Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

February 17th, 2021 - 11:00 AM

Let's get this wrapped up folks. Once we resolve the Jack situation, we'll be moving onto the next episode - I'm itching to move on and get to the good stuff!

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
Casper couldn't help but feel puzzled - he was certain he had heard someone say the word Genosha before, but for the life of him he couldn't remember where. Whenever he closed his eyes and tried to picture it, all he could think about was a vacation he had gone on with some of his dad's students when he had been little. He had cried the entire plane flight - shockingly, Cyclops didn't have any paternal instincts when it came to little boys afraid of heights. "Ben, do you know anything about a Genosha?" he asked.

"Isn't that the pretend country from Princess Diaries, with the pears?" Ben asked, although he wasn't really sure. He had wandered on over to the girls and was listening to their whispers. "Cassie, they're talking shit about you," he announced with a smirk.

"Ugh, rude. This is why you can never trust a pack of teenage girls. They go to the bathroom in groups, they're not normal," Casper whined. "I think you're thinking about Genovia though. Genosha is whatever... well whatever it is. Maybe it's where Magneto gets his immortality juice? Since how the hell is he not dead yet? He survived the Holocaust and it's 2021 - it's just weird at this point. And he's still having kids? Aren't his balls just one wrinkly sack by now?"

Casper swayed slightly, before stumbling forward and hitting the ground, promptly vomiting up his entire breakfast. "My waffles...." he sobbed.


Location: Mutant Underground Garage
Skills: Quebecois, Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil realized her mistake not too long after she had made it. She should have asked Glimpse to telepathically whisper to her the results of her investigation. Jack's mind had been tampered with by Sinister, he wasn't thinking like himself - he was thinking like a cruel, sadistic monster. He had been playing along the entire time with their fears of Emma Frost and now that he was exposed, he only really had one option - to attack. Veil instantly blamed herself for his attacks on Glimpse and Feedback. She should have known better. She shouldn't have been so sloppy. "Glimpse, I need you to work on undoing the damage to his psyche. Everyone who's sick or injured, get out of here. Everyone else, we keep him contained and try to avoid any lasting injuries. He's been mindfucked, this isn't the Jack we know and love," Veil instructed calmly.

She had no intention of telling Jack where Sunshine was, even if she had known. She hoped that Max and Sunshine were off somewhere safe and she would figure out what had happened with those two once this crisis was handled. They didn't have time to waste. Like she was bending an invisible force, Veil surrounded Jack in a bubble of her force fields. The bubble would barely be visible to most people, looking like a shimmering purple field of energy not unlike Violet's powers from the Incredibles. With him trapped in there, he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else and Glimpse would be able to repair his mind quickly.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Survival
Sunshine's eyes widened as Max unceremoniously cut her out of the ropes. She fell the nine or so feet and rolled slightly as she hit the ground, minimizing the damage. She didn't break any bones, but her body would definitely feel bruised and sore for a few days. She hardly missed a beat as she snatched up the knife, wanting to let Max be in possession of it, especially given how bad he was at throwing things. That was half of the point of a knife anyways - you either slashed or stabbed with it, or you threw it. "Thanks, Twinkle Toes," Sunshine said. Her voice didn't have any affection to it, hardly sounding nice at all. "I didn't need your help. I could've gotten out on my own."

She got up from the ground, before offering Max a hand. He didn't exactly look steady on his feet at the moment. Sunshine stiffened all of the sudden, as she could have sworn she heard something. "Shut up," she told Max instantly, even though she had been the one talking. She listened a little more carefully as a haunting melody was coming from within the building. She inched her way over to the door and she pressed her ear up against it. Whoever was singing this lullaby, they were coming closer. It sent a shiver down her spine. She looked back at Max. He was too weak to really defend himself. She didn't know why she did what she did next.

"Hide," she whispered to him, as she slipped out the door.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Garage -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy

Luna watched Spark Plug after she greeted them and then she got sick over herself. Luna winched a bit, watching it and thought back to that sensation of it happening to her repeatedly. She looked away, feeling bad for her but there was nothing that could be done on her end. She watched Jack and he watched her, seeming to be in deep concentration before he shifted. Luna saw his hand raise but didn’t anticipate being punched in the face. There was a loud crack that echoed through her head and she fell back and cried out, feeling the pain from the break in her nose. ”What the bloody hell Jack!? You’re completely off your trolly!” Luna glared at him, blood running down her face from her broken nose.
She got back to her feet and saw Waverley out on the ground as well. She concentrated on Jack before speaking. ”You do realize that your father is doing this to you right?” Luna may not be every one’s favourite person but she was doing what she was asked. ”I can get back into his mind and try to push his father out but he’s much stronger than I am and he’s clearly cemented himself into Jack’s mind,” Luna said to Veil; although, she was still glaring at Jack. What happened next though made Luna laugh in pain but she didn’t care.
Echo stepped up in a rage, hitting one of his clones by accident before he gave Jack a unique hair cut. Luna smirked in amusement before wincing in pain. She shut her eyes and breathed out before setting her nose. A shock of pain rolled through her body but she managed to stay standing. The broken nose hadn’t helped her headache though.
Veil spoke up and Luna listened closely as she asked Luna to push and for the rest to leave the room. Luna turned her focus to Jack and entered his mind with a little less care and tried to bind him but he pushed her back out. Luna set her feet and skipped to the rougher edges and pushed into his memories of Sinister and started to unravel the first memory he had implanted into his son. Luna liked Jack, despite him being mind fucked by his daddy. They only had one real conversation but it had been a good conversation. ”You’ll thank me for this later,” Luna stated as she worked.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Garage -> Dining Room
Skills: N/A

Callie started to feel somewhat better as she started to taste a little bit of hair, she pulled out a strand of purple hair out of her mouth. "Why is Waverly's hair in my mouth?" Callie asked mainly to herself as she then watched the chaos starting to unfold, Jack had suddenly turned and attacked both Waverly and Luna. She noticed that Waverly was bleeding badly on the ground she looked at James for a moment who had came into the room. "Hurry up and get her patched up if you can." Callie said, she wasnt in any real good place for a fight right now really.

When the others mentioned that Max and Sunshine never came back was a bit alarming as well to but they needed to focus on Jack right now before trying to find them. And as much as she did want to help out Veil had given orders and nodded towards her. "Just yell if you guys need any kind of backup." Callie said towards Veil as she slowly made her way back into the kitchen seeing the newer members of the Underground cleaning up the kitchen along with Casper who had vomited onto the ground. "Whats going on here?" Callie asked.

Kristina Smith

Location: Mutant Underground - Dining Room
Skills: N/A

"You really arent from around here are you everyone knows what Netflix is." Kristina said, as she shrugged slightly as she pulled out her phone and chose the Netflix app on her phone and handed it to Zari. "It's a streaming service you can watch any kind of movie, tv show, or webseries online." Kris said as she continued to clean up putting some of the stuff away as she turned to look at Casper complaining about teen girls as she shook her head slightly. "I'm twenty-one thankyou very much." Kristina said with a slight laugh as she managed to put some more things away. "I've never heard of Genosha." Kristina said, maybe her sister knew since she worked for SHIELD Kris wasnt sure at all though.

Then Casper started to puke she got up and found a washcloth and handed it over towards Casper who was complaining about waffles after puking. "Here why dont you lie down or something." Kristina offered when Callie came into the room asking whats going on, she gave a slight shrug. "Just cleaning up right now." Kristina answered.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

"I'm sixteen. So I'm a teen." Andy said. "Netflix is cool. My parents had it. I usually used it to watch boxing movies with my dad, or B movies with my mom." She liked both. "B movies are bad movies, like low budget films that are so bad they are funny." At this point she figured Zarina had no idea about much of anything. She might as well explain the odd terms when they came up before Zarina got irritated that she didn't know what something was. Not that anyone knew what she knew or didn't know.

Ew. The weird guy was vomiting now. Andy knew it wasn't really the guy's fault since he was infected with M-Pox. She just hoped it wasn't still commutable. She looked at Callie as she came in and asked what was going on. "We are just clearing the area that got trashed by Mr.I'm-too-cool-so-I-fly. Casper was talking to himself about Princess Diaries, then he vomitted."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: In the Van

Waverley's gaze shifted back over to Sapphire as she spoke, her forehead crinkling in concern as she heard that neither Sunshine nor Max had made it back to the Underground hideout. She let out a worried huff from her nose, lifting her thumb to her mouth to lightly chew on her nail. It was a bad habit, but one she often took to when nervous. Where could they be? If they hadn't made it back into the Underground, then where could they possibly be? Then she felt the blood drain from her face.

"Do you think Max teleported her to the Hellfi-" just as the girl was about to string together yet another theory, she was interrupted by the loud crack of Glimpse's nose shattering under Jack's fist. She tensed up, her eyes going wide at the sudden combat, her body going still. Before she could jump into the fray herself, she saw Jack's hand speeding towards her. She heard the sound of the attack hitting her head before she felt it. In fact, it wasn't until she was on the ground that the injury began to make itself known, throbbing with intense pain. When she raised her hand to touch the wound, it felt like moving her arm through water, slow and weightless. And when she opened her eyes to check her hand for blood, her vision was blurry, and stars seemed to dot her peripheral. Even with the visual impairment, however, she could see the fuzzy outline of her hand drenched in bright red. She tried to push herself up off the floor, but the dizziness kept her grounded as she scrambled to get up. Her eyes turned to slits as she squinted, trying to understand what had just happened. Her vision sharpened a bit, just enough to see Jack trapped in one of Veil's forcefields, his hair all weird. "What's...?" she asked, her mind scrambling to put itself back together enough to think clearly.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Island M the Bermuda triangle.
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max silently rolled his eyes at Sunshines protest. Her constant need to be right and self sufficient was going to make for a long day at this island. As she took the knife away from him his mind began to decloud and the wave of dizziness came crawling back like the drop of a roller coaster. He held two fingers to his temples as he tried to shake the dizziness away and wonder what he had done giving a trigger happy mutant a knife. Whats done was done and he couldn't take it back, so he took her hand and helped himself up when suddenly Sunshine was demanding him to shut up. He hadn't even spoken a word and already she was asking him to be quiet. Rolling his eyes once more in the silence he then began to hear the voice she had heard. Unfamiliar and haunting, a melody resounded through the halls and into the room, getting louder as they grew closer.

Max watched as she asked him to hide and she slipped through the doorway. He blinked slowly twice over as he wondered if for a brief moment she showed a bit of selflessness. He did, ofcourse, chalk it up to delirium caused by the M-Pox and began to quietly move near the door. He instantly froze as he got to the joint, realizing the sound was coming from a ghost. His eyes went wide as his body ran cold and all that ran through his mind was how does one fight a ghost? Max quickly thought about Sunshine and how she was just going out there blind with a knife and disease and how neither of those could truly harm a ghost. He looked towards her direction and whispered out a message, having it carry silently to her "Sunshine its a fucking ghost! What are we supposed to do about a ghost?!"


Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Self Multiplication

Harry stood there as he wondered what he could possibly do. He wasnt a medic or healer like Sapphire and James, nor did he have any powers that helped him contain people like Sapphire, Glimpse, or others. All he had felt like it was never fully enough. Finally he closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, and began to do what he felt needed to be done. "Barry go stand guard by Waves amd make sure she's ok. Of Jack escapes dont let him get anywhere near her or James got it? Jerry and Terry help me surround this thing in the event he gets out. He may be stretchy but we need to be faster. Knock him out if you have to, if anything it may make it easier to work this psychosis out of him." They all nodded at what had to be done, Barry moving over and standing in between where Waverly and Jack were. The rest forming a tight knit triangle around the force field his twin had put up.

They watched as the field shimmered ever so slightly, keeping an intense eye through the dome at Jack. From what he understood he was under Sinisters control, who they had previously mentioned was his father. But regardless of the fact, a part of him wondered if this psychotic break wasn't fully Sinisters doing. Was part of this innately tied into Jacks genes from the beginning? Maybe he was having a new power development that caused psychic brainwaves to collide and made him susceptible to Sinister? Regardless of what happened Echo would be here to help protect the underground.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 45 min ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Garage
Skills: Telepathy, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Cryokinesis, Ice Attacks

"Who said anything about me being completely sane in the first place," Jack responded to a bit of what Glimpse said, laughing slightly at her words. Technically he probably wasn't the sanest person around, he only had been declared as the sanest one in his family which if you had met them previously it was quickly obvious that that wasn't that hard. "You know nothing about me, so how about you stop acting like it, actually none of you really know anything about me, don't even think Casper does, though half the time he doesn't pay attention, and that's because I'm a con artist. I'll be honest not my best set of lies yet you all bought just about everything that I had said without too much of a question. I did a bit more then just lie to you all too."

Sapphire was trying to figure out still what the hell was even going on, but what she did know was that Jack had definitely lost his mind, or something of that sort. He was under the control of his father, supposedly anyway, and was clearly trying to kill everyone, or at least attempting it. Thankfully Veil seemed to have trapped him in a force field, and ugh, Glimpse was sitting there talking as if she knew anything. The only person in the Underground who might know anything about how he typically acted was Casper, and he typically wasn't paying attention to what anyone was saying, so she wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't know too much about his own brother, which Jack seemed to think at the least. "Okay Jack, you need to freaking shut the hell up."

"How about make me?" he responded with a bit of an eye roll towards Sapphire. Jack had a bit of a problem, that much he did know, and it centered around Veil, and of course Echo being a bit annoying too and deciding to surround him. "Don't you think this is a bit over kill?" he commented with a smirk towards Echo and his clones before he started trying to mentally get Veil to drop the force field so he could get out. Unfortunately, that wasn't working all too well, until he decided to try something else, that being mentally attack her and time it with him hitting the force field. Managing to time it correctly, the shield broke and Veil seemingly was knocked backwards from it. "Well this will be fun."

She was running out of potential things to say, or really even do. At least, it was like that until Jack broke the force field. Echo was kind of in the way, but she managed to send a block of ice hitting Jack in the shoulder, but only really causing a bruise or so. The thing was, she knew perfectly well what could happen if rubber was frozen, or even chilled, it could potentially shatter. Sapphire was purposefully holding back, since she had a bit of a track record of seriously hurting people she wasn't trying, and anyone who really knew her would probably be able to tell (if it wasn't obvious to others since her hair color was still brunette and not white). She managed to slightly chill the area around him, but the frost around her hands was pretty minimal, and she didn't even do anything with her last attack. Yeah no, she was definitely having a few problems at the moment.

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room
Skills N/A

"...how old I am is a bit complicated," was all that Zari said to what Casper was going on about. She wasn't lying, quite the contrary, technically she wasn't going to be born until October of the current year. Which meant that even though her age was 16 as that's how old she was when she time traveled, but in terms of the rest of them and the current year she was like, negative a few months old. It was odd to think about, but all things considering it could be worse. Zari was a pretty terrible liar, partially because her father was the god of lies himself, meaning that was the easiest answer, since she wasn't even sure what the actual answer should be.

Of course, the others were talking about Genosha and how they had never heard of it, but unlike them Zari did know about the country. On her homeworld Genosha was a very real country and was specifically for mutants and only mutants, well and her grandfather who technically could be considered a mutate or at least she was pretty sure that's what he was classified as. One thing she was grateful for was Andy explaining things a bit with her terminology, Though a small part of her wondered if that was because she thought that she was dumb, or because Andy was just being nice or something.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

February 17th, 2021 - 11:10 AM

Let's get this wrapped up folks. Once we resolve the Jack situation, we'll be moving onto the next episode - I'm itching to move on and get to the good stuff! Also, I love how Havok is unconscious on the ground and no one's even moved him :P

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
The world was spinning like a figure skater at the height of her career, competing for the gold at the Olympics. Each time Casper blinked, he noticed something else about the room. The first thing was the smell. It was an odd mixture between barf and sugar, reminding him of one of Jack's ex boyfriends. He giggled at the thought, only to then discover that there was an immense weight on his lungs, making breathing difficult and laughing uncomfortable at best and deadly at worst. The next blink, he noticed that Spark Plug had rejoined them. Wouldn't she look so much better with some pink highlights? Or some blue ones, to match her sparky aesthetic?

Blink. What was Greenie's name again? His brain short circuited for a moment before providing him with the answer - Veronica, of course! "Veronica, sweetheart, it's okay if you're not 21. I'm not going to snitch on you. I was doing far worse at your age and Maman hardly gave a shit," Casper enthused. He lost track of Ben but he figured he couldn't have gone too far. There wasn't really a lot of room to move around in here. Casper rolled over slightly on the floor, before moving his arms and legs as if he were about to make a snow angel. "Oh and just know, if a boy pressures you into prom sex, just punch him in the dick."

"Your advice just gets better and better."


Location: Mutant Underground Garage
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
"Feedback, I need you to get out of here, go find Spark Plug and stay with her," Veil ordered, like a mother trying to get her kids away from something potentially traumatizing. She knew that Feedback wasn't in any shape to deal with this, especially after what Jack had done. Fury was boiling in her stomach and she had to remind herself to direct it towards Sinister, not Jack. Once Glimpse repaired his mind, she'd hopefully be able to give them a better idea of the extent of what Sinister had done - and how much blame Jack had for his actions. Jack had broken free from her force field and her brother had sent a laser blast off at him, tragically missing. Sapphire's powers were apparently a no-show, only adding to the pressure put on Veil.

"Any time now, Glimpse!" she shouted. She kept throwing force fields at Jack, trying to encapsulate him, but they weren't sticking. Her concentration was off. The more Veil got angry at herself for messing up, the sloppier her techniques became. She needed to slow down and focus, going fast and rushing wasn't helping in this situation. But as it stood, the best she could do was make a shield out in front of herself - she couldn't trap Jack inside another cage. She just hoped Glimpse was about done.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Survival
Sunshine's eye twitched slightly in irritation as Max intruded her headspace, but she didn't cuss him out. In terms of religious beliefs, she was hellenistic - she believed that there was a mystical mountain home to the gods, ruled by Zeus the Thunderer. She had always connected deeply to the tales of Apollo, adopting him almost as her patron of sorts - filling the role of a father that she never had. So when Max told her that there was a ghost in the building and that was what was making such haunting music, she believed him instantly.

"Calm the fuck down," she thought, not really sure how this communication worked. She had a plan. She knew that ghosts were subject to the will of Hecate and she knew that Hecate was also associated with crossroads. "I'm going to invoke a goddess and ask her to banish it. Just need to find something for an offering. Can you summon up some like ribs or something?" Sunshine asked. She conjured up a ball of disease, using it to illuminate her path.

She wanted to find a place where two hallways met, a crossroads of sorts. She crept forward, going deeper into the mansion. The haunting melody was becoming closer and closer and her heart was pounding so incredibly fast, she thought it was going to burst. The color drained from her face as she spotted the ghost. It was holding an axe and wearing a Victorian looking gown covered in blood. The woman looked almost manic, as if fire was dancing in her eyes, and a chill went down Sunshine's spine as the ghost met her eyes.

Sunshine abandoned her plan and ran in the other direction as the ghost lunged at her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Garage
Skills: N/A

The side effects from piecing back together Echo were still making themselves known, protesting every step he took through this… Whatever this was. Honestly, all he wanted right now was a five year nap. Just bundle up in blankets and disappear into the void for a while but with their luck, a meteor would wake him up as it crashed through the ceiling. Echo was firing laser beams, Veil was failing to pin Jack down, Sapphire was failing to impale people with ice (though maybe this weird nice streak was keeping up and she was keeping in mind how her powers would affect Jack), and Jack had gone full emo. James had violent flashbacks to the late aughts when MCR was all the rage and it was considered cool to hate your parents and shit talk them. Jack was seriously playing up the tortured loner kid stuff with the “you don’t understand me” and the “I put on this face everyday just to hide my feelings”. It was like a bad high school drama and James couldn’t help but snort at the image. Jack all done up in goth make-up and the terrible trick pants with 80 billion zippers and the MCR t-shirt was a hilarious image.

He heard Veil yell at Waverly to get out of there and was quickly reminded that she’d been hurt. He wasn’t sure he could muster up the energy to patch up her cut but he could at least escort her out of there. He made his way over to the van, muscles and joints grumbling at him all the way, honestly unconcerned. If something blasted him, something blasted him. The goal was to get Waverly out of the way. He popped over to the van and held out his hand to her. “Come on, I’ll help you inside and we can take a look at that.” James offered. Hopefully, Jack would ignore them since they were ignoring him. James didn't want to get dragged into this fight. He was just going to rest a little while Veil and company wrapped this up and then he could get to helping the sick. Yeah. That sounded good.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Garage -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy

”Not exactly as easy as taking an engine apart,” Luna responded to Veil. Sweat started to break out on Luna’s head as she fought Jack back to keep penetrating his mind and taking out the false memories. What she was doing was heavy stuff, things her Aunt had years of practice with but Luna had never really dappled with false memories, let alone reversing them. While Jack continued to fight off the others, including Veil’s shields, Luna focused all her intention on Jack, using his split mind to try and get in just that bit more so she could return him to the normal crazy that he was, not insane.
Luna used that engine analogy though and went through his head like she would an engine, taking one part at a time, cleaning it and then replacing it. It wasn’t exactly quick work unless Veil wanted to deal with Jack’s mind being fried and Luna particularly didn’t want to deal with the aftereffects of that.
It took her time but Luna did it. The slightly lower temperature in the garage thanks to Sapphire helped to keep Luna’s sweat at bay but she ended up taking a knee from how drained she was from all the power she used. With the lack of sleep over the last few days from her fluctuating M-Pox symptoms, to say Luna was played out would be an understatement.
”We should be all clear,” Luna said and swallowed. ”I think I could use some water now.” She pushed herself back up to her feet but waited for the official all clear from Veil.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Dining Room
Skills: N/A

Callie looked at Casper for a moment she shook her head slightly, even though she considered him a friend she did find his weird little antics both funny and a bit annoying as well. She watched the others doing a little bit of cleaning still after Magneto's attack on the place, Callie had no clue how they even found them in the first place. She was still feeling a lot like shit, she wanted to go and lay down for a little bit. But Veil and some of the others in the garage still handling Jack was a bit worrying as well to, she got up for a moment, she hadnt noticed Havok with them.

"I'll be right back." Callie said as she turned around and left the room she then paused when she noticed Havok on the ground and quickly made her way over towards him and knelt down to look at him seeing the head wound looked a bit bad. "Hey, wake up Havok." Callie said as she went to try and shake him to wake up, knowing the head injury he shouldnt really be even moved at all either.

Kristina Smith

Location: Mutant Underground - Dining Room
Skills: N/A

"B-Movies are pretty dumb but entertaining to watch." Kristina actually had to agree, she looked at Callie as she went to go and leave the room for something and nodded towards her as she went back to cleaning and slowly putting things away while looking over at Casper when he called one of them Veronica which she shook her head slightly. "I dont think anyone here is actually named Veronica." She pointed out as she went and sat on the counter once it was cleaned off.

She had gone to her high school prom but she only really went with her friends and didnt date anyone really at the time either. "You should kick anyone in the crotch who actually does try and do that in general." Kris said with a slight laugh, luckily she had never experienced anything like that before at all
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

"I was gonna say I don't think anyone I've met yet is named Veronica." She tensed a bit as the conversation moved a bit to punching guys for pressuring for sex. "I've never been to prom." Andy said, she looked at Zarina trying to gauge if she knew what a prom was. Her own face looked like she wanted to change the subject. She couldn't tell if Zarina knew so she just said. "Proms are just fancy dances for high school students. There are movies about them if you want to watch one I can recommend a truly terrible one." Her mind going to the original Carrie. She had had nightmares for a week about it.

"You like B-Movies Kristina? We should totally do a movie night." Andy said firmly changing the subject from punching prom dates. Something that seemed unlike the girl who boxed. "My favorite are the Tremors films. There are a bunch of them and they are just wild." She decided not to explain what Tremors was, it was best experienced first.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 45 min ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Garage
Skills: N/A

Jack had been about to strike back once again, that much was obvious with the way he moved, when suddenly he stopped, as if frozen from something, before he lowered his fists and looked more towards the ground then anyone else in the room. Yup, he had seriously screwed up, and he wasn't going to be able to make this up anytime soon. Maybe he was more like his father then he had thought, or more or less cared to admit. This wasn't something he was going to be able to not think about, and definitely not forget. He royally screwed up everything and now he wouldn't be surprised if no one really trusted him again. "Well I screwed up horribly didn't I?" he managed to mutter, before he walked over to the nearest wall and started hitting his head against it.

Sapphire was glad that Jack was clearly not trying to hurt anyone anymore, though the fact that he had admitted that he was a liar by trade made her even more wary of him, since for all she knew he could trick them all again if his head had been messed with months ago. Something like this could have happened in reality to anyone in the room, but it hadn't. "You know, if you are actively trying to lose brain cells there are way better ways to go about doing that then hitting your head against a wall," Sapphire couldn't help but comment, not really sure what else to say.

"No, more of just trying to erase from my brain the past few days," was all he responded, and he still hit his head several times against the wall, not even caring too much anymore if he ended up hurting himself. In his mind he kind of deserved it, and he would have been perfectly fine if they actually had injured him when they were trying to stop him, but they hadn't, not really. Jack just wanted to forget the entire situation had even happened, but he seriously doubted that he'd be able to, not with his luck, and the killer headache he had which wasn't just from him hitting his head against a wall.

She had no idea what to do about him, for the moment anyway, since she figured that Jack just needed a little bit of time to himself to unscramble the thoughts going through his head, that is if for some weird reason there still wasn't something wrong with his head. Sapphire didn't trust him completely, and she definitely still didn't trust Glimpse, so who knew what could happen in this instance? Everything was more then a bit crazy but she walked over to Veil, "So... Today has certainly been eventful," she said with a shrug, before a thought crossed her mind, "You know... Based on the fact that I haven't heard his annoying voice in a while, guessing Havok is still out cold or something."

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room
Skills Technopathy

"Whose Veronica?" she asked, more then a little bit confused by what Casper was saying. Then again, she was pretty sure that she should probably just ignore his words for the most part. "And I'm definitely not 21, but my age is still a bit complicated," she reiterated without really explaining what it was that she was talking about. Not like anyone would believe her, she still wasn't even sure if Veil had believed a word that she had said regarding the matter. All she was really focused on was trying to get to Genosha, and Magneto had more or less just given her a potential way to get there.

"...High school?" she then tilted her head to the side when Andy tried to explain somewhat what it was that a prom was. She knew vaguely about dances or whatever, but what exactly was high school anyway? Who really knew, but from the sounds of it it wasn't something overly important. Instead, she took interest in Callie trying to wake up Havok, clearly getting more then a bit distracted within a few seconds. Walking over, she nudged him with her foot and asked something that was somewhat reminiscent of what she had said in regards to Polaris not too long ago, "Is he dead or something?"

"01011010 01100001 01110010 01101001 00101100 00100000 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110010 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111." the eyeball beeped at her.

"You act like I pay enough attention to literally anything that isn't an electronic for more then 10 seconds," she argued with the robot, who seemed to almost appear to be shaking its head (or well, more of body? All it was is an eye after all) at her in disappointment.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

February 17th, 2021 - 12:00 PM

The Hellfire Club - Earlier...

The Three-in-One were dressed from head to toe in black, a veil hiding their mournful faces. Their mother had died, succumbing to a disease before Magneto and his Brotherhood could return with the cure. Esme, Sophie, and Phoebe felt the loss keenly. Their attempts to resurrect their fallen sisters had been futile, with both of the pre-selected hosts perishing before they could begin the experiments. Just as they had done with Mindee and Celeste, the Three-in-One had made a copy of Emma's consciousness right before she died, in the hopes that they could find a suitable body one day.

All members of the Washington D.C. Hellfire Club were assembled, in order to select the next Lord Imperial and Black King. The White King, Magneto and the White Rook, Polaris were both still in the field. This meant then that in attendance was the Black Queen, Reeva; the Black Rook, Mister Sinister; the Three-in-One; and a visiting guest, the Black Queen, Selene.

"The Lord Imperial - Emma - has died," Reeva said, standing as she took in the small gathering. "The other circles have begun to question our leadership. If we are to prepare the homeland and see the rise of Genosha, we need to choose a Black King who will last."

Mister Sinister yawned slightly. "Please, Reeva, spare us the theatrics. We all know you're going to take the throne for yourself. Magneto isn't here to protest and Selene loves New York fashion too much to move to D.C."

"Oh, pish, posh," Selene said dismissively. "If there's anything that matters more to me than fashion, it's Genosha. I want to see every bouncing mutant babe on that island, living in peace and finding utter bliss."

"We claim the title of White Queen," the Three-in-One interjected. "It is our birthright. Mother wanted her successor to defend Genosha with their life, so we'll support whoever has the greater claim."

"Oooo, a duel! The winner takes the throne, I love it! Phoebe, Esme, Sophie, would any of you be a dear and fetch me some popcorn? With extra butter, I'm having a cheat day," Sinister cackled.

"I accept the challenge," Reeva said.

"Are you sure about that? I'm an external, darling," Selene boasted. "I never die."

"We'll see about that."

Veil & Casper

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
Everyone had gotten healed up and there was still no sign of Max or Sunshine. Veil was getting worried. She wasn't worried for Sunshine, fairly confident she could handle whatever came her way - she was more concerned that Sunshine might have murdered Max. Jack's reaction to finding out what Mister Sinister had done to him was understandable, in fact it was comforting. Had he done anything other than try to bash his head against the wall, she would have considered him as not being blameless in his actions.

Most everyone was downstairs in the dining room, with the exception of Spark Plug as her M-Pox had taken a turn for the worst - she was up in medical. Veil had been calling various heads of Mutant Underground stations, giving them Max and Sunshine's descriptions in the hopes that someone might have seen them, but she hadn't heard anything yet. Well, that was until her phone buzzed with a tip from a number she didn't recognize. Someone had seen them near a strip club downtown called the Glitter Factory. "Someone saw them, they're at the Glitter Factory downtown," Veil announced. "We'll get a team to go and -"

There was a gust of wind into the Underground as Pietro Maximoff appeared out of nowhere and sat down on a chair in the room, and in front of him sitting on the table was a box of sorts. "Hey, was told to deliver this to you guys, it's cures for M-Pox that Xavier managed to get ahold of. And a message, apparently the Hellfire club might be targeting some vaccines being sent to the White House. Or something like that..."

Casper had his feet up on the table, blinking as he saw the box appear nearby. "Oh great, is Daddy Dearest trying to win father of the year?" Casper complained. He had to resist the urge to smash all of the cures to make a point, but he knew that wouldn't be a popular decision. Magik had already died because of this, a lot of people here were sick and they needed to be able to function. Casper was used to not really functioning properly, so he didn't mind, but other people weren't intimately familiar with the best ways to projectile vomit. "And do you have any idea how vague that is... just some vaccines? Like what, are the Hellfire Club people hoping the President is gonna use a dirty syringe they found on the street for his nightly good times? I mean it makes sense, his wife is definitely a lesbian."

"I'm pretty sure that's just a meme, Casper," Ben reminded him. "This sounds serious. You should pay attention - and take one of those cures."

Pietro had put a single sheet of paper in Veil's hands - it indicated an address. She assumed that was where the vaccines being sent to the White House were coming out from. She couldn't help but feel internally conflicted, as much as she was relieved that their sick would finally be healed. They needed to go find Sunshine and Max, but they also couldn't let the Hellfire Club assassinate the president or whatever was going on. "This is above our pay grade," she said bluntly to Quicksilver. "We'll handle it. Are the X-Men busy with a cross-dimensional tournament?"

Casper opened up the box of cures, seeing little vials of pills. He popped open one of the vials and took one pill - the dose needed - and dry swallowed it. "Nah, the X-Men are too busy having an orgy where they talk about how amazing they all are," Casper explained. "Oh, Scott, the way you wore that outfit was breathtaking!" he mocked in a falsetto.

"We're handling Magneto - speaking of which, I need to get back.... Good luck!" Quicksilver cheered, before running off and vanishing as quickly as he came.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Mutant Underground - Dining Room
Skills: N/A

Waverley's elbow rested atop the old wood table, with one hand resting on her bent rebar while the other lightly thumbed her forehead, where her injury had been. It was gone now, thanks to James, but it still hung fresh in her memory. She seemed lost in her own thoughts up until the moment Veil spoke, at which point she raised her head to look her way. As soon as she revealed she had a lead on where Sunshine and Max were, Waverley's lips parted, getting ready to volunteer as soon as she was done speaking. That time never came, however, as she was interrupted by a sudden gust of wind and a form appearing before them. Waves jumped to her feet, the useless bent rebar in hand, prepared to attack the intruder, but she sat back down with a relieved sigh when she realized it was only Quicksilver. Only Quicksilver. Those were words she'd never thought would enter her head unironically.

Her eyes drifted down to the box as the silver-haired boy explained what was inside. The way he phrased it sounded awfully tit-for-tat-ish to her. She was thankful to have the cures for the team, of course, but the way he immediately tacked on the information about the White House's vaccines being targeted by the Hellfire Club made it feel like a transaction. One she wasn't sure about. Before she could voice her thoughts, she was distracted by Casper, whose gentle prodding at the X-Men caused her to smile, having to stifle a laugh.

"Oh Professor, your head is looking extra shiny tonight. Pray tell, what lotion did you use on it?" she added somewhat hesitantly, doing her best to mimic the mocking voice that Casper was speaking with. The X-Men had been her heroes growing up, and in many ways they still were. But living as a street-level supergrunt in the Underground had certainly guided her to adopting a less idolizing attitude towards the privileged superhero group. For a moment she felt nervous about Quicksilver hearing her, but when she glanced to where he had been, he was gone. Seeing that, she looked over to Veil, the smile from Casper's comment still on her face. "Y'know, this really is above our paygrade. The Underground exists to protect those who can't protect themselves, right? Something tells me that the President of the United States might not fall into that category."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Dining Room
Skills: N/A

The food coma hit James hard after the events of this morning. Piecing Echo back together and then immediately healing all the assorted gashes and bruises the Underground acquired during the fun left him shaking (he was convinced there would never be a day that not a single person needed a top off) so he’d descended on the remaining breakfast and shoveled in as much as he could in as little time as possible. He’d practically fallen asleep where he sat, pillowing his head with his arms as he slumped on the table. Everyone was together, people were mostly safe, and the people who weren’t, he couldn’t do jack shit about. Was he still concerned? Yes. Did sleep matter more right now? Also yes.

That all changed with the arrival of Xavier’s personal message boy and while James was loathed to shake off the doze he’d found himself enjoying, he popped up at the mention of a cure. The little box of pills glittered in James eyes and he could have wept for joy. No more sick teammates, no more cleaning up vomit or blood from various places, and more importantly, no more worrying about anyone dying! He jumped to his feet, sweeping Casper up as soon as he finished and spinning around for a few seconds before pulling him into a kiss. “Satan himself could have hand delivered it and I would give a fuck. You're cured! Holy shit. Everyone’s safe! No one else is going to die! You’re not gonna die.” James’ voice broke at the end as he held back the tears that were threatening to spill over. The ever present threat of death seemed a little lighter with that little box around and he pulled Casper into another kiss. It’d been eating him alive since Magik’s death; what if he couldn’t help anyone else? What if he couldn’t bring them back from the edge? What if he couldn’t save Casper? That little box, those pills… It didn’t mean everything would be okay. God knows how much danger they put themselves in right now but now, no one would have a ticking time bomb on them he couldn’t stop.

Honestly, he didn’t care about the transaction. He didn’t have enough room to care. All he could feel was pure, unadulterated joy at the fact that everyone was safe from the hell sickness ravaging an already persecuted community.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Island M the Bermuda triangle.
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max was baffled by how calm Sunshines reaction was to the presence of an actual living? ghost. Unsure of how well the idea of feeding a spectral being some ribs would do, he figured he may as well play along incase she knew something he didn't know. But before he was capable of uttering a single word or twitching any fingers, there was the sound of rushed footsteps as Sunshine came barreling down the hallway towards him. Max's eyes went wide as he saw the bloodied axe weilding spirit chasing after her. He had no time to panic, and acted almost as if on impulse and without thought of his own life. He jutted out into the hallway, moving his hands in a clockwise manner as he formed a circle and conjured up ten pounds of salt before the manic being. His mind quickly went to the texts he'd read before while brushing up his latin as he began to chant.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare... Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis... Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt... Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos."

There was a pause, some silence, and then nothing. His heart sank and eyes left the spectral visage that was no longer there. Turning to face Sunshine with panic, excitement, and concern. "Are you ok? Did it hurt you? And are you crazy?! That thing could've killed you. Or at least it certainly looked as if it wanted to." He let out a breath he hadnt realised he was holding as he pressed his back against the wall leaning his head along the surface. "No more sneaking off alone. This place seems dangerous and we can't risk losing each other ok?" If he arrived back without her, chances are they would think he killed her out of petty spite or something and just shove him back into the streets or worse, turn him into the authorities like Waverly wanted. She already wished he was gone, this would just push her further.


Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Self Multiplication

Echos chest collapsed in exhaustion as Glimpse undid whatever was going on with Jacks head. According to Glimpse and the others his father Sinister had implanted some form of sleeper cell telepathy causing this mornings rude upset. He wasn't quite sure that he bought it though. As Echo watched the stretchy mutant bash his head against a wall (something he wished he could do given how some others reacted recently) he wondered if this was truly what had happened. Was his father really the culprit here? Was Jack truly a victim? Or did he use this new knowledge as an excuse for his behavior this morning. He didn't like the idea of Jack hiding information from them, especially if it meant having unstable episodes that could harm the other mutants.

But those thoughts came and went as exhaustion rolled by and Echo made his way back towards the table taking a dark coffee. Every step felt different somehow. As if he was more aware of the gift of walking than he was before, having previously taken this privilege for granted. When a sudden breeze blew by all Echo could do was call out to the offending speedster "Watch it, this hair takes time you know! Oh, Quicksilver to what do we owe the pleasure?" It didn't take long for the silver haired speedster to spew out what was transpiring as well as giving the cure before he was off without so much as a hello. Echo rolled his eyes as he took a long sip from his drink. "Not sure why he came to inform us if they're already taking care of it. But Magneto hand delivered the news himself just before he almost severed my spine."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

Andy didn't have a chance to explain what high school was to Zarina, but she decided she would later. Truth be told Andy had had so little proper education that she couldn't give much more than a pop-culture idea of what high school was. Most of her proper education had been broken up between shitty schools and homes, with only a little bit of good education in the form of homeschooling from Ash and Jamie.

Andy sat at the table feeling awkward being there. It felt like a war meeting or at least collecting before something very wrong happened. A tension left the room when a speedster with silver hair entered the room. Andy was surprised to learn they were there from Xavier himself with a vaccine. Andy hadn't caught M-pox so she doubted she needed the vaccine, somehow they had been okay when all the others caught it and started getting deadly ill. With a cure, Veil's group would be in better shape, and Andy doubted they'd want her to be with them for any of the stuff they were getting into, but they also wanted to help.

"I'll help wherever you need me." She offered, wanting to make up for the food she had eaten and the space she had taken. It was well drilled into Andy to give back what she could to those who helped her. Andy hoped that wherever she ended up she wasn't where the guy with the fire was though. She did not want to fight that guy, and luckily so far they had been able to avoid that. Veil hadn't seen her fight the earthquake guy, but she had seen her fight the Purifiers the day before.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Garage -- Washington D.C.

Luna watched Jack walk to a wall and start hitting his head repeatedly. ”You could always let me try hitting you to see if that helps,” Luna said with a smirk. It was her attempt at humor after an incredibly tense situation.

An hour or so later, Luna sat with everyone else in the dining room. She had managed to get something to eat before recently throwing it back up again. Her symptoms had spiked again but at least she wasn’t upstairs like Spark Plug, holding on with everything she had left. Luna had hated feeling that weak and helpless. Granted she wasn’t close to one hundred percent now, but at least she was standing.
Luna leaned against the table as she was hit with a dizzy spell when Quicksilver ran into the room. She huffed and shut her eyes, listening to his words. Luna’s eyes snapped open when she heard Xavier was giving them some of the cure he had secured. Luna looked to James, eager to have the medication administered to them all. She just wanted to feel normal again.
The other message Quicksilver had was less comforting but Xavier didn’t seem to be giving them much of a choice and Veil signed them up for the task. Another tangle with the Hellfire club seemed like it would be a good time.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Medical
Skills: N/A

During the last hour Callie had suddenly passed out she attempted to try and wake up Havok and see if he was okay, but her M-Pox had other plans, she slowly woke up, and rolled over to her side and started to vomit onto the ground. Tasting blood she looked down to see that she had puked up some more blood. She giggled slightly before rolling onto her back again, every part of her body was aching and she shivered slightly grabbing the blanket and pulled it over her head slightly letting out a slight groan.

She was really exhausted and didnt want to get out of bed, it was still to comfy and her body felt really weak as well, Callie took a few deep breathes. She wasnt sure where the others were at the moment either, out of boredom Callie started to hum to herself, she was hoping for some kind of company as well to.

Kristina Smith

Location: Mutant Underground - Dining Room
Skills: N/A

Kristina sat in the dinning room with the others, she spent the last hour or so helping cleaning up after the fight, and mentioned some movies that she did enjoy watching as well to. When everyone else started to gather in the room, Kristina noticed that Callie hadnt come back and started to worry that her M-Pox had ended up taking her. But luckily they took her out to the medical setup, she listened to Veil as she spoke mentioning that they had a lead where Max and Sunshine were. When a gust of wind came through she saw Pietro coming in and held up a small box.

Kris stood up to get a better look at it and saw that it was indeed the cure to M-Pox, and James started to bounce up and down like a happy little school girl. She shook her head slightly before turning her attention over towards Veil as she was given a paper by Pietro to read over before disappearing again. "So whats the plan exactly?" Kristina asked looking over at Veil.
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