Lily stumbled and ended up in Alex’ arms, burying her face in his chest before looking up at him with a dizzy smile.
”I, uh...forgot," She admitted, before managing to compose herself again with a sigh.
”I’m so used to speeding up time instead of slowing down. I guess I still got to training to do with that."
Justine walked up to the two, looking a bit better after a couple of deep breaths.
”That was reckless of you, Lily. But, I must admit it was rather exciting," she spoke, her cheeks having turned a shade of red.
”My heart is still beating fast."
Lily smiled back with a bit of joy, still hugging Alex.
”I’m glad you had fun, Justine! That’s the most important thing of all!"
She turned to look at Dan as he announced the winners, clapping her hands as Finn and Betty received their prizes. She looked quizzical at Alex asking about food served on Christmas.
”Oh, you have no idea, Alex!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air.
”My old mom used to cook all kinds of delicious food on Christmas! There’s ham and chicken with gravy, and porridge, and sugary pastries, and lots of cute cookies-Eeeee!"
She squealed in delight before somethng took hold of her, and she in turn took hold of his hand.
She looked concerned.
”I saw Hilaria at the lodge. We gotta go, before she gets there and empties the table! You too, Justy!"
”I look forward to seeing what our quaint host has prepared to serve us,"
Justine added, and followed after Lily as she took to free-spirited jog.
After some time, the feast hall began to pick up with the voices of various people as they attended the festivities that were to be held there. Some new people seemed to have arrived, like Goblina, who greeted Penny once she had arrived.
“Sorry for taking so long before joining you, Your Highness,” she apologized, and shoved a glass of ale to her hand. “I’ll make it for it up by partying hard!” She then downed her drink, and was already pouring herself another before Penny could respond. Penny also noticed Rachel far in the distance, seemingly minding her own business as she conversed with FanFan and Violette.
Upon arrival, Lily was given a present box by Ruby, who had dutifully also given the other party guests their presents.
Once everyone intending to join was present Dan made his first announcement.
“Now then, let’s start this feast with a bang, starting with the White Elephant! You may start trading and opening your presents! Ruby here will answer any questions you may have!” He gestured to the red-haired girl.
Lily moved her box around, and listened to the insides.
”So I can either trade this with someone else or open it, right?"
Lily asked to confirm the rules, and Ruby nodded with a kind smile. Justine, who hadn’t participated, seemed to slightly regret her decision as she saw countless other present boxes held by various other people, and bit her lip. She then shrugged it off.
”Well Lily, have you decided yet how-" She turned around, only to realize that Lily had already opened it, causing her to blink.
”Oh, I feel like a kid again! What did I get, what did I get...Huh?"
She peered inside, and picked up a fancy letter from inside.
”I thought there was something heavier inside...I guess that’s to hide the contents."
She then opened the letter, and read the note, which had a message written in sparkling ink, but without a name:
”My gift for you is some new equipment, whatever fits you."
Upon uttering the words, the magic of the Christmas wish manifested, as golden light burst out of the box in a spectacular display, before it settled, and Lily saw something appear in it. She picked it up, and gasped in surprise:
The object resembled a battery, with a golden lightning symbol emblazoned upno it’s cylinder. It also included a cable, as well as a black strap.
”No way! Is this some kind of artifact?"
Lily equipped the battery to her arm, and the moment she did so, she jumped a bit as she felt the battery take effect. She soon realized that the battery could store some of her mana for later use, as well as shorten the time needed to recover it.
”I got so much energy, I feel like the Duracell bunny!"
She screamed, and began running in place.
”Whoever gave me this gift, thank you so much!" She yelled into the feast hall.
Meanwhile, FanFan opened her present box.
“Oh, I’m a bit nervous...” She muttered, as she read the anonymous note in hers.
”My gift for you is a cake."
Once again golden light blasted out, and the box spread open, revealing a large cake box, containing a cake of master-class; with countless layers, silky white cream, and strawberries so fresh they almost glowed with life. Even from beyond the box, a sweet sugary scent emanated, promising a taste of the very best pastry.
“Oh, how wonderful! I do so love cake~” She swooned over her gift, and took a picture of it with her smartphone. “I simply need to show Magical Dream Princess this adorable cake~”.
Next up was Kimble, who happily opened her box, showing no hesitation.
”Let’s see if it’s a gift from you, Alicia~” She teased, and read the note inside.
”My gift for you is a...worthy opponent?!"
Before Kimble could even think about what she had read out loud, the magic of the wish had become manifest, in the form of a rolled-up poster.
Kimble looked down at it, looking afraid. She slowly reached down towards it.
”C-Could it be...?"
She closed her eyes as she unrolled the poster, and then opened her eyes, gasping with her mouth wide open:
It was radical poster, featuring two magical girls facing each other dramatically, with flames and explosions in the background. On the left was Kimble, but on the other side was a black, featureless silhouette. Then, she read what was written in red, bombastic font:
Then in smaller print at the very bottom: “Place this poster on a wall, and you may face any worthy opponent in a battle or competition of your choice.”
Kimble held the poster in her hands, and then looked over to Alicia.
”So I can pick anyone I want to fight?" She asked, and then moved the poster sideways, examining it more.
”That’s...An unusual Christmas gift. I wonder who wished for this."
She looked around the feast hall, and happened to spot a certain someone in the crowd.
”Hm...I wonder..."
Goblina seemed tipsy by the time she had downed her fortieth glass, and fumbled a bit with the opening of her own present.
“Let’ssshh shhee whath we got...”
She squinted at the paper as she attempted reading the message.
“My gift for you ish to fhind a ghood friend or phossibly a...lurv...liver.”
Golden light showered up, and Goblina then picked up a card decorated with a both a smiley face and a heart symbol.
“Oh, I gotshh a name and nhumber! Ghonna call themm, tell themm I like...dhrinking...and....livers...” Her face smashed into the table, as she quickly passed out in her drunken stupor.
Even Dan had joined in the event, and rubbed his fins together in anticipation.
“Oh boy oh boy, I wonder what kind of gift I got!” He squeaked, and read the note from his box.
“My wish is for you to relax and be at peace.”
In a flash of golden light, a book appeared in the box. Dan picked it up and read it’s cover:
“‘Carpe Diem: Inspirational Quotes To Help You Relieve Stress And Worry.’”
For a moment, Dan looked down as he flipped the pages...And then squaked in joy. “‘Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.’ Yes! I’m so happy!” He hugged the book with his fins. “To get to read words of wisdom across the history of the mortal world, it’s wonderful!”
He then floated up, a microphone on his other hand.
“Now then, I hope that the gift you gave to someone also gave you that special, warm feeling in your heart. Let us now proceed to announcing the winners of the snowman building and ice sculpting contests.” He floated over the tables, looking around as he continued speaking.
‘Like with the Wacky Race, I was so proud to see how many of you have participated, and brought forth so much creativity and love to the appreciation of winter.”
He clapped his fins, and up in the air a magical projector screen appeared, showing the various snowmen and other snow statues they have made.
“It was very difficult to pick a winner among all these amazing contributions to arctic art. However, there was one snow creation that truly expressed the passion, the drive, the will to show what a world mere snow can bring you to. The winner of the snowman contest is, without a doubt…” He paused for dramatic tension.
“...The snowdragon by Betty, Hilaria, and Stien!” The projector showed the snowdragon, and even had it animate with an audible roar and a breath of icy flames on the screen as he clapped with the audience. “Your prize is a Silver coin! Congratulations!” He said, and handed the coins out to the three.
“Next up is the winner of the ice sculpting contest. Once again, it was difficult to pick just one among so many beautiful works of glacial grandness, each one worthy of having a space in a gallery. But there was one entry that was not a mere chunk of frozen water given shape, but a celebration of the beauty that ice can bestow. Thus, the winner is: Tullia and her carousel of ice!”
Dan shook Tullia’s hand, and gave her a Silver coin.
That was when the lights in the feast hall slightly dimmed. Dan seemed to calm down, as he now floated higher up.
“There has been so much joy and fun in here, with everyone here showing so much Christmas spirit. However, the one who has shown the most Christmas spirit, is my friend Mariette.” Once again, the spotlight shone on Mariette. A plushie appeared in his fins, and he hugged it.
“Now, after all them miracles she has granted us, I have one last miracle of my own.”
He clapped his fins, and a gigantic present box appeared in a puff of blue smoke, right next to the throne at the back of the room. It was no surprise to Mariette what it contained.
”Merry Christmas, Mariette!” Dan shouted out, and fireworks seemed to blast out from behind the throne.
However, just as Mariette was about to claim the box-
“Stop right there!”
Everyone’s eyes turned to look at who had raised their voice, and witnessed Rachel, who was now standing in the middle of the hall; her hands were balled up into fists, and her eyes were aflame with wrath. She was accompanied by Violette, who shared in the Inquisitor’s conviction, and FanFan with less enthusiasm.
“The Black Mirror is a cursed Horror Relic!” She shouted, pointing at Mariette.
“By Beacon’s divine will, I decree it to be contraband, and to be immediately taken into Beacon jurisdiction!”
Dan seemed to slightly panic. “N-Now hold on. I promised Mariette I would give the mirror-”
“Silence, demon!” Rachel yelled. “Your word means nothing here! Now, give the mirror up, or you will face the consequences!”
She summoned her magical weapon; instead of a hammer, it was a paper mache star on the end of a stick. However, Dan knew that simply changing the weapon to something non-lethal would do little to stop a powerhouse like her, especially after witnessing Penny’s outburst. He thought about stopping Rachel before she turned violent, but then felt Odin’s eyes on him; he didn’t want to anger the Deity. So he could only float in place, sweating big cartoony sweatdrops from his brow.
Rachel started walking, coming closer and closer. For a moment, the tension in the feast hall was at an all-time high, until someone spoke up:
It was Lily, who had stepped in her way, spreading her arms to the sides.
“Out of my way!” Rachel barked, but Lily stood her ground.
”No! I’m not going to let you ruin this Christmas party!"
“The nerve!” Rachel gripped her weapon tighter, as if she was about to smack Lily with it.
”Why are you defending this witch? If you don’t move aside, I’ll have you arrested for colluding with horrors and obstructing Beacon’s duties!"
”Don’t you call Mariette a witch!" Lily snapped back.
”S-She’s...My friend! I know we’re not in the best of terms...And I know the Black Mirror could do something bad in the wrong hands...But If Mariette is going to do something bad, I’ll stop her! Because that’s what friends do! They help each other from making mistakes!" She glanced back at her.
”Not that you’d know anything about friends! You’re just a big bully who tramples on others just because you can! You’re nothing but a coward!"
Rachel’s teeth were bared as she now shook with fury.
”How dare you! I’m an Inquisitor! Beacon’s divine will made manifest! My bravery knows no limits, my devotion no bounds!"
Lily looked nervous, but then nodded to herself; she got Rachel just where she wanted.
”Is that really true? Well, we can settle this, once and for all!" She pointed at Rachel.
”I challenge you...To Keijo!" Everyone gasped, including Dan, who’s jaw had now reached the floor.
”If I win, then you’ll give up on the Black Mirror, and leave Dan’s home! Are you a coward, or are you really as brave as you say?"
Rachel adjusted her glasses as she looked down on the green-haired girl, her rage having shifted to sheer befuddlement.
“Keijo? What in Beacon's holy name are you talking about?”
Violette chimed in. “Apparently it’s a contest of might between magical girls. The two share a single platform, and victory is by ringout or knockout. However-”
Rachel lifted a hand to stop Violette without looking at her, and continued staring at Lily.
“So, a competition of strength...” Then, she laughed in mockery.
“Ridiculous. To think that you even have a chance of winning in a battle of power...Very well. I accept.”
Violette gasped. “But Inquisitor, you don’t unders-”
“HOWEVER,” Rachel once again interrupted her subordinate.
“If I win, then not only will I have the Black Mirror, but I will also take hold of this demon’s den of debauchery, and have it erased. Do you accept these conditions?” She asked, now having desummoned her weapon, holding a hand out to Lily.
Lily bit her lip as she looked at it, and then sighed, before grabbing and shaking the hand.
“O-okay! But you have to promise!”
Rachel shook the hand, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically as Lily winced from pain.
“Of course. I will give my word as Inquisitor to uphold this agreement. Not that it matters.” She threw her hand away, causing Lily to crouch down and inspect it; it was red, and swollen around the fingers. Justine ran over to check up on her. Rachel scoffed, and looked disgusted.
“For you will break, and confess of your empty pride.”