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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“I agree. Allowing the god to have it seems...detrimental.” Enli would say with a nod of agreement. As the two before him declared their readiness, it seemed Enli would hesitate for only a few seconds as though he wished to say something else, but would quickly simply declare his own readiness. “Very well, let us be off. It would do well to get this over with. I’ll allow you two to lead, then.” The elder would then leave, and assuming Novak or Nobunaga neither had anything else to add, they would leave the village for the small shrine where they had met the Kyrnith the previous day.

It would be a relatively peaceful trek. Enli, despite being on the older side was keeping up fairly easily. Along the way, a number of blue furred deer would bolt off into the forest at their approach, running from the humans that were intruding upon their territory, until eventually the familiar sight of the somber, peaceful grove would come into view...whereupon the altar would be laying the deer, tall and imposing having already been waiting for the three to arrive. Upon their approach, he would stand, the other blue furred deer around him, startled by the approach of the humans would flee further in, just past the treeline and watch them with curiosity.

“So you have arrived.” It would speak. “I must say, I did not think you would actually come. It has...been long, since the leader of Dawn and I have spoken.”

“You...you are the Kyrnith.”

“Indeed, I am. Now then, leader of Dawn. Speak the reason for your arrival.”

“O, great Kyrnith.” Enli would begin, bowing and showing a manner of sincerity. “It...has been brought to my attention that those who worship the God known as the Illuminator seek to...unleash some sort of calamity upon this forest and village. I wish to both mend relations between our humble village so we may hunt and gather freely in this forest again without earning your ire, as well as learn to discuss a way to perhaps resolve this issue peacefully.”

“...your words are noble, Elder, and I hear sincerity and truth in your words. Yet, to truly break worshippers such as those who follow that witless god, requires more than simple persuasion. The outsider here though, has a rather intriguing idea, that may perhaps, benefit us both in that regard.” The deer would turn to look towards Nobunaga. “Speak your idea, traveler, and tell us how you see an Elder Beast such as myself, teaching these villagers and usurping the title of a god.” He would turn to Novak. “...if you could, watch the grove to ensure the wind does not carry our words to those who do not deserve it would be welcome.”

“I-I see. I do not believe I heard the entire details of this plan, yet.” Enli would remark, seeming a bit flustered by the beasts manner of speaking.

Plant hunting

The two wolves would snarl and bark, coming to a standstill as Misaki would take a threatening posture. They were animals, after all, and body language should definitely be taken into account when they were hunting. A thing that clearly looked threatening, and something that certainly looked like it wouldn’t hesitate to strike back was something most animals could be cautious of.

Unfortunately, the wolves didn’t seem intent on letting their meal get away. One would make an attempt to leap towards Misaki, aiming to knock her over and both injure and disctrat her while the second had managed to circle around towards the foal, making a leap towards it...who would immediately give a shrill call and make an attempt to avoid the wolf by diving to the side, narrowly escaping the wolves claws and teeth, but stumbling over its own legs as it would unsteadily balance itself, already being a bit exhausted from already having been running from the predators while the wolf would quickly get back to its feet.

A little secret
@Click This

“Well...nothing special really?” Lazhira would chuckle nervously. “I can...mess with memories, a bit, I guess as well as uhm, give people ‘inspiration’? If that makes sense? I don’t really like doing either. Aside from that I can give someone a reaaaally nasty headache. That uhm, ball of light I have is sort of the expression of that. I can use it more physically, too, like I did with the slimes a bit I...may have used that sort of thing to erm, make people forget I’ve been here awhile.” Lazhira would sheepishly grin. Feeling a bit more comfortable since Narkissa didn’t react badly, Lazhira would cross her legs as she’d sit, becoming a bit less nervous. “But uhm, thanks...its fine. It happened awhile ago.” She’d bringup her hand, gazing at the mark on her wrist as she’d continue.

“I don’t know.” Lazhira would say with a sigh. “Opening it’s definitely not a good idea, and if we destroy it, then that means no one would be able to...or learn how to again, wouldn’t it? The temple was just an extension of his abilities - he can sort of...warp reality, to make memories and other things real? Somewhat. It was probably something that exists somewhere in his divine realm, and he just shoved it here as a way to make sure we didn’t stumble on where the actual cultists are. Or maybe its another place that exists somewhere in the world? He just removed it, and it’s been there for so long people just assumed that’s always been there.” Of course, what Narkissa was saying made sense...but at the same time, she didn’t think that was the best. “But if he just gets one then he gets what he wants anyways-” She’d assert, shaking her head, but their conversation was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a ballistic catgirl.

“Wah?! Leannah!?” Lazhira would shout, surprised at her rather sudden appearance. “Oh, you’re okay! You’ve been gone for almost an entire day...jeez. You look kinda like you’ve been through a lot. What happened?” She’d hop up from her seat, running over to Leannah so she could offer assistance if needed.

A Traveler

The objectively large woman would listen to Nick as he spoke, though it seemed like she might have trouble keeping her attention on a single thing at a time. She’d take a moment to inspect her equipment and the rest of the little camp she had made out here in the snowfield as he’d inform her of where he had come from and where he was going.

“The mountain people, huh. Dunno why you’d be lookin’ for them. They’re not super friendly to humans...well, the dwarves are nice enough I guess. We had ‘em build some stuff for us once.” She’d comment, taking out her blade and cleaning it with a cloth. Bits of the giants blood still seemed to have been on it from earlier. Upon hearing about the village with the undead, though, she’d immediately perk up, eyes going wide while an eager grin would form on her face.

“Wah! Yea! Undead! That place!” She’d say nearly knocking Nicholas over as she’d run over. “Rheane asked me to come look into it. Something about undead and stuff!” She’d nervously chuckle, standing back up straight as she’d sheathe her sword. “Uh...I should have already been there but uh, there was a snowstorm and I got turned around...Oh! Right my name! Elisette.” Elisette didn’t seem like she was very put together except maybe when it came to fighting things.

“So uh, if you’ve been there before that’d be great if you could help me. Don’t worry, I’ll keep that cute little face of yours safe from any other scary giants. Or wolves. Or Bears. Or a giant flying snow scorpion.”

It seemed like a simple enough request, which meant Nicholas would have to help her find this village. With his gift, it likely wouldn’t be too difficult. It seemed it was pushing him to find this village too, what with that little vision he had while he was unconscious. Elisette was already putting out the fire and putting away the small bits of equipment she had set up. Mostly what seemed to be the structure of a small lean-to that she had start putting together at some point. All he’d need to do is somehow focus on this ability of his, and see where it would take him. Or he could refuse, but then he’d probably make her cry.

The Roma Mob

If it was her intention to find the Prince, Nesherit would be easily found. He had been assigned to help guide them, after all, and asking a few servants would quickly point Augusta in the right direction. He’d be found in what seemed to be a large balcony up some ways within the palace, overlooking the town below. She’d be greeted with quite a sight, of the prince practicing what was clearly some form of martial arts, elegant and flowing as he’d perform a number of quick jabs, punches, and kicks, a few acrobatic twirls and movements.

This performance would end quickly with red colored energy enveloping the princes’ hand, crackling of electricity heard as he would make a quick jab forward...and a dazzling display as the energy would pulse through the air, flowing until it dissipated like ripples through water...and then he’d notice Augusta.

“...oh...uh, hi. What are you doing here?” He’d ask, a bit uncertain.


It’d be easy enough to find his way back to the notably dwarvish tavern. It was as lively as always, and finding Rael was similarly easy. She was pouting at the counter, a familiar dwarf sitting next to her as she’d angrily be sipping on what seemed to be some non-alcoholic fruit juice of some nature.

“Your a stone-singer!”

“Only cuz my grandad was one.” She’d reply to Otti, who’d be laughing jovially.

“Ah, can’t say I’d ever imagine a dwarf doin’ it with a shadow elf of all things! But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” He’d chuckle, patting the girl on the back. “That’s a right powerful tool you go there girl, you should come to the dwarvin tunnels and learn to use it properly.”

“I am not singing my enemies to death, thank you. I’m gonna blast ‘em to bits.” Raelzeth would assert confidently, before seemingly deflating again. “...if Rullphana doesn’t turn me into a cave toad for losing that...”

“Ah, don’t worry girl! Stone-singing can be used with magic, martial mastery...anything, really! All it takes is focus and a voice as strong as the mountains!” He’d turn in his seat, having heard someone enter, face lighting up with excitement as he’d spot Isidore. “Ah, would ye look at that? Back for another round human? Or you here for the lass that looks like she’s about to have to go off and face their mom after breaking an expensive vase?”

“Shut up you dumb dwarf.” Raezel muttered, though was looking at Isidore with clearly some amount of hope.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Perfume?” Mie would say with a chuckle. “Sorry, you’ll have to pay for that. Stuff is expensive, especially the exotic stuff I got from other places I can sell for a fortune back in Chagawa, Nomura.” She would say, making sure to use his alias. “Go on. Get to work. I’m not paying you to stand around and look pretty. I’m the only one that can do that.” Nomura would easily be able to find the Oni that was guarding the package to be delivered. A brief exchange and he’d give it to Malphas, the bottle surprisingly small given how much she implied it would have cost.

In any case, he’d soon find himself arriving in Enli’s longhouse...but no sign of Enli. Judging from the words of a few hunters nearby, he’d have just missed him - having gone to apparently meet with the Kyrnith. Instead, to meet him, was the craftsman he had met earlier. Bolcha was standing off to the side of the main firepit, leaning against the wall, eyeing the masked Malphas with some suspicion. Perhaps it was a good thing he had yet to meet the elder, all things considered.

“You from Mie’s group?” He’d ask, noting the odd mask and the clearly foreign bottle of wine. “Don’t think I’ve seen you ‘fore. You need Enli, he’s left with some others to meet with the Kyrnith.” He’d note that the craftsman was carrying both a well crafted dagger at his side, and a spear was leaning nearby. He seemed suspicious of Nomura. “If that’s a delivery, just leave it here I’ll put it up.”

...huh, that black fox from earlier that was hanging around Mie and that had stolen that fish was currently sneaking around back, coming out of the kitchen as it’d eye Malphas, or perhaps, more specifically, the bottle of alcohol, and run off to another room in the longhouse.

The Builder

Donovan would have spent the night in Enli’s house, the older gentleman being as welcoming as always. The news he bought though, was something short of astonishing for the older man as the builder would present his evidence. They were...attempting to kill him, and not only that, also enrage the Kyrnith and pin his death, on him? What would they even gain from that, aside from causing chaos? Enli didn’t get much sleep that night, focusing on the matter at hand. He’d need to make sure this deal went through, didn’t he? The rest of the night would have passed fairly uneventfully for Donovan, the pain from his wrist slowly subsiding as the day went on.

The next morning, he’d be woken up early by Akando. The younger man seemed at least, eager to prove for certain whether or not this was going to prove without a doubt the rest of the hunters planned on causing harm to the village, or danger otherwise. After a brief discussion, he’d have informed Bolcha of what was going on, and the stout older craftsman readily agreed that if the life of his friend was in even potential danger, then he’d do his best to prevent that from happening. After letting Enli know they had left already, they'd already left by the time Nobunaga and Novak arrived early that morning.

So Akando and Donovna would find themselves deep within the forest, past the main altar where the Kyrnith was, and in deeper region where most of the Kyrnith’s deer would call home.

All was peaceful.

The wind, gently moving through the trees as the deer would flee from their presence.

“This is where they’d do it.” Akando would comment, hand gripping his spear tightly. “If they were looking to make the Kyrnith even more angry, this would be the place to do it...it wouldn’t even be hunting for survival at that point.” The sun would be blocked by the foliage over head, and even the snow that dotted the rest of the forest floor seemed less dense here, creating a cool, somber gloom.

This still left a fairly large area to cover if they were looking for something, or a single person or people doing mass extermination of the deer here.

And because I forgot in the collabs, a few things for people



Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

“The latter,” Isidore replied, nodding at a few other familiar faces within the bar. The passage of time truly was disorientating within Gloomhaven; even after all this time, the tavern’s liveliness neither increased nor decreased. Otti was there though, and it was a surprise too to see that he had taken to Raezel. He had expected the Uruthan to be sulking in a corner, really, away from the hubbub of the tavern patrons, so to see her like this…

Well, no, she still looked like she was sulking, even with the glint of hope in her eyes. The man patted his chest twice, to give her the affirmation that the seed was indeed with him once more, before turning his attention towards Otti. “Can’t stay too long, friend,” he said. “I’ll return though. In the meanwhile, mind asking ‘round something for me?” He leaned in closer, voice dropping to a clandestine calm. “Looking to learn about a ‘Firebeard’ and the ‘Ice Guard’.”

Isidore stepped away after, motioning Raezel to come with him and exit the tavern. “I’ll buy you a drink next time, Otti. Till then!”

It was only until the half-blood and the homunculi were a block away from the tavern that he spoke up again. “I have the seed. But before we return to the tower, entertain me.” His gaze reflected only curiosity when he turned towards Raezel. “How would you prevent its theft a second time?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

With her posturing showing at least some results, Misaki took another wary step forward towards the pair of canines ready to pounce onto her. They seemed to be at least somewhat pensive about going on the immediate offensive, but until they backed off completely, the foxgirl was left with no real choices beyond continuing as she was now.

Would that she had been so lucky, though. While something like this might have worked against animals who were naturally more wary of humans, the pair in front of her seemed more like starved beasts—which, now that she thought about it in the moments as one of them leaped towards her, would have explained their apparent desire to go on the offensive.

Well, that or they simply called her bluff. For the sake of her sanity, she hoped it was the latter.

Though not caught off guard by the leap towards her, the foxgirl let out a slight gasp before raising the makeshift pole horizontally, only barely catching the wolf at arm's length between its neck and front limbs. With a shout, she lowered her posture and swung horizontally with all her might soon thereafter; whether it launched the canine into the woods or against a tree, she could really care less about right now. Regardless of what the outcome of that was, though, Misaki attempted to reposition herself between the other wolf and the deer, weapon at the ready. A preemptive assault against the tired predator was possible, of course, but doing so wouldn't sit quite right with her.

"...Go find something else to hunt," she said, eyes narrowed as she pointed the pole at the wolf. "Leave us be."

She had no idea if it could understand her, of course, but it didn't hurt to try.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @Crusader Lord

“Oh? Interesting… Can’t say knowing you can mess with memories isn’t a bit disconcerting, but I’m curious what you mean in regards to ‘inspiration.’ Suppose your skillset takes after your father, eh?” She shrugged. Narkissa had taken the information quite well, but then again, with the absurdity of things ever since arriving here, combined with her own knowledge of… petty… godly things, she wasn’t exactly about to go 180 on Lazhira.

She scrunched her face at her reply. “There’s not really any particularly good answer to the dilemma, isn’t there? Still, having all your cards in one place…” She paused, caught just as off-guard by Leannah’s sudden and dramatic appearance as Lazhira had been.

“Leannah! Where have you been?” Narkissa echoed after Lazhira, although she avoided shouting. “I was afraid the Illuminator had snatched you up alongside the temple,” she admitted, slightly guilty that she had stayed to mess around with paper and hadn’t been more proactive in searching for the wayward catgirl. Narkissa set aside her axe and plank and got up to help the fallen girl.

“Anyway, are you alright? You look miserable.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shigenaga Nomura
An Imposter Among Us

While Nomura would be content with just leaving the bottle here, he would tilt his head at the mere sight of the fox. Knowing of her nature, just leaving the bottle here would likely end in a loss of profit, more than anything. It was, after all, unwise to leave such a special gift unguarded. It would probably be better for both his employer and his client that the delivery would be made personally, as well, rather than handing this special delivery to someone who has been bamboozled by this fox before.

So instead, Nomura slid the bottle back into his cloak and roosted himself in place like a bird.

"Ah, I think I will wait then. I've heard there had been an infestation of thieving foxes recently." Nomura would comment, both to remind Bolcha of what had happened two days ago as well as call out the tricksy fox regarding her thieving mannerisms. That said, knowing the look on the craftsman's face, Nomura had a feeling Bolcha wouldn't be leaving him to his own devices. Instead, he shifted his position to a more open, less guarded one, to foster at least some trust or goodwill.

"While we wait, I'm quite interested in this 'Kyrnith' that you speak of. Could you tell me more about them?"

Of course, as Nomura did keep an eye directed towards the longhouse, seeing if that fox would come out and try to pull some other stunt.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Journey Begins

~ Unknown Mountains ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

“Wah! Yea! Undead! That place! Rheane asked me to come look into it. Something about undead and stuff!”

The warrior woman lit up at the mention. She ran over in order to exclaim herself, almost knocking Nick down from all that energy. He found it quite amusing, but it looked the village in his vision was the place she was looking for.

“Uh...I should have already been there but uh, there was a snowstorm and I got turned around...Oh! Right my name! Elisette. So uh, if you’ve been there before that’d be great if you could help me. Don’t worry, I’ll keep that cute little face of yours safe from any other scary giants. Or wolves. Or Bears. Or a giant flying snow scorpion.”

Nick suppressed a laugh. "Nice to meet you, Elisette." The warrior woman was a bit awkward but he was more than glad that he had someone powerful looking out for him for now in this dangerous world. But at the same time, it felt shameful to be needing a bodyguard in the first place. Well it wasn't his fault, Nick thought. He was just a normal human thrust into a world of magic and mythology. Although, his fellow Earthlings seemed to be also normal but were doing quite well for themselves.

His objective to reach the mountain folk and inquire more about their Sage would be put on hold, he had a debt to repay to the warrior woman named Elisette. Besides, he might find even more leads in this venture. Hopefully more friendlier leads if what Elisette said about the mountain folk was true.

If Nick remembered his power correctly, he can only find the things he was looking for every night. He wondered if his vision earlier already spent his daily chance, which meant he and Elisette will have to look the hard way for the undead-plagued village until the next nightfall. "Alright, then. Let me try to remember where the village was. In the meantime, do you know what this village is called? Any landmarks that are notable?"

He then looked upward and saw the morning light. Yeah, his power was specific about this but maybe it was still early morning that it counted as night? After Elisette's reply, Nick would close his eyes and attempt to medidate to the now-invisible stars. Where was this village in his vision?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Gladly, oh Kyrinth,."

Nobunaga bowed, then placed a hand to her chest as she took a step forward. It was time for her to begin setting the negotiations truly in motion.

"The Illuminator's knowledge is certainly undeniable, but his wisdom leaves much to be desired," she began, "As does his consideration for the consequences of his actions. He cares nothing for the people of this land, or anything that lives. A god like this cannot be accepted."

Taking another step forward, she spread her arms.

"Therefore, such a fool should be discarded. But knowledge is doubtless required for the progress of humanity, is it not?" the petite girl continued, "Humanity learns to produce food, to care for the land, to care for one another, only through obtaining the knowledge to do so."

Gesturing to the Kyrinth, Nobunaga smiled.

"A wise dweller of the forest, one in tune with nature, one who is a guardian of nature, is surely capable of providing much knowledge of the natural world," explained the warlord, "Through the Kyrinth's teachings, the people of this village could learn both how to use the natural world and to care for the natural world. How to better their lives and preserve that which is around them."

She spread her arms once more, her cape flourishing as she did.

"And through these teachings, not only will they learn how to better their own lives and the lives of generations to come, but they will also learn to value this land, and the plants and animals living within it."

Certainly, Nobunaga had no particular love or dislike of the natural world prior. Her interest in it had been entirely a practical one. But the Kyrinth desired the protection of the natural world, and even out of purely practical concerns the preservation of resources was crucial to humans. Therefore, instilling a desire to preserve it would both strengthen the bond between the people of the village and the Elder Beast as well as ensure they had resources for generations to come.

"A 'God of Knowledge' who only spreads their knowledge for their own benefit will be replaced by a wise guardian and teacher of the forest, in a relationship that will benefit both man and nature."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Well, they did seem to notice her at least! That was the good part. The bad part was that her body felt like a giant lead weight right now, and the desire to sleep was stronger than it had ever been prior. Even so, the catgirl kept her eyes open and she looked up at the two faces peering down at her now. She wasn't grinning or smiling, but simply looked relieved to see the other two females ok and alive at least. It had been a whole day since the temple adventure though, it seemed, so it wasn't like she came back from some stereotypical long timeskip. Kinda.

Some of Narkissa's last words seemed to click in Leannah's head first though.

"The temple is gone now?" the catgirl said, slightly surprised, though shaking her head side to side, "Wait, not as important."

She sighed aloud, her exhaustion as audible as her attempt to refocus.

"Half of my body is burned, though my hair is fine at least, and truth be told my body Mostly feels like dead weight right now. So I could maybe use a little help back," Leannah admitted, feeling a bit guilty about her current state and the worry she'd put the others through, "As for what happened, that is another crazy story. Ridiculous even. A Bizarre Adventure.

Can give the general flow of events right now at least, while I can, and say more about the rest later."

She would just have to omit a couple of things for later, but she wouldn't be lying either. For now, though, the basics.

"So I fell down the pit, falling onto some strange slimy stuff that broke my fall, aaand also had no idea what was going on up there after. The other guy who tagged along with us shouted down, so I figured you'd all be coming down sooner or later. Decided to check the path ahead, see if I could make sure it was safe. Well...tried to do that at least.

Turned right into a cool old library and tried to check the shelves and such, but got trapped in by what in hindsight was an obvious trap. Had to solve a big puzzle there to get out, tied to lore about The Illuminator. Managed to solve it, but instead of the door opening another path opened up. Used it to get out of the old library, but it left me in an area near a big pool with what looked like some big cage that had fallen into it.

Ignored that obvious trap, for once, and went up the stairs to the next room.

In there were carvings on the wall near the pillar: A woman in a flowing dress which turned into water. A hooded figure kneeling in front of a star. A carving of an old man, hand to his head and cane in the other.

There was also some kind of riddle there etched on some bust or statue."

“Made by new, to learn of the old. A creature that only knows, not how. Knowledge without knowledge. Incomplete memory, a fragment of old stuffed into new. Who am I?”

She recited back the riddle clearly. Not like she could forget now after all of that she'd been through.

"Made a couple of stupid guesses on purpose as I tried to think about it...but got a response. His response. The Illuminator talked to me, asking if my brain was full of fur, but he was amused all the same and wanted to know what I wanted. I panicked, because that was the literal and actual third time I've spoken to a deity in the last day or so, and so I said I was there to learn about him. This turned into me fumbling my words, and so I ended up accidentally making that into a 'game'.

So for the last day since then I've been trapped in The Illuminator's 'Divine Realm', or 'his house' as he calls it, trying to not die by fighting through challenges to learn about his history. Four rooms, four trials, and I even met the Mother of The Illuminator there and chatted to her a little bit. She was apologetic about things. That was nice at least. Also one of the other rooms had monsters, and I learned how to make my accident with the 'Light' spell from the other night into a giant exploding miniature sun that melted everything and burned half of my body in the process. But now I can fight using magic at least! Also was my only way to survive that situation though...

Still, I managed to learn it all somehow and answer the riddle and win the 'game'. Won a prize of the full and honest answer of whatever question I wanted to ask him. Also ended up making a statue for him by solving the puzzle, because of course that was all for his own sense of humor and convenience. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he used those statues or forms of his like bodies to be in multiple places at once. Saw him in the form of the 'Faceless God' there at the end too, and it did look like a statue for a bit there, but no idea if my guess is anywhere in the right spot."

The catgirl shakily tried to sit up, barely managing to grab hold of a stump as her grip slipped. Theories. So many theories. This one was on the spot, but he had tricked her by looking like one. So she was open to making pot-shot guesses into the blue at this point.

"Then he dumped me a little ways away from here, kicking me out because he's busy, and I wandered over to this spot exhausted, half-burnt, and just happy to be out of that place. Saw you two, called out, tripped, and now my body is not cooperating with me."

Leannah let her body fall back onto the snow once more, unable to hold herself up on the stump for too long.

"Oww...I'm honestly just glad to see you both are alright, though, as you seem to have been more lucky than myself."

At this point the catgirl's stomach would growl. Blargh. Being kidnapped by a deity into a game by her own mistake did drum up a real huger within her though. But she had told the full truth and a general flow of events, minus a number of smaller details but including a few more than intended, all as promised.

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 8 days ago


So this is the Kyrinth, Novak thought to himself as he beheld the deer. "I wonder if that's it's true form in the flesh or if it's just an avatar." He didn't know much about the Elder Beasts, so he couldn't be sure how they "worked".

Novak watched as Enli spoke with the Kyrinth. He wasn't entirely sure of what this "calamity" was. Was this tied into the orb? Was the Illumintor using Novak to bring about this calamity? He couldn't be sure, but he wanted to know.

Had it been a terrible mistake to venture into the Illuminator's temple?

When the Kyrinth turned to Novak and asked him to keep watch to make sure nobody was spying on them, Novak felt a bit of relief at not having to stare down this seemingly diving beast the entire time. It'd mean he might not hear all of Nobunaga's scheme, but he could always ask her about the specifics later.

"Yes, Kyrinth," he replied to its request, and walked a few paces away.

While Nobunaga gave her proposal, Novak slowly walked around the perimeter, keeping his eyes open for any sign of people eavesdropping on them. He took note of the blue deer that were still within sight, reasoning that they might notice and react if someone else was sneaking around.

I can't see anyone, and I can't afford to overlook anything, not right now, he thought to himself. This meeting had to go off without trouble. Whatever sort of calamity he might have been compelled to help bring- and he dearly hoped that the Kyrinth was mistaken- he didn't want the people of the village to suffer.

After a bit of consideration, and while faced away from the others, Novak reached into one of his pouches and pulled out his mask. He placed it on his face and glanced around, hoping that it might grant insight. He wasn't sure if it'd work in this instance, since this action might be against the Illuminator's interest, but if the artifact's functionality was dependent on whether or not the God of Knowledge wanted him to see something or if it furthered his interests, Novak needed to know. He was also curious as to what he'd behold if he looked upon the Kyrinth, but he dared not turn his head and reveal the mask to it.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“Mhm, thank you. The wind is restless...but that does not mean there are those seeking to interlope here.”

The beast and Chieftain would listen to Nobunaga explain the plan once more. Enli would especially so, seeming a bit skeptical at first, but as the petite girl would keep speaking, he would start seeming to slowly come around to the idea. Once she was done, the older man would nod in approval.

“This...would be a good idea, yes. Giving the hunters something - someone else to throw their beliefs in - is something I couldn’t have thought of. If we could pull it off then this would solve nearly everything with as little bloodshed as possible.”

As they would speak, Novak would don the mask once more. It seemed as though it would indeed, still function as it had in the temple. So the world would slowly become grayscale once more...strands of light, flowing through the air. Wind, perhaps? It flowed lazily, towards the gathered group. As he would walk the perimeter and make sure there were none eavesdropping, the light that seemed to be the wind would eventually make an abrupt turn, forming an arrow that would zip through the air - embedding itself in a deer some distance away. The beast would thrash, a painful call as its life was ended. He could see what seemed to be eyes, staring at him, from just beyond the edge of the grove past the deer.

Upon removing the mask there was no such situation occurring. Rather, the deer seemed to have been spooked by something further in, some running away from deeper within the forest beyond, settling just on the edge of the grove.

“If...if you would be willing, please, come to the village. I assure you if you show yourself to the villagers as openly here, they would be just as welcoming.”

“Hm. Humans welcoming a beast such as myself? Improbable...but perhaps, perhaps I am wrong. Evidence to the contrary is already before me.” It would say, before sharply turning its head away from the group in the direction of the deeper parts of the forest.

“Is something wrong, Elder Beast?” Enli would ask.

“...it is likely nothing. Not even they would be so bold.” It would focus his attention back on the group. "I have given the proposal some thought. I can indeed, at least teach the humans the ways of the forest directly. Discern which plants are toxic. The animals that live here. How to speak, and befriend them. If we are certain of this, then let us go. The sooner we resolve this the sooner this forest can return to as it was."

Plant hunting

The makeshift weapon would hit true, hitting the wolf right where she intended. A pained yelp as it was struck, the wolf whining as it was sent flying away from her and into the ground a few feet away, having a bit of trouble scrambling back to its feet, seemingly momentarily dazed from the impact. The second wolf would back off, snarling and growling warningly as it would find Misaki once more placed between it and the foal.

A few tense, long seconds would pass as the two wolves would seemingly consider if the foal was worth it...and then, the one that had been given a good whack would whine before turning tail and fleeing. The other would soon follow, a low whine as it would flee back into the forest.

The foal that she had been protecting would give a small leap of joy, soon running over to its savior as it would rub its head against her body in a show of seeming affection and thanks. Strangely, she felt like she could actually almost...hear something. It was quiet, but it definitely felt like a ‘Thank you’.

The deer would lay down on the ground near Misaki, seemingly content with staying near her for now.

A little secret
@Click This

“Woah woah, slow down! You met Iva? E-erm...ah...that’s...a lot to take in.” Lazhira would frown, quickly moving to Leannah’s side to offer her a shoulder to help support her. “Haa, but trials and quests and dungeons...sounds pretty much like him...” Lazhira would comment with a sigh, though quickly would shut her mouth as she’d help moving Leannah back towards her house. “Uhm, Narkissa, thanks. I’ll take Leannah back to my place. Get her as patched up as I can.” She’d say, with a smile. “Y-you can come too, but you seemed a bit busy, yeah? Oh! But if you see the others tell them I’ll be taking care of Leannah instead.”

Lazhira would help Leannah back to her cabin, helping guiding her through the streets and easing her through the door to her hut with a simple push as the cat would soon find themselves on the bed in Lazhira’s place, where the girl would quickly grab some bandages, dousing them in some sort of herbal paste and applying them to Leannah’s burns.

“Jeez, you really did a number on yourself.” She’d say with a huff. “What did I tell you about going overboard. You’re lucky you didn’t end up a pile of furry ash. And you met him! Ugh, ha...I suppose now is probably a good time to talk with you.” Lazhira would say, finishing wrapping up one of Leannah’s arms and waist. The bandages felt cool, soothing upon her burns. “Hold on, let me get you something to eat you’re probably starving.”

Soon Leannah could hear her working, the smell of cooking fish and the sound of her cutting vegetables and other fruits and berries from the forest. It wouldn’t take Lazhira long to come back with a small plateful of fish and fruit for Leannah as she’d hand it to her.

“So...uhm...he probably told you I’m his uh, daughter right?” Lazhira would say hesitantly, taking a seat on the bed next to Leannah.

A Traveler

“Name? Eeeh...hm, I think Rheane said it was something like Liven or Liv-something.” Elisette replied with a small frown. “It’s one of the larger ones around here, and we had some soldiers stationed there, but...” Elisette would glance towards the ground, a mild worried expression. “...we’ve not been able to contact them in a while. We sent a courier to investigate, and he said it was mostly overrun with undead and the people there were barely holding on.” The woman shook her head, grinning brightly. “Ahah, but don’t worry about it. The Apostles of Rheane vow to save humanity so I’ma do just that!”

If nothing else, she had her positivity going for her.

It was getting fairly late in the morning - the dark, cloudy skies were giving way to light and blue sky quickly. Indeed, his ability had specified night...but perhaps, he’d have forgotten that it also said he’d never be lost out in the wilderness, always drawn to wherever it was he intended to go. That is to say, should he have a rough destination in mind, he could find it even if it might take some time.

Regardless, it would seem perhaps there was some success. Guidance was asked, and though its power was weak, it would be given. After all, what was the sun, but a massive star as well? As he would observe the skies above, for the briefest of moments the clouds would part in a peculiar fashion far to the east, a ray of sunlight shining upon the land some distance away the vast expanse of snow at least making this easily visible.

Supposing he would follow through, it would be a fairly long trek through a vast expanse of snow. The morning would bring neither warmer weather nor more guidance, and that was all he’d have to go on, but somehow he’d get the feeling, like a little assurance that he would be going the right way. Along the way, Elisette would chat more about the general area and where she came from - the Apostles of Rheane, who apparently were, according to her, a group of humans dedicated to the help and protection of humans that had been in existence since the Moonless Era before. She’d also tell him about the Elves of the Tamaln forest, and the fey - who were apparently not people he’d want to run into. Even if the elves seemed friendly at first, they were both fiercely territorial and were servants of the Fey, who themselves were notoriously untrustworthy and never had any good intentions towards humans.

Then there were the Bastelian. A matriarchal race of cat people that stalked the snow fields, riding upon their giant feline mounts, plundering and raiding anything from humans. Bloodthirsty people who worshipped a violent sun Goddess by the name of Auset-Kythet who they were currently building a massive temple too, if their reports were anything to go by.

Of course, the Giants he had seen not too long ago too, led by a ravenous four armed king who wielded a sword of fire in one hand, carried the head of an old god in another, and was said to have wisdom and survived the destruction at the beginning of the Moonless Era. He could choose to listen or not, she’d be talking away in a friendly manner regardless. She’d also of course, ask about where he came from and what life was like on the other side of the mountains, to the north.

It’d be well into the afternoon by the time Nicholas and Elisette would find their destination. They’d see it from a fair distance away, the snowy hills and plains allowing for one to see quite some distance. It was hard to tell as they approached, but an eerie, unsettling silence fell over the world.

“Ah~! We’re here! Ahaha, you really came through huh. Not that I doubted ya.” She’d reply in a friendly manner. Elisette would start striding confidently into the village. “C’mon, its getting late and my feet are freezing. We’ll see if we can find anyone...and keep an eye out for anything bad, huh?”

Something wasn’t right.

This was fairly similar to that dream he had not too long ago. That nagging feeling of danger in the back of his head would get stronger. They were both in imminent danger, here.

The Roma Mob

“Oh my, you sound almost like you don’t want to see me.” Augusta noted with a playful smirk as she moved a bit closer to him. A martial arts of sorts? She wasn’t very familiar with them. She could name a number of them but she wasn’t sure about how each of them were suppose to be done. “Or were you busy with your daily practice? I can always come find you later.” She mentioned trying her best to make her words sound inoffensive.

“That’s...not true. Not true at all.” He’d reply, rubbing the back of his head. “I wasn’t expecting uh, anyone here. Uh, you need something? I can show you anywhere around the palace or Gloom hollow.”

"Not for the moment at least." Augusta mentioned, moving a little closer to him. "Rather, I wanted to have a chat with you, if you wouldn't mind." She thought about the best way to approach this but felt that the direct approach might be the best way, but she couldn't help teasing the little Prince some. "First, I must ask, what do you think of me?"

“Uh, that’s a question alright.” He’d reply, a bit slowly. “Well...you’re obviously a rather, erm, unique Sirithen for even wanting to come down here. No martial skill whatsoever, and you seem to prefer the arcane arts. I guess...odd? In a good way?”

“Hmm? Is that so? I suppose I’ll take it.” Augusta mentioned while crossing her arms. “Apologies for such a… Umm, direct question as such.” She lowered her head a small bit apologetically before raising it a small bit and looking the Prince in the eyes. “So, while the Queen and I were talking I asked her a favor. Then, she also gave me a proposal.” She looked away for a second before directing her eyes back. She cleared her throat and continued. “It was a suggestion that we marry. You’re smart so I’ll assume that you can make a guess why. Thoughts on that?”

“She, uh, what?” The prince seemed rightly taken aback. “Uh. Oh. I mean...oh...uh...it’d...be a decent move I guess, but it seems a bit...soon? Wouldn’t someone related to the King be better? Unless...you are? I mean you’re pretty enough-” He’d pause, quickly looking away. “Uh, I mean...seriously what is mother thinking asking this...I’ll talk to her, tell her its a bad idea. Sorry for that, Augusta.”

Augusta didn't seemed to be too phased at being called pretty by the Prince. Perhaps she didn't see this body quite as her own yet. "It seems your Mother has something planned. I don't want to miss word anything but she mentioned that an unknown person can be anything in the end. And it's not as if I said no…"

Augusta shrugged. "Rather, if all works as intended, it could be a massive boon to me, would it not?" She thought aloud. "You're not exactly bad on the eyes either really. "

“Oh. Uh.” The Prince would frown a bit. Her not saying anything about not being related to the king may have given him the wrong impression. Perhaps that’s what she wanted, though? “Well, mother...isn’t wrong. She’s usually not. And I mean, I guess I’m about average. I’m not that good looking...a-anyways, uh...I wouldn’t be against it? Not like I’ve been really good about the whole finding a partner thing, and eh...” He’d rub the back of his head. “This makes it easy, at least? I’m not a people person.”

"Average? Are you sure? I mean, maybe you're not conventionally attractive? Honestly, if we tried a bit we could make a pretty convincing girl out of you." Augusta moved her hand to her chin, thinking about it a small bit.

“Bweh?!” The prince would seemed taken aback for a moment, that Augusta would say such a thing. “I...I mean, sure I guess? I’ve always taken after mom, but uh...that’s just a bit much isn’t it? I’m a Prince, I need to look the part at least, sorta. What kind of suggestion is that?”

"Why do you need to look the part? A tradition of your people? I'm not really someone from these surrounding lands so I don't really understand." Augusta offered an explanation with a shrug. "I'm likely going to have to learn this all soon enough, so do tell."

“Uh...I mean, you’ve...never heard of a ‘prince’ dressing in women’s clothes, have you?” Nesherit would reply with a mild frown. “Besides, wouldn’t dresses and the like get in the way of my martial arts? I guess it’d be fine for casting spells, but hm...” It didn’t seem like he was entirely opposed to the idea in and of itself. Maybe Augusta needed to give him a bit of a push.

"I've heard some stories from various places about it, actually. And while they might get in the way of martial arts, it's not like you'd be wearing dresses all the time." Augusta mentioned with a smile. "In fact, I can think of an outfit from a foreign land that's both beautiful and fairly functional. As long as you don't mind showing off your legs I suppose."

The woman studied the prince up and down and began to walk around him, trying to get a good grasp as to what outfits and such would be good on him. "Well, I feel like we could make you into a beauty regardless."

“H-hey...you’re...thinking something weird, aren’t you?” The prince would say with a mild bit of concern for his well being.

"Weird things? Maybe. I might be wondering if you have a… decent bit of free time. And, might I borrow a bit of money? Call it bonding for likely future partners." The woman mentioned. "I have a place in mind."

“I’m the Prince. I have the most money in Gloomhollow...” He’d say, a bit uncertain though definitely sounding a bit proud in that assertion. “Bonding? Future partners…? What do you mean, exactly? But, no I’m not doing anything but we should probably tell mother we’re both fine with this arrangement.”

"Hmm, I suppose… But, there is one thing I want to do with you before we tell her." Augusta mentioned as she grabbed his hand. "Would you?”


“The Ice Guard...why would ye...” Otti would frown, the dwarf seeming a bit perplexed why Isidore would be asking, but would quickly shrug it off. “Sure thing, friend, I’ll keep my beard to the stones.” He’d say, as Raelzeth would hop up from her seat, beaming at the good news that Isidore brought. The young elf would walk on over, eager to get out of this tavern as she’d follow Isidore out.

“Ahah, maybe you’re not so bad after all.” She’d say with a laugh. “Thanks for that. Ugh, Rullphana would have made me spend the rest of my life looking for another...whatever that is.” She’d make a move to grab it, but stop when Isidore asked his question. The elf looked like she was about to give some half-baked, slightly sassy reply as she opened her mouth to respond, before slowly closing it with a mildly pouty expression.

“...I’d...burn them? Repeatedly. Uh...” Raelzeth would take a few seconds to think before responding again. “...Yeah, I got nothing.”

At least she was being honest.

While it may have been difficult to entirely tell the time in Gloomhollow, so far underground, it was likely getting a bit late as far as the Elves were concerned. The crowd in the tavern had remained constant, but the streets were seemingly slowly dwindling from activity.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Ah, that.” The craftsman would chuckle, lowering his guard a bit as he’d let Nomura in. “There’s been a fox going around stealing fish, and some hand tools recently. Snagged my leatherworking tools a few days ago. No idea what it’d want with them.” He’d relax his posture, taking a moment to take a quick look around. The fox had already scurried off, to wherever it was hiding.

“The Kyrnith, though? Well, its not exactly a them. Its a deer. Elder Beast. Guardian of the forest of sorts. Been here since before the village even was. Not much else to say about it, really. Used to let us freely use the forest as long as we didn’t hurt its deer...but well, you should know how that’s going. A hunter running into it in the forest these days is a death sentence. Never seen it myself, but the hunters say it can bend the wind to its will.”

The craftsman would move a bit further into the longhouse, deciding to take a seat near the firepit. “Take a seat, if you want. You don’t seem a dangerous sort, so maybe you can help me with something.” He’d say with a bit of concern. “I got a friend who says someone might be after Enli’s life. I’m strong, but I’m not a hunter by any means.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix

FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Watching with bated breath as the wolves seemed to hesitate, Misaki only found the chance to breathe a sigh of relief once they had turned to leave. Against all odds, she had scared the predators off and protected both herself and the deer from a grisly fate—a result that she was more than happy to take. It was only now that she could hear the pounding of the blood through her ears and feel her heart racing, and the foxgirl could do little else for a moment but stand by, attempting to calm herself.

After a few deep breaths, the young woman planted the pole into the ground to steady herself—and not a moment sooner, as the fawn bounded over to her side. The faintest hint of words on the wind caught her attention, but Misaki simply brushed it off as no more than that. But even so...

"You're welcome, I suppose?" she responded quietly in turn, stroking the animal's head a few times before taking another breath. "But that's probably a good a cue as any to finish gathering. Make sure you stay out of trouble, okay?"

With those parting words, the foxgirl pulled the pole back up and began to gather what stalks she had uprooted thus far; the amount she had now seemed sufficient for starting to experiment, which left the problem of grinding everything into a pulp...

"...This is going to be a long few days, isn't it?" she sighed to herself as she picked up another stalk and shakily placed it over her shoulder.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Iva? Wait, was that a local name for The Illuminator? Though Lazhira seemed to be familiar with the mad god's dungeon-based and puzzle-loving antics, which validated some of what the catgirl had been told some thus far at least. It was equally relieving and terrifying at the same time, given the whole contents of what she'd learned. Even so, Leannah let herself be led back to Lazhira's cabin in silence, a small pang of guilt kicking her in the stomach along the way.

The girl likely had business with the others, anything, and here she was getting escorted back like the wet, limp noodle she was. Someone who...well, there wasn't much to recount. She'd not been here as long, not talked to Lazhira as long, and yet here she was getting help. She'd made a dumb mistake back at the temple in regards to The Illuminator, albeit it wasn't all fruitless at least, but it wasn't like she had experience talking to GODS of all things. Still, she was gone for a day due to divine realm shenanigans and all. Also got half burnt, exhausted, and tired out in the process.

Ugh. Yet there was nothing to do but go on from the point she was currently at, and she knew it.

Mad nutjob of a deity was probably laughing at her somewhere, maybe through some other set of eyes watching her using some bird statue-...mmm, actually not a bird statue. Last bird he probably ever met smashed one of his because he pissed her off. Said cute bird was also the Bastelian Goddess of the Sun.

Yet as Narkissa spoke up in turn as well, the catgirl's ears perked up at the mention of what had happened to the rest of them. It at least caught her up to speed, and gave her some retroactive worry, though one thing among it all seemed to catch her attention. Novak, the man, had made a deal to help The Illuminator acquire a stolen artifact? A 'stolen artifact' was what Narkissa had said, but in truth the orb (one of the keys) was the first thing that came to Leannah's mind when such a thing was mentioned. It was her first suspicion at least, given what she'd heard and learned. Then they were hunted by cultists?

Was The Illuminator trying to drive them away from finding the artifact by pretending to seek it? It seemed likely, but also something felt 'fishy' about it as well. Delphiti was seeking it too, and the conflict goddess essence could be warping things somehow. She could not discount those details, not after her prior adventure. She needed to talk to Novak, it seemed, and further ask the others once she was rested up more. Because in the very hypothetical case 'stolen artifact' meant 'the orb', then it made zero sense if he wanted to find it. He didn't want anyone to find it, but why have them help you find it if you don't want them to? Why grab up Lazhira if keeping her close was apparently a bad idea to him? He said it was in a safe place, which meant that there was no need to drive the ploy so far along, right? In such a case, either he was 'that' mad or something oddly fishy was up. Leannah felt far more inclined to the latter.

That aside, as she was laid on the bed and had bandages applied the catgirl let out a long, deep sigh. The cute but knowledgeable human girl would lecture her at first, it seemed, and frankly the catgirl felt she deserved that one. Badly. Sure it saved her life, and that was still true, but it was also incredibly stupid to fiddle with her own light magic before getting Auset-Kythet's approval by slaying an Elder Beast. Delphiti had put her in a hell of a spot in that regard, and she herself and further done so by praying like an idiot in a world where DEITIES ACTUALLY EXISTED.

"And you met him! Ugh, ha...I suppose now is probably a good time to talk with you."

Wait, what?

Leannah's stomach would growl as the first smells of cooking food reached her nose, and frankly by now she wasn't going to be picky. Her body seemed to thrum with the primal urge of hunger, regardless of her state, and when the plate of food was extended to her the catgirl's hands would lightly shake as she took it. Despite trying to not appear as worse off in that sense, however, she eagerly and rapidly wolfed down a couple of big bites of fish and veggies and berries in tandem with each other. Nearly choked at the end of the second bite, but a couple of coughs and thumping her chest with one fist was enough to get it down safely in the end.


“So...uhm...he probably told you I’m his uh, daughter right?”

-the catgirl stopped, frozen in place right before almost going for another bite as Lazhira spoke to her again. Hell. It did confirm that information from The Illuminator, which meant-...no. She would take this bit by bit. One thing at a time.

Leannah would gently set the plate on her own lap, before looking over to Lazhira sitting next to her.

"H-He...He did. Called you...ah...his 'Little La-Zha'-"

The catgirl abruptly paused as she said the last bit, slightly cringing before letting out a sigh.

"S-Sorry...not sure if that, ah...if you needed to hear that tidbit of information..."

Running a shaky hand through her own hair, Leannah looked back over at Lazhira. Focus. She needed to focus. The nerves couldn't just fry her right here and now, she just needed to focus on the person in front of her. Lazhira. A cute human girl, interested in the past, wanting to learn history, kind, hospitable, and frankly the kind of person Leannah felt she treasured right about now.

...They had only just met the other day or so anywho. Why was she thinking like this already? Idiot. She was just an idiot.

"I also learned about how he was made, who made him, and all of it. The full story, the full legend, from start to finish. I spoke to your grandmother, the one who made him, and even learned more about Delphiti and some secrets things about this area."

Leannah rested her hands on either side of herself, one being in reach of Lazhira as it sat between them on Leannah's left. The catgirl clenched her hands tightly without thinking, her knuckles turning white as she did so. Her eyes struggled to look at Lazhira, or anything for that matter, unfocused and almost hazy as if something was playing out before Leannah's very eyes within the confines of her own mind.

Even so, her mouth continued to move. Yet her words would be shaky, a chill running up her back as she spoke and a light tremble running through her limbs.

And...I learned things I wish I hadn't at the end as well.

I learned things that haunt me even now, knowledge that he knows no one here would believe. Truths that I'd...you'd...anyone...that e-everyone would...t-things he knows would cause trouble, and would hurt others.

And...I-I...I-I-I...I don't know what to do..."

The last sentence came out soft, audible clearly to Lazhira but almost a whisper compared to Leannah's usual manner of speaking. Even her gung-ho attitude to explore and learn seemed quashed, as if the gravity of what she'd learned was tearing away at her, all whilst a few tears genuinely began to trickle down from her reddening eyes.

And to Leannah...how could it not get to her like this?

What else could be a nightmare, than to realize doom loomed over things alongside just how tiny you were and how little you knew despite knowing a lot otherwise? She was exhausted. She was tired. She barely had put two bites of food into herself, and so she couldn't hold it back well at all if she tried. It was terrifying, and for once she felt very much human once more.

Lazhira, the bright, beautiful, intelligent girl next to her was a living key. If she got the orb, she was dead...everyone here was. A living key to a seal holding back a Goddess of Conflict that wanted humanity's collective heads, and was tainting the village and affecting even Lazhira herself. If Lazhira found the orb, and if the village scoured out all traces of The Illuminator, then humanity was potentially very doomed. Potentially He also seemed to be the sort who'd maybe even turn on the village if it kept humanity as a whole alive and the seal from breaking for his own benefit. He was a madman, for heavens' sake! A mad god of knowledge! A Frankenstein's monster cobbled from dead gods of old his 'Auntie' probably even knew!

A slim chance it wasn't, but it was phrased so worryingly Leannah knew she'd have to calm herself down about it.

At first she'd taken it somewhat in 'stride'. Yet the more she thought over it, the more cold dread crept into her from her extremities down to her core.

Real lives were on the line here, many of them, and all were not beings from some anime or video game or whatever. Humanity in this world, not even her own people or even the humanity she'd formerly known anymore in this life, was in danger of potential annihilation. Again. This time without a Sage willing to simp for a goddess so hard they managed to save the world. Hell. It was all combined something that made her want to scream as loud as possible, but her mouth felt sewn shut somewhat.

Plus on the flip-side, the situation was screwed as hard as she could think of it in regards to her own knowledge otherwise.

She had yet to learn about this place and what they believed in and so forth.

She knew so little yet so much at the same time.

She had talked to three deities yet knew nothing much about them. She had seen an immortal in person and spoken with them, and yet couldn't even so much as keep her trap shut around a mad god when she needed to.

She hadn't so much as killed a thing but those experiments in the puzzle and one of them back at the lab, having burned half of herself in the process of saving her own life during the former and lost her only weapon after the latter, but was expected to go and kill an Elder Beast of all things to prove herself and stabilize her 'gift'.

Now here she was, crying and rambling and sitting next to a person/stranger she wanted to get to know more. Someone she felt an urge to protect without fully knowing why but feeling like it was the right thing to do. And she was saying all of this to this local girl, unabashedly, like an idiot. Like a stupid idiot who runs into an ancient temple and pulls on the traps and without thinking. Like a stupid idiot who falls in love at first sight with someone who has a brilliant mind and heart. Like a stupid idiot who cries and spouts out their feelings in front of a stranger two days after being reincarnated into a new world.

Indeed...what a fool she truly felt like she was right now. Even bigger a fool than a Sage who falls in love with the moon and Frankenstein's dead gods into a new one by paying a rather great price.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 5 days ago

Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @Crusader Lord

“Well, if half your body is burned and you’re more or less about to collapse, I’m more impressed that you were able to get here and talk to us,” Narkissa frowned, as she gave her body a quick look over. “Let me take a look at you… I’m not sure if cat-being-girl physiology changes much, but I think basic first aid knowledge still applies.” Having cat ears and a tail didn’t change things up that much, did it? Well, whatever. Leannah seemed intent on spilling the beans of her adventure, no matter how beat up she looked, so Narkissa decided she’d just listen to her recount her adventure.

She nodded along, until she raised an eyebrow at hearing how she’d also gotten the ‘opportunity’ to meet the Illuminator, and in a far more intimate way, it seemed. Hell, she’d even met his mother? What?

“I… see. I suppose we made it out in better shape. Can’t say I was too impressed with our male companion, but Lazhira and I were attacked by rogue slimes before we followed you down to search for you,” she replied, recounting their own little adventure. “We also met the Illuminator. Barely got ourselves out, all things considered. Novak –that’s the man that followed us—made a bad deal with him to look for a stolen artifact in exchange for letting Lazhira go… but we ended up being hunted by cultists anyway. It was pretty much luck and a bit of help from a lady named… Mie, I believe? Either way, we got ourselves back to the village after that. The Japanese girl, Misaki, needed my help on a project to make paper, so here I am now. Far less interesting than your tale, all things considered, but somehow I’m starting to feel ‘interesting’ is more of a curse…”

She shrugged as Lazhira began to help Leannah head back to her house. “I’d feel remiss not to help, with how much of a sorry state you look in.” Glancing at the injured girl, after putting the axe back where she’d found it, she tucked the small set of planks that she fashioned underneath her arm before using her free arm to also help Leannah back. “I’m essentially done here anyway.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 8 days ago


Novak considered what he saw as he pocketed the mask. Normally he'd be a bit relieved that the arrow's target wasn't him or Enli, but in these circumstances what he saw could actually be even worse. According to Akando, the reason the Kyrinth was upset may have something to do with the hunters being irreverent of the deer. If someone was going to shoot a deer within sight of the Kyrinth, during this very sensitive meeting, it might make this very powerful elder beast quite angry. And those eye, staring at him...was this mystery assassin watching him even now?

He didn't have time to speculate. He had to warn them before what he saw could come to pass.

"I think someone's coming," he spoke up as he approached Enli and the Kyrinth. "Over there, at the edge of the grove. Something spooked the deer, over there." Novak pointed to where he had seen the eyes, in the general area of where the deer had been startled.

There was always chance it could be a false alarm- if the Illuminator controlled what the mask showed, it could be possible to show things that aren't there, giving everyone present a reason to be upset with Novak and distrust him in future dealings. Even so, he couldn't afford to dismiss this, not with what was potentially at stake. A slightly annoyed Elder Beast was a less terrible outcome than a livid Elder Beast.

"There's more," he said, looking back Enli, then up at the Kyinth, a little apprehensive about revealing something that could only have been shown to him through supernatural means. "They...I think they intend to kill the deer."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shigenaga Nomura
An Imposter Among Us

Nomura would make his way into the longhouse, curiously so. The explanation of this Kyrnith had caused his stomach to turn, his discomfort easily hidden behind his mask. It seems that Nomura would have to appease this Elder Beast at some point, assuming his employer would return to this village. At the same time, perhaps he is already 'absolved,' Malphas is gone, after all, and only Nomura remains.

That said, it's better safe than sorry. Nomura will ask about appeasement later.

For now, Nomura would take his seat at the fireplace, listening to Bolcha's plight. Someone was after Enli's life? Nomura may have a few ideas of just who this person, or persons, may be, but he would refrain from saying anything about it. After all, this is all information Malphas knows. Instead, he will cock his head to the side, curious about such claims.

"Ah, someone's after Enli? Well, that's no good at all." Nomura said, acting appalled by such an idea. In his belief, Enli is one of Lady Mie's trusted associates, allowing her to pedal her goods in this village. Therefore, his reasoning to stay here and listen is to ensure that further business in this village remains secured.

This also extends to any future business ventures Nomura may have in this village.

"Mmm, but of course. A loyal customer like Enli deserves to be protected, after all." Nomura stated, stroking his beak. "I do have other errands to run, but if it's to save the life of a loyal customer, then those can wait."

While he would listen to Bolcha's plea, Nomura would also be sure to keep an eye of wherever this fox would be hiding. He did not want to hold such a valuable product for long, but he also did not want it stolen. He could not help but wonder if this was a test to gauge his loyalty or not...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Journey Begins

~ Liven(?) ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

“Ahah, but don’t worry about it. The Apostles of Rheane vow to save humanity so I’ma do just that!”

Nick resisted a sigh. Looks like he was heading back into danger, not that danger was uncommon in this world. Heck, he was even inserted into this world in some ruins filled with those scary, black, gooey things. Well, at least he had Elisette as company - A woman who fought off three giants. Surely she could handle a couple of skeletons.

The subtle meditation Nick did for guidance yielded results at least. He was granted another form of vision, clouds parting in the east with a ray of sunlight shining down upon the land some distance away in this vast expanse of snow. It was a direction, and that was all Nick needed. When they were ready to go, Nick subtly shifted their walk towards east. He trusted the guidance given to him, even if it lead to his possible doom.

The trek was fairly long, Nick and Elisette trudged through the snow with the latter making chatter about where this place was and where she came from. Nick thanked God she took the initiative, not only did the chat help pass the time but it also filled Nick in about some things in this world. Elisette herself was part of the 'Apostles of Rheane', a group of humans who protected the humanity of this world since the Moonless Era.

Then she spoke about the other races. There were the Elves and fey of Tamaln Forest. Not the friendliest bunch to the humans. Then there were the Bastelians, cat people who attacked humans for plunder and loot. They had a sun goddess named Auset-Kythet and were apparently building a temple. Bottom line, they weren't people Nick would want to meet. Hopefully, they would not have anything that Nick would need in the future. The Giants were creatures Nick had encountered. Apparently they had a four-armed king with traits straight out of an Earth myth. Not very mythical here, Nick guessed.

It was Nick's turn to talk after, with Elisette asking about where he came from and what was life north of the mountains. "Well, I already told you about Dawn. But I didn't come from there, I..." He scratched the back of his head. It was not that he didn't trust Elisette, but he felt now was not the time for the truth. "...came from somewhere else. Somewhere... far away. I'm trying to get back, you see."

The midday sun was in the sky when Elisette and Nick found their destination. It was still a bit far away, though, but Nick was glad that they made it without any trouble on the way. However, a silent dread fell over the atmosphere as they approached.

“Ah~! We’re here! Ahaha, you really came through huh. Not that I doubted ya. C’mon, its getting late and my feet are freezing. We’ll see if we can find anyone...and keep an eye out for anything bad, huh?”

Elisette strode over confidently but Nick trailed slowly behind her. He was feeling it again, that anxiousness, that he was in danger. He had decided to call this power his 'spidey-senses' because really, that was what it was.

It was then Nick realized that he had seen this sight before. In that dream...! His heart fell as he quickly grabbed hold of Elisette's hand to stop her. "Elisette, we're not alone here." He told her before his gaze turned to the still snow around them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Donovan would nod to Akando as his eyes would sweep the clearing, back and forth; searching for movement between the trees. "Right then. Let's get to et.

Before proceeding, Don would pause a moment to place a hand on Akando's shoulder and his other hand grasping his emblem, as he would appeal to his patron god, "Oh Suthainn, aye pray that yeh watch over this man as yeh have watched over meh. May yer guidance an' watchful eye protect 'im from harm. Amen."

The man would straighten himself. "Aright Akando, aye say we patrol opposite sides o' tha clearin, an keep real low. They might know somethin's up so we'll wanna take em by surprise if weh can. Aye'll walk th' side side closer to th' village, you take th' side deeper intah' th' woods if they're on my side, cover meh with yer bow. If on yours-- hollar an' aye can cover th' distance in an instant... It wont be quiet though, so me comin' tag help yah wont catch em' off guard none. Sound like ah plan?"

Should Akando agree, Don would waste no time getting into position on his side of the clearing, ducking low, and uttering a quiet prayer to Suthainn for guidance as he would stalk along the underbrush, listening and watching closely as he could.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“...are you certain? How would you-” The beast would turn its gaze towards where the deer had been startled. Its eyes narrowed, it taking a few steps away from the group towards where Novak had pointed. Wind trailed between the beasts antlers, air being sucked in from the world around, coalescing between its horns. “No matter. Stand aside.” Enli would take a few steps away from the deer, obviously not wanting to get caught in whatever the Elder Beast was about to do.

The Kyrnith would inhale.

And then exhale.

A blast of wind would cut through the air - stronger than any natural wind could possibly have been. The gust of wind cut the ground, ripping chunks of rock and earth from their resting places. The trees were not spared either, as the picked up chunks of earth would tear into the trees, foliage, carried right through the foliage and brush where Novak had indicated.

There was a shout from somewhere beyond. The force of the wind would ultimately impact a tree, the loud sound of wood splintering as it struck followed shortly by the sound of a loud thud, the tree falling from where the wind had cut deep into its trunk.

“Damn it! We’ve been found out!”

“Doesn’t matter, we’ll just kill them all here instead!”

Voices, obviously hostile intent as three hunters who had barely managed to avoid such a powerful blast of wind would get to their feet. One with a bow, the other two with spears.

“I will leave these three to you. I must protect my kin.” Before anything else could be said, the massive dear would begin galloping, bounding in the direction of the three hunters, nearly knocking them over a second time as it would disappear deeper into the forest.

The three hunters quickly recovered, one already knocking an arrow and launching it in Nobunaga’s general direction while the other two would start making their way towards the Novak.

“Remember, Enli’s our target!”

Plant hunting

It seemed like this time the deer didn’t want to leave her side, curiously watching what she was doing with some manner of curiosity. Now that they had been better acquainted, it seemed as though it was less cautious around her. She had effectively just saved its life, after all. It would spend the rest of the time Misaki was gathering plants almost seeming like a curious kid, wondering what she was doing and constantly seeming to ask questions. Thinking that she was a bit hungry or something, the deer would start helping pulling the bamboo shoots up after awhile, before handing them to her.

It would get a bit confused when she didn’t eat it, but would still help her gather a bit more.

It would take a while indeed for her to gather a good chunk of material to use, but she would have quite a good bit of it if she kept at it. After that it would just be her attempting to use it for what she wanted - attempting to make paper. Seemed like she might have a helper now, too, if she could find a use for a deer.

A little secret
@Click This@Crusader Lord

Lazhira would thank Narkissa for the help, glad to have someone else help her with leannah.

“...please don’t call me that.” Lazhira would reply sternly. She would fall silent for a few seconds, not really sure how to respond to what Leannah was saying it seemed at first. Lazhira would eventually sigh, scooting over to Lazhira. “Well...if you don’t know what to do...then just do what comes naturally?” She’d say with a curious tone. “And well, we know he’s doing something bad, right? And up to something. So we just have to stop him, right? So we find one of those orbs and you give it to me. It’ll be safe with me, promise.”

Lazhira would give Leannah a quick hug before standing up.

“You look like you could use some rest, so...uhm, I’ll leave you here, but if you need anything I’ll be just outside or in the house, okay?” She’d say, giving Leannah a pet on one of her ears before heading out of the room, leaving Leannah alone or with Narkissa if she wanted too.

A Traveler

“Eh? Danger, what are you-”

Before she had even managed to finish the sentence, the snow under her began to shift. Just like his dream from before, from the snow beneath them, began rising a number of undead. Ice preserved flesh slowly began shambling to its feet. Thankfully, there wasn’t the absurd number that he had already seen - but it was hard to tell exactly how many there were. They popped out of the snow around them, and it was likely that there were more around the village itself.

“Wah! They just popped outta the ground! I don’t think zombies are flowery enough for that!” Either way, Nicholas had just saved Elisette from outright just getting her ankles chomped on by some sort of undead looking thing. “There’s a lot of em too! Is it zombie season or something?!”

Elisette would draw her sword, standing between Nicholas and the approaching horde, but there was the very real fact that they were going to slowly be surrounded at this rate. “Nngh, alright we need to get to the village. We can probably hide there! Don’t fight unless you have too!” The nearest one of the undead would lunge towards Elisette, the girl easily sidestepping the slow, clumsy creature as she’d slice its abdomen with her sword, eviscerating it as it would stumble to the ground with a pained groan. One that had crawled out of the ground near Nick was lunging at him.

The longer they were out here in the field, the more in danger they likely were. Elisette seemed intent on cutting a path straight to them through the village. Of course, he could always choose to fight the horde.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Hm, like I said, I’m no hunter or fighter. If someone’s after Enli’s life at most I could probably just stall them.” He’d cross his arms, frowning. “But those...Oni, are they called? Of yours are strong - seen a single one lift well over his own weight with just a single arm. Skilled with both blades and guards, from the looks of things. How much would it take to hire ‘em for a few days?” Bolcha would ask up front.

This could be a very good change for Nomura to prove himself to Mie, if he still wished to do so. Of course, whether or not it was within his authority to promise something was another matter entirely. As he’d ponder the question, the fox from earlier would make itself known. In a rather odd fashion, it’d seem to...wave at him with its tail? Before quietly hopping out a nearby window. It didn’t...want him to follow it, did it? That was a bit odd for a fox, but he might have assumptions by now it wasn’t exactly a normal fox.

The Builder

Donovan would pray. For the protection of Akando. It was a small prayer, but even such a small prayer may have some effect, or boon, but as far as he could tell, there was nothing special happening from it. Perhaps it was not something he could see, for it was not him asking to be protected. He'd just need to have faith his god would here such a small request.

“Hm...alright, fine.” Akando would nod. “I’ll whistle if there’s anything wrong or I find something.” He would set off, and as skilled a hunter as he was, it was easy enough for him to move through the underbrush with no problem whatsoever. It seemed as though, at first, there was nothing particularly wrong here. Donovan could see a few deer running in the distance that seemed like they were spooked by something, but for the most part, it seemed as though everything was peaceful.

...but it would not be long before he could hear a commotion of some sort, coming some distance from the south, back towards the beach, close to where he was incidentally close to where the deer had fled earlier. There was a dull thud followed by a loud crack, as though a tree had fallen.

A cold breeze blew past him, but he’d see or hear nothing else after that little outburst. It was quiet, and despite having seen deer earlier, they all seemed to have fled by now.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Upon seeing the deer's eager efforts to help her gather bamboo, Misaki responded with aught but a slight smile. Adorable as it was to see it rooting about for bamboo shoots, they weren't exactly what she was looking for. With that said, though, depending on how finicky her analysis was, maybe they could actually be cooked...

Better to check than not, though.

With more than enough material to start, though, Misaki mused to herself for a moment before deciding that returning to town to start processing everything was probably the best way to proceed. As useful as automation would be, with the amount of time she had to make a prototype, it was likely better to abandon that sliver of hope and instead go for a more brute-force method.

To that end, Misaki continued to ponder to herself as she walked back towards the town, considering the different methods by which she could go about this whole process in the first place.

"Hm... Maybe... Stripping the bamboo down along the grain and boiling the results for pulp...? Actually, that might be more effective than bashing everything up with a hammer..." she wondered out loud, carefully looking around in case any other creatures wanted to try and attack.

When she returned (assuming she had not encountered any ill fortune along the way), Misaki would promptly beeline back to Lazirha's house and drop everything off before searching for a variety of tools; a cloth large enough to sit on, a knife, a container large enough to soak and boil everything in that would fit the frame, and so on and so forth.

Hopefully the townsfolk had that much to spare, lest she be forced to detour to make her own tools in the interim.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 8 days ago


It appears that the negotiations were short.

In just a few brief moments, the trio's situation had radically changed. The Kyrinth had bounded off, and now they were facing three hunters that intended to kill them. Novak wasn't entirely sure how successful the meeting went, but at least it didn't attack or try to place blame on them. They'd have to worry about that later, however, because the more pressing matter was the trio of hunters bent on killing them.

Novak drew his sword, trying his best to not convey how scared he was, or that he had almost no idea what he was doing. Fighting a mindless slime was one thing, but these were people who killed things with their spears and bows for a living. Novak had been hesitant to copy their techniques and skills before, worried that picking up a lesser warrior's moves would handicap him in the long run, but it was clear that if he didn't start picking up on how to fight right now, he wouldn't live long enough to have to worry about it.

Novak took a few steps back, partially out of hesitation, but also to be able to watch Nobunaga. As a clearly experienced sword fighter, her techniques would be most relevant to him, even if their swords were differently shaped. Additionally, Novak had noticed how Lady Mie's guards had similar swords to Nobunaga's- if he took a job with the foxy merchant, he'd probably end up switching to a katana and picking up more techniques exclusive to it. First, however, he'd need to live through this fight.

What happened next would depend on the actions of his foes or companions. If the hunters reached Novak, he'd attempt to defensively deflect or parry strikes from their spears, while focusing on picking up their techniques. If Nobunaga were to intercept either of them, he'd try to pick up on her moves, at least for as he wasn't facing the threat of immediate impalement from the other spearman. If she were to instead go after the archer and leave Novak to hold off the other two hunters by himself, however, he'd be unable to watch her and would have to focus entirely on not letting himself or Enli get skewered.

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