Allow me to throw my hat into the ring!![]()
Name: Fran(a.k.a Frankenstein)
Class: Berserker
Personality: Despite being an artificial being, due to her being abandoned by her father, Fran has interacted with the world enough to achieve and understand human intellect and, perhaps more importantly, emotions. Where she lacks in vocal eloquence, she makes up for in emotional intensity. She can quiet and demure just as easily as she can loud and confrontational. Gently tending to flowers one moment, destroying a city block the next. One should take care of deal with a Berserker who wears their heart on their sleeve like Fran does.
Class Skills:
Madness Enchantment(Rank D)- In exchange for increased power, one loses their logic and sanity. In Fran's case, speech is rather difficult for her, mostly communicating through grunts and non-verbal gestures. When she does speak, her words are fairly broken and come in short, choppy sentences.
Personal Skills:
Galvanism(Rank B)- Unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bio-electricity. In other words, Fran can is able to absorb and store mana, whether it be magical energy from the environment or electricity. Also, depending on the amount of mana stored, it can be put to use strengthening the body and rapidly repairing damage.
Wail of the Falsely Living(Rank D)- Fran lets loose a shrill cry that seems to go on endlessly. Increases in effectiveness proportionate to Madness Enchantment rank. This skill causes enemies and allies without distinction to lose their ability to think, and those without proper mental resistance will panic and become unable to breathe.
Overload(Rank C)- A double edged sword of a skill. With it, Fran converts the mana accumulated with Galvanism into more electricity than the maximum permissible level, and bounces the attack power of her Noble Phantasm up by outputting all of it. Due to the overwhelming power and her body not being able to handle it, Fran suffers damage from this skill.
Noble Phantasm:
Blasted Tree, The Lightning Tree of Crucifixion
Rank- D~B+
Type- Anti-Army
Appearance- Mord survived because of plot
Fran's ultimate attack and mark as a Heroic well as her last ditch trump card. By releasing all of her limiters and using all of the accumulated mana she had stored, she unleashes a powerful maelstrom of electricity to devastate the battlefield and fry her enemies. Regrettably, this comes with a major drawback. At full power, this attack WILL kill her. Even when not at full power, it will overload her body and cause substantial damage to her, rendering her unconscious and unable to move without her Master's assistance. Ultimately, this Noble Phantasm is regarded as, at best, a suicidal hail mary. Thankfully, this attack is kept in check by her lesser known Noble Phantasm, Bridal Chest, A Maiden's Chastity, the large war hammer she carries acts as limiter and ensures that she doesn't recklessly use all of her power.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Let's admit it: Blasted Tree in Apocrypha looks WAY better than it does in Grand Order.
And edited. That any better?
Name: Ismael HelsteinIsmael is a lively person with a jovial spirit. His true love is to the world and watching people happy and lively. He is a man of the world and has very few worldly possessions, he has the bare minimum to keep himself going and to do what he does and wants. He can always crack a joke or tell a story to get someone to laugh. Yet above all others, he likes to be amusing to himself. Even if it is in or out of fighting. As he is a very talkative man in a fight, while still always taking any fight seriously. Yet with all of that, all he wants to do in the end is live a life with no regrets, and help those he can along the way.Street fighting-
Ismael's constant veritable situations had led him to learn how to fight smarter and without much form. Having a more wide skill set rather than a very focused style of fighting. Giving him an edge in many different scenarios and giving him proficiency with improvised/blunt weapons, and improvised thrown weapons. This made him a very dangerous person to fight in a bar as he is in a weapon rich environment to throw objects and smash them into the opponent. Yet having him be at a disadvantage against others at his level with focus as he has no style and nothing truly honed down as a true 'Martial art'.
Expert Mechanic-
After years of working on vehicles and even making plenty of his own, he has now become an expert in maintaining and creating vehicles, as that is the reason why he is able to upkeep and maintain his very upgraded car.
Linguistic Genius-
After years of learning different languages and traveling, Ismael has learned to pick up on languages quickly, yet he has quite a few languages in his repertoire as
Expert Driver-
After years of street racing and driving, Ismael knows how to push his machine to the limit. Dipping and weaving with ease, as he has the utmost confidence in his skill as he is more than willing to put in all forms of high-speed maneuvers.Being raised in a loving home, Ismael was very friendly and very active as a child. He was a very rambunctious yet sweet kid. Always smiling and happy as he followed his parents like he was glued to their hip. Yet as he grew he had become more adventurous, leaving to play outside, as he traveled further and further. Wishing to see more of his city, and eventually the world.
As when he hit the age where he was needing to go to school he started taking very serious care into his studies, with his favorite subjects being languages and literature. As he grew his father began taking him under his wing to start learning his family's business, an old mechanic shop. There he learned the love of vehicles and even began using it to closer with his father, as eventually, it came with a wish to make his own ride to travel the world.
Now reaching his teenage years, he had gained a bit of an adventurous heart to him, taking the vehicles they worked on and started to take them on joy rides. This fostered a love to go to remote areas, may if be in abandoned buildings, parks, and even the Grand Canyon if he could get away with it. He used the freedom to do as he wished. To travel to climb and to do as he pleases, making him more and more daring and more willing to explore, even if it ends up with him in a bad situation.
He normally found himself at the bad end of someone's list, yet after years of this, he learned how to defend himself with some less than standard fighting. He fought like those he gets caught by, like a thug and a gangster. Originally he learned to street fight out of necessity because he didn't want to die, yet he found joy and love to fight. He thought it was fun and exhilarating to fight. So he began being more daring, not fearing those around him, and even took it as a way to clean up some of the streets around his neighborhood.
Years later into his growth he had now reached a point in his life to strike out on his own for his own adventure. Yet first, he needed a vehicle, something he can call his own, so he set to work. Having his father help him with getting the parts, Ismael made a car with enough aftermarket parts to be a pure custom project, all within a very simplistic frame. Yet it has enough power to outrun any on market vehicles, even able to outrun many sports cars with ease.
With his newly built ride, he left to travel the US and put it through its paces, finding the most fun in life to travel. He traveled in his vehicle, slept in it, and ate in it, yet he always took care of it. As he made both friends and enemies along his adventure, he always held a smile.
Soon he left for Europe doing much the same there as he did in the US learning the cultures, making friends, and having fun. Soon he continued to the south, then the east, learning more and more as he travels. He took to learning their language and culture as he made friends there. Fought those he found at ends with, and then moved on to find more adventure.
Wishing to continue his adventure he found himself in Japan, the land of the rising sun. He has spent a year in Japan so far, learning the language, adapting to the culture, and getting into the occasional street race. Sure his vehicle is very strange, as the steering wheel is on the left side of the car instead of the right, but no laws don't stop him from using his vehicle. Yet, one day he woke up with a strange tattoo on his hand and a stranger laying with him in his car, he doesn't even remember drinking the night prior.
Standing at 6'2 Ismael is a tall man, and being 185 lbs as well as being well-built means he is no weak man. He has bright blue eyes with short dark black hair.Alignment: Chaotic Good, the individual is more important than the law.
Age: 24
Birthday: June 20th
Blood type: O-
Place of Birth: North America, Arizona
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, and Chinese. In all of these languages, he is fluent in both speaking and reading.
Education: He had a very good education from his family and also him being apart of a good charter school. Here he loved Language as he wished to learn as many as he can so he could go traveling.
{Habits & Quirks}
- While in pain he will whistle.
- Always fires finger guns when trying to cheer up someone or when he feels awkward.
- When he is in the middle of training or fighting he can sometimes be seen humming. Why? To keep focused. Another reason, so he can feel cooler.
- He will talk while fighting as it is quite fun for him as it also keeps him concentrated.
- Playing guitar.
- He loves to explore abandoned buildings.
- Working on vehicles.
- Watching action movies.
- Playing board games.
- Trying to solve puzzles and riddles.
- Pizza, Hawaiian style or Barbecue Chicken.
- Gatherings: like the happy kind, parties and stuff.
- Music: Rock, Classic rock, Nu metal, Rap Rock, alternative metal, and Jpop (He doesn't want anyone to know though).
- Movies: The Matrix trilogy and Boondock saints.
- Riding in his car.
- People being happy.
- Being told what to do.
- Rude people.
- Complacency.
- Arrogance.
- Losing a limb. Specifically his arms.
- Death.
- Spiders.
- He is able to pick up on combat skills quickly and easily, having the ability to see the move and understand how and why it works.
- He is a talented Mechanic, wherewith the bare minimum he is able to upkeep and maintain his car.
- Able to smell blood from almost a few hundred feet away with ease.
- Ismael has been known to be a good cook.
- Is a decent singer and able to play these instruments: Guitar, piano, and harmonica.
A good looking car, it looks very nice and well kept, yet it does not tell the full story of what this car can truly do.
A 4 door sedan, it has all the natural comforts that a car can have, except quite a few extras:
- The back seats can drop back into the trunk of the car to make a large bed to either store large things, or to sleep on with comfort.
- There are false bottoms to give increase storage space, like a spare tire, his clothing, bathing, and living supplies, and almost an entire workshop of tools he would need to maintain his vehicle or other vehicles.
Yet that is not where the end of the customization, as everything under the hood, is monstrous.
- Clocking in at with an impressive 0-60 of under 2 seconds.
- And a maximum speed of 200 miles per hour.
- With high traction control, the car is able to be switched between high precision control, to loose traction, for both tight control to loose drifting.
- Name: Saitō Yume
- Appearance: Once, she would have blended in with any Japanese lady. A lifetime of magical reinforcement has had some effects.
- Age: 466
- Gender: Female
- Personality: A lifetime of fighting hasn't dulled the desire to fight at all, only sharpened it. Endlessly pursuing mastery with fewer to test it against only makes those opportunities to see where you stand more exciting and Yume is both very skilled and very old. Otherwise, what she carries with her is a feeling of preternatural calm, a mentality that remains unfazed by any disaster or trouble surrounding her.
Her connection with other humans was never strong to start with and that has declined precipitously with age, retaining only a few professional contacts amongst those that hunt demons and magi of various schools. The idea of a relationship with another person beyond immediate gratification is as foreign to her now as it would have been when she was a teenager.- Skills: As her age and choice of weaponry would indicate, Yume is a master swordsman, trained in the art long before the schools were closed and so much knowledge lost and with lifetimes of practice putting her beyond the reach of the normal population of the world, even modern prodigies. Of course, her choice of using an odachi is a bit strange, hardly seeming suitable for fighting other people but the improvement she gains in a duel by using a normal sword is negligible... and some things are much easier treated as a horse.
In unrelated skills, Yume is extremely good at reading old or nonstandard Japanese, even if her own writing tends towards the same, and she is technically cultured... not that anyone cares too much about such old things.- Abilities: Despite her focus being primarily on how to best put a sword to use, Yume is a demon slayer and an onmyouji at that, despite her current dress sense. Although technically able to, she has minimal interest in divination or fortune telling, preferring to focus on curses and exorcisms lifted from Shinto--from the oft-useless Curse of Binding that can do exactly what it says to the purely demonic, to effects that would be familiar to western magi, such as invoking the elements, or reinforcing her sword.
The sword itself could be considered a mystic code, despite its lack of intrinsic effect, simply through the centuries of constant usage, reforging, and the magecraft worked upon it like clockwork. Receptive to enhancements to an unusual degree, magical energy alone is enough to let the sword cut through many things that would otherwise be immune--stone, metal, ghosts... the component spells themselves as much a part of the blade as its own metal is.
The real question that Yume invites is how she manages to still be so alive? She doesn't give off the aura or interests of a great magus, which would normally be explanation enough for the why, if not the how. Certainly, magecraft plays a part in it, growing old and dying would be counterproductive to hunting demons down, especially for someone with no interest in raising a successor. The rest could be said to come down simply to a perfection in breathing and movement, Yume linked to the world itself and capable of effects similar to magecraft that way. But she was no miracle child when she learned it, nor a learned old priest who would banish evil... no, she was a swordsman first and foremost, and has always simply turned this perfection in movement to reinforcing her body and focus in combat.- Backstory: It's an undeniable truth that Japan, as long as it has existed, has had something of a problem with its own demons. Many of the oldest heroes are such because of their interactions with oni and other beasts. Even with the great calamities defeated, the demons themselves hardly went away, breeding into even the lines of the nobility in part and continuing to haunt the mountains and forests. The integration with humanity presented a problem, though: the purity of binding became even less appropriate for dealing with the threats and other methods had to be developed to counteract them.
It's from one family that Yume hails, drawing more from the most famous demon slayers than is normal due to their own samurai heritage. A daughter as an heir was hardly desirable in such a time period but with magical ability being inherited and Mino province being hardly the most peaceful of locations... there was little choice but to train her and hope that a suitable marriage would present itself to pass knowledge on. But soon the province went fully to war, the Oda engaging in infighting over their new daimyo and then taking on the Imagawa. This scenario left Yume at a loose end, surviving her parents but having a rather interesting feudal lord to take note of.
Of course, everyone in the country knows what happened after that. The first unifier was betrayed, the second lived to old age but wasted too much on failed invasions and failed to secure inheritance, and Tokugawa formed a shogunate in the end. By that stage, not only was Yume thoroughly jaded towards acting as a loyal samurai between fighting with things that honestly seemed more important, but her lack of age was becoming suspicious. Shortly after Sekigahara, she faked her death and became just another ronin, albeit one with a monster hunting bent.
It's something that she found herself regretting as the centuries passed, with such a lifestyle passing up the chance to take on many vaunted swordsmen. By the time the shogunate was approaching its end... well, she had no investment in the political landscape or being little more than a glorified street thug, so why get involved? It was another chance passed up.
Yume knows that her life should soon be approaching its end, even as her current vitality remains undiminished beside some visual changes. No amount of efficiency in one's actions, no mastery of yin and yang, can stall forever and still remain human. And as Japan continues to change around her, as it has ever since the Meiji Restoration, it becomes ever more unlikely that each year will pass without something breaking, some fundamental separation between humanity and the demon kind she hunts will be lost. She should just accept it and save demon hunters the trouble of fighting one of their own kind. Yet... now her skills are demanded, and Servants are around? Yume will just have to keep going a little longer and take advantage of this opportunity. The possibility that a hero of her own lifetime might be summoned and she could see finally how they compare, whether had she died a glorious death she would be one of them... who can pass up that kind of opportunity? Losing herself is an acceptable risk.
<Snipped quote by Th3King0fChaos>
I'll say a good thing first, it is a very detailed sheet. I just have some worries.
Firstly, His sense of smell is much too good if he can smell blood that well. If it was magus-enhanced that is one thing, but he is for the most part a normal guy so it seems a little off. Especially since its just 'the smell of blood'.
Secondly, I need to ask why he needs a car of all things inside of one of the most optimised (for trains) metropolis. Especially since the premise of the rp is going into different 'domains' as well as having to navigate the city to find them, A car just isn't the most optimal thing for this, Unless of course your implying its effectively also his 'mobile base/he lives in it' then that's fine. Im just curious what the intent is behind the car is all.
<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>
The smell of blood thing was because I thought it was cool. So if you don't want me to have it or reduce it I think that is fine.
The intent of the car was to be a mobile base/somewhere for him to live as I think that's really cool.
- Name: Mordred
- Class: Saber
- Appearance: "You've run out of luck, because your opponent is Mordred!"
- Personality: Mordred is a surly, arrogant, and supremely violent individual with a massive amount of personal issues. She's got an extremely short temper and, in spite of her insistence about her knighthood and heirdom to the throne, a tendency to kick, punch, and even bite if she feels she must in a fight. In battle and indeed in all matters, she is also insistent Mordred loves battle, the more violent and intense the better, and shows absolutely no mercy to her opponents. Indeed, she is seemingly utterly without mercy. It may be surprising to some, then, that Mordred absolutely refuses to involve innocent civilians, will take no actions that could harm them, and will even do her best to defend them. In spite of how violent, rude, and arrogant she is, indeed it can be said that there are some traits of the blonde girl that can be considered knightly. Speaking of which, while Mordred has no issue with others knowing she is female, she utterly loathes being treated as girl. No matter who it is, no matter what the situation, she will immediately threaten anyone who calls her a girl with violence with absolutely no hesitation. At the same time, calling her a boy is likely to earn the same reaction. On the subject of her 'father', it can be said that Mordred outwardly hates her, but deeper down her feelings are far more confused. Mordred at once admires and loves King Arthur, but also despises and resents her in the same breath. She will not take praise of 'Father' well, but she will also become angry if 'Father' is insulted. She will take any chance she gets to wear something other then her armor, though she is also not a fan of anything overtly girly. She prefers shorts, tank tops, tube tops, jackets, and basically anything comfortable and easy to wear. She also greatly enjoys eating. She is also a rather immature, childish individual, prone to distractions and complaining.
- Stats:
- Strength: B+
- Endurance: A
- Agility: B
- Mana: B
- Luck: D
- Noble Phantasm: A
- Class Skills:
- Magic Resistance: B
- Riding: B
- Personal Skills:
- Instinct: B. A finely-tuned battle sense bordering on precognition. It becomes possible to understand the best course of action in battle in an instant. At a rank of B, even a surprise attack using high-power firearms is likely to be evaded.
- Mana Burst: A. The capacity to infuse one's weaponry and body with magical energy. For Mordred, this takes the form of what appears to be red lightning, and can be utilized to enhance her speed, defend herself, and deliver devastating blows even if she is entirely unarmed.
- Battle Continuation: B. Even mortal injury can be survived for some time, allowing Mordred to continue fighting. Rather then a capacity to survive, it is best defined as a stubborn refusal to acknowledge death no matter how obvious it may be.
- Charisma: C-. A high degree of personal appeal, permitting the ability to command others and bring out their best capabilites. While Mordred lacks in experience at commanding a country, her attitude and instincts offer her some capacity to persuade and command others.
- Noble Phantasm(s):
- Name: Clarent: Radiant and Brilliant Royal Sword
- Rank: C
- Type: Anti-Unit
- Appearance: The beautiful sword that slew King Arthur
- Effects: A sword that marks the nature of a king, wielded by one who was never a king. As such, its inherent enhancement capabilities are lost when it is wielded by Mordred. In spite of this, Mordred continues to wield it due to its nature as a symbol of kingship and its status as a fine blade merely for its physical abilities. However, it possesses considerable capability as a conduit for the channeling of magical energy, marking it as a powerfully destructive weapon with the capacity to annihilate entire armies when used for such a purpose.
- Name: Clarent Blood Arthur: Rebellion Against My Beautiful Father
- Rank: A+
- Type: Anti-Army
- Appearance: N/A
- Effects: The most powerful attack that can be unleashed through Clarent. Channeling magical energy and her own hatred and confused feelings towards King Arthur, Mordred unleashes a blast of magical energy capable of utterly annihilating hundreds of soldiers in a single destructive wave. A hideous attack driven by the same feelings that lead to Mordred's rebellion, it gives Clarent the image of an evil sword with a demonic nature before it tears through its targets. A devastating attack, it nevertheless is far too destructive to be utilized in populated areas.
- Name: Secret of Pedigree: Helmet of Hidden Infidelity
- Rank: C
- Type: Anti-Unit(Self)
- Appearance: Mordred's Helmet
- Effects: A helmet worn by Mordred to conceal her identity. It was not by her choice, but rather by the order of her mother, Morgan le Fay. Possessed of an obfuscating nature, it conceals her parameters and true name regardless of any action she performs. As long as she wears the helmet, even if she were to say her own name it would be impossible to connect it to Mordred herself. Even her Master's understanding of the Servant they have summoned is limited by this Noble Phantasm. However, it must be removed in order to use Clarent Blood Arthur, and Mordred herself personally boasts great dislike for the helmet.
- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Changes: N/A