Name: Lorna
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Personality: Lorna is a very eccentric woman who has difficulties expressing herself with others. This can be a problem of her own making, as she enjoys speaking in riddles. It doesn’t help that she can’t perceive the difference in intelligence between her and others. Given the way she articulates, at times to those who can’t keep up, she’s speaking in jargon. Other times, it is beautifully poetic but the person has no idea of the nuances given. The end result is seemingly random acts, chalked up as eccentricities. If blatantly asked to lower her vocabulary let’s say, she is capable of explaining something in an easier manner but she must be told first. Surprisingly, she can explain high level concepts in very simplistic or creative ways that get the point across. A handy skill for teaching or advising, when she’s conscious of the need to do so. Otherwise she’ll be lost in her own world, with her brain rapidly thinking through a flurry of subjects.
Backstory: Lorna is the heir of the Dairenji Family, a family with incredible training on several fronts. Lorna's parents were both expert fighters and they taught her some of what they know. However, when it came time for to be recruited into the Sunderers, they left her with a semi-automatic pistol with 3 bullets loaded.
Electrical Manipulation: She can create and use magnetic fields to manipulate electrical currents, allowing her some control over electrical appliances. She can use this in a multitude of ways even as a electrical waves, beams or streams. She can also use this in a method akin to teleportation. But she calls this electroportation.
Equipment: Katana, Wakizashi. Various throwing knives and daggers and finally, Pharis a legendary recurve bow, pictured below:
Additional info: Nothing really.