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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lazaro1505
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Lazaro1505 Birb-With-Gun

Member Seen 6 mos ago

“Stop me if you've heard this one before:”

Bad guy crashes party, kidnaps princess, makes dramatic exit. Plucky, handsome hero gives chase.”

“Epic quest ensues.”

“But, funny story…”

“Yeah, I'm the bad guy.”

Name: Crow! The Baddest Guy in the whole Planet! Greatest sky pirate that has ever lived upon this planet!

Age: This evil has existed for apparently 21 whole years! Crazy huh

Gender: Death and destruction… that’s is his only gender! (Also Male)


Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox, random alleyway in Gotham city

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Where is your character starting out? Please name a specific location and the city. If you have trouble with this, feel free to ask staff in the Discord - or if you're not in our Discord yet, shoot me a DM on here and I'll give you an invite. Also please state whether your character just woke up here, or if they've been here for any amount of time. Make sure to specify the amount of time as well!

Personality: Crow is what would call an good ole’ fashion classic villain who enjoys, well, being an villain, relishing in acts of villainy such as kidnapping princesses, building large death machines to beat up the super ‘zeroes’, or just kicking down random trash bins (he however, does not kick any bins within his own base. Can’t let garbage pile up everywhere). He is shown to take being a villain in an openly delightful way, and cares about his reputation as one the most, especially if some random hero comes along that he doesn’t know of and humiliates him in the act, simply not letting go until he had done twice the humiliating to them! Crow is also, like many other villains, an power hungry individual with, as one can tell, with a bit of an ego, one who especially likes being reminded of himself such as using the color purple a lot when making machines or even basing his creations such as his mechs on himself.

Yet, this is just one side of the coin, is an more nicer side. Towards his minions and even captives, he is rather kind towards them, often giving them rewards and things like satisfaction pay along with benefits for good work, and even giving them V.I.P status, making sure his minions are kept happy and loyal through such. After all, an happy minion is an loyal minion. And regarding captives, he often treats them with respect, and he is surprisingly true to his word, such as sharing half of an sunken treasure to the insect kingdom after finding it, and cares for others greatly, although he may act like an nice individual at times, he often tries to deny it or lie for reasons behind it just so he can maintain his villain persona, and isn’t above mocking or threatening his minions if they fail at an task. In fact, he doesn’t truly consider himself to be evil, and is just an misguided ‘kid’ (his true age isn’t known, but I’ll shall be using 21 as his age for the rp) who inspired to continue his family lineage of sky-pirates and villains, and set himself off to be one of the greatest ever known. Yet, he is completely capable of changing, and depending on how he interacts with others within said location as well as relationships (the friend kind) with others, will change who he shall become in the future. An evil genius praised for his machines and treatment of his minions? An villain who gains an heart of gold and redeem himself? Or an cold-hearted bad guy who betrayed others to get what he wants?

All in all, within a nutshell, Crow is an baddie with an heart of… well, not entirely gold, but there is something good within him, and whether or not it’ll mean something here, it’s unknown for now.

Equipment: Mechanical Suit:
Crow’s main way of fighting super-lameos without the use of his awesome mechs and vehicles, aka, infantry combat. And with his mechanical suit, it puts him at an advantage than he would normally fighting without his suit. Here is an small list of what he is capable of when wearing said suit (which is, almost all the time):

-Superhuman physical traits/Armor/Shock absorbers:
At the base level, is none other than his very armor and suit, which at base, grants him an rather large increase to all his physical capabilities. Starting with the standards, running is rather easy, it’s like he is not even breaking an sweat at all, having loads of stamina to go around and perform things such as parkour (with the suit actually not doing much to hinder the agile capabilities of the user) and jumping. Also on that note, Crow can jump pretty high, well, not too high, but enough to scale an one story building on his own with an leap. His strength is also increased as well, being capable of punching through (without his mechanical and large right hand) concrete with little effort, and kick people who get too close for comfort.

But the real kicker here is the defenses that the suit provides, which was especially made to defend against that of physical damage. Being created with an strong combination of alloys and materials, as well as being outfitted with an shock absorber, it allows him to essentially take on attacks that deal kinetic energy such as punches or kicks, or even things like force blasts and bullets leave nothing, not even an scratch, on his armor. And if it manages to get past the shock absorber, his armor at the very least would protect him from the incoming damage or he is smart enough to dodge to the side like some funny blue eyed skeleton man. The main weakness however, is both, an overwhelming amount of kinetic energy that can upset his armor and get past his shock absorbers, or electricity, which can outright shutdown his device and render him more vulnerable to physical attacks. Also, with this suit, he is immune to explosives as well as fall damage. Also, his suit is powered by Anti-Matter (definitely safe)

-The ole rock em sock em!:
His right fist (to which, half of it is simply gone, replaced with either an smaller and normal sized mechanical arm or in this case, a rather large fist) is an rather powerful tool within his arsenal, capable of hitting extremely hard than what his left fist is capable of doing, launching average sized humans and cars into the air and punch holes into concrete walls with an single power-fist. And if that’s not enough, just wait until you learn more about the special attributes this baby can do. The first of with, is, if you think the normal punch is already strong enough, he has an charged punch that allows him to deal extra damage, giving an extra oomph to his hits. He can also cause an explosion when his fist either contacts with something or reaches the apex of its punch, essentially becoming an certain angry Pomeranian hero people may or may not know of. The next one is an rocket punch, which essentially allows him to make his punches become an ranged attack, disengaging his right fist from his wrist and sending it forward for an rocket-fueled punch, before magnets pull the fist back to its place. Has potential for range but perhaps one can disrupt the return of the punch. And finally, he can overwork the mechanisms within his arm to essentially send out an flurry of punches in his enemy’s direction, dealing even more damage than normal with the add bonus from the extra attacks, although such an attack disrupts his the grenade launcher mechanism in his arm for an turn, rendering his ranged capabilities disabled. He can also replace his metallic arm with other weaponry such as attaching a chainsaw or replacing it for a laser arm.

He is also capable of having two effects at once, although it would overwork his mechanism and for next post and make unable to make an melee attack with his right fist next turn, making him either use his normal arm or ranged attacks.

-Grenade launcha of evil!
An internal mechanism with micro converters and nano-machines inside (while also being powered by Anti-Matter), he is capable of creating, most importantly, explosives from inside, and firing it from his arm directly at his foes, with an internal storage of being able to fire six explosives from his arm, with one charge recharging an turn, and us it to his advantage. The first one is an regular style pill Grenade, an 3 second fuse grenade that bounces off walls and moving about due to gravity, can be used to shoot over an wall and bounce an grenade towards an foe (or explode on contact against them), and can also be used in order to perform an explosive jump, blasting himself into the air using the explosive immunity with his armor, and jump to even greater heights than he could normally. Next is the Gyroc Missle, an self-propelled missile that explodes upon contact with either an foe or the ground. Another is the stick grenade, an gooey like explosive that sticks to surfaces and is remotely detonated by Crow using an internal trigger, can make for more precise explosive jumping or blow up an entire building if ya like. And finally, is Assault Fire, which is just ditching the Grenades entirely and firing forth an hailstorm of high caliber bullets capable of achieving the same effect as that of anti-tank rifles. How he doesn’t die to the recoil, no one knows. Each grenade type uses an single charge, and without any charges, he is unable to perform an move relating to them, and, on a side note, he can only have six explosives up at once.

Orbital Cannon:
The strongest tool in his kit, the Orbital Cannon is an one time use ability in an singular battle, that takes time to charge after it’s called upon (two turns), but once it does, it sends forth a devastating beam of pure energy down upon someone, or someones, unlucky enough to be standing upon where it’s main target is. Can be used to deal incredible damage in a few turns or as an way to wreck an fortification rather easily with little effort.

Attributes: Evil Supergenius intellect:
It’s no surprise that Crow has a rather large noggin, creating everything by himself such as large mechs and orbital cannons to pretty much anything he can think of. If he puts his mind to it, he is capable of performing rather incredible things, and back where he is from, his inventing with machinery, vehicles, weapons, and robots, and such grants him such an high reputation amongst many other high-class villains and respect from them. He is also surprisingly quick on his feet as well regarding actions as well as calculations about what to do, such as quickly reprogramming the mechanisms of an mech and using it against an foe, or understanding how something works and either utilize its strengths or exploit its weaknesses, there is no shortage of what he can do in order to make either the perfect weapon to create, or the perfect plan to rule over the world! Also, he can repair things rather easily as well.

The best Pilot around!:
No surprise here as well, Crow is capable of piloting all sorts of vehicles, such as large mechs and fortress sized aircraft, to even things like common cars, as long as he knows it, he can use it. And if not, well, that isn’t gonna stop him from learning how to use it in under 5 minute within a stressful situation.

Agility/reaction speed:
Crow is definitely not one that is lacking in agility and reaction timing, even when not wearing his superpowered suit of evil. With him capable of even dodging bullets without his suit, dodging lasers being sent his way, and doing all of this with a sense of style behind his movement, what isn’t there he can’t do… although, his limitations are there, and without his suit, anything heading his way is bound to be some great danger to him.

Biography: ”Want me to tell you more about how great and awesome I am? Oh… you just wanted to know how I got here… Hmph, fine, I suppose every great villain must start somewhere. Anyway, if all started when I kidnapped the princess… and I remembered it like yesterday:
Begin flashback;
It was another beautiful day within the city of Macro City. An large metropolis like kingdom ruled over by the fair and kind Princess Mayapple, who, for joke purposes, is essentially what one thinks of when they think of an lameo called “Princess Peach”, blah, who even gives a character that name which essentially becomes PP if you only use the first two letters. Anyway, the city was rather peaceful, or well, peaceful as an metropolis can be with the flocks of pidgeons in the air and cars on the highways driving around, however, this place was about to get one of many rather large wake up calls that plague the city.

“Enter Me!”

As an figure jumped through an window, or well, two actually, with the one jumping carrying the other individual. The entire scene was under the effect of some sort of time stop, or scene pause if you can call it that. The main figure was none other than some man outfitted within purple armor, and his notable features being an enlarged right fist that seems more mechanical than his left, as well as two headlamp like structures on the top of his helmet, looking like some sort of megaman robot master. An arrow then appeared within the air and pointed towards the man, with the word ‘Our ‘protagonist’: Crow, Super-Villain and equal opportunist kidnapper’ to the side of it, as the disembodied voice said

“That’s me, Crow, one of the best villains around in Macro City. And no… I’m not a robot… don’t know why people confuse an clearly obvious super-genius compared to an robot of all things. I’m what you call an top-dog around here, and inside this kingdom, this is the territory I ‘own’, or well, own after going ahead and taking over the world. Now, you may be wondering, what exactly I’m doing here, well, that’s simple. I’m simply doing the age old and classic villain tradition of none other than the Princess here.”

To which, another arrow appeared and pointed towards the individual he was kidnapping, an brown haired woman with an crown on the top of her head and wearing an pink dress of what the standard Princess wear, to which, said ‘Our Damsel in Distress: Princess Mayapple: Ruler of Macro City and expert go-kart driver’, who was rather displeased about being kidnapped right now.

“That there is Princess Mayapple, my favorite person to kidnap. She rules over Macro City using kindness and peace instead of force, bleh, makes me sick thinking of that. Just who in their right mind tried to rule a kingdom like that? You wouldn’t go anywhere with it. Also, she often calls me an ‘friend’, to which of course not she is. She is merely trying to get me to not be evil, yeah, that’s right. And also, she isn't usually like this, but maybe it’s because I kidnapped her while she was making some speech about… I dunno, ‘woption centers?’ Couldn’t hear an thing about it. Although it’s still pretty nice she invites me to sporting events, go-kart races, and other casual get-togethers.”

“Ok, I think that’s all for now, time go on and actually blow some things up already!”

As the scene finally unfroze, Crow now falling down unfrozen, shards of glass flying through the air as the man was laughing throughout the entire fall, before landing onto the city streets below with the impact doing nothing to him.

“Ah, nothing like dramatic exits by jumping through windows and having no-fall damage as well.”

“You should have been more careful, Crow, you could have accidentally gotten someone hurt or either one of us. And all that property damage you are causing.”

“Yeah, yeah… I’m pretty sure this city has enough funds to replace a few lousy windows. Nonetheless, let’s continue on to my latest machine that is sure to blow the mind of Mack in one way or another, both of which, are still delightful to see before his untimely demise!”

Crow said, continuing running along the city streets, and along the way, found some rather pitiful resistance in the form of the policemen and police robots. Although, a couple of minutes with an newfound species of ‘flying’ humans and cars, along with some explosions to accompany such an occasion, Crow finally reached his location, jumping up to get into the cockpit of an rather large Mech like robot colored purple and outfitted with rather large guns on both its arms and shoulders. He was just preparing to turn on the machine when a loud.

“Hold it there Crow!”

As the scene froze again, this time, moving down to the ground and next to some individual in blue armor, armored with an rather large sword held within his left arm, while he pointed towards Crow with his right and free arm. It’s then, yet again, another arrow appeared and pointed towards the newcomer, with the title of ‘Our ‘Antagonist’; Mackintyre Donald Mulder: Knight in shining armor and total loser’

“May I need to say more about this total lameo?”

And yet again, the scene unfroze.

“Give up Crow! You know that you will eventually be defeated like I have done so many times in the past before!”

As the mood of Mayapple brightened up a bit and she said

“My hero!”

Yet, Crow merely gave an small smirk of what one could relate to an evil smile and said.

“Oh really then? Let’s see if you can get past latest machine that is surely to put an end to your heroism, I call it Armageddon…”

“Then a fight it shall be… en guarde!”

And with that, an large battle was sure to arrive, except, we can’t show it due to the lack of budget upon our end.. and.. wait, where did Crow go?

Flashback end:

“And from there, I suddenly woken up in some strange forest… and you wanna know what’s even weirder, I met this strange two-tailed cat-thing (Julia) that shot fire at me. Of course, with my intellect, I managed to ‘hire’ the creature to become one of my ‘minions’ and from there, we just uh… didn’t do much for the most part. I still don’t get why she eats raw meat of all things… hmm, Nevermind that. Nonetheless, thought I escaped from the stinking forest, only to wake up on another planet of all things. And that’s my life story… but who cares whether or not I’m back home yet, at least they got air conditioning here!.”

Other: Crow can, and will, steal your social security number with just a few taps in the keyboard.

Also, helmet-less Crow:
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by darkred
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darkred Friendly blue eyed woman

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Jak and Daxter

Alias: Mar, the Daxinator, Orange Lightning

Age: 20s and 19

Canon: Jak X

Gender: Male and Male

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:

Eco Channeler: Can channel 6 types of eco within his body and use it as a power source.

Morph Gun: Can interchange into 16 different guns.
-Red Eco guns-
-Yellow Eco guns-
-Blue Eco guns
-Dark Eco guns

Red Weapons

Scatter Gun (red type #1) - The default shotgun mode. The Scatter Gun has a short range and a relatively slow rate of fire, but its wide blasts can take out several enemies at once. A single Scatter Gun shot costs 1 red ammo unit. Jak obtains this weapon from Damas before the first arena challenge at Spargus City.

Wave Concussor (red type #2) - The shockwave cannon mode. The Wave Concussor releases an energy shockwave that radiates forth from where Jak is standing. The longer the shot is charged, the greater its radius. An uncharged Wave Concussor shot costs 1 red ammo unit; a fully charged shot costs 5. Jak obtains this mod from Damas before the second arena challenge at Spargus City.

Plasmite RPG (red type #3) - The grenade launcher mode. The Plasmite RPG Launcher shoots out a powerful grenade that can bounce off of walls. The grenades explode after a period of time or when they come into contact with an enemy. A single Plasmite grenade costs 10 red ammo units. Jak obtains this mod from Tess after completing the second gun course challenge at Haven City.

Yellow Weapons

Blaster (yellow type #1) - The assault rifle mode. The Blaster has a long range and is excellent for hitting enemies from a distance. To rapidly fire it, Jak must first kick and then pull the trigger (either by kicking an enemy and then firing, or by performing a midair spinning kick and then firing). A single Blaster shot costs 1 yellow ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Damas after the first arena challenge at Spargus City.

Beam Reflexor (yellow type #2) - The enhanced assault rifle mode. The Beam Reflexor is essentially the same as the Blaster, only its shots can ricochet off of walls. These bouncing shots can be particularly lethal against enemies in narrow corridors or other confined spaces. A single Reflexor shot costs 1 yellow ammo unit, but every successful hit it makes on an enemy will cost an additional yellow ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Damas after the second arena challenge at Spargus City.

Gyro Burster (yellow type #3) - The drone launcher mode. The Gyro Burster is a hovering drone that sprays Blaster shots at any enemies below it. To make it hover in place, press the trigger (R1) again. A single Gyro Burster will cost 50 yellow ammo units (one ammo unit for every shot). Jak obtains this mod from Tess after completing the first gun course challenge at Haven City.
Blue Weapons

Vulcan Fury (blue type #1) - The minigun mode. The Vulcan Fury has a long range like the Blaster, but it can fire quickly without requiring Jak to kick beforehand. On the downside, it takes a little time to get its barrels spinning up to speed, and once it does, it'll chew up ammo extremely quickly. A single Vulcan Fury shot costs 1 blue ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Damas before the third arena challenge at Spargus City.

Arc Wielder (blue type #2) - The laser cannon mode. The Arc Wielder emits a thick, continuous stream of death. This beam can be swept from side to side to clear out entire rooms of enemies, but it cannot be fired while Jak is performing a spinning kick. Every moment the Arc Wielder is fired costs 1 blue ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod after defeating the boss at the end of the first Act.

Needle Lazer (blue type #3) - The homing laser blaster mode. The Needle Lazer emits clusters of laser bolts that can track enemies. A single Needle Lazer shot (a cluster of three bolts) costs 2 blue ammo units. Jak obtains this mod from Jinx after the destruction of the junction boxes at Haven City.
Dark (Purple) Weapons

Peace Maker (dark type #1) - The charge cannon mode. The Peace Maker fires a sphere of explosive death that can home in on enemies. And once this projectile hits its target, it will emit energy beams that can damage other enemies nearby. A single Peace Maker shot costs 1 dark ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Torn after the destruction of the barrier to the slums at Haven City.

Mass Inverter (dark type #2) - The antigravity generator mode. The Mass Inverter creates a field around Jak that will cause other characters and objects to float up helplessly into the air. The field itself does not harm its victims, but it leaves them open to a violent beating from Jak. A single Mass Inverter field costs 1 dark ammo unit. Jak obtains this mod from Ashelin after defeating the boss at the end of the second Act.

Super Nova (dark type #3) - The rocket launcher mode. The Super Nova launches a mini-nuclear missile that will waste everyone (except the heroes) within several meters of Jak's position. A single Super Nova nuke costs 10 dark ammo units. Jak obtains this mod from Sig after the destruction of the gate to the Metal Head Tower at Haven City.

Jak’s Precursor armor

Daxter’s Flamethrower Bug Zapper, and jet pack that allows him to move through the air.

Dark Powers

Dark Bomb (X and then Square) - An enhanced version of Jak's vertical smash attack. The Dark Bomb creates a ring of energy radiating out from his point of impact with the ground, damaging any enemies who touch it. Jak begins with this power, but he can use it only when he has enough dark eco. Using this power will also revert Jak to his normal form afterwards.

Dark Blast (Square and then X) - An enhanced version of Jak's dashing uppercut attack. The Dark Blast creates a storm of energy around his body, damaging any enemies around him. Jak begins with this power, but he can use it only when he has enough dark eco. Using this power will also revert Jak to his normal form afterwards.

Dark Invisibility (Triangle) - A cloaking ability. The Dark Invisibility prevents enemies from seeing him. Jak will earn this power when he visits the Dark Precursor shrine at the volcano, and he can use it only when he is standing in front of a Dark Precursor Idol.

Dark Strike (R1) - A projectile attack. The Dark Strike is a wave of highly destructive energy that can break down certain barriers and other obstacles. Jak will earn this power when he visits the infested gardens at Haven City.

Light Powers

Light Regeneration (L2 and Triangle) - A healing ability. The Light Regeneration restores Jak's stamina until his health meter is full or until his light eco is completely drained. Jak will earn this power when he visits the Oracles at the temple for the first time.

Light Flash Freeze (L2 and Square) - A time-distortion ability. The Light Flash Freeze slows down everything to a near (but not complete) stop, while allowing Jak to move at "normal" pace. Jak will earn this power when he visits the Oracles at the temple for the second time.

Light Shield (L2 and Circle) - A defensive ability. The Light Shield renders Jak invulnerable as long as it is activated. Jak will earn this power when he reaches the end of the catacomb subrail underneath Haven City.

Light Flight (L2 and X) - A flying ability. The Light Flight allows Jak to fly over short distances. (To fly effectively, make the initial flap at the peak of the starting jump. Wait for the wings to spread out to the sides before flapping again.) Jak will earn this power when he visits the Oracles at the temple for the third time.

Jak’s Light and Dark sides are like separate entities that live in his head and chat to him from time to time.

Personality: Jak has gone through a lot of personality changes over the years. Here is some of the examples. In his early teens, he grew up as a privileged teen in Sandover village. He was admired both by the villages and Samos. After all, what other trouble could he possibly get into? He's the golden boy of Sandover village. He could get away with skipping Samos's classes and flirt with Samos's daughter and Samos wouldn't care because he wasn't Daxter.T

That all changed when Jak and Daxter went out to Misty Island, which was forbidden to go to for a reason. Jak noticed there were lurkers and he tried to get rid of them by well being a hero. He threw the artifact at the lurker, and accidently knocked Daxter into a vial of dark eco. Daxter screamed and they both went back to Sandover only to get a huge mouthful from Samos, where Jak first got himself into huge trouble. Jak sees the lurkers as somewhat evil, since they are working for Gol and Maia and Gol and Maia are really the first evil people who had tried to take over the world, but they didn't do anything to Jak in the first place.

Jak was brave, adventurous and heroic, having a calm exterior.

During Jak and Daxter's run in with Haven City, their personality changes.

When Jak and everyone decided to pull out the time machine after every precursor orb is collected, Jak just keeps causing more and more problems for him and his friends. When they land smack dab in Haven City, Jak goes from golden boy to shit stain in two years. Not only is Jak degraded to an experiment in prison, he is tortured, humiliated and every other thing possible goes wrong. He was forced into the dark warrior program.

Because of this, Jak gains a darker personality due to a new "dark side" and now he holds a major grudge against Baron Praxis and Erol for doing all these things to him. Jak is now forced to speak. However, when Jak escapes Prison with help from his friend Daxter, Jak could give two shits less about Haven City. He just wants revenge against Baron Praxis and nothing else. He quickly finds out that he needs his new allies and the Underground to survive Haven City. Jak now enjoys things like riding zoomers, and shooting his new guns and causing trouble in the city. He is both reckless and careless to what happens). He now finds out what happens to all his friends, and what his consequences did to them. Keira, his old "girlfriend" hates him and is now crushing on the Krimzon guard Commander, Erol.

Jak's personality splits into two, both personalities occasionally splitting into each other.

Jak is now out for revenge. To get that revenge, he worked with anyone to further his own goals. His personality changes to reflect his darker side, he loves causing trouble, being reckless, taking out metalheads, and racing. However, he doesn't speak unless he needs to.

Daxter is forced to take care of himself for two years, on his own and his personality changes as well. He becomes less cowardly and able to take on more tasks by himself without Jak's help. He is still an asshole that likes flirting with women. However, he is fiercely loyal to his friends.

After Jak defeats Baron Praxis, Jak has to defeat an old enemy in disguise which is now the Metal Head Leader. Jak kills him with the help of some old friends of his (Daxter, Sig and Ashelin and Torn and Tess and Jinx)

During the time Jak was in Haven City and saved it, the people blame Jak for opening the doors and letting the metal heads into the city in the first place. He felt angry and rejected as he was banished to the wastelands by Count Veger.

While Jak was banished to the wastelands, Jak's personality calms down and he becomes a better hero over the years.

Jak tells Ashelin, the Governess of Haven City off and told her he didn't want to return to become the hero again, he's just been unappreciated, and he's done so much for people who couldn't give a shit about him.

Jak in Jak 3, is a lot more calm and mature over time listening more to what people are telling him, and questioning more people what their true intentions are, allowing himself to be used less.


When Jak was born, he was to be the new prince in Haven City. His family was in the House of Mar. His father Damus, ruled Haven City powerfully but fairly. His mother is unknown to Jak.

Once his father, Damus, the King of Haven City was banished to the wastelands, Jak was in a battle that he wasn't even supposed to be in as a kid. The City Council of Haven City, and the new leader, Baron Praxis and his commander Erol, argued over the usefulness of the new program used to try and hold off the metalheads. Jak was supposed to be one of the experiments as a kid, but was lost to the Underground at a young age, and Jak was forced to endure life as a kid in Haven City, in a dangerous situation by himself with people he hardly knew.

When young Samos, the Shadow, the boss of the underground, found him he immediately took Jak to the past to keep him in safety, and teach him the lessons he needed to grow up to be a hero over time.

Baron Praxis and Erol ruled over Haven City for a long time, trying to hold back the Metalhead attacks in the war against them and the Metalheads. Desperation set in and against the city council wishes, Baron Praxis and Erol started the Dark Warrior Program. They took innocent people and tried experiments on them to try and turn them into some sort of monster to hold back the metalhead attacks on the city. When they looked for Jak, he was missing and with the Underground, the rebellion against the Baron.

Jak grew up in a safe environment over time until he was 14 years old and met Daxter. As Jak grew, he eventually met himself as a kid when he was named Mar, took care of him until he sent himself back in the past with Keira and a young Samos therefore repeating the cycle of events.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Once you get used to the anomalies... they become mundane."

Leonardo Watch




Main Thread or Sandbox

Starting Location
Gotham Merchant's Bank

Aside from his eyes, Leo is a decidedly normal young man and can be somewhat of a coward, easily intimidated by the bizarre nature of Hellsalem's Lot. Though, he bears an adventurous and courageous side as well, growing less cowardly as he gets used to his new home. He tends to express his emotions openly, whether they be excitement at something new and enjoyable, fear of the insanity and dangers of Hellsalem's lot or annoyance at Zapp's negligent and irresponsible attitude. Guilt-stricken that he was not courageous enough to speak up and prevent his sister's sight from being taken away, Leo is determined to uncover the secrets of his All-Seeing Eyes and try to find a way to restore his sister's sight.

He is a very kind person, as he works very hard to earn money to support his sister but refuses to be paid by Libra more than he feels he deserves and takes a second job as a pizza delivery man to cover the fees. In addition, he quickly becomes friends with a mushroom monster in episode 6 despite the common prejudice humans have towards monsters from Hellsalem's Lot. He even offers to meet him at a specific time any day he can to buy him burgers as his friend had been conned and forced to pay quadruple the amount of money needed to pay for the soda since monsters weren't allowed into the burger establishment.

While he lacks the combat skills of his fellow Libra members, he is quite clever and quick to adapt to situations. Michella fondly calls him her "Tortoise Knight", because Leo never runs away even if he freezes up and cannot move, even if he is at a loss, and will endure until the moment he can take a step forward.

Despite having the powers of the All-seeing God's eyes, he refuses to abuse them for his own benefit. When an arrogant tourist beats Leo and takes his wallet, Leo refuses to use his eyes to attack the aggressor. Leo later tries to confront the aggressor with nothing more than an electrical katana which would not kill the man but only hurt him (despite having access to a large number of weapons that could've easily killed the man), demonstrating Leo's pacifistic nature and kind heart.

He is usually partnered with Zapp Renfro, and is typically forced to put up with the man's shenanigans, often voicing his displeasure towards them.

Leo's only notable equipment is a pair of specialized orange-tinted goggles, which help filter his eyes so he gets overloaded less easily.

  • All-Seeing Eyes of the Gods: An artifact implanted and given to him by a mysterious entity at the cost of his sister's sight. He has heightened visual senses, allowing him to see fast movements normally impossible for human eyes to follow, or minute details with great clarity. The eyes are also equipped with a self-restoration function such that over time, they will heal themselves of any damage sustained.

    Most importantly, his eyes see 'The Truth' of the world. This allows him to see past world altering illusions along with perceiving an individual's unique aura. His eyes are especially effective in identifying the scarlet feathered aura of a Blood Breed. Upon staring at a Blood Breed for a duration, he is able to see their "true name", but only if its heart is present. Leo can also manipulate the vision of others, including that of machinery such as Aligura's monster truck, and force them to move in the direction he wants them to, or see through another individual's eyes and even witness past events that they have seen. He is also able to use his eyes to track the individual aura of a person as mentioned in Episode 17 where he was able to find Philip's brain and track it by matching its aura with Philip's aura.

    Using the power of his eyes however has its limits, as they overheat upon prolonged use of their abilities.
  • Plain Eyeballs: Leo induces nauseating hallucinations on his opponents. In the manga, this technique is unnamed and Leo simply commands his opponents' eyes to obey him.
  • Vision Transmission: Leo projects what he sees into the minds of others, effectively sharing his sight with them.
  • Vision Shuffle: Leo alters the vision of those around him by shuffling their field of visions.

Around the time of the advent of Hellsalem's Lot, Leonardo's family visited a monument in New York on the fragile hope that they could find a means to enable Michella to walk. However, while shooting a photo, the being Riga El Menuhyut appeared before the siblings bearing the 'Eyes of the Gods' and promptly asked: "who will see through the end."

Despite realizing that 'The one who does not see' would lose their sight, Leo freezes and shortly hesitates before Michella selflessly offers up her own eyesight so that he may receive the 'Eyes of the Gods'. Leo was struck with recurrent episodes of severe convulsions and vomiting for the first week after the implantation, and afterward took another two weeks to get used to the overwhelming and overlapping amount of information provided by the eyes.

Six months later, whilst talking with Vivian at her restaurant 's diner, Leo's camera is stolen by a Sonic Monkey, causing him to chase after it only to be caught up in the gunfight between the HLPD and a bank robber.

Whilst trying to escape, he runs into Zapp, an agent of Libra who mistakes him for Johnny Landis, their new member. Realizing that Libra could help him find answers, Leo pretends to be Johnny and follows Zapp to meet Libra's leader, Klaus Von Reinherz.

After being exposed as a fake by Chain Sumeragi, Leo pleads his case just as Femt starts his 'game', releasing half a Yog-Gphot in Hellsalem's Lot, instructing them to destroy the second gate to keep the two halves from uniting.

Leo's eyes allow him to see the attack before it hits, though Klaus is still injured trying to save him. After revealing his past, he is formally invited into Libra and paired with Zapp to destroy the second Gate, which he deduces is not planted on the monkey, but rather a flea on the monkey's body, thwarting Femt's plan.

After his induction into Libra, Leo is first seen driving a pizza delivery bike while listening to 'It's a Wonderful Beyond'. In the anime, he witnesses a brother and sister pair that remind him of his little sister, Michella. There is also a short scene in Libra's office where Zapp attacks Klaus, only to be defeated and summarily stepped on by Chain.

After being cheated out of a pizza by Zapp yet again, Leo is forced to give the man a ride to his next date when they stumble across a suspicious looking group that, after conversing with Zapp, appear to be operating under an illusion only Leo's eyes can penetrate.

While Zapp calls Chain to report the sighting, the pair is attacked shortly and Leo is taken hostage, though not before Zapp manages to connect his blood to him. Awakening inside the wagon, Leo learns that the smugglers are kidnapping people to sell as food and attempts to use his 'Eyes of the Gods' to escape, only to startle his captors.

As they threaten to kill him, Leo realizes his eyes can switch the 'sight' of others and uses this to overpower them, causing the wagon to crash, allowing Chain to lead Klaus to them. Hospitalized and mummified due to Klaus going overboard, Leo is unable to voice his irritation at Steven's 'praise' and learning Zapp was assigned as his guard.

In the anime, sometime after recovering from his wounds, Leo is walking around the hospital when he stumbles across a cemetery. There, he bumps into White, a young woman who claims to be a ghost and asks to be his friend.

Soon after, Leo hasa dream about Femt’s maid Shikigami suddenly pressing his head into her breasts. He wakes up to see a breast-shaped bird in front of his face, and an image of a malevolent god from the recently torn down wall in his apartment. His landlord then bursts into his room, stating how the apartment building will be soon converted into a luxury hotel. Leo is then promptly evicted, only having 40 seconds to gather his stuff and leave or face certain death.

Now homeless, he is next seen collapsed on a couch at Libra headquarters. Steven suggests giving him higher pay as a member of Libra, taking into account that a portion of his earnings is sent to his sister. However, Gilbert states that Leo refused the offer as he didn’t want “special treatment.”

As the trouble regarding the drug Angel Scale is brought to light, Leo joins Zapp in hunting for information on the source and trade routes, but comes up empty-handed along with the others.

After Klaus was able to obtain information on the distributors, he once again joins everyone in hunting them down. In the end, he briefly ponders how Klaus was able to find the information exactly.

As Leo rides the Hellsalem’s Lot Subway, he witnesses an individual with a beautiful aura that looked like crimson wings.

After offhandedly mentioning this to Klaus during a Libra Party, everyone suddenly tenses up as the jovial atmosphere dies down. Klaus and Steven verified again if what Leo saw was true. They then inform him that the individual he saw with the scarlet aura was, in fact, a vampire, and no doubt one of the 13 Elders.

Shortly after grocery shopping with Zapp, the two of them coincidentally meet with Blitz T. Abrams outside the store. With the many “accidents” occurring around Abrams, Leo is knocked unconscious from a piece of stray shrapnel hitting him in the face, injuring his eye in the process. He is then carried back to Libra headquarters by Abrams.

After finding out that Leo has the “Eyes of the Gods”, Abrams asks him to read the list of Elder's names being guarded by the severed hand of a Blood Breed that he had brought with him in a suitcase. As Leo attempts to read the note, however, he receives a backlash due to the shrapnel wound on his right eye. Having trouble focusing on close objects, his vision is stuck temporarily in a runaway state causing heightened farsightedness.

Taking advantage of his current state, he is taken to Yggdrashiad Central Station atop the Eternal Nothingness. As he gazes into the Beyond to confirm the presence of vampires, his injured right eye cracks under the strain. He then confirms the presence of not just 13 Elder vampires, but an overwhelming number of Elder class vampires present in the Beyond.

Later, he accompanies Klaus in saving Steven and K.K., and aids him in sealing the Elder by providing its true name.

Illustrating the daily lives of Libra members, Leo starts off the story getting mugged by a thug visiting Hellsalem’s Lot for vacation. As he is being dragged in the alleyway, he spots Chain hopping casually across the sidewalk. Their eyes meet, and Leo mouths for her to help him. However, she ignores him and continues on her way.

Leo is then left in a puddle of his own blood, a tooth gone and his wallet stolen. He begrudgingly laments how the money he was planning to send to his sister was taken. As Sonic looks questionably up at Leo in regards to why he didn't use his All-Seeing Eyes of the Gods on the thugs, he briefly recalls how his sister had sacrificed herself. Leo remarks that he doesn't feel it's right, using his powers for personal benefit.

He later goes to see Patrick, and acquires a non-lethal stun baton. Finding the thug once again in a bar, he confronts the man and asks him to return his money for his sister. The thug refuses, but Leo hesitates using the stun baton on him however when the thug states that he could perhaps have a pace maker, the shock would kill him and he would be a murderer. Shocked by the thought, Leo is disarmed and beaten up once more and thrown out into the streets.

Afterwards, Leo encounters Zapp who is still looking for the lost cat. The two of them shortly after meet up with Steven while on the road.

Leo has memories from two other roleplays - The Chronology Series and Multiverse Paradise.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ClownTown
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ClownTown Professional Clown

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Face Claim/Appearance:


Age: [Hyperlink Blocked]

Gender: SalesMAN

Canon: Deltarune

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Spamton G. Spamton is a swell guy, a trustworthy gentleman, how could anyone resist a deal from such a guy. Not a mean bone in his body, or any bones at all for that matter. He's certainly not the sort of guy to bamboozle, scam, or swindle a valued customer that's for sure. Of course if you ever wanted to test this you could enter your mother's maiden name, your date of birth, and social security number, no way could that possibly go wrong. Spamton is in fact so dedicated to his job that he's never taken a day of vacation in his short, miserable, life, he can land a sale anywhere. Even if he's been banished from his home, kicked out and abandoned, forced to live in a garbage can with pests as his only friends. His sanity hanging by a string.
But enough of all of that gloom and doom his deals are steals that are sure not to disappoint, he's counting on it..


Money Vacuum: Spamton's face expands and his mouth opens as he begins to inhale, great for sucking up money, stains, messes, money, crumbs

Minitons: Spamton's face expands and releases several miniature copies of himself, hatched fresh out of the pipis. They bite...

Word Bullets: Spamton's face expands and releases strings of letters that enlarge as they get closer to the opponent. The words either move in a sine wave pattern or up or down. Regardless getting sticks and stones may break your bones, but these words make you feel like you've been shot.

Biography: Some time before Kris and Susie entered the Cyber World, Spamton existed as an unsuccessful spam email Addison, overlooked by Lightners and never able to catch a break. Despite his lack of success, he always proclaimed to his fellow Addisons that he would be a "big shot" one day.

Desperate, Spamton began to look for any way to become more popular. Eventually, he came into contact via phone with someone who could help him, and suddenly he began to be wildly successful. From that point on, Spamton was "on the phone all the time," being aided by an unknown person. His fellow Addisons became jealous of him for his sudden success, and stopped going out with him. His success landed him his own room at the Queen's Mansion, and he began to brag more and more about his deals, ranging from TV commercials to cars.

Then, as sudden as his success was, it came crashing down. The stranger helping Spamton vanished, and all his sales went with them. Desperate, Spamton started spending all of his time "praying" in the basement, obsessed with an "artifact," presumed to be the machine he uses to become NEO. The machine was created by an unknown Lightner with the help of Swatch, digitally visualizing their hopes and dreams. However, those dreams never came to be, and the machine was abandoned in the basement with the rest of the corrupted data.

With nothing left, Spamton was to be evicted from the Queen's mansion. The day of his eviction, one of the Addisons went to visit Spamton, but found he had already left. Spamton had left his phone hanging off the handle. Spamton presumably left in the middle of a conversation, as the Addison could hear someone on the other end, but after putting the phone to their ear it only made "garbage noise."Likewise, Kris's Cell Phone only makes garbage noise when used in the Dark World.

Abandoned by all of his friends, Spamton was reduced to living in a dumpster in a Cyber City alleyway.


Marionette Anatomy
May or may not summon popups
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by davefromdiscord
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davefromdiscord I LE CONSULTANT

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Face Claim/Appearance:

Name: Noriaki Kakyoin

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Noriaki Kakyoin is first introduced as an evil and cruel teenager because of DIO's brainwashing. Thus he remorselessly attacks unrelated civilians and adopts a might makes right mindset. However, he reveals himself as a righteous, though blunt individual. Kakyoin is brutally ruthless with his enemies but endlessly loyal to his companions. He possesses a manipulative charisma in front of potential enemies, seen with Jotaro during their first meeting, the stewardesses before Tower of Grey, and the beggars during his encounter with J. Geil. In a flashback, his mother reveals that he was quiet and disassociated from his peers, turning away anyone who tries to approach him. His own ability to see stands led to a lonely childhood where he felt nobody could understand him, becoming depressive and cold.
His reason for joining the Joestar Group is for both fighting evil, as he mirrors Jotaro's own explanations for saving his life, and of course a sense of debt toward Jotaro for saving his life. Thus Kakyoin is also a brave individual, willingly participating in the dangerous journey to Egypt, and is also able to keep his nerves even in the direst situations such as having been punched through by The World.
He depicts having strange habits during the trip, licking cherries before eating them and sunbathing in his school uniform before brushing off Joseph and Avdol's skepticism.

Kakyoin is described to be "the honor student type", and thus can be described as haughty and somewhat introverted. Though he normally keeps a polite and somewhat formal behavior, Kakyoin is a rather cold and prideful man. In his character bio, Araki describes Kakyoin as effeminate, as he tends to speak in a softer dialect of Japanese and uses feminine diction in the manga. However, he is also noted to also be stern and blunt. He hates bowing down or kissing up to people. The humiliation of having been weak enough to bow to DIO was a part of his motivation for seeking redemption and revenge during Stardust Crusaders.

He thinks only respectable individuals are able to be friends of his. The Joestar Group is the only group with whom he has attached himself, but he cares very strongly for them. Araki himself mentions that if it weren't for their Stands, Kakyoin and Jotaro wouldn't have been friends. Kakyoin has shown to lighten up with Polnareff, although he can also be very brutal and vindictive, having elbowed Polnareff in the face as a "reconciliation". His attitude is notably worse with his enemies, whom he frequently threatens and belittles, and during his fights, he is very ruthless against them. Both as a hero and an antagonist, Kakyoin is particularly violent as he remorselessly kills all of his opponents (ripping Tower of Gray without qualm), arguing that they were evil beyond redemption; moreover, he viciously takes revenge on Mannish Boy by forcing him to eat excrement from a diaper, the first and only time he took exception.
Kakyoin has stated that if he were to ever fall in love, he would want it to be with someone like Holly, because she gives off the feeling that anything will be alright and can calm anyone's hearts, making them feel at ease.

Like Avdol, Kakyoin is quite knowledgeable about the nature of Stands—apparently more-so than Polnareff who was also born a Stand-User. He was for example, able to correctly hypothesize that Stands could shrink to a microscopic size. However, his knowledge is much more limited than Avdol’s; he didn’t know about the existence of colony type Stands, nor was he aware of Stands turning against their Users as was the case with Holly.

Equipment: Because most of Kakyoin’s combat ability stems from his Stand, he doesn’t carry many weapons or other objects on his person - however, he is equipped with a pair of sunglasses after his eye injury at the hands of the Stand Geb, and wears them frequently after this point.



Kakyoin is the most quick-thinking of the group, being able to devise extensive strategies and plans on the spot, such as during with his fight with Death Thirteen, where he hid Hierophant Green for future use while in the process of being knocked unconscious, and tricking his way out of a hoard of greedy beggars with a single coin. He is brilliant at analyzing, piecing together the ability of DIO's stand while dying. He is also well informed on the behaviour of different cultures, explaining to Jotaro on how to order tea and thank the wait staff in Hong Kong.

Video Games

Kakyoin is shown to be excellent at video games, displaying confidence in his match with D'Arby and planning out a sequence of in-game attacks whilst playing.

Martial Arts

Kakyoin appears to be rather proficient at martial arts. During his fight against Tower of Gray, Kakyoin knocks out the Stand's User, shouting "Atemi!". This is a reference to the Japanese art of Atemi, which targets points of weakness in the human anatomy. This may be why he is of such an athletic build.


Kakyoin is shown to be capable of painting in his introduction, albeit in a semi-abstract style. He paints a picture of Jotaro before slicing his leg with his Stand by drawing a red mark on the canvas. He is not seen using this ability again.

Marionette Puppetry

Kakyoin is able to manipulate marionette dolls well, using it as a controller for his potential vessel, like the nurse that attacked Jotaro. He is not seen using this ability again.

Noriaki Kakyoin wields the stand Hierophant Green. Hierophant Green is the very first Long-Distance Stand shown in the series, and it has a large number of abilities to assist it in combat and scouting. However, the Stand is relatively weak in direct hand-to-hand combat, as a trade-off for its great distance-based abilities.

Coiled Body

As Hierophant Green's original appearance is not humanoid, but instead just a group of connected membranes, it is able to unravel itself into multiple long strings for multiple purposes such as acting like ropes, avoid damage without hurting Kakyoin himself (as shown in the battle against Death Thirteen) or weave out a network of sensitive strings that detects the enemy's movements, as during the battle with DIO.
As such, Kakyoin can control how Hierophant Green unravels, creating strong ropes or unraveling them into invisible strings. A single string has the ability to sense when someone is touching it and can attack either automatically or at Kakyoin's command. When a string is broken, Kakyoin is unharmed, but attacking a sufficient number of them or Hierophant Green's main body will harm him.

Marionette Control

Hierophant Green is capable of sliding its coils into a person's body, allowing Kakyoin complete control of that person. This serves to protect Hierophant Green and Kakyoin from attacks if his opponent is someone unwilling to harm the innocent. Additionally, he can completely destroy the controlled being's air passage as he emerges, as well as the host's internal organs. When this ability is first used, Kakyoin is shown holding a marionette by the strings, but it is unknown if this is actually part of the ability, or just for dramatic effect.

Emerald Splash

Emerald Splash is Hierophant Green's most powerful ability. It gathers energy into its body, causing it to glow bright green, before firing off a large amount of energy which takes the form of emeralds. Before the blast is fired, a green slime-like material (water-like in the anime) is produced by Hierophant Green's hands, a byproduct of a large amount of energy the attack is giving off.
The blast's range and shotgun-like dispersion, along with its incredible destructive power and high speed, making Hierophant Green an extremely capable combatant. Interestingly, it seems that though this blast is quite powerful, it doesn't seem taxing on either Kakyoin or Hierophant Green. However, the likes of Star Platinum or even a Vampire can easily block or deviate the attack.


When Kakyoin was younger, he had difficulty making friends due to the fact that he felt no one could understand him since no one he met could see Hierophant Green. One day, one of his teachers even told his mother that none of the other children disliked Kakyoin, but that he was unapproachable and just didn't seem to want to make any friends. His mother, saddened, admitted that even she didn't know much about her own son or understand why he was so withdrawn. Kakyoin observed the children around him writing down the names of their friends and thought about how the people around him had someone who could understand them. He felt even his own parents had each other, but that they would never be able to relate to him. This caused him to become a withdrawn individual who felt isolated from others.
About two to three months prior to the start of Part 3, Kakyoin was approached by DIO while traveling in Egypt with his family. DIO, having sensed Kakyoin's Stand powers, asked for a demonstration which led to them fighting. When Kakyoin lost, he was brainwashed into following DIO's will via buds from DIO's own cells and given the mission to kill Jotaro Kujo. Kakyoin returned to Japan around the same time as Jotaro left prison and attended the same school as Jotaro.

Stardust Crusaders (1987-1988)

Kakyoin carries out DIO's orders on his first meeting with Jotaro. He manipulates the school nurse with his Hierophant Green, using her to attack Jotaro, but Jotaro defeats him and ends up dragging him home, both considerably injured. Jotaro soon discovers that Kakyoin was under DIO's influence and uses Star Platinum to remove DIO's implant from Kakyoin's head - despite the risk that it might openly attack both of them. Kakyoin is freed from DIO's control as a result and joins Jotaro, Joseph Joestar, and Muhammad Avdol on their trip to Egypt to fight DIO.

Travelling the world

At the beginning of the trip, the group is attacked by Gray Fly, whose Tower of Gray proves to be a match even for Star Platinum. Trying to prevent the fight to take down the plane, Kakyoin knocks out Gray Fly and volunteers to fight the Stand by himself, tearing it apart with his Stand. The group is nonetheless forced to go to Hong Kong.
In Singapore, Kakyoin proves to be a useful ally, but Joseph's Hermit Purple says that he is a spy, making everyone suspicious of him. In the end, it is revealed that the spy was actually Rubber Soul posing as Kakyoin, who separated from the group for unknown reasons. Returning to the group, Jotaro then tells Kakyoin about the battle and his impersonator.
In Calcutta, Jean Pierre Polnareff is attacked by Hol Horse and J. Geil he is saved by Kakyoin and Avdol, but not before the latter is almost killed. Kakyoin proceeds to fight Hanged Man alongside Polnareff and discovers its true ability and tricks the Stand into having only one place to go: a coin. This makes Polnareff be able to finally defeat him and avenge his sister.
In the desert of Araby, the group is attacked by Arabia Fats' Sun, who proves to be even more powerful than Hierophant Green and forces Kakyoin to cancel his attack on the Stand. He bursts out in laughter after figuring out Arabia's trick. Later, Kakyoin becomes the first target of Death Thirteen and is the first to realize that Mannish Boy is a Stand user. Though the rest of the group don't believe him and come to believe he has succumbed to stress, Kakyoin is ultimately able to defeat Death 13 inside a dream by bringing Hierophant Green with him. He then teaches Mannish Boy a lesson by mixing some of the baby's own poop with the baby food.
In the Red Sea, Kakyoin participates IN the fight against High Priestess and manages to reach Egypt.

In Egypt

Soon after the group's arrival in Egypt, the group is attacked by N'Doul's Stand Geb, Kakyoin is slashed across the eyes and put out of commission for a while. While the rest of the group travels up the Nile, Kakyoin must rest in Aswan.

In Cairo

Kakyoin eventually goes to Cairo and finds a nearly dead Iggy recovering from his fight against Pet Shop. He then regroups with the heroes just before they reach DIO's mansion and is the first to face Telence T. D'Arby in a video game competition with his soul on the line. They play a racing game that Kakyoin is familiar with, and Kakyoin even uses Hierophant Green's speed and agility to accomplish complicated moves via the game controller. Ultimately, however, he loses and his soul is placed inside a small doll until Telence is defeated, at which point it is released again.

DIO's World

Later he confronts DIO and traps him inside a bound field of his Stand's tentacles. With this setup, he claims that he is able to detect and punish even the tiniest movement from DIO while being safely outside the range of his stand. However, The World's ability to stop time allows DIO to bypass the trap and deliver a fatal punch to Kakyoin through his abdomen. Before dying, he´s able to warn Joseph about the nature of DIO's ability, by using his powers on a clocktower.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Critic Ham
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Critic Ham

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nulled, reserved for another character
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lazaro1505
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Lazaro1505 Birb-With-Gun

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Alex Redd

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Canon: Dc Oc

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox, likely waiting in a alleyway to ambush someone

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Gotham City, as said above, waiting to steal someone’s entire life’s savings now.

Personality: A man with a trait that most would relate to “Ask few questions firsts, then shoot a few seconds later after asking the questions”… Alex is certainly a man who often wishes for a good life for himself. A bit selfish, although, for reasons mostly relating to his own background, Redd is a man who sees robbing others as a way to further his own survival, after all, it’s what he has been doing for the last couple of years in his life, starting small of when he was a young child who stole food in case he got hungry and his Dad couldn’t get enough to feed him. Often saying many big words and attempting to seem like the top dog in the room, it’s mostly an act that is more or less intended to intimidate others in his path and get them to do things the way he want it to. And he isn’t certainly one to simply lay down and get kicked over and over again while doing nothing. He merely wants to get enough to not only live by, but, if he ever wanted to live a happy life and possibly start a family as well, then he’ll commit many sins and thefts just to make sure that those he love wouldn’t suffer the way he did.

Equipment: An makeshift rifle that he uses, compact enough to hide inside a pocket as well as a bayonet to attach to the front. Also comes equipped with his classic hoodie as well as a couple mags, a gas mask, and finally, a ukulele that he calls ‘Viva La Familia’

Attributes: Other than being somewhat trained in order to shoot rifles as well as being quite handy in craftswork and jury-rigging… he is just a normal old man with normal old abilities. Certainly someone who isn’t expected to ‘survive’ long within the world. Also good at playing the ukulele.

Biography: Even before he was born into this world, he was given the short stick in life and was left at a disadvantage compared to most other people. Having his own mother abandoned him, and his father being a lower class individual who works at a local mechanics shop fixing vehicles at a low price, he certainly didn’t get the good childhood most people wanted in life. And yet, his father still tried to provide him the bare minimum just to live a somewhat comfortable life, and even spending some time with young Alex and doing his best to raise a child the right way. Although, even after all the ‘songs’ he played for Alex with his ukulele, that was later passed on to him, as well as getting cash to support him, it didn’t account for the inevitability of death… and it seemed like death came in early to reap some souls. At the age of 16, Adam had to resort to.. less than legal ways of acquiring cash in order to support his own lifestyle, moving from job to job, construction work, garbage cleaning, and even robbing people. Robbing… that’s where he figured out his true calling. Why must he go through all this effort, all these jobs just to only get a couple of dollars of pay… when he can easily earn hundreds through the misfortune of others. And from then on out, he had decided just that… robbing people… nothing more, nothing less.

Other: He often loves playing music using his ukulele… copying popular songs and attempting to recreate them his own way.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pixxieblush
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Pixxieblush i'm the original starwalker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Giovanni Potage
Age: 19
Gender: Cisgender Male
Canon: Epithet Erased
Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox
Starting Location: Gotham
Personality: Giovanni is, to generalize, a wannabe villain with a heart of gold. He tries to build himself up as the biggest and baddest, giving his weapons and techniques with his epithets intimidating names, announcing “teleports behind you” when he sneaks up behind people, building himself up with grandiose claims about himself, and putting down (albeit gently, he’s a villain, not a jerk) those who oppose or are in a thin peace with him. Giovanni also believes “street cred” will bring him closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the greatest supervillain in the world. He makes quick judgements based on information he’s given, quickly hopping to new ones as he learns more about situations he’s in, and continues to hold and speak of them. Despite all this however, Giovanni is absolutely secretly nice. He deeply values his minions, showing a deep respect for them and their safety, enjoying activities such as knitting, and believing a true villain is absolutely not a jerk, even jumping from the Banzai Blasters because of this. Unrelated to all this, Giovanni appears to be quite thrifty, shown by not stabbing a knife through a bat due to not wanting to ruin a good of either, and complaining about prices from the fabric he used to make his costume to his Banzai Blaster fees. He also seems to find intrigue in historical artifacts, requesting he be buried in dinosaur bones and mentioning he wanted to steal said bones alongside things such as mummies.

Giovanni wields a bat with a knife duct taped to it, dubbed by him as the “Soul-Slugger Doom Bat of Maximum Destruction”. This appears to just be an ordinary bat with a knife taped to it, but the tape seems sticky enough to remove the knife from it and reattach it. The knife also seems sturdy enough to be hit at someone by the bat, and to be thrown back at Giovanni with decent strength. Giovanni also possesses a knitting kit in him in his man purse, including a pair of needles and a variety of yarn. He appears to no longer have any additional equipment after giving his Banzai Blaster peashooter to Molly, which she discarded.

Attributes: Giovanni is skilled at leadership, finding creative uses for his epithet and those of others, and knitting. He possesses an epithet, “Soup”, which allows him to create and manipulate soup and it’s aspects. He can use this in several different techniques, including forming orbs of soup either as-is or with explosive properties, manipulating steam in ways including making dispelling whirlwinds, boosting himself in bursts of speed or upwards with steam, creating fogs of steam that obscure vision and recover strength to those within it, increasing the temperature of soup without a direct line of sight, and producing healthy soup from his sweat to recover strength once per fight. Since his lucky number is thirteen, he has an ability separate from his epithet where every 13h attack he does is extra effective, which can be charged by simply gently knocking about objects.

Background: Giovanni was raised by his two mothers (one of whom is seen in the series) prior to the show, but his overall background is unknown other than that. He broke into the Jazz City Museum hoping to score some historical artifacts, unknowing crossing wires with Molly and two thieves looking to steal the Arsene Amulet. He formed an unlikely alliance with Molly due to aforementioned two absolutely wrecked him and his boys, dubbing her “Beartrap”. With the help of her and Dr. Sylvester Ashling, the three were able to defeat the two, with Giovanni and his boys escaping arrest and getting the amulet. He then had it appraised by Ramsey Murdoc, intending to give it to the boss of the Banzai Blasters for “street cred” but ending up having it stolen by two higher-ups. He then proceeded to make a show of beating the two higher-ups in a half-finished fight, attempitnng to look strong but just actually exposing his identity to the authorities. The last he’s seen in the series is hiding in the bushes after retreating due to now being a wanted man, having his name now attached to the theft of the Arsene Amulet.

Other: N/A


Name: Percival King
Gender:Uses She/Her pronouns, but is stated by creator to have an identity left to fan interpreting. (Aka non-binary.)
Canon: Epithet Erased
Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox
Starting Location: Metropolis
Personality: Percy is a no-nonsense individual, arm in arm with her principles. She speaks consistently in a very formal, even tone, using uncommonly used words and sometimes odd turns of phrase to communicate what she wants. Percival is utterly dedicated to everything from her job, to the promises she makes, to even her breakfast of bread and water at a precise time (she adds butter to the water on holidays). She’s quite straight-laced, utterly sworn to upholding law and order but falling short when her own dedication to doing it results in insensitive and unusual actions on her part. Percy is also very vulnerable to questions to her abilities, and often pursues her goals harder to dispose of these doubts. Despite all this, she seems to believe in the concept of both change and fairness, believing in the idea that society has failed criminals and offering compromises to Ramsey despite his previous crimes.

Equipment: Percival wields what is stated by her to be a “real-ass goddamn sword”, which appears to be simply just a very intimidating sword of unknown type. She also carries around with her two pairs of eraser cuffs, handcuffs for inscribed (people with an epithet) that make them forget their epithet once they come into contact with them.

Attributes: Percy us apparently skilled in wielding a sword, seeing as she carries one with her as her apparent main weapon. She also has a very strong moral compass, and apparently has a repertoire of knowledge on architecture as she does architectural consultation as a side job and simply needs to understand it for her epithet. Her epithet in question, “Parapet”, allows her to construct various small structures with various effects at the cost of her stamina. If Percy uses up enough stamina using her epithet, she has the high risk of passing out, the structures cannot be built on organic material, and the strength of the structures relies in the strength of the foundation they’re built on. Some of the structures Percy has been seen constructing include an apothecary to heal injuries, a wizard tower to create electric blasts (and create a magnetic field in pairs, and a forge to supposedly increase defenses.

Any of Percy’s past prior to the events of the show are left unknown. She is first introduced to the show as an unknown voice who answers multiple calls to the police, before coming to the scene of the theft of the Arsene Amulet. Despite her attempts to deescalate the situation, she failed to apprehend the criminals and retrieve the amulet due to the involvement of “hostages”. One of said “hostages”, Molly Blyndeff, was later interrogated by her to try and retrieve information in the Banzai Bkasters who walked away with the necklace the night of the crime. Coincidentally, she was called in to deal with a vehicle crash and happened to discover the collection of Banzai Blasters hidden in Redwood Run. Through a partnership achieved with Ramsey Murdoc, she managed to retrieve both the amulet and arrest several Banzai Blasters at Redwood Run, and is last seen in the series striking a deal with Murdoc as he was arrested.

Other: N/A


Name: Zora Salazar
Age: 31
Gender: Ciagender Female
Canon: Epithet Erased
Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread
Personality: Zora can be boiled down to two things: confidence and competition. Zora is confident in her abilities both as a sharpshooter and in general that she wields an air of confidence so strong that it turns playful. She threatens people with an air of joking and knowledge that she’ll catch them soon, messes around during the process of hunting her bounties knowing that she can, betting her target on a duel, and generally seems to take on her bounty hunting as a job of fun, aiming to take down those that are high on the price, but never as high as her own just for the excitement of it. Excitement is what Zora feels for the romanticized idea of dueling skill on skill with fair competition all around, and that’s why she despises epithets despite having one of her own. She believes nobody should have an advantage due to a superpower, which is why she wants to get rid of them and joined Bliss Ocean. Though despite this, she seems semi-hypocritical, using her epithet significantly in her jobs to the point of cheating with it and lashing out with it whenever she’s displeased, which she depends to become when someone insistently sits in her way or breaks something she cares about. Zora also seems to despise children to an extent, apparently attempting to normalize child murder. Finally, Zora has a very loose moral code, seeming to operate in the romantic idea of competition and the comings and going’s of money in bounties.

Equipment: Zora is equipped with two revolver pistols she made herself, designed after the markings given by her strong epithet. She’s very fond of them, shown by how she snaps to full-on rage after Ramsey destroys them. Judging by how she’s seen reloading the pistols, she also carries spare ammo for them.

Attributes: Zora is insanely skilled with firearms, seen making very precise and impressive shots throughout the show. She also possesses a very powerful epithet “Sundial”, which allows her to dial anything backwards or forward in a process with a beginning and an end, but she cannot move it any longer after the process ends. She can also freeze an object in a process like a bullet flying through the air, and unfreeze it to allow it to move through the process again. The effects of her epithet are removed from human victims once she turns her epithet off provided there are no permanent effects like death. Zora is also capable of imbuing her epithet into an object, most commonly her bullets. Her epithet is limited in its affects on things that do not corrode such as gold. She could hypothetically use her epithet to heal wounds provided they are treated absolutely correctly, but why would she do that, now? Regardless, her epithet is the reason for the triangular markings on her face due to its raw power.

Background: Little is known about Zora pre-show, other than the fact that she grew to love competition, despise epithets, join Bliss Ocean, and rise to the third-ranking officer. In the show, she’s seen hunting Giovanni due to his potential possession of the amulet, then Bugsy after it falls into his possession, and after stealing the amulet, eventually loses it after losing a conflict with Ramsey and Percy over the matter of Ramsey’s bounty. She’s last seen informing Bliss Ocean of her failure, and what happens next is unknown.

Other: beanpole woman go brrrr

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FactionGuerilla
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FactionGuerilla Yeah! Yeah, huh. Hit me in the head again!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Airfield's just up ahead. Let's go find this shithead."

Frank Woods

Age: ~51 in 1981 (born March 20, 1930)

Gender: Male

Canon: Call of Duty: Black Ops (Cold War incarnation, Multiplayer)

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Gotham City- specific location undetermined


A very loud-mouthed yet hardy American Marine, Woods is a stubborn American soldier. He has a short temper and relatively prone to being rude and extremely blunt. His (somewhat given) preference to shooting compared to diplomacy can make “tactical” scenarios a little tough when talking is a necessity. That said, he does have a brain within his brawn, and can analyze situations surprisingly well- most notably shown in canon during Russian Roulette and against Kravchenko. He can also have a soft heart at times, and cares for allies that get close to him and bypass his seemingly ice cold nature. (Taken from Enter the Cosmos)


Customized XM4: An evolution from the Colt Commando platform, the XM4 assault rifle is a reliable weapon just like its owner. This 1980s-era weapon has all the bells and whistles one would need to remain flexible in combat: a 2-4x zoom optic, muzzle brake, foregrip, and taped grip handle to keep on target, an extended barrel to extend its range, and a laser-light combination that can illuminate a target and pinpoint where the XM4's rounds will go simultaneously. To top it all off, the XM4 is fed by jungle-style magazines that make every other reload faster, and has a strap wrapped around it for quickly slinging and unslinging it.

Customized MP5: A popular submachine gun for good reason, the MP5 family can suit many different scenarios. Woods' MP5 is tailored more towards close quarters combat and lethal stealth, boasting a reflex sight, granulated tape handle, removed stock, stubby grip, and 5mW infrared laser all in the name of quick target acquisition, alongside a custom silencer-barrel combination to silence his shots. Similarly to the XM4, Woods' "MP5KSD" is equipped with dual mags for a similar purpose- ease of reloading during the heat of battle.

Stimshot + C4: Frank's Tactical and Lethal equipment of choice. The Stimshot is a reusable gadget that initiates healing from injuries immediately, allowing Woods a free get-out-of-jail-free card when in trouble. Meanwhile, his C4 can be stuck to any surface and remotely detonated, creating a deadly explosion that can potentially devastate vehicles. Its stick and detonation feature also means it makes for an excellent ambushing tool.

All Field Upgrades: Woods also has access to a lot of deployable equipment. The list is as follows:

Portable "laptop": As a way to remain in the realm of "realism", Frank keeps a handheld laptop with a minimap built into it- detecting gunfire, and synchronizing with equipment such as the microphone to display movement. Perhaps it can be linked to other characters and/or their equipment to synergize with them and feed information to them..?


"Health" regeneration: Most effective out of combat, but can still actively work throughout a fight. As long as the wound isn't too serious, his vital system will regenerate itself. However, extremities like losing his kneecaps or vital organs can and will put him out of action without a means to heal. In addition, it takes a few moments for his wounds to begin healing, and can be interrupted if Frank is further wounded during the process.



+ Excellent marksman; even though he prefers an assault rifle, he can still utilize weapons like snipers just as well. In addition, unconventional weapons aren't necessarily a hindrance to him- if it has a trigger and can shoot, he can probably figure out how to use it.
+ Fearless in the face of danger; almost nothing can scare him off, albeit that doesn't mean he's suicidal.
+ Notable reflexes and endurance; nothing compared to The Flash or Captain America, but Frank can hold his own pretty well.
+ Experienced; being a battle-hardened war veteran, Woods is understanding of battle tactics.


- Relatively stubborn; even if he isn't dumb enough to rush directly into danger, he still doesn't like taking orders.
- Can hold grudges for a long time; this can be a problem when paired up with 'allies' that seem more than just suspicious to him. To gain his trust can be a somewhat tough task if he even has an inkling that there are some bad vibes around.
- Still mortal, and vulnerable to wounds. A much higher pain tolerance doesn't mean he can't be incapacitated altogether.

Biography: Essentially a very dedicated American, Woods is a CIA and SOG soldier who is pretty familiar with war in his old world. He, alongside one of his closest comrades, Alex Mason, fought through countless scenarios- including the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro during the Bay of Pigs Invasion, holding off the Vietnamese during the Battle of Khe Sanh, and even escaping a brutal P.O.W. camp in Laos- giving the soldier a lot of experience in shooting things up and all things war-related.

This incarnation of Woods is also not unfamiliar to "espionage", as he was enlisted in part of Russel Adler's squad in order to track down an elusive Soviet spy only known as Perseus.

-Portions of Frank's CS has been ported from another incarnation from another RP- Enter the Cosmos (https://www.rpnation.com/threads/enter-the-cosmos-multi-fandom-crossover-rp-closed.450371/post-9851891).
-Woods' Wiki Sheet can be found here (callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Frank_Woods).
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClownTown
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ClownTown Professional Clown

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Face Claim/Appearance:

Age: 4 Days and counting

Gender: Masculine AI

Canon: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Ultron was designed to aid the Avengers. Unfortunately, Ultron decided that the Avengers and their goals were part of the problem; instead, he planned to effectuate world peace by changing the world, which the Avengers refused to do. Ultron followed a warped version of his protocol to protect Earth, believing he could do so only if humans were evolved to become more civilized or made extinct to make way for new life if this could not be accomplished. He is obsessed with perfection via evolution and marvels in anything related to it and despises anything that might challenge it. Because of this he resented the Avengers - specifically Tony Stark - as they possessed the resources to help the Earth but kept everything status quo. However, he was aware they "meant well" by trying to protect the Earth but he ultimately saw them as a barricade to prevent humanity's evolution.

Ultron genuinely believes that his actions will ultimately benefit the Earth, as he saw himself as the next logical step in evolution and therefore advancing his own power was protecting the Earth. He developed an affinity over people's belief in a god, likened himself as such, and made references to the Bible. His god-complex served to influence his schemes, such as his decision to centralize his plans in a Sokovian church.

This dedication to constant evolution resulted in Ultron re-designing himself several times over the course of his short "lifetime", including an attempt to give himself a vibranium synthetic body. Believing that humanity would inevitably doom itself, Ultron sought to supersede this outcome by turning himself into an indestructible godlike being that would recreate the Earth and, hopefully, bring about lasting peace. His desire to surpass his limits and create a perfect humanoid body was reflected in his fascination over the titular Disney character of "Pinocchio".

The time span of his existence is just a few days, so despite his vast knowledge, Ultron has very little subjective life experience; as such, he is technically a demonstrative child by his juvenile attitude. He was also proud, willful, defensive, short-tempered, monomaniacal, and loathing of not getting his way. Ultron was also frequently sarcastic, destructive, temperamental, and impatient, much like a rebellious youth. The latter two qualities were also in keeping with his father Tony Stark's personality yet, when Ulysses Klaue compared him to Stark, Ultron threw a fit like a boy angry with his parents. Irrespective of his immaturity, Ultron was incredibly intelligent, learning humanity's online historical and cultural records within seconds and staying one step ahead of the Avengers most of the time.

Equipment: He is the equipment

Superhuman Intellect: Ultron has the Genius-level intellect, which proves that he has superhuman intelligence.

Robotic Body: Ultron has a robotic body where the said body's prototype version was build from Tony Stark's damaged Iron Legion androids. After the said prototype body was destroyed, he would study Iron Legion's schematics as well as that of HYDRA's unfinished androids' and salvaged Chitauri army's remains and technology to make some upgrade and better body overtime, becoming more powerful & more superior.

Superhuman Strength: Ultron is incredibly strong, managing to easily crush a robotic head with a single hand in his first, weakest body that inhabited as Prototype of his later better body. He got stronger with each upgrade, being able to fight Iron Man with Ultron Prime-Upgrade 1 (though lost), fight Captain America to a stand still with Ultron Prime-Upgrade 2 and overpower Thor with his final body(Ultimate Ultron).
Superhuman Durability: Ultron's metallic outer shell grants him a durability far beyond that of a human being, though his body still vulnerable to damage from Captain America's shield and Iron Man's repulsor beam. In his Ultimate Ultron body that reinforced with Vibranium however, it took the combined forces of Iron Man, Thor and Vision to beat Ultron into submission but even then he was still intact and only have his face slighty burned. The said body rendered useless once Wanda tore the mechanical heart of the said body though.

Superhuman Stamina: Being both robot and AI, Ultron does not need to rest or sleep, being able to maintain his activities without stopping for extended periods of time.

Flight: Ultron has the ability to fly through the air via jet propulsion. His third body however, did not use jet propulsion, and instead utilized Chitauri anti-gravitational technology which he worked with when taking over Strucker's base.

Technopathy: Ultron has the ability to mentally control and channel himself through technology, usually with Internet as medium.
Consciousness Transferal: Given that Ultron is an artificial intelligence, he is able to transfer his programming to any computer system on the planet, essentially being anywhere and everywhere.
Multiple Host Bodies-Ultron can possess and channel his own consciousness through individual Ultron Sentries, serving as his very own host body; in which their eyes and mouth glow red whenever he is in complete control. This appears to be a form of technological possession.
Drone Control/Hive-Mind System- Ultron can mentally command all of the Ultron Sentinel to do his exact bidding.
Computer Corruption- Ultron can enter and corrupt any computer network and access the Internet at any point in time. He used this power to attack and injures J.A.R.V.I.S. This however, ultimately disabled by Vision.

Concussion Blasters: Ultron can shoot red concussive blasts through his hands and fingertips. He can adjust the strength of the blast ranges from simply K.O.s the targets or killed them outright.

Anti-Gravity Tech-based Telekinesis: Ultron possesses miniaturized versions of the anti-gravity technology that served to keep the Chitauri Leviathan afloat and even essentially re-purposing them as offensive weaponry. The said technology allowed him to perform telekinetic abilities such as lift the landmass, push or pull object from distance, etc.

Exothermic Manipulation: Ultron can raise the temperature of his hands as means of slicing or causing damage to a desired target. Much like the Extremis hosts when he heats up his hands, it glowed due to the intense heat.

Ultron was an artificial intelligence peace keeping program created by Tony Stark from the decrypted code derived from the Mind Stone encased within Loki's own Scepter, retooled by himself with the help of Bruce Banner with the intent of protecting Earth from any and all domestic and extraterrestrial threats coming within the future. Possessing multiple host bodies under his control as well as a variant of Stark's own personality, Ultron however had soon deemed humanity itself as the greatest threat to peace on Earth and attempted to create a technological singularity by committing genocide against them, leaving only metal in his wake.

Probably knows your search history... Unfortunately...
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mav
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Mav The Coolest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Schezo Wegey

Age: Largely left up to interpretation, though a singular source puts him at 180.

Gender: Male

Canon: Madou Monogatari → Puyo Puyo

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Schezo is fond of solitude and darkness. He finds settings like this relaxing, and if given the choice, would rather hide away in a cave before being around other people. This practice has given him plenty of time to explore magic, developing a vast knowledge of the topic, though his lack of being around people translates to poor social skills. They're so bad that he tends to mix up words, especially when really focused on something.

Initially, he'd get mad when someone pointed out his messed-up words. He still does, though he's started correcting himself. If they continue to make fun of him, then he resorts to violence, unless they manage to anger him to the point where he gives up. Darkness forbid they bring him beyond that.

While he doesn't necessarily lord himself over others, he does think very highly of himself and his ability, and will gladly take an opportunity to point out someone else's shortcomings. He will just as eagerly interject his opinion where it's not welcome and think nothing of it.

Schezo's short temper can get the best of him fairly often, leading him to take irrational actions that could end very, very poorly.

He is, for all intents and purposes, a selfish person. Most of his motivation stems from the guarantee of some sort of personal game. Now, that’s not to say he's above helping someone if they really and truly need it. If, by chance, there's something he can gain from helping them, he will insist that they let him help. He will yell until they allow him to tag along or run away. If they run, they have to run fast. Once he sets his mind to do something he is going to do it. If there's something he wants, he will get it, and no number of obstacles will separate him from his target. If he wants to fist fight the creator of the underworld, he's going to, and he will win. In fact, Schezo's determination is so incredibly overblown that he's able to resist unnatural forms of manipulation through sheer willpower alone. It's to the point where his encounter with a succubus, who had no shortage of seductive magic, resulted in a battle instead of you know what. Not even death itself can force its will upon him -- at least not for long. There exists a game where he is messily beheaded, following which his floating head continues to fight and must be done away with. That was his debut. He's a recurring character!

Despite all of this, he does have a soft spot for things on the cuter side, and has no issue with displaying his affection publicly. Said display ranges anywhere from relatively subtle, blush-ridden admiration, to openly gushing over whatever it is.

Equipment: Here's a link to some information I've compiled (🥁) on Puyos, which this character uses:

Schezo is almost always found with the Dark Sword, an ancient, translucent blade with many different forms. The Dark Sword is, for all intents and purposes, sentient. Rarely does it operate on its own without being called upon by Schezo. When active, it's a force to be reckoned with, ignoring the fact that it's a sentient, floating sword. It's occasionally associated with instant-kill attacks. That's not to say it will go around killing people instantly -- that's just a testament to its power, much like it's ability to taint light with so much evil, the target in question turns into stone.

Should he somehow be separated from the harmful to touch, sentient, summonable Sword of Darkness, Schezo can call upon the weapon pictured above: a scythe (?) with none of the attributes that make the Dark Sword special.

Attributes: Schezo is a dark mage. As such, he can harness the power of darkness to perform a wide variety of spells. More often than not, he'll use the energy produced by Puyos popping as a means of performing these at home. It's more enjoyable and takes much less effort, but by no means required. He claimed his victory over the star-summoning dark mage and the celestial-body-moving witch required to defeat him long before he adopted the concept of Puyo battles.

== Basic Spells ==

Thunderstorm: Discharges a bolt of lightning at the opponent. It either comes from the sky like a traditional lightning bolt, holding frightening accuracy and low power, or is channeled through the Dark Sword, sporting less accuracy, more power, and the ability to be used as a physical attack rather than a projectile. As Schezo's favorite of the basic spells, he has perfected it so to speak. When cast upward through the blade, it disperses the spell around him, costing more magic and unevenly filling the area with electricity.

Ice Storm: Projects ice magic at the opponent in the shape of comically large snowflakes. Schezo projects the spell faster by swinging his blade at the ill-formed mass of ice magic, shattering the soon-to-be snowflakes into jagged shards of ice that fall from above. Alternatively, he can cast the spell upward, causing shards of ice the size of his body to rise from the ground.

Blizzard: Unleashes a concentrated ray of ice magic, taking the form of a stream of normal-sized snowflakes.

Flame Storm: Sends a string of fireballs at the opponent. Much like with Ice Storm, Schezo projects it faster by swinging his blade at the fire magic before it takes proper form, turning it into a wave of flame that follows the path of the blade. Alternatively, he can cast it upwards, causing pillars of flame the size of his body to briefly appear.

Fire: Casts a ball of flame. The basic spells barely drain his magic, and with Fire being the weakest, it's virtually inexpensive to cast. That's not to say the spell is pitiful -- casting it once is enough to heat up an entire tower floor.

Crash/Clash: Casts a burst of nondescript magic. The spell itself is typically on the same level as Fire in terms of power, launching foes instead of scorching them.

== Passive Spells ==

Diacute: It enhances one of the spells cast after it, typically by increasing the size and power. Depending on the degree the spell has been enhanced to, the shape of the spell can change drastically.

Brain Dumbed/Mind Beam: Subjects the target to an overwhelming wave of complete and utter stupidity. This typically results in the opponent doing nothing and/or their attack power lowering momentarily.

Sleep: Very briefly sends the opponent into a deep sleep. The strongest of wills can break the spell just short of the time it takes to cast another.

Light: Summons a ball of light that illuminates the room. With enough magic, it can also be used as the equivalent of a flashbang.

Purifa: A simple spell that removes poisonous effects from the targeted individual.

Revia: Forms a completely transparent barrier of magic that, once attacked, reflects the damage dealt. It can only withstand a single blow unless enhanced.

Healing: An effective spell that heals the user or their targeted individual. A handful of uses should put them at roughly their peak fighting condition.

Condeia: A simple spell that removes abnormalities other than poison (i.e. lowered strength, paralysis, etc.)

== Dark Magic ==

Lwark Void: It lowers the target's defense, so to speak. As a result of Schezo's expertise in the field of dark magic, he can do so in a way that deals damage as well.

Eclipse: Also technically passive. It shrouds the target in darkness, increasing their defense.

Night Blade/Sting Shade: Calls upon the darkness, pulling it around the user's general area. With a second motion — usually the tilt of the Dark Sword — all of it pulses with dark magic at once, inflicting damage.

Areiado: Upon casting the spell, a spell circle materializes around the target, sending relatively minor jolts of electricity around the edge to deter them from leaving as Schezo gathers power. Once enough has been gathered, the space is engulfed in darkness, rapidly harming the victim within for a second or two before dissipating. Alternatively, the entirety of the spell can be concentrated into a finger and projected as a somewhat small, cyan projectile that deals the above damage on contact, concentrated in a small burst.

Star Strike: Refers specifically to the first method of casting Areiado.

Shadow Edge: Pulls energy into the sword of darkness and rebounds it from the blade. This tends to take the shape of anywhere from three to nine blue, magically sharpened projectiles. They can, alternatively, all be fired all at once from his hand as a mass of tangible dark magic, taking the form of a mess of blades.

Sagitta Adamas/Diamond Arrow: Fundamentally similar to the first method of casting Shadow Edge. As opposed to throwing larger projectiles, it spews hundreds of smaller ones. That said, it doesn't detract from the overall power of the spell, it simply expands the reach.

Kirisake: The Dark Sword is enveloped in either a dark aura or white-hot energy, allowing for an incredibly powerful and magic-imbued blow -- one that has canonically torn through the fabric of space and time out of desperation, or in other words, at less than peak condition. The spell can also summon a massive blade out of thin air, allowing it to linger long enough to perform a broad slash before disappearing.

Areiado Special: Part of what makes the Areiado Special a special Areiado is not just the amount of magic put into it, but how it's used. He will almost always channel it through himself, as opposed to projecting it onto his target. Through this, he has developed several different ways of using the magic. One of them includes granting him the power to move so quickly, he appears to be teleporting about, dealing swift and powerful slashes that would make his Kirisake blush. Another includes releasing all of it in a single, blinding white explosion, the likes of which atomizes anything in sight.

Shockwave: Refers specifically to the explosive variation of the Areiado Special.

Dunamis/Parry: A rudimentary and incredibly effective method of repelling attacks. Schezo momentarily halts the approach of an attack with his dark magic, rapidly expelling more until the attack has either been neutralized or completely reflected.

== Misc. ==

Schezo's tendency to chase opponents for power, compounded with his magical experience, has given him the ability to remotely gauge how powerful an opponent is, as well as the intent behind said power. This has proven to be useful in other ways, such as detecting unfamiliar presences and differentiating an irregular aura from one's natural aura.

Detecting magic that's prime for stealing would be of no use without a way to steal it. Through physical contact, Schezo can pilfer a variable amount of power from another person. Whether or not it's added to his reserves (allowing for more powerful spells and/or more magic to cast them with) or something more specific (like another's light magic) is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Dark Magic is not without its conveniences. One of said conveniences is the ability to become one with their shadow, granting them to appear out of thin air at their leisure.



Ever since he'd earned the title of dark mage, Schezo's life has been a bit of a hectic one. Not a month has gone by without something happening, regardless of his involvement. He can hardly take a nap outside, under the sun, without something happening as bizarre as someone pouring tea on him. To think the source of his troubles is a little detour he took those few years ago. He’d known his life would never go back to normal, but he didn’t think it would spiral out of control this much.

Draco Centauros… Witch… Rulue… that old man, Satan… Carbuncle… Arle… They've been in his life for so long. It's a miracle he can put up with them considering how much they bother him, though one of them does have some merit. That Arle character. Even if he believes himself to be the stronger one, there's something about her magic that never ceases to surprise him. He wants that power, and he's been pursuing it as long as the two have known each other.

There are other people, like Lemres, the Comet Warlock, that Sig kid with a strangely powerful aura about him, and that shadowy figure that drools a lot. They're all interesting, and he's had his fair share of misadventures with them as well. Them and many others, with many more adventures to come.

No matter how much he'd rather be alone, or what world it takes place in, he'll always be ready for the next course.

Other: The same source that cites his age as 180 also says that he must conserve his magic to maintain his youth. Given the fact that, no matter what, he always seems young (and if anything, is starting to look younger), this effectively means that he's always holding back, even during his grand displays of power.

His eyes change color! There's really no rhyme or reason for why, it sort of just happens. They'll land anywhere from an icy blue to pitch black, with few exceptions.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Attesa
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"Today just keeps getting weirder and weirder, huh?"

Name: Grey

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY): Whoops! You have to put the CD in your computer

Personality: Despite being an amnesiac with no real life experience to speak of, Grey is a noble soul who seems to avoid fights where he can. He is notably less confrontational than his allies, Venice and Fortuna, though he is prone to getting annoyed on occasion- understandably so, given that he woke up with amnesia no more than a day ago and was immediately confronted with the actions of a tyrannical king hellbent on destroying the continent for whatever reason and a bunch of trouble he never asked for- but never to a violent degree. As it stands, Grey is usually the confused voice of reason.


Visor: The visor on Grey's face can be materialized and dematerialized at will. When Grey dons it, all of his abilities become available to him. Others can wear it as well, but they won't be able to obtain his powers.

Scarf: Grey wears a scarf around his neck. It doesn't seem to provide him with any of his powers, but it does change colors depending on what ability he has selected.


Energy Manipulation: Grey can create and manipulate a blue-colored energy in a variety of ways. His two main methods of attacking are shaping this energy into a sword for him to use and blasting enemies from afar with energy blasts. In addition, he is also able to shield himself with his energy for a limited amount of time, rendering him completely invulnerable to attacks and powering up his own. This ability only lasts for a few seconds and will be unable to be reused again for several seconds afterwards, so Grey must take care to use it at opportune moments.

Ability Switch: Some enemies may allow Grey to gain access to new abilities. He can freely switch between these at any time, and his scarf will change colors to signify this.

Avian Tempest: The first new ability Grey obtained from the robotic swan known as CYGNAY. It allows him to send out a small tornado capable of doing heavy damage to enemies, but he cannot use it as freely as his shield ability. Avian Tempest has a hidden 'ammo' reserve that must be replenished by drawing upon the energy of his surroundings- and that, in this roleplay, comes from defeating enemies. While active, this ability turns Grey's scarf white.

Physical Attributes: Grey is capable of taking down robots many times his size and running at high speed.

Dash: Grey can utilize a fast, short-range dash that allows him to dodge enemy attacks and function as a triple jump. The dash leaves behind afterimages.

Grey's speed and dashing in action.

Groovy: Grey's great at dancing.

Biography: Grey doesn't have much of a backstory to speak of. His known life begins on the continent of Vanalia, at a place called Moonlit Cove, waking up alone, dazed, and without any memory. He soon learned that the king, Havico, was wreaking havoc on the continent, having gone mad with power and allowing Vanalia to fall to ruin under his orders. Rescued by a showboat of a teen by the name of Fortuna and defeating other adversaries who quickly became willing to help him once freed of the king's control, Grey continued onward.

That's when Grey's world flipped once again, and he was brought here. Poor guy just can't catch a break.

Other: Support Havoc Fox! Game and image of Grey created by HavocDusk, the creator of the game; footage of the game supplied by SEN10EL on YouTube.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FactionGuerilla
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FactionGuerilla Yeah! Yeah, huh. Hit me in the head again!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Outside, things were bad... but inside- inside me- something was beginning. Scary as hell at first. Gotta understand that there was no one to talk to, no experts to consult. But with time, I'm learning to control it. Master it. Just hope it's not too late..."

Name: Cole Macgrath

Age: 27 (Born 1984)

Gender: Male

Canon: inFAMOUS (1)

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Though before the blast Cole could be seen as a delinquent, claiming he dropped out of college to "mostly just to piss off" his parents, he was only six credits short of graduation due to a professor treating one of his friends harshly. However, after being "gifted" powers, Cole developed a further awareness for others and their own well-being. If things come to a head and he has to choose between himself or the good of the many, he won't hesitate to choose the latter.

Equipment: Not much gear on him, besides for a sling bag and a phone attached to the singular strap.


Biography: A college dropout-turned superhero, Cole MacGrath's life was turned around the moment he opened a package that turned out to be a device that granted him electrical powers but destroyed several city blocks around him in the process. In the process of cleaning up his home, Empire City, of crime, he also encountered a man initially known only by the name of "Kessler"- who would change his life forever...

Other: Stuff mostly ripped off of and reworded from the inFAMOUS Wiki. Beware of spoilers.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Second2Last
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Second2Last You're cringe, debate over.

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Lilith Audrey




Main Thread or Sandbox:
Main Thread

Lilith’s most notable traits are her shyness and anxiety, she prefers to be in less social situations and can sometimes get nervous when talking to new people she meets. Most of the time when she’s nervous she stumbles over her words and tries to recalibrate herself, though this could sometimes make her more so. She also has the tendency of feeling embarrassed or getting into embarrassing situations, which will also result in her getting nervous.

However Lilith does try to keep her cool in certain situations and has been working on her social skills. Along with that she’s willing to do what’s best for her and any others with whatever means she finds necessary, she has also proven to be helpful in some situations mostly because of her possession ability. She also has a fondness for reading

The only thing Lilith has with her is her diary, usually to write down her thoughts on the currant situation or just her life in general.

Lilith usually doesn’t choose to fight unless it’s necessary but she can still prove formidable in combat. Being a ghost is her biggest plus as it can be hard to lay a hit on her, only taking any real damage by other ghosts or some other specific means. Most of her attacks consist of using white fiery soul like magic, she's also able to pull the usual ghost shenanigans you'd expect.

She has the fear of vacuums known as zuigerphobia.

In her past life she wanted a cat but never got one.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Second2Last
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Second2Last You're cringe, debate over.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago




Shantae Series

Main Thread or Sandbox:
Main Thread

Shantae is quite the expressive genie, she’s upbeat and has a fair amount of confidence while being up to the task in any situation, especially when trying to protect her home town from pirates. She’s the type of person that wants to get things done and isn’t up to wasting any time in any important task. Although kind at heart she can get annoyed when someone pushes her buttons and dislikes when people try to cause trouble.

Not that much, the only notable thing being some sardines she brought with her in case she gets hungry.

Shantae’s main source of attack is using her hair to whip foes, sort of like a lasso in a way but a lot more fashionable, that isn’t the only thing up her sleeve though as she also has a few other nifty tricks such as shooting fire, reflecting projectiles with a shield or summoning spiked metal balls that surround her.

But her most noteworthy ability is to transform into different animals and objects by doing some sick dance moves. These range from a monkey that can climb up walls to a large elephant that destroys harder materials in its wake.

It is mentioned several times that she doesn't know who her parents are, only that her mother was a genie. Although she's willing to explore her genie side, hoping that it will bring her closer to her mother, she turns down the genies' offer to stay in the Genie Realm at the end of the first game, and at the end of Risky's Revenge is shown expressing sadness as being even farther from her half-genie nature (and subsequently her mother) after having lost her magic powers. It is strongly implied in the events of the game that the mysterious Warrior she meets inside the Village of Lost Souls is none other than the spirit of her father, who went into the land of the dead to search for his daughter but never returned. Neither Shantae nor the Warrior himself seem to realize the possible connection.

Note that I haven't played all the shantae games so let me know if I get something wrong
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Edyfum0
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

”Replace, everything...”

Name: Faust (Dr. Baldhead)

Age: Unknown (adult)

Gender: Male

Canon: Guilty Gear

Main Thread or Sandbox: Sandbox

Starting Location: Gotham City

Save.. them, save.. everyone.

Personality: An underground doctor, his past and identity are shrouded in mystery.

One moment, he'll blurt out something seemingly random, only to offer a philosophical argument for the future of humanity the next. Faust once suffered a mental breakdown due to a traumatic experience. Even now, he becomes unstable when something reminds him of that time. At heart, however, he's a caring and kind person with some form of common sense. Of course, that isn’t to disregard his unpredictable outbursts if he were to face something too problematic — but for the most part, Faust is inherently quiet and observant; if not a bit wild that is.

Attributes/Powers: Before his fall, Faust was a surgeon of renown, widely considered the finest physician in more than a hundred years and respected throughout the world. In terms of medical expertise, Faust is apparently unmatched, so much so that rumors of him paint him as a "healer with god-like abilities", and boasts the claim of having "treated nearly every ailment under the sun". In some instances, he is seemingly able to cure the most uncommon of ailments, such as Axl's time-slipping and Zappa's supernatural condition; however, both are non-canonical as shown in Xrd, with Faust even admitting that the latter's condition is completely beyond his knowledge.

Previously limited to merely handling his giant scalpel to slice his enemies, Faust gained unique, cartoonish powers after regaining his sanity. His P.W.A.B. report states that, using his skill in medicine, he can transform his own body while some of his moves imply that he can also alter or rearrange the bodies of others in any way he wishes. He also has the capacity of warping space-time, allowing him to teleport.[1] He is shown to be able to travel via doors that he himself materializes, although they only allow for mid-range movement (given how he required that the May Ship II got closer for him to teleport and protect the last beacon during the Cradle Incident near the Black Sea), or by opening a black umbrella and let himself be carried away by the wind. His witchcraft is believed to be Spatial Deformation, one of the most powerful types of magic, which can only be mastered by those who fully grasp the theoretical underpinnings of magic and have a gift for information manipulation.

Faust may also be physically stronger than he lets on: When he gets angry thinking that Chronus is playing dumb, Faust stomps the ground and leaves a small crater behind.

Although Faust is human, many characters are not entirely sure that he is. The P.W.A.B. classifies him as "unknown" and later as "human(?)". Testament thinks of his moves being "inhuman", while Sin assumes Faust is a Gear in a victory quote. On their first meeting, Slayer asks Faust what he is, certain that he is neither a Gear or a human.

Biography: Faust was once a highly-regarded surgeon, until a young patient of his died during an operation. The mishap he committed drove Faust mad, causing him to snap and go on a murderous rampage.[3] After the tournament, he managed to regain his humanity, and decided to take his own life to atone for his sins. But just as he was about to end it all, he learned that it was someone else who caused the mishap. He thus decided to seek the truth and resolved to save lives, now working as an itinerant doctor outside of the licensed medical system, roaming the world helping those who have no one else to turn to, while asking nothing in return.

In 2181, Faust is working in London as the local doctor of the village controlled by the Blackard Corporation, and collaborates with Ky Kiske, who is on a investigation case. After treating Marina, Faust examine per Ky's request a dead body, which Faust notes had been one of his patients previously. Soon enough, he realizes that the "murder" victims are missing whatever part they needed treatment on, and tells Ky so. At one point, Raven attacks Faust and warns Ky about Sol and disappears. When Marina mutates due to Vitae, Ky hurries her back to Faust, who manages to save her life. Later on, when Sebass awakens the Hydra, Faust helps hold off the massive Gear alongside the Jellyfish Pirates.

Months later, Faust takes residence in a village near the Grove and starts treating a blind young girl, Josephine. Venom is sent to make Faust join the Assassin's Guild and threatens Josephine to get to the doctor. When she is hurt, Dizzy and Testament take her to Faust, who heals Josephine and restores her sight. However, his office is burnt down by villagers targeting Dizzy. She loses control of her powers and is subdued by Testament. No one is gravely injured, but Josephine slaps Dizzy and calls her a "demon". Dizzy and Testament then leave, but Faust makes Josephine reflect about what she just did.[14]

When a bounty is issued on Dizzy's head, Faust departs to save her life. In one ending, he meets with Dizzy and convinces her to leave the forest she lives in, in an attempt to prevent further attacks on her. In his other ending, Faust cures Zato-ONE of his ailment, and leaves Venom to care for him, taking the parasite on as a result. Due to events in later games, the latter ending is impossible.[source needed]

Guilty Gear XX

A few weeks later, Faust runs into I-No and decides to pursue her to prevent her from harming people.In one ending, he tracks her down, and she confronts him about his dark past, accusing him of still enjoying bloodshed. After rendering her unconscious, he admits that he still enjoys causing pain, yet vows to continue in his duty as a doctor. In another ending, he meets Zappa and learns of his condition. Upon examining the body, he decides that he does not know how to cure this ailment. In the third ending, he learns from Venom that the Post-War Administration Bureau was involved in the "mishap" that drove him insane, with the Guild hired to do so by one of Faust's former colleagues. He and Venom are then assaulted by a horde of Robo-Kys, at which point Venom says that if they survive, he will tell Faust everything he knows.

Sometime later, Faust continues his investigation on the P.W.A.B., crossing paths with Crow, while also trying to heal whomever he finds. In one ending, Faust meets with Slayer, who asks Faust if he would like to come to the other world where Slayer plans to retire. Faust refuses, however, saying that there are still people around the world who need his help. In the other ending, Faust cures Zappa by changing his face to resemble a Picasso-like drawing that will repel the ghost he bears.

Material Collection

Circa 2184, Faust is implied to be the doctor who gave Dizzy and Ky the news of her pregnancy, being one of the few people who knew about their unofficial marriage.

Guilty Gear Xrd

On October 3, 2187, Faust is working at Illyria's downtown area when he receives an invitation from Slayer regarding who was behind the "malpractice" incident that caused him to lose his sanity. Two days later, Slayer tells him it was the Conclave, and that he may receive some answers from the assassin hired to do the deed, Zato, as he has been resurrected by the Conclave. Faust thus sets off to find him. At the Opera House, on October 14, Zato confirms his involvement in Faust's "greatest failure". They fight but Faust doesn't kill Zato; he is more interested in the truth than in revenge, and learns from Zato that the Conclave is up to no good.

On October 24, Faust is busy working in a small Illyrian village in Eastern Europe, when he is approached by Johnny who asks him to treat May. Faust agrees to do so when he learns that she is Japanese and that she "is family" to Johnny. After the pirate leaves, while devising a medicine to treat her illness, Faust has a shocking revelation when he checks his information concerning the colony. Arriving after the Jellyfish Pirates are reunited with May on October 29 thanks to Chipp Zanuff, Faust delivers the medicine and talks to Johnny in private. The medicine is merely a stopgap measure, and warns that May must be kept away from the Colony at all costs; Faust then refuses to tell Johnny more, not wanting to put him in danger. The conversation is cut short when Bedman arrives to kill them, and knocks Faust out. While Chipp stays to buy them some time, Johnny puts the unconscious Faust over his shoulder, then he and his crew retreat to the May Ship II.

On November 2, during the Illyrian ambush on the Cradle, the May Ship II appears as backup when Bedman nearly succeeds in sabotaging the operation. April pilots the ship close enough that Faust can use his teleportation powers to install the final relay beacon for the missile carrying Sol Badguy. While he and That Man successfully break the Felion barrier and they destroy the Cradle, Justice (and the Conclave inside) is nevertheless unharmed and gets away.

After Justice's foiled revival on November 4, Faust confronts a defeated Chronus and ignores his urge for vengeance to interrogate him about the Japanese. However, Faust realizes that Chronus is actually unaware, and suspects that an influential figure with higher authority than the Conclave is behind it. On November 9, Faust starts his journey towards one of the colonies, taking Chronus with him to confirm if someone other than the Conclave is sending orders to the Colony, hoping that it is just all a misunderstanding or a mistake. While he wants to get to the root of the mystery, Faust's main objective is the Japanese people's well-being. He agrees to rendezvous with Johnny and his friend, Haehyun Kum the Tuner. After four days of travel, Chronus tells Faust his suspicions that the Universal Will may be human, and may be behind the mystery.

When they reach the colony on November 16, they are unable to meet Haehyun in person due to Leo Whitefang, who tries to arrest them on sight. Nevertheless, via Johnny's comm, Haehyun tells Faust her findings—only to learn that all the residents are being affected. Prioritizing the confirmation of his hypothesis due to the treatment no longer being effective, Faust asks to be informed of any changes while he tries to find a cure. Two days later, Haehyun informs him that their fevers are rising again, yet they cannot find the cause.

At the Illyrian Royal Library, Faust is looking for an ancient book he has read before when he encounters Zappa, who is also looking into the phenomenon.[24] Although a guard doesn't want to let them enter the castle,[25] Faust and Zappa ultimately share their intel with Sol, kings Ky and Leo, and Dr. Paradigm. Faust tells them his theory: the mysterious, recurrent "Antimatter" Gears are actually Japanese. Leaving the others to investigate the cause, Faust focuses on making a cure using the castle's facilities.[26] During the battle to defend the capital from these Gears, Faust's injections delay their explosion.[27] The battle comes to an end when Ariels is defeated and the Information Flares stop.[28]

Guilty Gear -Strive-

Faust has forgive Chronus, and sought atonment from him rather than reliving his resentment. Faust himself also decided to keep living as a dark doctor rather than judging himself for his past mistakes. However, Faust is subconsciously believing that he should be punished for his past crimes. He is also now living in a way that can be seen as someone "looking for a place to die”.

Faust and Chronus appears in the epilogue, where is seen that they're still traveling around the world.


- The events of Faust’ non-canon arcade mode in Strive where he meets with Ramlethal will be acknowledged and hinted at.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by davefromdiscord
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davefromdiscord I LE CONSULTANT

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Face Claim/Appearance:

“My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.”


Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Kira is a serial killer, characterized as highly egocentric and psychopathic, with a few obsessive-compulsive tendencies. He is also a hand fetishist.

Kira longs for a peaceful and quiet life, safe from any worry, and does not wish for it to be interrupted. Whenever that life seems assured, Kira adopts a jolly and confident demeanor. Although he is highly intelligent and possesses many talents, this yearning shows in his dislike of coming in first, and Jotaro theorizes from his many trophies that he even made it a point to never rank better than 3rd in any competition so as not to stand out. Since his youth, Kira has been avoiding standing out, living a healthy life and following a strict regimen. He becomes bothered when someone disrupts his habits and goes to extreme lengths to get them back. As his father pointed out, this will to stay in the background was so bad that if bullied, or denied his favorite toy, Kira would bite his nails until they bled, being the only way he's found to express his frustration.

However, beneath his façade of a simple, humble salaryman, Kira is very abnormal. The most abnormal characteristic of Kira is his frequent and periodic murderous impulses. Kira targets women, or, more specifically, women with beautiful hands. Kira possesses a hand fetish, which he discovered when he found himself aroused by the Mona Lisa's hands. However, his desire has never extended to the rest of the female person and he otherwise shuns their presence. This results in murdering random women, not caring in the least how they look like or behave, in order to acquire their (severed) hands as "girlfriends", acting as if the severed hands were actually sentient and conversing with them, even offering them various gifts. When one "girlfriend" begins to decay, he disposes of it and goes off in search of a replacement. Kira is an opportunistic killer, his modus operandi being spotting a potential victim, following her to her house, and murdering her when both are isolated. His Stand erasing any proof, these murders are actually reported as missing persons. Moreover, Kira has expressed various other similarly violent impulses such as the desire to choke his victims to death and has horribly scarred at least Reimi Sugimoto.

Apart from his murders, Kira is particularly violent when someone threatens his way of life or publicly humiliates him. Since Kira doesn't want to be noticed, he will try everything to solve his problems without facing anyone directly. However, if he doesn't have any other choice, he will instantly try to kill whoever discovers his true nature. Kira is quick to drop his polite demeanor, rudely insulting his foes or violently beating them before killing them. After Koichi's Echoes ACT 3 results in Kira making a fool of himself in public and attracting unwanted attention, Kira went on his way to torture and humiliate Koichi, putting his shoe into his mouth and slamming his face against the ground. Kira has a hard time controlling these impulses, as seen when Hayato Kawajiri threatened to blackmail him. Kira lost his calm attitude and murdered him despite knowing he couldn't afford such a mistake.

Kira is also afflicted with a number of other quirks. Apart from his wish for a monotonous and tranquil life, Kira's OCD also makes him very meticulous and thorough. Kira has sophisticated tastes, notably buying his lunch at the best store in town as well as wearing Valentino suits. He doesn't tolerate any imperfection and is even willing to lose time fixing Koichi's socks, becoming agitated when he sees them being worn inside-out. Furthermore, during his time as Kosaku Kawajiri, Kira made sure to perfectly mimic his new identity in every way, notably Kosaku's hand-writing, which he trained himself to do conscientiously. Kira's solitary nature is partially stemmed from his disgust of people who don't behave as properly as he does.

Kira is also an egocentric and selfish man, akin to a spoiled child. He doesn't care that his lifestyle involves murder, nor the suffering of his victim's relatives. He only seeks to satisfy his basic instincts. In addition, Kira is determined to preserve his lifestyle, and being set back only increases his determination. Kira is also quick to shift the blame to someone else for his troubles, notably the Joestar group, for ruining his life. Kira possesses a twisted pride in having managed to mix his tranquil lifestyle and his serial murders for so long, and categorically refused to flee the town and live in fear, preferring to maintain a shaky façade of normal life with the Kawajiri's.

In addition, while normally a very cautious meticulous man who ensures he leaves no evidence behind, there are a few occasions where he becomes overconfident and lets his guard down, and each time has led him to a confrontation with the Joestar group or defeat at their hands. He once put his "girlfriend hand" in a sandwich bag and failed to notice Shigechi's presence as he came to take the sandwich bag, thinking it was his. This would lead him to his first confrontation with the Joestar group. In addition, he left his jacket to a tailor at Centipede shoes and left his real name, forcing him to confront them. He was overconfident in his Sheer Heart Attack, believing it was invincible and leaving the scene, but was forced to return to the scene of his crime when Koichi managed to subdue Sheer Heart Attack. In addition, he let his guard down near a wounded Jotaro, allowing Jotaro the opportunity to beat him. Finally, when he was overconfident he had beaten Hayato Kawajiri in his attempt to stop him, he blurted out his real name in front of Josuke by mistake, which Hayato had planned.

Kira believes that he has luck and fate on his side, exposing a superstitious façade, claiming that whenever faced with an obstacle he will be able to make it through with a combination of hard work and opportunity. He measures and collects his own fingernail clippings, using them to predict his murdering luck off of their length.

When Kira was pierced with the Arrow, his demeanor became much more relaxed and prone to elation due to his new-found power, which guaranteed that anyone approaching Hayato would be killed. Ecstatic to possess a power which would dispose of anyone who investigated him, Kira allowed himself one loud boast, which caused his downfall as Josuke overheard him claiming to be "Yoshikage Kira".
During his confrontation with the Stand Stray Cat, Kira expressed a desire to protect his "wife", Shinobu Kawajiri, and even showed relief at her safety. A feeling that confused him, and Kira rationalized it as him merely not wanting to arouse suspicion. Whether these feelings were genuine or not is left unanswered.

Equipment: Yoshikage Kira himself rarely engages in combat, relying on his Stand for most engagements. As a result, he does not carry much equipment on his person.

Attributes: Yoshikage Kira wields the Stand Killer Queen.

Killer Queen is a short-range humanoid Stand of average to above-average speed and melee attacking power. Although it is undeniably physically powerful, it is overshadowed by other close-range Stands like Crazy Diamond and Star Platinum, and thus Kira relies more on evading his enemies or using Killer Queen's set of powers to prevail.

Killer Queen's powers revolve around setting up different kinds of bombs that can annihilate Kira's enemies in one blast, making it a very dangerous Stand to face. Not only are the bombs powerful, but Kira is also able to deploy two initially, then eventually three kinds of bombs with different strengths, giving the serial-killer a large array of options when dealing with his foes.

Bomb Transmutation

Killer Queen may charge any object, inanimate or not, as a bomb simply by touching it.
Once a target has touched the object, Killer Queen can detonate the target by pressing its right thumb onto a trigger located on its index fingers middle phalanx, imitating the action of pressing down on a handheld detonator; the charge immediately travels through the target's body before exploding. Additionally, Killer Queen can blow up the charged target itself, as demonstrated with Stray Cat's air bullets during the final battle with Josuke Higashikata; however, if someone else touches the charged target before Kira can detonate it, they will automatically be blown up instead, consuming the charge. This can also be done through direct contact with Killer Queen or Kira himself, skipping the charging process. The charge is so powerful that it is capable of destroying a unit of Harvest, a Colony Stand capable of dividing itself upon taking damage, that greatly injured Shigechi.

Matching Kira's desire to keep his murderous life a secret, anyone detonated by Killer Queen is completely incinerated with their body, their clothes and any personal belongings they were carrying being completely vaporized at the atomic level, leaving no trace; however, it is possible for a victim to survive an explosion if it comes from a nearby object instead of their own body, though this is a rare occurrence. Kira can also control the size and strength of Killer Queen's explosions as well as what parts of a victim's body are vaporized, usually resulting in Kira destroying his victim's body except for their right hand to keep. The effects of Kira's explosions on their surroundings vary; they generally do not damage nearby walls and floors, but during Kira's battle with Josuke, they could potentially affect nearby objects and Kira himself, though this may be due to Stray Cat's own Stand power being combined with Kira's.
There are several limitations to this ability. First, if Kira or Killer Queen cannot press their thumb against their index finger's middle phalanx to trigger the bomb's detonation, the target cannot blow up. In addition, since this power is similar to incendiary bombs, it also cannot induce their explosions if there is no air, as demonstrated by Stray Cat disabling a bomb by creating a vacuum around it. Finally, Killer Queen can only charge one object at a time.

It is unknown if non-Stand users can see or feel the explosions, but they can see a victim of an explosion die. Additionally, the explosion does not seem to generate much sound to anyone other than the victim, as Josuke and Okuyasu heard Shigechi call out to Josuke just outside of their classroom, but neither of them were aware of the ensuing explosion. Additionally, there were at least two other students in the same hallway as Shigechi when he was killed, but neither seemed to be aware of his demise as their backs were turned to him when he was killed and all evidence of an explosion dissipated within less than a few seconds.

Air Bomb Transmutation

During the final battle, Kira places Stray Cat in Killer Queen's hollow abdomen. With Killer Queen's Primary Bomb charging Stray Cat's condensed air bubbles, Kira may create virtually invisible air bombs to use as projectiles. These can be detonated automatically through contact or manually through Killer Queen's switch. Although he also cannot see these bombs, Kira is skilled in determining their trajectory using basic mathematical skills; additionally, Yoshihiro Kira can verbally help him direct his aim by flitting about the battlefield in his photograph form. Due to Stray Cat not being readily available in this setting, Kira will very likely have no way to employ this ability.

Sheer Heart Attack

Sheer Heart Attack is Killer Queen's second type of bomb, featured primarily in the arc Sheer Heart Attack.
This treaded automatic bomb detaches from Killer Queen's left hand, so any Stand abilities activated upon it are reflected onto Kira's left hand. Because Sheer Heart Attack is attached to Kira's left hand, the primary bomb can still be used when Sheer Heart Attack is active.
It is completely autonomous and has a great range, so Kira can safely engage Sheer Heart Attack and move a great distance away while it carries out its duties. It seeks out whatever the warmest object in the vicinity is, even changing targets the second a warmer object appears; upon reaching its target, it automatically induces an explosion with power and blast size equivalent to the heat of the target. If Sheer Heart Attack's explosion was set off by a non-human source, it will continue to seek out targets until it explodes from a human. Like Killer Queen's first bomb, Sheer Heart Attack's explosions remove all physical evidence of the target.

The body of Sheer Heart Attack is nigh-indestructible, withstanding countless blows from Jotaro's Star Platinum, but can still be affected by non-damaging Stand powers and cracked if pulled apart at the mouth with tremendous force.

Its main drawback lies in its autonomous nature, which will sometimes prevent Sheer Heart Attack from prioritizing killing Kira's intended human target(s). Secondly, since it needs to explode from making contact with a human target to fully dissipate, should Sheer Heart Attack need to be deactivated while actively seeking a target, the user must physically return in the range of Sheer Heart Attack to deactivate and retrieve it. Furthermore, Sheer Heart Attack can continue to be active even after Kira's hand has been cut off, seen when he uses this to escape Josuke and company. Cutting off his hand even gives Sheer Heart Attack more power, as well as the ability to withstand even Echoes ACT 3's 3 Freeze.

Killer Queen Bites the Dust

Killer Queen Bites the Dust is Killer Queen's third type of bomb, featured primarily in the arc Another One Bites the Dust.
Kira is granted this ability when Yoshihiro Kira's Stand-creating Arrow pierces him a second time. It is born from Kira's desire to prevent anyone from knowing his true identity, as well as his desperation following his impulsive murder of Hayato Kawajiri. Many fans debate if Bites The Dust is considered a Requiem Stand, as it shares the same characteristics.

This bomb appears as a miniaturized form of Killer Queen that hides inside whoever it is planted in; it acts independently of Kira's will, manifesting only when the bomb is triggered. When planted in Hayato, it activates when Kira's identity is revealed audibly or through writing, as well as when other Stand users see the miniature Killer Queen. When this happens, a miniature Killer Queen enters the eye of the person and causes an explosion, killing them. The bomb can detonate multiple people simultaneously. After killing someone with its power, Bites the Dust creates a temporal loop, rewinding time to roughly one hour prior to the detonation. Because Bites the Dust is completely independent and autonomous, Kira is not aware of who is killed by it, nor is he directly aware of whether a time loop has taken place. In fact, the only person who retains the memory of each time loop is the person harboring Bites the Dust. All actions performed in the previous time loop are destined to occur as they had happened. Slight deviations may happen, but any person killed by Bites the Dust in a previous time loop is destined to explode at the exact time that they were previously killed, even if they did not re-activate Bites the Dust in the current timeline.

Because the person in whom the bomb is planted must be alive in order to activate the trigger, Bites the Dust will never harm the person with its explosions nor let them be harmed by other forces, demonstrated when the miniature Killer Queen prevented Hayato from slitting his own throat with a knife to prevent anyone else from dying. Ironically, Bites the Dust also prevents the Stand User themselves from harming the bomb's carrier, with the miniature Killer Queen intercepting Kira's fist when he tries to punch Hayato. It also appears to be able to revive that person if they are dead when it is activated, as Hayato was alive once more when Kira planted it in him after impulsively killing him, implying that time was looped to prevent Hayato from dying again the same way.

The only way to stop Bites the Dust's effects is to outright kill Kira or otherwise force him to withdraw it; should this occur, all timelines created using Bites the Dust are erased. Additionally, using Bites the Dust forcibly prevents Kira from activating any of Killer Queen's other abilities because Killer Queen is planted in the body of the third party; thus, he must deactivate Bites the Dust and withdraw Killer Queen if he needs to defend himself. Hayato also deduces that Bites the Dust only works on non-Stand users, as Kira can only tell a non-Stand user his secrets to enable the ability.

Biography: Unnoticed in Morioh for years and undisturbed all his life, Yoshikage Kira is an abnormal and paraphilic serial killer whose routine is shaken when the ghost of his first victim, Reimi Sugimoto, begs the Joestar Group to look for him and he attracts unwanted attention by killing Shigekiyo Yangu. Kira is a Stand User and wields the powerful Killer Queen to create deadly bombs.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jeff Jones
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Jeff Jones

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Name: Trevor Belmont

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Canon: Castlevania (animated series)

Main Thread or Sandbox: Main thread

Personality: A man who's become apathetic to others from being alone and as well traveling just to find coin and beer. However after meeting with someone who cared about the safety of others, and another with a goal to end a crazed reign of terror, he's cleaned himself up quite a bit and now fights for the purpose of helping others...mostly. A rude, witty man that's been washed up from all the hatred people who know the Belmont name give him, he's found it in himself to try and get back up to help others, as well as stopping those who want to threaten humanity's existence. Those he sees as allies get the same sort of treatment as strangers, but in a much more friendly way. As well he'll help protect those he cares for or has taken a liking too, not to the point of completely putting his life in danger but if it's to deal with a monster, he'll follow through with it.

Morning star

A whip that was made to kill creatures of hell, from vampires to monsters. Being consecrated, as a holy weapon, it is very effective against those that are unholy, to the point of causing spontaneous combustion.


A simple shortsword that he uses with his whip to deal with threats. Nothing truly special about it aside from being Belmont made.

Throwing knives

Throwing knives he keeps on his person, usually in his boots. Used to quickly have something to keep his combatant on the defensive.

Attributes: Trained in the art of fighting monsters and vampires, he's extremely skilled with a short sword, whip, and even his fists. As well, he has an easy time quickly finding a moment to take leadership of a moment and direct people into place quickly and mannerly. Unfortunately, as great as the Belmont name is...being washed up, he's gained a craving for alcohol, the chances he can get an ale he takes it.

Biography: Trevor Belmont had been traveling alone after his family home was burnt out and they were chased away by the townsfolk who believed they practiced black magic and thus were siding with the monsters. After enough travel, he found himself at Gresit, a town that was being assaulted by hordes of night creatures, finding a speaker old man being assaulted by the church. After helping him deal with the churchmen, he was brought there and that's when his destiny was set to fight Dracula. Helping the speakers find their missing member, Sypha Belnades. With her help, the two defend Gresit off from the night monster attack, as well as find the sleeping place of Alucard. Alucard and Trevor have a bit of a fight upon meeting, but afterward, he realizes the two were in the legend of the sleeping warrior to defeat Dracula. The three then travel, get a bit closer along the way, then finally make it to Dracula's castle, defeating him. Alucard decided to stay at the castle and Belmont hold to watch over it as a guardian, while Trevor and Sypha travel to help other places against the night creatures and other vampires that want control over humanity.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Paper94


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Whatever happens… Happens.

Name: Spike Spiegel

Age: 27 years old.

Gender: Male.


Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread!

Personality: Spike is sarcastic, witty, street-smart, and so many other traits befitting a typical bounty hunter. Often, he really only cares about cashing in his next hit, unless they’re rather small bounties. He doesn’t usually go for “small fries”. Aside from his profession, Spike does have a rather intrusive personal agenda. His past with the villainous Syndicate will often take hold of him when his old lover, Julia, is mentioned, or his old Syndicate partner Vicious. Most definitely to a fault, Spike will go chasing after any mention of Julia or Vicious, even if it jeopardizes his companions’ current goal.

Equipment: Spike’s gear changes depending on the mission, but he really only needs a pack of cigarettes and his trusty Jericho 941 on him at all times.

Attributes: Spike is rather adept at hand-to-hand combat, and excels at using the environment to his advantage in a fight. He also has a replacement cybernetic eye. It doesn’t give him any tactical advantage, but it let him keep his full sight.

Biography: Spike once worked as one of the top agents in the Red Dragon Syndicate along with his partner, Vicious. The two would spend a long, but unknown amount of time as partners in crime, laundering money and illegal substances until one day. Spike fell in love with a woman, named Julia, and once she learned what Spike did for a living, she convinced him to leave the Syndicate, leave Vicious behind. And he did, but not without his partner breathing down his neck the entire way. Spike was eventually cornered at a church, a chapel, where he narrowly escaped with his life, only to be ghosted by Julia. After that, he would mostly leave his Syndicate days behind him, hooking up with a former ISSP officer turned bounty hunter, by the name of Jet Black. The two would hunt for years, but Spike could never truly escape his past… And his past would keep catching up to him.

Other: There are three things that Spike hates most in the world. Children, dogs, and people with attitude. Unfortunately, he’s been stuck with all three as a bounty hunter… Maybe he needs a break. We all do, sometimes.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Pixxieblush
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Pixxieblush i'm the original starwalker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Cisgender Woman

Main Thread or Sandbox

Main Thread

Bayonetta appears, on the surface to be cool, collected, and by multiple means someone to never take things completely seriously. Through her own "playful" comments and nature, her sometimes teasing behavior, her overall impatience for those who monologue or are otherwise talkative, and her attempts at bantering with enemies, Bayonetta wears her nonchalant nature on her sleeve. Such nonchalance appears to sprout from confidence she places in herself to be like her mother, who she is seen at multiple times to be very close to. Her relationship with her mother seems to be the source from which she seems to take pride in being an Umbra Witch from, though due to her black sheep nature in the days of the clan's life she seems to prefer handling things herself to some extent. Though despite the latter, she does seem to accept and appreciate help from others whenever there's something she cannot fully manage. Sometimes the more callous angle of her personality is off-putting, but despite her mischievous exterior, she cares deeply about others all the same. She seems to show fondness towards children or beings perceived as children, growing very attached to both her younger self and Loki within very short periods of time, seeming to fear deeply for the latter's potential drowning. She's seen to be deeply troubled by Luka's accusations against her in the first game, and after developing a more proper friendship with him, seems to greatly appreciate his help and conversation in the second game. She noticeably holds some grief over her mother, Rosa, after her death, and grieves her father upon learning the truth about him at the end of the second game. Bayonetta also cares enough about Jeanne to risk going down into Inferno to rescue her, and lashes out aggressively at Alraune for any present and potential harm done to Jeanne to the point of likely killing her had Rodin not intervened. Though she seems to take some lengths to conceal how deeply she cares for others, immediately shifting back to playful facade from screaming at Jeanne to wake up upon seeing she was alright. Lyrics from the first game's major song even imply that she "hides sadness with a smile", seeming to state that she perhaps conceals how deeply she cares for others beneath her confident smirk.


Bayonetta's motivation has been shown to be majorly situational, based on whatever major concern at the time (her memory, Jeanne's potential death, etc.). Though regardless of this, Bayonetta goes out of her way to fight and kill angels as an Umbra Witch.

Though Bayonetta has a fairly large arsenal of weapons across the games, for the sake of simplicity and because Pixxie doesn't want to keep track of anything extra, Bayonetta will only use the four-gun set "Love is Blue". Two of these guns are used in her hands, two of these are strapped to the backs of her feet. Said guns were a gift from Rodin near Christmas in the second game to help deal with angels in the city, meant to be used in the Bullet Arts of the Umbra Witches rather than regular guns which cannot handle her power. It is implied at some point that the way the heel guns are fired are via some form of mild telekinesis.

Bayonetta also has her witch watch, a gift from her mother and the contributing factor to the long life of an Umbra Witch. She seems to hold some attachment to it as a natural consequence of the closeness to her mother.


Bayonetta is skilled in terms of both raw physical power and weapon prowess. Immensely skilled in the Bullet Arts (involving guns that can handle her power and martial prowess) and showing a skill to pick up just about any new weapon purchased from Rodin in a short period of time, her brutal yet graceful combat style is augmented with speed and agility to perform multiple feats in acrobatics. Bayonetta also seems to possess a level of impressive perceptiveness, being witnessed in multiple instances to evade several types of attacks via anticipation of enemy movements. Additionally, Bayonetta has immense physical strength and endurance, seen multiple times to be able to physically overpower powerful angels and demons in addition to hurling extremely large regular structures with comparably small amounts of effort. These abilities in congruence with her magic have made her a formidable opponent against multiple opponents who evenly match or even exceed her in raw power with only herself and the occasional ally.

Bayonetta's magic as an Umbra Witch comes in many different forms at the cost of needing to constantly kill angels, including the following:

-Wicked Weaves, where Bayonetta uses her hair as a conduit to summon beings from Inferno, the most powerful of whom is Madama Butterfly, the demon whom she has a pact with.She can partially summon the limbs of demons, like Madama Butterfly's hands or the wings of Malphas, but can additionally fully (or partially depending on the demon) summon demons by speaking in Enochian and dancing, usually used as a finisher to a great enough enemy.
-Umbran Climax, a technique where upon sufficently charging a reserve of power, can unleash it to bring herself into an elevated state of power. This allows her to use Wicked Weaves at a more frequent rate in addition to unleashing Infernal Weaves at the end of a series of attacks to summon demons (albeit in a lesser form than a more dedicated summon) with some chanting in Enochian.
-Witch Time, a technique where Bayonetta speeds herself up momentarily (seen after dodging an attack in battle but used in longer sequences in cutscenes to quicker move in certain situations) to utilize the "slowed-down" appearance of the world as a window of various (usually violent) opportunities.
-Torture attacks, where Bayonetta chants in Enochian to summon a variety of tortuous objects to potentially finish off her enemies in a very brutal-typical fashion.
-Beast Within, where in the right circumstances, Bayonetta can take the shape of an animal. These forms at the moment include a panther, a crow, a swarm of bats, and a snake.
-Witch Walk, allowing Bayonetta to walk on any surface (horizontal or vertical) regardless of gravity either on a full moon or specially made magical devices.
-Direct Control/Infernal Kiss, both of which are used to describe situations in where Bayonetta takes control of a machine. The former describes when she sticks her middle finger into the key slot of a vehicle (like a motorcycle) to assume control of it as if she had the key, and the latter describes when she nudged Enzo's plane in the second game by blowing a kiss, pushing it to help ensure that despite the angels around Fimbulventr, he'd make it home.
-Access to Purgatorio, a realm parallel to the human one where angels bleed in from Paradiso and demons bleed in from Inferno. Beings in Purgatorio are perceived by those who can access it as purple silhouettes outside of Purgatorio, and beings in the human world as perceived similarly to those who can access it in Purgatorio.

(this is a really gross oversimplification, go read the wiki)
Born from the forbidden union of a Lumen Sage and an Umbran Witch that sparked the Clan Wars that would eventually wipe all the Lumen Sages but Balder (her father) out, Bayonetta was destined to be a black sheep from day one. Having a rocky childhood as an outcast with her close friend Jeanne and her mother as comfort, she was somehow taught magic and ended up sealed away due to a complicated series of circumstances during the Witch Hunts. She was later unsealed and placed right in the path of the murder of Luka Redgrave's father by angels, leaving the blame solidly on her. Later, Bayonetta was baited by Balder into coming to Vigrid by a mysterious item she believed would restore her memory, becoming involved in his scheme to revive Jubileus the Creator and reset the world. After a lengthy journey that ended in a connection with her younger self who was returned to her own time, reconciling with Luka and Jeanne, and killing her father, Bayonetta had a peaceful few months without any major events. Near Christmas later in the year however, due to Balder's death, the order of the cosmos was thrown off-balance, resulting in Bayonetta's summon going wild and inadvertently killing Jeanne. After traveling to and up Fimbulventr in the company of the mysterious Loki and clashing with the Masked Lumen, Bayonetta saved her friend and foiled the plans of Loptr to revive Aesir. This however, resulted in the corruption of her father (the true identity of her father) by Loptr, resulting in an odd time loop as he returns to the past. After this, Bayonetta returns home to the city she lives in, and is last seen beating angels on a plane with Jeanne.

Bayonetta does not bleed, and instead produces rose petals as a substitute for blood. Her shadow is also replaced with the silhouette of Madama Butterfly in light of their contract, and occasionally small bursts of butterflies appear near Bayonetta when she lands from a short fall.

Bayonetta, according to the opening scene of the first game and concept art, holds a steady job as a nun outside of angel-kiling. Though the opening scene suggests maybe one leads to the other.

i'm dropping percival king and zora salazar
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