M A T T H E W M U R D O C K ♦ D E F E N S E A T T O R N E Y ♦ H E L L S K I T C H E N , N Y C
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"When I close my eyes, I can almost forget that opening them won't wake me up."
Do you know why people say that Daredevil's villains are boring? It's because most of them aren't crazy. They can be reasoned with. A lot of them, like The Gladiator (Melvin Potter) and Stilt-Man (Wilbur Day), can appreciate that they've made a bad decision before their sense of self-preservation kicks in. People love crazy supervillains like Bullseye. I know because I happen to be made from the very same things that most people are. But while a lot of superhero stories boil down to "egomaniacal psychopath tries to hurt a lot of people at once", Daredevil stories tend to feature quieter, more insidious sorts of villains and their dangerous friends. Ironically, the more gentlemanly approach of some of his own less antagonistic foes and his own allies can easily be just as problematic to negotiate as blatant hostility.
This is a thirty-five year old Daredevil with most major events of his personal history behind him. He's been protecting the corner of New York known as Hell's Kitchen for about twelve years off and on depending on how you count and he's getting really, really tired. He's died and come back to life. He's been drowned in the Hudson River. He's been publicly outed as Daredevil. He's blinded the Kingpin. He's been the Kingpin. He's lost his memory more than once. He's been disbarred and moved to San Francisco before heading back home and more recently he's tried taking on a protégé but that didn't exactly go as well as it could've.
This version of Daredevil has to deal with the fact that he is, not only a celebrity staple of trash rags, but an icon, with an entire generation of people growing up seeing his presence as the status quo and seeing him as essential, controversies and all. When you're empty handed from giving your all, what do you do when you still get the sense that something has to give?
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
As the Guardian Devil of Hell's Kitchen, he's responded to countless calls for help, though, as a Catholic man, he's rarely been convinced that his own God could say the same. Upon hearing this, some might say that it's been hypocritical for The Man Without Fear to spend all of his time putting the fear of God into others. To be honest, I'm not sure that they wouldn't be wrong in doing so. But for as long as he's been working as a defense attorney to keep innocent men from damnation, and beating the ever loving shit out of the guilty, he's always felt like he can achieve something more. His father wanted him to be a lawyer, not a fighter. But upon a fresh appraisal of their relationship, he's forced to ask if he could ever possibly negotiate the occupational hazards inherent to scarlet swashbuckling without raising his fists.
Shadowboxer: In a single night, the Wilson Fisk's crime syndicate is stress tested in a coordinated assault by The Hand that leaves him gravely wounded. In desperate need of emergency medical attention, he entrusts his adolescent grandson, Samuel, to the last man anyone would expect, his own arch nemesis: Matt Murdock. However, observation of The Hand's operations reveal that destabilizing the crime syndicate was only their first order of business, upon the discovery of their new Apokoliptan accoutrements.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
If anybody wants to play as Samuel Fisk, Foggy Nelson, or walk through a situation I've imagined as Bullseye, I have some really fun ideas planned. I'm super open to playing with the the other superheroes if anybody wants to either run a classic style Marvel Team-Up or dig into my plot. As much as I more or less imagine this Matt Murdock to include some version of his entire published history, the specifics of the cast involved are a little less initially defined (akin to The New 52 Batman relaunch) largely because otherwise would be tedious for everyone involved and also largely irrelevant.
A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.