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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

Andy considered that this was essentially a suicide mission. It took her all of two seconds to try to care, since she didn't she shrugged and buckled the seat belt. She didn't have anything to add to the conversation so she listened and watched out the window. Andy wondered what her parents would have thought of how she ended up now that they were dead. A bit of anger rose in her, maybe she should have gone with the other group if it was a Purifier trap.

Since their murder, she was a fan of punching Purifier's till they stopped fighting back. Anger boiled and she clenched her fists before taking a few slow breaths. They weren't going to deal with Purifiers, they were going to stop the cure for M-Pox from getting messed with by jerk Mutants. Andy frowned. Why did the President have cures heading his way anyway? He wasn't a mutant. She considered asking the question, but she figured in the long run the answer didn't really matter.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The car
Skills: N/A

Yeah, there was absolutely zero percent chance this wasn’t a trap. James didn’t appreciate the position they were in―they’d been twisted into dancing along to someone’s tune, again―but on the off chance the bait was the troublesome twosome, they had to spring it. They had absolutely nothing to go off of. James made a mental note to discuss with Veil what kind of tech they could lift and cobble together to help facilitate that. Every time the MU went on an excursion, James’ mutation was pushed to the brink and Magik proved there was a limit. A little information, a little planning, would go a long way in reducing the risks the MU were subjected to.

He was pulled out of his contemplations when Casper used “Sunshine” and “bottomless alcohol” in the same sentence. James frowned as he considered why in the world Sunshine would have ever said that. Sunshine was as guarded as guarded came and didn’t care for anything that would impair her ability to defend herself and alcohol would do just that. She must have been teasing Casper about it or something. “How about we consider alcohol after we maneuver the guaranteed hail of bullets we’re walking into.” James suggested as he climbed into the car. “Also, I’ve never been to a strip club. I’m not really sure what the layout of this place is like. Are we going to be able to sneak through or is it kinda open?”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Garage ---> Van, Veil’s Group -- Washington D.C.

Luna listened as Veil told them where they were going. She smirked a little, not being able to help and shook her head. ”Lovely.” It was a complete suicide mission. Luna had never thought of herself as expendable but she did have something to prove. She wasn’t leaving this vehicle and she was going to do all she could to stop the Hellfire Club and protect the center for American politics; even if the government wanted nothing to do with Mutants. Of course, if they got caught it wouldn’t help the mutant case.
”How should we intercept the delivery? Surround the streets and tag suspicious vehicles or hide in plain sight until we see someone, we know from the Hellfire Club?” Luna was unfamiliar with the layout of DC and the buildings Veil mentioned. She had seen such things on the internet and TV but didn’t know in great detail the surrounding area of the White House and how much area it covered. How many streets would they have to try and watch over to keep the shipment from getting through and to the President. She assumed there would be a fair amount of security, especially with the M-Pox pandemic going on and humans being fearful of getting something they wouldn’t.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Island M the Bermuda triangle.
Skills: BAMF, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max wanted to bite back, explain to her how exhausting it was to have M-Pox and how much of a danger it was to use his powers while under its influence. Luckily for them she removed that danger, giving him time to gain his strength again and be able to try at the very least. His new ability was more than testy, and it took a toll on him. "Im sorry if my voice is so grating to you. I'll try and keep our conversations to a minimal then." There was no fight left in his tone. No sense of hatred, or anger, just pity for the girl who lost what little she already had in a world that did nothing but take from them. This wasn't the time for them to fight, and she was clearly hurting over Magiks death. So he took the punches that he needed to and pressed on.

"I think removing that clunk helped bounce me back a bit so...here goes something." Max held her hand quickly as the familiar black void rippled in the air around them filling the space they left with a massive cold spot. In the second it took they were now somewhere new, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Right city, wrong location. Fuck. "Ok, still a ways off but we're in the right city at least. Follow me and we can grab something to eat, build up our strength from this long morning." Max placed his hand inside of his jacket pocket, concealing his use of power as he muttered some words and was able to scrounge up 20 dollars for them to use. "Pick your poison, im buying."


[center]Location: Mutant Underground > On the Road (Jacks group)
Skills: /center]

Echo flipped his hair in a smooth and practiced manner. Removing his curly tufts away from his eyes as he followed suit behind everyone, choosing to sit near a window seat in the car. "A trap is a possibility, but honestly from what I've noticed the kids powers can be a little unstable. There's a high chance he had another mishap, landed there, and was either escorted out or held in place until their legal guardians could pick them up. That being us." Harry looked out the window pensively as he watched the streets go by. He was worried for his roomate, worried for Sunshine, and all in all hoping that they would make it in time to deliver the cure. A worried sigh slipped passed his lips as he pulled away from the window and looked back at those in the car.

"Sorry we missed your birthday, but I'm sure I can try and whip something up for you later if you'd like. A nice cake maybe? But till then, think when you're in their feed that you can jam the signals? Make them go black or play on loop? The less evidence that we ever paid the visit the better. Don't need to have the media thinking we're more deviant than they already believe, whether we're partaking in the festivities or crashing them its a bad look for us mutants. Worlds too narrow-minded to accept us or those workers." Harry thought on James' question. Unsure of how best to answer or approach the situation. There were instances where a bouncer could be bribed, and Harry had some expendable money, however it wasn't a full proof plan especially with young faces.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Car
Skills: N/A

"So, what seems like just another Tuesday half the time for us, this should be a whole lot of fun," Sapphire commented. She was perfectly fine with the idea that this could be a suicide mission, honestly half of their missions more or less turned into those sort of missions anyway, this was just a much bigger suicide mission. This was going to be fun, she could already tell that, and going right next to the White House, this was just not going to be easy. One wrong move and it would all be over for the group, and that would be bad.

She fell silent when people started trying to come up with a plan, any sort of plan would be better then no plan. But one bad idea was going to result in them likely getting killed in some capacity. Or something like that, part of her wondered if that was what the Hellfire Club wanted to happen, but she also figured that they actually wanted their plan to succeed. It was hard to tell what was going to happen, and all they could really do was do the best that they could. She was staying relatively quiet as everyone else was talking, not really caring over all if she gave any meaningful input.

Location: Car
Skills: Technopathy, Hacking, Computer Systems, Computer Programming, Mixed Trivia Knowledge

Zari shot a bit of a glare at Waverly when she got into the car (Mr. Eyeball and Mr. Jaws were settled in her lap) and it didn't seem like Mr. Eyeball was too thrilled either. There was a sort of loud beeping as if the robotic eyeball was yelling at Waverly clearly annoyed with everything she had said with regards to him. "First of all, they have names, and clearly you annoyed Mr. Eyeball," she spoke up, looking at the eye which did look more then a little angry. "Secondly I know what stealth means, thirdly I'm probably a hell of a lot more durable then you and probably less likely to die. Don't worry about me, I'd worry more about yourself."

"Can you two stop arguing or whatever you are doing, we kind of have more important things to deal with... And yes I get that, but here's the thing, we still would have likely gotten a call before now if he landed there, so not sure why you think anything other then that. Since they would have had access to a phone by then, so they would have probably called us or gotten a message to us that way... And Waverly, hacking into the cameras seems like a good idea, so try doing that and get some idea of what we might be dealing with. And Casper no drinking when we get there got it? I'm serious okay? No drinking for anyone."

She heard the comment about hacking into cameras and she let out a sigh. Clearly she was with a group of amateurs or something when it came to technology. Pulling out the cell phone that she carried around with her, she started messing with a few things, simply typing away as she used her powers to boost what it was that she was doing on the cell phone. It was rather simple for her, after all, she grew up with technology and robots, hacking into a few cameras were nothing to her. "Alright I'm in," she said simply to the group out loud.

Jack turned to look at the green haired girl in the backseat of the car. ""Wait what?"

"You all were talking about getting into security cameras or whatever. I just did that."

"...You're a hacker."

"Yup, kind of comes with the technopathy, might as well call me the goddess of technology. Name any camera in or around that place, including personal cell phones and such and I've got access to it."

"Now that's convenient," he couldn't help but say. The kid clearly had an idea of what she was doing, and if they could get the scope of the place before they headed inside or something. See if Sunshine and Max actually were inside. The venue still struck him as odd, despite what Echo was saying. Jack dealt with people for a living, as a PI he dealt with being able to tell if something more was up then it first seemed. And to him this entire situation smelled like a trap, and they had to be careful, even without thinking about the police showing up to arrest them or something like that.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

February 17th, 2021 - 12:40 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Garage -> Outside the Glitter Factory
Skills: Mediumship
Casper wondered how easily they'd be able to stick together in a strip club. He hadn't been to one that wasn't filled with flashing lights, glitter cannons, and a layout designed to get people one on one with the in house talent. They weren't really group affairs, although he supposed it would be pretty awesome to rent out the place for a party. Maybe if his terrible dad tried sending him money again, he'd use it to rent out the place for the Underground. It'd be a neat solution for a birthday party for Waverley, as she had apparently forgotten her birthday. "Dear little Feedback, they don't card at this place. And if they did, almost everyone here carries fakes."

"Wait, you all do have some decent fakes, right?" Casper asked. He sort of assumed that everyone would, at least those who were under twenty one. There was no reason for them to use their real ID's at any point, as it would just give people a way to figure out where they were. Casper may have been a bit silly and insane, but he wasn't dumb. He knew the sort of life the Mutant Underground had to live.

He got into the car next to James, resting his head on James' shoulder and trying his best to look adorable. "You can't really run in a strip club, if that's what you mean," Casper started to explain.

"I can make a scene, if you need it," Ben offered.

"Look who decided to be helpful for once," Casper quipped. "Ben says he can toss people around if we need it." He raised an eyebrow as Echo said that they didn't want to be seen at the Glitter Factory. What was wrong with being in a male strip club? Casper didn't really care about the ~image~ factor and he didn't feel like he needed to be a representative of a model mutant. He was just a person and tons of humans went to strip clubs, way more than mutants anyways. "If we're worried about being seen as deviants, I think that ship has already sailed because of moi."

He pouted as Jack forbade drinking. The new kid apparently hacked into everything, including people's phones, which struck him as a huge invasion of privacy. Although, it was also funny to learn that Big Brother was actually a Big Sister. It wouldn't be too long until they'd arrive at the street the Glitter Factory was on. Luckily, they managed to get parking. There were people lined up halfway down the block waiting to get in, with the line moving slowly.


Location: On the Road to the Eisenhower Building
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
"Trouble," Havok answered Kristina unhelpfully.

"Professor X's intel says that the Hellfire Club is doing something to routine vaccines sent to the White House - Tdap ones to be specific. X doesn't know what exactly they're going to do, but it's the Hellfire Club, so doubt it's anything good," Veil said, explaining what she knew to the team. "We need to get to the Eisenhower Building, find the White House Medical Unit room, and stop the Hellfire Club before it's too late. Best case scenario, we get there first and we can destroy the vaccines and all in there, just get rid of everything. Worst case... it'll be a fight."

"I think we ditch the car nearby, and move in as a group. I'll keep us invisible. We find that room and get the job done." She then bit her lip slightly, looking outside the window of the car as Sapphire sped them closer and closer to their destination. It was an unnerving plan and they didn't even properly understand the stakes involved. "Sapphire, you're our medical expert - any idea on what exactly the Hellfire Club might be doing? I'm thinking poisoning but... That seems too simple. Why use a vaccine for that? Why not tamper with the food?"


Location: Ronald Regan Airport
Skills: N/A
Sunshine felt incredibly motion sick as her feet landed in the airport. Her head was swimming and she closed her eyes, just trying to focus on her breathing. She had spent too much time on the streets to turn her nose up at food, even if she felt a little bit like upchucking. She opened her eyes again once she felt just a touch better, looking around at their surroundings more properly. She'd never been in a place like this before. It looked like a bus terminal, just indoors and shiny and clean. Sunshine squinted, struggling to read the time displayed on one of the boards - it was 12:40 PM. They'd been gone longer than she had thought. Had they lost time?

Her stomach grumbled again, thinking about food. She could see a few little stands - Dunkin Donuts stood out to her. But then, right next to it, she saw the golden arches - McDonalds. "Chicken nuggets, fries, and a vanilla shake," Sunshine requested. The doughnuts had reminded her of Jack and she didn't really want to think about him right now, as she was coming to grips with the fact that he had indeed kidnapped her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground - Dining Room
Skills: Perception, Radio Wave Manipulation

"Uh..." Waverley mumbled, clearly a bit taken aback by the young girl's hostility at her attempted verbal welcome package. Her smile wavered for only a second, before it widened. "Believe me, I'm worried about myself too. If there's anything I have in excess, it's worry," she commented, before her eyes turned over to the eyeball. Now that it had a name, she seemed to be looking at it with the gaze one might cast at a puppy rather than a piece of machinery. Such is the power of names, though the adorable beeping didn't hurt either. "And I'm sorry to you, Mr. Eyeball...y'know, he's kinda cute. Is it okay if I pet him? I know the rule with service animals is not to disturb them while they're working, but I'm not really sure the etiquette for service robots..."

"Oh, you really don't have to do that. Birthdays are not a priority right now. Honestly, as long as we get Sunshine back before I have to spend a night alone in that creepy-as-shit room of ours, I'll consider my birthday wish granted," she commented, looking back down at her phone as she took in the new info on the Glitter Factory she found. As she poked around the internet to see what she could find, she responded to Casper, sounding a little distracted as she did her research. "Uh...no, I never got one. Did I skip an orientation or something? Is there a Mutant Underground goodie bag I missed out on?" As she asked the question, she made a mental bullet point list of what she found out about the club. It was a pretty lax place, run by an rich man with seemingly too much time on his hands. There were two particular pieces of information she found potentially useful, two faces to be exact. After a short mental search, Waves managed to find Jack's phone number, which she quickly added to her contact and used to send him two pictures, each depicting a man.

"Just texted you a shapeshifting cheat sheet for the club. The first guy is Christian Frost, the owner. If he's not there, you might be able to change into him and use his influence to our advantage. And the second picture is, well...Chris Evans, obviously. Frost has a thing for him, so if he is there, you can turn into him and do some schmoozing. Just in case we need to get out of trouble or anything. Now onto the cam-" she was cut off midspeech by Zari piping up, saying she'd already hacked into the security system. She was surprised, but also a little disappointed. She'd always been the one for most of their tech-related stuff. She didn't want to be rendered obsolete now that there was a girl there with a more diverse and useful version of her own power. She didn't want to just be Sound Girl, that hardly seemed useful in anything other than a fight. Still, she did her best not to let her disappointment show, not wanting to make the kid feel bad because of her own insecurities.

"Uh, wow...good job. You should meet my sister, she's a hacker too. You two might make a good duo, if you could get passed her superiority complex...or maybe you'd just dox each other into oblivion, who knows," Waverley said, leaning over to look at the phone the girl held. She lightly pulled the phone out of her hands, taking a closer look at it as she flipped through the cameras, searching for the familiar blonde mop of hair she was used to waking up to. But after a thorough search, she came up with nothing, and returned the phone to Zarina. "Searched the place, couldn't find them. Hey Zari, do you think you can set the cameras on a loop? I'd do it, but seeing as you're already in, it might be easier for you to."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 17 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - The Car
Skills: N/A

Callie looked over at Jack for a moment and held up her hands slightly. "I wont do any drinking, scouts honor or however it goes." Callie said jokingly, she never did any kind of drinking while she was out on a mission. She only drank when she was away from the underground during her free time whenever they did have that. Or if they did have something in the underground whenever they did get some kind of shopping done she'd usually get a pack of beer. She listened to Zarina and surprised that she was actually able to get into the club's cameras without any issue. "That was really quick." Callie said sounding pretty surprised as well to, eventually she saw that the club and parked the car before getting out.

[color=87d0f2]"I have my ID, always have a fake or forged form of state ID."[/color[ Callie said, it was more or less standard practice for any mutant underground cell so that way it would be harder for the police to ID a member. Callie saw the rather large line of people trying to get into the club. She didnt like the idea really as she looked towards Jack for a moment, Callie hoped that there was a backdoor or something as well to. "So should we go and wait in line?" Callie asked him.

Kristina Smith

Location: The Car
Skills: N/A

"I could fly up and scout ahead if you guys need me to or keep an eye out on a rooftop or something as well to." Kristina offered, flying did come in use and she figured that if someone did come up she could give the others a heads up, she looked at Havok for a moment. She shook her head slightly, it wasnt really helpful at all really. Kristina thought for a moment she wasnt sure why the Hellfire Club even wanted to mess with the vaccines either.

"It could make it look like it was a side effect or reaction of the vaccine itself or something that could maybe kill them or something?" Kristina said giving a slight shrug, that was the only explanation that she could think of at the moment. She was a bit nervous on going with this mission, but she believed that they would do something good out of it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Garage ---> Van, Veil’s Group -- Washington D.C.

If Veil could keep them invisible, they should easily get into the building. Luna could check the minds of guards as they passed to see when the shipment was coming in or if it was already on sight when they got there. If they were caught destroying the vaccines, that could go against the mutants as well. Not that it would matter much, the vaccines would do nothing on humans.
Luna fell silent in the back seat, listening to the others and the plan that was being formed. She needed to get herself ready as much as she could with limited sleep and having just recovered from M-Pox. Other than Kristina, Luna had worked with the others and even if they didn’t all get along all the time, she trusted them to work as a team. When Kristina mentioned she could fly, Luna looked back at her. ”What else can you do. I’m Luna by the way, or Glimpse,” she said introducing herself.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Van, Veil’s Group -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

Andy felt her face flush. There wasn't any way that Veil could have known she had thought that what they were dealing with was the cure for M-pox, but with Veil clarifying what was going on it made more sense. The White House wouldn't have any reason to have the M-pox cure sent to them if there weren't any mutants on staff. She hid her embarrassment by looking out the window.

"Just tell me who to punch." She offered. Andy wasn't going to be great at anything except punching stuff. Be those people or things, though she was better at punching people. This was her first 'mission' actually. Everything in her life before that was just surviving and getting by. She had never been proactively involved in a situation, especially anything like what she had so far experienced with the Mutant Underground.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Car
Skills: Medical Knowledge

She just drove along as everyone started talking now about what it was that the group could have been after or why the Hellfire Club was after those vaccines or whatever it was that was being shipped to the president. Her mind was racing as she tried to think of a potential reason, something that she was working on when Veil asked her what possibly they could be trying to do. There wasn't much that she could think of, except... There was the one thing that happened a while ago that she hadn't thought about, and now she was thinking it wasn't a good thing at all. "Hansen..." Was the only thing she could say as her mind tried wrapping around the idea.

"Hansen and Watts both had tech that could potentially alter someone's DNA. Actually the Brotherhood tried to steal something from Serval Industries a few years back... Actually it was specifically a genetic splicer that in theory could have been used to turn someone into a mutant if used correctly. The device exploded but last I checked Watts still was tinkering with that sort of thing. However when the Hellfire Club attacked the university, we managed to get Watts out of that sticky situation, but damn it we didn't keep an eye on Hansen. With Sinister's DNA experiments if I had to guess they are going to try and turn the president into a mutant."

Location: Car
Skills: Technopathy, Hacking, Computer Systems, Computer Programming, Mixed Trivia Knowledge

"You'd have to ask him, Mr. Eyeball has a pretty intricate personality... My mom helped me build him, she's the one who got me interested in robotics," she said to Waverly with a bit of a shrug. "Mr. Jaws is still a work in progress... Still building the head, and my first real project entirely on my own... He doesn't have an AI system set up yet, so all he's useful for is to act as something I can throw at people and have him chomp down on people... Hence his name. I also have Glowstick," she added, holding up her flashlight, Waverly would be able to see the runes that seemed to cover the flashlight.

"01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100111 00100001 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110010 01110010 01101001 01100010 01101100 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100111 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100001 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100101 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100001 00100000 01011010 01100001 01110010 01101001 00100000 01101101 01100001 01111001 01100010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01110000 01110101 01101110 01100011 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110010 01101100 00101100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011 01110011 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01110101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110000 01110101 01101110 01100011 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100110 01100001 01100011 01100101 00100001"

"He just said that you can't pet him since he's not a dog. And he's not a service robot, he's my friend."

"Actually that's a good question, and if I'm being honest not sure if everyone in this car would even be able to pass off as being older then they actually are," Jack said, glancing towards the backseat. His main thought regarding those words were Zari and Waverly. Zari clearly was fairly young, while Waverly in all honesty didn't seem to look all that much older then her, which meant that the two of them would likely get carded within two seconds if they actually were asking for IDs. Yeah this whole situation was not going to be that great of a walk in the park.

"An ID?" she couldn't help but ask a little more then a bit confused with regards to that. Zari had no need for whatever the hell that was, no one really got carded or whatever that was even where she was from. Yeah this was definitely a strange thing to her. However she did start messing with her phone, and within moments she easily had the cameras set to a loop to the point where they didn't even really appear like they were. "There, cameras are looped, don't have to worry about them anytime soon."

"That definitely was quick," Jack responded before glancing at the line that was out front of the club. "That line is incredibly long, it could take forever for us to actually get through. Keep an eye out for another way in, see if we can sneak in that way, since then we might not have to worry about people potentially getting carded. Casper, since you apparently know this place know of any other ways into the club?" A part of his brain was thinking that he was insane for even asking him, namely since he wasn't even sure if he wanted to know the answer to that question.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Island M the Bermuda triangle.
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max gave Sunshine a warm smile. It was weird, and chances were if he spoke hed make it weird. Just giving her a thumbs up as he made his way over to the counter. He waited in line patiently until it was his turn, resting his forearms on the counter and feeling the cool metal bite through the jacket and onto his skin. Normally he'd complain about the cold, but feeling it made all this much more real. They managed to escape an odd island and what's more were able to rid him of M-Pox. He wished he could tell the Underground about it all but it was up to Sunshine to reveal this new strand of her powers. "10 piece nugget with every sauce packet and two sweet and sour, 2 Large Fries, Large Sweet Tea light ice, and a Medium Vanilla Shake please." Max handed the...boy? girl? Person, the twenty and waited patiently for their food.

Once it was all finished and came out, he headed back towards Sunshine, snagging up a free table nearby for them to eat at. "Here you go, just what you ordered. Though I wasn't sure what sauce you wanted so I just asked for all of them." Max handed her the bag of sauces, having taken the extra Sweet and Sour for his fries. It felt...odd, being here with her, having a casual lunch at a fast-food joint. Not because it was her, although that added its own weight to it, but because it had been so long it felt like since he felt...normal. Just two teens sitting out as if at a malls food court enjoying a bite to eat. "So whats our next plan?"


[center]Location: Mutant Underground > On the Road (Jacks group)
Skills: /center]

Harry began to look out the window once more. Mostly in part to avoid others being able to see his eyes roll into the back of his skull. He was already on edge with Jack being there after this mornings events, and now he was proving to be insufferable as well. It was a wonder his sisters hair hadnt gone grey with the amount of narrow-minded thoughts that a lot of these people shared. It was as if once they thought of one thing it had to be the only way. Yes this may have been a trap but they needed to prepare for the possibility that it wasn't. Or at the very least have the mind to think of more than a singular scenario. He watched the flickers of green as they drove by, helping to drown out the sound of two children bickering like siblings. It almost appeared to be a race to see who could get the most information before the other, having Zari hacke the feeds from this distance and then Waves piggybacking off the feeds to give out her own intel from her powers.

It was remarkable really, if not for the fact that this expediency seemed like a children's case of anything you can do i can do better. Harry finally pulled his attention away from the window and back towards the group. He eyed the line and those within the car and gave a defeated sigh. Harry slowly began to unbutton his shirt, allowing his bare chest to be revealed midway down just below his pecks. He double checked his hair in the mirror of the car and made sure his eyebrows were on point. "If we need a way in i can try and pass as new talent. Ask the bouncer where my entrance is and we can attempt to sneak in there. Casper you've been here before, would I pass for an employee? Or do you have any glitter i can add to make this all a bit more believable?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

February 17th, 2021 - 12:50 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Outside the Glitter Factory
Skills: Mediumship
"What time is it?" Ben asked suddenly.

"Why the hell would I know? Do I look like my mutant power is turning into a watch?" Casper asked his companion, raising an eyebrow. The line to get in was really long and with the lack of fakes among his friends, their odds of getting past the bouncers wasn't really that great. Casper was swaying back and forth on his feet as he tried to think of a way to get on inside.

Ben, ever the astute person, noticed that most people in line were holding something - presents. "Casper, look!" Ben urged, waving a hand in front of Casper's face and pointing at the line. "See what they're all holding? And what time it is?"

"Not now, Ben, Jack is counting on me!" Casper snapped. He walked through Ben, Ben briefly flickering out of existence before coming back into focus, just behind Casper this time. "I'm pretty sure that there's a door around the back that if we do a secret knock on, we can get in! Now.... Does anyone here know the secret knock?" he asked.

"Casper, it's the middle of the fucking day! It's the afternoon! They're holding presents! The club is hosting a Secret Santa or a birthday party or something! They'll probably just let you in if you say you're friends of the host!"

Casper did a double take, looking at the line again. It was a line of good looking twinks for the most part. They were carrying presents with outrageously tasteful wrapping paper. "...Shit. Ben, stop distracting me, okay? You made me almost miss this. Huddle up fam, no strip club is this full at lunch time. And see the gayly wrapped presents? It's a birthday party in there. All we have to do is find out the name of the birthday boy and say we're friends. The kiddos can just claim to be their cousins or sisters or something, they'll just put an X on your hand and let you in even without a fake," Casper proudly announced. The line was moving pretty quickly too - Ben had been right (and Casper). The bouncers were really just letting anyone in.

"You're fucking unbelievable..." Ben groaned.

"Come on, the birthday boy is waiting for us!" Casper shouted, before running down the block and getting into the line. A few of the people at the end of the line looked at him, checking him out for a brief moment, before they got distracted by their phones or something.


Location: A Block from the Eisenhower Building - Parking Garage
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
"I can't keep you invisible if you scout ahead," Veil explained to Kristina. "With how close we are to the White House, as much as I'd love to have you scout... I think it'd be dangerous. If anyone sees you, they'll assume you're a terrorist and they won't hesitate to kill you." She didn't need Kristina's death on her conscience. She already had Moonwalker's and Magik's to feel guilty over. "Also, we need to all use our mutant names. If our real names are picked up, they'll hunt us down like dogs after this and we'll be killed - or worse, thrown in a mutant super max."

Despite all of the tension and worry, Veil couldn't help but snort as Sapphire explained what the Hellfire Club was likely trying to do. She was also slightly tempted to just let them do it, to tell Sapphire to take them all to that club to help Jack find Max and Sunshine. "President Jakobsen hates mutants - he only stopped when the polls told him he'd gone too far," Veil said. She knew that he had been the former leader of OMEN, an organization that had captured and tortured Sapphire along with countless other mutants. Veil hadn't voted for him. She had wanted Sanders in office.

"Maybe we should let them do it," Havok suggested, speaking what Veil hadn't been willing to say.

"... No. We can't do that. For one, X gave us these cures in exchange for this service. For two, it isn't right. You can't forcibly experiment on people, no matter who they are or what they did," Veil decided. She peered out at the road and spotted a parking garage. "Saph, let's pull in there. We'll then walk the rest of the way. I'll keep us cloaked. If things go wrong, I want Glimpse and - new girl, what's your mutant name? - to get as many people as they can out, starting with the kids."


Location: Ronald Regan Airport
Skills: N/A
Sunshine never had gotten a chance to be picky about what food she ate really. She didn't even really know what her favorite sauce packet was. Whenever she went to a place that let them just take the packets, she would stuff her pockets full with them - it was better to eat ketchup than go hungry some nights. She grabbed her stuff from the tray Max had brought over, hesitating as she peered at the sauce packets, before she decided just to go with the ketchup for now. She folded down the bit at the top of the fry box and squirted the ketchup all over it. "...So Jack really did kidnap me then," she mumbled.

She didn't know what the next move was going to be. She'd never really been kidnapped before. She had been abandoned and locked up. She had always just... run away. Moved forward. Found the next thing. This was the first time that something like this had happened. Did she go back to the Mutant Underground? Was that what she was supposed to do? Jack was... her biological father. And he had kidnapped her. And she didn't know why. "... I don't know what to do next," she admitted to Max, before slurping up her milkshake.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 17 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Outside the Glitter Factory
Skills: N/A

Callie watched Zari doing her thing as she spoke and saying that the cameras were now on a loop was pretty surprising to as she got out of the car and stretched slightly. She turned to stare at Harry for a moment as he unbuttoned some of his shirt, which made her cringe ever so slightly. "You do know we have some youngins here with us right?" Callie said jokingly towards Harry and gestured towards both Zarina and Waverly who were the youngest in their little group. Callie turned her attention towards the large line seeing that it was moving fairly quickly despite the amount of people outside.

There was certainly some kind of party going on as she looked at the others as Casper explained, everything felt a little bit to easy but Callie didnt really mention it. "Just stay close, i'll find out who the party is for." Callie said as she started to make her way over towards the back of the line and then leaned in towards one of the party goers in line. "So, whos birthday is it?" Callie whispered hopefully they would be able to answer her.

Kristina Smith

Location: A Block from the Eisenhower Building - Parking Garage
Skills: N/A

Kristina turned her attention towards Glimpse introducing herself, and extended her hand over towards her to shake it. "I'm Kristina, or Kris if you'd prefer." She said as she thought for a moment she would have liked to show off her other power, but that wouldnt really have been a smart move. "I sort of have laser beams kind of like Cyclops on the X-Men team." Kris answered as she looked at Veil and nodded towards her, she didnt really like the idea of being in prison or being shot at and killed.

Kristina thought for a moment she didnt really think of a mutant name for herself actually it never really came to mind in all honesty, though one thing she always did want to do was act and become an actress of some kind. "I guess Stareyes or something like that." Kristina said giving a slight shrug as Sapphire gave a theory which made since then they wanted the president to become a mutant by the looks of it and anyone who took the vaccine.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Outside the Glitter Factory
Skills: Internet Skills, Pop Culture Knowledge

"Your mom made that with you? That's so cool...I think my sister would be jealous. Our mom did not get all the techy stuff she obsessed over," she commented, wanting the aloof, socially inept girl to feel more at home with their little troupe. She then turned her gaze over to Mr. Eyeball, raising her eyebrows as the thing beeped away at her, staying silent until Zari chirped up with a basic translation. "Ah, well I'm sorry if I came across as rude, Mr. Eyeball. I look forward to working with you." She then turned towards the front and lifted her chin a bit when Jack glanced back to her and Zari, commenting on their youth.

"I think I can pass as at least a year or two older, especially if my ink is on display," she commented, pulling the zipper of her hoodie down and shrugging it off. She had to adjust the collar of her shirt a bit to make sure that the roses that decorated her chest were partially visible, slipping out of the car, leaving her jacket on her seat. She followed along with the group, her eyes snapping to the gifts Casper mentioned as she gave a quick nod. "On it," she asserted, letting the others lead her along as she typed away at her phone, searching for the birthday boy. But as far as a name went, she only got one answer.

"It looks like it's for some rich college kid who everyone just calls...Hot Daga? Hey Cas, do you know a Hot Daga?" she asked, looking up, hoping that Casper's past experiences might've gotten him close to the birthday boy. She saw Callie step away from the group to ask a partygoer who the party was for, so perhaps she'd come back with something a little more useful than 'Big Daga'.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Outside the Glitter
Skills: N/A

For most of the ride, James napped. Casper had propeed his head on his shoulder and James followed suit, holding his hand and laying his cheek on Casper’s head. The warmth of his boyfriend and the vibrations in the car made everything feel so peaceful, the euphoria from before fading in the face of the fatigue still lingering after their confrontation with Magneto and company. The subsequent conversations slipped past him as he dozed, dreams of happier times covering the worry and the mess. Everyone featured in his dream; Casper, Jack, Vei, Lunal… even Sapphire and she was happy. It was so surprising that James jolted from his sleep, though that may have been the car stopping.

He stretched as they clambered out and nodded along with Casper’s explanation. He trusted his boyfriend’s judgement on this. This was Casper’s specialty after all. James followed and got in line, looking at the presents. “Going in the front door? That’s a first for us.” James chuckled, thinking about all the other disasters the Underground had gotten into over the months he’d been with them. “So what’s our plan once we’re inside? Put anything together on the ride here?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: A Block from the Eisenhower Building - Parking Garage -- Washington D.C.

Luna glanced at Havok when Kristina mentioned her power but she didn’t say anything and nodded. ”Brilliant,” she nodded and glanced at the other new girl Luna didn’t know. She heard Sapphire speak up on a potential theory though and fell silent to listen. That option was a very real possibility and could be a reason for them having attacked the school as well. Luna shook her head as they came into the parking lot.
She didn’t think making the president a mutant would be of any great advantage. The government would just find some way to kick him off the chair and it would probably end bloody. What would they gain by turning the president into a mutant other than fear.
Luna shifted, getting ready to exit the vehicle as they moved to park. Veil gave her the order to protect the people and Luna nodded. She had speed on her side and the new girl must have had speed or something as well.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Van, Veil’s Group -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes

Veil asked what their mutant names were. She had never given it thought. Besides her name was already fake. She didn't know her real name.

A memory of her adoptive father, Jamie, telling her after a fight she won, that she was his champion. A smile tickled the edges of her lips. And she tried to think of a good word to pair with it. Andy looked at her hands, small sparks flickering between her fingers.

"Call me Thundering Champion." It wasn't the best name, but she liked it well enough still. It had a piece of Jamie in it. Every time she heard it she would also hear the pride in his voice. She hadn't been given a task, 'new girl' hadn't been plural. Did that mean that Veil had another plan for her, or was putting her with Glimpse and Stareyes? She twiddled her thumbs sitting in the back seat. Should she just ask. "Uh, Veil. Where do you want me?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Car
Skills: Thermokinesis

Sapphire had expected the comments that had popped up with regards to what it was that the Hellfire Club might be planning with the vaccines or whatever it was that they were doing. They weren't all that surprising, Jakobsen and the organization that he had worked for were sort of infamous with regards to how they had acted and treated anyone who technically couldn't be considered purely human. It had been wrong and she knew exactly how things had gone. They had rounded up any odd person with abilities that they could find and ran test and experimented on them. Her mind stopped paying attention to the conversation as it jolted back to a few memories of what had happened to her when she had unfortunately been caught by the organization. That still haunted her, and was something she was stuck with for the rest of her life.

"It's wrong and you know it Havok," Sapphire unexpectedly snapped. The most she had said during the entire car ride had been her theory on what was probably going on. The temperature in the car started to drop and her mind was racing a bit trying to calm down, but at the moment it was really hard. The topic of conversation had hit a major sore spot for her at this point, and she her hands seemed to tighten their grip on the steering wheel of the car as she pulled into the garage and brought the car to a bit of an abrupt stop. At the moment, she wasn't able to really focus on what was being said anymore, as her mind had zoned in on the few things that she had caught, namely about Jakobsen hating mutants and him deserving it which unfortunately brought up bad memories for her.

It was like she had completely froze up, and her powers seemed to be working again, unlike what happened earlier. Her hair and skin color were still completely normal, but her grip on the wheel at this point was so tight it was turning her knuckles white. Trapped inside her own mind, she was just flashing through what had happened to her at the OMEN facility, and most of it were things she hadn't exactly told anyone about, not even Veil.

Location: Outside the Glitter Factory
Skills: Technopathy

"Yeah she did... My mom is an electrical engineer, so robotics are kind of her thing," she commented in response to what Waverly said regarding Mr. Eyeball and her mom having helped her build him, but that was all she said with regards to it. It was the truth, but she wasn't saying anything else with regards to it. She just slightly hoped that Waverly, or anyone for that matter, didn't ask about her father, since that would be a little bit tougher to explain. Well, if it came to it she could just say that he was a pilot, since technically he was a pilot, so that wouldn't technically be a lie, it just wouldn't be the full truth.

"From the sounds of it Echo that probably won't be necessary. Going through the front door and blending into the crowd sounds good enough to me," Jack said to the group as people figured out what the best course of action actually was going to be. Back door would be more sneaky, but if he had to guess based on what seemed to be going on at the club, they would probably be more likely to get caught that way. Besides, would it really be all that surprising for more then a few extra people to get into the club during the party? In all honesty probably not.

"I don't think I'd be able to pass for any age older, and not sure this is going to work for getting in..." Zari commented. Even for her age she tended to look young, and kind of small. However usually back home she played that to her advantage, since it meant no one expected her to be as swift or as skilled of a fighter with her sword that she was. It usually was fun to see the surprised expressions on people's faces when they realized that she wasn't a pushover. Though where she was from usually she fought with people who were stronger then her, so any advantage she could get was appreciated in a fight.

Jack glanced at James when he asked what exactly the plan was and he figured he might as well be honest about it, "The only plan we really have at the moment is to be quick about everything and look for the two of them swiftly. We go in, look around, and get back out again before someone potentially figures we don't belong there or someone starts a fight or something like that," he admitted to James, since at the moment that was about all they had as he got out of the car and headed for the line after Callie and Casper, figuring that was probably the best course of action, going right on in the front door.

Zari looked at Mr. Jaws and Mr. Eyeball, "Mr. Eyeball, you need to stay here okay?"

"01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01111001 00111111" the eye beeped.

"Because you stand out too much... First sign of trouble though you can come flying in if you want to okay? And I need you to keep an eye on Mr. Jaws..." Zari said as she got out of the car, leaving the eyeball and head behind, but keeping her flashlight with her. There was no way in hell she'd go in there without Glowstick sticking by her, that likely was going to end horribly for her. Besides, not like she could actually lose the sword, that was the nice thing about having an enchanted weapon.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Island M the Bermuda triangle.
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

The fry was mid air, about to enter Max's mouth as Sunshine brought up the subject of Jack. His face soften, and expression dropped as he slowly brought his hand back down and rested the fry onto the sauce packet. He wasn't exactly sure what to say in these types of situations, nor had he seen her so vulnerable before, or at least he'd never cared to notice. "If I was a magic eight ball I'd say...all signs point to yes." He let that hang in the air for a moment, swirling his French fry into the sauce before taking a bite and thinking. "We don't know why he did what it is that he did, all I was told was what Waverly was saying before we ran out to get you. From the sounds of it...he drugged her, took you, and as soon as she woke up she let us know..." Max thought back to the Cherry bar, how Jack was speaking to his father but didn't seem to tell anyone about the man.

He shoveled in a few more fries, wondering if that had anything to do with it. Their conversation was...weird and off putting from the bits he recalled, and his father gave him the creeps. "I'm sure there's something to it, perhaps he wasn't all there or something I don't know but...luckily he didn't seem to hurt you." That was stupid, ofcourse he hurt her, just look at the emotional state she was in. Max took a long sip out of his drink, thinking on the best course of action. "We can probably take a bus out of here, try and get as close to the MU as possible before we need to hike it on foot."


[center]Location: Mutant Underground > On the Road (Jacks group)
Skills: /center]

Embarrassment flooded Harry as he sat there exposed when a much more flattering solution was at hand. He held his shirt closed with one hand as he looked towards Casper with a smile that could cut through steel. How had he not noticed the gifts before? No one else here was privy to the going on of these establishments and here he was the resident expert missing vital clues. His curt smile continued over to Cass as she piped up and his cheeks went red. Quickly buttoning up and becoming decent again. "Yes well that will do just fine then thank you. Would definitely be much easier to go through the front door than to speak about anyways."

Harry listened to what information Waverly was able to gather, rolling his eyes at the name Hot Daga. It was moronic but then again he was having a party at a strip club so there wasn't much of an expectation there. Harry nodded and got in line, waiting to make his way up to the Bouncers and see if they simply allowed him in, if notnhe would state he was here for Hot Daga's party and hopefully that would allow them passage. If Casper was right the kids could pass as cousins or extended family of the party goer and be allowed in.
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