February 16th, 2021 - 5:20 PM
George Washington University: Starbucks...
Watts stared at Andy warily - she reminded him of another young, haunted girl. Belladonna had betrayed them all for the Sisterhood, another organization of rich mutants trying to cling to power they did not deserve. He had been protective of her, thinking of her like another child of his. "If you betray anyone here - or even think of endangering my daughter, I'll use you as a glorified petri dish for studying M-Pox. And when I finish my experiments, I'll sterilize you with bleach and snap your fucking neck," Watts threatened.
Leda groaned. "Daaaad, why are you so embarrassing all the time..."
The young girl's mood rapidly turned though, her jaw dropping as Kristina went up to the door and popped on out, before nearly killing someone with her eyes! She hadn't really been paying much attention to the developments in the fight, so Leda assumed that whoever Kristina had almost killed must have been one of the guys attacking her earlier. "Bloody hell... She just nerfed that wanker..."
"Language," Watts warned.
"Sorry, she just nerfed that fucking wanker."

Location: George Washington University: the Street
Skills: Leadership, Perception
Billy Joel's Uptown Girl faded out as the song rocked to its conclusion. The sweet, sweet tones of Take On Me by A-ha came blaring out of the radio next. Waverley must have adjusted it to an 80's station!
A switch went off in Polaris' mind as a robotic head bit her. She had bipolar depression, causing her move to ebb and flow between intense manic highs and somber mercurial lows. Most likely, her powers of magnetism only made the symptoms worse. Her eyes gleamed with malice as she grabbed Mr. Jaws with her hand and yanked him off of her. There were large indentations in the metal where she gripped him and Polaris flung Mr. Jaws across the street, the robotic head slamming into the outer wall of the auditorium Dr. Hansen's talk had been in. "Only humans get societies then? Mutants just have to settle for being hunted and feared?" Polaris asked the purple haired girl, pity in her voice. "Mutants are never going to get a chance at life unless we have our own place. Can you imagine a mutant culture? Mutant authors, poets, writers? Sure, we have Dazzler, but can you seriously name any others? What about mutant philosophers and scientists? Would you have told African Americans to remain enslaved to their captors to avoid war and violence? I bet not. So why the fuck should mutants do that? Why shouldn't we evolve?"
The hypocrisy of the purple haired girl was astonishing, as she ran Pyro over with a car. A car. "You know what cars are made out of, right?" Polaris asked. She extended her hand and the car floated up ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, no, one hundred feet in the air before hovering. Unnatural green waves of energy surrounded it, showing the magnetism Polaris was manipulated. The green haired mutant then focused on the metal she wore on her body and used it to boost herself up into the air, until Polaris was hovering inches away from the trapped Waverley. "Not everyone in the Hellfire Club is good. But we're the only ones that are going to give mutantkind a chance. The only ones who give a shit. All those mutants the Underground 'saves', they end up dead or killed. You just buy them time. I know... because I was one of the first leaders of the Underground. It's broken. And there's no sense in fixing it."
Polaris held out a hand to Waverley. "You belong with your fellow mutants on Genosha."
Back down on the ground, Veil's heart was thundering furiously in her chest. She couldn't see what was going on up there between Feedback and Polaris. If Polaris stopped manipulating the car, then Feedback would plummet and die. She was at the mercy of a madwoman. Tears filled in Veil's eyes. They had just lost Cayden and now, now it looked like Feedback was going to perish too... and it was all her fault. Pyro was unconscious, thanks to Sapphire hitting him and then Waverley running him over.
"Pl-plan," Veil whispered. "We need a plan." Her mind was blanking though, like a computer asked to do too many procedures and crashing in defiance. None of the buildings nearby were tall enough for them to reach Polaris and Feedback. She didn't think any of them would be able to get that high up and even if they did, Polaris could easily fling Feedback and kill her. "Does someone have an idea on how to get to Feedback and extract her?"
"What? It's Polaris, she's fine!" Havok insisted, clearly in denial. "Lorna wouldn't hurt her. She's good. Veil - you know this, you know her, she's probably a double agent or something for Xavier, he loves spy films way too much... Feedback isn't in any danger." Havok's words didn't sound convincing even to himself. It was a shame no one there could fly.
Sunshine & Casper

Location: Mutant Friendly Clinic - Outside (Back Entrance)
Skills: Mediumship
Had Sunshine been a bit more conscious and aware, she likely would have told Jack to just hand the gun to her. Aiming wasn't hard - she never missed her mark, as long as it was close enough. That was the only real situation where her aim wasn't enough - if her arrow could only go 200 yards, she couldn't hit something 400 yards away for instance. But unfortunately with the massive blow to her head she had taken, even Max's shoddy healing job wasn't enough for Sunshine to be able to insult Jack over his pathetic skills with a gun. It was only with the second round of healing that he did that the grogginess faded and she was finally aware of an intense pounding pain in her head. "Touch me again and I'll cut off your fingers and feed them to Fred," Sunshine mumbled. Dead rats had a unique diet.
Casper's mind snapped back to reality - well, as much as could have been expected for him. Between the ghosts and his rather eccentric personality, Casper was a star in a world of squares with round holes. He wasn't even odd in the socially accepted and expected way - an outcast amongst outcasts. "Did I miss something?" Casper asked, seeing a lot of battle weary and injured people. "Guuuys we talked about this, I want to go to the fights, especially since Ben can do his Murder Octopus trick now."
"You were a delirious mess," Ben commented, shaking his head. "And I doubt you could channel a fly at the moment."
Casper's jaw dropped. "My boyfriend is going to defend my honor for that, Ben. I bet James knows how to smack a ghost. Or maybe he'll just glare at you for me, since you know, I'm the damsel in distress here. Except Disney wishes that Elsa could pull off looks like me. Though I do wish I had the power to make clothes from ice which I project from my friends... Do you think Sapphire could do that? Maybe I should ask her to make me a cape so I can go swoosh dramatically with it?"
"And my symptoms have not gotten worse Jackie!" Casper complained.
"So I take it you're keeping that gun then, Marshmallow Brain?" Sunshine commented, not strong enough to fight her father as he dragged her along. The car was parked out by the front entrance of the clinic in the parking lot - they were in the back, meaning they'd basically just need to walk around outside to the front. Hopefully there weren't any other Purifiers around, since they were all in sorry shape. "You'll shoot your stupid eyes out."