Time: Evening
Location: Boardwalk
Interaction with: Shay @Potter
Noah left the shop with the dead witch and annoyed cat behind, wearing a satisfied grin as he walked. His freshly stolen coat felt right, the eye patch was a fun addition as well for as long as it took for the eye to regrow. He still had the taste of fresh blood in his mouth and the slightest bit of warmth that a vampire only ever felt after feeding left him more at ease. Noah was thriving on his own, he felt he had achieved the right look, like a badass vampire from a movie. He had a plan, he knew it would work eventually. The killings, the posters, his hunting; eventually it would all come to fruition. He needed the success, he had to prove himself to Drake, show his worth as a vampire. He had decided that is what would fix him, it would fill the void inside that he felt ever since his sire abandoned him. Success, approval, becoming a perfect predator; that was what he needed to feel whole again. Once he got there maybe his sire would return, or maybe he wouldn’t even need her anymore.
Noah was more than ready to leave the boardwalk, it was an unpleasant place. Too full of people, of smells that became too muddled to distinguish, and too loud. He would’ve left, but then he spotted perfect prey, one that strayed from the herd. Vampires were perfectly designed predators, they had sense for spotting exploitable weaknesses. Loners, those who stayed away from groups of people, those with that aura of sadness and pain surrounding them. That was the prey that could be easily taken, ones few would miss, and ones that could be manipulated into walking into New Paeonia. He didn’t have a plan, just the confidence of a vampire looking to toy with what he thought of as easy prey. He approached the hooded woman who looked out at the ocean, his footsteps drowned out by the noise of the boardwalk.
As he got closer he found his nose assaulted by the foul scents of things artificial. A criminal overuse of perfume, and an underlying smell of the harsh chemicals that humans used to dye their hair, combined with more things used to mask that smell like soaps and shampoos. It was all too much, the smells combined into an odor so harsh it burned through his nostrils and down his throat to the point where he could taste it. It was ruining the taste of his last kill, turning his stomach even. A guttural growl crawled out of his throat and the smell alone was almost enough that he was going to walk away. He wasn’t really hungry anyway, just looking to manipulate or kill to fend off boredom. Then he caught another scent, one buried under all that was artificial, one that was familiar. He grinned at the randomness of it all; so much work put into finding the witch only to stumble upon her by chance.
Noah knew he could not simply grab someone in a place so crowded, and the old one he’d met at the club had refused to teach him to compel others. He knew the best chance at a successful capture would be to watch from a distance, to call in more vampires, follow her to someplace more secluded before making any move. Noah knew this but that way was no fun, it lacked flair, and he would have to share the credit. He didn’t like that plan, he had done the work, he deserved the glory. He would not remain some insignificant lackey, he was better than that. Noah was in the mood to gamble, he wanted all the credit, he needed the satisfaction of having completed a mission all on his own. Noah cracked his neck, grinned with unabashed confidence, and strode forward towards Shay.
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” He whispered in a voice that was low and menacing. ”I’ve been looking for you. I even put up posters. Do you know how many of your kind I’ve tortured trying to find you? None of them even knew who you were. I think I know why, you’ve got no friends in this town. No one to hide you, and you can try to run but I think we both know who's faster. Just a sad little lost pet, all alone in the big bad world. Don’t you think it’s time you came home? I’m starting to get a real taste for witches, Shay, you don’t want me to develop a habit now do you?” He spoke, savoring every moment, enjoying the opportunity to taunt, threaten, and gloat.