The Space near the Moon
Space bend by itself as a great tear was opened into the void. And the only thing that travelled in it's wake is a great indesign. A creature of tentacles, flesh, and tendrils that, while by itself wasn't dangerous. It's warped mind and it's usage of it's tendrils has led to the deaths of thousands of Star Systems. It was an abomination the likes of which Earth has never seen before, a gigantic space creature that has it's sights set into the Earth for hundreds of years.
And it is dying.
A whole part of it's body has split off it's main form. Drifting slowly into the moon, the creature could only scream from whatever orifices it has. But all it's screaming could only produce nothing. At least in it's immediate surroundings, down on the Blue Planet the riots that has broken out all over the planet intensified as more and more people, from the highest politicians to the lowest of the beggars, fall into madness. It was utter and complete pandemonium.
And that lack of coherency was promptly broken by multiple moving figures that appeared suddenly from the void. Almost as if these things have travelled a great distance in a shockingly short amount of time. The objects maneuvered around the maddened animal. Prepared it's arsenal of Plasma Autocannons, Enchanted Railguns, Shielded Nuclear Missiles, and various other contraptions that would take hours to describe, and fired onto the beast. It is becoming clearer and clearer as the beast fought back with what little remaining assets it has. Great globs of acid and cursed Spikes were thrown, only to be deflected by the energy barriers these objects possesses on it's frame. At one time, the beast could throw thousands of projectiles and overwhelm the barrier, but it was too tired and weakened by the prolonged fight that the rounds slowly drifted the creature into the moon. A crash was imminent, and both the creature and the living beings present inside the moving objects knew it, it was only a matter of time before it crashed. Creating a massive scar on the grey satellite and continuing it's helpless writhing. Even as nuclear missile after nuclear missile were lobbed into the creature until days have gone by.
The death of the creature was a torturous one, the many mages present in the spaceships having to rotate shifts in order to prevent utter madness from engulfing the entire crew. With deities assisting their great efforts by expending any mana reserves they had onto their chants and spells. Robotic Assistants, once nearly indirectly causing human extinction, now computing firing solutions and coordinating with the more fleshy members of the crew as inventories were expended and more were transferred in via portals from supply bases on Earth. It was a great undertaking, all in an effort to prevent the creature from killing all life on Earth. But it paid off, decades of research, reverse engineering, secret field trials and training has all led to this moment.
And everyone cheered as the Abomination led out one last cry before it involuntarily separated itself into many different pieces. The moon, already scarred more in these couple of days than it's entire lifetime, finally gave in to the creature, partly cracking as chunks upon chunks of moon rock flew out. The spaceships having to execute emergency maneuvers to prevent collision. But in the end, after all efforts, after all that blood, sweat and tears. The abomination is dead.
One of the Robots, a Blue Haired woman wearing nothing but it's own 'skin', could only look in awe at the sight. She was one of the few surviving Androids that could see and record the event in real time. It was a bizarre, yet beautiful sight. The moon cracking apart like that, perhaps forming a small dust ring around the Earth as the decades flow by, she felt... elated of course, but also felt like a great weight has been lifted off of her shoulders. Now, she feels that she can choose her own course in life, make some friends. And even learn from the many, many mistakes she will make in her long life.
She silently smiled at that thought, a great abomination died so that she may lived. Not a bad tradeoff all things concerned.
6 Years later

The plane finally landed. All this time on sleeping mode, being rudely awakened by the waitress, only to say no to the admittedly gracious but incompatible meal she could offer was over. Servomotors across her head moved as she could only look to the window seat to the left of her. There it is! Germany! The great green countryside broken up by the metropolis as her eye lenses focused and zoomed in. She is happy that the announcement had broken her sleep, and also not happy that she didn't just shut down. Would've saved the trouble from the waitress constantly pestering her with the meal offers. Not that she'd blame her, everyone was looking at her the moment she boarded the plane, and she expects everyone to be looking at her still the moment she lived her life here for the next month of two.
She is, after all, literally a new intelligent species on the block.
The passport was stamped by the confused Orc. The moment he looked at her limbs and artificially constructed face. The questions were thrown immediately, who is she, what is she doing here, how was she born, what facility were you born in, the hundreds of question about herself that she has been expecting everytime she met someone not of her own.
And she responded in a prompt manner, and in German to, significantly softening the Orc's apprehension and easing up the tension. The moment she's confident that the Orc will let her through. He stamped her passport and let her in, the two cases carrying her items were quickly picked up, and a black car with an Elf waving at her the moment she exited the International terminal took her to the only place that mattered to her right now.
Frankfurt on the Main. That great city in the Main river. She could only ask questions to the driver, fortunately a German as well on the History, the Foods, and the various sites and important buildings she should know. This is a big city after all, she wouldn't wanna miss living in Frankfurt by nosing in on her case and returning to her Apartment Block just like that. That'll be too boring and definitely not what she needed right now.
The office was also an unexpected sight. While great, imposing OMR offices purpose built isn't really uncommon in America (she remembered the LA office, a great skyscraper and a massive complex of interlinked city blocks in the heart of South Central Los Angeles), most offices were sheltered in, just a small building with some small office space on the surface, with a gigantic complex lurking below. The OMR's Frankfurt office stood out the moment she saw it. A great building that towered over her but not nearly high enough to become a Skyscraper, just a very large building off of the downtown area with many office workers and agents going in and out. She was promptly brought in and was asked to wait in a conference room. An office boy brought her drinks, she could only nod and thank him but didn't drink the water at all.
All of her silent waiting paid off when a further unexpected sight entered the office room. A lady wearing a white buttoned up shirt and matching black pencil skirt, accompanied by very long hair and white socks.
"Guten Tag Miss Amanda Duvais. I am so happy to greet you! Please, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Madeleine Disir. I will be your Secretary working from today and I will be more than happy to be your guide towards this Great German City! Of course, what do you expect from some 500 year old Demon who has travelled all of Germany, nothing less!"
Amanda already liked her already.
"Yes yes! Well, hello Madeleine. As you can see from the notice I'm an Android. I am sure that you have so many questions about me, how do I operate, where I was born, how the hell the OMR kept my species a secret for so long. Please, I'm more than happy to share!"
"Oh nonsense madam." Madeleine smiled as she declined the offer. "I think I will keep my questions for myself until we finish the roundup of all agents assigned into the task, I'm sure they will be even more surprised than I am when they meet you, the notice to me mentioned your full info, but I am not sure what the other agents were given info on, it's very well possible that all agents under you didn't even know that you're an Artificial Lifeform! I think it's best suited for them to ask the questions and let me take the backseat for once, I've seen many things in my life, but seeing fellow living beings in genuine shock always, always impresses me."
"Oh, well, then so be it! So when is the first agent coming? I've been told that they are quite literally sourced from all over the world?"
"Well, I'm not sure, my supervisor told me that they should arrive in 2 to 6 hours, but there are many agents and they are all over the place. It could be very well in the night when we meet the full team, maybe even longer! I highly suggest that we get comfortable and maybe order dinner should this prove to be too long."
13K could only nod at the Demonic Lifeform's suggestion. "I like your idea, and I will ask what food this city's famous for and maybe order up. But first? How about a short game of show and tell? I've never met a German Demon in my life and you've never met an Android I'm willing to bet. Don't worry, we'll focus on OMR topics and less on our lives, what do you think?"
"Oh, I would be more than happy to oblige."