The Monarch: TBD.
Pretty sure I already know who this is.

The Monarch: TBD.
Well, after a day of thinking hard about it, I have decided to give it another shot. Hopefully, it works. Time for Plan B!SON OF ZOD"When I was young, my parents told me to hide my 'gift from God.' If it's truly a gift, he has a sick sense of humor."C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P THernan Guerra was different. His mother and father knew something that he didn't about him. So, one day he asked them about his childhood. At first, his parents tried their best to provide a satisfying answer. But it wasn't enough. Then, he went to his sister for answers, but she clearly lying to him (badly). Frustrated, Hernan confronted his parents again and demanded an explanation. His father tried to calm him and it made things worst instead. In a fit of rage, Hernan stomped hard enough to leave a crater beneath him. It was also when he noticed that he was floating above the ground. He was scared.
Until his parents managed to calm him down. That was the first time that Hernan demonstrated a super-powered ability and it wasn't the last. Knowing that the lying was going to only hurt now, his parents told him of everything (with his sister present). It was on the night of their journey to the United States for a better opportunity. They saw something blight from the sky and hid behind some rocks, assuming it was the Border Patrol. Instead, it was something that crashed in front of them. Both of them investigated and discovered it was a rocket, containing Hernan inside. Before they could react, the authorities were making their way towards the scene. They took him and escaped before they were caught.
After being told the truth, Hernan was relieved and disturbed at the same time. And all he could do was hug his adopted parents.
As Hernan developed more strange abilities, his parents pressured him to hide them. He argued with them for a while before going behind their backs. It started with blowing away the chemicals from the crop dusters. Then, it got bolder. Completing the harvest on his own in one night once in a while. Eventually, he was caught. It happened during lunch at his high school. One of the racists was bullying Hernan, trying to egg him on. Of course, he did his best to avoid it. Until his sister got targeted and shoved to the ground. In a matter of seconds, the bully was on the ground with a broken arm. He tried to help his sister up, but everyone saw what happened. And it was so much that he ran home and hid for several hours.
His mother found him and comforted him as the authorities arrived at their home. Both of his parents were taken away by ICE, leaving him and his sister alone. Hernan wanted to save them, but his sister begged him to stay afraid that something could happen to him. So he did and it broke him. He remained on the farm until the guilt was too much to bear. Hernan left to find purpose in his life without saying anything to his sister. And with two years passed by, he watched as the American Dream was falling apart happily. Then, he heard about the latest ICE raids in the area that resulted in dozens detained, awaiting deportation.
That was when Hernan knew what he had to do.C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:He's the backup character. On a serious note, I want to be able to vent in the midst of a global pandemic and a historical movement. I am in a household where it isn't the best so I can't talk to them about it. And besides writing in my journal, this is the best thing to do. In terms of Hernan, he doesn't know about his true family nor that his father was General Zod. And I don't have plans on clashing with Superman anytime soon (unless Wraith wants that to happen, idk). This season will deal with him, trying to become a hero (well, a hero that goes and happily stands against the American government).C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:S A M P L E P O S T:BATMANArchie Goodwin International Airport0.00 // A Bitter Sweet ReunionSix years ago, Bruce Wayne bid farewell to his friends and family before departing his hometown to see the world. To find himself away from the place that changed his life forever. In secret, he spent those years learning everything required to uphold his promise. Boxing with the world-famous Wildcat in Boston, acrobatics at a circus in Cologne, intimidation and interrogation from former Spetsnaz agents at Norilsk, and plenty of other useful skills learned across the world. It wasn't cheap nor painless, but he appreciated every single one of his teachers. There was more to learn, but the life-changing experience in the caves of New Mexico opened his eyes to something possible.
Upon setting foot on the epoxy flooring of the lavish airport, Wayne saw how much it had changed since he left it years ago. It got an expensive makeover along with a new terminal facility and runway thanks to donations from infamous Carmine Falcone. Almost everyone knew that he was Don of the Falcone Crime Family, but it was clear that the politicians and police were in his pocket. Wayne approached a massive fountain, inspired by the Fontana del Tritone in Rome, and read the plaque:THE FOUNTAIN OF GOTHAM
Donated by the Falcone Family in honor of Gotham City's rich history.
Any coins generously thrown will go support Gotham General Hospital.
Wayne reached into his pocket, pulled out a quarter, and flicked it at the fountain. Then, he made his way outside and saw Gotham's skyline for the first time in years. There were several skyscrapers still unfinished in various stages of completion, just like it was years ago. Mayor Hill and the city council talked about having Gotham City's skyline rival Metropolis' or even New York City's. Of course, it was all nonsense because the project cost billions. But, it seemed that the same family is helping to make that dream a reality (along with a few other wealthy families and individuals). Even with the touch-up, it was meant to cover up the city's ugly truth.
And all someone had to do was drive beyond the tourist attractions.
"Did you say Park Row?" the taxi driver asked Wayne.
"Yeah... The Community Clinic." Wayne answered while watching the driver's reaction through the rearview mirror. It was clear that he was nervous and scared about traveling there. Nevertheless, the driver didn't say anything and kept on driving. There was reason to fear Park Row that Wayne couldn't even dismiss. It was filled with criminals and became a hotbed of crimes ranging from robbery to murder. The clinic was always filled with patients that sought aid and safety without judgment. It was one of the few remaining reminders of its past before... that night.
The taxi driver stopped in front of the clinic and unlocked only Wayne's door. He exited out of the cab and went to pay the driver. Wayne tried to thank the driver, but he already sped off. He didn't blame the driver for wanting to leave. After all, he was terrified of going to Park Row and being robbed at knifepoint. The truth was that nobody was going to bother robbing a tax driver, but the lie was still being spread by the police, politicians, and the media. Interested in seeing his surrogate family, Wayne made his way inside the clinic.
Once inside, Wayne noticed the people waiting for their names to be called. It wasn't crowded as usual on a weekday, which was either a good or bad sign. Immediately, a familiar voice called out his name. "Bruce?!"
It was Marva Cooper still working at the garage based on the grease stains on her overalls. She gave him a tight hug before asking, "What the hell are you doing back?!"
"Got tired of exploring the world." Wayne answered sarcastically and then noticed that she was at the clinic. "What are you doing here?"
"Just waiting for my dad to finish up with his appointment. Nothing serious, just a routine checkup ordered by Leslie herself." Cooper sat back down and waited for Wayne to sit next to her. She noticed that he had something on his mind and decided to say something. "Hey, are you alright?"
"I... Actually, I have a favor to ask you and your father."
"Yeah, what is-" Before she could finish, the door opened for Earl Cooper as he was walking out with Dr. Leslie Thompkins behind him. They were in the middle of talking when Thompkins noticed Wayne, sitting there. She didn't believe it at first. But, it was a huge relief to know that he was alive after not writing back for a few weeks. Bruce got up and hugged her before she could've started crying her eyes out. Earl, meanwhile, walked over to his daughter and placed his hand on her shoulder. Both of them watched Wayne and Thompkins having a touching reunion.
<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>
Not to be the bad guy (duh!),
<Snipped quote by webboysurf>
Well, at least Ravenfire have their SOs now.
<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>
Not to be the bad guy (duh!), but having any other Kryptonians directly contradicts my entire concept. If you could find a way to rework the character and detach him from Krypton and Zod, I'd have no say actually have no problem with the character but right now since he'd technically fall under my legacy and it doesn't work. By my sheet's lore, Kal-El is the only Kryptonian that can achieve all these abilities under the light of the yellow sun. Furthmore, Kal-El is the only natural birth in a millennia, Hernan would have been genetically grown to fit a caste system.
It creates a lot of loose ends that complicate my otherwise more compact concept which I purposefully toned and focused in on a very small part of Superman's lore so I have room to grow and blossom from. Obviously @Master Bruce and @Hillan have the final say, but as the parent character player, I can't give this sheet my blessing.
Honestly, I've been inspired by the number of people that have put in for characters after other people posted their sheets – and even more so, those that have persevered and applied for second and third choice characters when they've missed out on their first choice. Well done everyone.
<Snipped quote by Morden Man>
*Hides in Golden Age pulp hero*
Jesus, I don't think there's been this many people looking at a thread for one of these since UOU or the first season of Absolute lol.
<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>
There was more yesterday.