“Stop me if you've heard this one before:”
Bad guy crashes party, kidnaps princess, makes dramatic exit. Plucky, handsome hero gives chase.”
“Epic quest ensues.”
“But, funny story…”

“Yeah, I'm the bad guy.”
Bad guy crashes party, kidnaps princess, makes dramatic exit. Plucky, handsome hero gives chase.”
“Epic quest ensues.”
“But, funny story…”

“Yeah, I'm the bad guy.”
Name: Crow! The Baddest Guy in the whole Planet! Greatest sky pirate that has ever lived upon this planet!
Age: This evil has existed for apparently 21 whole years! Crazy huh
Gender: Death and destruction… that’s is his only gender! (Also Male)

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox, random alleyway in Gotham city
Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Where is your character starting out? Please name a specific location and the city. If you have trouble with this, feel free to ask staff in the Discord - or if you're not in our Discord yet, shoot me a DM on here and I'll give you an invite. Also please state whether your character just woke up here, or if they've been here for any amount of time. Make sure to specify the amount of time as well!
Personality: Crow is what would call an good ole’ fashion classic villain who enjoys, well, being an villain, relishing in acts of villainy such as kidnapping princesses, building large death machines to beat up the super ‘zeroes’, or just kicking down random trash bins (he however, does not kick any bins within his own base. Can’t let garbage pile up everywhere). He is shown to take being a villain in an openly delightful way, and cares about his reputation as one the most, especially if some random hero comes along that he doesn’t know of and humiliates him in the act, simply not letting go until he had done twice the humiliating to them! Crow is also, like many other villains, an power hungry individual with, as one can tell, with a bit of an ego, one who especially likes being reminded of himself such as using the color purple a lot when making machines or even basing his creations such as his mechs on himself.
Yet, this is just one side of the coin, is an more nicer side. Towards his minions and even captives, he is rather kind towards them, often giving them rewards and things like satisfaction pay along with benefits for good work, and even giving them V.I.P status, making sure his minions are kept happy and loyal through such. After all, an happy minion is an loyal minion. And regarding captives, he often treats them with respect, and he is surprisingly true to his word, such as sharing half of an sunken treasure to the insect kingdom after finding it, and cares for others greatly, although he may act like an nice individual at times, he often tries to deny it or lie for reasons behind it just so he can maintain his villain persona, and isn’t above mocking or threatening his minions if they fail at an task. In fact, he doesn’t truly consider himself to be evil, and is just an misguided ‘kid’ (his true age isn’t known, but I’ll shall be using 21 as his age for the rp) who inspired to continue his family lineage of sky-pirates and villains, and set himself off to be one of the greatest ever known. Yet, he is completely capable of changing, and depending on how he interacts with others within said location as well as relationships (the friend kind) with others, will change who he shall become in the future. An evil genius praised for his machines and treatment of his minions? An villain who gains an heart of gold and redeem himself? Or an cold-hearted bad guy who betrayed others to get what he wants?
All in all, within a nutshell, Crow is an baddie with an heart of… well, not entirely gold, but there is something good within him, and whether or not it’ll mean something here, it’s unknown for now.
Equipment: Mechanical Suit:
Crow’s main way of fighting super-lameos without the use of his awesome mechs and vehicles, aka, infantry combat. And with his mechanical suit, it puts him at an advantage than he would normally fighting without his suit. Here is an small list of what he is capable of when wearing said suit (which is, almost all the time):
-Superhuman physical traits/Armor/Shock absorbers:
At the base level, is none other than his very armor and suit, which at base, grants him an rather large increase to all his physical capabilities. Starting with the standards, running is rather easy, it’s like he is not even breaking an sweat at all, having loads of stamina to go around and perform things such as parkour (with the suit actually not doing much to hinder the agile capabilities of the user) and jumping. Also on that note, Crow can jump pretty high, well, not too high, but enough to scale an one story building on his own with an leap. His strength is also increased as well, being capable of punching through (without his mechanical and large right hand) concrete with little effort, and kick people who get too close for comfort.
But the real kicker here is the defenses that the suit provides, which was especially made to defend against that of physical damage. Being created with an strong combination of alloys and materials, as well as being outfitted with an shock absorber, it allows him to essentially take on attacks that deal kinetic energy such as punches or kicks, or even things like force blasts and bullets leave nothing, not even an scratch, on his armor. And if it manages to get past the shock absorber, his armor at the very least would protect him from the incoming damage or he is smart enough to dodge to the side like some funny blue eyed skeleton man. The main weakness however, is both, an overwhelming amount of kinetic energy that can upset his armor and get past his shock absorbers, or electricity, which can outright shutdown his device and render him more vulnerable to physical attacks. Also, with this suit, he is immune to explosives as well as fall damage. Also, his suit is powered by Anti-Matter (definitely safe)
-The ole rock em sock em!:
His right fist (to which, half of it is simply gone, replaced with either an smaller and normal sized mechanical arm or in this case, a rather large fist) is an rather powerful tool within his arsenal, capable of hitting extremely hard than what his left fist is capable of doing, launching average sized humans and cars into the air and punch holes into concrete walls with an single power-fist. And if that’s not enough, just wait until you learn more about the special attributes this baby can do. The first of with, is, if you think the normal punch is already strong enough, he has an charged punch that allows him to deal extra damage, giving an extra oomph to his hits. He can also cause an explosion when his fist either contacts with something or reaches the apex of its punch, essentially becoming an certain angry Pomeranian hero people may or may not know of. The next one is an rocket punch, which essentially allows him to make his punches become an ranged attack, disengaging his right fist from his wrist and sending it forward for an rocket-fueled punch, before magnets pull the fist back to its place. Has potential for range but perhaps one can disrupt the return of the punch. And finally, he can overwork the mechanisms within his arm to essentially send out an flurry of punches in his enemy’s direction, dealing even more damage than normal with the add bonus from the extra attacks, although such an attack disrupts his the grenade launcher mechanism in his arm for an turn, rendering his ranged capabilities disabled. He can also replace his metallic arm with other weaponry such as attaching a chainsaw or replacing it for a laser arm.
He is also capable of having two effects at once, although it would overwork his mechanism and for next post and make unable to make an melee attack with his right fist next turn, making him either use his normal arm or ranged attacks.
-Grenade launcha of evil!
An internal mechanism with micro converters and nano-machines inside (while also being powered by Anti-Matter), he is capable of creating, most importantly, explosives from inside, and firing it from his arm directly at his foes, with an internal storage of being able to fire six explosives from his arm, with one charge recharging an turn, and us it to his advantage. The first one is an regular style pill Grenade, an 3 second fuse grenade that bounces off walls and moving about due to gravity, can be used to shoot over an wall and bounce an grenade towards an foe (or explode on contact against them), and can also be used in order to perform an explosive jump, blasting himself into the air using the explosive immunity with his armor, and jump to even greater heights than he could normally. Next is the Gyroc Missle, an self-propelled missile that explodes upon contact with either an foe or the ground. Another is the stick grenade, an gooey like explosive that sticks to surfaces and is remotely detonated by Crow using an internal trigger, can make for more precise explosive jumping or blow up an entire building if ya like. And finally, is Assault Fire, which is just ditching the Grenades entirely and firing forth an hailstorm of high caliber bullets capable of achieving the same effect as that of anti-tank rifles. How he doesn’t die to the recoil, no one knows. Each grenade type uses an single charge, and without any charges, he is unable to perform an move relating to them, and, on a side note, he can only have six explosives up at once.
Orbital Cannon:
The strongest tool in his kit, the Orbital Cannon is an one time use ability in an singular battle, that takes time to charge after it’s called upon (two turns), but once it does, it sends forth a devastating beam of pure energy down upon someone, or someones, unlucky enough to be standing upon where it’s main target is. Can be used to deal incredible damage in a few turns or as an way to wreck an fortification rather easily with little effort.
Attributes: Evil Supergenius intellect:
It’s no surprise that Crow has a rather large noggin, creating everything by himself such as large mechs and orbital cannons to pretty much anything he can think of. If he puts his mind to it, he is capable of performing rather incredible things, and back where he is from, his inventing with machinery, vehicles, weapons, and robots, and such grants him such an high reputation amongst many other high-class villains and respect from them. He is also surprisingly quick on his feet as well regarding actions as well as calculations about what to do, such as quickly reprogramming the mechanisms of an mech and using it against an foe, or understanding how something works and either utilize its strengths or exploit its weaknesses, there is no shortage of what he can do in order to make either the perfect weapon to create, or the perfect plan to rule over the world! Also, he can repair things rather easily as well.
The best Pilot around!:
No surprise here as well, Crow is capable of piloting all sorts of vehicles, such as large mechs and fortress sized aircraft, to even things like common cars, as long as he knows it, he can use it. And if not, well, that isn’t gonna stop him from learning how to use it in under 5 minute within a stressful situation.
Agility/reaction speed:
Crow is definitely not one that is lacking in agility and reaction timing, even when not wearing his superpowered suit of evil. With him capable of even dodging bullets without his suit, dodging lasers being sent his way, and doing all of this with a sense of style behind his movement, what isn’t there he can’t do… although, his limitations are there, and without his suit, anything heading his way is bound to be some great danger to him.
Biography: ”Want me to tell you more about how great and awesome I am? Oh… you just wanted to know how I got here… Hmph, fine, I suppose every great villain must start somewhere. Anyway, if all started when I kidnapped the princess… and I remembered it like yesterday:
Begin flashback;
It was another beautiful day within the city of Macro City. An large metropolis like kingdom ruled over by the fair and kind Princess Mayapple, who, for joke purposes, is essentially what one thinks of when they think of an lameo called “Princess Peach”, blah, who even gives a character that name which essentially becomes PP if you only use the first two letters. Anyway, the city was rather peaceful, or well, peaceful as an metropolis can be with the flocks of pidgeons in the air and cars on the highways driving around, however, this place was about to get one of many rather large wake up calls that plague the city.
“Enter Me!”
As an figure jumped through an window, or well, two actually, with the one jumping carrying the other individual. The entire scene was under the effect of some sort of time stop, or scene pause if you can call it that. The main figure was none other than some man outfitted within purple armor, and his notable features being an enlarged right fist that seems more mechanical than his left, as well as two headlamp like structures on the top of his helmet, looking like some sort of megaman robot master. An arrow then appeared within the air and pointed towards the man, with the word ‘Our ‘protagonist’: Crow, Super-Villain and equal opportunist kidnapper’ to the side of it, as the disembodied voice said
“That’s me, Crow, one of the best villains around in Macro City. And no… I’m not a robot… don’t know why people confuse an clearly obvious super-genius compared to an robot of all things. I’m what you call an top-dog around here, and inside this kingdom, this is the territory I ‘own’, or well, own after going ahead and taking over the world. Now, you may be wondering, what exactly I’m doing here, well, that’s simple. I’m simply doing the age old and classic villain tradition of none other than the Princess here.”
To which, another arrow appeared and pointed towards the individual he was kidnapping, an brown haired woman with an crown on the top of her head and wearing an pink dress of what the standard Princess wear, to which, said ‘Our Damsel in Distress: Princess Mayapple: Ruler of Macro City and expert go-kart driver’, who was rather displeased about being kidnapped right now.
“That there is Princess Mayapple, my favorite person to kidnap. She rules over Macro City using kindness and peace instead of force, bleh, makes me sick thinking of that. Just who in their right mind tried to rule a kingdom like that? You wouldn’t go anywhere with it. Also, she often calls me an ‘friend’, to which of course not she is. She is merely trying to get me to not be evil, yeah, that’s right. And also, she isn't usually like this, but maybe it’s because I kidnapped her while she was making some speech about… I dunno, ‘woption centers?’ Couldn’t hear an thing about it. Although it’s still pretty nice she invites me to sporting events, go-kart races, and other casual get-togethers.”
“Ok, I think that’s all for now, time go on and actually blow some things up already!”
As the scene finally unfroze, Crow now falling down unfrozen, shards of glass flying through the air as the man was laughing throughout the entire fall, before landing onto the city streets below with the impact doing nothing to him.
“Ah, nothing like dramatic exits by jumping through windows and having no-fall damage as well.”
“You should have been more careful, Crow, you could have accidentally gotten someone hurt or either one of us. And all that property damage you are causing.”
“Yeah, yeah… I’m pretty sure this city has enough funds to replace a few lousy windows. Nonetheless, let’s continue on to my latest machine that is sure to blow the mind of Mack in one way or another, both of which, are still delightful to see before his untimely demise!”
Crow said, continuing running along the city streets, and along the way, found some rather pitiful resistance in the form of the policemen and police robots. Although, a couple of minutes with an newfound species of ‘flying’ humans and cars, along with some explosions to accompany such an occasion, Crow finally reached his location, jumping up to get into the cockpit of an rather large Mech like robot colored purple and outfitted with rather large guns on both its arms and shoulders. He was just preparing to turn on the machine when a loud.
“Hold it there Crow!”
As the scene froze again, this time, moving down to the ground and next to some individual in blue armor, armored with an rather large sword held within his left arm, while he pointed towards Crow with his right and free arm. It’s then, yet again, another arrow appeared and pointed towards the newcomer, with the title of ‘Our ‘Antagonist’; Mackintyre Donald Mulder: Knight in shining armor and total loser’
“May I need to say more about this total lameo?”
And yet again, the scene unfroze.
“Give up Crow! You know that you will eventually be defeated like I have done so many times in the past before!”
As the mood of Mayapple brightened up a bit and she said
“My hero!”
Yet, Crow merely gave an small smirk of what one could relate to an evil smile and said.
“Oh really then? Let’s see if you can get past latest machine that is surely to put an end to your heroism, I call it Armageddon…”
“Then a fight it shall be… en guarde!”
And with that, an large battle was sure to arrive, except, we can’t show it due to the lack of budget upon our end.. and.. wait, where did Crow go?
Flashback end:
“And from there, I suddenly woken up in some strange forest… and you wanna know what’s even weirder, I met this strange two-tailed cat-thing (Julia) that shot fire at me. Of course, with my intellect, I managed to ‘hire’ the creature to become one of my ‘minions’ and from there, we just uh… didn’t do much for the most part. I still don’t get why she eats raw meat of all things… hmm, Nevermind that. Nonetheless, thought I escaped from the stinking forest, only to wake up on another planet of all things. And that’s my life story… but who cares whether or not I’m back home yet, at least they got air conditioning here!.”
Other: Crow can, and will, steal your social security number with just a few taps in the keyboard.
Also, helmet-less Crow: