Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The conversation as Benienma lead her into the fast food location was... well, calling it bizarre wouldn't be entirely correct. It was quite normal for people to discuss her in passing; almost expected even. That this Master was apparently worried about being eaten... had she worked out her original nature? That was an impressive achievement if that was the case, but on the other hand... if she ''had'' worked it out, then she should know that Kaguya was in no way likely to try and make her into a snack.

"Oh, I meant to come to this establishment from the outset," she said, having accompanied the apparent young girl inside. This... fox was Suzuka Gozen? Was something about her broken? The speech patterns, the outfit... well, history showed that she hadn't been the best at keeping to her assigned role anyway. Maybe it was just in her nature to incarnate improperly and cause trouble.

She gave the strange Servant and her Master a polite smile, introducing herself, "I am Princess Kaguya."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Pyromania99 (whoever else is at Burger Wham)

Hearing the voice of Beni-Sensei momentarily caused Suzuka's fur to stand on end. She might have acknolwedged Kaguya-hime's presence, but at the moment her focus was entirely on not getting shoved back into hells kitchen.

"Beni-Sensei! I-I'd never bother master, ahahah..." Urgh, that wasn't a total lie at least. She wasn't bothering mana that much? Even if she was, wasn't like Mana would do anything about it. "Master and I are totes besties, aren't we Master?" Suzuka pulled out her phone, quickly moving to her Instagram and pulling up all the recent photo's she had taken with Mana. The one recently at Burger Wham. A few of various activities done throughout the day followed.

"See? Totes besties! Just two cute highschool girls livin' life to the-"

just one picture too far

That was a rather questionable picture taken of Mana with her back to the camera and showing off a bit too much of her thighs and butt with the comment '10/10 thiccest booty master, change my mind', and she had just shown it to Beni-Sensei.

A cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Ah, so this was how her JK career was going to end.


Shopping Center
@Crusader Lord@VitaVitaAR

Charlotte pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly at Yuriko. Ugh, such a useless conversation. Flattery was useless in the grand scheme of things in every aspect. Was she hoping to gain favor with her? Perhaps on other mages stroking their egos would be fruitful.

"...right." Charlotte sighed, deciding to drop it. Momo would probably scold her if she didn't make some attempt to be civil, and that was somehow more annoying. "I suppose its one of my better pieces." She replied curtly. Well, it was certainly something to look at and she considered it adequate. "I do think it could have turned out a smidge better, though. I had to skimp a little bit on the embroidery since I had sort of rushed finished it right before I left for Fusang."

Ah, she was talking a bit too much.

"Ahem..." She looked off to the side, adjusting her glasses slightly. "I suppose I shouldn't keep you if you must find your servant, though?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Mana was still surprised overall. She was a slight bit frightened by Suzuka's change of character. The least threatening things to her right now were her new Master friend and her servant. The adorable girl that made her think of a bird, though... Suzuka didn't seem to share the same opinion. Then there was the scary girl that she was about 75% sure was going to eat her. She didn't directly call out to her or anything, but she could feel a gaze on her. She didn't know what was the worst thought in her head right now. The fact she thought that she might have royally pissed off Suzuka or the fact she was afraid of being eaten.

She had a chance to make her happier now! "T-totes b-besties?" She questioned a bit... Making sure she knew the slag right. "I... Well, I'm pretty sure Suzuka is my best friend..." She muttered as her servant showed the little bird girl pictures. Then she saw the devastated look on Suzuka's face. Mana raised a curious eyebrow at this as she shuffled over next to Benienma to take a look at it. "ten out of ten thiccest booty master, change my mind"

She blinked a few times before her face went massively red. Her mouth flapped wording nothing in particular. "Thiccest booty!? Ten out of ten!?" There were two parts yelling at her internally. One was saying that this was just a mean joke and that the fox didn't mean it. There was another part though. A lot quieter, of course, and it said "This is a compliment, you should thank her~"

She just spurted out the first thing that came to mind. "W-w-when did you take that, Suzuka!?" She questioned, not really sure what she was saying. This would look really bad for Suzuka with someone she knew, right. "I-i-it's a well taken picture! T-thank you for the compliment!?" She was unsure of what the proper reply was other than maybe, "How dare you!" But that's not what she did. She wasn't really sure how to react anymore and she was super embarrassed so she grabbed the nearest thing... Benienma, and hugged her not even realizing who she was hugging.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Saber - Benienma


Before Beninema's eyes, the image of the unfortunate girl's posterior and thighs was displayed. Thankfully, she was wearing underwear, but the fact remained that Suzuka had taken this image.

Her cheeks coloring slightly with embarrassment at being shown such a thing, the enma decided there was no way she could let this slide. Indeed, there was only one correct response to this event.

The redheaded girl cleared her throat.

"What did you expect when you took this image, Suzuka? Were you intending on sharing it? The only thing I see here is a shocking display of both immaturity and what I can only describe as lechery dechi," she began, wagging one finger towards the schoolgirl-playing fox as she spoke. Her words would be harsh, but evidently they were necessary in light of that. "It is absolutely unacceptable to treat your Mastah in such a fashion dechi. As your teacher, I would have expected far better behavior dechi. Not only did you take such an image, but you took it without her knowledge as well?"

She folded her small arms across her slight chest.

"I'm deeply disappointed. While I understand your capabilities as a cook may be considerably lacking, I expected that my lessons would have given you a greater sense of responsibility and care to have been instilled within you dechi. I'm beginning to think that I may have to introduce you to some remedial lesso-mmmf?!"

The poor girl who was Suzuka's Master had quite clearly flown into a panic at the situation, completely uncertain how to react. And thus she had done something entirely unexpected and grabbed Benienma herself.

"Chirp chirp?!" Benienma freed her face for only a moment as she squirmed, wrapped in the girl's arms, "Ah, er, please, relax! Benienma won't allow her student to trouble you in such a way any longer...!"

@RolePlayerRoxas@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Uehara Mitsuki

Despite the chaos of the market streets, Mitsuki found himself quite at home in Fusang. Though he hadn't grown up in, say, Tokyo or Kyoto or any of the other major Japanese cities, they were always far more enticing to him than the laid-back suburban scenery that he had become all too familiar with growing up. It had been a few months since he had moved here for college, in no small part in thanks to his parents, and much of the time between then and now had been spent reorganizing all of his belongings and making sure that everything was in proper order.

Of course, given that he was in the city known for having Servants, it had only been a matter of time before he had gathered enough time and courage to do so himself. His grandparents had been requesting that of him since his arrival; after all, the possibility of contracting someone like Abe no Seimei left even them excited.

The ritual itself had gone as planned, but the result had both disappointed his elders and intrigued him.

Archer, Tomoe Gozen. The famed onna-bugeisha whose appearance in the Genpei War had etched her name into history, was now contracted to him.

That was two weeks ago, and here he was now with his new Servant as the two of them walked along the streets searching for food. Despite an admittedly awkward start (which involved explaining, among other things, that this was most notably not a situation that involved any sort of conflict), the fact that he could move about without worrying about anything superficial like 'keeping up appearances' said more about how things had settled more than any words could.

"Hm... Now that we're here, I'm not sure what to get..." he sighed, shaking his head before turning towards his Servant. "You have any preference, or should I just grab somewhere randomly off my phone?"


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

When Nanako moved towards her face with a tissue, Meltryllis unconsciously shifted away from her, closing her eyes and furrowing her brows as the young woman cleaned what had been left off of her face. It was a bit unpleasant, having to rely on her for such trivial matters, but given the alternative, she reluctantly accepted that this was a necessity.

Once that was finished, the Alter Ego simply stood up and, after somehow manage to crumple the crepe wrapper into a ball, unceremoniously dropped it into the nearest trashcan before crossing her arms.

"Fine, then. If you've had your fill, then we may as well get you some more exercise. Let's go; I was getting sick of the crowds here anyway."

A few minutes of walking had promptly brought the pair to the shopping district, and lined with malls and all manner of stores, Meltryllis' eyes could not help but move around in search of something she so desired.

The lack of figures in her Master's household was a travesty, of course, and one that needed to be rectified promptly.

"Hm... Not here, then...?" she muttered to herself as they continued down the streets, her eyes constantly scanning about in hopes of something catching her interest.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 15 days ago

“Even if what you say is true, and this world is a pacific place, that’s no excuse for being indolent, Master,” Archer repeated the words she said whenever her Master tried to convince her that this was a world where they could, in fact, live peacefully.

She may have become less persistent with time, but nothing would convince Archer that there wasn’t a higher purpose in motion for the concurrent summoning of so many Servants to be allowed. She had no clear memories of any other Holy Grail Wars she had been summoned to. Even so, her instinct as a Heroic Spirit—nay, her warrior’s intuition—told her this isn’t how being summoned was meant to work.

The gap between her words and her actions, however, was a sight to behold.

The same diligent lady of war who advised her Master to remain vigilant in times of peace was also fiddling with a handheld video game, dressed in casual clothes which bore little more than a passing resemblance to her armor and usual outfit.

More often than not, Archer didn’t even bother to look at the street. Compared to making her way through a battlefield where opponents and allies were packed shoulder to shoulder in the thousands, traversing a city’s street was like crossing a vast field all on her lonesome.

After her Master asked her option about what to have for lunch, Archer paused the action game she was playing and answered, “Why don’t we have some of this pizza thing? I just read about it in this game. It seems to be quite interesting.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mihama Nanako

It was obvious that Meltryllis was looking for something. Nanako wasn't quite sure what, but it was clear. Reminding herself to ask, the brunette went about(with some difficulty) obtaining various supplies that had run down over the course of the last few days. Given the state she'd been in, it was only natural she hadn't been able to shop prior... and given her shelves were pretty sparse already there was no doubt she'd needed to at least get some of the basics. Thankfully, now that she'd started getting the payments from the city on account of having summoned a Servant, there was plenty of wiggle room when it came to purchasing it all. Not that it was easy transporting it, but she did her best with only one arm.

It was when she was on her way out of the last store that she thought she noticed something strange...

A little girl, a familiar shade of purple, on the edge of her vision. She almost didn't see her, only barely noticing the figure out of the corner of her eye as she disappeared into an alleyway...

And then she was gone.

Nanako paused for a moment. A little girl with the same shade of purple hair as Meltryllis, disappearing into an alleyway...?

... She must have imagined it, right?

The brunette shook her head.

"... Meltryllis-san," she began, turning to face the Alter Ego, "Were you looking for something while we were shopping? I couldn't help but notice."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Uehara Mitsuki

Seeing Tomoe casually playing games as they walked down the street was no longer a surprise to the young man—doubly so after the first week, where she had somehow managed to do all that in the middle of rush hour without bumping into anyone or losing her focus for even a second. More surprising, really, was how she had managed to so seamlessly adapt to modern life despite her own constant wariness about being summoned in the first place (and, admittedly, it was a bit strange to have so many Servants walking about without needing to worry about conflict). If anything, though, he felt that if the Archer was comfortable enough to be acting as she was now instead of being covered in armor as they walked about, this city, at minimum, was at peace.

Or, well, peaceful compared to the Japan that Tomoe knew during her lifetime. Sure, there was still conflict, but that sort of thing would occur so long as humans were... Well, human. There was nothing more to be said about that from him, really.

"Pizza, huh...? Sure, I wouldn't mind a slice," the young man responded, nodding his head as he searched for the nearest pizza place on his phone after stepping to the side of the street. There was a bit of a pause as he began to glance between the device and the shops on the street, but after a few moments Mitsuki put the phone away and motioned off to the side.

"That place should be fine, then. Let's go.

The restaurant that they had entered was unsurprisingly rather busy, with more than a few people relaxing with their friends as they chatted, food in hand. Ordering and paying for the pizza took no time at all (a slice with pepperoni and olives was enough to tide Mitsuki over for the moment), and bringing it to an empty table only took waiting a little while for another pair of guests to decide that it was time to move elsewhere.

With a glance at what his Servant had chosen, though, Mitsuki glanced at the game console still in Tomoe's hands before looking at his own slice of pizza.

"Well, here it is. I know games have a tendency to make it look a lot fancier, but I don't think we have any reason to buy an entire pie," he said, shrugging his shoulders before taking a bite.

"Huh. This is better than I expected for that price point. Maybe I'll come back here in the future..."

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Following Nanako around as she went to go restock on whatever had been running low in her home meant that she had no time to actually look for the store in question. It was a bit annoying, and hearing her Master ask her about snacks or drinks here and there as she was picking things out almost always ended with a noncommittal 'do as you wish'. It wasn't like she would be the one consuming them anyhow—at least, not in any way that didn't make her look like a complete idiot.

Once they had finally left with all of those items slung over Nanako's shoulder in a bag, though, Meltryllis breathed an internal sigh of relief. Finally she could start looking for a figure store again.

The question that came from her Master's mouth soon after, though, was more than welcome. She had never said anything until now, but if she was given the chance...

"Well, I suppose that now is as good a time as any to tell you, then," Meltryllis responded, a smile on her face as she began to speak. "Of course, it has to be figures. I don't mean those crude little things that you see advertised on TV here and there—I'm talking genuine figures, of course! Scale figures would be ideal, since both you and I know that my ability to handle a garage kit is, quite sadly, nearly nonexistent, and I know for a fact that unless I directed every minutia of your actions, you would fail to be able to even make it look like even a tenth of its full potential. So, in other words, a figure store is what I am searching for. Though I suppose that they might be more inclined to be hiding away from the main streets of this place..."

Of course, she could go on and on, but when weighing the cost of preaching to her Master the wonders of figures to the time spent actually searching for a shop...

Sadly, the latter weighed out.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Shopping Center

Ah. It was not hard to tell his master was becoming increasingly annoyed, and that this person had now seemingly tossed a flirt at her no less! Or perhaps he was reading too much into some kind of magus flattery...bad. No random stranger in public would flirt or ilk with his master on his watch, no matter how strong they seemed to be or whoever they were. Man, woman, servant, it all mattered naught at all to him save that he felt protective over his charge in this sort of situation. She had much time to invest in learning, grow into through various forms of self-improvement, and the ilk (or so he felt).

Of course, some further lessons in social etiquette would be something to note for later activities. Indeed. Yet for what it was worth the Rider was silently proud, proud that his master was at least seeking to be civil here. Perhaps a bit much talking, but all the same she did seem to want to leave. He'd hoped to find the other servant somewhat, but wasn't so attached at all to an activity merely meant to keep himself busy in the case his master had insisted on more conversation somehow.

Despite this, however, learning for sure now that the woman had a rather young and short servant was at least interesting to know. So he felt a tiny something was worth at least notifying him of something interesting.

Withdrawing his arms from his sleeves calmly, Momotaro showed a small, clear-plastic wrapped up kibi dango in his hand to Yuriko before tossing it over to her casually and carefully.

"Sincerest apologies for keeping you. But here, a small gift for your servant as recompense for your time. It is a sweet treat, and from where I came from it was popular with children."

The Rider then crossed his arms into his sleeves once more, before looking over to his master slightly. He kept up his polite airs for the most part as he did so, though a slight urgency was notable in his voice as he spoke once more.

"Shall we take our leave, Master? I do not wish to come off rude, but I believe we were on our way to procure some goods before the shop closes?"

It was an attempt to help offer his master some more of an excuse for leaving, if nothing else.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Ritsuko Fujimaru

Aaah... Did she really have such confidence in her? Or was Saber simply trying to be nice? Either way, Ritsuko felt the pressure to provide her with something delicious grow even stronger.

"W-well, uh, I guess uh..." What was easy to make whilst still being delicious? What was cheap to make whilst still being delicious? "S-so uh... F-fried rice for dinner, then...?"

Hopefully that would appease her. After all, fried rice was a dish fit for a king, even if it was really cheap.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mihama Nanako

Nanako paused for several moments. Out of everything she had expected from Meltryllis at this point, a fascination with figures wasn't necessarily one of them. The elegant ballerina-like sadist suddenly gushing about expensive scale figures was simply unexpected... that being said, Nanako did have money and had said she'd buy Meltryllis stuff she wanted. Within reason, but given the payments from the city for having a Servant in the first place...

That made this a little easier.


Part of her mind wandered back towards the little girl she thought she'd seen. She had looked almost like some kind of figure, or maybe a doll. That was what made it all the more unlikely, though... or maybe she was someone's Servant? Her hair and everything...

Well, it was probably nothing.

"Um... I can't say I know where to get figures off the top of my head..." Nanako said, finally, considering her options, "But I think there's a hobby shop down this way?"

While there were some series of anime and manga Nanako definitely liked, she'd never been the type to buy figures or get into it like that. She'd also hoped to locate and outfit Meltryllis actually liked to make... well... walking around with someone who had nothing but a metal plate on their crotch was seriously awkward especially when they were so pretty so she had to figure out something to make it less awkward.

So whatever she ended up buying for Meltryllis here, she had to make sure she had enough spending money rationed out for the day to buy at least some kind of outfit, as long as she could find one with enough appeal to the Alter Ego.

"Hopefully there's something there? They've got a lot of merchandise," continued Nanako as she began to lead the way, hoping her wallet wouldn't be in too much pain for the sake of her desire to bond with her Servant, "I've never been inside before but I've seen through the windows."


Saber - Arturia Pendragon

Her Master seemed quite ill at ease... Arturia frowned to herself slightly. She had never intended to cause her Master distress, her words had been genuine. She was certain she would approve of anything that Ritsuko would prepare. But it seemed as if something she had said had caused her Master to become quite nervous... She had to address that somehow.

The path forward, even if this was not a Holy Grail War, would be traversed best if both Master and Servant were capable of supporting and working with one another. Battle was won by the side that forged ahead together, not as disparate parts.

The application of this strategy was viable in many things, the knight-girl was certain.

She had felt what it was like to be in near complete opposition to her Master before... Thankfully, that would not be the case here. But at the same time, it still meant ensuring that her Master was not uncomfortable simply speaking to her about food.

Besides, fried rice was absolutely delicious!

"Worry not, Master," Arturia began in what she hoped was a reassuring fashion and definitely showing her excitement at the mention of the dish not entirely intentionally, "I would be happy to have fried rice! I am certain you shall prepare it excellently."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kishinami Hakuno

Things had become surprisingly hectic in such a short time. All Hakuno could do was observe silently as everyone around her caused quite the stir. Of course, she was shocked to learn that the pretty lady was, in fact, Princess Kaguya... until it suddenly made perfect sense to her that an impossibly beautiful woman could only be a princess of the moon. She might have lingered more on that particular revelation, but Benienma's chirping was far more important and left Hakuno feeling quite warm and fuzzy.

She had taken a peek at the pictures Suzuka was showing off to Saber, and blinked at the sight of Mana's... assets. Now, Saber was perfectly justified in lecturing the perverted schoolgirl(?!) for her conduct, but Hakuno found herself understanding where Suzuka was coming from. Just a little bit. Really. She was a good girl at heart. Still, any sympathy for Mana evaporated when she started hugging the tiny sparrow. Hakuno looked as passive as ever, but her hands were clasped very tightly together, resisting the urge to wrench her Servant free and monopolise all hugging rights.

"...Maybe... we should calm down and find a seat? People are staring," Hakuno finally spoke.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 15 days ago


“Adaptability is one of the key qualities of a warrior, Master. Of course it's only natural that I would get used to this world in due time. Doubly so if this really is a peaceful era,” Those were the words Tomoe said the first time she noticed how her Master was in awe with her ability to adapt to her newly found modern living. She might not be the best at reading the atmosphere, but Archer had her pride as a mother. She liked to think that she knew how boys thought.

“If only Lord Yoshinaka could see this world. I'm sure he would approve of it...”

Archer was shook out of her recollections when they arrived at the "restaurant". It certainly was the kind of place she expected after getting acquainted with this era's fast food culture.

“I don't mind the imperfection, Master—Ahh, I'll have one of these, thanks!” she replied to her Master, interrupting herself to order a slice of pizza Margherita—mostly because this was the only type she knew, thanks to her game.

“Excuse me for asking, but what are your plans for the rest of the day?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The princess looked at the image, thinking it looked familiar--and by the time Mana was squeezing the unfortunate Benienma, she'd realised. Servants tended to gather quite the following on those occasions they made their presence known directly... not that it was a huge number who were interested in that thing. So naturally, when Kaguya had been summoned and set to examining the modern internet, she had wound up keeping track of these figures.

So, unsurprisingly, she had seen that picture before. Along with a key piece of information that it seemed neither Benienma nor Suzuka's Master had realised in their look at the screen.

"Really, Suzuka-dono, should you not have told your Master when millions of people liked her thighs?" she asked, for all the world coming across as simply making a polite remark--and, rather than waiting for the response (after all, she'd be able to hear everything well enough), Kaguya moved over to the by-now staring staff at the counter.

Who definitely weren't expecting an order of "One of everything."

Saotome Hana

Nothing more liberating than the stretching of muscles...? From Berserker...? Was this some kind of strange threat? Was the seemingly cheerful girl going to snap and tear her limb from limb if she tried to get out of this torture? She really didn't want to take part, but there was... just no way that she wanted to be ripped apart by a super powerful historical warrior...

"W-What do you want me to do?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Uehara Mitsuki

It was a bit weird, hearing food referred to as 'imperfect'—ordinarily, the way things were presented in media compared how to they actually were tended to be overly perfect. Most advertisements were in line with that line of thought, and even though he didn't play games anywhere near as often as his Servant did, it seemed perfectly reasonable to think the same line of thought could apply there.

But that mattered little to Mitsuki, who was casually eating his pizza as he considered the Archer's question. It was the weekend and his classes hadn't actually given him anything in particular to worry about; all of the things he needed to consider for the near future were handled, which meant that he had ample free time to pursue his hobbies.

Of course, that came second to actual responsibility.

"I... Hm. After eating, huh...? I was thinking about restocking the fridge and pantry, since it's probably a bit easier to eat at home," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "After that... Nothing in particular. If you wanted to do something else, though, I'll probably tag along."

Of course, knowing his Servant's newfound affinity towards games, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to pick one up to practice...

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Upon hearing that there might actually be a shop with the figures she so desired nearby, Meltryllis seemed to subtly brighten up a bit more than she had as she was explaining herself. That upswing in her mood only continued as Nanako ceded in bringing her there, and before long the two were standing inside the shop in question. The AC-cooled building was a nice change of pace from the mildly warm streets outside, but it didn't take long for the Alter Ego to immediately go off hunting on her own for what she wanted.

Two minutes. Two minutes was all that she needed before she came across the figure displays; after that, it seemed as if she was putting more effort into poring over the make and quality of each and every figure that was for sale than she had in anything else for the last week.

"Mmm... The joints are visible there... That pose is a bit boring..." she muttered to herself as she continued to scan over what was present before finding something that caught her fancy. Given that her Master was right next to her...

"That one. Buy it."

With one arm pointed near one of the showcase exhibits, Meltryllis seemed to have completely bypassed the "ask" part of their implicit agreement as she gestured at a $300 1/7 scale figure of a girl in rather complex armor.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mihama Nanako

She'd never even been inside of a shop like this, so it was an entirely new experience for the brunette.

Nanako recognized some characters she knew among the figures, and she did have to admit they were all well-made... she'd never really considered buying any for herself or anything like that, but at least she fairly quickly understood why someone might want to do so. And Meltryllis definitely seemed enthusiastic. The instant they'd set foot inside the store she was off carefully examining each and every one of the figures at an incredibly rapid pace, sometimes audibly mentioning her analysis of them. She really knew about this stuff! A lot! It was kind of unexpected!

It wasn't very long until the petite purple-haired girl located a target figure, an exquisitely-made figure of a girl in elaborate armor wielding a long, thin sword.

One that cost... over...

... Oh...

Nanako opened her mouth, then shut it, then opened it again.

That price tag... it was... aaah, all that for one figure?! Could she even spend it in good conscience?!

... no... it was the opposite, wasn't it? She'd told Meltryllis she would buy what the Alter Ego wanted. She'd done so in the first place with a desire to improve their relationship, to make things better.

A little bit of wallet pain was nothing compared to having a crossbow bolt lodged in her shoulder, right?

Nanako's shoulders sagged, and she exhaled heavily, before straightening and clearing her throat.

"R-right... that one, then!"

Feeling as if her soul was temporarily leaving her body, Nanako went to the checkout. Soon enough, a box containing the figure was in their possession.

Those payments from the city were really important now.

But it wasn't over yet. She still had to take Meltryllis to buy clothing, even if she was going to let the Alter Ego pick this time. When it came to something like that, letting her pick out the outfit seemed like the best idea. Hopefully she'd find something she liked that was less...

... Less...

Metal c-string...


Yuriko T. Louvyngyr

This girl... it was becoming fairly clear to Yuriko that the girl was totally unfamiliar with being flirted with. While in some cases that might have actually been helpful to her goals, when someone was more on the standoffish side it wasn't. Oh well... now wasn't really the time to be flirting, was it? Not when Jack had wandered off like this.

"I suppose so, I can't have her just wandering off like this," Yuriko said finally, as she caught the dango, "I should have been a bit clearer about her staying in sight... Jack, can you come out?"

At the very least, the Assassin listened quite well, so hopefully that would work. If not... well, finding her was considerably more difficult.

@Raineh Daze@Crusader Lord@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Pyromania99 (whoever else is at Burger Wham)

Suzuka could say nothing as Beni-Sensei started her lecture. This was it. She was going to get sent back to the throne before her JK debut could be made. The prepared herself, ready to receive the full brunt of Beni-Sensei's lecture. Ready to be dragged back into Hell's Kitchen and made to undergo a hellish training that would make even gods fear the small bird.

"Ah...!? Nice one Master!" Before she could be dragged back into such a hellscape, Mana had somehow managed to restrain Beni-Sensei. "Yanno, Like, it's not my fault my dunce of a master doesn't get how good she looks!" Suzuka finally said, halfway in reply to Kaguya-hime with a mild bit of irritation. "So like, obvs I gotta get everyone else to agree first!"

The fox flashed a rather bored look over to Hakuno who suggested they go take a seat.

"...but like, anyways, we're totes bored of this place, and Master and I got a lit AF girl date at the salon." She flashed a grin towards Mana. "Yoink!" Before Mana could try and protest, Suzuka had grabbed her master by the arm and started pulling her towards the door, intending to make a swift escape and completely forgetting their to go order.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jack the Ripper

It would be wrong to say that Jack had wandered off too far, or even taken that long in searching for suitable clothing. After all, she only had to look for something that sort of matched Mother. That had been rather easy, too, though the white-haired girl had made straight for shorts. The idea of wearing something with long legs seemed a bit unfamiliar. And restrictive if she needed to cut someone.

Being assassin, she could just stand by a shelf and watch everyone talk without being detected and, when called, immediately stopped trying to hide, thrusting the acquired clothing in Yuriko's face. "We found some!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Mana went bright red at the revelation that Kaguya-Hime gave. Thighs? Internet? Millions? What did she mean? Her grip on Benienma weakened as she looked between Suzuka and Kaguya-Hime. "I-I-Internet?" Her grip on Beni fully loosened as Suzuka started to pull her away. She had no sense to resist at the moment. All she could really do was look back on the new master and servants she just met and looked confused, particularly at Hakuno.

Either way, she was dragged out towards the door. "Uwawawawa!" Mana seemed rather confused, perhaps because it was said MILLIONS of people saw her thighs and Suzuka said that they agreed with her that they were nice. That seemed unreal to her since she had a rather low opinion of herself. "Su-suzuka... W-what did she mean by millions of people liked my thighs." She didn't sound mad or anything of that sort. Just confused... It'd be a wonder if anyone could make her see sense but they were more than welcome to try. Especially some fox servant.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 15 days ago


Archer was surprisingly graceful for someone who could rip people’s heads right of their shoulders with her bare hands. Even while eating an unrefined dish such as a slice of pizza from a fast food chain she kept an aura of dignity about her.

She watched her Master carefully, answering only after he spoke all he had to say. “I agree, Master. No matter how tempting dishes like this may be, it’s important to have properly balanced, home-cooked meals,” she said in a motherly voice. “Oh—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like I’m lecturing you,” Archer blushed when she realized she slipped in her “mother mode” once again.

“At any rate… maybe we could take a walk, then? Not as physical preparation or anything like that. I just would like to visit a peaceful place like a park or a temple. Actually, the beach could work as well. Whatever you think is more convenient,” Archer said with a slight sense of nostalgia coloring her voice.
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