Reopening thread.
I'll be taking the forum down this weekend to upgrade the database and syncing the server up with the code.
I'll be taking the forum down this weekend to upgrade the database and syncing the server up with the code.
Just for clarification, will it be down for the entire weekend and what days will you be taking it down?
Also will this result in us potentially losing stuff?
<Snipped quote>
In that case, should the above still be in cards, I'd like to quote my question that never was answered. @Mahz @LegendBegins
In regards to the time taken to write a post and how it may be turned off by the time you finish writing and click that "Post" button, I would assume you would do the right thing and back up the post anyways. Yes, Guild does have a simple save feature for 6 hour drafts, (which is good for general discussion/chit chat posts), but the autosave function has never been a designed as a feature you should wholeheartedly rely on. For RP posts you should be drafting them up on something like Google Docs anyways... at least that's what I do.
I don't know how possible it is, but I would love the option to get emails when you get a new pm or post in a subscribed thread.
I do believe Mahz was working on that at one stage, so it's definitely something that can be fleshed out.
Hey, I was thinking, maybe you could let people upload images with just the link? I think it'd b easier for some people like that. Of course, people would probably still be allowed to upload using the normal uploading way, but for people who can't upload, maybe they could have a different option too.
Hey, I was thinking, maybe you could let people upload images with just the link? I think it'd b easier for some people like that. Of course, people would probably still be allowed to upload using the normal uploading way, but for people who can't upload, maybe they could have a different option too.
[img]<image link>[/img]