesitantly stepping forward to try and get a good look at what was there. He half-turned back as he began walking, motioning for the three of them to come along. He didn’t know who any of them were, but two of them seemed to young to know any more than he did, and the woman didn’t seem to be hiding anything - so it made sense for them to stick together. He just hoped they weren’t freaking out internally about his appearan-


He paused, tilting his head ever so slightly. Did he hear...voices? It took him a few more hesitant steps before he was in motion again, lulling the length of his steps so the group could stick close together. Were those voices someone who could help them? Or were they more people like them, not knowing where the hell they were or why?

He slowed as he approached a turn in the corridor, looking back behind him at his companions to make sure they were still close. He turned forward, peeking his head out to see what was there.

He felt his heart skip a beat as the short tendrils on his head laid back and wiggled anxiously. Four figures. He could hear their voices well enough to discern what they were saying now, but he wasn’t paying attention much. What his brain focused on was that they were dressed the exactly the same as he and his companions - like prisoners of some sort. There was no doubt about it with the matching clothes and the wrist/neck manacles - they were definitely meant to be contained or something. But why? Maybe it didn’t matter, because he felt his muscles relax somewhat.

If they were in the same situation as him, they wouldn’t know anything either, presumably. The term ‘safety in numbers’ popped into his head. It made enough sense. He looked to the three other people he’d been traveling the halls with, motioning encouragingly as he stepped side ways away from the ‘concealment’ that the corner offered.

He turned his gaze to the hall where the four other individuals were - it seemed they’d found what seemed to be the cafeteria. He couldn’t exactly see what it looked like inside unless he approached, but he was sure it’d look just like any normal cafeteria would.

He raised a hand to wave and let out a call on instinct, but once again came up without success. Not being able to speak was really limiting, he had come to realize. He hoped this new group wouldn’t be phased by his appearance - it was a stroke of luck that the two young ones and the long-haired woman he’d already met hadn’t ran away, considering he couldn’t put them at ease verbally.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 3 days ago

On first approach the young teen was ready to strike should someone come her way. However in the pale yellow of the emergency lights she spotted three figures. Two were easy enough to make out, a woman and a child. The third was... shadowy? Mind playing tricks on her perhaps. Observing further the shadow didn't go away. All three had similar attire to her own. The woman had a weapon raised, some kind of knife or spike, it was hard to make out. Having just wrestled with something much sturdier looking than this lot she lowered the chair leg she had and clicked her tongue. These must have been the ones she'd actually heard. That realization was not all that comforting considering she had absolutely no idea what was going on. Damn that shadow though. The other two weren't really reacting to it and it seemed to pay them no mind. Against her better judgement she would hold smashing the thing for now.

Really at this point the only one that the girl had any interest in talking to was the very clear adult. Somehow the teen knew how to fight. Not that she was skilled at such, but the will to fight for freedom from... something. Had she done this before? That empty void in her memory was glaring right now. Extremely upsetting waking up with nothing. Her fear came out as anger as she scowled. "I would put that down femeie. I don't want to hurt you." There was a fairly strong Romanian accent to her speech. It had rather naturally come out as English for the most part though. She must have been speaking it regularly for a while.

The teen's gaze was once again drawn to the shadow creature what had decided to move away and check around a corner. Was it waving to them to follow? Right about now Adelina was fairly certain this was some kind of hallucination... or perhaps a spirit? Were that the case she best not offend it. The oddest thing was how it wore clothing not unlike her own. Rubbing her head she brushed her pony tail back behind her. "Also, please tell me I am not the only one that sees that." She gestured to Casey and when the other two appeared to immediately acknowledge what she was pointing to there was a brief moment of panic. Was she superstitious? Apparently so. At that point she nearly forgot about the other two. The color in her face drained away as she stood there trying to decide how to proceed. It was easier when she could dismiss it as her imagination. The motion to come continued. Hesitantly she shuffled closer to Casey and peeked around the corner to find that there were still others like them.

To say that the girl was overwhelmed at the moment would be an understatement. The thing that prevented much hysteria was that she didn't know how to properly respond. "What the hell is going on?" She muttered aloud. Close enough to the shadow thing she considered trying to touch it. No one here seemed outright hostile at this point. Curiosity got the better of her and she reached out to touch the shadowy substance surrounding Casey.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nyxira
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Possible Targets: @Randomness@BCTheEntity@Bazmund
Location: Cafeteria [Entrance]

There was some conversation that occurred. Maybe. He wasn't really certain, and kept slipping back in and out of thought again, so none of it really stuck. The whispers were quietly trying to claim his attention, too, further muddling anything that he might have heard otherwise. Not that any of it seemed to matter. It all seemed to go by very quickly, yet also so very, very slowly. Without realizing it, he was already once again following where the child led him, although his pace slowed when she ceased to tug him along, as though the lack of persistent direction left him without motivation. Still, his feet continued to carry him forward almost automatically rather than by intention.

He didn't notice how long he was walking for. He barely even noticed the little group of people who he was inadvertently following, for that matter, simply going with the flow that had been started for him until his dampened senses were met by a bitter smell and the sight of something red.

Something red and wrong.

Brows knit faintly in a sort of confusion as charcoal grey eyes slowly raised to see the rest, panning drowsily across the scene which he couldn't wrap his elusive thoughts around. His face showed no signs any of it having made any more impression upon him than anything else had thus far, yet he immediately came to a stop, completely and utterly still.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 16 min ago

Whatever that awful sound they heard was it did not sound good nor did Red want to know what caused it. When the lights were back on he glanced at his hand since it felt strange, was that...frost? He wiped it off and decided to try and figure out that mystery later. "Ya, food is this way, and I like you being Grey and I'll be Red, less chance for confusion that way if we run in to anyone else."

Red made his way to the cafeteria, or he supposed it was the canteen as the voice said. As he got there he saw a group of people gathering at the entrance, it seemed he and Grey were not the only ones in this facility. Among them the ones Red immediately noticed were a couple of younger kids as well as someone who seemed to be covered in some kind of shadowy miasma. That may have concerned Red before, but given Greys size and theory that people here might not be normal he figured this was just someone whose abnormality was more visible than others.

"Hello, hi," Red raised his hand in greeting as he approached the others. "I'm Red, the large gentleman behind me goes by Grey. I'm guessing you all are in the same boat as us and just kinda woke up with no memory of what this place is or how you got here?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AelitaJezebelle
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vam noticed the other two join her, and she couldn't deny she felt relieved that she wasn't the only one facing whatever was ahead. She wasn't sure what she expected to be making the noise they'd heard, but a young girl wasn't it. Still, it was the best outcome, and she breathed a sigh of relief as she slowly lowered her weapon again. This girl appeared to be a prisoner like them. Why were they all prisoners here, anyway? What had they done wrong? It hurt her head to try and wrap her mind around all these unknowns.

Casey's movement beside her pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned to see him motioning them to follow. She gave a nod first to him, then to the girl asking if they saw him, and she motioned for her to follow them as well. They might as well stay together. Safety in numbers, right? As they walked forward, she looked up at the signs pointing to the cafeteria ahead. Strange. She would expect to smell food going this way, so why did it smell so much of disinfectant?

She noticed Casey waving to someone and hurried to catch up. There were more people here! Hopefully someone would have answers. She waved with a growing smile as she approached. The purple squares on their clothing caught her attention, and she glanced down at the yellow on her own dress, "The colors are different." What did that mean?

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Felix Jones — MY-1801-FJ

The boy watched the interaction play out in front of him, trying his hardest not to be noticed from where he stood. He had briefly considered positioning himself between the teen and older woman when the former of the two had expressed some measure of hostility towards the latter, but in the end, his shyness had gotten the better of him and he’d decided not to try and intervene unless something actually happened. Fortunately, it didn’t come to that, as the boy’s shadowy friend had moved further down the corridor, drawing with him the attention of the rest of the group.

"Please tell me I am not the only one that sees that.", the boy was confused when he heard the teens words. Why would she be the only one to see his friend? Not knowing how to respond the boy opted not to instead rushing to catch up with the aforementioned friend. It was only then that the boy began to hear the voices that his friend must have been reacting to when he’d moved down the corridor just moments before. One was enough, why did they have to keep encountering new people?

The boy noted the appearances of the new group as he reluctantly followed his friend closer to them, not really finding much of note within their appearances, at least not by his own standards, save for the colour of the patches they had on their clothing. Red not yellow. Did that mean they were more dangerous or something? The boy felt like that might be close, but with his memories missing as they were he couldn’t quite tell and trying to work it out in his head only caused his mind to once again spiral into frustrating confusion, prompting him to squeeze the stuffed animal his friend had handed him to calm himself.

His confusion was short-lived however, being interrupted and immediately replaced with different questions as the smaller of the two newcomers introduced themselves and their companion. “You know your names?”, the boy asked, hoping that even though they’d just admitted to not knowing anything about this place that they might at least have some answers for him to go off, he definitely didn't much like being confused.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 days ago



'Sure, kid, whatever makes you happy,' he replied brusquely, to both her name request and her name for him. He'd honestly not had the knife on his arm in mind very much... did it mean something? How could he figure it out? It was familiar, anyway - as was the thorny heart on his other arm, though somehow the impression that gave him was a fair bit worse. It was all kinds of fuc-

...weird. It was all kinds of weird. He might have said it was all kinds of fucked-up, if he'd had half a second of thought more. No, actually, turned out that would have been overselling it. The scene he just walked in on? Four corpses - three guards shot through the heads, a scientist clearly ripped open by some animal, and then just one guy eating some fucking cereal like nothing had happened? Nah, nah. This was all kinds of fucked up.

'Awww, santa mierda, esto es todo tipo de jodido, what the fuck?' he blurted out, kind of putting his hand up half-heartedly so that Dolly wouldn't see any of it... but shit, man, what the hell was he going to do about that? Christ. Even Druggie Dougie- or Hoodie, whoever- realised shit was fucked up here. Backing up, he sort of, pushed Dolly away from the cafeteria by her face, back into the hall, door closing behind Dougie... ehh, Dougie could leave if he wanted. Point was, he'd need to do some cleanup if Dolly didn't want to be traumatised or whatever. If she wasn't already.

Were those voices? He turned round to see-


-what the fuck was that shadow thing?!


The thing was threatening. He needed to kill it. Though he'd jolted back at first, he almost immediately sprinted past Sticks and toward the monster with a furious roar, crossing the distance in mere seconds, and leaping at it to knock it to the floor, straddling its body and levelling blow after blow on its face once it was down! Ha, it was solid, and that meant he could beat it to death! As he punched it over and over, he shouted out '¡TOMA ESE, HIJO DE PUTA! ME APUNTÉ A MATAR A ESAS PERSONAS, ¿VERDAD? ¡NO ME MIENTAS!' Man, this was hard on his fists for some reason!


He really hadn't noticed the other people present yet. Furthermore, it'd be clear to Casey in particular that his outburst was fuelled by fear as much as rage - at least assuming he was able to coordinate his thoughts throughout the storm of fists the Spaniard was laying down.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 day ago



Mentions: Everyone, @BCTheEntity
Location: Outside Canteen

The shadowy figure stood awkwardly in the middle of the hall after the timid wave of his hand. There was a brief moment of pause before one of the strangers who seemed to be called “Red” greeted him. Was it a nickname? It seemed they still suffered from the same memory loss as him. Nevertheless, Casey’s horns wiggled and his eyes angled slightly into a more happy expression as he realized they weren’t running.

Thank god..

For a moment his eyes flicked to his side. Beside him stood the new girl they’d just come across. She seemed younger - well, he realized he didn’t even know how old he was, but he definitely felt she was a bit younger than him, at least. He turned to look at her, taking in her appearance more closely this time. Her hair was red; long but shaved on the sides, held back in a ponytail that reached her mid back. She seemed rather slim, and was maybe half a foot shorter than him.

And she was extending her arm out to touch him. He stuttered for a moment. What was she doing? If anything, he thought people would want to stay away from him. But this girl, as well as the younger boy standing a little bit further away, seemed to be fine with his appearance - even if he himself still found it rather scary. He tentatively began to move his arm out to make contact-

Adelina scarcely had the opportunity to process that the shadow was reaching back out to her when a shout came from one side.


Casey started at the exclamation, turning his head back to the new group in the hall in front of him as he felt a sudden, strong mental pull in that direction. His large, white eyes widened even further than his new carapace seemed to entail as he watched one of them sprint right towards him. He felt his feet shift backwards and his hands move up in a panicked gesture as the person charged him with a roar.


Suddenly he felt the man hit him dead on, tackling him to the ground. He felt the impact to his stomach and chest first - and then the harder one to the back of his skull. His thoughts were disoriented as he suddenly found himself on the ground, before he realized that someone was sitting on top of him. Before he even had the chance to get his arms up he saw a closed fist slam down on his face, and then another, and another. He felt the blows repeated against his neck, shoulders, and face as he tried to raise his arms up in defense, his thoughts racing and being thrown around as he was attacked.

Despite the outward assault, he felt words pull out against the inside of his head clearly - although a few of them felt broken up with each strike against his head. “Pl-ease, stop! I w-on’t hurt any-one! Don’t hurt m-e- please!!”

He pulled his arms up to cover his face - not even realizing in his panic that the blows of the individual on top of him weren’t even really that hurtful. He hugged his head with his hands, his arms covering his large white eyes and expressionless face as he pushed his feet against the floor in a desperate attempt to gain some kind of purchase.

Stunned by the sudden violence the girl stood beside the spectacle for several seconds. Who was this and why were they attacking? More questions that couldn’t be answered at the moment. Pulling her hands back she watched silently unsure whether to intercede. From what she could tell there wasn’t any real retaliation. Thinking back to just moments ago there didn’t appear to be any intent to harm her. If anything the victim on the floor was trying to defend himself, itself, whatever.

Coming to the realization that something had to be done before things got worse Adelina stepped up and grabbed one of Blade’s arms. The grip was firm and with what looked like a light tug she pulled the man off of Casey. As one might expect the enraged man struggled to break free of the young girl’s clutches. When the first frantic blow came her way she turned and pushed the man back down the hall toward the Cafeteria. In whole the small form made the whole action of picking up a full grown man and shoving him down the hall rather effortless. Perhaps it was just in the moment or she didn’t quite yet realize her own strength yet as Blade sailed through the air before skidding across the floor back to his group. Pausing with her arms outstretched and a slight look of surprise she took a step back. ”Sorry, I didn’t mean to throw him.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Subject: FP-1991-ED

Last Recorded Location: Cafeteria Entrance

Last Recorded Interaction:Everyone present, @BCTheEntity

Dolly smiled at Blades acceptance of the names. It was a small thing, but it made her happy that Blade was so willing. She was fond of the two names she came up with, superficial as they were. She slid her hand across Dougie’s as a gesture to follow her through the door as Blade opened it. When he did, though, a sense that something was wrong could not be ignored. Dolly was just behind Blade, and so when he froze, she curiously walked around to his side to see what was up.

She wasn’t able to see much unfortunately. Blade had put his hand in front of her face, and that had made it hard to see what was in the room. What she could see were splashes of red and what looked like other people, but could not make out any details.

“Wah?” she spouted as her vision was obscured, “what’s wrong?” she asked both curious and concerned. She could not understand what Blade had said, but the tone of his voice made her want to see the room more. She grabbed a hold of Blade’s arm to bring it down slightly enough to see the room more clearly. It wasn’t for very long, but it was enough for her to see that there was indeed someone else in the room, sitting at one of the tables. Even then, she missed the majority of the gruesome scene as Blade moved his hand again. Dolly waved her hands around as Blade grabbed her face, staggering backwards outside the room. When he let go, she fell on her butt as the door shut in front of them.

“B-Blade, what was that for?” Dolly asked as she stood up, rubbing her backside. She quickly straightened as a voice came from behind, startled by the new sounds. She turned around and saw that a couple new faces had shown up from one of the converging halls. There was another man, and a much taller one next to him. She couldn’t quite explain, but something about his skin didn’t make sense with the yellow tinge of the lights. She didn’t spend much time looking at the new duo when Blade once again cried out. Dolly's attention quickly turn back to Blade. He dashed passed her and Sticks towards another hall in the junction. More people it looked like initially, but with so many new faces she couldn’t help but scream when Blade charged and tackled something down the hall.

Dolly could not definitely see what Blade was attacking. It looked like he was beating up on a pile of blackness. Was it a monster? Was it dangerous? Dolly did not know, but if Blade went to attack it, then it must have been a threat. As the seconds passed, she cowered behind Sticks, watching fearfully what was happening. Another girl that Dolly had not noticed before got in between the conflict and in no time, Blade flew back towards Dolly’s group, sliding to a stop.

“Blade!” she cried out, as she rushed from behind Sticks and kneeled next to her tossed comrade, “Are you okay?” she asked as she placed her arms over his not really knowing what to do if there anything she could actually do. She looked back up at the direction the shadow was and the girl that accompanied them. It didn’t seem to be just the two of them, and not knowing what else was going to happen, kept kneeling next to Blade, trying her best to be defensive over Blade.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AelitaJezebelle
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Bartimaeus, Everyone present

Vayla gasped and moved backwards in surprise as someone attacked Casey. What had happened?! All she saw him do was wave. Yes, his appearance was a bit unusual, but..was that the only reason for this attack? She was quick to act after the initial shock, but the threat was quickly taken care of by Adelina. How a girl that small could throw the guy like that was beyond her, but she didn't question it much. How could she pull bones from her body? Why did Casey look like a shadow? They were all strange here. Maybe that had something to do with why they were all here. No time to think about that now.

She quickly put herself in front of Casey, gripping the bone in her hand and brandishing it in preparation to fight the guy off should he make another attempt at an attack. She turned slightly towards Casey, still keeping her eye on Blade warily, "Are you okay?" She held out her free hand to help him up.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 days ago



The punching didn't work. What was worse, it felt like he was kind of yanked away from the creature at some point; when he lashed out at the thing, person, whatever pulling him, he was promptly... hurled.

'AI-!' He didn't really get much more time than that to emote his surprise, since within a couple of seconds, he was skidding along his back, kind of curling his arms and legs up to prevent them from being ripped off as well. The concrete was pretty rough; he slowed down quickly, but the shirt was definitely not going to stand up to punishment like that over and over again. Was he bleeding? His back hurt, because of course it did, but he had no idea about the blood situation. Still, whatever part of his brain was working at the moment allowed his back to melt briefly, hidden as it was, before resolidifying in what felt like the right form. Yeah, that was fine. He'd work it out later if he needed to, but he felt like he had a good sense of how his body was "meant" to look.

Unlike this whole situation. Finally finding the sense to sit up, he blinked as he took everything in: Dolly kneeling over him, doing her damndest to be protective; the shadow monster on the ground, apparently unharmed by his attacked- though if it bruised, he'd never have been able to tell- and standing over it, some black-haired lady and a ginger, was she, she was a teenager. That was a teenage girl. Had she thrown him?

'Ay... ay what the fu- ...whuwhat the Hell was that?' he asked them, pushing himself back to his feet - and, as an aside, petting Dolly's hair as a show of appreciation whilst murmuring 'Yeah, I'm good, thanks.' She wasn't really going to help if they wanted him dead, but she meant well. She'd make a good gang member.

Wait what the shit kind of thought was that. Whatever no time to think about it.

'A'ight, a'ight, look,' he continued, 'I dunno what in- what is happening, how I got tossed, why you're protecting that, that, that... what- what is that?' he asked, gesturing aggressively at the shadow creature with more than a bit of concern. 'Dear God, it's scary as shit, it's... seriously, what... I... uhhh.'

By now, he'd calmed down enough to realise that if they were protecting the thing, then maybe it wasn't as bad as he had immediately thought. And had he heard it talking before? He thought he'd heard something like that. Shit, he hadn't even realised they might just be looking at him like he was bugnuts. He wasn't bugnuts, that was Druggie Dougie. Who... was he still in the room with the bodies? Fuuuuck. With nothing better for the skinny guy to do, he nudged Sticks, and gestured for him to go get Dougie. Might as well, if he was just going to stand around like a lump.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 3 days ago

FY-1427-AP - Cafeteria

For having just tossed a man it was surprising that no one else made a move. Was it that surprising? Suppose it was given her size. A few people spoke but not much was really said. "You don't know either, do you?" How odd that the lot of them were all in the dark. Taking out the journal she wrote down a couple notes on a free page. "What's the last thing anyone remembers?" Not expecting anyone to get in her way at this point she began walking forward to the doors of the cafeteria.

She was looking down at the notes as she walked in. She was hungry, literally not knowing the last time she'd eaten. Someone may have tried to stop her but she didn't notice. Her eyes drifting up her steps slowed and then stopped. What was... Who did this? For having just woken up with nothing the scene almost didn't have context. There were only two others still living there in the room. One was wearing the same clothes as her and seemingly had no response to the carnage. The only other was a man sitting casually and eating. Adelina could swear there was a ringing in her ears. If it weren't for the overwhelming smell of cleaning products mixed in the air the smell of blood would have been overpowering. The one thing that kept her stable was survival instinct. One never knew when their next meal might be. In that situation you better be ready for it. Was this something she had to do in her previous life?

What seemed like hours was mere minutes. Letting the air hiss out of er lungs Adelina resumed walking forward. She could ignore the scene for now. What can one do for the dead? Someone killed them though and she doubted the spacey one did it. Putting a hand on the table that the man was sitting the teen leaned forward. "Where did you get that?" She was referring to the bowl on the table. She was however ready to throw the table in the mans face if he made the wrong move.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Subject: FP-1991-ED

Last Recorded Location: Cafeteria Entrance

Last Recorded Interaction: Everyone Present, @twave, @BCTheEntity

Dolly stared down the shadowy figure and the girl that stood next to him, waiting for them to act again. She was not sure what she could do, but she would not let her friend be hurt again. Since Blade charged at the duo, Dolly maintained the idea that they were still a threat somehow. She took pause though when she noticed that there were more people in the group. Another woman appeared from behind the hall, and stood defensively as well. Keeping an eye on Dolly’s little group, she offered a hand towards the shadowy being. There was another, not quite sure of who, but that person was near the other three, making the opposing group’s total to four. That was a lot more people Dolly was fearful they would need to defend against if they were to resume the conflict.

Dolly quickly looked up at Blade as he hastily stood to his feet, still anxious about the appearance of the shadowy being. She stood up soon after he patted her head, thanking her for the protection. She let out a small smile before she looked back at the group. Blade wanted to know who that group was, the shadowy being especially, and so did Dolly. Having not clue otherwise, she kept to Blade’s side still trying to look her best to be a considerable ally to Blade.

She continued to stare down the opposing group as Blade turned to Sticks, not sure for what but Dolly’s attention was focused. She blinked in surprise when the one who threw Blade walked forward. She brought up her hands ready to throw down when the female briskly walked past them through the doors where Dolly and her group were only through just moments before. Dolly’s gaze followed the female as she traveled, confused. Was she not a part of the Shadowy being’s entourage?

“H-Hey.” Dolly called out as the girl walked through the doors. Dolly looked up at Blade, Sticks and then back at the cafeteria doors, open for the world to see. She took a step back and then fully turned to chase her into the cafeteria.

“Wait.” She called again, before slowing her sprint when she was just inside the doors. Dougie was still in here, but his presence only came as an addition to the scene that she now was able to fully observe. Now it made sense why Blade acted the way he did when they had first entered the room. Even in the yellowish light, the scene was unmistakable. Bodies, blood, and the stench of iron mixed with Lysol. Tears welled up in her eyes, and once again ran away from the scene crashing into Blade’s back, crying. The scene was awful, and she didn’t want to know what happened. In the heart of the scene, she lost track of the female she was originally chasing.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AelitaJezebelle
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Bartimaeus@Randomness@twave@BCTheEntity, everyone present

Vayla continued to stare Blade down until she was certain he wasn't going to attack again. Even so, he was clearly still afraid of Casey, so she spoke up, "He is our friend and has done nothing to show himself as a threat. Attack him again and I'll hurt you...or let her do it again," she nodded towards Adelina, "...Preferably, let's end the violence here."

With her warnings given, she allowed herself to relax her stance and focus on the rest of the group and on what Adelina was saying. What was the last thing she remembered? She tried to think back to something...anything...but she couldn't pull up much but vague images. She had to have a life before now. One didn't just wake up as an adult! "...I remember...people...but they're blurry," she finally answered as she watched Adelina make her way towards the cafeteria.

She hadn't seen the scene the others witnessed before her group arrived, so she thought nothing of following into the cafeteria. The gruesome scene in front of her, however, brought her to a halt as soon as she reached the doorway. It was a struggle not to wretch as the overwhelming smell of bleach and iron hit her. It made it hard to breathe, but she tried to manage it. The little girl was freaking out, and that was more important to deal with right now than her own feelings towards the scene or the smell from the room.
She stepped towards Blade and Dolly and gently placed a hand on Dolly's back. "..Hey, it'll be okay...We're all right here. Don't look, okay? Just hold on to your friend and don't look." She tried to sound soothing as she spoke and not as shaky as she currently felt seeing the scene herself, but she wasn't sure how well she did with that.

As she tried to comfort Dolly, she looked around the room, trying to spot anyone who may still be alive. There was a guy standing there she didn't remember seeing before, though maybe that was because she was distracted by everything else that had been going on. Then another guy at a table just eating who Adelina appeared to be approaching. Did that girl have any fear? She was starting to wonder. The first guy looked to be kind of out of it, so she reached over to tap his arm, "..Hey, you okay?"
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