Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Somewhere Alone in the Forest with Jinxing
Skills: Musical Mystiokinesis, Combative Magic, Singing, Guitar

Waverley stumbled back as she watched a small forest of vines burst forth from Emily's thrown seeds, wrapping around the pit scorpion and holding it down in a tight grip. As Emily rushed forward, sword in hand, Waverley pulled out her own weapon, a small baton crafted from imperial gold, and she held it out in front of her. She visibly cringed when she saw it. Still she held onto it, though, right up until the moment Emily took a breather and spoke to her.

”Uh, stabbing's not really my thing...but I guess I could go ahead and sing. I don't know if I can kill it, but I can try. Let’s just hope it doesn’t going awry,” the young probatio replied, shoving her blunt weapon back into her belt. She then swung her hand out in front of her, summoning her real weapon: her instrument. The massive church organ stirred as its musician called it to her hand, inching toward her slowly, before quickly picking up speed until it was flying through the air. Admittedly, an organ flying through the air at her made Waverley clench her eyes shut tight, flinching backwards. But as it flew, it morphed, shrinking back to its guitar form, landing snuggly in Waverley's hand. It stung, like a baseball thrown too fast, but it was better than being crushed by an oversized piano. Waverley's eyes flickered open, and as soon as she saw the guitar in her hand, she got into a playing position and began to play.

These boots are made for walkin'
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you

As Waverley's fingers danced along the strings of her guitar, resulting in a melodic rhythm filling the air. As she played, she poured her wish into the music: she wanted the gross bug thing dead. She didn't care how it was done: a massive can of Raid, an enormous rolled up news paper, or - or a giant boot, which was what began to form. It stitched itself together above the creepy crawly, starting with the thick metal toe, followed by the gargantuan leather body. Within seconds, it was a full boot, just as oversized as the pit scorpion. The shoe dropped down forcefully onto the creature, delivering a crushing blow to it. But even after the scorpion was pinned under the weight of the boot, it twitched and struggled, trying to escape its botanical prison.

The boot sat there unmoving as it struggled, causing Waverley cringe as she played, looking on apologetically as the creature writhed in pain. She'd been hoping for a clean kill. She hated seeing anything resembling an animal suffer, even if it was a monster. The universe seemed to hear her pity in her music, for, within a few seconds, the boot flew back up into the air, and fell once more, this time flattening the monster with one final strum of the strings from Waverley.

"Woah...was that me?......Nifty," she mumbled, breathing heavily from the encounter. Most of her combat experience was from training, and while this wasn't her first showdown with a monster, it was most certainly her first showdown with a big monster.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Bourbon Street -- New Orleans, Louisiana

Ezekiel stuck his tongue out at Kristin. ”Yes, but there is probably a bus station or a vehicle we can steal West as well smart ass.” Suddenly the heavens opened up and they hurried under an awning, Ezekiel moving as fast as Janelle could keep up without being jostled around too much. A moment later, Kristin led them into a store and he looked around for umbrellas that they could purchase. They couldn’t wait out the rain. Sometimes the rain here took forever to pass.
As Ezekiel looked around he spotted a group of some sort of half wolf half human creatures that looked none too friendly. ”We have company,” Ezekiel said nudging Kristin. Telekines. Picture a wolf face on a human body. Long nose, tall pointed ears and a human body, two arms, two legs. Sea demons I believe that like metal work,” Ezekiel roughly explained to Janelle. He slipped his free hand into his pocket and held onto the sun keychain that sat there, hiding his sword.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 19 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck
Skills: N/A

Arthur turned his head with interest at Andy's question. That was a curious point; he knew that people went somewhere when they died, so that meant that monsters probably had a fate as well. That made him feel better, at least, at the prospect of killing them, knowing he wasn't extinguishing the light of life. He wondered if, perhaps, his godly parent would be upset with him over his aversion to killing, being a deity of the underworld, though not, as it had been pointed out to him, of Death. The world had a natural order about it, perhaps he had to respect that, in some way, and not fight against it all so hard.

That being said, "The Pit" didn't sound like a particularly nice place, "So they're kinda immortal, that's neat. It's certainly better than what I'd been imagining." He noted, resting his head on his hands. "And I guess it kind of explains where monsters come from, given that I thought most were... unique?" He didn't have a good word for it, but he knew that the minotaur was The Minotaur, a specific monster, not some race, as were most of the ones he read about. If they just respawned eventually, then them not being all wiped out by now made sense.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Argo III - Galley

Andy noticed that Arthur perked up a bit at the idea that monsters once killed weren't really dead. At least not forever. She wondered if he could forgive himself a little more for fighting the monsters knowing that. She smiled and finished her food. She stood up ready to head topdeck for the next part of their adventure. She paused though at her brother's question.

What happened to demi-gods when they died? Did they go to the pit? Would they be trapped in a nightmare of fighting creatures for the rest of time? Or did they get to stop existing? Andy hoped she'd be allowed to just stop having to fight. She looked at Leda expectantly. She had gotten used to Leda answering her questions back at camp when she helped clean the shrines with her. Andy had somehow never asked this question.

Location: Base of Mount Othrys

"Not bad Waverly." Emily nodded at Waverly impressed. And then went to examine the disappearing body. She let the plants go in her will and now there was a small garden of vined plants around where they had fought the pit scorpion. "Always check after you fight a monster. They often leave a trophy behind. Sometimes that trophy can mean the difference between life and death in the future."

Niah nodded at Prometheus' explanation. It made sense. He also tended to be on the human's side, considering his brush with fire. "Was there a reason that you assumed Atlas was involved? Other than his prior involvement in stuff? Like did you overhear them talking about him specifically?"

Emily found what she was looking for. The nasty-looking stinger from the pit scorpion. "You killed it. It is rightfully yours." She said and picked it up offering it to Waverly. Then started back toward the Hunter's camp. "Come on. We should let the others know we aren't dead." She paused in her step, "Before we do though I want to say something. I know you don't feel like you belong and that we are a military cult or something, but consider us family. We technically all are in a weird way. Pretty certain Nancy is my cousin. We don't think about it like that, even though our fathers are brothers. I don't know how your linage fits in, but you get it right? I've been to military school before, believe me, this place is not like that. I also have family back home that are basically in a cult. I don't fit in with what they view the world should be like and they hate me for that. To belong here you just have to prove you can fight, and follow orders in that fight. Nancy is the Preator because of the excellent leadership skills shown on the battlefield. You'll have to get her to tell you the story of them fighting the dragon, but she earned the place she's in.

Niah watched Marco out of the corner of her eye with interest. She had heard him mention his compact before but had never seen it in action. She smiled as Nancy joined them. "Just asking Prometheus some questions. Apparently, he heard that Camp Jupiter was going to be attacked so he was on his way to warn us. The story he tells seems legit enough and Marco is letting Alexandra know what's going on." Niah gave Nancy a quick update of what she had missed. "Oh, Emily ran after Waverly who dashed into the woods blindly. Hopefully, they are back soon. If not we'll probably have to go look for them." She added, then turned her attention back to Prometheus expectantly.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jason Gauger and Marygold Isley

Location: Argo III - The Galley
Skills: N/A

Mary smirked slightly at Leda's comment about Iris messages, giving her friend a smile as she listened to the conversations around her. She wasn't too sure if she really wanted to answer the questions that everyone else was asking (namely any questions that Demetri was asking since he was still bugging her). However there was the whole still annoyed with Demetri thing because of the way he had acted earlier. The guy seriously got on her nerves, and the way he had been acting that day wasn't helping her want to answer his questions.

Jason actually had a very similar question to what Demetri had asked, since after all, everything in Greek Mythology was real, so what exactly did happen when they died? He had never before believed in that sort of thing, but then again he had never believed in the Greek Gods either, or any gods for that matter. Janelle had always been the type more likely to even just imagine the idea of the different mythologies of the world actually being real, not him. "I actually was wahnderin de same din," he said, nodding his head slightly towards Demetri, "what 'appens when we die?

Now she was finding it hard not to answer the questions, since now someone else was asking aside from Demetri, she might as well answer it right? Her mind was not really wanting to work, so it took a moment for her to come up with the answer, "We go to Elysium which is a part of the Underworld, that's where we end up. Oh, and on the note of the shrine or whatever. There was an earthquake in the Eprius region or so in Greece in March. More recently there was one off of the coast of Crete at the beginning of May. Not sure if that answers any potential theories or something, but that's just what I know."

He had a slight feeling that Mary seemed a bit reluctant almost to answer the questions, and from what he had been able to tell so far, it likely had to do with Demetri. However he was glad that she did seem to know the answers to the questions for the most part, which was nice. Helped get rid of some of the questions that were dancing through his mind. Actually the fact that this had essentially turned into a Q & A session as they were heading to their next stop on their way to their destination. Where they were going? He still had no idea and didn't even really know if he wanted to know where they were going.

Janelle Gauger

Location: New Orleans
Skills: N/A

She still found it slightly amusing the way Kristin and Zeke acted towards one another. It certainly made traveling with the two of them more entertaining to say the least. Janelle wasn't too sure what to think about Kristin giving her a compliment about everything, since she wasn't typically sure what she was doing at this point. Not to mention the fact that growing up with her disability resulted in her not getting too many of them. Unless of course they were in a condescending sort of tone and they weren't meant to actually mean anything to her.

Janelle wrung her hair out slightly after she was led out of the pouring down rain, but she stopped when she sensed something nearby, and she was about to say something when Zeke spoke up about seeing something. Zeke more or less confirmed her thoughts that something was nearby, and that it probably wasn't friendly. "Ahkay, so dat doesn't sooehnd all too good," she commented, thinking for a moment about what they could do at this point. "Any suggestions ahn what we should do now?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kiera Donovan

Location: Argo III, Lower Decks Galley -> Upper Deck, -> Hephaestus' Junk Yard.
Skills: N/A

Kiera listened to both Leda and Mary as they answered the questions about where the monsters go to the pit when they died and where they would go when they died they would go to someplace called Elysium. "Elysium sounds like a really nice place." Kiera said, she didnt really know much about that place aside from it being the name of a Matt Damon movie a couple of years ago. Lauryn then came down poking her head into the galley looking at the others who were in there. "We are here now you guys done with the little QnA session? Hurry up and lets get going." Lauryn said as she went back up, Kiera looked at everyone else she did want to know more but she turned to look at Leda for a moment and smiled. "We could continue the QnA later." Kiera said as she quickly kissed Leda on the cheeck and got up and made her way up towards the upper deck.

Both Lauryn and Alannah were on the upper deck already as they were just finishing putting down the rope ladder, Kiera shielded her eyes for a moment as she turned to look at the area around her. The ground was littered with celestial bronze items, turning to look at the two ladies. "So what do we do?" Kiera asked gesturing towards the miles of littered celestial bronze stuff on the ground, once everyone else was topside Alannah answered. "So just find a much celestial bronze stuff for our repairs, though just be really careful some of the stuff is what Hephaestus threw out with whatever he was making some could be active and malfunctioning, feel free to pair up again and just search and then whatever you find just drop on the upper deck." Alannah said, Kiera nodded slightly it did seem kind of easy enough though it did sound really dangerous as well to. Kiera looked at Leda expecting her to partner up with her right away, as she watched Alannah and Lauryn both climbing off and she did the same landing on the ground.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

Diana looked at Nancy and nodded towards her, watching Nancy heading out of her tent, Madalyne turned her attention over toward Nancy seeing her coming out with a new bow over her back. As she started to think that Nancy had taken the oath to join The Hunt with Diana and her hunters and coming over to tell them that. "Did you join the Hunters or something?" Madalyne asked softly so only she could actually hear, she did always support her and knew that she wanted to join her aunt on the hunt as well to. But she still did feel a little bit upset that her best friend would end up leaving her.

Prometheus turned to look at Niah as she asked her question just as Nancy had come to join them before answering. "They were planning on trying to break him free of his punishment, I dont know who they intend to take his place. I believe he has some kind of plan in the works." He answered Niah's question, the image of Alexandra appeared in Macro's compact looking more annoyed that she was being disturbed yet again. She was about to snap at Marco for annoying her, but with the news she nodded towards him as she got up from where she was sitting. "I'll summon them then, was there anything else?" Alexandra ended up asking Macro.

The singer was about the size of a sword, there was what looked like could be a handle as well to some of the venom was dripping off of the tip it would look like it would come in handy in a fight to. The two girls would be able to come back to the Hunter's camp without any other issues.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Bourbon Street, New Orleans Louisiana
Skills: Spear Fighting

The Telekines noticed the three of them and started to instantly bark at one another, there were about six of them nearby as one of them quickly threw what looked like a wrench at Zeke's head knocking him onto the ground. Which would leave a rather nasty bruise from the throw, as the others brandished some weapons and started to charge forward towards them. "We have to fight them off." Kristin said as she pulled out her spear and then quickly defended herself as one of them swung its sword at Kristin.

She managed to block it as another Telekine managed to swing what looked like a club onto Janelle's side causing another nasty bruise to suddenly appear as well. The group of sea demons barked and growled in their own little language as they figured out what to do as the one who threw a wrench at Zeke throw another one at Kristin's stomach causing her to stumble backwards and groaned loudly. She wasnt sure how many there were but she didnt want to take the chance that more would show up.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

"Yeah... apparently there are plans to free other Titans... well I mean I'm guessing if they're going at lengths to try to free Atlas as well as attack the camp. We did run into the Hunters of Diana and the goddess herself, but you can keep that part to yourself. We'll see what we can do about Atlas and try to get home before it gets too crazy. Thanks Alexandra, I know we're dumping responsibility on you, but better you know what to expect yes?" Marco tried to offer one of his signature smiles to Alexandra, but he was sure that it wasn't coming off too well in the moment.

He was terrified. The titans had nearly ruined Manhattan when he was a kid, and now they were threatening another place he called home. New Rome, as much as he was sure he wasn't going to stick around when his time was up, was still his home for the moment. It would always be important to him as that is where he had met Emily, so he didn't want to see it fall to those horrible creatures.

Once he was sure his conversation with Alexandra was over, he gently snapped the compact closed and then turned to look at Nancy and Madalyne. "Alexandra has been informed of the situation, and she'll let the Cohorts know and summon them up. But for now, it seems Prometheus is willing to help us out, right? So what shall we do now?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - the Galley -> Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

"Bloody hell, never figured you were obsessed with earthquakes," Leda commented, impressed with Mary's knowledge. She wondered whether or not it was a Demeter thing, being connected with the earth, or if it had just been from boredom or curiosity that Mary kept up on current events. She quickly pieced together a theory though - if there had been some major earthquake, maybe a shrine to Apollo had fallen into Tartarus? "And yeah, Elysium's wicked cool. It's where all the best heroes end up. If being a good person isn't good enough for ya, then the eternal party is one hell of a motivator." She grinned with confidence as Kiera gave her a kiss on the cheek and Leda jumped out of her seat with the news that they had arrived. Finally. She was getting so tired of staying still!

She went up with Kiera to the top deck, snaking an arm around Kiera's waist. She took in the view with a gasp of astonishment. Leda had never seen so much celestial bronze in one place before in her life. Scraps of it were piled up in mountains, looking every bit the junk yard of a god. The news that some of it could be active and lethal sent a bit of a chill down her spine, not in fear but rather in anticipation. They were demigods. Nothing was ever going to be easy. They'd have to fight something here. She climbed down the rope ladder after Kiera, before picking a direction at random. "Wanna be partners, luv?" she asked, walking towards one of the mounds of stuff.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

Nancy processed the information she got from Niah. She didn't trust Prometheus, especially given that in the last conflict he had sided with Saturn and the other titans. She'd need to hear him swear an oath in front of Niah in order to take his words as being credible, but there was no harm she could foresee to having the Legion ready for a fight. Best case scenario, Prometheus was lying and nothing would happen. Worst case, he was telling the truth and New Rome would need to stand without its praetors. Hearing that Emily ran after Waverley into the woods caused her to sigh ever so slightly. She was sure Emily would be fine, but she had the impression that Waverley would be the type to eat berries without considering whether or not they were poisonous.

"No," Nancy whispered back to Madalyne. "Don't worry, you haven't gotten rid of my lovely face just yet, Crane." She winked. She would have teased her co-praetor more, but they had business to discuss. If the titans were trying to spring Atlas, they had to have some immortal shmuck to take his place. Mortals were too weak to hold up the sky for very long. And knowing the titans, she couldn't help but have a grim fear that they would use Diana. "The Hunters of Diana captured Prometheus, by right he is theirs to deal with. I'd recommend dragging him off in chains and reinstating the old liver-and-eagle trick, but again, not our place to decide. We should move onwards and deal with whatever's going on with Atlas. They'll need to get someone to take on his burden and us heroes wouldn't last long, so odds are, we're going to end up saving a god or goddess."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Somewhere in the Forest -> Hunters' Camp

"Oh, uh, wow, I don't know what to say...Thanks...but I think I'm okay. Go ahead and hold onto it, since you're better with stabbing and shit," Waverley insisted, holding a hand up to politely decline Emily's offer. "Besides, giving me a stinger that could kill with the smallest graze? I'd probably get myself killed in days." She quickly sauntered over to the giant boot's giant aglet. She began to fiddle with it, before it, and the rest of the boot, began fading away, leaving her lips jut out in a second-long pout before she began walking alongside Em back towards the Hunters' camp. She listened Em, letting the silence fill the space between the girl's words and her own response. When she finally spoke with a small, seemingly grateful smile.

"On the road, making family is a fast process. Takes maybe a fortnight or so, sometimes less. So yes, I think of you all as my kin...but that doesn't necessarily mean I fit in. I'm glad you do, and I'm glad you've found a home, but for me, I don't think that's New Rome. I can't fight, as anyone can see, and I'm not really good with authority. I'm not a soldier if we're to be completely honest...all I do is sing, wish, and let the universe do the rest." She said, before letting out a soft laugh, her shoulders relaxed, something not common for the anxious girl. "Longest I've ever lived in one place since joining the vagabond business, but even after all this time, I'm still homeless." She paused for a few more seconds, before furrowing her eyebrows together and looking back at Em. "Wait, hold on, say that again...there's such a thing as a dragon?"

After short while the Hunters' camp began to come into view between the array of trees that made up the forest. Waverley, who'd seemed calmed all the way back, suddenly tensed back up, her breath hitching in her throat. She'd never try to claim that the post-panic attack confrontation of those who'd witnessed it was as anywhere near as bad as the panic attack itself, but it certainly wasn't pleasant. Her pace slowed a bit, allowing Emily to take point as they arrived back at the camp.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Kitchen > Upper Deck

Demetri thought on what the others had said. Elysium huh? Why hadn't he thought if that. He knew it was party city for the heroes in the afterlife but his mind kept flickering back to the other undying party of the damned. Having never taken stock in the afterlife or gods, he often times found himself going more with the VTM standard of Elysium. A location on earth for those who have been cursed with undeath to be able to party and socialise without the worry of attacks. He never was one for parties though, so unless the place had a large buffet table for him to sit by and eat while pets surrounded him, then he wasnt exactly interested. There was a bit of a sigh as he laid his head on the table looking towards no one in particular.

"Is that wha-" he was cut short as they announced their arrival. Quite honestly Demi had forgotten that they were headed to the junk yard. Thinking they had made it to the Roman camp, he sprung up and went out the doors excited to see the other side. What he was greeted with however was just a large landscape of celestial bronze that glinted the sun as far as the eye could see. He immediately squinted his eyes and began to cover them from the blinding sight. "Fuck, who turned Zekes annoying personality into a damn landscape?" After all was explained Demi looked towards Jason with a smile, "Partner?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Inside Building - Bourbon Street -- New Orleans, Louisiana
Skills: Sword Fighting

”Okay, so there’s barking now? Whatever,” Ezekiel stated. He was slow to react as the Telekines started to attack them, hitting Ezekiel with a wrench to the head. Ezekiel fell back and groaned, hand going to his head. There was a ringing in his ears and pounding in his head now from him, which succeeded in pissing him off. ”Alright, now I’m not having fun.” Ezekiel stood, pulling out his key chain and pressed the button so his Murakumo sword appeared. He swung it around and went after the barking Telekine that had thrown the wrench at him, who conveniently just threw one at Kristin as well.
He succeeded in disarming the monster and Ezekiel turned his skill to swinging the sword forward to impale the Telekine’s heart in hopes of killing it. There were only two ways to kill one, in the heart of the head. With his first swing, Ezekiel missed but he stepped back and quickly went into position to take another shot.
”Try to aim for the heart or head, Janelle instincts should take over but if not, swing at anything that barks at you.” Kristin didn’t have to be the only know it all on this trip.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 19 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck -> Junkyard
Skills: N/A

That was certainly nice, that they were given, as demigods, a nicer afterlife. He had to wonder, a bit, if as a child of the lord of the undead, he had something different. Royalty among the demigods, perhaps? That was an interesting thought, he he could of sworn he heard something like that when he was being reassured about the circumstances of his sister's death. As it seemed they reached their destination, he got up, and smiled at Andy, before following after Kiera, up to the top of the deck, and quickly taking the rope ladder down to explore the junkyard.

Taking a peak around, he saw celestial bronze everywhere. He was curious about where this actually, physically was, and what mortals saw when they stumbled across it. Moreso though, he knew he was in the domain of a God right now, and that led him to want to be careful. He'd seen what they could do, and so he felt a bit uneasy coming here. Poking around the rubbish on the ground, Arthur eventually managed to unearth some sort of odd, large object, which was a bit unlike anything he'd ever seen before. "Huh... neat." He remarked, examining it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Argo III - Galley -> Junkyard

Andy finished her breakfast and followed everyone else outside. It had been an enlightening morning already. A lot of questions had been answered that she hadn't even known she had. Andy was sure more would come up over their next few days on this trip. She followed Arthur off the ship and into the Junkyard. It was impressive the whole thing was just a pile of tossed out pieces of one thing or another. She wondered about Hephaestus. She knew he had a cabin, but didn't know much about the kids who were in his cabin.

Andy started digging around looking for something that might catch her eye. The thing that did was some weird compass looking thing. "Look what I found." She said as she moved stuff to extract it from the pile. "Does anyone know what it is?" She watched as the compass bit spun out of control.

Location: Base of Mount Othrys

Emily shrugged when Waverly turned down the scorpion tail. She'd have to figure out how to transport it without stabbing herself with it. Maybe Madalyne would use her magic to craft a scabbard or something for it. She could have one properly made for it if it lasted more than a battle. Some tension left her shoulders as she saw the group when they got back into the Hunter's camp. "Well Waverly killed the Pit Scorpion so hopefully we don't have to worry about those anymore." Emily announced as they came back into sight. She held up the tail as proof.

Niah frowned. It took someone of god's blood to hold up the sky. Even a demi-god couldn't keep it up, at least not for long. She wondered who Atlas had planned to be his sacrifice. The job was his punishment and it was punishment. It could kill anyone not strong enough. She looked up toward the top of the mountain. Emily interrupted her thoughts. "Waverly killed it?" She asked a little surprised. Waverly didn't come off as particularly apt at fighting.

"Yeah the thing had me in its claw and she saved me. Then she smooshed it with a giant summoned boot by singing these boots are made for walking." Emily told the group downplaying her involvement in the fight. Other than pinning the scorpion she hadn't been able to do much anyway so she didn't feel like it was too much of a stretch. If anyone asked she'd give them more details but in her opinion what she had said was what had mattered. Emily moved over to Marco and kissed his cheek. "Madalyn think you can make a scabbard or something for this? I don't particularly want to stick it in my back pocket."

Niah raised an eyebrow and looked at Waverly giving her an approving nod. "Right we were about to just leave camp. We got some information from Prometheus. We'll catch you both up." She looked to Nancy, "Ready when you are." She then turned to Marco. "Thank you."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jason Gauger and Marygold Isley

Location: Argo III - The Galley -> The Junkyard
Skills: N/A

"I get bored, what else can I say, but from the sounds of it it might actually be useful, so yay for some random bit of knowledge or whatever being useful for once," she commented with a bit of an eye roll towards Leda. Just because she sometimes got bored and actually paid attention to what was going on in the rest of the world and other people didn't, who knew when you'd need to know that sort of thing? It didn't seem to matter all too much though, not at the moment anyway as it was announced that they had reached their destination now.

Jason found everything that was being said was a bit interesting, Elysium sounded like not so bad of a place to end up when you died, could definitely be worse then that. Eternal torment or something like that instantly came to mind after all, but that was besides the point. At this point, they had reached their destination, and Demetri was asking if he wanted to pair up, and he shrugged simply, "Sure, if you can keep oehp," he responded with a slight smirk towards Demetri as he headed up towards the main deck so that they could get off the boat.

She wasn't really wanting to wait to see if anyone actually wanted to pair up with her, since it seemed like there was no one at all, since the kids obviously were going to partner up, the two guys and then Leda obviously was going to pair up with Kiera, she didn't very much want to be a third wheel at all and she headed off the ship and into the junkyard itself, digging around somewhat as she went until she found what looked to be an Archimedes sphere, and she picked it up, figuring it likely would be helpful for fixing the ship. Of course everything was going to be interesting to see and she wondered what everyone else was finding.

Once on the upper deck, he looked at Demetri again before getting off the boat and heading out into the junkyard itself, "'ey 'oehrry oehp are you combing?" he called towards him, before he started digging through things a little bit. He wasn't too sure what all they were looking for aside from the basics that they had been told, and he found what looked to be surveyors tools of some sort, or something like that. Personally he didn't really care, as Jason wasn't typically one to be helping to dig through a god's personal garbage dump. Well this was going to be interesting that was for sure.

Janelle Gauger

Location: New Orleans
Skills: Heightened Hearing

"What's dat looehd barkin sooehnd?" she couldn't help but ask when the monsters started barking, but based on the sounds that followed and Kristin's next words, it was kind of obvious as to what had been the cause of the sounds. The monsters that were attacking, and that was not a good thing, at all. She felt something slam into her side that caused her to have to take a minute to catch her breath as she felt a bruise forming on her side from the attack, "Well dat wasn't very nice..." seemed like this whole thing wasn't going to go very well.

She pushed the button on her staff to allow it to extend to it's full length, and she froze, listening to the sounds around her. Janelle could hear Zeke with his comments about where to aim, or something like that, but she for a brief moment tuned him out as she focused on the sounds of the monsters themselves, before she sprung into action and swung her staff around. With her ears to guide her, Janelle managed to slam her staff into one of them, managing to knock it back and stun it, before she swung the staff again and slammed it into another one, killing it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kiera Donovan

Location: Hephaestus' Junk Yard.
Skills: N/A

Kiera looked over her shoulder and smiled towards her girlfriend and nodded towards her. "I thought you would never ask love." Kiera said jokingly as she started to explore a nearby pile, she sorted through various pieces of scrap metal. Until she found something sticking out of the pile and started to slowly pull at it. Kiera paused when she heard what sounded like something mechanical starting to move as the pile shifted causing Kiera to stumble backwards. Something that Leda would instantly recognize when she was on a quest given to her by Apollo along with, Kristin and Zeke. The mechanical bull looked like it was obviously malfunctioning as sparks were coming off of a few of it's joints charged forward. It slammed into Kiera knocking her into another pile of celestial bronze burring her under some of the rubble and then turned towards Leda and attempted to charge her, she would easily be able to get out of the way easily.

Lauryn made her way towards the two youngest seeing what they had found, as she looked at the large screw like contraption in front of them she smiled slightly knowing what it was. "Thats an Archimedes Screw, it was mainly used to transport water and irrigate farmlands." Lauryn answered as she looked over at what Andy had. "I think thats a gimbal its used for a lot of things." She answered when she heard something and what sounded like a rather loud crashing sound and quickly went to investigate what it was.

Jason and Demetri would be able to see what had happened as Kiera accidentally woken up a Colchis Bull, and charged after her knocking the Daughter of Poseidon under a mountain of rubble and attempting to charge at Leda as well to. Alannah decided to hang out with Mary since she didnt have a partner with her and walked over to see what she had found seeing what was in her hand. She knew enough of what it was and knew that Lauryn would actually be really interested in it. "Thats a really good find." Alannah said gently patting a hand on her shoulder and smiled some as she went to search around the pile as well, only really finding scraps but it would be more than enough to help with the repairs.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Base of Mount Othrys -> Garden of the Hesperides
Skills: Mystiokinesis

"Good then I dont have to worry about finding my next best friend position." Madalyne whispered back jokingly, she was still really happy for her anyway if she did ended up accepting Diana's offer to join up with the Hunt. Alexandra still huffed in annoyance at Marco before smirking slightly. "You owe me a weeks worth of free coffee when you all get back." Alexandra managed to say before Marco closed his compact. Then a few seconds later Emily and Waverly both came back from the woods hearing what Emily had said she looked over at Waverly for a moment, she was still a little bit mad that she had pissed off Nancy her best friend but didnt say anything about that. "Thats really good." Madalyne said as she eyed the Pit Scorpion Stinger in Emily's hands and nodded.

"I can give it a try." Madalyne said as she concentrated, waving her hand slightly, but nothing happened, and then she tried again, as a small scabbard appeared but it was really small. So she tried it again, and this time it worked and would fit snuggly inside looking over at Emily. "It's temporary it might disappear after awhile though." Madalyne said, it would be just like the armor she had made for everyone it never really did last to long.

Diana came out of her tent looking at Prometheus and then over at her huntresses as well as the members of the Twelfth Legion. "My huntresses and I can take Prometheus, you may continue with your mission though I urge caution Ladon does not like anyone within his territory when you pass Garden of the Hesperides." She warned, Madalyne nodded towards the goddess bowing her head slightly. "Thank you for the warning." Madalyne said as she looked at everyone else before motioning for everyone else to follow her, when they get there she saw a beautiful garden and saw Ladon there sleeping near the single tree with golden apples in it's branches.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Bourbon Street, New Orleans Louisiana
Skills: Spear Fighting

The Telekines were pissed off that one of them managed to kill one of their own as they charged forward one of them managed to get a good hit on Kristin's leg with a club causing her to groan loudly and drop to one knee for a moment turning to look at Zeke. "Wow, aiming for the head and heart never thought of it before." Kristin said sarcastically thinking that it was pointed towards her as she got up again and swung her spear and missed again.

Kristin then swung again managing to decapitate the sea demon easily as it's body fell to the ground and then bursting to dust, she looked over counting about five more of them, and then looked at Zeke and Janelle. "Theres five more of them." Kristin said towards Janelle as she went to swing her spear managing to stun another one of them. The Telekines attempted to swing and throw weapons at both Janelle and Zeke only for them to miss.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

"Week's worth of coffee for you, Augur." Marco could only laugh at that point at that as he tucked the compact away and then looked over as Em returned with Waverley. He slipped his arm around Em and pecked her on the forehead. "Hey my little fighter." He held her close as he looked at her, and he knew that he would have to ask her how it went with Waverly, but also to hear about the pit scorpion as well. That did frighten him a bit, but they both came back just fine it seemed.

"Hmm? You're welcome, not sure what I did." He looked at Niah as she poke and then simply nodded to her. He then bowed his head in respect to the Goddess as she passed. "Thank you Goddess, for the information and the help." He then turned to walk with Emily and then headed up the mountain with her. His eyes went a bit wide as they saw the beautiful garden and the luscious golden apples hanging from the trees. He remember too many stories of Golden apples, and his mother. Thankfully this wasn't the same apple.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Junk Yard of Hephaestus
Skills: Sword-Fighting, Agility, Superspeed

Leda swore under her breath in ancient Greek. "I bloody hate repeats. Once you kill one Colchis bull, you've killed 'em all if you ask me," she complained. She had last faced one when she had been tasked to save Calliope along with Kristin and Zeke. It had been the most dysfunctional questing group in history, especially since they almost adopted a baby in the process. The bull knocked Kiera under a pile of rubble and Leda saw red. She tugged down on her pendant and it transformed into her sword, Ultraviolet, glowing a furious shade of red. She dashed forward at superspeed, swinging her blade and connecting with the bull's armor.

It sadly wasn't that easy a thing to kill. The armor was made from celestial bronze. She took another swing, aiming for a chink in the armor. She hit her target and the bull sparked - it had already been hit there once before evidently, someone must have damaged it. That was probably why it was in Hephaestus' junk yard. The god of the smith was done with it and didn't bother to fix it, so he just tossed it aside. Leda was fluid with her movement and she swung her sword again, jabbing down into the chink and this time, her strike was true. The bull collapsed and died. Leda was panting ever so slightly, the Colchis bull had been rather hot (temperature, people).

"Kiera, luv? You alright?" Leda asked, picking up what remained of the bull - a nose ring. It was about the size of a bracelet and Leda slipped it onto her wrist. She'd put it next to her other trophies at Camp Half-blood after this was all over.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys -> Garden of the Hesperides
Skills: Strategy

Nancy looked a little bit impressed, learning that Waverley had managed to kill the pit scorpion. "Maybe you're not completely useless after all," she told Waverley. Nancy held grudges for a long, long time - had Waverley not insulted her earlier, she would have given her a real compliment instead of a veiled insult. The description Emily gave as to how Waverley killed the thing did make her chuckle internally. It reminded her somewhat of her own fighting style, when she didn't use her knives she tended to sing and make heads explode. "Thank you, Lady Diana," Nancy said, bowing her head slightly as well.

Kallisto's bow felt heavy on her back as she traveled with the others, leaving Diana's camp. They arrived in a beautiful garden, so gorgeous that it made Nancy feel a bit sick in the stomach although she wasn't sure why. A dragon was curled around a tree with glimmering golden apples in its branches. Waking up a sleeping dragon was not something she had on her to do list, although it wouldn't have been the first dragon she fought. "Avoid the tree, keep your voices down, don't talk if you don't have to," she instructed the others in a tense whisper. She took the lead and began to creep forward silently through the garden, staying as far from the tree as she could.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Base of Mount Othrys -> Garden of the Hesperides
Skills: (RR: Stealth)

Waverley's body went rigid as Emily tossed her into the spotlight, telling the group about their exploits in the forest that surrounded them. She shifted her weight to the right, sidestepping out from behind Em to give the rest of her companions an awkward wave. At first she was unsure about the sudden attention from the people who'd just seen her have a panic attack and run away, but as words of encouragement began to come her way, a bashful smile rose to her face as a blush warmed her cheeks.

"Oh, um, I really did next to nothing. Em was the one to pin it so it wasn't able to sting," she added, soaking in the validation. Her smile wavered, however, when Nancy spoke her part. Her smile stayed on her face, though it was now accompanied by a brow furrowed with confusion and eyes that betrayed her attempts to hide the hurt the comment had caused her. She'd been so blindsided she'd simply forgotten to drop her smile.

"Um, thank you, I guess? I suppose I should've expected less..." She mumbled the second part. The word 'useless' had been thrown at her a lot in her life, often from cops and often followed by words like miscreant, thug, and a number of much less PC insults. But it stung much more when it was from Nancy. She'd never talked like that during training, or Karaoke Dodgeball. With the way she was acting, it was like she was drifting in a gray area between friend and cop. The thought dissolved into an unsettling tenseness in her head as they began to make their way up the mountain.

She followed a few meters behind Em and Marco stewing in her own anxiety. She usually didn't mind being the third wheel, as long as she could be everyone's third wheel, something that didn't seem to apply anymore. So rather than wearing her third-wheeldom like a badge of honor, she wallowed in it, soaking up the loneliness of being the Third-Wheel Club's sole member. She contemplated on inviting Niah into the club for a moment - she seemed to qualify, and she could write up the TWC's oath while Waverley made the t-shirts - but she was quickly pulled out of her self-pitying thoughts as the group waded into a radiant garden. Waverley seemed to light up, excited to see something borderline magical that wasn't trying to kill them. Her joy melted to horror, though, when she saw the massive reptile curled up around the base of the tree.

"Oh my God, is that the thing that froze Hermione? And why the hell are those apples so shiny?" she whispered, her voice in a low, hushed whisper to match the others.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Garden of Hephaestus

Demetri watched as Jason ran off towards their goal. Seemingly like a child racing to the finish lest he be a rotten egg. It was cute, endearing, and made him see him in a new light. Perhaps the boy with flaming hair and temper wasn't so bad? If anything he seemed to be full of energy and joy. So ofcourse Demi gave him a cheeky wink before going down into the garden and scrounging up as much celestial bronze as he could find. Once he emerged from the pool of bronze with two arms full of trinkets and a dopey smile, he looked at Jason as he said "Look at all this, I bet its super helpful" To which Lauryn covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. "Actually thats all junk." Demetris ears burned red as he buried his face behind the pile of scrap, only hearing the sound of Kiera being knocked about by a bull.

He quickly peered his head over the pile, seeing Kiera laying in a heap of celestial bronze. Before Demetri could even act, Priestess Leda swooped into action calling forth a vibrant sword and taking three nasty swings at it. She said the creature was a Colchis Bull, something she made quick work of now after apparently having done so before. His arm went slack in amazement allowing a single piece of scrap to fall and clink against the others on the ground. "That was bloody brilliant." He spoke mainly to himself seeing that she was preoccupied with Kieras well being. But he had so many questions for her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Inside Building - Bourbon Street -- New Orleans, Louisiana
Skills: Sword Fighting

Janelle didn’t need much direction as she managed to make the first kill. Ezekiel didn’t bother her anymore, knowing instincts would take over and if she got hurt, he would be there to help her after the battle was won. Ezekiel mimed Kristin’s words when she spoke back to him sarcastically. ”Use your weapons sunshine, not your mouth,” Ezekiel stated.
The Telekines tried to throw things as them but he and Janelle managed to dodge them all before Ezekiel moved in to attack again. He swung towards one, aiming to slice off their head like Kristin had just done for her kill. Ezekiel succeeded in making a smooth kill and he grinned. ”Alright ladies, there’s a three way tie so far. Who’s gonna break it?” Ezekiel, still grinning went and aimed up his next shot to disarm a Telekine but he missed. ”Well, it wouldn’t be a true fight if I didn’t make an ass out of myself.” Ezekiel moved to recover though and disarmed the Telekine on his second try.
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