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Hidden 4 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lily stumbled and ended up in Alex’ arms, burying her face in his chest before looking up at him with a dizzy smile.

”I, uh...forgot," She admitted, before managing to compose herself again with a sigh.
”I’m so used to speeding up time instead of slowing down. I guess I still got to training to do with that."

Justine walked up to the two, looking a bit better after a couple of deep breaths.
”That was reckless of you, Lily. But, I must admit it was rather exciting," she spoke, her cheeks having turned a shade of red.
”My heart is still beating fast."
Lily smiled back with a bit of joy, still hugging Alex.
”I’m glad you had fun, Justine! That’s the most important thing of all!"

She turned to look at Dan as he announced the winners, clapping her hands as Finn and Betty received their prizes. She looked quizzical at Alex asking about food served on Christmas.

”Oh, you have no idea, Alex!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air.
”My old mom used to cook all kinds of delicious food on Christmas! There’s ham and chicken with gravy, and porridge, and sugary pastries, and lots of cute cookies-Eeeee!"
She squealed in delight before somethng took hold of her, and she in turn took hold of his hand.
She looked concerned.

”I saw Hilaria at the lodge. We gotta go, before she gets there and empties the table! You too, Justy!"

”I look forward to seeing what our quaint host has prepared to serve us,"
Justine added, and followed after Lily as she took to free-spirited jog.

After some time, the feast hall began to pick up with the voices of various people as they attended the festivities that were to be held there. Some new people seemed to have arrived, like Goblina, who greeted Penny once she had arrived.
“Sorry for taking so long before joining you, Your Highness,” she apologized, and shoved a glass of ale to her hand. “I’ll make it for it up by partying hard!” She then downed her drink, and was already pouring herself another before Penny could respond. Penny also noticed Rachel far in the distance, seemingly minding her own business as she conversed with FanFan and Violette.

Upon arrival, Lily was given a present box by Ruby, who had dutifully also given the other party guests their presents.

Once everyone intending to join was present Dan made his first announcement.

“Now then, let’s start this feast with a bang, starting with the White Elephant! You may start trading and opening your presents! Ruby here will answer any questions you may have!” He gestured to the red-haired girl.

Lily moved her box around, and listened to the insides.
”So I can either trade this with someone else or open it, right?"
Lily asked to confirm the rules, and Ruby nodded with a kind smile. Justine, who hadn’t participated, seemed to slightly regret her decision as she saw countless other present boxes held by various other people, and bit her lip. She then shrugged it off.
”Well Lily, have you decided yet how-" She turned around, only to realize that Lily had already opened it, causing her to blink.

”Oh, I feel like a kid again! What did I get, what did I get...Huh?"
She peered inside, and picked up a fancy letter from inside.
”I thought there was something heavier inside...I guess that’s to hide the contents."
She then opened the letter, and read the note, which had a message written in sparkling ink, but without a name:

My gift for you is some new equipment, whatever fits you."

Upon uttering the words, the magic of the Christmas wish manifested, as golden light burst out of the box in a spectacular display, before it settled, and Lily saw something appear in it. She picked it up, and gasped in surprise:
The object resembled a battery, with a golden lightning symbol emblazoned upno it’s cylinder. It also included a cable, as well as a black strap.

”No way! Is this some kind of artifact?"

Lily equipped the battery to her arm, and the moment she did so, she jumped a bit as she felt the battery take effect. She soon realized that the battery could store some of her mana for later use, as well as shorten the time needed to recover it.

”I got so much energy, I feel like the Duracell bunny!"
She screamed, and began running in place.

”Whoever gave me this gift, thank you so much!" She yelled into the feast hall.

Meanwhile, FanFan opened her present box.

“Oh, I’m a bit nervous...” She muttered, as she read the anonymous note in hers.

My gift for you is a cake."

Once again golden light blasted out, and the box spread open, revealing a large cake box, containing a cake of master-class; with countless layers, silky white cream, and strawberries so fresh they almost glowed with life. Even from beyond the box, a sweet sugary scent emanated, promising a taste of the very best pastry.

“Oh, how wonderful! I do so love cake~” She swooned over her gift, and took a picture of it with her smartphone. “I simply need to show Magical Dream Princess this adorable cake~”.

Next up was Kimble, who happily opened her box, showing no hesitation.

”Let’s see if it’s a gift from you, Alicia~” She teased, and read the note inside.

My gift for you is a...worthy opponent?!"

Before Kimble could even think about what she had read out loud, the magic of the wish had become manifest, in the form of a rolled-up poster.

Kimble looked down at it, looking afraid. She slowly reached down towards it.

”C-Could it be...?"

She closed her eyes as she unrolled the poster, and then opened her eyes, gasping with her mouth wide open:

It was radical poster, featuring two magical girls facing each other dramatically, with flames and explosions in the background. On the left was Kimble, but on the other side was a black, featureless silhouette. Then, she read what was written in red, bombastic font:


Then in smaller print at the very bottom: “Place this poster on a wall, and you may face any worthy opponent in a battle or competition of your choice.”

Kimble held the poster in her hands, and then looked over to Alicia.

”So I can pick anyone I want to fight?" She asked, and then moved the poster sideways, examining it more.

”That’s...An unusual Christmas gift. I wonder who wished for this."

She looked around the feast hall, and happened to spot a certain someone in the crowd.

”Hm...I wonder..."

Goblina seemed tipsy by the time she had downed her fortieth glass, and fumbled a bit with the opening of her own present.

“Let’ssshh shhee whath we got...”

She squinted at the paper as she attempted reading the message.

My gift for you ish to fhind a ghood friend or phossibly a...lurv...liver.

Golden light showered up, and Goblina then picked up a card decorated with a both a smiley face and a heart symbol.

“Oh, I gotshh a name and nhumber! Ghonna call themm, tell themm I like...dhrinking...and....livers...” Her face smashed into the table, as she quickly passed out in her drunken stupor.

Even Dan had joined in the event, and rubbed his fins together in anticipation.

“Oh boy oh boy, I wonder what kind of gift I got!” He squeaked, and read the note from his box.

My wish is for you to relax and be at peace.

In a flash of golden light, a book appeared in the box. Dan picked it up and read it’s cover:

“‘Carpe Diem: Inspirational Quotes To Help You Relieve Stress And Worry.’”

For a moment, Dan looked down as he flipped the pages...And then squaked in joy. “‘Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.’ Yes! I’m so happy!” He hugged the book with his fins. “To get to read words of wisdom across the history of the mortal world, it’s wonderful!”

He then floated up, a microphone on his other hand.

“Now then, I hope that the gift you gave to someone also gave you that special, warm feeling in your heart. Let us now proceed to announcing the winners of the snowman building and ice sculpting contests.” He floated over the tables, looking around as he continued speaking.
‘Like with the Wacky Race, I was so proud to see how many of you have participated, and brought forth so much creativity and love to the appreciation of winter.”

He clapped his fins, and up in the air a magical projector screen appeared, showing the various snowmen and other snow statues they have made.

“It was very difficult to pick a winner among all these amazing contributions to arctic art. However, there was one snow creation that truly expressed the passion, the drive, the will to show what a world mere snow can bring you to. The winner of the snowman contest is, without a doubt…” He paused for dramatic tension.

“...The snowdragon by Betty, Hilaria, and Stien!” The projector showed the snowdragon, and even had it animate with an audible roar and a breath of icy flames on the screen as he clapped with the audience. “Your prize is a Silver coin! Congratulations!” He said, and handed the coins out to the three.

“Next up is the winner of the ice sculpting contest. Once again, it was difficult to pick just one among so many beautiful works of glacial grandness, each one worthy of having a space in a gallery. But there was one entry that was not a mere chunk of frozen water given shape, but a celebration of the beauty that ice can bestow. Thus, the winner is: Tullia and her carousel of ice!”
Dan shook Tullia’s hand, and gave her a Silver coin.

That was when the lights in the feast hall slightly dimmed. Dan seemed to calm down, as he now floated higher up.

“There has been so much joy and fun in here, with everyone here showing so much Christmas spirit. However, the one who has shown the most Christmas spirit, is my friend Mariette.” Once again, the spotlight shone on Mariette. A plushie appeared in his fins, and he hugged it.
“Now, after all them miracles she has granted us, I have one last miracle of my own.”

He clapped his fins, and a gigantic present box appeared in a puff of blue smoke, right next to the throne at the back of the room. It was no surprise to Mariette what it contained.

”Merry Christmas, Mariette!” Dan shouted out, and fireworks seemed to blast out from behind the throne.

However, just as Mariette was about to claim the box-

“Stop right there!”

Everyone’s eyes turned to look at who had raised their voice, and witnessed Rachel, who was now standing in the middle of the hall; her hands were balled up into fists, and her eyes were aflame with wrath. She was accompanied by Violette, who shared in the Inquisitor’s conviction, and FanFan with less enthusiasm.

“The Black Mirror is a cursed Horror Relic!” She shouted, pointing at Mariette.
“By Beacon’s divine will, I decree it to be contraband, and to be immediately taken into Beacon jurisdiction!”

Dan seemed to slightly panic. “N-Now hold on. I promised Mariette I would give the mirror-”

“Silence, demon!” Rachel yelled. “Your word means nothing here! Now, give the mirror up, or you will face the consequences!”

She summoned her magical weapon; instead of a hammer, it was a paper mache star on the end of a stick. However, Dan knew that simply changing the weapon to something non-lethal would do little to stop a powerhouse like her, especially after witnessing Penny’s outburst. He thought about stopping Rachel before she turned violent, but then felt Odin’s eyes on him; he didn’t want to anger the Deity. So he could only float in place, sweating big cartoony sweatdrops from his brow.

Rachel started walking, coming closer and closer. For a moment, the tension in the feast hall was at an all-time high, until someone spoke up:


It was Lily, who had stepped in her way, spreading her arms to the sides.

“Out of my way!” Rachel barked, but Lily stood her ground.

”No! I’m not going to let you ruin this Christmas party!"

“The nerve!” Rachel gripped her weapon tighter, as if she was about to smack Lily with it.

”Why are you defending this witch? If you don’t move aside, I’ll have you arrested for colluding with horrors and obstructing Beacon’s duties!"

”Don’t you call Mariette a witch!" Lily snapped back.
”S-She’s...My friend! I know we’re not in the best of terms...And I know the Black Mirror could do something bad in the wrong hands...But If Mariette is going to do something bad, I’ll stop her! Because that’s what friends do! They help each other from making mistakes!" She glanced back at her.

”Not that you’d know anything about friends! You’re just a big bully who tramples on others just because you can! You’re nothing but a coward!"

Rachel’s teeth were bared as she now shook with fury.

”How dare you! I’m an Inquisitor! Beacon’s divine will made manifest! My bravery knows no limits, my devotion no bounds!"

Lily looked nervous, but then nodded to herself; she got Rachel just where she wanted.

”Is that really true? Well, we can settle this, once and for all!" She pointed at Rachel.

”I challenge you...To Keijo!" Everyone gasped, including Dan, who’s jaw had now reached the floor.

”If I win, then you’ll give up on the Black Mirror, and leave Dan’s home! Are you a coward, or are you really as brave as you say?"

Rachel adjusted her glasses as she looked down on the green-haired girl, her rage having shifted to sheer befuddlement.

“Keijo? What in Beacon's holy name are you talking about?”

Violette chimed in. “Apparently it’s a contest of might between magical girls. The two share a single platform, and victory is by ringout or knockout. However-”

Rachel lifted a hand to stop Violette without looking at her, and continued staring at Lily.

“So, a competition of strength...” Then, she laughed in mockery.

“Ridiculous. To think that you even have a chance of winning in a battle of power...Very well. I accept.”

Violette gasped. “But Inquisitor, you don’t unders-”

“HOWEVER,” Rachel once again interrupted her subordinate.

“If I win, then not only will I have the Black Mirror, but I will also take hold of this demon’s den of debauchery, and have it erased. Do you accept these conditions?” She asked, now having desummoned her weapon, holding a hand out to Lily.

Lily bit her lip as she looked at it, and then sighed, before grabbing and shaking the hand.

“O-okay! But you have to promise!”

Rachel shook the hand, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically as Lily winced from pain.

“Of course. I will give my word as Inquisitor to uphold this agreement. Not that it matters.” She threw her hand away, causing Lily to crouch down and inspect it; it was red, and swollen around the fingers. Justine ran over to check up on her. Rachel scoffed, and looked disgusted.

“For you will break, and confess of your empty pride.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 6 days ago

"My gift to you is A magical wand that is able to turn into anything small that you may be needing at this moment"

In a sudden flash of light, Alexander had exactly what the note described in his hands "Huh?" he turned it around to examine it. He let his mind wander, and the wand quickly flashed between forms; a pen, a mirror, a monocle, and lastly a small box "Well, this looks like a fun little trinket" It turned back into it's true form as he pocketed it. A small smile started to grow on Alexander's face as he took in the cheerful atmosphere 'I'm starting to get the appeal of Christmas. I thought all those movie were just being sappy and overexaggerating things, but...maybe they were on to something.' And right at the point where they would all break out into some cliché yet touching musical number...it happened.

“Stop right there!”

Alexander's eyes widened '...no...'

“The Black Mirror is a cursed Horror Relic! By Beacon’s divine will, I decree it to be contraband, and to be immediately taken into Beacon jurisdiction!”

He pulled out his sword and started making his way to the shouting girl 'no no no no no-'

"Silence, demon! Your word means nothing here! Now, give the mirror up, or you will face the consequences!"

'-nonononononononononononono-' He now had a manic look in his eyes, and his gait had upgraded to a fast walk. He started reaching for his magic, to make it flow through his body and fill it with power, when;


He did just that. Alexander knew she wasn't talking to him, but she still managed to make him halt '...Dammit Lily' She then proceeded to talk the other girl into a Keijo match, and as she did, the manic energy drained out of him. He facepalmed and sighed "It always has to be something, doesn't it" He put his sword away 'But I am that a high and mighty Beacon Inquisitor would play Kei-' and then it hit him 'She has no fucking idea what she's gotten herself into, does she?' And a sadistic grin made its way on his face.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The feast had been a mostly okay affair. There was enough drink and treats to keep unruly magical girls pacified, so Dina rested a bit at ease as she nursed the lashout from past events. Well, it had taken a while and things were settling down... Even Beacon seemed to be...keeping scuffles at bay.

She even had received a dream orb as gift, so that was a plus. She would need to carefully think how to use it, plus her Builder mentality told her not to dismiss as just a trinket.

Well, that was thinking too much. As it stood, It was bound to happen. Rachel flared up at seeing the Black Mirror. It was an apple of discord, sure. Dan wasn't doing anything. Well maybe that was for the better... was that Odin smiling? That old god surely had queer hobbies. Still, Lily had to answer, putting herself as champion of injustice.

Dina whispered. "Sorry Highness, Alicia, and Oros." She whispered, asking for forgivenes for altogether reasons, as she stepped up where the scuffle was.

"It's not yours to give or defend, Lily." Dina said, her stare penetrating. "Responsability of a dimension's fate shall be placed upon its patron or their retainers. It is not your call to engage in sanctioned duels with the dimension at stake. Return to your seat." She commanded with a jaded voice, as her presence and poise were mimicking that of a disgruntled ruling monarch.

"With that being said." Dina walked towards Rachel. "Please forgive the youth, they tend to speak their hearts into it, while not pondering wether there's truly wisdom in their words."

Her tail quivered so slightly.

"With that being said, I do dislike Keijo."


The gesture came out of nowhere, the hand striking Rachel's cheek to deliver a message, as the offending gloved that had appeared moments ago in Dina's hand fell to Rachel's feet.

"Pick it up. I shall be the champion of this dimension. The terms largely remain the same."

Meanwhile Umukamui had been enjoying her drinks, although rather awkwardly as being caught in Dan's dimension with a god staring at your breasts was not the best place for a Puchuu. In an uncharacteristic bout of surprise, she nearly choked on her drink when Lily made her outrageous claim, and decided to show her displeasure by allowing to show outward emotion by glaring daggers at the offending magical girl.

What a disaster. I don't know who is worse. Lily or Sakura.

Sakura for his most part, had been nursing his wounds, and had tried to shift towards Emily once more, while avoiding the busty but definitely dangerous girls in the party. One could take so many hits before deciding that lust could be their end. "Hi Em... Whatchu got? Mine's some sort... of travel buddy?" He asked, pretending than nothing had happened.

Was that the neko hag challenging Rachel?

Nope, definitely nope, not his business.

Sann meanwhile had decided to start a competition to out-eat Hilaria. It was proving to be challenging. Her clones had all vanished in a poof, except for someone who had been modified.

"You'll choke, Cass." William said. "But maybe that's what you deserve, for being a thot."

Sann just ignored the buzzkill. Also, wasn't Viva supposed to be around? Why would she not pick this perp? It was probably more newbie valkyrie hazing, wasn't it.


Odin just smiled.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Eventually all of Majora's characters would join the others in the Feast Hall, cause it'd take too long to wrangle everyone up from their collabs and groups. Eliza stuck by Kayli, still worried about her own state of mind, Amanda and Valerie regrouped and sat down next to each other, and Finn went to meet Betty's friends; Oliver soon joining him.

Maura herself didn't know where to sit. Either with Rowena or with her agents. Either way, she expected the outcome to be...not so pleasant. So she decided to remain standing nearby.

Then it was time for White Elephant. Like everyone else who had signed up, Eliza, Amanda, and Valerie were some of the few who got their presents.

Surprisingly Lily got Eliza's gift first. The witch's eyes widened when the other girl read the note outloud, then grinned when she tried the artifact out. "You're welcome, glad you like it!!" Eliza yelled back with a laugh. She then turned her attention to her own gift.

"My gift to you is any outfit you desire. Huh?"

Eliza reached into the box and pulled out a toga. Weird. Did the note get mixed up with a different present? The witch glanced the article over. She did kinda wish for a different party outfit at that moment. With that thought, the toga changed into a basic santa dress. Oh. "So that's how that works. Neat!"

Then Fanfan, who Valerie recognized as one of the Ascendancy members, got the android's gift. A heavenly cake, fit for royalty. She didn't think much of her choice but from Fanfan's reaction, she probably made a good one. Valerie smiled slightly, then read her note.

"My gift to you is a glance of what could've been."

Without looking into the box, Valerie reached in and pulled out a small scroll. Must be a modified mystic artifact, she thought. She opened the scroll, and her eyes widened.

"Val? What is it??" Seeing her expression made Amanda curious. And a bit concerned. After a moment the android quickly closed the scroll and she turned to smile at Amanda.

"This thing can let me see what could've been if I didn't become a magical girl, look me in the eyes and tell me you don't seen something like that everyday!"

"That's cool, but is it a good memory or...?

"Good so far, but does it matter right now? Come on, open yours!"

Being egged on did make Amanda a bit nervous. She carefully grabbed her present's note.

Uhm, my gift to you is something you've always desired."

Like the other two, she looked into the box to find a small orb of magic. It didn't seem like much, but the magician knew. The unassuming orb can turn into anything she wanted. But what did she want? "...Well, I do need a different weapon. Not that Dreamcatcher hasn't been a great spellbook, but I need something more physical, y'know?" With a bit of a push from Amanda's magic, the orb transformed into an ornate dagger, outfitted with gems associated with dreams.

Of course as soon as it did, the dagger shape shifted into a toy one as per the dimension's magic. Amanda shrugged, then pocketed her new weapon.

Seems like Amanda got Maura's gift. Or atleast, Maura thought it was. For some reason even as she signed up for the event, she didn't get a gift. It made her a bit sad. But seeing the others happy with their gifts, well, maybe it was okay.

She didn't notice Rowena approaching her until she felt something set on her head. It was the flower crown her sister was working on a few hours ago. Brows risen, Maura turned to look at Rowena, who had a warm smile on her face.

"Merry Christmas, Maura! Sorry I didn't get anything better..." Rowena nervously chuckled, scratching the side of her face.

"Oh no, don't apologize! I didn't even think to get any of you some normal gifts at all, this is perfect!" Maura reassured her, adjusting the crown. Though what she said made herself think. She didn't plan for any of this, did she? Or did she not have enough time? She was no time mage, but it seemed like a luxury these days.

Speaking of plans, it looks like someone was about to interfere with Dan's.

And just as things were going so great.

Even if Finn didn't participate in the White Elephant, that didn't excuse Rachel from threatening to screw things up. Like Alex, he started to walk over to the Beacon Inquisitor. But he took his time. He knew better than to rush someone like her, especially when tensions are high and she was prime to attack. Then Lily stepped in. Okay good, she managed to calm things down. But seeing Rachel treat the girl like that left Finn...unsatisfied. So after Dina said her piece, he continued walking to the Inquisitor, a faint scowl on his face.

"Have you no manners?? What gives you the right to make a scene like that?! For fuck sakes, this is supposed to be a party, not a bloodbath!" He whisper-yelled.

"A party?"

Rachel turned around, and looked at Finn like he was a piece of garbage.

"Calling it a party would be an insult to proper festivities. This is nothing but an indulgence in sin and depravity. It needs to be purged," she added, and stepped threateningly closer to Finn.

Even as she stepped closer to the boy, there was naught a trace of fear in his eyes. He knew he was playing with fire. Finn's brows furrowed.

"Has your pride blinded you? Have you forgotten that there are normal magicals here that may need a break like this?! I don't give a rat's ass if this is a deadly decadence in your eyes, but there are good people here that I don't want to see in bodybags!" He growled, making sure his voice remained low for the others' sake.

Rachel stopped mere inches away from him, and looked down on him, the light of the room reflecting on her glasses.
"They won't be, as long as they accept Beacon's mercy, and release themselves from gluttony and lust," she stated. "You see, I embody no pride, only my duty to a world of light and order."

Gluttony? Lust? Such preachings of the seven sins admittedly bore Finn. "You claim such hypocrisy. No one is infallible, not you, not I. We're all sinful creatures in our own ways. That's one of the many vices of being human. Unless you claim you're above us all, that is." He calmed down slightly, crossing his arms. "And if that's the case, I'd be careful not to break anyone's hands here, got it?"

Rachel scoffed. "We are all equal under the Beckoners' judgement. I am but a tool, a vessel for their holy edict. As long as there is heresy, I will cleanse it."
She turned away, glancing back. "A mere hand is nothing to a magical girl. It will heal in time for her foolish challenge." leaving those words to hang in the air, she left.

Finn clicked his tongue as the woman left. "Zealot." He uttered, walking back to his seat. A concerned Oliver watched the exchanged from his spot at the table, and once his friend sat down, the spirit slid a glass of ale to him.

"You good, man?"

Finn's expression softened once he looked back at Oliver, at Betty and those around them. The boy sighed. "I'm good, Oli. Just can't stand those types." With a sip of his drink, he silently rooted for Lily in her challenge. Someone's gotta put that woman in her place, he thought.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 2 days ago

.:⋮Ice side meetings⋮:.

Before the Feast

It was Penny’s turn to be awestruck. The sight of the ruined fort being repaired and then expanded upon was a wondrous thing to behold, and the magic behind the act was the least wondrous thing about it. It was the thought behind the action that captivated her, because it showed that Magical Dream Princess cared. Because even though it was just a snow fort, it was one they had built together and its destruction had hurt.

She would turn a soft look towards her girlfriend. “You are amazing, you know that?” She would state more than ask as she pulled the whimsical girl into a quick hug before entwining their hands together and starting them towards the Ice rink.

“I’ve never done traditional skating, icey or not” She would say as they walked. “But I do enjoy skating. So that sounds like a great idea."

“Awww~ Thankie wankie, Penny Wenny~” MDP replied, nuzzling her girlfriend as the mechanical monarch gave her a hug. “Magical Dream Princess is just super duper glad you like it~! (giggle!)”

As the pair proceeded to walk hand in hand to the ice rink, Penny mentioned that she hadn’t ever skated before either. “Like, that’s okie dokie, Penny Wenny~!” MDP told her with a happy smile. “Magical Dream Princess just knows you’ll be super duper good at it~! (giggle!) You’re super duper good at everythingie wingie~” the whimsical girl added in a dreamy tone as she gazed affectionately at her girlfriend.

“That’s because I cheat” Penny would reply with false haughtiness, though she did feel it to be a mostly true statement. Not that she was ashamed of that, the world wasn’t fair and that was before you added in magic and everything else. Penny had no qualms about doing everything in her power to even the odds.

“But you’ll be pretty good at skating as well I’m sure” She would go on to say “Skating is mostly about keeping your balance after all” And no magical girl worth her salt had a problem with balance. Mainly because magic was a thing. “Still, I’m glad it will mainly just be us there. Watch this be the time all my grace abandons me and I fall through the ice”

“Unlike you of course, you’ll glide across the ice like you were born to it.” She would go on, rhapsodising about MDP’s inherent grace and excellence in a skill that neither of them actually had. For no other reason then she could, plus she wanted to shower MDP in as much affection as the girl was showing her.

The walk to the Ice rink wasn’t a long one, and was made seemingly even shorter by the happy company. Penny would glance around the area as they arrived, but although she recognized the few other girls here she couldn’t say she knew any of them.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess will totally wotally do her very wery best~! (giggle!)” MDP declared after Penny expressed her confidence in the playful girl’s ability to skate.

MDP then gave voice to a squeal of delight when they reached the rink and caught sight of the handful of skaters present. “Goodie woodie~! Pastel-chan’s heresie weresie~! (giggle!)” And so she was, although strangely, the dream magician was being carried around by a somewhat unsettling woman, one who MDP couldn’t quite recall the name of, but seemed familiar nonetheless. “Umm, like, is everythingie wingie okie dokie, Pastel-chan~?!” the whimsical girl called out. She hoped that everything was, but after her recent unpleasant encounter with Oros, she didn’t want to take any chances, especially where her best friend was concerned.

"Feh?" Amanda turned her head to look at MDP and Penny, then offering a wave and a smile. "Oh hi, thanks for checking in. As you can see, I've been relegated to a teddy bear." The magician joked with a blank expression, lightly kicking her legs back and forth while the perp herself gave a polite wave as well. It was surprising how Maribel could hold her with such ease.

"Ah, I was so caught up with things that I haven't gotten to thank you, dear!" The nightmare witch's eyes widened in her realization. She looked to MDP with a warm smile. "The party is quite lovely, but my sisters and I wouldn't've been here if you didn't invite me~ So thank you, Princess!"

“Golly wolly~!” the whimsical girl gasped. “Magical Dream Princess remember wembers nowie~! You’re Maribel Waribel~! (giggle!) And, like, you’re totally wotally welcome~!” she added when the nightmare witch thanked her for the invite. “Magical Dream Princess is super duper happy wappy you’ve been having so much funsie wunsie~! (giggle!) Oh~! Like, this is Penny Wenny~!” the bubbly girl added, gesturing to the cybernetic magical girl. “She’s Magical Dream Princess’s super duper amazing wazing girlfriend whirlfriend~! (giggle!)”

“Hey” Penny would say waving her free hand in greeting. “I’m glad to be seeing you outside of dire circumstances.” She would say nodding to Maribel “And pleased to make your acquaintance, Pastel.” Penny would go on nodding to Amanda, not knowing that MDP was using a nickname. “I know you were there at the Sanctuary but I don’t think we had much of a chance to talk.”

She had at least a few questions about how Maribel and Amanda had gotten into the situation they were in, but now didn’t seem like it was the best time to be asking.

“So how's the skating?” She would ask instead “Neither me or Princess have done it before so you're welcome to join us if you want.” Either way Penny was prepared to stick with them for a while. One of them was obviously MDP’s friend and the other Penny wanted to be on better terms with, considering what happened when they first met.

“Pastel-chan is Magical Dream Princess’s super duper best friendy wendy in the whole wide wordsie~! (giggle!)” MDP would explain. “But her actual wactual namey wamey is Amanda Wanda~! She’s, like, super duper brainy wainy, just like you, Penny Wenny~! (giggle!)” she added cheerfully.

Maribel gave Penny a little wave. "Well what do you think we're doing now, dear~? Regardless, I'm glad to see you're still kicking." When the other two kept addressing Amanda as "Pastel-Chan", the witch held back a giggle.

The aforementioned Amanda dragged herself out of her dumbfounded daze. Dreamy had a girlfriend?? Why didn't she tell her! When did this happen?! She was about to correct Penny on her name when MDP did it for her. She nodded, then looked to the cybernetic monarch. "Eliza did mention you once or twice, good to meet you in person. Maribel please put me down."

Penny had the decency, and ability, to blush at her fopaux. “Ah” She would scratch at her cheek “Hope you don’t hold that against me? As it wouldn’t be that strange if that actually was your name” Because Amanda did fit the color scheme for it, which was likely how MDP came up with it in the first place. “And you’re part of the brainy club yourself if I remember right” Penny would add poking her girlfriend in the side.

MDP giggled when Penny gave her a playful poke. “Kinda winda~” the whimsical girl replied. “But only when she’s not Magical Dream Princess~!” she added with a wink.

Amanda nodded, finally being set down by Maribel. "While we're transformed I usually act as the brains." she mentioned.

“How is Eliza? I’ve not had much of a chance to catch up with her with all of Penrose’s natural insanity.” Eliza was technically one of the first girls to have been granted sanctuary in the Sanctuary, though it hadn’t been that at the time.

The dream magician slightly grimaced when Penny asked about Eliza."She's been doing her best these past few weeks. Months?" she looked off to where Eliza, Kayli, and Connie went. "I am kinda concerned for her, if I'm honest."

Maribel's usual laid-back smile faded. "The blonde one? With the green dress? She passed by us not to long ago, with a white-haired lady. She seemed shaken up by something." She explained. "Did anything happen?"

“Weeeell…” MDP spoke up, looking a bit embarrassed. “Magical Dream Princess kinda winda made a little wittle mistakey wakey and thought Eliza Wiza was a Christmas Wistmas tree… B-But, like, Magical Dream Princess said sorry worry, so she really hopes Eliza Wiza’s not still angry wangry because of that…”

“White hair would be Kayli I think. Not many others around with that hair color.” Penny would muse reviewing the snow fight footage she had. It was in this review she would note Elizia’s reaction to Oros’ behavior. “I don’t think being mistaken for a tree is what’s gotten her down.” She would offer up “She left the field rather quickly after find and replace pulled her little stunt.” She would explain. “But Kayli is good people so she’s in good hands.”

"Wait, it's a her??" Amanda's eyes widened. Who the hell would try and make jabs at Eliza? Then there was MDP's explanation which, agreeing with Penny, didn't seem like something she'd fret over. "Did something happen during the snowball fight??" She furrowed her brows.

"Yes" Penny would admit, though she wasn't able to keep the growl entirely out of her voice as she did so. "Find and replace" She would go on to explain, Snoopy projecting a picture of Oros for Penny to jab her finger towards. "Forced herself onto Princess" The growl upgraded to a snarl, though Penny would take a moment to calm down.

"Eliza looked rather hurt by the action, but I'm not sure why. Lacking any sort of context behind that, other than it seems like they joined the snow fight together. I can extrapolate reasons but no promises."

The image of Oros looked familiar to Amanda. Wasn't she the same lady Eliza was around for the most part?

"Wait a minute...didn't Eliza mention she had a date??"



Amanda's expression turned to one of pure rage, once she put two-and-two together. "That. Fucking. Bitch." Not only did this chick assault her best friend, but while she was supposed to be on a date with her other friend! As much as she didn't want to swear in front of MDP, she just didn't care right now. She tried to force herself to stay calm, putting on an honestly malicious grin and speaking through gritted teeth.

"And...where exactly can I find this sl- harlot that apparently has a death wish~?"

Meanwhile Maribel backed away slowly, whether or not she planned on holding Amanda back or letting her go feral, no one knew.

Penny, rather than being frightened by Amanda's anger, she would smile in response. It was a cold hateful thing. Her opinion of Oros was low, but the murmured words from Amanda succeeded in lowering Penny's opinion of her even further.

"I don't know, she wasn't worth the effort to keep track of while we are here." She would explain "I'd save the murder for later however. I already ran afoul of Dan once here, and I wouldn't want him to get in the way again. Good news is that, according to Dan, Find and replace can't get close to Princess while here."

“Yeah!” MDP added, a look of fierce determination on her cute face. “Danny Wanny made sure that meanie weanie pervert wervert won’t do icky wicky thingie wingies to Magical Dream Princess ever wever againsie wensie! And, like, Magical Dream Princess is sooo super duper happy wappy she has such super duper awesome wasome friendy wendies to help keep her safey wafey~! (giggle!)” she added, her demeanor brightening up to its usual bubbly positivity. “Like, let’s forget about that meanie weanie and have lots of funsie wunsie, together wether, okie dokie~?”

​​Amanda conceded with a groan. "Right. I could attempt to chuck her into my pocket dimension and leave her for the denizens, but knowing the dolphin he'll find a loophole of his own." she shrugged, idly looking outward to spy a...clown?? Heading towards the rink. Oh wait, that was Oros? Guess she embraced being the whole damn circus. But that didn't stop Amanda from glaring daggers at her.

"Do not engage, Amanda~" Maribel casually picked the smaller girl up again, mostly to prevent her from doing something crass. "Patience, patience~"

MDP gasped when she caught sight of Oros, and Penny would feel her girlfriend’s grip tighten. “Like, what is she doing heresie?! Magical Dream Princess thought that meanie weanie was gonna do that racey wacey thingie wingie!” After glaring at the demented clown for a moment, MDP turned away with a dramatic “Humph!”. “Like, this placey wacey is kinda winda biggy wiggy, so, like, maybe waybe if we keep her at a distance wistance, she won’t come over and bother wother us…” the whimsical girl suggested, although it was clear to see she was still quite upset.

"Guess the race is already over?" Maribel asked.

"Short race" Penny would say with a huff before shaking her head "Back on track. Where can we get our skates?" She would ask moving past her anger. She'd build up a proper head of steam later with Amanda, but for now MDP had a good idea.

"I'm curious how different it will be to skate with skates. Rather then my hover systems, and it would be easier for us all to be on the same side of the ice I think"

“Like, Magical Dream Princess thinky winkies there might be some skatey waties in that super cute shacky wacky over theresie~!” MDP noted, pointing to the small, festively decorated structure in question. Skipping over, the whimsical girl picked out a glittery pink pair of skates. No sooner had she put them on, then the magic contained within them charged her outfit to resemble that of a snow fairy, causing the childish girl to squeal with delight. “Wowie zowie~! Magical Dream Princess looks so pretty witty~! (giggle!)”

Penny was a bit more sedate in acquiring her skates, as she would spend a bit of time testing the edge of the skates out of curiosity. Eventually she would settle on a pair of dark gray skates with dark pink laces. Before she got to putting them on however MDP’s delight would pull her attention away from her new footwear.

“That’s a given” Penny would say with a smile, she enjoyed how MDP was able to find such joy in the small things. “The fairy outfit doesn’t hurt either.” She would add after giving the new threads a once over.

She would look back at her skates with a bit more thought as well, she hadn’t expected them to change her outfit, not that she was surprised, but now she wanted to have a good idea in place for the magic to latch onto. A moment later she would strike upon an idea and with a nod would quickly put on her own skates. The wash of magic would leave Penny standing in a rather form fitting nutcracker outfit. The jacket was a deep blue and the slacks a dark gray with dark pink trimming throughout. Her hair was also pulled up into a high ponytail.

She would take a moment to survey her outfit, before bowing deeply at the waist to her girlfriend. “Shall we?” She would ask once she stood back up, not bothering to hide her smile. Penny had wanted to match MDP in some way. And this seemed to be the best way to do that, since none of the flowy outfit’s she had thought up seemed to fit her.

MDP gave voice to a surprised gasp, and her eyes seemed to sparkle at the sight of Penny’s new outfit. “Wowie zowie~” she sighed dreamily as little hearts appeared around her head. Curtsying in response to Penny’s bow, the whimsical Princess of Dreams gently took her girlfriend’s hand and allowed the mechanical monarch to lead her out onto the ice.

Although neither of them had ever skated before, their confidence in each other, coupled with the Christmasy magic of the winter wonderland surrounding them, allowed the pair to glide across the ice in an effortlessly graceful manner, one which easily equaled the greatest pros in the world.

“Like, this is even more funsie wunsie than Magical Dream Princess imagined wagined it would be~! (giggle!)” MDP told her partner with a big smile of innocent glee. “Skating wating is, like, the besty westiest~!” she cheered as she playfully spun around Penny, her sweet voice giggling with delight. “Weeee~!”

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
Avatar of FamishedPants

FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago

J u s t i n e

H e l e w i s a

O l i v e r

"It is only natural that with our heart, will, and cooperation that we were dubbed the champions of this contest," Justine proudly declared, humility being left in the snow to suffer a cold, cruel end. Hilaria and Justine both accepted and stowed their coins and for a moment, the two of them proudly admired their contest-winning dragon.

"Mmm?" Helewisa glanced around only to find something was missing. "We had a third, did we not? I wonder where she ran off to?" Hiliaria and Stien had found themselves abandoned by their newest friend, but neither of them seemed upset by this. A party was a chance to mingle and talk to many new people, and not everyone wanted to form a group for the entirety of the party. Lingering on this small fact was pointless when they could instead thrust themselves onto someone else!

Or so that's what Justine decided for the couple as they wondered what to do next. There was a lot of commotion involving sleds which, although it looked fun, was a bit hectic and Helewisa wanted to spend at least a few moments relaxing after nearly nuking a snowfort and being hit by building-sized snowballs. She, along with Justine, was proud of what they had accomplished with Betty, so she felt they deserved a modicum of relaxation. And besides... if they had found a nice, quiet place to enjoy themselves, would Dan really intrude upon them? Surely the positive vibes they would give off would encourage him to look the other way!

"Stien, Stien!" Wisa called out to the energetic girl with a bit of sugar in her voice. She was far from inexperienced, but approaching someone she actually felt close to brought about a bit of a red tint to her cheeks. "Despite our shenanigans thus far, I truly feel as though time has made strangers of us. A-and, I believe it would be a true shame were we to not enjoy ourselves... so..." she struggled to proposition Justine which was new as Helewisa had not struggled with confidence in quite some time. "...would it not make sense to become more... say, 'familiar?'"

Justine was looking off in the distance almost as though she were ruminating on something. "Aye," she said. "Today is a day of celebration! Of enjoyment, is it not? Our lives are full of strife and scarce, comparably, does opportunity to indulge to such an extent present itself before our very gates! Yes... to ignore the calling... to act not when action is needed... such behavior breeds little but regret!"

Even though it was Justine, Helewisa had to admit she wasn't expecting such an encouraging response. A simple 'yes' or 'no' would have sufficed. But she wasn't about to complain. She wrapped her arms around Justine's neck and pressed her chest against her back, almost squealing in delight. "Oh, it pleases me to hear you say so!" she couldn't help but grin and wonder if Aphrodite had blessed her this day. "Then, shall we?"

Her question prompted Justine to turn around and, with a smile etched on her face, she replied. "It brings me such joy to know that you remain ever eager to bring pleasure to others," she gave her hearty laugh. "Very well! Since every moment spent idle is time wasted, we shall depart! I am confident that he shall end up a happier man in the end!"

Stien's statement caused Helewisa to tilt her head. She wasn't sure where this 'he' came from. She was hoping to enjoy an intimate moment with just the two of them, and although such carnal actions were not something she hadn't participated in before... Stien was never the sort for that! She was wholly devoted to one person, and these acts, although she would be proactive in approaching them, were sacred and meant for the one she loved, or so she had always claimed. What happened? Had this horror, bringing about her appearance, tainted her? Helewisa became a bit upset. She knew it was too good to be true that the real Justine was here... but she was still hoping she could trick herself otherwise at least for this party! But now...

"Hear me, oh slothful one!" Justine suddenly called out to a man minding his own business, plugging away at his laptop. "Does it not strike you as disappointing to allow the occasion to go by? Pray tell: what business do you have on that machine that takes precedence over the festivities that are currently ongoing?"

While his friend was outside at the race, Oliver remained at his seat with a glass of ale, typing away at the laptop that came with his backpack. With his clones not only acting as survelance but joining in on the more tamer events, he could have some time to himself without worry.

So when the bold blonde in blue called out to him, he naturally flinched and glanced over. "Eh?? What makes you believe that? Look around you! Just cause I'm here doesn't mean I'm also there, and there as well!" He motioned to some of the other Olivers that were in the lodge. Other than that, he didn't seem phased by the boisterous Justine.

Justine followed his motions and spotted the other figures sharing his same appearance. "Oh," she said. "It would seem appearances can be misleading! Fwahaha!" her response to the blunder was merely to laugh it off.

Helewisa appeared upset, like she was incredibly disappointed with something, but also frustrated. "Stien, you're pestering him," she chided. "He may be doing homework or something of great importance," Wisa warned, looking over to see Oliver's features. Her expression seemed to relax if only a little bit. "Although... I tend to have a difficult time recalling people, but you seem somewhat familiar, Mr....?"

"Oh, it's alright! I was just catching up on stuff like work." Oliver reassured Helewisa with a polite smile. Though his eyes did widen when she asked for his name. "I didn't introduce myself yet did I? Oliver Kyle, good to meet ya!" The optimistic phantom held a hand out for one of them to shake.

"Oliver?" Helewisa repeated, testing the name. It wasn't like she hadn't met an Oliver before, nor was that some unique, rare name. But with a familiar face and that name, she could positively say they'd probably met at least once before. "Hmm, I do believe we've interacted at least once before..."

"Is that so?" Justine turned her head to Wisa before looking back to Oliver with a tilted head. "Another staunch ally of justice, I would hope."

Wisa hesitated to nod, as though she were not entirely certain. "...Vaguely, the recollection of the extermination of monsters comes to mind." Defeating monsters was something most every girl, even if they were a boy and evil. And even if she would tell Stien otherwise, it was not like she had turned down unsavory clients these past few centuries. So she did worry a little bit that Oliver may not be the paragon of good Justine expected her acquaintances to be. "That's... well, I don't think this was recent relative to your average magical girl. At least some decades if not more, so I'm a bit surprised I managed to recall anything about you," her memory had been getting better and coming back as of late. "O-oh, I suppose I went on a tangent," Wisa took his outstretched hand and gave it a shake. "My name is Hilaria," she told him.

Stien smiled once Wisa had finished, looking Oliver in the eyes and exuding a strong, confident presence (as she typically did). "I am known as Justine, though it doesn't bother me if you address me as Stien. It would seem there's another that shares my name and is quite infamous attending this party as well, so that may be ideal," she took his hand and gave it a firm shake. "If you truly did assist my dear Wisa, then I am indebted to you as I have been a failure on that front for far too long! Do not hesitate to ask anything reasonable of me, fwahaha!"

"You're not from this century too?" Oliver curiously tilted his head. He thought for a moment. "Yes, you do seem familiar as well. Was it the fight against that one Monster King, or was it the Banshee and her thralls? Hm." He thought aloud. "Regardless, it's good to see ya, Hilaria! And nice to meet ya too, Stein! If you have the time, you should go say hi to Vanhorn too later." He smiled. Oliver didn't want to namedrop Finn outright, but maybe it'll help jog Hilaria's memory. Atleast he hoped it would.

"Verily," Justine responded. "Some six hundred years ago in France, like enough. My dearest Wisa is half again and a century older than I," she frowned. "As many of our sisters perish and are abandoned by their patrons, it is a disheartening sooth to admit that it is not oft to find others who share a similar age."

Hilaria nodded. "Mmm, they who triumph over the test of time are a sight for sore eyes. We experience none of the limitations of a human, yet still it is commonplace to find naught but new blood around," she seemed less disturbed by the reality than her friend. "But let us not spoil a celebratory party with such things. About your friend and our past encounter, I do believe we made short work of a banshee! I'm glad time has not made complete strangers of us. Bits and pieces are returning to me as we speak, something I haven't had happen in quite some time!" this seemed to excite Hilaria. "But if you have matters to attend to, we can save this spontaneous reunion another time."

Oliver's smile grew as Hilaria managed to piece things together, if atleast some. Then she asked if they should leave him be. "Hm." The ghost turned to grab his glass of ale, then downed the rest of it in one sitting. "Well, if you have any ideas for what to do, I can hear them out!"

"Admittedly, the two of us were supposed to spend some time relaxing after the amount of effort we spent on a snowdragon," Hilaria explained, looking at Justine who shrugged in response. Turning back to Oliver, she smiled. "It happens that I made my intentions to join the sledding event, but it seems to have started. Is that something that might interest you?" Hilaria glanced at the mug of ale the ghost was drinking from.

Justine grinned. "Your desires lay bare for all to see with such an open expression, Wisa," the flamboyant girl offered her gaze to Oliver after saying this. "Allow me to take my leave if only for a moment. I suspect Wisa is also as parched as I and some ale would slake that thirst." Having explained her objective, Stien left to grab the two girls a drink, leaving the two alone.

Looking around as if searching for something to do, Hilaria suddenly raised a finger. Having obviously thought of something, a small grin appeared on her face. "Or rather than sledding... Might I ask something of you?" she didn't wait for him to answer. "How would you say your singing voice is?"

"We could probably hit the slopes after the race." Oliver shrugged. One of his clones reported seeing Finn participate in the race, so he'd check back on him later. Then Stien excused herself to get some ale for her and Hilaria. He chuckled. Can't blame her, the drinks are good. The ghost turned his laptop off and stuffed it back into his satchel, looking back to Hilaria once she asked her question. His eyebrows rose.

"Singing? I mean, my main game is the drums, but I'd like to think I'm decent." Oliver shrugged again.

"Oh, how wonderful!" Hilaria gave a small clap. "Karaoke is not the first activity one thinks of during a Christmas party, but where there's a good drink, delicious food, handsome men, and beautiful girls, then joyous singing is never far behind!" As she said as much, Justine returned with two mugs filled to the brim and foaming with their drink. She offered one to Hilaria, which she accepted.

"What is this?" Justine asked. "Did my ears deceive me or did I hear speak of singing?" Unlike Hilaria, Justine almost seemed to be on edge speaking about it.

Hilaria nodded. "You are correct! I was just asking Oliver here if he would be interested in karaoke! It's something we could partake in and enjoy whilst we relax and not exert ourselves."

"Karaoke? I am not familiar with this."

"We basically follow lyrics on a screen, it is nothing complex. Doesn't it sound fun?"

"Y-yes, your words do not strike me as false!" Justine tried to seem like she was into the idea. "And this would suit your fancy as well, Oliver?" she examined the boy's expression as she waited for an answer.

Judging by Stien's reaction, she didn't seem as enthusiastic about singing as Hilaria was. It kinda concerned Oliver. "Hey. It's cool if you have stage fright or something, I won't judge." He reassured Justine.

"I-I have no fear of the stage!" Justine protested. "But I lack the same musical talent that my dear Wisa does, and I do not often wish to subject others to performance they are not like to enjoy..."

Helewisa placed a hand on her shoulder. "But what does that matter? I do not wish to sing for other people, even if they are welcome to listen," she told Stien, smiling widely as if she were amused by the reaction. "We would be singing for the entertainment it provides us, nothing more. And if you still hesitate to partake, then you merely need a bit more liquid courage."

Nobody else would know this, but Hilaria had partially repeated something Justine said to her before. It seemed to have the desired effect as Justine's demenor changed back into the confident, proud woman she was. "It is as you say! Yes, forgive the hesitation!" she immediately downed the entire mug she had. "I shall require another, but there shall be glorious, wonderful song today!"

As Justine went to retrieve another drink, Wisa looked at Oliver. "So then, if you are fine with it, then I shall ask Dan if he can help with the setup."

Oliver nodded. "Sounds good."

Hilaria nodded before she called for Dan. He appeared almost immediately with his usual dolphin flair and Hilaria presented their wish for a karaoke set. As expected, the lighthearted fun they wanted to had was more than welcome and he had no problem obliging before wishing them well and returning to what he was doing prior.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Hilaria cheered once it had been set up. They had set up the set on a TV screen inside the cabin. It had, obviously, two microphones in case anyone wanted to do a duet, but for now Hilaria had grabbed one and was looking through the expansive list of songs she could sing. Since it was a magical construct made by Dan it was sure to have whatever song one could think of. "We have quite the range of songs!" she told them, almost starry-eyed. "With that said, who would care to go first?" she looked at Oliver and Justine.

"Try as I may, I do not fully recall the last time I let myself sing in public. It must have been ages ago as what I do remember is the joyous laughter ringing about through a tavern my brethren and I had occupied. Sooth is it to say that I had become rather intimate with the bottle that night."

Helewisa became almost a beet red and looked shocked. She opened her mouth to speak but Justine continued, seemingly oblivious to Wisa.

"Yes, as pigeon-eyed as I was the details elude me." Once the realization set in that Stien was talking about becoming inebriated, Wisa narrowed her eyes. "But I digress. The reason I bring such up is because I would very much prefer to enjoy another's performance before taking to the stage myself, if the both of you do not mind."

Closing her eyes and exhaling, Wisa recovered and again wore a smile. "What complaint could I have, Stien? Oh, but that just means you'll have a tough act or two to follow," she turned to Oliver and asked a question he could probably see coming from a mile away. "Well, Oliver, would you care to start us off, or should I?"

"Eh, guess I'll start. Only if ya don't laugh at me." Oliver walked up to grab the other microphone. He did feel an air of uncertainty, but promply shrugged it off.

"The courage to attempt something even in face of your fears is an admirable trait. They who would laugh at that are contemptable!" Justine gave what Wisa presumed to be encouragement.

Wisa nodded. "That is correct. It would be rude to ask you up and then make a jest at your expense. Besides, I have bore witness to Stien's singing, so you have little to worry about!"

Pfft-! Alright, alright. Lemme pick a song real quick!"

Time seemed to escape the trio as they enjoyed karaoke and more drinks. Hilaria had a rather beautiful singing voice, nailing higher notes than most could and it was clear she had experience. Meanwhile, Justine sang with all the elegance of nails on a chalkboard, making a clear contrast to her partner. Furthermore, red were the cheeks of both girls who had, at some point, started a competition to see who could tolerate the most alcohol. And despite being quite a few drinks in, they only seemed to now be feeling anything. One could only imagine the sheer bill they would wrack up if they had to pay for this.

As a little more time passed, Oliver began to feel as though his personal space wasn't being respected by Hilaria. It wasn't quite clear to him if it was intentional or not, but it wasn't something he could ignore, especially as Hilaria's outfit wasn't particularly conservative.

But eventually, all good things must end. Or at least be postponed. It soon came time for people to receive gifts from the White Elephant exchange. Wisa and Stien had seemed to be enjoying themselves, and now the blush was a lot more apparent on their faces, as well as the smell of alcohol on their breath. "It's time!" Wisa announced. "I am eager to see what I received!"

And so, they would join everyone else attending the event.




Hilaria had received some form of candy that gave truth to one of her dreams. Seeing the nature of the gift and assuming it worked as stated, she began to feel as though maybe she should have put a bit more 'oomph' into the gift she had given. But the reality was that it was too late to change things. "It looks delicious!" she exclaimed ecstatically with starry eyes, yet putting the candy away for now. "I'll think on it and save it for a time I can better enjoy it."

As Justine was only brought in after it had started, she naturally received nothing, a fact that didn't bother her much.
"Lady Luck has blessed you this day, it would seem. Though I caution you to not spend your present on your gluttony!"
Stien heartily laughed, slapping Hilaria on the back a few times.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

”I’m hated for doing what people expect, and feared for doing what they don’t.”

— Oros

With Oros being excluded from participating in ice skating, she decided to dance on the ice by herself at the snowball fight area.

Surely such a thing should be impossible. Magical Dream Princess magicked away all the damage Oros had wrought with her “Dan the man” cannon, even going as far as making the snow palace even bigger and better than the last one. But Oros only needed to lay siege to it a second time. The DTMC made turning any snow born structure into a puddle fairly easy. The resulting puddle was not the easiest thing to skate on, but it worked for her purposes.

Oros weaved and jumped around the snow fort. She skated around fallen towers, jumped over fallen arches, and just had a grand ol’ time all by herself.

Magical Dream Princess would likely discover the snow fort had been destroyed, and just rebuild it. It was also likely that if this kept up, Dan would side with MDP again and just make the snow fort impossible to destroy, or find some more serious way to punish Oros. Then again, there would come a time when Dan had to return the dimension to it’s warm, sunny state where all the snow would surely melt. Depending on your outlook, the long term destruction of the snow fort was either ensured or impossible. It made doing anything to the snow fort now pointless. Surely Oros must have realized this, but why she chose to do it anyway was something only she knew.

”Betty’s 2 for 3! Or something!”

— Betty “Biohazard” Barton

Betty was not a conversationalist, but she did her best to talk with Finn on their way over to the lodge, where she was sure Hilaria and Stien were waiting for her. No, that wasn’t true. They were probably just eating food because there was a feast there. Her arrival didn’t factor into things at all.

”I wonder if Maura is going to be here? Unless she’s patching things up with Silhouette?” Betty surveyed the room. ”There they are! I want you to meet Hilaria and Stien!”

Betty only managed to arrive at the table before Dan appeared, praising their snow dragon before thrusting a silver coin in their hands.

”Again? I won twice?”

”I was pretty sure the grand magistrate would make sure no one got rewarded twice. ”

Betty was too shocked to respond. She really wanted to beat Justine’s castle. That wasn’t something she would have been able to do on her own. But with the help of her new friends, they were able to defeat her. ”Guys…” Betty’s voice cracked a bit before she pulled the two girls into a hug. ”Thank you! I don’t know if I was able to contribute all that much, but we were able to pull off that miracle!”

The celebrating was cut short when the white elephant event started. ”Oh I almost forgot about this!” Betty took a seat at Hilaria’s table and examined her gift. It was a large white box that was sealed with a glittering green ribbon. ”Well, here goes nothing!” She pulled on the ribbon untill it came undone before folding it up and setting it aside. With the box unbound, she pulled back the lid and peered inside. ”Huh?” She pulled a small fan out of the box. It looked like a small fan, with rows of LED lights buried in the frame that housed it. ”Wait, I think I know what this is!” She pulled something else out of the box. It was some sort of “G-FORCE” graphics card. ”These are computer parts! Can I build an entire computer with these? That sounds exciting, but I don’t know if I could build it myself. Maybe someone could help me?”

”What the literal fuck?!” Oros’s gift box layed at her feet in shambles, and all she had to show for it was a card she was holding onto. ”A card that lets me ‘have access to any venue to have a memorable night with someone special?’ This was a proposed item for season 2 and it got shot down, why is it making a cumback now?” Oros groaned. ”How pointless! I can enter any venue I want, All nights with me are memorable, and nobody’s special! Muda muda muda muda muda!”

Then everything changed with the Beacon Patron attacked.

”Seriously?” Betty looked at everyone at her table. ”Isn’t she stepping just a bit outside her jurisdiction?” With a sigh, Betty hugged parts to what might become her future computer if it didn’t get ruined for her somehow. ”Well, it’s none of my business I guess. Seems like Dan has magical girls on hand to deal with this sort of stuff.”

While most of the magical girls felt unnerved by this recent turn of events, Oros was positively glowing. ”Son of a bitch! I could have used a development like this months ago!” Oros laughed. ”Hey, let’s make the stakes a bit higher. In addition to the already presented terms, the loser will also get dom’d in a fanfiction that’s gunna get posted on discord. In the NSFW section no less! Think you can do that for me big guy?”

”Consider it done.”

”You’d better not be lying.” Oros approached the group of magical girls slowly gathering around Rachel. ”Also, I’ll be fighting the winner for rights to both the mirror and this dimension. We’ll worry about the terms of my defeat once I know who my opponent will be.” Oros extended her ticket to Rachel. ”Wanna trade? You look like you need to get laid, and that’s a pretty nice jacket if I do say so myself.”

"All that, for a drop of blood?”

— Tonya “Mac” Murphy

So the coveted Keijo master tourney was going to start. The fight for the mirror, which would inevitably get stolen and end the tourney. All that drama, and for what?

Of course, a gold coin. Even Mac couldn't resist those.

But with Veronica gone, who would play with her? Well, she hadn't talked to Aria yet. She should probably do that before things go much further along.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The outdoors were incredibly beautiful. Were it not for the sound of snow filled war it would be serene. Briefly watching the snowball fight the magical girl would set her sights on exploring more of the island. Spotting Penny, or a Penny anyhow, Kayli would step over to her. ”Having fun over there?” She would gesture to battle.

Penny would turn around at being addressed, she had been gazing out at the other islands from the looks of things. “Hmm? Oh, yeah. It’s rare that I get to go all out without there being something on the line. Plus it’s my first snowball fight” She would explain with a shrug “I think that’s a fair enough reason for me to be going a bit overboard.” There was more to it then that, but such wasn’t really relevant at the moment.

“What brings you over here?” She would go on to ask. She wasn’t hidden by any means, but this was still a bit away from the main draw of the Ski lodge.

Regarding the combat silently for a while longer, Kayli would eventually hum to herself. ”I can understand it being the first.” She would look over the fun. After a few moments she would shrug a bit. ”I’m just observing. Seems a little more intense of a snowball fight for my taste.”

Penny would glance at the snowball fight once more before returning to looking out at the other islands. “For a human maybe, but other than Princess none of the others are really human anymore.”

“Plus there is at least one Warrior over there as well, so things were never going to be kept sedate”

"Mm. I'm a fighter only because it's necessary in this line of work. I am what I am thanks to a wish." She would begin walking off away from the noise. While they walked she would look over to Penny's clone. "How have things been for you? I don't think we've had the chance to just talk about things openly." She would make a mostly transparent barrier around them and draw a few wards on it as they moved.

“Not fighter, Warrior” Penny would correct “It’s a motivational classification.” She would turn and follow Kayli as she spoke. No use in staring down a building she couldn't even see. “And things have started to smooth out now, not that they weren't beforehand, but I’m no longer worried about anyone else issuing me a challenge.” The last girl to try and take the crown had attempted it shortly before Kayli had shown up, and Penny had kept on the lookout till just recently.

“Other than that, I was doing good before coming here” She would let out a huff “Or at least the Prime is doing poorly because of here. Not a lot of good came from being here last time. But she’s keeping those runtimes in her local network.”

“How about you? Haven’t really had a chance to check in and see how you were settling in” She would ask as she inspected the wards. It was interesting to watch, even if she couldn’t make use of it at the moment.

Wards weren't really like imagery or written language. These were studied and had a particular way of shifting. Penny would probably liken it to the result of a cypher or algorithm. It functioned to keep prying eyes and ears from listening in. "Jenna was here briefly not that long ago. There was no significant difference in the progression of time. And I've not detected anything to suggest we can not leave if we wanted to." She would offer as encouragement.

Frowning a bit the girl looked around at the landscape which seemed to ease her countenance. "I suppose I'm still a bit lost. I don’t quite know my place. I am designed for purification yet hindered by conscience. My existence is contradictory and I can’t help but feel it was by design." The Djinn's magic had given her a lot of tools with little guidance for using them. She was a defender and peace keeper in some capacity even if that was vague. How exactly her transformation equated to her wish for a weapon was not particularly clear at this stage.

“I would just like to point out the inherent irony of you talking about your uncertainty of purpose to an A.I.” Penny would point out with a chuckle. “And if you don’t mind the absurdity of such. I’ll give you advice as well. You are the only one who can choose what it is that you are here for. Janet, Jenna, Cindy, and Ruby are all irrelevant to what your purpose is, only you get to choose that. You were designed for Purification, that doesn’t mean you have to go along with that.”

“I was built for destruction and charging into conflict. I’ve spent the majority of my freedom doing the opposite. Partly out of spite, but also because tearing things down isn’t as important to me as building a safe place for those that need one.” Which was an unvoiced truth about the Sanctuary. A testament that she was more than what she was built for.

“I’m not saying you need to do the same, just pointing out that purification doesn’t need to be your purpose just because it was baked into your birth.”

”Hm… She would consider what Penny had to say. After a bit she would smile to herself. ”I suppose you’re right. If anyone would understand the circumstances it would be you. Thank you for that.” Glancing at everyone moving around she would stay quiet for a minute.

She had some things to think about. There was one thing she had on her mind for a while, or perhaps Janet and Jenna did. ”I think we both have work to do on that then.” She would pause. ”Those that attacked the Sanctuary seemed to be counting on you rushing out to meet them. They used a similar tactic to trick Cindy. They’re aware of your tendencies and the power structure of the Sanctuary. You’re not quite as impulsive as the last Queen, but you need to be careful not to let your passion become too much of a weakness.”

Penny would grimace but not disagree. It was a thought that had occurred to her as well, but “That’s going to be tricky, the Sanctuary is as much my home as it is my passion.” She still remembered the first time she lay under the tangled web of shelves while Jason slept, and realized that this was her’s. “Because of that it’s always going to be an easy trigger for me and my anger.”

“If you’ve got ideas I’m open to them, but a lot of it is an issue of trust at the moment I think.”

Hand on hips for a few minutes there was silence. A number of things that could be done, but not many of them could happen in a short order. "I cannot give you much advice for your issues without knowing more about you. The girls knew little in that regard other than to prove your point. As for the Sanctuary, well, it's not secure anymore. Nor is it much of a secret thanks to Shane's patron. I believe it would be best for everyone you're trying to protect to relocate. Sadly there isn't anywhere immediately available that I'm aware of. If we had a location then I could at least begin warding it to hide and defend it. While Cindy inhabited Janet she took the liberty of studying the defenses of Beacon's lab. I believe I could replicate something similar on a smaller scale given enough time." She would put forward. Probably not things Penny wanted to hear for some of it, but Kayli wasn't going to beat around the bush about things so important to her.

Penny was silent for a while and she would often glance at Kayli as she contemplated something. Her eyes would switch a few times as well, more often than not the currently red eyes would be replaced with vibrant neon blue, with her more normal gold popping up once or twice as well.

“Trust isn’t easy for me, and a lot of that has to do with Jason. You never met him, but Cindy and the girls did. Related to that is the fact that they never really met me, but you have.” She would say after her silence. Being here brought to the fore just how poorly her once host had dealt with trust.

“We can dig into that in a moment if you want a better understanding, but I do have a place where everyone can go. It’s well guarded, and no one knows of its location.” She would go on to say “The problem is that I don’t know how to get it into Penrose without it being noticed. Because if it does get noticed people are going to get very paranoid. After all, it's a tank the size of a battleship and there aren't many places in Penrose to bring it in quietly.”

”Mmm, yes. If it were still a ship it could potentially hide and reside in the harbor. Something of that size and appearance would be very conspicuous and potentially seen as an act of aggression. Where does it stay when not in use?” She would set aside the other issue for the moment as Penny requested. They had plenty of time to talk about that as is. And there were other matters to discuss that were somewhat related.

“Honestly, I don’t know.” Penny had theories, but never had the time to test them. “My best guess is some sort of pocket dimension, but I’m not really sure how and why it is that way for me. Something to do with the fact that I stole it from a Patron during the death of one of their magicals.” She would shrug, she wasn’t sorry. “And the Earthbastion is seaworthy. It was often sailing these islands last time Dan had a party. So settling it in the harbor is possible, even have a way to cloak it if we can get it there. The problem is getting it there, as my summoning of it is loud and flashy.”

That was problematic. Surely it wasn't that difficult of a solution though. "Couldn't you go well outside the city limits and summon it there? Sail it back without drawing all the attention?"

“Probably” Penny would agree “Though not sure how far out to the ocean I would have to go to not be detected. And there is the paranoia that something bad will happen while I’m out of reach, which I wish I could say was unfounded, but the raid started off with the Mint trying to take me into the Overcity. So I’m not sure me, going off for however long that would be, is safe for the girls living there.”

Everyone's visit to this dimension was a missed opportunity in hindsight. No point saying such out loud. To some extent Kayli was curious if Rose and Iris could take back the Earthbastion. Knowing Penny though she wouldn't trust anyone but herself with such a thing. "Suppose I'll have to do my best to come up with something then."

Having walked out of sight of the main cabin, Kayli would gesture back where they'd came. "While we're on the subject of things to be aware of, I spoke with a scientist back at the cabin. She strikes me as a bit unhinged and not really concerned with much other than advancing her study. However, she showed considerable interest in you and MDP when I was talking to them. I likely am also of interest, though perhaps not quite as much right now." She would warn her friend.

“You might be able to talk to Dan about it, see if he would be willing to let me leave a different way” Penny would offer up, her thoughts running along similar lines about missed opportunities. “Not sure if he would be receptive to me, was kind of cold to him last time we met. Which was in part due to it just being after the attack on the Sanctuary.”

“And thanks for the heads up. Might send a counterfeit to talk to them, might as well do what I can to learn about them before they start knocking down my door to get answers.”

Kayli would nod. Probably worth discussing with the dolphin. Though the Keeper herself didn’t see much need for her to approach him.

That out of the way, the girl would move on. ”So what do you plan on doing? You, or Jason more likely, have gotten yourself tangled up in many of the groups in and around Penrose. For better or worse your actions and potential as an asset make you a valuable quarry.” She would state pointedly.

"Both of us at this point" Penny would admit before quieting for a few moments as she considered the question.

"I'm trying to focus on the Sanctuary. Stability and self sufficiency are only just barely a thing after all. I'm also trying to talk myself out of hunting down the Mint, as it feels like I need to retaliate to keep them away from the girls there. Though I doubt it will do much, especially if we're successful. Quashing the desire isn't easy."

"I'm also looking into acquiring the Penrose Independent, since it seems like Eden's vanished. A mundane front will help pay for the Sanctuary at the least, and give the girls something to do in their free time."

”Mmm, not sure attacking the Mint will do much unless you can take out the top in Penrose. And even then they’ll likely be replaced. Pretty sure Beacon and the Mint have been duking it out for a long time and they’re still fighting.” She would point out.

The mention of the Penrose Independant was interesting. ”I haven’t heard of them in a while. Are they up for grabs?”

“I know that about the Mint, anger issues make it hard to drop the line of thinking regardless” Penny would admit with a shrug. “And sorta. Everything they set up is still in place, just there is no one running it. On the magical side that’s not a problem, on the mundane side of things it would need a bit of start-up to buy it and get ownership transferred over to.” She would explain.

“Which is kinda needed for long term stability, Both the Mint and Beacon have mundane fronts after all, and the reason for such makes a lot of sense when you think about it.”

"Mmm. If I had more buying power I would help with that. Looking mostly like children it makes operating in the regular world a little more tricky." She would cross her arms a bit while thinking. There were some options such as a Disguise Artifact, but it was limited in use. There were the rare magical girls that continued to age, but that took twice the time to accomplish. Could always work through other people, but Kayli preferred doing something like that herself.

“The digital age makes that easier to get around.” Penny would reply “But you still have a point.” Really it was the money that Penny was having an issue with, as she didn’t exactly want to have to resort to illegal activity to be able to buy the place. As with her digital presence she could cause enough banking errors to get the money, but that would leave a trail, at least in the magical half of things, that could come back to hurt later on.

Shaking her head Penny would set aside that topic for now. “What about yourself?” She would then ask “You’ve got yourself in a rather unique position yourself, what are your plans?”

Placing one hand on her cheek she shook her head slightly. ”I’m not completely sure what to do to be honest. I don’t really feel I fit anywhere specific right now. Coordinating between groups seems to have gone alright so far, but there’s no telling who or what will pop up to disrupt that. I get the feeling I’m maybe meant to care for others in some way. That’s kind of been the main thing driving me for a while. I just haven’t found how best to do that.” She leaned back a bit and looked up at the lightly falling snow.

“You could set up a clinic” Penny would offer “Go full Leslie Thompkins and just be there to help heal or cure or purify those that come seeking your aid. You can still be there to try and arbitrate for people but also be able to help people without getting bogged down in politics.” It was closer to what Penny had originally wanted to do with the Sanctuary, but Cindy and Dan both kinda shot that plan apart.

Taking some time to consider the advice, she would nod a bit. "Something like that could work. Maybe what I should do is ask around a bit and see what people need." That sounded like a decent idea to her. Well, assuming people needed anything at all. ”There is one thing I’m considering. Apparently Rose and Iris went to Ruby to try and get their friend Connie a gift. She’s an orphan and they wished for her to have a parent that understood her. Typically as of late it isn’t just a snap and for it to work they have to find someone willing to adopt her. It’s very sweet of them. I believe I could fill that role for her and perhaps others.”

“Parenthood?” Penny would say more than ask before shrugging “I can see that being helpful. Lot of girls are directionless, and even more of them lose their parents in one way or another when they join our community.” And if Kayli mixed emotional support in with her healing efforts she was likely to make quite the impact on wherever it was she set up.

“I’ve got no personal data to draw from when it comes to that role, so sorry to disappoint if you were looking for more life advice I’ve got none for you this time.” She would say with a chuckle. “But if you feel that it will do you and Connie good then go for it.”

She nodded. ”They came to me first since they weren’t sure what to do. Suppose I’ll have to speak with Connie and see if she wants that.” She would take out some papers from her jacket and flip through them a bit. "I think you're right about what happens with some girls though. I feel like there's a gap that's hard to fill as far as making a family. We're all more or less 'the same age' in a way."

“Fair” Penny would acknowledge “Most of us are locked to the same physical age category. So mentor might be a better way to pitch it to people instead of mom.” She would say since those two categories could have a lot of overlap.

“Still, not everyone is going to have the same amount of life experience coming into the community. I’ve got thirty plus years at my recollection, but some in beacon were only just out of childhood. Though finding the correct balance is going to be tricky I’m sure.”

"Of course. I find it regrettable that some patrons choose children to become their champions. Those are mainly the ones I am concerned about." She said while reading through the document. Most of it was a lot of legalese, the long way of saying very simple or obvious things. Some bits were not quite as clear. None of it seemed particularly egregious though.

Lifting it up she waved it in the air lightly. "Your suggestion is a good one, but I don't think this document affords that. From my experience with the Djinn girl the specifics matter. Rose and Iris wished for a parent for someone else so I can only assume this will make whoever signs it to just that some way."

Penny would spare a hard look at the stack of papers that Kayli had in her hands as she contemplated that. Wary of the seemingly innocuous magical artifact. “If you have a chance, talk to Connie. Wishes made on the behalf of others aren’t always what they need.” Myth was full of stories of such things going wrong, though just as many went right as well.

“And I’m not sure it will restrict you from also being a mentor to others. Unless it spells it out differently in there. Being a parent doesn’t mean that you can’t care for others.” It also didn’t mean that one had to be a good parent, but that wasn’t something that Penny felt was right for the conversation at hand.

Kayli would nod. "I agree with both those points. I don't think it would prevent me from helping others. I will have to speak to Connie about it." That train of thought seemed to close out, at least for the time being. The race event was called so whatever next event was about to begin. "Well, seems things are moving on. Shall we rejoin everyone else?"

“You go on ahead” Penny would say waving off the invitation to join in “The Prime is already on her way” She would explain. “I’ll likely just head back and help out the other counterfeit that is working on the Snow Fort.”

“Feel free to stop in and say hi to the Prime though. She’s with Princess at the moment and plans on keeping that way for the rest of the festival.”

After speaking with her friend and looking a bit deeper into the wording of the contract, Kayli had come to the conclusion that there was only one way to resolve this. It took her a little bit to relocate Connie. Moving up close she would speak in a slightly hushed tone. "Can I speak with you for a moment? I have something personal I would like to discuss." She wouldn't press the girl to come along as she moved back from the others.

“O-Of course,” Connie said as she allowed Kayli to lead her to a more secluded spot. “W-What would you like to t-talk about?”

"Well…" She would clear her throat just a bit. "Rose and Iris wanted to give you a gift. Thing is, it needs someone to fulfill it." She took out a small stack of papers and held it out. "This is a magical contract. In it it states that whoever signs and if you accept, that person will become your adoptive parent." She would pause to let Connie take in and think through the revelation.

To say that Connie was shocked would have been a colossal understatement. “P-Parent…?” she asked after she finally managed to somewhat compose herself. “Y-You want to a-adopt me?”

"I can, if that is something you would like. I realize this might seem a little out of nowhere, but I would love to be able to serve as your mother." She waited.

“R-Really?” Connie asked again. She almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I-I d-don’t know w-what to s-say…” she continued, clasping her trembling hands over her chest as tears began to fill her eyes. “I-I’d p-pretty much g-given up h-hope that a-anybody would w-want to adopt s-someone like m-me…” An instant later, she ran forward and wrapped Kayli up in a tight embrace. “T-Thank you!” she cried, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. “I-I s-still don’t k-know you v-very well, but y-you’ve been so n-nice, a-and Rose and Iris t-trust you, s-so I t-think I’d r-really l-like to b-be adopted by y-you! Oh, b-but, w-what about M-Mia?” she asked, sounding somewhat concerned. “I-I k-know s-she’ll be t-turning eighteen s-soon, b-but I s-still d-don’t want to l-leave her a-all alone, a-and b-besides, w-we’ve a-always been t-together s-since w-we were l-little…”

Kayli returned the hug. ”If Mia wants to as well then I would be glad to.” She knelt down just a bit and wiped away some of the tears ”I’ve seen how difficult it can be to find a family. Most of us don’t get the chance to have parents as magical girls. I’ve had Fake Parents, but it isn’t the same since you can’t really share who or what you are. I’d like to give you and others the chance if I can.” She wasn’t quite sure how that sounded. As abrupt as it seemed this felt like a natural fit for her. There were still some terms in the contract she didn’t fully understand, but she would accept the stipulations none the less.

Standing back up she would take a look around. ”I guess we need to find Mia then hm?” She would ask with a smile.

“Y-Yeah, o-okay,” Connie agreed. “I t-think she’s s-still hanging out w-with Shane. T-That’s her new b-boyfriend,” the timid girl added.

”Oh. I’m familiar with Shane. That’s wonderful.” Knowing that she was likely around Shane, she would reach out with her mind to try and locate the boy. After a minute or two she would turn. ”I think I’ve found them. Let’s go and see.” She would take Connie’s hand and lead her to where Shane and Mia were.

Upon reaching the pair, Connie ran up to her best friend and began excitedly explaining the situation. “H-Hi, Mia! T-This is Kayli,” she said, gesturing to the white-haired young woman.

“A pleasure to meet you, Kayli,” Gaia told her serenely. “I am Gaia, Daughter of Mother Earth, and Connie’s dearest friend. And this dashing young man is Shane, my boyfriend,” she added, gesturing to the young man in question.

“K-Kayli’s a friend of R-Rose and Iris,” Connie explained. “A-And she wants t-to adopt b-both of us!”

“Truly?” Gaia asked with a raised eyebrow. “I know my dearest Connie can make quite the positive impression, but you wish to adopt her after only just having met her? And please forgive me for saying this, but you look no older than twenty. Might it not seem a bit odd for you to adopt two girls in their late teens?”

Mia’s questions were reasonable ones. She could tell that the girl was looking after her friend as well with the questions. ”I can understand your concern. I may have only met Connie, but Rose has told me everything about the both of you. After meeting her though I can tell that she is a sweet girl.” She folded her hands in front of her. ”Caring for others is something of a cause for me. I can generally see what people want and need. Ordinarily I wouldn’t take on something like this were it not for this unique opportunity.” She flipped through a couple pages of the contract. ”I believe there are others as well that need support. I’m hoping this could be a start in giving magical girls a safe and loving place to be.“

Glancing back and forth for a moment, Shane would comment. ”Kayli has been helping out at the Sanctuary. I trust her to do right by others. For what it’s worth.”

Locating what she was looking for she took a step closer and let Mia take a look. ”As for your other question, I’m not as concerned with how things look because of this.” She would point out a set of lines that stipulated “By signing, the adopter agrees to accept any and all changes necessary to perform parental duties in both magical and mundane capacity. Provisional paperwork shall be provided upon completion of the contract to satisfy legal institutions.” ”This was a wish made by Rose and Iris by the way. For whatever reason it manifested like this.” She would offer the pages to Mia to look through.

“I see…” Gaia said as she carefully looked over each page. “In that case, it would appear that all potential concerns shall be addressed upon signing this contract.” Returning the paperwork, she sighed, before giving Kayli a serene smile. “You seem genuine in your concerns, Kayli, and since you also have the trust of Rose and Iris, I believe that I can feel comfortable with you adopting both Connie and myself. Although I should point out that I shall be turning eighteen in but a few short months, so your time as my legal guardian shall be a relatively short one.”

"Connie mentioned that. Regardless you are welcome to be a part as long as you like." She would produce a magic pen and hand it to Mia for her and Connie to sign.

Satisfied by what she had seen in the contract, and confident that she could detect no ulterior motive, Gaia took the pen and signed her name with a graceful flourish, before handing the writing implement to Connie, so she could do the same.

“O-Oh, gosh, Mia! I-I’m s-so excited!” the timid girl said with a big smile as she signed the mystic parchment with a trembling hand.

“It shall certainly be an interesting change,” Gaia agreed.

With the adoptees listed, Kayli would go through and sign each place her signature was required. In short order that was done. "Alright then. Let’s see how this works." Having a number of encounters with wish magic she knew that the results could vary. At this point for her though she knew not to anticipate anything in particular. The paper would vanish leaving them standing there in the snow. ”Hm... “ She looked up to Connie and Mia for a moment. Vague imagery of a woman began to swim around in her head. She was tall and…The girl’s stomach groaned. She folded her arms over it as she shuddered. ”Uugh. Feels like my insides are turning.”

Connie gave a sharp gasp as the magic went to work and Kayli’s body began to change. “A-Are y-you okay?!” she asked, visibly concerned.

”I-I believe…” Magic swirled around her and she lifted off the ground. Slowly her form became a silhouette of light. She couldn’t move or speak. Suspended in the air the magic would pulse for several minutes. Each time the girl’s form would advance slightly, growing taller and fuller with each stage. In a short order the figure shifted from that of a 5’ 4” girl to a full 5’ 10” woman. As the light faded she drifted back down and settled kneeling on the ground. It was still very much Kayli, complete with festive ware, but she most definitely had progressed to an age that would meet the requirements of the contract.

Taking in a slow breath, she would blink several times as her senses returned. It took a moment for her to register what had just happened. "Oh my... " She would huff.

Connie blinked a few times. “W-Wow…” she said in hushed awe after she’d gotten over her initial shock.

“I must say, you make for a significantly more maternal figure now,” Gaia noted with an approving smile. “I am curious though, how many additional magical girls were you planning to adopt in this manner?”

Working past her own surprise, the woman would place a finger to her lips. "I don't believe I could do the same thing. The magic that facilitated this was not my own. It would need to be done in a more traditional manner. It would depend on how many would be interested I suppose. Not everyone may want to be adopted but I am willing to foster those as well." She gave a warm smile.

“So we were something of a special case, then?” Gaia asked.

“I-I t-think it w-was because w-we l-live at t-the orphanage,” Connie explained. “K-Kayli, o-or I g-guess that s-should be M-Miss Kayli, w-wanted to g-give us a p-place to l-live w-where we h-had some m-more f-freedom to do m-magical s-stuff. A-And w-where I w-wouldn’t h-have to d-deal with any b-bullies…” she added.

Kayli would nod and crouch down, putting her arms around the two girls. Giving them a big hug she would kiss them both on the forehead. "This was a very special case for two very special girls. I hope I can live up to the task."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Should be before the whole White Elephant thing.

Eliza was still uncertain if she could be left alone, that much was obvious. So when Kayli went to go talk with Connie and Mia, she waited nearby until they were done. What she didn't expect was Kayli turning into an actual adult as per their contract. It left the witch stunned. She knew there were magicals who could naturally age; even if their transformed state was set to a specific age, those with the Prime power, then there was rare cases like Binky. So where did that leave Kayli?

Kayli would begin to direct Connie and Mia back to the main hall to meet up with everyone else. Standing up after giving the two a loving hug she would notice Eliza's presence and look in her direction. "Eliza..." There was a brief pause as she seemed to assess the girl's reaction. She would pick up the thought though with a smile and she held her hands out to her sides. "What do you think?" Despite the change the woman didn't seem all that flustered about it.

"You've...actually grown..." Eliza blinked. After a moment however, she pouted. "Lucky! Some of us would kill to get our old ages back!"

That detail she hadn't really considered. Then again there really wasn't a way for Kayli to have anticipated the result. It could have given her a disguise or some other magical thing. The realization was evident as her expression changed from a smile to a light frown. "Mmm, I suppose you're right. I didn't really plan for this, but I wanted to fullfil a wish for Connie."

Connie herself had just finished telling Gaia about all the fun she had been having with Rose and Iris, and how she had subsequently gone sledding with Kayli and Eliza. This had also been fun, although Eliza still seemed to be on edge about something, which only got worse when Kayli had briefly left the two of them to get to know each other better, while she had an important talk with one of her other friends. That had been rather awkward for poor Connie. She always hated to see people upset, especially during holidays, but she didn’t really know how to cheer Eliza up and she had always been pretty terrible when it came to socializing anyway. Thankfully, Kayli soon returned, and presented Connie with quite an astounding offer. Connie was still quite a bit stunned by the aftermath of that, when she heard the nearby Eliza say something about how some magical girls would love to go back to their original ages. Now, she herself hadn’t changed ages or genders when she had become a magical girl, but she now knew from experience that some unfortunate people did. Perhaps that was why Eliza was so dejected? Maybe if she could return to her original age, she would start to enjoy herself. With this idea in mind, Connie tentatively walked over.

“U-Umm…” she began hesitantly. “I-If y-you’d l-like t-to b-become o-older, E-Eliza, t-then w-why d-don’t y-you a-ask w-whoever h-helped K-Kayli t-to h-help y-you, t-too? I-I m-mean, it is C-Christmas,” she added with a nervous smile. “S-So, m-maybe they could g-give y-you a C-Christmas miracle?”


Rubbing her chin a bit Kayli would look off into the distance. She supposed maybe Ruby could do that. Certainly was something the girl was capable of. At the moment though she wasn't really sure where to find her. The announcement about the feast and White Elephant would be called though which gave her an idea. "They might be able to help. Couldn't hurt to ask I suppose. Let's head to the hall, I'm sure they should be there. How does that sound?" She would suggest and look back to Eliza.

Eliza quickly looked between Connie and Kayli, appearing alarmed by the suggestion. "God, I-I don't know! I've gotten so used to being a kid again, I never thought of finding a way to become an adult again! Well, besides leaving my organization and turning back to normal..." she mumbled the last part, glancing to the side. "I don't even know what they'd think- What Maura would think!"

Seeing that Eliza was a bit conflicted, Kayli stepped over and put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Don't worry too much about it. If you don't want to or aren't sure then you don't have to do anything right now. Let's just see what the rest of the event has for us first, okay?" She would reassure.

Eliza looked back to Kayli, and her expression softened. "...I'll think on it, but yeah."

With a nod Kayli would begin to lead them and before long they were all back at the hall to meet up with everyone else and receive their gifts.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
Avatar of Shifter_Master

Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 2 days ago

.:⋮Science Fiction meets Future Fantasy⋮:.

“The hell is that?” Penny would ask herself as she double checked her readings. She was one of the few counterfeits still roaming around and had sat down to see what all she still had access to when deprived of her more magical technomantic abilities. Which led her to skimming the local frequencies and stumbling across a mass of signals, all of which were encrypted.

It was rather baffling really.

Which led her to a conundrum. Track the signals, or ignore them? The conundrum was easily answered though. She was a counterfeit, and that fact did mean she wasn’t one hundred percent like her Prime. Worry about her personal safety was near zero, and brought down to zero by the fact that all of the Penny’s on the island were in a local network together. What she learned all would learn, and Penny had always been a curious sort.

So with only a few moments of thought this Penny would stand up and start tracking where the signals were coming from.

“Uh oh, looks like Penny’s noticed your surveillance drones,” Kate observed as she and Nykannis continued to watch the various goings on via a large holographic display.

“Of course she did,” Nykannis replied in a dry tone. “She’s Penny. Although, I am curious to see how long it’ll take her to find us here,” she added. “Even if this particular specimen is merely a duplicate, a few tests and scans may prove VERY enlightening…”

Just thinking about it brought a maniacal grin to the mad scientist’s face.

“Hey, don’t get too excited,” Kate warned. “Most of your scanners don’t work so great here, remember? Ditto for my camera. I don’t really know what more you’re gonna learn about her even if she does decide to come up here for a face to face meeting.”

“For one thing, my most powerful equipment works best at short range,” Nykannis replied. “And even if being in Santa’s Enchanted Village means their effectiveness is greatly reduced, there’s still good old fashioned talking. I’m certain that after I’ve told her just how incredibly awesome I am, she’ll spill at least some of her secrets in a pathetic attempt to impress me. Look!” she added, pointing to the display. “She’s coming up the stairs now!”

“You want me to open the door for her?” Kate asked.

“No, let’s see if she can find it even with the cloaking field and perception filter active,” Nykannis replied, while gleefully rubbing her hands together. “That alone will provide valuable information about her detection capabilities.”

At the top of the stairs Penny would spare a casual look around for anything that stood out to her. Nothing did, which she wasn’t sure if that was to be expected or not. The signals she was tracking were odd, but that was mainly due to the encryption on them and the waveband they were on. Not anything that the signals were doing, which had led her to think they were surveillance systems. For who or what was the question now, especially since she was picking up more readings as she got closer to the epicenter.

But a few minutes later Penny could tell there was something else going on. She had walked the entire floor but couldn’t find a route to reach where the signals were originating from. Which meant someone was hiding it. She would start returning to the top of the stair as she considered her options, and as she did such she would plot out the floor plan so far as she was aware of it.

When she was done with that, a task that took only a few moments, it was easy to see the glaring problem. A room seemed to be missing, or at least a door to it. She would triangulate with Snoopy and the Prime as she walked to the stretch of wall that bordered the unfilled space on her blueprint and sure enough the signals were on the other side of it.

She would hum to herself curiously as she examined the wall and it was on her third pass she would notice that she couldn’t fully focus on part of it. Her gaze would always skitter off one section no matter how hard she tried to focus on it. With a nod she would start recording where it was she could and couldn’t look at, and was swiftly rewarded with a very familiar outline, one of a door.

“S.E.P. huh” Penny would muse aloud, curiosity, and caution, peaked. It was quite a lot to go though to hide a room as well as limit their operation waveband. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’ She would think before reaching out to open the door she couldn’t see. Because even if she couldn't sense this one, it would be like all the other doors on this floor, which means she knew where the handle would be.

And if she was wrong she could always just go through the wall. A useful Plan B.

Upon opening the hidden door, Penny would be greeted by a pair of young women sitting in comfortable chairs, with a small, snack covered table between them. They were both facing the door and holding mugs of hot cocoa. The one with short, dark hair held up two fingers in a peace sign.

“Sup?” she asked with an amused grin.

The room’s other occupant had much longer hair and wore a pair of glowing goggles. She too was smiling, but it was a significantly more unnerving smile than her friend’s.

“Greetings, Penny,” the goggle-wearing girl told the new arrival, her grin growing even broader. “We’ve been expecting you. Please, have a seat,” she added, gesturing to one of the empty chairs.

Penny would stay standing in the doorway for a moment, she hadn’t been sure what to expect and she was still caught off guard. Still after a moment she would close the door behind her “Well that isn’t ominous or anything” She would remark as she moved to stand behind the closest of the open chairs, but made no moves to sit in it yet.

“Care to explain why you’ve got a S.E.P. and chameleon veil on the door?” Penny would ask as she observed the two girls across from her, folding her hands on the back of the chair in front of her as she did. She would get around to asking about the signals later, as it seemed very obvious to her that these were the people behind it.

“For privacy, of course,” the goggle-wearing girl replied. “Although, seeing as how you’re our second uninvited visitor, they don’t seem to be working so well… I mean, you I can understand, but I’m still trying to figure out how that nut job Oros managed to find this place,” she continued, her grin dissolving into a look of disgust as if merely saying the beast girl’s name was physically repulsive. “But enough of that crap, let’s talk about you. To what do I owe the pleasure of being graced with the presence of the illustrious Penny Asimov?”

“Find and replace has that whole clarity through madness thing going for her” Penny would say with a shrug “Comes from her Horror Patron I think.”

“I am here because of all the signals you have flooded the higher frequencies with. The encoding on them is bizarre as hell so I wanted to figure out who, what, or why.” She would explain, drumming her fingers on the back of the chair. “Curious to know how you learned of me as well now that I’m here as well.” She would add looking at the goggle girl. “Since I don’t think you’re a Penrose native.”

“Ya got that right,” the girl would chuckle. “There are certain levels of crazy even I won’t stick my nose into. But I don’t mind observing from a distance,” she explained. “Hence the signals you picked up. Those were just my surveillance drones sending data back to my holodisplay here,” she continued, gesturing to the device in question.

“We’ve really been enjoying the various events,” the other girl added.

Especially the snowball fight.”

“Yeah, you were pretty awesome out there! Well, at least until the whole ‘orbital water cannon’ thing…”

“That explains the encryption” Penny would say looking at the display in interest. “And I’m not terribly surprised at the orbital cannon. Dan was selling them last time I was here as well. Two gold over at the center island, if that store is still open.”

“Any reason why you’re interested in Penrose, other than the fact it’s a frankly absurd statistical outlier?”

“It’s not so much that I’m interested in Penrose itself,” the goggled girl explained. “But rather its inhabitants. You in particular. And why might that be, you ask? Well, let’s just say your reputation precedes you. There are a lot of strange things in this universe, but you take the cake. An outlier among outliers. Not only is your power level off the charts compared to nearly everyone else in Penrose, but you seem to be able to break some of the laws of this reality, which is something that NEVER fails to interest me. So, why wouldn’t I take the chance to study you in more detail?”

“Hmm” Penny’s attention would return to the goggled girl, sharper and more calculating than it had been a moment ago. “Fair enough I suppose. Though it does mean you have me at a disadvantage. You both know who I am, but I don’t know who you are. Mind introducing yourselves?”

“If we are talking shop, would be better if I could refer to you by a name rather than as ‘goggles girl’ and ‘shortie’”

“I’d be delighted to,” the goggled girl replied, her maniacal grin growing even wider. “I’m Doctor Nykannis, QUEEN OF THE MAD SCIENTISTS!!! NYAHAHAHA!!! And this is Kate,” she added in a far more disinterested tone, almost as an afterthought.

“Freelance photographer,” the other girl elaborated, once again holding up a peace sign.

“Greetings.” Penny would say nodding to both of them “Penny Asimov, Queen of Penrose. As you knew.” Her attention was mainly on Nykannis, but she was still paying attention to Kate.

“I’m guessing with a title like yours that you're an Oddball spec?” She would ask with a raised eyebrow. She figured that more of the overt facts about herself were already known. So hopefully getting those same facts about these two wouldn’t be too difficult.

“Correct,” Nykannis would confirm with a nod. “Mad Science! and Weird Science!, to be specific,” she elaborated. “They may seem like the same thing to most of the Neanderthals around here, but they’re actually quite distinct.”

“Really?” Penny would say somewhat bemused “How do people conflate those two? They follow vastly different principles. Mad science follows unstable, inconsistent, theories to reasonable repeatable outcomes. While Weird Science uses basic, tried and true theorems, in odd and unusual ways to reach unexpected results.” She would run a hand through her hair as she explained “They are clearly different fields of study”

She mulled over the thoughts trying to see how people could mix the two but would give it up shortly. Figuring that her inorganic nature likely helped keep the two distinct. “And you Kate?” She would ask, passing the question to the quieter of the two girls.

“Oh, uh… Photography, I guess…?” Kate replied, looking somewhat uncertain. “I mean, pretty much all of my powers come from my camera,” she would explain, tapping the device.

“Interesting” Penny would say, looking at Kate’s camera with notable interest. She was curious about how that worked, assuming it was either some kind of blue magic or information gathering type. Both of which were things of interest and note to the mechanical girl.

“Is that just your work Nykannis?” She would ask gesturing at the holodisplay “Or did you help with that as well Kate?”

“Nope, that’s all Nykannis,” Kate would reply. “She’s also the one who made my camera,” the photographer added. “If the name on the strap didn’t give it away.”

“Yeah, Kate’s great when it comes to gathering information,” Nykannis explained. “But she’s no scientist, that’s for sure.”

“Yep, I’m just an ordinary, down-to-earth girl,” Kate confirmed with a chuckle. “Nothing crazy to see here.”

“Speaking of crazy, crazy awesome, that is, mind if I take a quick look at you, Penny?” Nykannis asked, her eyes shining with a maniacal gleam as several probe and sensor-tipped mechadendrites extended from the mad scientist’s back. “I know Dan’s stupid rules prevent me from dissec- I mean, studying you in full detail, but would it be okay if I just do a few basic scans? You’re just so fascinating, and I want to learn all I can while I have you here!”

“Well, thank you for the compliment” Penny would say with a smirk, though her cheer didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m hesitant to let anyone look under the hood however. Lots of people want me dead after all. I might be able to answer some of your curiosities if you ask though. Besides, I'm also a displaced counterfeit. My systems no longer represent how the Prime is set up.”

“I figured as much,” Nykannis said with a sigh, retracting her various data accumulators. “Hopefully I’ll get a chance some other time, without Dan’s stupidity getting in the way. And yeah,” she added with a smug smirk. “I know all about the whole ‘duplicate’ thing, which is part of the reason why I’ve decided not to press the issue. After all, it’s not like a few basic scans on you would tell me all that much about the original anyway… On the other hand, I’d LOVE it if you’d share how exactly you’ve gotten to be quite so obscenely powerful, as well as a list of all your unique abilities. I mean, was it all just some crazy fluke, or was it a process that can be duplicated? Those are the things I’m simply DYING to know.”

“Guess it depends on how you mean me being powerful, I fully acknowledge that physically there aren't many girls out there that are on equal footing. But my casting capabilities are really rather poor by comparison, I don’t have hard numbers but I calculate that external casting for me is about twice as exhaustive as it would be for most Maho.” Penny would offer, it wasn’t a fact she ever tried to keep quiet on after all.

“Unique abilities I’ll need more context as well, most magicals I’ve met have some unique capabilities so I’m not sure what you’d consider as such for me.” That and she wanted to know what she could keep quiet about while not lying. She wasn’t above doing so to hide her talents, but being honest was normally the better route if possible.

“I can say that, overall, I’m a result of a good starting point that was further optimized by my own intervention. Though I’m not sure if the process could be replicated, at least not in full. Some things were really just flukes.”

“So you just got lucky, huh?” Nykannis asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’ll buy that for certain things, like that little super tank you’ve got hidden away, or even that additional off-world tech you acquired by going all ‘Hannibal Lecter’ on that one extraterrestrial cybermantic monster girl, but there are other things that HAD to have a definite, definable cause, and I want to know what that cause is. In particular,” she continued, "you’re classified as a monster girl, and yet you carry a Beacon Shine Spark. Not only that, but you don’t have any mental mutations to speak of. According to the basic rules of this universe, as I understand them, that should be impossible, so how did you manage it? Was it a synergistic interplay between the Shine Spark and some one-of-a-kind diamond/rainbow/prism Cosmic Omniversal Infusion Noospheric Synthesizer? Was it an artifact of how you were created in the first place? Was it the work of someone like Kayli who has the ability to selectively remove detrimental traits? Was it a special accommodation bestowed by the Grand Magistrates themselves?!” Nykannis was getting much closer now, and her eyes were beginning to twitch and bulge. “I NEED TO KNOW!!!”

Penny would be slightly taken aback by the ferocity that Nykannis displayed, but she understood where the girl was coming from. And even though she was surprised at how much the Scientific girl had known in regards to some of her more esoteric acquisitions, that wasn’t what made her pause in answering.

She would meet Nykannis’s near crazed eyes with a calm melancholic look. “Closer to your second theory. The White coins are Beacon’s first foray into Coin crafting, and even then it is a divisive creation. I am even more so divisive I’d imagine. So no one was going to stand up for me when they barely knew me and there wasn’t anyone who excised those traits from me on the outside either. Not sure I can trust anyone that much right now. Though I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that someone like Kayli could do something like that.”

“To fully understand I think you’ll need the context. To that end I want to ask you something. How old are you, and how old do you think I am?”

Nykannis’s eyes narrowed. So it was something indelibly linked to the mechanical monarch’s creation, but something she refused to disclose… That was more than a little frustrating, but there wasn’t much the mad scientist could do at the moment to pry that information out of the cybernetic girl, and seeking out her former patron would be too great an investment of time, especially with Phase Two so very near to completion. Still, perhaps there remained a chance, however slim, of getting Penny to reveal a bit more…

“I’m several hundred… thousand?” Nykannis replied, looking a bit uncertain. “I kinda stopped keeping track after the first few millennia. But guessing your age?” the mad scientist scoffed. That’s a trick question if I ever heard one. I mean, to which ‘you’ are you referring? The mundane human who got turned into a magical being? The magical being that resulted from that empowerment? Or perhaps your current self? Yeah,” the Monarch of Mad Science added with a smug grin. “I know you’ve been through quite a few changes, but then, that seems to be a bit of a theme around here. And not to digress too much, but that’s another thing that’s always interested me. It seems like a lot of monster girls are essentially two entities, the original, mystically empowered human, and the monster. But there are still some exceptions, like a certain tentacle obsessed girl I unfortunately happen to know, as well as those monstrous beings that subsequently get turned into magical girls, like that dragon girl from the snowball fight. There’s just so much variety! So many differing rules of operation, and so many exceptions TO those rules! And if Phase Two is going to be a success, I need to learn all I can about EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!”

She paused for a moment to catch her breath.

“Which is why, you, Penny, being a confluence of so many of these myriad variables, are so invaluable to me, and why I would very much appreciate it if we could SKIP THESE STUPID GAMES AND GET TO THE FUCKING POINT!!! ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME YOUR SECRETS OR NOT?!!”

“As I said, context.” Penny would repeat moving on in her explanation. This ‘Phase two’ had caught her interest, and she would be following up on that. As it didn’t sound like a good thing coming from someone so crazed. It was stereotyping, but Nykannis was the queen of Mad scientists. It paid to be cautious about their projects. “I don’t know what you know and to explain it best I need to know what you know. And even if you didn’t directly answer my question you did get to the point I was going to be making.”

“I am at best only a year old. But when I say that I don’t mean a year of being a magical, or a year at my current version. I was created and became self aware one year ago. I became that way when I was grafted onto the psyche of the mundane who did become a magical. For as you can see when it comes to me, your hypothesis about there being both a human and a monster was correct. I am, and have always been, a fully sentient non human AI. Something that the person I was connected to never was able to come to terms with.”

“That led to a schism in our soul. Which was how the Spark was originally housed despite our nature. Then we had a falling out that nearly destroyed our soul. The ramifications of that situation are as you can see.” There was also a lot that wasn’t obviously apparent that was the result of things as well. Like the fact that Penny’s soul was still damaged and irrevocably twisted, even though it was also healing. That even without the driving motivation, she was still tempted to break things apart. She didn’t feel human, but was thankful for that, because that sensation was maddening to her. Though she was sure that corrupted humans felt the same towards their encroaching monster status. “So as I said, closer to an artifact from my creation.”

“Why do you want to know so badly by the way?” She would go on to ask. “Not many people seem to be interested in learning about the nuances of corrupted individuals.”

Penny was still being ambiguous, but Nykannis could see a glimmer of possibility present itself. Perhaps if the robotic girl’s trepidation about the mad scientist’s motives was assuaged, she would be more inclined to reveal just what about her creation made her so special.

“I’m a scientist,” Nykannis would explain. “It’s in my nature to want to learn about such things, and, incidentally, that knowledge would greatly benefit a little project I’m working on. It’s really nothing you need to worry about,” she added. “I mean, it won’t have any effect on what you’ve got going on in Penrose, that’s for sure. In fact, its ultimate goal is the protection of the mundane inhabitants of this planet, and I think we can both agree that’s a perfectly reasonable objective, right?”

“I’ll agree that it’s a reasonable objective.” There were plenty of vile and horrible things out there after all that would love to take advantage of the mundane populace. “The question becomes one of method. How is your project going to go about fulfilling this end goal?” Because the answer to that would tell Penny plenty about Nykannis.

Now, most individuals of Nykannis’s staggering intelligence would know to proceed with caution here. Penny was exceedingly powerful, and subject to the unique bending of certain rules, which meant that if any non-Grand Magistrate entity could interfere with Phase Two, it was her. Nykannis, however, was a mad scientist, and if she was presented with an opportunity to brag about her accomplishments, she was going to take it.

“Well,” Nykannis began. “My current employer is a contractor for a certain clandestine government agency that works to protect this nation’s ignorant masses from all the myriad supernatural threats out there. Humans protecting humans, and all that crap. How my little project will be helping them do that is fairly simple- They need soldiers, magical soldiers, and I have a way of producing them en-mass. I’m just trying to make them as optimized as possible, and to do that, I need to learn everything I can about all the unique elements of, and loopholes in, the rules set for this particular reality plenum. I mean, if I can figure out a way to create an operative with all the strengths of a monster girl and none of the weaknesses, why wouldn’t I make use of it?”

The only outward reaction that Penny would have to that statement was that her eyes would go faintly purple. Internally it was a different matter. She didn’t know everything, but she felt at this point she knew enough. Nykannis wasn’t a friend, though neither was she an enemy. What she was was someone to watchout for. Because her plan was a nightmare waiting to happen.

“An ambitious project to be sure.” Penny would say with a nod, because it truly was. “But not one I feel comfortable fully assisting with. Armed and trained adult soldiers won’t look kindly upon me and my kind I would imagine. I know I am an outlier, but other Monster girls aren’t and most of Beacon already has a kill on sight order for us. Adding the Government on top of that doesn’t seem wise at the moment. To say nothing of how the Mint might take advantage of your work if they catch wind of it.”

She would shrug at that, it was true after all “But I’ll admit I’m only seeing the surface at the moment. What else can you tell me about your project? After all, I'm sure you’ve thought about the ramifications to at least some extent.” At least Penny would hope so, hard to be sure with Nykannis being as old as she was and possibly not from this set of realities.

“I can understand your trepidation,” Nykannis said with a nod after Penny had voiced her concerns. “And honestly, I have no idea what they’re gonna do with these things once they get them, but if there’s one thing you can be sure of, it’s that there’s no way the Mint is getting its hands on The Artifact. It belongs to my employer, and let’s just say his opinion of the magical mafia is less than favorable. And speaking of,” she continued. “The Artifact is what allows for the mass production of magical operatives in the first place. You know how I was talking about the rules and systems that govern this reality earlier? Well, it turns out they have a physical interface, and The Artifact is that interface. With it, I can make full use of the Create Your Own Avatar system that every patron employs to create their magical servants, but although I have full access, I STILL need to know the precise combinations of perks, powers, and specs that synergize to make certain effects possible, which, as I said before, is where you come in. You gotta admit, this is pretty amazing stuff,” she went on. “And you could be a part of it! If you agree to help me out, I can guarantee your little homeless shelter won’t have to worry about anyone bothering it ever again! You’re the Queen of Penrose, right?! Wouldn’t you like to have your own personal army that’ll obey your every command?! I can give you that. Heck, you can even get each warrior tailor-made to your exact specifications! And all you have to do in return is let me collect a little information. That’s not too unreasonable, right?”

“Wait, you’ve found access to the Root database of existence?” She would ask rather incredulously at the claim. That. That was not at all what Penny had been expecting to learn about. The fact that such a thing existed was rather frightening in the first place considering the implications of what it could do. The fact that a self proclaimed, and so far provably, mad scientist had access to it just made it all the worse.

That wasn’t to say Penny wasn’t curious, she very much was. It just sounded too good to be true, and she wondered what the drawback or cost of the thing was.

“And you need my assistance to help reverse engineer the logic behind its code. Is that right?” She would go on, finally moving to sit down on the chair she had been standing behind so far. She was thankful that Nykannis’ employer hated the Mint, otherwise the consequences would likely be disastrous. She would avoid the offer of a personal army, and the slight against the Sanctuary for the moment. Because she didn’t care for the former, and couldn’t argue the latter.

“Where did they find this thing? And how certain are you that it is what you claim it to be?” Information was needed, now more than ever.

“That’s right,” Nykannis confirmed with a smug grin. “And ‘they’ didn’t find it,” she clarified. I did. As for where I found it, there’s a certain city in Antarctica that sits on the largest omnidimensional nexus in this reality plenum. Yes, even larger than Penrose, but it’s currently dormant, so most people don’t know about it. ANYWAYS, since I’ve learned from experience that all the best stuff on nearly every version of this planet I’ve ever been to can be found in Antarctica, I knew that if The Artifact existed, then that’s where it would be. And I’m one hundred percent certain of its capabilities, because I’ve already used it over twenty times! Besides, I’m the greatest super scientific mind this pathetic planet has ever seen! Do you SERIOUSLY think I don’t know what I’m talking about?!” she asked, her eye beginning to noticeably twitch once more.

Penny had to resist the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose. Gods damned nested infinities were going to make her life difficult before she ever left Penrose it seemed. But that was neither here nor there for the moment.

“Remember my age” Penny would retort as she visibly drew herself together. “And the fact that I don’t know you. I’m not meaning to insult you, but I wasn’t even aware that something like the Artifact could even exist.” She had been preoccupied, rather understandably, with trying to stay alive and keep the Sanctuary safe.

“You’ve used it before though. Any one in Penrose that I would know of or any products you could show?” She would ask. She was rather wanting to see this Artifact herself; it was probably a marvel to see and even more so to witness functioning. Sad that she might have to destroy the thing.

Nykannis looked a bit taken aback. “Are you NUTS?” she asked incredulously. “In case you haven’t noticed, Penrose is a fucking disaster area! There’s no way in hell I’d risk sending any of my creations to that dump! And besides,” she added, calming considerably. “It would take a whole squad from Phase One to equal even a single average power-level magical, and like I’ve said, Phase Two isn’t ready just yet. As it is now, there’s just The Prototype, and she NEVER leaves the lab.”

Penny would lean back in her chair as she considered that. On the one hand it meant that the artifact was either weaker then she was fearing or that Nykannis was having a lot more trouble with it then expected. On the other hand it sounded a lot like the mad scientist was breeding and enslaving people in her attempts to understand the thing.

What was the right thing to do in this instance?

“Would I be able to meet her?” Penny would ask looking at Nykannis “Before I agree to help, would I be able to meet your Prototype? So I can get a better grasp on what you are asking of me.”

Nykannis was silent for a moment, before giving voice to an exasperated sigh. “That… Would be EXTREMELY difficult to arrange. And why would meeting her make any difference?”

“Well” Penny would rub the back of her neck sheepishly “It would be proof for one. I don’t mean to be rude, but all I have so far is your word about anything we’ve talked about and no real way to verify any of it.” She would shrug a little at that statement.

“I want to believe you, and I don’t think you have lied to me, but the Mint has attacked me and they assassinated the last person to hold the title of Queen of Penrose.” She would go on to explain. “So as much as I am interested in your work, which I am, it just isn’t a good idea for my long term survival to simply take your word for it. At least not without some proof.” All of which was true, which also made it the best diversion. Since she did lie in part with her first statement. She knew that Nykannis was telling the truth, it was in part why the entire situation was as harrowing as it was.

“Two, you offered me a product. One I have to invest into to fully get. Investing sight unseen is just bad business. You have a viable, from the sounds of it, prototype. Proof of concept, that shows that you are able to follow through on your claim.” It also gives Penny other opportunities, should she have a need for them. As well as more information on Nykannis.

“So, you want proof of my incomparable super scientific genius, do you?” Nykannis asked with a wry grin. “Well, I’m ALWAYS happy to provide that, although I don’t think showing you The Prototype is gonna be all that effective in providing the kind of proof you’re looking for. I mean, how would you even know I used The Artifact to create her? Instead, why don’t I use it make you a little something, free of charge? You mentioned being concerned for your safety,” the mad scientist continued. “As laughable an idea as that is for someone of your power-level… Sooo, how about a bodyguard? Or, better yet, a bodydouble? She, or he, can be anything you want. I will warn you, however, that if you want to have complete control over the creation process, then the amount of Cosmic Omniversal Infusion Noospheric Synthesizers that can be employed will be slightly reduced. But if complete control isn’t needed, we can go with one of the other creation paths. Anyway, would that serve as sufficient proof that what I’m telling you is accurate?”

“Does it have to be a person?” Penny would ask after a moment of contemplation. She really didn’t want to end up owning anyone after all. “As a bodyguard or body double really won’t help. My worry isn’t about any conflicts I get into, it is laughable from that perspective. Displacement is my main concern.” That and people getting any insight into how her internal systems worked. She didn’t know what flaws they would find, and didn’t want to give them a chance to find something she had overlooked.

“Overcity shift for example. Or unwilling teleportation. No one wants to get into a fight with me, but that isn’t the only way to get me out of the way.” She would give a sorta ‘what can you do’ shrug. She was just glad it had already been pointed out to her, it gave her a chance to take care of it now. “And would I be able to watch as you make it?” She would add “As you just bringing me something would fall into the same situation as me going to see the Prototype.”

“So, let me get this straight,” Nykannis deadpanned. “You don’t actually care about seeing if The Artifact really works the way I say it does, you just want me to make you a device? An absolute transphasic omnidimensional anchor that’ll negate any and all attempts at displacing you from your current location, wherever that might be?” She paused a moment before grinning maniacally. “Nyahahaha! I could do that in my sleep! But if you wanna watch me make the thing, (and honestly, who wouldn’t?), I think that can be arranged. Turns out I’ll be making a short trip to Penrose in the somewhat near future to deliver a little something to another client, so I’ll just drop by a location of your choosing afterwards and whip your little gizmo up for ya on the spot. But I’ll tell ya right now,” she added pointedly. “I expect this place to be safe from all of Penrose’s seemingly omnipresent insanity.”

Penny would roll her eyes a bit “Give me some credit. I may not be as smart as you, but I am good at figuring out Magic. Basics build into more complex things, seeing the basics at work will tell me the trajectory of capabilities. And I never said I wanted a device, I asked if it had to be a person. Because a drone familiar was more what I was thinking of.”

“Planar locking capability would be great, wormhole generation would be better” Penny had the math for teleportation matrices from Beacon’s HQ in the dead world she had visited, and Snoopy could get her the coordinates for anywhere they had been. All that was missing was some practical way to make use of that information.

“Finding a location for this meet will be the hardest part” Penny agreed. “But I might have a place in mind if you are willing to help out a bit. Will even give you a chance to take a look at the Earthbastion, the super tank you mentioned.”

“A drone, huh?” Nykannis raised an eyebrow, before her demeanor noticeably brightened. “Those are even more fun to make! And yeah, I can add in that extra functionality, no problem!”

Penny went on to agree about the difficulty of finding a safe meeting location in someplace like Penrose, but then mentioned a potential solution, although it would apparently require Nykannis’s assistance.

“What kinda help did you have in mind?” the mad scientist asked dubiously, although the mention of the Earthbastion definitely piqued her interest.

“I need help smuggling the Earthbastion into Penrose.” Penny would admit with a smirk. “I have ways to keep it hidden once I can get it there, the problem is getting it there. It’s currently sitting in a pocket dimension, but pulling it out of that dimension is loud.”

“I could go far out of Penrose to summon it, but I’m not sure how far I’d have to go to have it be safely unseen. Plus that takes a fair amount of time. So, I’d need either a S.E.P. field large enough to cover Penrose harbor for about a minute. Or a spot teleportation somewhere into the sea outside of Penrose. Either one would work.”

Nykannis’s mouth curled into a wicked grin after Penny had finished describing what she was planning, and what she would need to accomplish it. “I can do you one better- How about both? I’ll covertly teleport the Earthbastion to the precise coordinates you specify, and I’ll even add a permanent S.E.P. field generator to it for good measure, with its own, internal zero-point power core, so it won’t drain your energy reserves one bit,” she added with an exceptionally smug smirk. “As for compensation, I think a nice lengthy look at the Earthbastion itself would work quite nicely. That sound good?”

Penny would lean forward resting her chin in her hand seemingly contemplating the counter offer. She wasn't, she was calculating the best places to have the ship touchdown. Nykannis's offer was not one that the Monarch was going to pass up.

"Sounds like a deal to me" She would agree with a smile. "When would you like to have that look? And how quickly can you get the generator put together?"

Excellent, Nykannis replied, while gleefully rubbing her fingers together. “And I can have the generator finished as soon as I get back to my lab. Such a minor project only takes a few minutes, but as for our meeting, I’d kinda like to schedule it to coincide with my other trip. As you’ve probably surmised, I’d rather not spend any more time in Penrose than I absolutely have to. So, yeah, I guess about week or so from now?”

Kate, who, up until now, had been content to quietly sip her hot cocoa, decided that this would be a good time to enter the conversation. “Mind if I tag along?” the photographer asked. “I was planning to go with Nykannis to her other meeting anyway, and since I’m always up for checking out interesting things, I’d kinda like to see the Earthbastion first hand, myself.”

“That’s fine with me” Penny would agree with a nod “I’ve no problems about you coming along as well.” She would add nodding to Kate. “I assume that we’ll meet up in the Overcity and I can give you the tour before you hook up the generator and teleport us into Penrose?” She would ask to see if the outline was good enough for now.

“We’ll also need to exchange contact information. I do live in Penrose after all. No promise that another Horror won’t try and breach into our plane later this week”

“Sounds like a plan,” Nykannis would confirm. “And I just sent you my contact info, along with Kate’s,” she added.

“And here’s my card, too,” Kate said as she handed Penny the glossy rectangle. “I always find that it’s good to have backups.”

“Contact info received” Penny would say with a firm nod to Nykannis. ”And good principle.” She would add taking the card from Kate. She also quarantined the info packet from the mad scientist. She would run some scans on it before cracking it open and actually looking over the contact info. She didn’t fully trust her after all.

“I’ll get these over to the Prime.” She would say as she stood up. “It’s been interesting. I’ll see you in a week, Nykannis, Kate.” And with that she would leave, making sure to close the door behind her as she left.

It wouldn’t be until that counterfeit was once more on the ground floor that one of the other counterfeits across the island building a new snow fort would let out a sigh of relief.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Upon entering the lodge’s feast hall, Connie and Gaia were met with the largest spread of food they had ever seen. However, before the feast could start, there was the White Elephant gift exchange.

“T-Thank you,” Connie said with a smile as Ruby handed her and Gaia their presents. “G-Gosh Mia! I-I’m s-so excited to s-see what we g-got!”

“Let’s find out,” Gaia suggested, while carefully opening her own present. Inside was a single slip of paper.

My gift for you is a way to always get out of danger.

With that, the slip of enchanted paper transformed into a large red button, similar to the “Easy Button” that was popular a few years back. There was also a short set of instructions. “Hmm…” the verdant girl mused as she read them over. “This could certainly prove to be very useful, although I wonder if it would also bring along someone I was physically touching? What did you get, Connie?” she asked her friend, who was currently staring at her present with a look of shocked amazement.

“I-It’s an u-upgrade to m-my Interdimensional Home!” she replied, giving Gaia an overjoyed smile. “I-It t-turns it i-into an entire h-house! A-And t-that’s not even t-the b-best part!” she gushed. “I-It d-doesn’t have to be c-creepy anymore! I-I can m-make it as n-nice as I w-want!”

“That’s wonderful, Connie!” Gaia said as she gave her friend a big hug. “It would appear you received the perfect present.”

“I-I really did!” Connie agreed with an enthusiastic nod. “A-And t-thanks to M-Miss Kayli, I h-have t-two wonderful n-new homes!”

It was around then that Dan announced the winners of the snowman building and ice sculpting contests, after which he prepared to give a special present to Mariette. However, before he could do so, a bespectacled girl, who looked somewhat familiar to Connie, began shouting about Horror Relics and taking the present into Beacon jurisdiction. It was all very confusing to Connie, and more than a little upsetting. This was supposed to be a fun party where everyone could enjoy themselves, and here this girl was, calling Dan a demon! And that was only the beginning. The next thing she knew, Lily had stepped forward to challenge the bespectacled girl to a game of something called Keijo. The Ascendancy girl had accepted, with the condition that if she won, she would not only take possession of the “Black Mirror”, but Dan’s dimension as well! Connie gave a horrified gasp, and even Gaia was taken aback. While the verdant girl agreed that the Mirror was dangerous, and indeed was even planning to speak with Mariette about a similar portal she and Shane had discovered in a cavern beneath Penrose, erasing Dan’s dimension from existence was going much too far. Still, there was little she could do, as even now, events continued to accelerate, with Dina taking Lily’s place in the challenge and Oros challenging the winner of that match.

She always has to be the center of attention, doesn’t she? Gaia thought to herself, a scowl marring her normally serene visage. And is that… clown makeup she’s wearing? Can’t say it doesn’t suit her…

“M-Mia…” Connie asked, while tightly hugging her present with trembling hands. “C-Can’t w-we d-do a-anything to h-help…?”

The sound of her friend’s concerned voice brought Gaia out of her musings, and, turning to Connie, she placed a comforting hand on the timid girl’s shoulder. “I do not believe there is anything we can do at the moment, little sister,” the verdant girl explained. “Aside from enjoying this wonderful dinner our host has prepared,” she added with a smile.

“B-But M-Mia…” Connie began to protest, before an embrace from Gaia forced her to relent with a resigned sigh.

“Be at peace, little sister,” Gaia whispered. “You heard Empress Denisova. This is her battle to fight. Let us both be strong and have faith in her,” she added, gently wiping a tear from Connie’s cheek and bringing the beginnings of a smile back to her face. “Let us have faith in all our friends.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Everyone was arriving and a flurry of gifts were being given out. Scurrying around the Djinn girl was doing her best to sort out any issues with gifts of the like. Melisa for instance got a bunch of chocolates that she couldn't even eat. For the moment it didn't seem like anyone was up to trading with the doll girl so Ruby assured her she could replace it with an alternative.

"Well we can work something out. Let me see." The girl held up her clipboard and flipped to a short list of alternatives. While she looked Kayli and Eliza arrived. "One moment, I need to- Oh." She noticed that the parent wish had been accepted by the now woman. She would walk over and put her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "Kayli, Kayli. Why am I not surprised." She didn't elaborate further, though perhaps she didn't need to. Eliza had gotten her gift and she handed Kayli hers. "Merry Christmas!"

Opening her gift Kayli found that she had the chance to revive someone of her choice. This was quite a gift. For a bit she considered who she could bring back. After a bit though she decided to wait and figure out what to do with it. Somehow she felt there were others that could make better use of it than herself. "Thank you very much."

Leaning down a bit she motioned to Ruby. "This is the girl you can ask about the age thing."

"Hm?" She looked back and forth between the two.

Eliza appeared nervous. "Uhm, yeah! I saw whatever-you-did turn Kayli into an adult, and uh, mentioned that some magicals would want their ages back cause of the whole adult-turned-kid thing!" she'd start to explain. "And well, both Kayli and Connie suggested that I go to you, and see a-about helping me get my actual age back. W-Without turning me mundane, of course!"

Giving a look to the woman for a moment, she nodded her head from side to side. "Well, I can only do something like that so many times. What age are we talking?" For now she would humor the thought. At this time she had a greater access to her patrons magic to grant all of these gifts being handed out.

The witch scratched at her cheek. "I was twenty-five when Maura hired me. I-If you can't go that far, maybe somewhere between my age now and that?"

Tapping on the clipboard a bit she would glance at Melisa who was waiting in the wings. Considering something she nodded to herself. "Alright. You're in luck.then because I have something extra from a defunct wish. It should age you up somewhere between that range." Raising up a hand a life size Super Mushroom would appear in her hand.

"Mamma Mia..." Eliza's eyes lit up at the sight of the cartoony mushroom. Definetly not something you'd see everyday. She then turned her attention to her gift; the toga folded in her arms, and held it out in front of her. Eliza glanced back to Ruby. "Is this concidered a trade?"

Giving a nod she would hold out her other hand. "Yeah, I think in this case it's only fair. I was thinking about trading it to her, but I'm pretty sure she won't want it." She motioned to the doll.

With a silent "Oh." Eliza thought for a moment. She walked over to Melisa. "Hey, Melisa! Do you wanna trade gifts? I feel like you'll have more use for this than I do." With a smile, she held out the toga, offering it to the doll. "This can change into any outfit you want, and maybe it can change sizes too!"

Looking a bit surprised at the offer, the tiny girl looked at the clothing. It could change into any outfit? Something clicked with that idea and she gave a smile. Then she hesitated. "Are you sure?" She picked up the box of chocolates that she got.

"Mhm!" Eliza nodded.

"Well, thank you! I wasn't sure what I was going to do with these." She took the toga and handed the chocolates to Eliza. The item was way too big for her, but as she draped it over herself it began to shrink down to her size. "Hey it works!" She smiled with glee. For the moment though it would disappear in favor of the thematic attire.

The witch giggled. "Glad you like it!"

With that out of the way, Eliza turned her attention back to Ruby, box of chocolates in her hands. "Ah, sorry! When you mentioned trading the mushroom with Melisa, it didn't feel right just taking it from her, yknow?" She'd hold the box out to Ruby. "If the offer still stands, do you happen to take chocolate?"

Grinning a bit, Ruby took the box approvingly. "That was very nice of you. I wasn't sure what I was going to give her to be honest. Here you go." She held out the other item to Eliza to take.

Eliza grabbed the Super Mushroom. "So what should I do with this? Eat it? Absorb it like in the actual games??" She asked.

Before she could get an answer the item vanished. Characteristically to the Super Mario games, Eliza's form abruptly flickered from her younger and older self for a few frames before it stopped and she now stood as a woman in her early twenties. The dark appearance of her clothes didn't last long though as the holiday magic kicked in.

After the transformation, the now woman stood there, dumbfounded and speechless. Eliza looked herself over, looked at Ruby, then Kayli, then around the room. Then she finally found her voice.

"...H-How do I look?"

Having just watched someone rapidly age, Melisa stood there blinking for several seconds herself. "Wow, you look so pretty." The tiny girl clapped playfully.

"You look beautiful, Eliza." Kayli reaffirmed.

Eliza's face flushed slightly from the compliments, then broke into a grin. "Thanks. Oh, and thank you too, Ruby!" She thanked the Djinn girl, bowing a bit.

"You're very welcome. Merry Christmas ma'am." She winked. Her attention turned as otheres seemed intent on some kind of fighting. She sighed and shook her head. "Typical. At least it's just Keijo. That girl has no idea what she's agreeing to." The girl snickered just a bit.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

A little while after their chat with Penny, Kate and Nykannis heard Dan’s announcement that Christmas dinner would soon begin.

“What are you doing?” Nykannis asked as her companion started heading for the door.

“What does it look like?” Kate asked with a chuckle. “I’m going down to have dinner, and you’re coming too!” she added, grabbing the mad scientist’s arm and pulling her out of her chair.

“The hell I am!” Nykannis protested. “It’s bad enough everyone and their brother can apparently find this ‘private balcony’. There’s NO WAY I wanna get dragged into the middle of their little clusterfuck down there! Besides, we’ve got plenty of food up here, don’t we?” she asked, gesturing to the snack-covered table.

“Those were just appetizers,” Kate corrected. “Dan’s putting together a feast! So come on!” she insisted as she dragged the reluctant Nykannis out the door. “Stop being such a Grinch and have some fun!”

Soon enough, the pair arrived at the feast hall.

“See?!” Kate asked as she gestured to the enormous spread. “You can’t say at least some of this stuff doesn’t look delicious!”

“I guess…” Nykannis grumbled.

Then the White Elephant began.

“Y’know, if you weren’t so antisocial, we could have participated in that, too,” Kate noted with a wry grin.

Please… Nykannis rolled her eyes. “It’s completely random, and besides, I could make most of these gifts in my sleep.”

“I guess,” Kate conceded with a resigned frown, before her eyes widened as something caught her attention. “Huh, looks like things are startin’ to heat up,” she observed, jerking her thumb towards where Rachel had stepped forward to begin her tirade.

“Leave it to the Ass-endancy to start shit. And you call me a Grinch…” Nykannis muttered as Lily made her challenge. “See, this is EXACTLY why I didn’t want to come down here. I mean, we could have watched all this from the privacy of our cozy balcony and not risked getting dragged into all this sh… Is that Oros? She’s STILL wearing that fucking makeup?!”

“Forget that!” Kate told her, while trying not to burst out in hysterical laughter. “Did you miss the part where that self-righteous bitch signed up for a Keijo match?! Pfft! That stupid prude has no idea what’s she’s gotten herself into!”

“I’d expect nothing less from one of those sanctimonious morons,” Nykannis replied. “Come on, let’s find a nice secluded spot and start having some this food you’ve been going on about,” she added, fervently hoping to go unnoticed by the anarchic crowd surrounding them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Funny how quickly things turned around. The party had ended in a showdown, and now Oros did want to take part as if it was some sort of demented game. Dina felt, once again the weight of her words being scattered to ash.

What was the point of trying to be just and honorable, if people just disregarded her intentions to appease as yet another game. Her ears folded, and once again Oros had left her truly without words.

"Have it your way." She said, icyly. She probably didn't understand what was she trying to achieve with this. Probably being the centre of attention. After her piece was done, she then rushed out to a side, trying to hide her obvious displeasure.

She had a century old poise, but some things still hurt.

What she didn't know was that someone had already taken note of her reaction, her expression. Finn had only waited until things seemed calm again to check on her. He excused himself from the table to grab some more ale, but quietly stopped by Dina first.

"Are you alright, Miss?" He'd gently ask.

Dina raised an eyebrow. "Lady Dina." She answered at the kid's response. "Is that evident? One can get so far with props and songs, before the true nature of these people resurface. I'm tired." The catgirl said. "I assume you're a new face, as you've never met me before. I am delighted to be acquainted with you, circumstances not withstanding."

She said, before moving a few steps, her tail dragging along. "I shall be fine... just some stupid backslash."

Finn slightly frowned. "I think I already know why." He looked back to the crowd. Or more specifically, the Ascendancy members and those who challenged Rachel as well. "Not the first time I delt with people like that. Especially like that over-zealous woman." His brows furrowed for a second. "Truely, my friend and I were visiting from Europe for today but it seems things have changed without us knowing. I'll have to talk with my patron, see if we have to stay for a while." He explained. His frown didn't dispate when she tried to reassure him.

"You're tense, Lady Dina. That I can tell. Helped keep everyone in check, I assume? A noble task it is, but one can only do so much before they burn out themselves." He stepped up next to Dina and held out a hand for her to shake. "I'm Finn Vanhorn. And you should probably rest before your match.

"Two matches. I need to win two matches. That brigand wants to have fun by stealing from others again. I had thought her to be better." Dina said. "Dina of the House of Denisov. Regent of Penrose, but not many are aware of that fact yet." She looked at the hand that was being offered. A very passable courtesy, but who was she ask about courtly manners? Sanctuary was already difficult to pull of, but the people of Penrose... were not known for niceties.

She took the hand carefully and shook it. "That much is obvious, mister Vanhorn, but the question is, will I be able to afford it?" She said. "A fellow power user huh. You've come to a ghastly place." Despite her evident tiredness, her stance and words had regained her careful regal tone.

Finn's eyes widened. He was in the presence of a noble, and this is how he acts? How absurd! "Forgive my ignorance, Lady Denisov." He retracted his hand to bow instead. "I wasn't aware Penrose housed royalty. The boy remained calm, even when Dina noticed they had the same power.

He chuckled. "The Power of Friendship, hm? Frankly I find it to be a grim irony. I don't care much for people, not for how long I've resided here, or for those who stabbed me in the back." Finn shrugged. "Alas, those same people tend to be drawn to me for some reason... Ah, well, it does prove useful sometimes. But still, if you wish, I can hold down the fort until the matches begin." He suggested.

"Look at there. We have Odin amidst our midst. There's no way we can hold the fort with... his attitude." Dina sighed. "We can only try for our best." Her eyes went to Finn's reaction. "Royalty? Not quite. I was once upon a time acquainted with the Romanovs... but that is an once forgotten memory."

"Besides, it takes very little for them to disregard the nudges. And fall again in shortsightedness. Like spoiler toddlers. It's the curse of magical power I guess." answered. "But if you wish to ingratiate with me, Mr Vanhorn, better think on how flight footed you are in case we have to leave. I am not alone here. There are acquaintances."

How he didn't notice the norse god among them was a mystery, even to himself. But from what he gathered, Odin was being...a bit of a bastard in his own rite. Finn grimaced at the thought. "Noted." Though Dina's advice admittedly concerned him;He could easily shift to the Overcity or borrow the speed of a cheetah, he had to ask.

"Acquaintances? Is there a chance you can introduce me to them?"

Dina looked at Finn. "Mayhaps when the time is better suited... I must apologize, but I have to be more selective of my acquaintances from now on. Please disregard my words." She added, her words with a slight edge of bluntness.

Finn nodded. "Don't worry, I know what you mean."

"Hm." Dina just hummed in response. It wasn't like this boy... or man was by any chance a knight in needed of purpose, and if his compulsion was as bad as she was, then he was trying to get her appeased for the sake of it. Still, it was worth a shot to get him acquainted.

"Perhaps you can help in some way. Odin's chosen is my acquaintance. Quite an unruly, rude child, but one with enough potential. Not unlike the one who appeared to go at Justine's beck and call. Pass a message to her. Why should I fight my own battles if I have battlemongers..."

It wasn't that he was trying to get on her good grace on purpose, Finn was tempted to clarify that to the Empress. Maybe he was in denial over his good nature, or maybe his Power of Friendship felt as natural as breathing. Regardless, he was always willing to hear someone out.

"Alright, what do you want me to tell her?" He asked. He might have to take a bit to find said recipient though...

"Just avoid she chokes on cake and tell her there's a fight. It can't be missed, she's the girl with the most impressive wings of the entire party." Dina said, tired.

Finn looked around to spy anyone with wings, then nodded. "Hm, got it. I'll check back on you later!" With that, he walked off and over to Sanngridr. His refill of ale forgotten for the moment.

Sann had been left to her devices after sharing some interaction with a fellow glutton called Viva, so she had chosen once more to keep eating cake. She did notice Finn pretty quickly as she grinned while licking her lips.

"Oh, an edgelord. Nice. Do you want to have a nice evening with Sann? " She said, tilting her head with a grin.

Finn visibly flinched. "Uh, no thank you. I approach on buisness, not pleasure." he frowned, shrugging off what she called him for now. "Lady Denisov requested I inform you that there's a fight, possibly the Keijo match comming up. I don't care much for it, but she probably wanted you there as audience." Finn explained.

"The who? Ah, yes! Granny Kitty. Yes, she wanted me to hunt Sanctuary enemies. Has the time come for the reckoning?" She said, closing up on Finn, without any kind of personal space whatsoever, her wings blotting out all the view. "And can I get you as prize? You seem a good prize, instead of these whatever travel around the world trips I have gotten."

The boy tried to back away from Sann, slowly becoming anxious. "F-Forgive me ma'am, you seem like a nice girl but-!" Finn gently pushed her away from him, to regain some space. "Maybe there's someone else that can trade with you, but I'm no prize!" He laughed his worries off.

"Oh, but you are a prize. Aren't all magical boys? The chosen ones, you can get almost any girl you want." Sann said chuckling. "But I have to be a nice girl. Allfather is watching, and I got in far too much trouble for chasing things that don't belong in a battlefield."

She clapped her hands. "You kinda remind me of Reaver, to be fair."

Whew, atleast she won't bother him. For now at least. Though at the mention of Reaver, Finn tilted his head with a brow raised. "Friend of yours, I'm guessing?"

"Not quite. A simp." She said. "A stupid simp who got roasted by Odin. Also is your friend tasty? He's been looking at me staring daggers."

Okay, now Finn was just unamused. "Are you saying I'm a goddamn simp?! Rude!" though before he could get an answer, Sann had turned her attention to Oliver, who was ready to intervene if she didn't leave Finn alone. "Ah. Uh, I don't know if you can uh...eat...ghosts, but I'd probably leave him be. Could be poisonous." Finn had a slight grimace, turning around to reassure Oliver that he was okay.

"I'm a valkyrie." Sann said. "In training." She added. "You certainly look like one. Well, some people are into that." The winged girl retracted her wings. "Alright, time to get down to business and stomp...uh, is that the Ascendancy tramp and Oros?"

"I think I love you. Or granny Kitty." She giggled.

Before Finn could say anything else, Oliver had hurried over and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him away from the deranged valkyrie. "Thank ya very kindly for your time Madam, but my friend here isn't looking for a relationship at the moment and we should really get back to our seats, okay? Ciao~!" With that, the ghost would drag Finn back to their table.

"You look way tastier anyway. Ah well...time...for...fighting." She trailed off.

Once the duo was back to safety, Oliver sat Finn down before sitting in his chair again. "You okay? She didn't try anything with you did she??" If one observed close enough, the ghost's tone when talking with Finn was different from if he was talking to someone else.

Finn only shuddered. "Thankfully no. Strange one, she is."

Oliver looked at him for a moment, then sighed. "You got to be more careful, Finn. We're not in Kansas anymore, and who knows what may try to hurt us both. You didn't even get more ale did you?"

The other boy glanced down at his empty cup. "...Oh."

"It's fine. I can manage her." Dina said, as she offered a pitcher to Finn. "I just needed to get away from people for the time being."

"Eh, whatever keeps her from hurting 'em." Oliver shrugged. While Finn held out his glass for Dina to pour him a refill.

"Thank you, Lady Denisov." Finn said to her with a polite smile.

"Denisova." Dina said. "Russian girl surnames have different endings." Dina corrected. "Tis' a fine piece that girl. Took too much power at once... without having the ego to hold it at bay. Sanctuary was practically made for these cases... And I don't want to risk a second outburst by telling Her Highness about Oros."

"Ah, right. Forgive me once more, if you can." Finn nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his head. Then Dina explained what the deal with Sann was. Both boys' eyes widened.

"Wait, so we're dealin' with a Monster Queen teetering towards going full ballistic on us? You do have a plan in case that happens, don't ya?" Oliver appeared concerned. "And who the hell is this Oros chick???"

"Not quite a Queen. But if someone keeps feeding her coins, she will. " Dina said. "As for Oros it's a long story. Loves to get thrills and attention." Dina said.

"Coins?? She's not part seagull is she- Ow." Oliver tried to joke, but got interrupted by Finn elbowing him.

"Well regardless, we'll keep an eye out." Finn nodded.

"Devourer and Destroyer. I think." Dina said, her eyes narrowing at Oliver. "You seem to forget that restrained monster girls and monster boys are the exception rather than the rule, mister."

Oliver quickly straigtened himself up. "Sorry ma'am, will behave ma'am."

"Don't worry about him, we look out for each other. As long as anyone he cares for doesn't get badly hurt, he won't be tearing down the place any time soon." Finn whispered to Dina, explaining Oliver's mental mutation.

Dina just blinked. "Come to think of it, we do need more knights at Sanctuary. Shane is not even a monster boy, and while we appreciate his work... more monster kind would actually appease the more radical of the individuals."

The two looked at each other, taking a moment to discuss between themselves. Afterwards, they looked back to Dina. "Well...after we catch up with our patron, we can visit the Sanctuary and see if we can help some. Is that alright with you?" Finn asked.

"As long as you do not belong to the Ascendancy...which I doubt." Dina said. "You are most welcome, even if the Sanctuary is supposed to be hidden these days."

At the mention of the Ascendancy, Finn furrowed his brows. "Don't worry. We know better than to associate with them." He reassured Dina, Oliver gently patting his back.

Dina raised an eyebrow. Maybe these two were lovers? Queer things she had seen in her days... It was then when a couple of wings engulfed her, as an all too familiar Valkyrie was invading someone else's space as well.

"Cute kitty wants to fight that stupid Ascendancy... I will help. But let me pet you before..." Sann had said.

"Shit." Oliver swored under his breath with Sann appearing next to Dina. While Finn didn't say anything himself, not yet. He was curious. He wanted to see how Dina could handle someone like her.

Dina tensed up, very much like an unwilling cat at first, at her invasion of her personal space. "After." She said deliberatedly eyeing Sann. "And I will let you eat tea and pastries." She cooed towards the rude monster girl, who just tilted her head.

"Tea...is good." She said, before releasing Dina and skipping a couple of steps. "I need to whack them, right?"

"At Keijo...actually."

"Sounds boring...but alright, Granny Kitty." She pouted, as she began to walk once more towards the crowd.

"Hm..." Finn watched as Sann left them be again, then turned back to Dina. "Not bad."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(Just before Dina contacted Sann).

With a cherry melody hummed to herself Viva would casually stroll into the feat hall. She had been elsewhere off on the island fulfilling some basic task from Mother. She had been intending on spending some time with the Witches she had seen earlier but seems that plan had to be discontinued.

Now however, she was free once again to tend to her own whims and wants. And her first desire was food. So upon entering the hall she went over to the buffet table and began to sample everything. She was showing at least a modicum of decorum, in that she was a clean eater while standing at the table, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t scarfing down more or less anything she laid her hands on.

For the first little bit she only really had eyes for the food in front of her, she was aware of other people nearby to the extent that she wouldn’t take a bite out of them. It wasn’t worth it to piss off the dolphin after all. It would take a bit of time for her to be cognizant of the other members of the gorgers gang. She recognized Hilaria, one never forgets someone of those curves, or one who gives a free meal.

Sann felt familiar, but Viva wouldn’t say she knew the girl. It was Will that caught her off guard, and led to her speaking up, after finishing her current morsel. “Will, fancy meeting you here” She would say happily. It would take a moment for her to more fully come out of the mentality of eating everything in front of her, but when she did she would notice the distance between Will and Sann and assume.

“Who’s your friend?” She would ask giving Sann a slow once over “She has wonderful.. plumage”

The boy looked with a weary expression, before answering. "A rotten bitch. My substitute." He said. "Also I am not Will, mother, but just something that resembles him. Will is dead and gone."

Few things could so quickly turn Viva’s thoughts to wanton slaughter as hearing that her son was dead. “I’m sorry” She would say her voice turning cold “What do you mean that Will is dead?” She would ask, smiling a smile that promised pain and suffering depending on the answer.

"My original…tried too hard. And got burnt while trying to reach the sun." He answered. He had few scarce moments left of existence. Death threats do not work on already dead people.

"And then…" Will was cut by Sann's finger who had turned from scarfing down food to the irritating doppelganger.

"Hush. Don't...spoil." The girl said eyeing Viva. "Hi. Glad you came."

And then she continued devouring the food.

Viva would turn her attention to Sann at that last little stunt. Eyes cold and clinical as they surveyed Will’s replacement. Her fingers twitched in muted reflex as she wanted to draw her revolver and vent some of her frustrations but held back from that action.

Instead she would return her attention to Will. Her body would contort as she shifted it around as much as she could within the confines of the holiday magic layered over her. Making her more resemble how she used to before becoming a magical. She would then draw Will into a hug.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop you from burning” She would say softly as she carded her fingers through his hair. She didn’t know if this will was a shade or a copy, or something else. But it held enough of her son to know who she was. It wouldn’t be enough, but family was important. So this sliver left deserved what comfort she could give.

Sann was left ignored. Viva didn’t know after all.

Will seemed to smile faintly, and let himself be comforted… until Sann stopped eating and raised slowly from her seat, before skipping a step and enveloping all three of them.

"Enough." She said, her voice filled with venom instead of her playful attitude. Her mouth showed a big, cruel smile… before planting a rather intense kiss on William.

William was left astonished, and in shock… and began to shake and tremble in Viva's arms… before vanishing and fading out, his ego crumbling at what the Valkyrie trainee did. "Disgust…" were his last words.

"Well, one thing off the bucket...list." Sann then would add. "But that was my cuddle place, you cheap copy." She whispered in a growl.

“That wasn’t very nice” Viva would say softly, turning her attention fully to Sann at last. There were still lingering cold notes to her voice, and a vengeful gleam in her eyes. There was also a fair amount of curiosity however, as Viva started to ponder over the few hints of intrigue lain out in front of her.

Her visage would shrink back to her normal proportions as she regarded the fallen valkyrie. “Is there something you know about what happened to my family that you're not telling me?” She would ask as she slid her arm around Sann’s waist. It was more a warning gesture than one of comfort. Skin to skin contact gave rise to such wonderful ways of inflicting pain for her after all.

Sann would just smile at Viva. "Odin is fond of creative punishments. I was told Cassandra was the name of the baby girl. Can I be the baby girl?" She whispered to Viva's ears, using her wings to give them privacy.

A hand would come up slowly as Viva reached to cup Sann’s face with her right hand. It was an intimate position for them to be in, arms around each other with wings shielding them from all others. The cold sharp look in Viva’s eyes really was the only thing betraying the actual tension that lay hidden between them.

Softly Viva would run her thumb across Sann’s cheek as she locked eyes with her. As she did so she would softly offer a prayer “Mother of mine I do beseech. I seek your guidance in this query. My kin is lost and I am weary. Place the answers within my reach. Your daughter asks of you this, as nothing more is a miss.” It was spoken with a revenant cadence, and the words would echo lightly as she spoke them.

Unseen from Sann’s perspective the scar on the back of Viva’s hand would twist ever so lightly as it came alive, the three slashes morphing into eyes, and with that a warmth would envelop Viva’s hand. But go no further.

“Oh honey” She would whisper softly, brokenly, the cold tone and vengeful gleam fading away as she took in Sann’s features once more. Without saying anything else she would embrace Sann more fully in the same embrace she had given Will a few moments ago. Her family wasn’t lost to her, but that didn’t mean they were not in need of comfort.

“You will always be my baby.” She would whisper back to Sann. “No matter what anyone does”

Sann just smiled, her broken mind a little giddy. "Just keep the secret. Especially from rotten others." she whispered as she snuggled. "Penny, chiefly. I live in Sanctuary now. I met a granny princess kitty."

“I won’t tell a soul” Viva would promise. “How is it living there these days?” She would ask a bit curious “I slept there while Penny was off for the few months that Penrose started crashing and burning.”

Another part of Viva grinned at this turn of events. Having an inside woman might make things easier for Viva and other concerned parties.

"Meh. Kinda dull. Lots of posturing. Lots of surveillance." Sann would pout slightly. "We have to part ways."

“So nothing really has changed” Viva would remark as she pulled away from Sann, sad but understanding. “Feel free to give me a call whenever” She would say a bit louder, shifting away from the hushed whispers they had shared.

Sann just grinned, as she flapped her wings. Too many looking eyes right now. She would have to crash at her place later.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 2 days ago


.:⋮Merry Meetings & Festive Fallouts⋮:.

Dancing across the Ice alongside MDP was a wonderful experience. Given their innate skill and the magic inherent to the ice skates it was easy to get lost in the playful atmosphere that grew between the two of them as they glided alongside each other, or pulled off unnecessary yet flashy techniques and tricks.

Or at least Penny thought so, it was enough of a good time that Penny ended up losing track of Amanda and Maribel. Of which she was slightly abashed about. She had wanted to spend some of the time at the rink getting to know at least Amanda better, but she would shrug it off without much difficulty. The time spent with her girlfriend was worth it.

“I think we lost Amanda and Maribel” Penny would point out as she came to a slow stop looking around to see if she could see where the wayward friends had ventured off to. “Oh! But I see Alicia and Kimble.” She would exclaim with a note of joy.

“Want to go meet my best friend?” She would ask looking back at MDP with a smile.

MDP was also having the time of her life as she and Penny glided around the ice rink, which, as it happened, was far larger than they had initially thought. The lake upon which the rink was formed had a meandering shape, which created small alcoves in the surrounding, snow-covered forest, and the pair soon discovered that that had not only escaped Oros, but Amanda and Maribel as well. This didn’t bother MDP all that much, as she was confident that her best friend would be fine. If anyone needed to worry, it was Oros…

“Like, Magical Dream Princess feels just like one of those snow fairy wairies from Fantasia Wasia~!” MDP told Penny with a happy giggle. “She always wuved that part the mosty wostiest~! But Daddy Waddy said she wasn’t allowed to watch it,” the whimsical girl explained. “So she had to be super duper sneaky weaky about it~! It was, like, her super duper special wecial secret wecret~! (giggle!)”

MDP’s eyes glittered when Penny pointed out two of her other friends, and asked if she wanted to meet them. “Like, totally wotally~! (giggle!)” the bubbly girl chirped. “Magical Dream Princess just wuvs making new friendy wendies~!”

Up in the distance, Kimble was about to head back to the lodge with Alicia when she noticed MDP waving to them, and waved back.
"Heeey! Penny! So good to see you!" She ran back to the fence surrounding the lake.
"I'm Kimble! Nice to meet you!"

Standing next to Kimble, Alicia turned as Kimble spotted the approaching duo and made her way over. Registering the situation, a couple emotions made their way across Alicia’s face. First, a smile. Then a wince as she realized who it was that Penny was with.

Well, no one had ever claimed that Penny couldn’t pick them. At least it wasn’t another psycho murderer like Chloe. Maybe a bit crazy, but not actively malicious. She wasn’t even sure how this team up had happened. Well, she’d just have to bear with it like the last time.

"Speak of the devil and she will appear. We were just talking about you,” she noted with a grin as she joined Kimble, Penny, and MDP. "It’s nice to see you again as well,” she said to Magical Dream Princess with an offered hand, though that might not be entirely sincere. But who was keeping track?

“Ha! Surprised then it was the real me you ran into then” Penny would reply with a grin. “There’s a half dozen of me wandering around at the moment, nicked cloning from someone during the snowball fight.” She would explain.

Alicia’s greeting, and it’s lack of sincerity hadn’t gone unnoticed by Penny, but she didn’t want to make it into a big thing, so simply raised a discreet eyebrow at Alicia. Though it would smooth away with understanding as she went on to say “I wasn’t aware you already met each other.” She could guess when they had met, and if she was correct she could understand the hesitancy.

“Regardless, formal introductions. Alicia, Kimble, this is my girlfriend Magical Dream Princess. Princess, these are Paladin Seraph Alicia Hayden and her girlfriend Kimble. Alicia was the first friend I made here in Penrose.” She would gesture between everyone as she spoke.

“Like, it’s super duper nicey wicey to meet you too, Kimble Wimble~! (giggle!)” MDP told the former catgirl, while smiling with innocent joy. “And, like, Magical Dream Princess thinky winkies your namey wamey is, like, sooo super duper cute~! (giggle!)” Turning to Alicia, she tilted her head, looking slightly puzzled. “Againsie~? Like, you do look kinda winda familiar wiliar, Alicia Wicia… Has Magical Dream Princess met you beforsie~?” the whimsical girl asked as she took Alicia’s offered hand, completely oblivious to any insincerity on the Paladin Seraph’s part.

“Thank you!” Kimble responded to the compliment with a bright smile.
“Can I call you MDP for short? I have a bit of trouble remembering the names of new friends, tee hee~”

Well, Magical Dream Princess was exactly as Alicia remembered her. She probably should have been annoyed that she had been forgotten, but there was plenty to be annoyed by already. It was probably for the best that it was the case.

For now she turned back to Penny. "Actually, I hadn’t really noticed that,” Alicia admitted with some chagrin. "We were just discussing the possibility of getting some pictures while we were here. But I suppose there’s no rush, unless the Patron blows up the dinner hall.” To Princess she merely offered a simple "It wasn’t very long.” The girl had just kind of vanished during the raid, so there was no reason making a fuss over it.

“No worries” Penny would brush off the fact that the rest of her clones hadn’t been noticed. “Most of the counterfeits are away from the lodge, and I’m hardly the only one with clones wandering around. Anyway, I’d be more than willing to take a couple pictures for you if you wanted.” She would offer up. “Any one of me or Snoopy can handle that, just let me know what or where.”

“Wonder if it was before we met for the first time.” She would go on to muse, looking at MDP as she spoke. “We first ran into each other when my home got caught up in a Mint thing,” Penny would explain with a shrug. Knowing that the various people here would all take different bits of importance out of that statement.

“It wasn’t until later on that we got to know each other better though. The bounty with the haunted school.”

“Like, of coursey worsey you can~! (giggle!)” MDP told Kimble. “And, like, Magical Dream Princess has a super duper terrible werrible memory wemory, too~!” she added, happy that they had something in common. “Like, that’s totally wotally right~! (giggle!)” the bubbly girl exclaimed with a big smile after Penny mentioned the circumstances of their first meeting. “Magical Dream Princess remembers nowie~! She met Alicia Wicia when she went to Mariettey Wettey’s placey wacey with Samurai-chan~! And then Magical Dream Princess helped save Penny Wenny’s placey wacey from those meanie weanie Minty Winty people weople~! And, like, when Magical Dream Princess saw Penny Wenny for the first timey wimey, she thought she was sooo super duper pretty witty, but, like, she wasn’t able wable to talk to Penny Wenny for very longy wongy, but, like, then she got to go on a date with Penny Wenny, and it was, like, sooo super duper romantic wantic, and Penny Wenny and Magical Dream Princess talked about all sorts of stuffy wuffy, and then Penny Wenny said she’d be Magical Dream Princess’s girlfriend wirlfriend, and that made Magical Dream Princess sooo super duper happy wappy~! (giggle!)” Having concluded her hyperactive ramblings, the whimsical girl gave Penny a big hug. “Like, how did you meet Alicia Wicia, Kimble Wimble~?” MDP asked after she’d finished snuggling up to her girlfriend.

“Great~” Kimble wrapped her arms around Alicia’s arm, giddy about Penny agreeing to take pictures. When MDP asked her about her first meeting with Alicia, she blushed, averting her eyes.
“Oh, our first meeting...We were fighting each other,” she admitted, sounding embarrassed.
“It’s a long story, but in the end Alicia saved my life. Ever since then, I knew it was true love~!”

Alicia nodded, surprised that Magical Dream Princess had had her memory jogged. "That's right. I'd have gone but I was dealing with some broken ribs at the time." It was unfortunate, but everything had worked out regardless. So she didn't feel too bad.

Looking to Penny, she followed that with a shrug. "One now might not be a bad idea."

She listened as everyone recounted how they had met, her memory straining a little to pull up the details. "It feels like it's been a really long time," she agreed with Kimble, doing little to remove that presence around her arm. "She was being mind controlled by a bad guy when we met. In the course of that she was freed, and things kind of progressed from there." Still, she was leery of the term 'true love' with this. That was why things had taken so long.

Penny accepted the hug with a smile. She was never one to turn down physical affection after all. She was some degree of touch starved, a remnant of Jason, but thankfully didn’t have the phobia anymore. Silently she agreed with Alicia, though it was mostly unknowingly, ‘True love’ was a lofty term to apply to either of their relationships. Penny was willing to put in the effort with her own relationship to try and reach that goal however.

“Penrose is like that, months ago feels like years and years feel like lifetimes.” Penny would also agree with Kimble. She always felt that it was because there was so little true calm in Penrose. If it wasn’t one disaster it was the recovery, and before one could start to relax after that the next problem was already on deck. It was draining.

“Pictures though” She would go one to say as Snoopy would pop up “They do make it easier to keep things in line” She would add as the drone would float about waiting for them to pose for pictures, both as couples and as a group.

After a few pictures had been taken, each with a happy beep boop from Snoopy, she would speak up. “Guess we should head inside and see what all the fuss is about?” She’d ask as she drew MDP close and rested her chin on MDP’s head.

“Yaaay~! Picture wicture time~! (giggle!)” MDP cheered, bouncing up and down with childish glee. After striking a series of cute poses with Penny, as well as taking part in a few group shots, the whimsical girl heard Dan’s voice call out over the wintery landscape, announcing that Christmas dinner would soon be served in the lodge’s feast hall. “Goodie woodie~! (giggle!) Like, Magical Dream Princess can’t wait to try all the yummy wummy food Danny Wanny made for us~!”

The whimsical girl gave voice to yet another stream of sweet giggles when Penny pulled her close and rested her chin atop her head. “Like, totally wotally~!” MDP replied, looking up at her girlfriend with a big smile.

Kimble happily posed and gave out peace signs as pictures were taken, oblivious to the somewhat strange mood that her words had caused.
"Not to mention the gifts!" Kimble added.
"I really hope Alicia got my gift!"

Alicia did not dwell in the past for too long, not with the painful regrets that lurked there. Instead she rejoined the others in the present as Penny released her drone to get some photos. Pictures would be taken, with all sorts of poses and all sorts of combinations of individuals. Admittedly being serious was difficult, but an attempt was made at least.

"That sounds good to me,” she agreed as they wrapped up that particular activity and Penny suggested heading inside. "It’ll probably be super long tables, but we can probably sit together.” That was what she’d expect from a place whose name ended in ‘hall’ anyways. But there was no reason they had to part so soon after meeting up.

Penny, for her part, just gave Alicia an amused look as the girl tried to maintain her serious demeanor. Making sure to give the girl a raised eyebrow look when she could get away with it.

Regardless, the four of them would venture into the hall together. Penny would let out a low whistle at the whole set up. It was an impressive display to be sure. Whatever she was planning on saying was interrupted by Goblina’s arrival however. “No worries. I’ve only just started being more social myself.” She would say looking a bit bemused at the glass of ale in her hand.

She would look up in time to see the goblin wander away downing yet more alcohol and simply shake her head. Placing the ale down she would cast one more look around the hall, looking for food that was more to her odd pallet, instead she would catch sight of Rachel and let out a sigh. “Looks like the Inquisitor got an invite as well” There went her hopes of keeping her status as queen from the Ascendency quiet, at least that was her assumption at this point.

Once again she was cut off from further expounding as Ruby would pop up and deliver gifts to all members of their little band. Though Penny was able to get a quick “Thanks Ruby” Before the girl vanished again.

Looking at her gift with more than a fair amount of curiosity she’d speak up, asking “So who wants to go first?” Turning in time to see Kimble tearing into her own gift. “I suppose that answers that” She’d add with a chuckle.

“Interesting gift for sure” Penny would comment once Kimble was done opening her challenge poster. “Who's next?”

“Like, Magical Dream Princess wants to see what she got~!” MDP exclaimed, bouncing up and down with barely contained excitement. Opening her present, she found a slip of paper within.

Magical Dream Princess’s gift is to have more wisdom, she read aloud, after which, the paper transformed into a fairly sizable tome.

Not wasting any time, the whimsical girl quickly paged through the book, a look of wonder on her face. “Wowie zowie~ This thingie wingie looks super duper interesting winteresting~! It’s, like, supposed to make you more insightful wightful, and, like, that’s something womething Magical Dream Princess really, really needs~! (giggle!) But she should probably wobably read it later water when she’s her normal wormal selfy welfy,” she added, knowing full well how hard it was to concentrate on anything for very long while transformed. Or at least anything that wasn’t Penny.

“Like, what did you get, Penny Wenny~?!” the bubbly girl asked her girlfriend. “Magical Dream Princess can’t wait to see~!”

“Let’s find out” Without further prompting Penny would open her own gift noting the slip of paper within much like everyone else's. Your gift is an ornate gem with the power of healing. She would read aloud while holding the slip of paper up.

A moment later the paper would transform into a teardrop dragon fire opal pendant. The gem was just the right size to comfortably sit in Penny’s palm and the red within it was glowing and would swirl about the gem in a slow rhythmic beat.

“Oh.” Penny would be a bit mesmerized at her gifts appearance. “This will be very useful.” She would say after a moment. It was a better healing aid then what she could cobble together with her nanites after all.

So they retired to the dining hall. Good food was had, many laughs were made, and the quartet enjoyed each other's company in simply hanging out. Alicia even got a bit more comfortable with Magical Dream Princess and her mannerisms, though not completely.

Eventually the big event arrived in the form of the White Elephant. Alicia nodded as her gift was handed out, and she watched with a smile as the others unwrapped their gifts. The biggest surprise was probably Kimble’s present, though she was likely biased. But with the others done, she turned to her own gift.

Unwrapping it, her gaze narrowed as she examined the item inside. "It’s Sailor Moon. Everything that ever came out in an animated format at the very least.” A hum escaped as she turned the DVD over. Admittedly she had not been the biggest fan before, but it seemed she was to become one now. Or at the very least someone at Beacon could use this.

Placing the gift down, she nodded to Kimble. "I guess we know what the next few community nights are going to be at least.”

“A bit on the nose I’d think, but I’ve never actually seen the show,” Penny would say peering into the box at the DVD case. “Anyone see anyone opening their gifts out there?” She’d go on to ask, turning her attention to the rest of the hall.

Kimble giggled at Alicia’s remark.
“I’m sure the girls will like it,” she added, leaning her head on Alicia’s shoulder.
“Ah, it’s so romantic here...” She mused, and watched as Dan continued with the show program.

“Oooohh~ Soooo pretty witty~!” MDP gushed as Penny showed them her gift, the whimsical girl seeming transfixed by the shiny object. Alicia then opened her gift, and MDP’s eyes sparkled with glee when she saw what it was. “Like, Magical Dream Princess totally wotally wuvs that show~! (giggle!)” she announced excitedly. “Like, would it be okie dokie if she comes over to watch it~?! Would it~?! Would it~?! Would it~?!”

Suddenly finding herself subjected to the full force of Princess’ pleading efforts, there was little Alicia could do to resist as she inwardly sighed. "I guess,” she agreed. At least she knew Princess wouldn’t do anything malicious deliberately.

Once that issue was resolved, the quartet looked around to see if anyone else had opened their presents, and in the process, MDP caught sight of someone familiar.

“Wowie zowie~!” she exclaimed, her eyes going wide. “It’s FanFany WanWany~! (giggle!)” Bouncing over to the elegant Ascendancy girl, MDP gave her a big hug. “Like, Merry Werry Christmas Wistmas, FanFany WanWany~!” she told the girl amidst a stream of happy giggles. “Like, that cakey wakey looks super duper yummy wummy~! (giggle!)”

FanFan was pleasantly surprised by MDP, and giggled at her cheerfulness.
“Merry Christmas to you too, Magical Dream Princess~” When MDP pointed out the cake she had, she nodded with a smile. “Indeed. It was the gift I received in the gift exchange. I was really fortunate to have this. Shall we give it a taste?”

Penny was surprised to learn that MDP knew FanFan and was curious if they met the same way that Alicia had met her. Upon learning that the Ascendency girl had gotten cake Penny wasn’t able to help the chuckle that she gave out. “All sorts of interesting gifts today. And that’s twice you’ve received a wish cake if I remember right.”

Glancing over to FanFan and her gift, Alicia nodded in approval. It seemed to have lightened FanFan’s day,and that was good. "You can save my portion for Leena. Or yourself. There’s plenty to eat here as it is,” she demurred from the offer of a taste of this magical cake.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess would wuv to~! (giggle!)” MDP replied when FanFan offered to share her cake with them. “Having cakey wakey with friendy wendies is, like, the super duper besty westiest~!”

FanFan courteously nodded to Penny’s remark, having retained her positive demeanour, though there was an underlying tension beneath her smile.

“I’m glad to hear that,” FanFan answered, and smiled gently as MDP agreed to her offer. “Now, let’s open this box-Ah!” She heard Rachel yelling down the hall, and stood up from her seat.
“Please excuse me,” she abruptly stated, and joined the Inquisitor as she made her declaration, leaving the cake box on the table.

To say Penny was surprised at FanFan’s reception of her presence would be a lie. She was able to keep from rolling her eyes though, since FanFan was apparently a friend of MDP’s.

Those thoughts were rendered irrelevant however once Rachel started shouting, and Penny would let out an aggrieved sigh. She didn’t need to get closer to hear what was going on over there. Her ears were sharp enough to cut though the rest of the din in the area, plus a few of her counterfeits had arrived for various reasons. She could hear the yelling in surround sound if she wanted.

“Whelp there goes the cheer,” Penny would deadpan, though there was notable annoyance in her eyes. “What do you think the Odds that Rachel has any idea what it is she just agreed to is?” She would ask as she locked her eyes on Lily, worried for the girl. Though Dina stepping forward tore her attention away from the jovial girl. The slap that followed had only a sole thought stealing through Penny’s mind. ‘Gods damn it all’

“This is turning into a mess.”

Kimble nodded, looking disappointed in the way things had turned out. “Oh, you have no idea.”

Glancing over at the commotion, Alicia held back a sigh. "Well, I hate to concede that she has a point, but giving the mirror back sounds like a really bad idea, regardless of whether she’s purified or not.” After all, she certainly didn’t trust Mariette’s patron with that thing either. Of course demanding the dimension be destroyed was excessive, but it seemed like everyone else was overlooking the other thing.

“Honestly I agree as well” Penny would remark “But destroying the place is excessive”

After a moment Alica rose to her feet. "I’ll be right back,” she told the others before heading off. She should probably warn Rachel, before things went even more badly.

MDP gasped in horror as Rachel stated her intention to erase Dan’s dimension, and quickly ran over to FanFan. “Like, please don’t let her destroy Danny Wanny’s placey wacey, FanFany WanWany!” the whimsical girl pleaded, clasping her hands together as tears began to roll down her cheeks. “Like, even if that mirror wirror thingie wingie is totally wotally evil wevil, Danny Wanny’s placey wacey is super duper nicey wicey! So, pretty pretty please don’t let her destroy it!”

FanFan turned her eyes back to MDP as she was stopped by her, a look of regret twisting her mouth into a frown.
"Magical Dream Princess..." she spoke back quietly, and looked back to see Rachel receive the slap from Dina.
"I...I'll talk to the Inquisitor. She'll understand." With that said, she turned away, her hands balled tightly as she restrained her shaking.

Silently Penny wished FanFan luck, before sitting down at the table that FanFan just left. Penny’s plans were already in motion, to what end it was too early to tell. But she could protect FanFan's present in the meantime. And hope that everything turns out for the best.

“Damn it all” Penny would mutter to herself as she surveyed the situation in front of her. She wasn’t surprised that Rachel had flipped out at the Black Mirror being given back to Mariette. If Penny hadn’t talked to Ronin and Miko, or even Mariette herself, she would have been right there with the Inquisitor. Not on the whole destroying the plane bit, but the outrage bit.

But as it stood, this was rapidly turning into a mess.

Glancing about she would take note of Dan a bit of a distance back from the main squabble, looking worried and as soon as she saw him an idea came to her. One she didn’t like, but it was better than doing nothing.

Carefully she would sneak her way over to Dan, making sure to stay out of Rachel’s line of sight. A task made simpler by Penny Prime also being in the hall. To say nothing of the other distractions. “Dan” She would say softly once she got close enough to the Patron to talk.

Dan nearly squeaked from surprise, only to quickly muffle his voice by attaching and detaching a tactical silencer to his nose like how one would to a gun. He stealthily created a field around the two of them that dampened their voices to outside listeners.
"Penny? Am I glad to see you," he whispered to her. "I'm in a bind. Rachel's going to destroy my home!" He looked afraid. "What do I do?"

“That’s why I came over actually. I have an idea to keep Rachel from winning if you are up to it”

"Really? I'm up to it a 100%! What's the idea?"

“Lean into the challenge and make it a tournament with the Mirror as the grand prize.” Penny would say, internally boggling at the silencer on his nose. “That will let a lot of people defend your realm, me included. And if you aren’t opposed to it make sure that me and her are in the same bracket”

“A tournament?” Dan rubbed his brow with his fin as he thought hard about Penny’s suggestion. “Hmm...It would mean Rachel would need to get through more opponents...It might just work.”
He nodded, having gained confidence in the idea. “Alright, let’s go with that!”

“Glad to help” Penny would say with a nod “As much as I might have issues with you, you don’t deserve to lose your home, and you did help those at mine.” With that the counterfeit would slip away leaving Dan to make his announcement. Afterall it wouldn’t do for her to be standing nearby when he did make the announcement since she was trying to keep her involvement in this away from Rachel.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sakura would notice Emily wasn't smiling as he approached her and almost seemed to be devoid of any life or cheerfulness that she was typically known for. Initially, she seemed to be staring at a four-leaf clover pin that she got from the event, but looking even a little closer would reveal she wasn't focused on anything, as if she had accepted the present and then just 'shut off mentally.

And then she heard Sakura's voice.

She nearly jumped from being startled by it, letting out a yelp in the process. It clearly snapped her out of her listless trance, but she neither immediately answered nor looked directly at Sakura. She brought a hand to her lips, touching them with her fingers as though she were recalling the experience, and then, oddly, her expression drastically changed in an instant. It wasn't the picture of fear or sadness, and it certainly was not happiness, either.

A momentary lapse in inhibitions led to her baring her teeth, pulling her arm back, and releasing a wicked slap across the boy's cheek. She was far from physically strong, but the intent and effort were there. It was only after this that she looked up towards him, anger etched into her features. "Stop...!" Emily ordered, the realization that she had just harmed someone dawning on her partway and causing her eyes to open wide. Yet this reaction was fleeting, and she did not move to apologize or back down like one might expect her to. It did calm her a little, though, and so, with hand still raised from the slap, she spoke in a pained voice. "...I don't wan-- I can't speak with you right now, Sakura. Please... leave me alone."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Well, it was no mystery who Mariette’s gift had come from. Mariette pocketed the coin and threw a slight gaze to the puppet, if she was anywhere near. Wonder if she’d actually be willing to defend someone like Mariette? … Who knows? Meanwhile her own gift went to… Yeah, suppose that’s fine. Wonder if the combat-like woman would enjoy the alternate version of herself. Mariette had no idea how her gift would be received, after all. Maybe not everyone was interested in something like that. Who knows, once again.

In the rewards section, I was planning on having Tullia give the coin to someone who hadn’t cheated on their ice sculpture, but I need to go back and reread what sculptures were made before I can do that.

Then finally, it was the price for Christmas spirit… Mariette’s visible eye widened as she realized what the dolphin was doing. He was giving her the Black Mirror in front of everyone. Her expression was one of sheer, utter terror as the giant present materialized. A single question echoed through her mind.


She lifted a hand to materialize a portal as quickly as she inhumanly could to take the present away, but-

Mariette recoiled as Rachel shouted, preventing her from removing the present without objection. Then, Lily skipped to defend her, challenging to a match of Keijo… and then Dino overtook the challenge. All the while Mariette was just staring and thinking, The present is mine, what gives you the right to compete for it!?

… Mariette was not actually going to let anyone have the Black Mirror, even if they so supposedly won it. She was just raise a hand over her mouth to disguise a portal she opened from her mouth to Dan’s ear and whisper.

‘These people do not have the right to compete over my mirror. Can I please remove it from this dimension?’ she asked, probably not going to have any success, but she asked, nonetheless.

Next part. It appeared she had a champion. Mariette opened portals to gather her team in the same place, somewhere in the snow outside, before she stepped there herself. Then, she opened a portal directly from there to Dina.

‘Dina. It seems you’ll be protecting your dimension, and my mirror by extension. I wish to help. Come through this portal, and my champions will be able to power you up,’ Mariette offered.

Now, of her champions actually able to help…

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Somehow, Tetrad's offer to play a game of Keijo made her merry group of friends totally disband. Which, kind of sucked. She wasn't sure when she was going to see Eliza, Emily or Samantha again, so it was a bit disheartening to see them split after what she imagined must have been a small misunderstanding. 

Luna hadn't been out of Penrose long, but for some reason her interactions with the new magical girls in the northern outpost felt hollow somehow. Normally she loved to meet new people, but that "new" feeling wore off faster with some than others. even mingling along with people at this party didn't fill her with as much joy as she would have liked. Did she drink too much? Had Penrose become more boring in her absence? It seemed like the cliques that existed outside of the party were still in effect here. Cradle primarily interacted with its own members, same for beacon and whatever Penny called her legion of monsters. Even someone as outgoing as Lily had little use for people outside her immediate vicinity of friends, like Alexander and... Justine? Well alright, at least Lily seemed to be treading unfamiliar territory. Not that Tetrad could really judge anyone. She was hoping to see Will again, but it seemed he wasn't here. Catching up with Emily would have been okay if she wasn't trying to Engauge Sakura in a slapping competition. Like the kind critical moist is always going on about.

”Why did I even show up to this? Maybe Trixy made the right call staying behind.”

Of course there was someone at the party that Tetrad had been meaning to meet. She didn't have a ton of memories of them, she had just heard a bit about them from Eliza. She had no idea what the horror's long term goal with all this was, but she didn't really care. It wasn't often you got the chance to talk to someone who died. 




Among all the excitement going on, Cerise seemed to have been obscured into the background. Sure, she hung out with Valerie for awhile. She caught up with North and Evelyn. But for the most part, she seemed content staying in the petting zoo with the snowbuns and harebringers. Unfortunately Dan called everyone back inside for the Feast and White Elephant, the latter she forgot to sign up for. Oh well.

Cerise did join everyone else in the Feast Hall, but with everyone else joining others in groups; Even Valerie went back to Amanda,

 She was alone.

The scarlet medic frowned slightly. Times like this, she wished her sister was still here. She looked around for a seat, and decided to forget about it and just eat-



A wooden serving platter hit the table like the fist of an angry god. The medic wouldn’t be the only one startled by Tetrad’s sudden arrival, but she was the person she chose to sit in front of. 

”So we get wished into this place, and then after a single conversation we get cast aside like a bad hand.” Tetrad had a sip of eggnog. ”I’m Tetrad by the way, an agent of Cradle.” she extended her hand to shake.

Cerise had jumped at the sudden appearance of Tetrad, just as irritated as she was disappointed. Though her reason for being in the background was different from hers. She tilted her head in confusion. "Uh, sounds bad. But I didn't have any trouble like you did, I just stayed at the petting zoo. she said. When the other girl introduced herself, the medic shook her hand. 

 "Cerise. Though I guess you already know that."
”Yea. Like you, I’ve been keeping an eye on the other people around here. Listening in on conversations and and all that junk.” Tetrad winked. ”I’ve heard a bit about you, but I figured I had to see the real deal for myself, and all that.” She propped up her chin with her hand. ”Do you miss your sister? Was she a good one?” 

"Oh. Yeah..." Cerise glanced down to the cup of hot cocoa she grabbed on the way to her seat. "I know we were the same person once upon a time, but I guess that helped us stay in sync. It feels weird, not having your twin around. Kinda lonely..." She said, her voice reduced to a mumble near the last sentence. However she didn't seem sad or anything. Just lost.

”Well as someone without siblings, I can tell you that there are people I’d like to be with too.” With a sigh, Luna looked away from the medic. ”Where would you rather be right now?”
The medic looked back up with a shrug. "Dunno. Doesn't look like I'm needed here... Got any ideas?" she asked.

”I didn’t mean like that” Tetrad smiled. ”I mean like, where would you rather be? What place comes to mind? A mall, a bar, stuff like that.”

"Oh. Hm..." Cerise thought for a moment. "First thing that comes to my mind is a movie theatre."

”You like movies, eh?” Tetrad straightened out her posture. ”I typically enjoy more interactive experiences. I remember going to the theater with my parents once, and they kept telling me to ‘shush’ because I was being too noisy. I think that’s why I have a preference for watching them at home. Though it’s always better if you watch them with friends, isn’t it?” She pulled off her hat and set it off to the side. ”You must have a favorite movie then, right?”

With a giggle, there was a small grin on Cerise's face. I- Luciel, really, had a cousin who used to work in theatre. We used to make time to go to the movies together, mostly for horror ones so we can laugh at how stupid the main characters are. Though he had a soft spot for old movies like Grease. Y'heard of it?" She asked.

”Mmmmm, it sounds familiar, but I haven’t watched many classics. What is it about?”

Cerise's eyes widened. There was a moment of silence, before she took a deep breath. "S'basically a musical romantic comedy about a local boy named Danny Zuko, and a vacationing Sandy Olsson who fall in love durin' the summer of 1958..." She'd go on to explain the movie to Tetrad. From scenes like the drive-in movie theatre and the race, to eventually the theory that it was all in a dying Sandy's head, and what went into the making of the movie.

 Soon enough, the medic caught herself amidst her rambling, and looked away in embarrassment. "S-Sorry, I got carried away didn't I?"

”Juuust a bit. But it’s clear that movies mean a lot to you, or at the very least, you enjoyed this Luciel person.” She pulled out her phone. ”Wait one minute, I gotta check something.” And with that, Tetrad stood up and darted out of the lodge.

Roughly fifty-five seconds later, she returned. ”Sorry about that, there’s no internet connection here.” Tetrad sat down again. ”I was kind of curious about that movie, so I googled it. Particularly the fan theory you were talking about.” She showed Cerise a web page she had saved onto her phone. ”It looks like people came to the conclusion that it was a ‘death dream’ because of how strange the ending was. Just with it being so happy and the couple flying through the air in a car. But the director said that was just a throw back to the shop teacher who said ‘If it were in any better condition, it would fly.’ and is just a representation for their happy ending.” She lowered her phone into Cerise’s hands. ”The creator personally denied the theory was true too, though I guess that’s the nice thing about head canon, right?” Tetrad’s grin got wider. ”If you want to believe a movie has a message or meaning, and it works with everything that’s been established, it’s a valid interpretation. I think that’s why you can have polarizing movies that seem to get just as much love as hate.” She tipped her head down. ”Though I’m pretty simple in that regard. I’m down for anything that puts me in a good mood. Kind of like this chance encounter. But I think it can be made even better.” 

 Well, if Tetrad was looking to get a jaw dropped reaction from Cerise, she definitely did. The medic's eyes were lit up in glee as the other girl gave her two cents on the theory. Though there was still something she had to address. "Oh, uh, Luciel's me actually. Or was me. Was me and Cereza- Y-Y'know how twin souls work." She clarified with a grin. "Ya' kinda' sound like my cousin right now. Too bad he disappeared to Timbuktu, would've loved to introduce ya'll to 'em."

 Then Tetrad suggested they'd do something to make their meeting better. Cerise was already in a good mood, so she was willing to hear her out. "'Aight then, shoot."
”Let’s make it a surprise, follow me.” 



They didn’t have to walk far. As soon as they got outside, tetrad sighed. ”Sorry, the noise everyone was making made it hard to concentrate.” Tetrad folded her arms and bit the corner of her lip. ”There’s someone I think you should meet. But I’m also not really sure how this thing works. Apparently we were summoned here? So I don’t know what’s going to happen if we try to leave.” Tetrad wasn’t sure how much to tell Cerise. She didn’t seem to be aware of her own death, if this was even her in the first place. Tetrad wasn’t that close with Maura’s extended network of agents, so she didn’t know. ”I’m not sure if you’ll be able to come back here if you leave. If that’s okay with you though, I think she would really appreciate it.”

"Huh...Well, we won't know 'till we find out right?" Despite Tetrad's hesitance, Cerise decided to remain optimistic. "Who do I gotta' see?" She asked.

”I could tell you her name, but she’s more someone you need to experience.” 
With a snap of Tetrad’s fingers, the two were shifted away from Dan’s snow scape and to an equally cold, if far less inviting area.
Despite being the middle of the day, the clouds were so gray it might as well have been the evening. The wind was still, but droves of snowflakes rained from the sky. They were standing on top of a building, but the exact height was impossible to determine. The horizon was out of sight, so they had to be at least a half a dozen stories in the air. There were plenty of skyscrapers on either side of them that reached much higher into the heavens. 
Their jolly Santa outfits had vanished, replaced with whatever they wore before coming to the party. 
”I miss that warming spell already.” 
Not long after their arrival, the newly arrived could hear the sound of high lace boots beating a trail through the snow. ”Is it Betty? Is it Sam?” An eyepatch wearing maid hopped from a nearby roof top onto the roof they were presently standing on. ”Hmmm?” Her only visible eye seemed to expand in her head. ”Wait a moment, I know who this cutie is.”
Tetrad stepped off to the side and gestured between them. ”Cerise, this is Trixy. Trixy, Cerise.”
Trixy blinked. There might have been sweat on her face, but the snow made it hard to say. ”What’s going on?”
”Long story.” Tetrad flipped through her cards. ”I’ll tell you all about it later. For now, just act natural.”
Trixy stepped closer to the medic. ”Well um, hey!” She extended her hand. ”You uh, you enjoyed the party? You got a chance to meet up with Eliza and those people?”

"Uhm, yeah!" Cerise shook Trixy's hand. "I know it ain't been that long, but I did meet up with Val and the others. Eliza on the other hand, well, guess she was too busy. The place did get chaotic at times." She chuckled slightly. Though at the moment, there wasn't much to laugh about. "Kinda felt like I wasn't even there to most. Made me wish my sister was still with me... Gah, but enough of that! How've you been?"

”I’m hanging in there.” Trixy forced a smile. ”I’m not surprised a lot of people looked over you. There are a lot of magical girls in penrose and they’re all equally cute. Most are fine just forming a small group of friends, but I don’t ignore anyone, especially if they’re cute!” she chuckled. ”I’d have gone to the party, but I’ve decided I’m going to wait for Sam to come here. I don’t want to jinx it by seeing her early or anything.” after some fidgiting, Trixy looked over her shoulder. ”I’m not having a party, but if you wanna hang around, I’m watching some Mary Poppins. Would that interest you?”

"Oh, I'd love to! Do ya' got any popcorn? Snacks? Maybe some soda??" She asked, hugging herself to stay warm. "Anything beats freezin' my tail off!"

”I think there’s a drink dispenser inside. It’s just cold beverages, but it’s a lot warmer inside.” Trixy led everyone towards the hatch. ”Popcorn will be a bit harder, but I think we’ve got some jiffy pop laying around somewhere. It’s just going to take a moment to prepare.”

”Now this is a party!” Tetrad closed the hatch behind them. The falling slow filled in their footsteps, and soon there was no trace of them. Unless you listened for the sounds of muffled laughter.

How unfortunate that head canon isn’t applicable to role playing games.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

”Lily? Are you okay?" Justine frantically asked, as Lily came to grips with the pain from the handshake. Even though Alex was ready to defend her from Rachel’s wrath in the case of the worst case scenario, the green-haired girl still felt a shiver of fear, having stood in her way; she had a feeling even he couldn’t prevent the zealous Ascendancy officer from turning her into a human meatball.

”I-I’m fine," Lily answered with a shaky breath, and stood up, taking support from Alex. She saw as Dina approached the two of them and denounced her challenge.

”B-But Mariette needed help, and-!" Lily tried to defend herself, but she felt Dina’s disapproving gaze on her, and was silenced. In her impulsive action to rescue Mariette from the Ascendancy’s ire, she had accepted a deal that could hurt many more than she realized. She frowned, and shirked away.
”I-I understand."

Rachel herself seemed curious at the monstergirl’s chivalry, even as she was slapped. The Inquisitor did not seem to react, having formed a paper-thin barrier on her cheek, making it feel like Dina had struck a stone wall.
However, rather than be furious at such an offense, the Inquisitor looked down at the glove in the floor, and then back at Dina, a mocking look on her lips.
“So you will take responsibility for her foolishness,” she stated.
“For a beast, you understand basic etiquette. Unlike others.

She glanced at Oros, seemingly disgusted by her as she interrupted them. She took an offended gasp as Oros paid attention to the garish jacket she was wearing and made her unwholesome trade offer.
“Do you take me for some weak-willed woman? I take pride in my celibacy!”
Violette stepped in her way, seemingly to prevent Oros from approaching Rachel.
“You stay out of this, jester,” she ordered the taller girl. “The Inquisitor has more important business to attend to.”

Having resumed her attention on Dina, Rachel created a barrier that shot the glove up from the floor, letting her catch it without removing her eyes from the catgirl.
“I accept the offer of substitution for the duel. But know this: your wretched Gomorrah shall fall before the trumpets of faith, no matter who will be my opponent.”

While Rachel was confronted by Finn and the various guests of the party, Dan heard Mariette’s voice subtly speaking to him, and he responded with a whisper of his own:
“Sorry, but I don’t think that’s a good idea, Mariette. Rachel might get mad and destroy my home! But don’t worry, me and Penny came up with a plan to improve our odds!”

With that said, Dan summoned a microphone, and tapped on it lightly.
“Um, a moment, please?”

Rachel stopped walking away, and turned with an irritated expression.
“You test my patience, demon. Out with it!”

Dan visibly sweated bullets.
“Right, right. So, I now announce a new Keijo tournament! Whoever wins gets to have the Black Mirror as the grand prize! Doesn’t that sound exciting!”

However, there were no clapped hands or signs of cheer from the audience, but dead silence, broken by Rachel herself:

“A tournament? I have only agreed to a single duel, no more. Your attempt to complicate this matter is futile.” She scoffed.
“But very well. You may hold this inane proceeding. I will simply duel the contender who has triumphed beyond others, and proven themselves worthy of challenging me.”

Dan’s nose dropped down, drooping like an elephant’s.
“Well, that’s fine, I suppose. Well then everyone, if you’d like to register for the tournament, please apply over with Ruby,” he said, and gave an apologetic look to the djinn girl for heaping more paperwork on her.

Rachel walked briskly back to the table where the Ascendancy had taken their seats. That was when FanFan spoke.

“Umm, Inquisitor...” she was interrupted by Rachel dropping the jacket into her hands.
“Find a use for this. It’s tacky design is ill-fitted for me.”
“Very well. But...” FanFan sighed. “Is it really necessary to erase this dimension?”

Rachel was about to pick up a present box when she stopped. “Of course. This place is but a trap designed to corrupt the magical girls of Penrose into hedonism and vanity. Once I have succeeded at my task I will send an extermination squad immediately.”
FanFan bit her lip.
“But isn’t that too hasty, Inquisitor? Perhaps we could first have it examined, see if it truly does have a corrupting effect as you say? And if not, perhaps we could use it as a base of operations? It would be a safe location at the very least.”

Rachel turned to glare at FanFan.
“FanFan...You’ve become weak.”

FanFan gasped.

“You’ve spent too much time with the locals, and let them influence you. I hereby forbid you from meeting with any of the locals without my approval. And this place will be erased. I won’t accept any more questioning of my orders. Understood?” Before FanFan could protest, she had already walked away from the feast hall, speaking to her communicator device:
“I will be bringing the present as you’ve requested for analysis, Elora.” Violette followed after, looking a bit nervous herself. "Umm, so about this Keijo..."

FanFan twirled a finger around one of her hair drills, looking sad as she looked at the jacket draped over her forearm. Then, she subtly glanced over to Ruby.
“...I wonder what Leena would do...”

Lily slumped on the table, having buried her face in her arms.

”So Dan’s gonna hold a tournament...I’d usually be all for it, but...”
She sniffled.
”I’ll probably make things worse if I entered..."

Justine sighed, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
”It’s okay, Lily. At least you stopped Rachel from tearing apart the feast hall. You showed admirable bravery out there."

”I guess..." Lily leaned her head to the side. Justine put a finger to her chin, in deep thought.

”Hmm...What if I were to enter this tournament?"

Lily snapped back to attention, a shocked look on her face.

”You, Justy? Really?"

”Well, I may not be the strongest magical girl, but I have a diverse array of skills and experience. That should give me an edge in this competition, as abrasive as it may be. It would be embarrassing, yes...But I would try to make an honest attempt, if only because you’ve inspired me, Lily."

Lily stood up and took her hand, a bright smile on her face; she was still sad, but she made an effort to be supportive of Justine.

”In that case, let’s have you signed up and practising right away! I can show you some basic moves I’ve learned to do!"

Kimble looked on as Lily and Justine went to talk with Ruby, a curious expression on her.

”It seems Justine’s decided to try Keijo! Isn’t that crazy?”
She asked Alicia. Then, as if a light bulb had been switched on, her eyes cleared, and she slammed her hand on the table.
”Hey, this might be my chance to get even with Justine! What do you think, Alicia? I bet I could beat a newbie like her in Keijo! After all, even Penny fell before my Butt Gatling technique!”

And then, the feast hall trembled as a certain scream resounded from outside:


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