Hidden 4 yrs ago 9 mos ago Post by Kumbaris
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"How in the world did we win?"
- An Elven Agent aboard the Shield of Europe, an OMR Spaceship, just after the death of the Abomination.

Since time immemorial, magic has always been a part of life. Ever since intelligent life was formed. They soon quickly realized that certain individuals are able to make the seemingly impossible possible, from lifting stones without lifting a finger, to creating massive fireballs that can engulf a whole person. Burning whoever caught into a crisp. These awesome abilities have always been utilized in some form, and the world slowly but surely flourished as technology advances and magic alongside it.

From the magicians in China exploring some methodology to cure death, to the great Magical Institutions of Europe training mages the art of combat spells, it seems that all is well in this world of Earth.

But the year 1600 came by, and that illusion was shattered. Earth, and it's many kingdoms and Empires had it's fair share of problems, the Triangle Trade conducted by European Powers, the Sengoku Jidai raging all across Japan, the displacement and subjugation of peoples in Siberia by the Russian Empire, but all of that pales in comparison to the message received by Earth's various Mages.

From Wise sages in Korea and China, to Magicians and Alchemists in France and England, or the Wizards and Witches in Kongo and Abyssinia. Everyone detected a presence, a malicious presence that desired nothing more than to eat and cannibalize this world. For 200 years the solution is to just raise their hands and do nothing, with such an overwhelming force, the many species of earth might as well live vicariously until their impending doom. The Earth is doomed anyway right? So we might as well live our best lives until the end. So collectively says the various peoples living all across the planet.

That changed after the end of World War 2. Firstly, there were the various technological advancements made, secondly, Roswell, and thirdly, the Organization of Magical Regulation was also created. The subsequent technological advancements coming from tearing apart a crashed Alien Ship, with the burgeoning space industries of America, Europe and the Soviet Union finally gave Earth a chance.

It was predictable that a massive coverup is initiated, solely meant to prevent the Abomination from realizing what has just transpired. It is easy in hindsight, the cold war was heating up, and nations all around the world can conceal their budgetary allocations behind the typical web of intrigue and lies. With the help of the Organisation, and the help of gods, both new and old. A solution was finally achieved in the 1980s.

In 1989, on the eve of the Eldritch… thing arriving on the nearest star system. A final sally, a fleet consisting of some 300 spaceships, lead by none other than Adam and Eve, fought the Abomination and miraculously defeated it.

The casualties are legion, gods, humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and dragons died by the thousands. But the Abomination was finally defeated, it led to the shattering of Earth’s moon, but the Earth was saved.

1989 would be remembered by 2 massive events in this world, the end of the cold war and the shattering. It has been 6 years after that.

The technological miracles developed in secret, once used for a singular purpose of defeating an Eldritch Being, is slowly spilling out into this world, the internet, advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, even rudimentary quantum computing are all being slowly disseminated in a way that prevents more chaos from happening, the remaining spaceships the OMR possesses are using it’s advanced magical technologies to reform the moon, and Earth seems freed from the threat of it's utter annihilation.

All seems well, the world seems more peaceful than ever, the threat of annihilation is gone, and technologies once thought as miraculous are slowly seeping into wider society. But the OMR knows that this isn’t the full picture.

Recent intelligence reports have shown that large shipments of weapons have entered Germany, be they Magical or Conventional, and the OMR are worried that there is a growing terrorist group growing in Germany’s underground. The collapse of the Eastern Bloc has led to a surge of illegal weapons, both magical and conventional, to flood Europe, leading to a rise in crime all across the continent. This rise is a risk that the Organization has to stop.

And Headquarters has decided to send you to solve the problem. Whoever you are.


Welcome to The Hunt. A Modern Fantasy Roleplaying Game set in 1995 Germany. In this game, you will be playing as some form of OMR Agent, or some outsider hired by the OMR to solve a mystery concerning recent large arms shipments across Post Unification Germany. While it is a natural fact that weapons from the dissolved Eastern Bloc has been flooding the Black Markets all across Europe, this recent spike of Weapons Shipments, both Magical and Non Magical, are proving to be a significant problem that must be dealt with.

You will be tasked with solving the issue firsthand. Basing yourself in Frankfurt am Main, you will work alongside the Organization of Magical Regulation and uncover the mystery behind the shipments, and unravel the intricate web of deception and conspiracy that lies in the centre of it all.

Hope you don't blow up the European Continent while working on your case!


Welcome to the OMR office in Frankfurt am Main, please register yourself under the form below.

Complying with European Union regulations, all your data will be kept private and will be destroyed after 5 years of storage. Your identity is important to us and preventing Identity Theft is among our chief priorities.

FYI: You can make up your rank if you are an agent for the OMR.

The Species of this world

Earth is home to a myriad of different species, but more importantly, a myriad of different intelligent species. Do not believe the lies spouted by racists that certain species are dumber than others, that has been disproven by Scientific Papers dating back from the 1800s.

We all are living in this world together, and it be best for our survival that we get to know the various intelligent species together. So let's unpack the 5 intelligent species that inhabit the Earth, and their various iterations.

Frankfurt am Main

Also known as 'Bankfurt' in pejorative terms. Frankfurt am Main will be the main site of operations for this RP. A centre of commerce, banking, and transportation. The city is a major hub for the Rhineland, and a major city for the whole of Germany. The city has also been one of the leading places where illicit weapons are being smuggled, and police raids into warehouses, usually accompanied by intense firefights are becoming a common occurrence. Much to the discomfort and displeasure of the City Dwellers.

You are tasked with handling the situation in Frankfurt. Get a handle on the current problem, and hopefully, provide clues and evidence as to where the weapons are being smuggled from, who are the major recipients, and why they are smuggling weapons en masse into Germany in the first place.

The Magic System

‘Magic’ is a term to describe the various abilities inside everyone to alter the Real World using forces beyond the Laws of Physics for some purpose. Everyone has some magic reserves but some, through training, their environment, and modifications, do have more magic reserves than others.

The Magic System in this world is also really simple, with the general concept of thinking of something and using your appendages, be they hands or feet, to enact some unnatural change into the world. The system has its limits, even incredibly old deities with eons of experience cannot destroy a major city, the burden of changing reality to such an extent can kill people if attempted.

New users of magic typically have to chant in order to cast magic spells. But veteran magic users can literally just think and the change could be enacted just like that. Some magic users utilize conduits such as staffs, wands, and even the more modern magical weapons, while some magic users just use their bare hands.

Some Rules

Coordinate on Discord Please: Please join the Discord if you want to play the RP. Click on the picture to join the Discord.

Please post substantially every time: I don't expect much, even 2 paragraphs is enough. But I do expect some level of detail and depth in your posts that will keep the RP moving.

Discuss with me if you want a wholly original Character: The RP already has 6 Species and there's nothing in the rules preventing you playing as a Demi Species, with Demonic or Angelic variations should you be interested. But if you still feel the need to make a wholly original character, please coordinate with me and we'll see if such a character is possible.

Setting's a bit insane: It is a world where the Cold War has ended and the Earth was just saved by FTL spaceships fighting an Eldritch Abomination, a setting where gods hang out in Cafes and that's a totally normal occurrence, and a setting where being immortal in some way, while certainly unusual, is not considered an earth shaking event. Please adjust your expectations accordingly.

Click the picture to join!

Note: Please leave your characters in the OOC thread first, should it be approved, you can then move it to the Character Tab.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Just confirming my interest! Already have some ideas!
Might start working on my character today while I'm at work!

Hope you're fine with me :-)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

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Morning folks reaffirming my interest. Sadly trying to write a VS on a phone is silly sorts of stupid hard so I will start writing later after work.

Thank you kindly see you all later.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I probably missed this somewhere, but What do orcs excel at? Humans are standard with a high potential. Dwarves are sturdy and can make do with fewer calories. Elves are physically weaker but excel in magic. Deities are immortal with lots of magical power.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 19 days ago

I probably missed this somewhere, but What do orcs excel at? Humans are standard with a high potential. Dwarves are sturdy and can make do with fewer calories. Elves are physically weaker but excel in magic. Deities are immortal with lots of magical power.

Ah, I forgot to mention it, but in general they're physically stronger. Higher muscle density than humans. They do eat a lot more though.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interested in participating. Quick question though. Are half-breeds a thing in this setting, specifically half-elf, half-human? I was considering playing a half-elf, but if that isn't a thing then I guess I could play a fullblooded elf.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Interested in participating. Quick question though. Are half-breeds a thing in this setting, specifically half-elf, half-human? I was considering playing a half-elf, but if that isn't a thing then I guess I could play a fullblooded elf.

Definitely, half breeds are a thing. You are more than welcome to play them.

A small note: The discrimination of half breeds is situational if that is one angle you want to play. Places like the US might put a harder emphasis on Half Orc children compared to half elf and human children, while in Eastern Europe it might be the flipside of things. In Western and Central Europe it's only valid if you are not a German/French/Spanish.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well here is the half-elf I was talking about.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

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Micheal Crane aka pîhtokahânapiwiýin


Gender Identity: Megaphone (Male)

Species: Human

Appearance: Standing about 6 feet tall, with a chiseled form, shoulder length black hair kept back by the dreadlocks he has his hair styled into. The familiar Indigenous red skin, stretched over a fit form. His eyes are piercing bright blues that seem to have bolts of lightning flicker within them. His magical focus is a tomahawk made from an old spruce tree for the handle and a mighty piece of meteoric iron for the head. When in his gear he wears a leather vest, with iron adornments at the shoulders. A pair of khaki trousers and heavy swat boots on his feet. The back of the vest is beaded and quilled with the circle of life. His tomahawk also adorned with feathers and bead work. It's less a weapon and more a focus after all. When not in his gear he can usually be found in a hoodie, and jeans with a casual t-shirt of somekind on.

Height/Weight: Six feet tall even, and 231 pounds

Agent of the OMR(yes/no), if yes, describe position and responsibilities: Technically No, a member of the OMR Reserve, off the list, but ostensibly employed to watch over the Trickster Gods of the Indigenous Peoples, and to keep them in check and corraled...just in case.


"It's the drum that is the heart beat of the Native people!"

Those were the words that were said to him in his teens, it was those words that had sparked an awakening in several generations of Shaman. It was the words of the Great Shaman Thomas "Joyous Crow" Kannatariio, one of the first Indigenous Shamans to answer the cal of the Early OMR. These words were told to every young man and woman. And they helped to bring about the current Shaman Community of the North and South Americas and Australian and New Zealand lands.

Among those who heard those words as the old Shaman died. Was Micheal. He was a young Reserve Hood, a tough and rumble young teen on the Reserve of Saddle Lake in Mid-Northern Alberta. But those words woke something. As he was raising a bottle of beer to his lips the old Shaman breathed his last and his power flashed across the nations. And opened the doors for thousands of new shaman. Micheal was one of them. As he raised the bottle to his lips the power woke. And the bottle imploded. The glass becoming an orb of nearly smooth glass. The alcohol boiling away in the face of the awakening of a Shaman. His eyes flashed and Micheal knew. As he watched his own grandfather, standing before him in the form of a spirit shaking his head at him for the way he was living his life. He saw legends like Poundmaker, Joseph Brant and others who have passed but had lead the First Nations people through the worst standing and watching.

He turned his life around. He found elders who taught him, he learned the ways of the Oska-peyos. He resumed his schooling. He tried to make a better person out of himself. Not that he left everything of his old life behind. HE was no longer a hoodlum but he kept in touch and still retained some of his skills.

As the years got on, he learned what he could the Elders awarded him his own drum, and his own pipe. Seeing in him the growing Shaman. His new abilities growing stronger. He was privy to the fight that occured above in the heavens. The great Beast struck down. He was in attendance when 400 Shaman and Shamaness held a Great Sundance to help empower those who had gone up there to help. He raised his voice and beat his drum, while his pipe rested beside him as they looked to the heavens. They would raise their voices in whoops of glory and joy as the news came back that the beast had fallen.

After he would continue his work from his Lodge on the banks of the Saddle Lake on the Saddle Lake Reserve. Keeping an eye on those ever moving Trickster Gods. The OMR came on his thirtieth birthday to ask him to join and like many Shaman he said he'd help, but the independence in him and in all Indigenous Shaman was too strong. Years of being coralled on Reserves had left them distrustful. But he'd still come when called. He did agree to help the OMR and watch the Tricksters closer. To make sure the Gods didn't do something crazy.

He was picking sweetgrass when an OMR agent in SWAT boots, and a three piece suit tramped up to him, scaring the Fox that was nestled up to him to tell him they needed him in Germany. He'd quirked an eyebrow then nodded. Leaving one of his Shaman teammates in charge of his section of the God Watch. He'd booked a flight and boarded up. Then heaved a massive sigh when he spotted a giant black raven flying along side the 747. A Iroquoian man sitting down the way with a headdress on up in first class. And another with a bungee cord riding the left wing of the plane. Seems he has some hitch hikers following him. Too late to turn back now though.

Reason to be chosen for the mission: An excellent scryer, Ritualist and Indigenous Rune Mage. Called up out of the Reserves and asked to help out perhaps use his abilities to find information or track down perpetrators. Not to mention Whiskeyjack, Raven and Manabozho kinda like him.

All weapons and equipment must be registered: A medicine pouch holding a days worth of ritual materials, this being chalk, charcoal sticks, medicine water, whiskey, fetish items, sage, sweatgrass and Elder's Fungus, just to name a few things. His Tomahawk focus, which can be used for casting, carving runes or helping in ritual. A hand drum for ritual purpose. A ritual long pipe, with pure tobacco again for ritual purpose. Black Glass ball, used for Scrying and Seeing.

Magical Abilities:

Ritual Magic: From the Sweat Lodge, to the Sundance, around on to the Horse Dance and the Ghost Dance. The Indigenous Shaman do most of their work through song and word and chant and music. Ritualized magic that produces expected results every time. The more shaman taking part the stronger. At it's pinnacle are the Pow Wow, the Great Ghost Dance and the Great Sundance that can change weather patterns or contain gods.

Rune Magic: Not every shaman practices this, but it's become one of Micheal's chosen forms of magic. Carving out specific Cree Syllabic runes into runic arrays can produce some pretty strong and lasting effects. The Runes of Wind and Rain, can cause a localized mist to lower visibilty, the runes of Wind and Fire, calling up a cyclone of flames. As just a few examples.

Scrying: Peering into a large black glass ball, allows Micheal to see things others can't, gain information on a situation, or seek inspiration in the moment. Careful use can even create new oppurtunities. Or catch his three godly tails in the act.

The Sight: A limited ability to see entities and beings that aren't on the same plane as the normal. Allowing him to see Spirits, Ghosts and other beings that can't cross over to the mortal plane.

Miscellaneous Facts:

He's not sure when he got the attention of Whiskeyjack, Manabozho and Raven, but he's gotten used to it.

The OMR and the Indigenous Shamans and Mages Community act as partners.

Currently the 20+ Trickster Gods of the Indigenous Peoples are not directly registered with the OMR, but kind of cooperate. Micheal and the Shaman's don't really try to change the dynamic any.


The Full moon on a clear night

A fine rain and the smell of purity afterward

Sitting and listening to the night creatures. A Wolfs call, a coyotes yip and a deers din.

Good friends, the laughter of family and friends and the ability to see them well and happy.


Pollution of the environment, Protectors of Mother Earth, he believes this whole heartedly of the First Nations of all Continents.

Discrimination, bigotry and racism. He's decked more then a few people for pulling this. He's got atleast one righteous assault charge on his record to prove it.

Corruption of the Natural Order. He's taken part in five Great Ghost Dances to fix a corruptive force within the natural order of things.

Sexual Preference and Orientation: Bisexual, with no serious lean, and a rather clear Dom/Sub fetish
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 19 days ago

@Martian, accepted! Post it in the character tab.

Oh and do join the discord, most of our post coordination and discussion will be done there.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ill am dropping my interest here. Ill get a character posted hopefully tomorrow (today technically but I haven't slept yet) as it is 4am and I cannot think straight.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

My goldfish brain had such a hard time finishing this holy jeez...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 3 days ago

This looks interesting wont be able to work on a character till tomorrow
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 3 days ago

well this took me all day... I'm sure there is a discrepancy or two but ill have to fix it later. anyways enjoy.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 19 days ago

@ReusableSword, accepted!!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Where's the Discord? :D
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Click on the hider saying a picture on the Frankfurt, once you see the pic. Click on it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Merlin Emrys

Age: Appears to be in his 70's or even 80's, actually 1665.

Gender Identity: Male

Species: Half-Demon

Appearance: Merlin appears as an old man in his 70's. This man isn't in a robe most of the time thanks to modern fashion, and he is often dressed in formal wear, carrying a magical cane. His hair is somewhat pointed on both sides, like a little less exaggerated version of Dracula's hair in the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula. He is slender, but also not tall at all, standing at five foot eight. His eyes are hazel.

Height/Weight: 5'8, 165 lbs

Agent of the OMR(yes/no), No, but he is losely affiliated.:

Biography: Merlin was born in the year 330 somewhere in the British Isles during the Dark Ages, as the biological son of The Devil. Merlin lived in fear for his life during child hood from people trying to make use of his magical powers. He would flee to different areas of the British Islands such as Cornwall, Scotland, Wales, sometimes even Ireland and finally Camelot, in what is now modern England. As the son of Satan, Merlin's power was tremendous, but he decided not to use his magic for evil deeds, and even turned Satan down on being The Antichrist out of his own free will.

Merlin helped King Arthur of Camelot defend his country and the surrounding country side of Britain from supernatural threats. With Merlin's help, Arthur's Kingdom was somewhat exponentially more powerful than it should have been. Finally, at the age of around one hundred, Merlin was trapped by the mages Morgana Le Fay and Mordred in a magical cave, tree and castle in the air all at once through Morgana's diabolical plan to keep him from saving Arthur's life at his final battle. Merlin was supposed to awaken with Arthur near the End of Days to protect Britain. Someone or something has freed Merlin from his imprisonment in three magical dimensions at once in the Renaissance Era, and not even he knows why.

For hundreds of years he has gone by many an alias, often living as a man well looked after by European Monarchs, finally leaving his many homes in The Old World to live in America during the 19th century. Merlin came to America hiding from a mysterious presence he felt was even dramatically more powerful than himself. Merlin lived in America from the year 1830 until the year 1981, when he returned to England, researching ways to stop The Abomination along with the rest of the magical community. Finally, in 1989, Merlin fought with many other gods, wizards, and supernatural beings against The Abomination and had many victories against eldritch beings, but was taken out of commission after many battles began to take their toll on him.

In 1995, Merlin is now in Germany, living as a respected veteran, occasionally giving aid to one of the most active forces against The Abomination in all the world, known as the OMR.

Reason for being chosen for the mission: Merlin is tremendously powerful and knowledgeable in the supernatural.

All weapons and equipment must be registered: Since he's been in the modern era for twelve years now, he uses guns.

Skills And Natural Abilities:
Merlin is cosmically intelligent, which means his intelligence level is a super power on it's own.

He is as strong as an Olympic athlete in their prime, despite appearing as an old man.

This old man is very diligent and hard working, studying knowledge very day until he has a thorough mastery over what he has learned. Because of this he has a mastery over many fields of study such as chemistry, mathematics, philosophy, history, ethics, and physics.

Magical Abilities:
Remote Viewing, which is a form clairvoyance which allows Merlin to see and hear events and/or locations which are away from his current location.
Necromancy, the ability to speak with the dead.
Healing, Magical healing to spontaneously close wounds and restore the body from harm.
Shapeshifting, Merlin can shapeshift into any Humanoid form, or natural animal form.
Enhanced Senses, Merlin has the power to sense any evil of demonic nature.
Elemental Dominance (Control over the elements), Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, and Earth manipulation. He can control these things with ease.
Curses, Merlin can curse others with temporary inconveniences.
Illusions, This man can create very real seeming illusions, sounds, smells, feelings and visually real things or events could be actually just an illusion.
Telekinesis, Through controlling friction with his mind, Merlin can do many things, possibly even create forcefields..
Supernatural Durability/Longevity Based Immortality, Merlin looks like an old man but that's by choice. He can look like a twenty year old man again if he wants.
Magic Resistance, Merlin is naturally very tough against magic, but not immunity.
Due to the fact he's on God's side, excorcisms and the like don't effect him like they usually would a demon.

Miscellaneous Facts:Merlin is not particularly religious but he is Christian and at least kind of devout towards God despite being the son of Satan. He is also a literal genius.

Likes and Dislikes:
History, since he was born during the literal Dark Ages, he can tell people what life was like back then.
He dislikes betrayal, for obvious reasons, he not only hates it in general, but was betrayed by his lover and friend Morgana and Mordred.

Merlin is somewhat like he is depicted in media and literature. He is a wise old man who is also very very intelligent. This man can be insightful and prudent, based on his life experiences, and has learned from his failures in Camelot. Beyond that, he also is a polite individual who likes to make friends.

One thing he cannot stand is betrayal. Not only is it just wrong to begin with but Camelot was brought to the ground because of it. A distant second is falsehood, aka lies. He can show a little lee way for lies from time to time, but on the whole, he has trouble respecting pathological liars.

Sexual Preference:Heterosexual
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