Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

February 17th, 2021 - 1:50 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: the Car
Skills: Mediumship
"Oh, I'm greeeeat," Casper told Callie, snuggling happily up to James. "Bae's skin is like a balm for the soul," he said with a sigh. He breathed in James' scent. He could never quite describe it, but if they could use it for scented candles, the Mutant Underground would never have money problems again. It was somehow the smell version of calm - of pure bliss, a state of zen. He didn't mind that Callie seemed to be taking the long route home. It gave him more time to spend cuddling with his beau.

"Didn't Veil tell you all the X-Men were busy?" Ben pointed out. He was squeezed into the back of the van, with barely enough space for his ghostly form to be there. Of course, no one but Casper could hear him and Casper was ignoring him, just enjoying some domestic bliss before the next horrible thing happened. There was always something.

"Shouldn't we contact someone more qualified?" Casper asked, finally joining the relevant conversation - what they were going to do about the X-Cutioner and his threats. "Since let's face it, if my asshole dad is anything, it's a self serving coward. He'd let all the mutants in D.C. die before he gave himself up," Casper commented.

"Would anyone you called believe you?" Ben pointed out. "You're a drug addict, Casper. And everyone else here looks pretty shady to the government and other superhero teams. Someone has to save the mutants here."

"Then why don't you do it, Ben! God, I cannot take a shit without you critiquing the way I bent my knees!" Casper complained.

"Real mature. People's lives are on the line, Casper! Do you know how many mutants there are in D.C.? Do you even care about anyone but yourself?!"

"Shut up, bitch!" Casper shouted at Ben. Ben's ghostly blue form flickered into view for everyone else, as Ben slapped Casper across the face. Casper's spit went flying from a result of the blow, landing in Waverley's eye (gross).

They would then arrive at the Mutant Underground.


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
With Empath and Kid Omega down, Veil sized up the rest of their opponents. They had the woman with the tarot cards, who she had nicknamed Tarot in her mind, and then Domino left. Veil didn't really know what Domino's powers were and that made her nervous. She knew what Tarot's power was and that made her all the more nervous. She wished that she had gotten into tarot cards, so that way she could have an idea of what other monsters Tarot could call forth, but she had always found them silly. She didn't believe that they held any power.

The dragon roared and blasted them with a gigantic column of green fire, so hot that Sapphire's hair would begin to turn brown. Veil threw up the strongest force field she could manage, digging in her heels as she tried to remain firm, but her body was being slid back across the floor from the force she was holding off. "Veil, drop the shield so I can roast this lizard!" Havok shouted, charging up a blast of his own.

"Not... a... good... time!" Veil grunted. She was sweating profusely now, feeling the heat that her force field was holding back away from them. With all of the chaos, neither Havok or Veil noticed that Domino had vanished, leaving out the other exit of the room, ditching Tarot in the process. It was lucky that Domino did that. While Veil was straining against the dragon's fire, search lights shone down on them - the Tower had destroyed the ceiling, exposing them to the open air.

"WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! STAND DOWN OR WE WILL SHOOT!" a voice boomed. Up in the air above them were several quinjets with S.H.I.E.L.D. logos, all of their weapons trained on the mutants down below.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: Greek
Sunshine raised an eyebrow, a bit curious about this person Max had contacted. She didn't like thinking much about that other place. Her life had been much better there. She didn't understand why people had to go ahead and ruin everything, just because they couldn't handle happiness, but she kept her mouth shut about it. There was no use in lashing out and screaming about it - she had other things to scream about and blame people for. "Μιλάω ελληνικά, ηλίθιοι," Sunshine scoffed.

Of course, her reading skills were abysmal - in every language she spoke. She would need someone to help her sound out the letters in order to translate it for him, but she wasn't going to pass up on a chance to feel a little bit superior to Max. "What's the book on?" she then asked him. He seemed weird, but he was always like that. She didn't know what exactly he meant by getting help. His spell books seemed pretty useless so far anyways. Was he asking a friend for help getting better at his job? Or maybe for help at not being a traitor?

"... If you can sound out the words, I can translate. Or whatever," she then offered, not looking him in the eye.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: On the Road Again
Skills: N/A

"We are probably really screwed but that hasnt stopped us from coming out on top though." Callie said towards James as she continued to drive, ocasionally looking in all of the mirrors for any cars that were following them. As far as she could tell there werent any which was a good thing then. She listened to the others continue to talk as Callie focused on the driving before looking back at Echo for a moment and shook her head slightly. "Say you broke your phone and you had to use someone elses phone, how would they react? Personally I dont answer numbers that I dont recognize unless they left a voice message saying who they were." Callie pointed out.

She was glad that Casper was feeling better now at this point as Callie focused on the road a little bit more, as they got closer to the Underground. And just as she made it to the garage Callie started to park the car when Ben manifested and then proceeded to slap Casper across the face and winced slightly. "Looks like you pissed off Ben." Callie said as she climbed out of the car after she had took the key out turning the car off. Callie then started to make her way towards the foyer of the underground she wanted to make sure that Max and Sunshine were okay.

Kristina Smith

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: N/A

Kristina could feel the heat coming off of the dragon's fire breath as Veil threw up a shield to protect them all from it, she looked up at the dragon for a moment she listened to Havok as he spoke to Veil about dropping the shield so that they could attack. Kris wasnt sure if she was able to fire off an eye blast at the dragon or not while Veil was protecting the group. Kristina then saw some spotlights appearing down on them all and looked up seeing several Quinjets appearing through the opening where the tower had broken through.

Kris turned to look at Veil for a moment, her sister did work for SHIELD she wasnt sure if her sister would be able to get them all free or not if she was able to contact them. "Should we run?" Kris asked she was nervous about going to a mutant supermax she had heard that they were really bad or if they would end up being sent to the Raft either.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Car -> the Mutant Underground

Waverley gave a nod to James as he noncommittally filed away her advice for possible future use, not at all seeming disappointed or let down by his slight lack of enthusiasm. Her attention was taken off him, though, when Jack clarified to whom Echo had been referring to. She immediately and visibly perked up at the mention of her friend's safe return, her lips turning into a small smile even as the dire circumstances were discussed. This smile was only widened when Echo, an alumnus of the school she'd privately obsessed over since her tweenhood, called her a natural. It'd been a long time since she'd smiled for herself and herself alone, and yet, almost in spite of herself and the darkness that hung in the car with the arrival of this new threat, she beamed as she directed her eyes out the window.

"Well, you gotta do the best with what you got, right?" Waverley bashfully mumbled in response to the compliment, though the grin that stuck on her face the whole ride home did a fine job of showing just how much it had meant to her. Not even the apparition of Casper's constant cadaverous companion and subsequent speck of spit that landed in her eye was enough to shake it, instead simply causing her to burst out in a fit of barely stifled laughter and wipe her eye with her sleeve. "Gotta say, as far as first impressions go, that was pretty solid Ben. Nice to, uh, sorta finally meet you," she chirped, despite the spectral guest having vanished from sight. Almost as soon as the van stopped moving, Waverley unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out of the vehicle. She followed behind Callie, right up until two familiar blondes came into view, at which point she quickly dashed past her and towards them.

"Sunshine!" Waverley exclaimed, throwing her arms around the girl. She had to get onto her tiptoes to give the girl a proper bearhug, gripping onto her tightly, as if to keep her from being swept away again. Her protectiveness over the girl might've looked a little ridiculous, given how Sunshine loomed over her, but that wasn't going to stop Waverley from fretting over the girl's wellbeing like one would over a baby duck. "Are you okay? Did Max do anything to you? Where did her teleport you to?" Waverley's shot the questions out one after the other, not leaving room to answer until after she was done asking all of them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Car -> The Mutant Underground
Skills: N/A

“Yeah, I had been imagining it wasn’t much more different than hitting the gym but I’m trying to move away from that idea. That one requires people getting hurt and I’d rather not. And I’m starting to get a sense that this isn’t something you can just practice away.” James frowned, trying to consider how to phrase what he felt. He’d never really spoken about his healing ability to anyone other than asking if they need help and it was a strange concept to verbalize. “Do you know how after someone gets hurt, like really hurt, they sleep and doze off a lot? Their bodies need the rest to stitch all that back together but I let you skip that. The months of bed rest and exhaustion and fixing all collapse down to those few minutes and you’re back up and ready to roll but I do it in your place, you feel? So I don’t know how someone practices how to not need a nap after breaking something but if you’ve got something, I’m down to try dude.” Hopefully, that was enough to explain how it felt. It was a weird thing to imagine, closing someone’s wounds but taking their exhaustion, but it was about as close as he could get it. He’d certainly appreciate any help he could get with this.

James snuggled back reflexively when he felt Casper snuggle into him, placing a soft kiss on Casper. The shouting made him frown and he was about to say something when Ben flickered into view and slapped Casper clean across the face. James sat stunned for a moment―did Ben get angry enough to manifest or did Casper unconsciously conjurer Ben to slap him? That second one had some problematic implications but he really was out of his league when it came to Casper’s powers.―before he intervened. “Okay guys, calm down. Regardless of what we think here, Veil’ll make the right decision. I don’t know what the whole argument is but taking shots at each other, verbally or physically, is just going to make the situation worse.” James gently grabbed his boyfriend, urging him out of the car. “Why don’t we check on Sunshine and Max and then go cuddle in bed until Veil gets back because honestly, there’s a 50/50 chance that I might pass out on the stairs.” James suggested as he headed into the Underground.

He’d been putting off thinking about what could have happened to the two. He was certainly in no condition to do more than slap a bandaid on someone but the knot of worry he hadn’t been fully aware of loosened at the sight of the pair still conscious and standing on their own. “Oh thank fuck.” James sighed in relief as he also wrapped himself around Sunshine for a moment,catching Waverly in a group hug, before he did the same with Max. The little book he was carrying sent off some warning bells in his head but he waved them off. They were fine and back and James just wasn’t going to think about what weird magic stuff he may have brought back. He stepped back from them, knowing how Sunshine got when she felt surrounded and cornered,and gave them space to tell their tale.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Veil’s Group: Eisenhower Building
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

The fire wasn't the type that pulled fear deep from inside Andy. It was green, but it was still like a blast furnace. Veil protected them with her shield. Andy stood up from the section of the wall that she had hit. Taking slow breaths to make sure she hadn't broken a rib or something. Everything hurt, but not in a broken bone sort of way. She looked for the girl with the Tarot deck again and was considering her next move. There was no way she'd get up to the dragon and punch it, which left her with just the people on the ground.

But whatever her next move was going to be didn't matter. S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived. Her heart started racing. Andy had gotten into plenty of scrapes and mild trouble. She had been in and out of foster homes and even a special school, but never in real trouble. Never in go to jail...or worse trouble. Well, there had been that one incident, but no one had blamed her for that except herself.

Would they send her into some other foster program? Or would it be worse? Would she go to jail? Mutant jail at that. She heard rumors. She knew about mutant supermax. Andy didn't want to go there. Her hands were shaking. She forced them into fists trying to keep the shaking down. And looked to Veil. Their next move was up to her. With the guns trained on them she didn't want to move to try to destroy the vaccines, she could only hope that the vaccines just wouldn't be trusted considering what happened in that room. If shooting started she planned to duck under one of the metal tables in the room. It was the best bet for getting to safety.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max's eyes lit up as Sunshine mumbled something under her breath. He didn't care if it was a swear, or curse, or even a rude remark. It was clearly Greek and somehow exactly what he needed. If the past few days had taught him anything, it was that they were stronger together than when they're apart. And perhaps with her help and drive, they could solve this issue with Magik. The corner of his lip twitched as it threatened to smile, memories flooding back to him of Leighton and how she made him feel. Sunshine was beginning to fill a similar roll, though in a much different way. When she asked what the book was on his fingers tensed, snapping out of his thoughts of Leighton and focusing on if he should tell her his plan. Colossus and Sunshine were the last people he wanted to inform of this because they had the most to lose. He still recalled the pain in Waverlys eyes as he offered to bring back her mother, and he decided he wouldn't want to give false hope to someone again.

Max decided to cling onto the end of her statement, ignoring what the book was about and moving on to the possibility of translation. "I could always attempt to sound it out, my accent may be a bit rough but if you can push past that then perhaps we can translate this book together." Hebwas about to explain the contents to her, given she'd learn them from reading, when suddenly Waverly came bursting in and ran up to give Sunshine a hug. She barraged her with questions as if he wasnt even there, speaking about him. James followed suit and it was clear that no one was excited to see him. No one cared if he was ok. Max gripped the book tightly in his hands and simply walked away from the scene. He walked back towards his room, closing the door behind himself as he lay face down onto a blood stained pillow and began to whisper into it. We'll talk later then, you were clearly missed. Enjoy and my doors always open to you."


Location: Car (Jacks group)
Skills: .

Harry wanted to jump in and yell at Casper. He wanted to tell him just how idiotic he sounded and how his personal bias was going to get thousands if not more killed. He wanted to believe that he just heard him wrong and that the blood that had trickled out had somehow clogged his ears and made him imagine what it was that Casper was saying. But before anything could come out, he began to have a back and forth with himself, well...Ben. he wasn’t sure what Ben was saying but he knew one thing, that clearly he was on a similar page to Harrys own mindset rather than Caspers. Harry was about to chime in to their marital spat in relation to how much he's critiqued when Ben suddenly apparated and slapped Casper across the face. Harry was in such shock that he'd hardly noticed the car stopped moving until everyone began to file out.

He just sat there for a moment, looking at where Ben had been, and wondering if both the brothers were losing control of their powers in some way. Harry tried to clear his mind of such ill thoughts and made his way out of the car, catching a glimpse of Max as he walked away from a group hug centered on Sunshine. His heart sank a little at how cold they could be but quickly made his way towards their shared room. Making his way past the trio he patted Sunshine on the head as he went past with a simple "You were sorrly missed, glad you're safe now." as he continued towards his door and walked in. Max was face down on his bed, most likely hiding tears or frustration, as Harry say across from him on his own bed. The mattress sank and gave off a ghostly sigh and Harry looked towards Max. "Im fine." He protested as if speaking to some worry sick parent. Harry's eyebrow arched before he cooly said "I'm sure you are. I simply wanted to give you this, it was dropped off by Pietro. Its a cure to M-Pox"

He placed the pill beside Max's head, watching as it rolled down the crease and gently landed against his cheek. Max sat up, grabbing the foreign drug and inspecting it. "Glad to hear that vintage speedsters still ok. I hope Wanda is too, they deserve to be happy. Life's been so unfair to them." There was a heavy pause, one Harry didn't dare break as he watched the gears turning in Maxs head. "Anyways thanks, I've been cured already but I think I'll hold onto this, incase we run into a mutant who needs it out on the field." or incase Magik needs it when she comes back he thought. Harry stood up and ruffled Maxs blonde hair in much the same way he did to Sunshine. "I wont lie to you, things have only gotten worse since you went away. But we're working on it and I hope we can resolve this new threat soon. Until then, enjoy some food you've been gone for a while. And rest, you'll need you're strength. We all will."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing - Room 97 -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy; Strategy

Luna rolled her eyes right back at Sapphire’s comment. The woman really needed to loosen up a bit. Everyone knew they were already royally fucked and having S.H.I.E.L.D. show up didn’t exactly make their situation better. The problems with being a renegade mutant squad meant that even the big guys weren’t going to help you. Everyone else they had been fighting seemed to be down except the dragon wielding witch. Domino mysteriously disappeared and so Luna focused her efforts on the dragon queen.
Luna attempted to enter Tarot’s mind and pushed her telepathy to try and put the girl to sleep. Hopefully, that would cause the dragon to disappear but Luna truly didn’t know. Maybe destroying the card would work as well. That would be option two unless someone beat Luna to it.
Luna’s attempt to enter Tarot’s mind failed but she still had the option to knock her out or destroy the card. Luna shifted her weight, ignoring the burning hot and freezing cold from dragon and Sapphire. As well as the spotlight from above and Luna attempted to speed ahead towards Tarot.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Cryokinesis, Ice Attacks

Crap, this situation just got a hell of a lot worse. Now they had to deal with SHIELD, that was just great. What the hell could they do now given their current problem, or really problems, as in plural. She was trying to think of what best to do, aside from potentially dealing with a dragon still. Her mind began to wander a bit, trying to think of what to do. Eventually, she settled on something that might work out in their favor. Since one thing was for certain, she did not want to end up in jail. She would rather deal with the damn dragon.

"Get ready to turn us invisible Veil, and then we've got to run," she said rather calmly, frost emanating from her hands. Lifting her hands into the air, she went to work creating a barrier of ice between them and the SHIELD agents. At first the barrier was completely transparent, but after a few more attempts, she managed to make it completely solid. "We need to go, now." Sapphire wasn't sure how much longer the barrier would hold, plus the dragon was still a problem that needed to be dealt with, but that they might be able to just avoid.

Location: the Mutant Underground
Skills: Technopathy

Jack was getting a major headache from the chaos that seemed to have erupted in the car. Namely the chaos that was surrounding his brother which then resulted in Ben popping up and hitting him. If he had to guess, he was pretty sure that Ben was probably in the right with their current arguments. But that was just purely based on past arguments that he knew of, even if he could only ever really hear one side of the argument. This was entertaining to say the least, but they really didn't have much time for this at the moment.

"Casper you really need to just stop alright, and Ben too... Can you two just not right now, even if I can only see and really talk to one of you," he said directly towards his brother, and glanced at the spot where Ben had materialized during the incident. When they got to the Underground, he wasn't too sure what to really think as he got out of the car and walked into the building. Might as well get this whole situation over with at the moment, and it was not something he was really looking forward to, since it meant having to deal with what exactly he had done. Entering the area, he saw Sunshine and Max there being crowded by a few people clearly. He stayed a little further back, but didn't exactly leave the room, and he looked at Sunshine, "Hey there Rookie, glad to see you're okay," he said to her with a slight wave, and at the moment he was totally expecting Sunshine to start yelling at him or something like that, since he sort of felt like he deserved it.

Zari meanwhile had been a bit bored on the car ride back to the Underground. She more or less had been rambling to Mr. Eyeball the entire car ride, and only half of her words would be understandable to everyone else, as she had taken to speaking in a different language. It made it easier to sort through her own thoughts with someone to talk to, even if that person wasn't an actual living person and was a robot. Most of the conversation was definitely something that needed to be addressed, and it centered partially around her potentially telling everyone here the full truth about her.

Of course, if they had been paying attention to what she had said about herself in the past, then it would have been obvious, but no one actually did so apparently she needed to spell things out. Zari decided on a whim to do just that, and when they got to the Underground, she decided to hell with it and she was going to just spell it out, at least after the whole reunion thing. After all, she didn't really know Max or Sunshine, so she wasn't too sure what to think about them being back or whatever, but she'd wait until that whole situation was dealt with, even if it was only partially dealt with and she went off to the side with her robots and sat down on the ground in the room.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

February 17th, 2021 - 1:50 PM


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Leadership
Seconds before Sapphire managed to construct her icy barricade, Glimpse rushed Tarot. Tarot's eyes widened in surprise as she moved her hands to shield her face, but she was too slow. Glimpse's punch at super-speed to the head was akin to shooting a gun at pointblank range, with deadly effectiveness. Tarot's head caved in underneath the force of Glimpse's fist and the mutant crumpled to the ground like a puppets whose strings had been cut, dead.

Sapphire's ice barricade went up seconds later, with Sapphire increasing its thickness until it was no longer see-through. Veil didn't need someone to explain to her what to do next, as she cloaked everyone in the group with invisibility. It would be easiest for her to maintain if everyone stuck close together - spread out too much and it would be harder for her to make them all disappear. "Stay close to me, we need to get to the van," Veil ordered. She didn't feel a need to impress upon them all what would happen if S.H.I.E.L.D. caught them, especially after Glimpse killed Tarot in plain view of the law enforcement agency. It was a mistake on the same level of what Max had done to the cops. Once they got out of here - if they got out of here - she'd have to lecture Glimpse about to use of force... and prepare Glimpse for a life on the run.

With Tarot gone, the tower and the dragon disappeared. The sudden absence of the tower only further damaged the structural integrity of the building. The entire place was shaking and could come down on them any minute. Sapphire's icy barricade was withstanding the shots by the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but it wouldn't hold up for long.

"You idiot!" Havok hissed at Glimpse, not sharing Veil's inclination to wait. "You just fucking killed someone in front of the super-cops! And it's not like you're a nobody, you're Captain Britain's kid, they'll have you ID'd so fast it'll make your head spin!"

"Not now, Havok - we need to work together to get out of here, or we're all going to be executed as terrorists," Veil reminded him. They didn't have the time to get Kid Omega and Empath out of there. They'd be lucky to escape themselves. Veil exited the room of the White House Medical Unit, grateful to see that the East Wing was deserted. Havok followed her, as they headed down the corridor and emerged back into the lobby they had come from.

Veil cursed under her breath as she looked outside. S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't just have eyes in the sky, they had boots on the ground. Each end of the road had a blockade made out of cars. They'd have to find a way to sneak on past the barricades to get to where they had stashed the car. "Stareyes... How many people can you carry at once?" Veil asked, getting a bit of an idea.

"There's no way we can just slip on past them, we have to fight," Havok argued.

"Fighting S.H.I.E.L.D.? If we do that, that's it for us - we'll be cut off from the rest of the Mutant Underground at best, and at worst, Xavier'll shut the entire thing down."

Casper Theriot

Location: the Mutant Underground - Garage -> Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
"Ha, ha, very funny!" Casper shouted at Spark Plug, rubbing his face. He was purposefully not looking at Ben, so that way he wouldn't need to see the righteous, smug smirk on Ben's face. However, his will power was pretty low and Casper looked at him, only to groan to see Ben looking so proud.

"Nice to meet you too, Waverley," Ben said, even though Casper wasn't actively channeling him. It had been weird enough that he had managed to slap Casper, which Ben figured was probably some small part of Casper actually being self-aware of how badly in need of a slap he had been. Ben rolled his eyes at James though - "He started it."

"I did not, Benjamin!" Casper whined. "You gotta believe me, bae, he was the one who started it. He's acting all high and mighty, telling me to go commit suicide for the greater good. But you know what? Our lives are in danger too. I don't want to see myself die - or more importantly, see you die, babe. Ghost sex isn't one of my kinks. In fact, it's my anti-kink, just ask Ben."

"...What? We have never slept together, damn it, Casper!"

Casper sort of shrugged at Ben, before allowing James to lead him out of the car and into the Underground proper. He felt a little bit jealous seeing James hug Sunshine, Waverley, and Max - but he didn't say anything about it. Despite popular belief, Casper did know that he was a bit of an attention hog, and that was his problem to deal with, not James'.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine flinched as Waverley ran up to her and wrapped her into a hug. She wasn't very big on physical affection - even emotional affection and closeness was asking a lot of her. She awkwardly patted Waverley on the back, her little way of returning the hug. "I'm fine, he tried to annoy me to death with how bad he is at magic, and he teleported me to some freaky haunted island," she answered Waverley. She left out the entire part about how she had healed Max and didn't totally hate him anymore.

She stiffened more as James came on up and added onto the hug. Veil's twin brother touched her head. Casper, the big goof, joined in on the group hug as well. "Next person who touches me loses an eye," she grumbled. She was being squished by so many people who cared about her or whatever, and her skin felt like it was on fire. She couldn't watch her back. She couldn't decide when to end the contact, since she was in the middle. Her breathing kicked up slightly, but she was too proud to hyperventilate, so she more or less tried to muscle her way through it. She tensed up, seeing that Jack was back, especially as he called her Rookie.

"So are you losing your mind or what?" she asked Jack, as Casper finally let go of her.

"Honestly, it's not that shocking if Jackie did go crazy. Davie and Val both already did, so the odds are against him. Guess it's from Maman's side of the family. Thank god I didn't get the crazy gene, right? I'm the sane one in the family."

"Shut up, Casper."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: On the Road Again
Skills: N/A

Callie watched as Waverly instantly went in to hug Sunshine, hearing her grumbling as she looked towards Waverly and Casper gently rested a hand on their shoulders. "Give her some space alright?" Callie said to Waverly and Casper, knowing that getting smothered by someone wasnt really a whole lot of fun. Seemed like Max had gone off to his room probably to rest and Echo having gone to join him, Callie took a few steps back looking at everyone in the room. The other team hadnt come back yet which she had a feeling would take a bit longer as she turned to see Zari and made her way over towards her.

"You did good out there. Is everything okay?" Callie asked looking at Zari for a moment and then her two weird little robot friends, which kind of gave her the creeps just a little bit but didnt say anything about them. "Need something to eat or drink?" She offered her, though knowing the Underground didnt have much in the way of food.

Kristina Smith

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing -> Outside
Skills: N/A

Kristina's eyes went wide as she watched Luna punching Tarot in the face at superspeed seeing the person crumbling to the ground in a heap. She knew that this was kind of part of the job when she did join up, but she still wasnt actually expecting it at all really, she felt the area getting cold as Sapphire made a wall of ice to protect them from the incoming fire. She stared at Havok as he went to bitch at Luna, which right now wasnt a really good time to do that. "We can bitch and argue when we get back." Kris said mostly towards Havok and nodded towards Veil and quickly followed her outside of the room and down the hallway.

Kristina watched as the SHIELD agents quickly started to block off the area, a part of her wondered if her sister was hearing any of this right now. As she looked around for a moment, when Veil addressed her turning to look at her and then the others for a moment she wasnt sure how much everyone weighed. "Two, maybe three max if Andy gets on my back but thats a very big if.." Kristina said, the last time she had lifted up someone Sapphire ended up dislocating her arm.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
Avatar of Framing A Moose

Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Mutant Underground

Waverley's tight embrace didn't seem to lessen even as her friend tensed up. The hug hadn't been for Sunshine's sake; it'd been for Waverley's sake. A little something to make sure the girl was really there, and to, for at least a few seconds, keep her from disappearing again. She didn't at all mind when James came up behind and joined in, followed by Casper. She didn't even mind when Max was pulled in, inches away from her in the semi-suffocating group hug. She was too invested in soaking in the love to leave room for any of her usual disdain to slip in, though it didn't hurt that he only stayed for a few seconds.

"Good thing I have one to spare," Waverley warmly chimed in response to Sunshine's threat, giving her one last squeeze before finally letting go and worming her way out of the hug. When Callie mentioned food, Waverley bounced excitedly on her heels, and a lightbulb went off in her head. "Oh, I bet you're starving! One sec, Echo made waffles this morning, I'll go grab some of the leftovers!" With that, Waverley sped off to the kitchen. It didn't take her long to find her plate of cold waffles and fruit, somewhat soggy from syrup. She grabbed a fork and quickly went back out, reconvening with the group and shoving the plate out towards Sunshine with almost violent jubilance. The hug had been for Waverley, but the food? That was purely for Sunshine's enjoyment. It was clear that Waverley had gone into full caretaker mode, a setting that could be found in all older siblings. "A haunted island? What kinda Scooby Doo shit happened there?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Eisenhower Building -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Enhanced Speed

As soon as Luna saw Tarot’s face cave in, she knew she had screwed up. She looked up into the spotlight of S.H.I.E.L.D and sighed. It wasn’t the first person Luna had killed but it was the first public kill. Of course they would turn this and it wouldn’t end in her favour. Nothing ever did for the mutants but as everyone so loved to point out, she was Captain Britain's daughter and even if dear ol’ dad couldn’t bail her out, she had her own contacts.
Turning around, she moved back with the group, watching as they all turned invisible. She heard Havok snap at her and she narrowed her eyes.
”Thank you for pointing out the obvious. I wouldn’t have figured that one out when I caved the kids face in,” she snapped back. There were several options running through Luna’s head as they made it away from the room of tampered vaccines. She was going to have to do major damage control. One option would be to turn herself in now, run from the Underground and take the heat of the whole thing, she had options for that, including paying people off. Another would be to stay and fight before having to hear the backlash from everyone in the Underground because of course none of them were fond of people who made mistakes.
”I could probably run with one of you,” Luna offered when she heard Veil ask how many people Kristina could carry.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Veil’s Group: Eisenhower Building
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Andy's jaw dropped when Glimpse drove her fist at super speed into Tarot's head. They were doomed. SHIELD watched. There was nothing to say, Havok said enough. Sapphire protected them and then Veil made them invisible again. A power Andy would have loved to have had while she lived on the road. Maybe there would be more people alive who weren't because of her. She didn't blame Glimpse for killing, sometimes it happened. She just was surprised, surprised she had done it in front of SHIELD especially.

She followed the group until they couldn't travel anymore. And whispered when Stareyes said she could carry her on her back and maybe two more. "If you think you can. I'm pretty small." When Stareyes affirmed Andy climbed onto her back. Putting her right arm over her shoulder and her left under her arm. It would keep Andy from strangling her if something went wrong. Andy was a bit nervous about this. She had never flown before.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Maximillian Gray


Location: The Mutant Underground: Max and Harry's Room
Skills: N/A

Concern furrowed James’ brow as Max slunked out. It was eerily disconcerting; Max wasn’t one to make a quiet exit. He supposed it was easy enough to figure out. Max and Sunshine went through an ordeal and on the surface, it seemed like everyone was clearly more concerned for her than they were for him. Anyone would be upset if they felt like the people they were supposed to trust and rely on didn’t care enough to even bother asking if they were okay. James thought the hug would be enough but maybe it wasn’t. Damn, he should have said something.

“Hey, I’m just going to make sure Max is doing okay.” James told Casper as a realization hit him. Of course he was upset. The kid still had m-pox! Fuck and double fuck! “Oh fuck, he hasn’t gotten a cure! I got to get him back down to get him some.” James was off quickly, taking the stairs two at a time.

Max gave Harry a simple smile. Looking at the glamorous mutant and seeing the concern in his eyes. "I'll be sure to rest up no worries. I'm getting some more practice in too and I learned quite a bit while we were...out. learning more still. If anything it appears like you need the rest."

Harry placed a hand on the blonde mutants shoulder. "You should probably go apologize to someone. Walking away from a hug like that is a bit rude." There was a long pause as he let the words sink into Max. "I'm not your father or anything-" "Thank goodness for that" "But I do know how you feel and how things have been since I entered the MU. I'm here for you kid" There was a sudden knock on the door and both mutants turned to face it. Harry guessed who it was as he sat back down.

“Max, mind if I come in? The x-men dropped off the m-pox cure.” James called through the door.

Harry gave Max a knowing look as Max rolled his eyes, annoyed at how right he was. He knew deep inside he had to apologize for his behavior, but now it felt as though he wasn't the one who initiated it and that it wouldn't feel as...right. "Come on in James, I was actually just about to head out to find you."

James pushed the door open. He probably shouldn’t have been surprised to find Harry here, considering this was his room, but he was surprised to see he’d beaten James to the punch. The vial of m-pox pills sat in Max’s hand already. James shut the door gently behind him. “Well, I guess you already have it. Good! No more bloody nights for any of us, thank God. Don’t know how much longer anyone would have survived. Hey, you mind if I sit?” James asked, doing so after Max nodded. He sat gingerly. He wasn’t sure how Max was feeling and he felt like he was intruding on whatever was going on between Harry and Max here.

“Sunshine mentioned some sort of haunted island. I don’t really understand any of this magic stuff but I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” James spoke seriously. Sunshine really didn’t like Max and James wasmore than a little concerned she may have done something to him given the opportunity away from prying eyes. “You and her don’t… get along well and I just wanted to make sure you came back in one piece. Are you okay?”

Max looked towards James, smiling at the show of concern. Granted James had always shown him kindness while others haven't but it was always such a refreshing pace to have someone care for you. "We seemed to have ironed out some of our wrinkles while we were gone. Who knew shared trauma could help you bond with a person." He thought back to the 'haunted island' wondering how much was ok to share.

"The haunted island seemed to either be this paradise that the hellfire club spoke of, or an old home for Magneto. There was a massive statue to him, a room for Pietro and what I can only assume was one of Wanda's old spellbooks." Max slipped the old tome out of his bag to show Wanda's book. "Its full of spells that can hopefully help us out in the future." Perhaps if he spoke enough about their adventure then maybe James and Harry wouldn't notice that he never answered if he was fine.

James nodded along as Max explained, chuckling darkly at his trauma comment. He wasn't wrong; trauma bonding was an effective, if not the healthiest, way to overcome issues. It's hard to hate someone who helped you live through a dark time. If it helped cut back on some of the tension though… Well, maybe James wouldn't poke it to that issue. “Kinda weird you randomly teleported to a Magneto hideout right before he handed our asses to us on a platter." James sighed. They actually could have really used Max. His powers, magic, or whatever it was always seemed to handle eliminating problems well enough. "But other than that, you're fine? We almost got killed by those exact people in the Princess' other world. I can't imagine they'd leave something behind like that without some guards at least."

Max chuckled at the mention of guards. Thinking back to the traps laid about by Pietro, and then towards the wraith that seemed to attack them. It was weird, looking back, how the situation almost seemed fun. "They certainly tried. Pietro had some old booby traps laying around, and we ran into a bloody ghost with an axe but we handled them both rather easily. Turns out some of my studies weren't for nothing. But more importantly, are you two ok? Magneto attacking here is no light matter. What happened?"

Harry tensed as the conversation began to shift towards the new subject. The kid had only just come back but he supposed he had the right to know what went on while he was gone. He didn't want to be the first to speak on the matter, trying his best not to relive the moments that he was paralyzed and the fact that he would almost never walk again had it not been for Sapphire, Luna, and James. "I'm alright with James here telling the story."

James peered at Max in disbelief, waiting for a laugh and then the real story. But when he continued on, James decided maybe the teleport did a little more than he thought or maybe Sunshine really did infect him with something, only to take it back before they returned. Traps, yeah that was reasonable. Bloody axe wielding ghost? Definitely nowhere near as plaus… Well, meeting Casper did open up his eyes to the whole living after death thing so maybe Max didn’t just hallucinate it. James decided just like with Casper, he wasn’t going to ask for details. Things were complicated enough with just keeping people alive. He didn’t need the headache that contemplating the afterlife would bring.

“Yeah so after you and your team headed out to confront Jack, Magneto showed up looking for his daughter. Harry and I went out there in some attempt to reason with him but his only demand was we released his daughter. Still don’t know why we didn’t but someone decided fighting was the way to go. So we met outside and if it wasn’t for the fact that Polaris woke up and walked out herself, I think a lot of people would have died here. But no lasting injuries thankfully.” James explained. “Luna and I got Harry back on his feet with some advice from Sapphire after some metal got into his back. Then, Luna got whatever bug was in his head out and I patched up the little cuts and scrapes.” James put it in much safer terms than it was; the whole morning after the disappearing act the troublesome twosome pulled was a fucking disaster and James was happy to put it all behind them.

“After you guys vanished, Veil put some feelers out for you two. We got a tip about where you were, which was very wrong by the way, and we were going to head out when the x-men dropped off the cures and asked us to handle a situation with cures heading to the White House. Echo, Casper, Spark Plug, Waverly, the new girl Zari, and I all headed after your guys at a strip club. We were all pretty sure it was a trap but on the off chance, we had to check it out.” James skipped over the whole possibly running into an ex of Casper’s that he didn’t even remember cause it still brought on a wave of jealousy that James didn’t like. They were definitely cuddling for the whole afternoon now that Max and Sunshine were home and safe. “And of course, it was indeed a trap. Casper got shot and I was pretty sure he was going to die. Some weird ass dude named X-Cutioner left us a message about a bomb for the X-Men and we can’t seem to get a hold of them so it looks like we’re back up.”

Harry couldn't help but noticed the oversimplification of James's story. Whether he was purposefully hiding details, or simply downplaying his own role, was unknown. James always did seem like the modest type even if his boyfriend wasn't. "A few scrapes and cuts? James here quite literally put me back together. If it wasn't for all their hard work and his healing I wouldn't be walking today. Magneto almost Xaviered me, but unlike Charles I was lucky enough to have James and the rest to patch me up before it became permanent."

Max's eyes grew wide, pupils dilating slightly as his hands clenched at the sounds of what happened. Why wasn't he there to help? Why did his powers have to pull him away when they needed more people to fight or keep Magneto at bay? He began to feel unreliable to the group but decided to push those feelings away before he drowned in them. "Sounds like quite the exciting morning. Glad to hear you're all alright from it, and I'm sorry I wasn't there to aid you in the fight. Ever since Magik passed away, I've felt this strange impulsive power. Something new that kicks in as an instinct. It tires me out, and those who follow with me, and it feels so draining at times. It’s hard to control right now but hopefully I can get a handle on it, evolve it, and make it my own."

“Yeah, that took a lot out of me. And I couldn’t get Casper’s bullet wound to seal shut so we had to have Callie cauterize the wound first. It was a mess. I’ve been under the assumption I could just do this as much as I want but today proved I need to get a handle on this somehow.” James admitted tiredly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, I’m excited to see what you manage to get from that power. I remember how shit was in House of M. Your abilities were practically limitless.”

"They felt limitless. I learned what I am capable of, saw what I could do. I tried to do some of that here, back while I was with Leighton. Its nice to see the light at the end, to see where you can go." Max had a far off look as he thought about what he could do, the room he had created, and the power he had weirded. He snapped back to look at James "Maybe you just need more practice to stop feeling so drained? Heavens knows that I hurt myself enough, so I'm sure you'll get your powers worth."

Max paused for a moment as he thought on whether or not he should tell them about his plans to learn about demons and how he wanted to bring back Magik. Deciding it was best for another day. "I was thinking of trying to create a new room, one outside the building that we could use for training. You know...in the event someone's powers go haywire we don't lose the base."

“Well, lets not get too hasty with helping me practice. Let’s keep the injuries to a minimum, zero even.” James interjected hastily. “You’re more than welcome to try. I know with the generators you said you needed a better understanding to try anything with them so let me know if you need to talk about structure. I can talk you through a few―” James startled as he broke out into a yawn. Definitely time for that nap. Hopefully, Casper would be down for snuggling.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: N/A

She wasn't too sure what was going on, but one thing was obvious to her, and that was that Glimpse just killed someone. Of course her attention was partially divided since she was mainly concerned with the idea that her ice shield was going to shatter and then they'd all be dead. Luckily, by some miracle, it held up for the time being, and she didn't have to worry about throwing another one up within moments in order to save their skins. Though she did contemplate opening up the shield enough for the SHIELD agents to shoot Glimpse, but she figured that would be frowned upon.

When Veil made them invisible and lead the way away to the van, and once there, Sapphire turned her attention towards the fighting between Glimpse and Havok, and the fact that Glimpse just seemed to be brushing it off. That's what pissed her off the most, that and she had literally just killed someone right then and there, and didn't seem to give a damn about it. "I don't think you feel realize just how screwed you've made an already horrible situation. So let me break it down for you you prick. You just killed someone, as Havok put it, in front of the super cops. Got it? You don't seem to understand how bad everything is. You see, now you are going to probably be labeled as something horrendous, if you don't by some miracle get the rest of us labeled like that too, then let's just go with best case scenario that it is just you who probably gets you labeled as a terrorist. If any country doesn't want to piss off the US, guess what? They aren't going to let you hide out in their country. The entire world will essentially be trying to find you, and probably try to kill you. Got that? And because of your idiocy at punching someone in the head with super speed you might have gotten the rest of us labeled that way too. Just putting that in perspective for you." She took a deep breath after that rant, she looked at Veil as her appearance shifted back to normal, "I probably could see about walking out if I need to... Fighting is not going to end well for us, since we are already screwed we need to avoid it when possible."

Location: the Mutant Underground
Skills: N/A

He hadn't known what exactly Sunshine was likely going to respond with. After all that had happened, he expected her to yell at him, or make him sick with some sort of disease, but her response that she ended up giving him was surprising. She did yell or get mad at him or anything, she just suggested that he had gone crazy or something. Which in all honesty he kind of had at the time. But her not yelling at him was the one sort of outcome he hadn't expected, at all.

"Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that," he responded with a bit of a shrug. It was really the easiest explanation for what had happened. How else would you explain the fact that his father had messed with his head which resulted in everything that had happened. His attention turned towards Casper and he couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly at him, "Casper, you and I both know that you are kind of anything but sane, though being sane is kind of overrated." he commented towards his brother.

Zari wasn't really paying much attention, instead she was slightly tapping at what looked like a normal watch to everyone else. But in reality she was messing with what looked like a mini computer screen or something. She was feeling somewhat lonely, so at the moment she had pulled up a picture of her and her parents. She didn't even notice at first Callie before she spoke, and when she heard her, Zari made the little picture disappear and she turned to look at Callie now, figuring the best way to answer her questions.

"Oh, I'm fine, and like I said before, I've had way worse injuries then that guy stabbing me," she said with a slight smile, "And no, I'm not really hungry or anything... Just kind of miss home." That was true, she really did miss home, but it wasn't really possible for her to go back, not yet anyway. Her mind shifted towards Waverly and the fact that she had been asking a bunch of questions or whatever, and she thought she might as well get the interrogation over with anyway. Getting up off the ground, she went over to Waverly who was still chattering with Sunshine, "You said something about asking me a bunch of questions earlier, since we have time how about you ask your questions now before something decides to blow up or whatever..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

February 17th, 2021 - 2:00 PM


Location: Eisenhower Building -> Morlock Tunnels
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Leadership
In that moment, Veil wished she had her brother's ability of self replication. Then she could have one version of herself keep everyone invisible, while the other version went with Kristina to ferry people across. "Hmm, that won't work," she told Stareyes. Veil then shook her head at Glimpse. "Your speed doesn't solve the issue of not having a way past the cops," she pointed out to her bluntly. She was twitching her fingers against the back of her hand, maintaining their cover of invisibility. They had to make a move. They couldn't stay there forever. She didn't notice as Andy over-eagerly climbed onto Kristina's back.

"You're welcome, I know critical thinking is hard for you," Havok told Glimpse. He didn't need to say anything else though, as Sapphire was more than happy to oblige with tormenting Glimpse and chewing her out over her actions. He couldn't help but snicker slightly, enjoying the show Sapphire was putting on.

Veil, meanwhile, was getting a bit of a headache from all of the bickering. If they didn't focus, there wouldn't be a Mutant Underground to... Her eyes lit up as she got an idea, a feasible, working plan. She could have kicked herself for not thinking of it earlier. The odds that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have agents stationed down in the sewers weren't nonzero, but it was at least a path they could take. It would have been better if they had an ex-Morlock with them, but they'd make do.

"Come on, we're going into the Morlock tunnels," Veil explained. As if the universe decided to give her its blessing, she spotted a sewer grate not too far from them in the middle of the street. She walked up to it, maintaining the cover of invisibility. She then extended the invisibility to include the manhole cover, so no one would see it move - and odds are, no one would notice it had vanished. "Get in, come on," she whispered to everyone.

Havok looked a little bit disappointed that they wouldn't have a dramatic stand-off, but he nodded and climbed down into the sewer. At the bottom, he found himself in pitch darkness, the stench of urine all around him, and there was something squishy and alive near his feet.

Rats. Thousands of rats.

Sunshine & Casper

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
Sunshine took the plate of soggy, cold waffles from Waverley and she picked one up with her hands, biting off a hunk of it. She usually was a bit more emotional when she ate, but instead it was like she was going through the motions. Her usual comfort mechanism wasn't really doing it for her. Maybe Max had cursed her or something when they were off on that island. "The ghost was real there," Sunshine said to Waverley with a shrug.

"I hate to see him leave... but boy, do I love to watch him go," Casper said, whistling slightly as he watched James' booty as James rushed up the stairs to go save the day yet again. He needed to borrow a camera from someone and take a photograph of James from behind at some point, it'd be a nice little keepsake to have. The thing was tight. But at the same time, almost paradoxically, it had a nice softness to it as well, letting it be enjoyable to grab and squeeze.

"Are you seriously admiring his butt right now? Am I the only one who hasn't forgotten about, oh, I dunno, the BOMB?!" Ben shouted.

"It's a work of art, Ben," Casper argued. He didn't hold grudges very long - especially not with Ben. He was closer to him than he was to his own brother - maybe even than he was to James. Speaking of his brother, Casper rolled his eyes as Jack tried to call him insane. "I'm not insane, I've been tested, you know this Jack-a-rino." The doctors had concluded that Casper was just very floaty and flamboyant, not clinically insane.

Sunshine, meanwhile, was still not too sure about Jack. She was looking at him critically, not debating whether or not to say this stuff in private or not. She just decided to go ahead and say it. "I don't want you to play dad to me," she told him bluntly. "And it's not because you suck at it. So you can chill or whatever, Marshmallow Man. I don't need someone taking care of me. I can do that already." She paused for a moment, before deciding to finish with some more emotional honesty.

"I just need friends." Her eyes darted over to Waverley at the last part.

"Awww, so cute! Roll credits everyone, that's a wrap on this week's episode!"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Eisenhower Building -- Washington D.C.

Luna was getting pissed off with the constant beat down. Rather than work with her and say they would work this out, the people in the Underground who were just like her were beating her down for a mistake she made. God forbid one of them made a mistake but Luna distinctly remembered the mistake Sapphire made but it was still Luna's fault because she got them into the building where Hellfire was stationed.
Luna remained silent, the anger building within her but she knew her lashing out with the cops feet from them wasn't a good idea and so she waited. Once they were in the sewer, surrounded by rats by the way, Luna let go. The rats were the least of her concern.
"Don't patronize me. I'm the one that fucked up and saw her face cave in. I'm the one who's going to see that image when I close my eyes. I don't need you or any of you lecturing me on how I fucked us all over with what I've done. I've been in this world longer than you, I know what this is going to do to you all and the good you are trying to do. Instead of yelling at me for fucking up, why don't you help me fix it? If you don't want to help me fix it, tell me. Veil, if you think it better for me to distance myself from the Underground tell me now. I have connections I can use to keep you out of this as best I can." Luna was tired of being underappreciated and held to a standard that she couldn't meet for these people. If she was harming them more than helping them, let the leader speak up and tell her to leave. If she wouldn't make the decision, Luna would.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: On the Road Again
Skills: N/A

Callie watched as Zarina fiddled with a watch of sorts, it looked like an apple watch to her or something like that. "Thats a fancy looking watch there." She said, as she nodded towards Zari she had been shot at quiet a lot and getting hurt while out on the job did really suck at times to. "Is there anyway to get in contact with them or something?" Callie asked looking at Zari, she was here for some kind of reason after all as well.

But right now they did have a bit of a major problem at the moment and it was the whole thing with the terrigen bomb going off in DC, and they needed to get in contact with Xavier as soon as possible. Veil and the others hadnt come back yet at all, and she didnt want to risk blowing their cover with a phone call. So she decided to text Veil in the meantime and hope that she would be able to get an answer she did have an idea.

To Veil:
"Hey, we found Max and Sunshine but the bar was a trap and ran into someone named the X-Cutioner, said this. 'I have a message for Professor X and his precious X-Men. If they do not surrender to Reverend Stryker by midnight, I will detonate a terrigen bomb that will make Washington D.C. inhabitable to mutants for generations.' We tried calling him but didnt get a response from him yet other than getting in contact with the current leader of the X-Men.

Kristina Smith

Location: Eisenhower Building, Outside -> Sewers
Skills: N/A

Kristina stumbled forward slightly when Andy jumped onto her back, she turned to look at Veil when she found an alternative exit to their little predicament and nodded towards Veil. "You can get off of me now." She whispered to Andy and made her way over towards the manhole after Veil moved it off, and climbed down shortly behind Havok did. She paused for a moment as she could feel rats moving around her feet, and tried to not really freakout.

Kris turned to glare at both Havok and Glimpse as they continued to bicker with each other which was getting annoying now. "Can you two just shut up, whats done is done you cant fix it now." Kristina said sighing slightly as she looked around, the place really did smell like really bad. She just hoped that they wouldnt bump into her sister or her team though that wouldnt really turn out to well for any of them right now.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
Avatar of Framing A Moose

Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Mutant Underground

"Real? Holy shit, that's wild! So we're talking more 'those Scooby Doo live action movies where the monsters are actually real' level shit. Wait, should've prefaced that with spoiler alert, sorry," Waverley rambled, watching as Sunshine began to devour the waffle held out in front of her. More than any speaking of specters, it was Sunshine's dispassionate manner with which she ate that worried Waves. It was so unlike her. She contemplated asking about it, but what exactly would she say? 'Hey, I noticed you were eating weird, what's up with that?' No, that was weird, especially after Sunshine made it perfectly clear that she didn't need a caretaker at the moment. So instead, she let the matter lie for the moment, instead focusing on what Sunshine had gone through back on that island. She contemplated asking Casper to help, but she quickly came to the conclusion that, despite his power, the height of his paranormal knowledge would likely be half-remembered (likely inaccurate) factoids he picked up while binging Buzzfeed Unsolved high as a kite. But who else would be able to help? Just as the thought came to mind, Z popped in, offering answers on a silver platter.

"Er...well, you're a Valkyrie, right Z? Or, rather, a Valkyrie-in-training, I guess. Which means you probably deal with the souls of the dead a lot. So maybe you can help us figure out what the deal was with this ghost Sunshine saw on her trip," Waverley suggested. She had plenty of questions she wanted to ask Zarina, but she wanted to keep her focus on Sunshine. While she was trying to keep herself from being too mushy or overprotective, she also didn't want to divert her attention away from her roommate just yet. She looked back over to Sunshine. "If you don't mind going into the full story, that is."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
Avatar of Achronum

Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Echo and Max's Room -> Entranceway
Skills: N/A

“Okay, I think I’m going to call it until Veil comes back.” James stood and took his leave with a wave and another suppressed yawn, the door closing softly behind him. He eyed the row of doors without fucking door knobs--he should really make Havoc fix all this shit after the stunt he'd pulled--and decided it was low on the priority list. He was tired and sore and he just wanted his bed and his boyfriend now.

The boyfriend he almost lost today. His stomach twisted itself into a knot at the thought. Thank God Callie was there to do something because once he realized he couldn't heal it, he started panicking. Especially since the Princess' little game, the thought of dying just didn't concern him. Killing him was difficult and whatever this new thing was--neutralizing tear gas and stopping bullets--made it almost impossible it seemed. It really dulled the fear of death when you knew you could walk through just about anything and come out with barely a scratch.

But he hadn't realized he extended that lack of fear to those around him. He hadn't considered how vulnerable everyone else was. Magik's death was awful but M-Pox had always resisted his abilities so it was easy to wave it aside as an outlier. He dragged Luna back from the brink of death and before that, he'd done it with Casper. But today between Echo's spine and Casper's bullet wound, he was reminded that not everyone had the privilege of ignoring the very real threat of death. It was sobering and he realized he needed to have a conversation with someone.

He came down the stairs slowly, considering whether or not it was a good idea. They hadn't been together that long and he didn't want to rush Casper but he at least needed to let him know. James took a deep breath and searched around for his boyfriend and smiled fondly at the sight of him. God he was the best, crazy past and everything. He hummed contently as he put his arm around Casper's waist.

"Hey, think we can head up to the room for a bit? I got something I want to talk with you about." James asked.
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