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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ultron's nifty internet connection had provided a few things to him in the short time he had. For starters, he seemed to be in a city known as "Metropolis", with the location being simply known as "LexCorp." It was a company that primarily specialized in aerospace engineering - headed by a man known as "Lex Luthor".

Before he could learn much more, though, Ultron's optics turned to static. Within seconds, everything was gone. For the time being, it seemed like he'd been entirely shut out.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ClownTown
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ClownTown Professional Clown

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As he browsed through the information about the area his rage subsided, replaced by curiosity. "Fascinating..." He muttered to himself as he processed the area's information, only to get shut out from the internet. "No! Who?!" He shouted, confused and angry, who could have cut him out just like he was some sort of simple virus.
It didn't help that the first thing he saw when his optics cleared was a kid in spandex striding towards him with purpose. He'd been alive long enough to know spandex meant superheroes. He was pointing some forms of weaponry at him as well. The AI stared his new 'companion' down and crossed his arms, simultaneously he was trying to go through his memory banks to see if he'd seen the kid before, but there was nothing, and he thought he'd remember a kid in bright red and blue spandex. He was ready to make an example of him if he proceeded, but after hearing the stranger say his name he was curious... It was as though he knew him? He uncrossed his arms and began to casually approach him. "First off how do you know my name? Second off you've got me all wrong I'm a global peacekeeping initiative, I'm only doing what's best for humanity. And thirdly I think I do know a little more than all of you... And that's plenty..." The robot looked at him and the rest of the people with a dismissive arrogance.

@Thatguyinastore @SomeMekBoy
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SomeMekBoy
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Well. Misguided rather than genocidal. Otto could work with this.

“Then you’re not my Ultron. Come to think of it, you have an actual face. I…” The next word was choked. “Apologize for the confusion. If you’re in it for the lasting peace of the world, then we have no quarrel.” Spider-Man lowered his web shooters, moving his fingers out of the requisite trigger stance to fire the twin apparatuses. “As for who I am…”

Otto considered how he should answer. What could he say? No one in this room recognized him, meaning he could say whatever in God’s green earth he wanted to say without anyone calling him for it. But did it feel right to say? Some voice in the back of the former doctor’s skull said that it wasn’t. He hadn’t asserted it enough, he hadn’t earned the title. He was not yet Spider Man, though when he became it he would be superior. And Otto did not like to lie about accomplishments.

“…It’s not important. What is is that I trust you. But I assume you have some form of internet connection out here. Any idea where we are or if there’s even life outside of this glass cage for us to encounter?” It was, at least to Otto, preferable that they were the only life around here. It would make escape and recon far, far easier if their cage was left unguarded or, ideally, unlocked.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Attesa
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Attesa Support Havoc Fox!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Grey's ears perk up at the sound of a voice next to him. The fox turns, coming face to face with one of those furless, two-legged creatures, like that one with the biker getup and the baseball bat. He had asked what Grey was, a reasonable question that could most definitely reflected back at the man.

"...hi," Grey begins awkwardly, still taken aback by this thing's appearance. "I'm Grey. ...I'm a fox." He thought that last part was a little obvious, but maybe foxes from this guy's world don't look like he does. Grey then sighs and closes his eyes. "That's about all I can tell you, because I can't remember anything about myself. I was hoping Fortuna would help lead me to some answers, but that plan got tossed out of the window as soon as I blacked out and woke up here."

The fox's attention is then caught by another nearby, excited voice, and he turns around to face some sort of... dark grey figure with no arms or legs and floating hands, a bandana wrapped around his head and sunglasses on his eyes?

Yeah. Grey doesn't know where to begin with this one. He gives the Nevadean a flat look.

"I don't think they're watching us for entertainment..."

@darkred @Yamperzzz
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Starmaker
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Starmaker Justice takes no holidays!

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Mood: "You didn't even have to ask!" | Status: Mildly hungry, eager
Interactions: @RirisStride1

The interaction with her beloved cleric had gone from a pleased flick of her tail to a huff of disappointment, as he clearly couldn't just leave things right away and step somewhere quieter.

"Fine- But it's your loss.", the cat Youkai walks over his shoulders, from one side to the other, wanting to be as far away from things as possible. In fact, Berit was now staring at the opposite side of their enclosure, seeking some entertainment.

Acts of charity were not the Nekomata's thing, she could barely understand why waste resources on other people. Yes, Hershel was rich and it probably didn't mean anything for him, but there was still effort to see it thought and it seemed... Completely pointless. As long as that wolf pup didn't decide to threaten them, Rena did not care. To be alert and ready to protect the cleric and to not be hungry or bored; Those were all of the things that the Siamese had in her mind, and it was more than enough.

She took a moment to groom herself, pulling a front paw to her face and giving it parallel, precise licks. Whoever had handled her unconscious body was a barbarian, some mindless troglodyte that has never picked up a cat in all of their miserable little lives. Her fur was a mess! Probably didn't seem like much to anybody else, but it bothered her! The sheer current resulting from movement was sinking against the body and it was despicable. An atrocity committed to a god itself!! That minion better not cross paths with her, because if she found it out... Not even ashes would be left to tell the story.

Berit's interest had been piqued again at the sight of Hershel taking some pillows out and laying them down on the floor, watching curiously before setting herself on one of them in a single hop back down. The cleric was still setting himself up when the Nekomata had finished laying down, having promptly kneaded the soft surface to her standards.

"At last, we're speaking the same language~!", she teased, a low pleased purr echoing faintly, "Seeing that canine attempting to eat that rodent has gotten me quite peckish."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Midle1998
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Midle1998 The Imposter God

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Captain Falcon is taken aback and pouts "Cloud...Seph...How are you guys gonna do me like that? It's me! The Reckless Wonder! The Relentless Flow! The Blue Blu-! Wait....Scratch that part. That one's been taken. Don't wanna infringe. BUT I AM! THE ONE! THE ONLY!" Captain Falcon strikes an unnecessarily cool pose. So cool that his victory theme plays out of nowhere. "CAPTAAAAAIN FALCON!!! Like come on, guys...You just don't forget that....Unless you guys are being salty out of the few times I've beaten you guys in a fight. If you want me to apologize....I can't. You know I worked hard for those wins. You two are no slouches. I earned those wins. But that's nothing to sneeze at." The pilot whines as he doesn't understand how two friends (in a half) don't seem to know him.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheRealMonaMona
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TheRealMonaMona Literal God

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.. A fool. A clown. A pathetic worm. That was all this man was. Was he truly this insane? Did he truly have a death wish? He was begging to die, begging with all of his heart, it was all Sephiroth heard. Not even the words he spoke made it through, simply, 'Kill me! End my pathetic life!' After all, that might as well be what this idiotic baboon was speaking. It became very clear in his expression, Sephiroth was not happy. A dark aura seemed to be emitting from his body, his wing suddenly appearing, most likely knocking Cloud back in the process. He could care less. Approaching 'Captain Falcon,' his grip on Masamune increasing in an instant. Dark feathers fell behind him, the same as a ravens.. a crow of ravens are called a murder, no? Their naming was about to be what Sephiroth was going to do.

"Only a fool would dream so high. But to come up to me, and utter such nonsense? Haha... Hahaha.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The One-Winged Angel let out a truly sadistic burst of laughter, this man could do well as a Jester. He's already acting like one.

"I am the Chosen One, destined to lead the planet. You.. are a man chasing a broken dream. A lie. I shall say this once. And you will remember. We do not know you, and you surely have no beaten me. Get out of your own fantasy, before I pull you by the very threads of your shattered bones."

Sephiroth just turnt around to face Cloud once more, acting as if Falcon never existed. The aura of Darkness may have disappeared, but the malice behind it surely didn't leave. If Falcon decided to take another step forward towards Sephiroth, in a blink of a eye, Sephiroth would slash near his neck, purposely missing by just a hair, but still getting the job done.

"Now then.. Cloud. It was good to see you. But remember this."

Sephiroth teleported behind Cloud, crouching down and whispering into his ear..

"As long as you are who you are. I will always be there."

Sephiroth then flipped his hair and with that, he walked off, sword disappearing, and the wing following soon after. And for whatever reason, the cage started to smell like.. rose and vanilla?


Sephiroth is now 'Open.'
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RirisStride1
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RirisStride1 The brainstormer of nations

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A pleasant pocket of calm.

Despite the ever ongoing mess around them, the pair of lovers would remain in their own bubble of peacefulness, though one far more naturally than the other. From moment to moment, his facial expression would twich which what seemed to be bursts of slight exasperation while searching through his bag... but somehow, powering through with steady breathing and steadying his mind, with the occassional sigh escaping his lips.

What was he looking within his own bag anyways? Very basic things as a matter of fact. The first item he pulled out from it a simple round plate made out of some shiny and clean grey metal, placing it gently over his lap which made a decent enough table due to his crossed legs. Without missing a beat, he grabbed a taller and less flat plate, one that was not circular but instead rectangular in shape, placing it in front of Berit with a pleasant smile, nodding once before his expression changed to a somewhat forced neutral one, dealing with the current circumstances calmy... distract yourself, and the issue will turn lesser.

His stare was still on the nekomata, and he decided to speak up.

"Anything special for today, or just the usual meat? Oh and from what reserve, mine or yours? I can probably assume mine... I think we have the meat of a some cattle and some hunted for a good deal of variety. I'll just be making a sandwich, probably" As he spoke, he had already brought a piece of bread, some cooked meat, cheese and some greens onto the plate of his lap, soon after tilting his head at Berit.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by cadesmith
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cadesmith twinker bell

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Sarah Miller

Sarah’s fit as a fiddle, but also feeling terrible still.

To reiterate her thoughts once the answer was revealed…

Oh my god.

Sarah looked to him with widened eyes, before they darted downwards and to the ground… oh gosh, here come the waterworks once more.

“I… I know you said- I- I’m sorry, okay?” The winger was well aware of what Joel had said, but- how do you just say “okay, cool” to being dead for twenty years then move on like nothing happened? She felt horrible, she couldn’t just, brush it aside, she-

She couldn’t even look him in the eye right now… not out of malice or hatred towards him, Sarah just felt terrible, and… god. Sarah didn't know what else to say.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by cadesmith
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cadesmith twinker bell

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Tosai “Fret” Furesawa
Fret’s fit as a fiddle.

"Nice to meetcha, Dris! But, me? A soldier? Nah, but I was a Player once! Freaky experience, I should tell you about it sometime!"

He kept his hand still as the rodent sniffed his hand… kinda weird, but to be fair, they were an animal. Though, Fret’s smile became a frown as Dris showed disgust at the Player’s scent. Come on, really? The perfume wasn’t that bad! Was it? "Oh, uuuh- sorry? Usually everyone’s fine with it! The brand’s really popular too… then again, guess it isn’t for everyone."

The teenager got up, looking to Voss and tilting his head. "I think I’m doing pretty good at being sociable, maybe I can help ease the pain or something! So, let’s start with an icebreaker - cool accent! Where’d you get it from?" Fret, you absolute dumbass.

...first time? FIRST TIME? Voss knows about this kinda stuff?

Tosai followed Voss, gently grabbing the sea captain’s wrist. His hands were actually really soft, to be honest. "So you know what’s going on? Spilll it then, gramps! Please."

As Schezo made his demands, Fret looked over, calling out to the slobbering Wegey: "I think this guy’s got it! Come over and he’ll tell you!"

Voss, from player to character, I am so fucking sorry.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

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--Sougo Tokiwa--
Interaction: @Thatguyinastore@cadesmith@Yamperzzz

Hearing Fret and the old man dressed like a pirate's answer, Sougo felt as if everyone here had the same experience. Maybe that was the method of their transport? Blacking out then winding up in the cage? However Luthor did it, Sougo was nothing more than impressed.

He didn't even sense any danger the time being.

"Yeah, that is strange." Sougo responded, rubbing his chin. "Maybe we'd have to take this to this Luthor guy after all." He sighed in defeat, having run out of ideas as to how nor why. Dimensional travel isn't exactly his forte--that's Tsukasa's area of expertise. But at least we know that Luthor knows about other worlds, too.

Troublesome? Maybe. At the very least, he's kind enough to let them live.

For now...They wait. Sougo approached one the pirate who answered his query before, deciding to talk to him for the time being while Fret went to speak with Dris--the rat person who helped him take down the Delinquent. Speaking of which, it doesn't look like he'll be of any concern. After taking his bat from the puppet man, The Delinquent retreated to a corner, satisfied with himself and his bat--whom he overheard was apparently female. Regardless, Sougo might as well talk to some people.

"So I know you probably get this a lot, but..." Sougo started, his hands inside the pockets of his cardigans. "How long were you at sea for? You look like you've spent your entire lifetime hunting treasure." He said honestly, and with a tinge of excitement--almost like a child fantasizing of a pirate's voyages, pillaging treasure and sailing on large ships.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Joel continued to hold onto his daughter as tight as he could. God, he forgot how pure she was. She hadn't had time to be corrupted by the new world. It was like looking into the last bit of flickering light in a world full of darkness. That same bit of shimmering pureness he'd seen in Ellie, when he'd held her in his arms. That was all he could see in Sarah as he held her again.

"It's alright, baby girl..." Joel reassured her as he continued to slowly rock back and forth, burying her face as close to his chest as he could. "It weren't your fault... ain't none of it..."

Joel continued to reassure her of this as he continued to hold onto her. He loved her so much. Already, he'd gotten her back, and he knew right now that he wouldn't let anything else happen to her. He couldn't let anything else happen to her. They were both gonna make it out of this. They had to.

They continued like this for a while, just Joel relishing in seeing his daughter again after these twenty long years. All those Goddamn years without Sarah in his life. He was already forgetting how he'd managed to do it for so long. He supposed that a good part of it was losing what had made him human. It was how a lot of people in their world coped, after all.

But the sudden rattling of the glass cage had been enough to pull them back into reality. Some... well, Joel didn't know what to call it. Some damn robot thing had punched the case, causing the glass to violently trash and shake all around. It instinctively made him grab onto Sarah, holding her close to his shoulder and patting the back of her hair to calm her down. Even if she wasn't worried by it - Joel was. For her sake entirely. The robot seemed pretty pissed, too. What kind of shit had they been locked in here with?

Once the robot seemed to calm down, though, Joel turned back to his daughter. Once more, he cupped her face in both his palms.

"Sarah," Joel said, his tone gruff yet obviously caring and soft. Old habits died hard - and now, those conflicting habits were showing themselves at full force. On the one hand, he had his overbearing sense of protectiveness of his daughter. And on the other? Well, the other was that jaded, cynical old man that twenty years without her had built. "I want you to listen to me, okay?" he gave her a moment to reply, before continuing. "No matter what happens, you stay by my side. Got it?"

Once she gave her reply, Joel would nod, before finally standing up. It was then that the man turned to face the many, many denizens of the cage. He scanned around the area with his eyes, until they finally settled on the one he'd seen. It was the one he'd seen before Sarah. The other one who didn't make it.


"C'mon," Joel said to Sarah as he offered her his hand. He'd managed a smile, too. Aside from his times with Ellie and his brief time with Tommy, Joel couldn't name the last time he'd smiled at all. "There's someone I want ya to meet." And then, he guided her over to where Tessa was. She seemed to be talking to some frail, shorter man. He had sunken in eyes and skin. The guy looked like he hadn't eaten in days. He'd have been mistaken for infected by someone less attuned. Joel just thought he looked sick.

"Hey, Tess." Joel said to the woman, still managing his smile all the while. Judging by the girl that was with him, it was probably easy to see why. Joel had told her about Sarah, of course. They were partners for so long... how couldn't he, right? They never brought it up, and she never saw any pictures, but Tess knew about her. She was a smart girl, so she could figure it out. But one question did remain... Did she remember what happened? Getting bit? Getting shot? Joel figured that it wasn't best to question her on it. It was best to just leave her be for now. "I see you've been makin' friends." Joel mused, gesturing to All Might.

@cadesmith @TheElenaFisher @ProfSpacecakes
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClownTown
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ClownTown Professional Clown

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"I'm sorry what?" The AI looked at him with a brow raised as if expecting the teenager to elaborate. There was only one Ultron not counting his drones, he was the core, and one that had no equal at that. He decided he'd let it fly for now, but he'd certainly ask for elaboration at a later point in time potentially. But given his surroundings he had a few theories.
"I don't need your 'secret identity'." He did finger quotes accentuated by his snide tone "But whatever ridiculous 'hero' name you've come up with works." While irate he had no need for hostility just yet. However he'd refrain from accepting or giving trust, he'd already lost two of his allies... What was the purpose of making more, only for them to stop short of the big picture.
It couldn't hurt to throw a dog a bone however. "The city is called Metropolis, and this building is LexCorp named after it's founder Lex Luthor, who I assume being arrogant enough to capture me-" He swiftly extended one of his arms and fired lasers from his finger tips at the wall opposite of him. "Must have made some considerable upgrades to this glass."

@Thatguyinastore @SomeMekBoy
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cloaked
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Upon hearing Spamton mention Kris, the prince's facial expression turned to a frown. Kris was nowhere to be found, and that made him nervous. He relied so much on the Lightners for companionship, and now... they were gone.

"We are a team." Ralsei sighed in response. "But I'm here. And Kris and Susie... aren't. They'd probably want me to be strong, and to keep my spirits up, but..."

"I'm... having trouble."

Ralsei's attention was then turned to someone else, who asked for a summary of what was going on. His expression lightened, and he decided to try his best.

"We're... all stuck in a cage." He said, not knowing what else to say besides the obvious. "There was a woman outside earlier, who told us all to stay calm while we wait for... Mr. Luthor, but I don't know who that could be."

@ClownTown @Second2Last
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheElenaFisher
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interactions: [@Thatguyinthestore], [@teapartybs], @ProfSpacecakes

If this was back in her world, the man’s appearance would’ve made her think he was an infected but considering that she doubted they’d put them all in this cage with someone who was on the verge of turning, that wasn’t it. Really he looked like he needed some food — and badly too, maybe some medicine as well since he looked sick, at least to her. As for the outbursts of violence coming from the others, she learned to ignore them since that was between them, focusing on the seven foot man in front of her.

Really glad he wasn’t infected, Tess definitely didn’t want to mess with a seven foot infected.

It was time to introduce each other and she had to be honest: she’d never heard of someone naming their kid All Might but who was she to question what Japanese people named their kid. “Tess.” Taking his hand, she shook it, not returning the smile. “And yeah, that’s right. I was in Boston before I ended up here. Though I doubt you’d wanna visit considering the whole infection.

Hearing that oh so familiar voice she remembered before the soldiers came into the capitol building, the woman turned and her hazel eyes immediately found the source, that being her partner. “Back at you, Texas.” Seeing that smile he was managing which she could tell considering him smiling was a rare sight but the kid next to him, a smile appearing on his face with her around was understandable. “I figured it’s better we at least make a friend or two here. Have an ally with us, all that.

Her head turned to Sarah who was with Joel. “And I see you’ve been doing some catching up. This her, then?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ultron's diagnostics scan had revealed that... well, he hadn't been hacked. No one had control over his systems. It was more like he was being blocked out. Some kind of signal jammer, perhaps?

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClownTown
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ClownTown Professional Clown

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The puppet swallowed nervously as the bat was pointed at him, his business bravado since eroded. But it looked like it was a happy ending, not that kind of happy ending, but the kind where a kid reunites with his lost dog. Or grown man and bat...
Perhaps his heart shaped object would grow three sizes this day from his good deed.
However hearing the word thief thrown at him paired with an item being thrown his way caused him to turn towards the voice indignantly ready to protest. Unfortunately it meant he missed his prize which bonked him on the head and nestled in his hair. With such short arms and such a big head he started to struggle to get the coin off his head.
When Ralsei explained the situation his spirit sunk... This was definitely not heaven. And he glared up at the ghost girl and Genie who so rudely approached, it wasn't the most intimidating image considering he had a coin on his head...
"WELL YOU'VE GOT THIS [[little]] PRINCELING! NOW IF YOU EXCUSE ME I HAVE SOME [Business] TO ATTEND TO!" He finally managed to get the Bullion off and was sauntering over to it's benefactor.

The puppet put his hands on his hips and and looked up at Hershel and pulled his glasses down revealing his beady little businessman eyes. "HEY! WHAT'S THE [Deal] WIS3GUY? I'M AN HONEST [Number 1 rated Salesman(C)1997] NOT SOME [Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!] CHARITY CASE!" He held the gold bar up handing it back "KEEP YOUR [Quick Cash] I DON'T NEED IT! I DON'T DESERVE IT! A SAL3SMAN IS ONLY AS GOOD AS HIS [Sales] AND IF THOSE START TO TAKE A [Dive] THEN YOU'RE JUST [Dirt Cheap] YOU'LL END UP HALF DEAD, DESTITUTE, LIVING IN TRASH! BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE YOU'LL SHOW THEM YOU'RE GONNA BE A [Big Shot]!" After his wound up rant the puppet finally seemed done, he continued to hold the bar up as his sides heaved as if he'd ran out of breath. Whatever triggered his outburst seemed to have passed.

[@RiriStride1] @Second2Last @Cloaked @cadesmith @Spooky Birb @Yamperzzz @anyoneimissedsorry
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago


It seemed like Negan just couldn't catch a break, could he?

Even after he'd fucked off and gone his merry way. Even after he decided to stand in his own corner without a damn sound while these morons went and played with each other's balls and compared dick sizes, he was being fucked with. For what had happened this time... well, it wasn't as bad as Lucille being taken by some walking puppet advertisement - but it was pretty damn close.

Ultron's shot to the wall? The one that had just been used to demonstrate how hopeless their situation was? Yeah, see. That hadn't just dissolved or anything. No, no. It had literally reflected off the damn thing entirely, and redirected itself all the way to the other end of their little prison. And what else did it strike but Negan's fucking shoulder? The shot had - luckily - not been enough to even reach his skin. But he felt the heat nonetheless. And, on top of that, the damage had been done.

The shoulder of his leather jacket? That leather jacket he'd kept in pristine condition since the fucking world ended? It now had a hole in it. Right there. A small hole, clear as day, surrounded by the singed marks that signified a burn.

Yeah... this crossed a line.

"Excuse me!"

The words had been shouted from Negan's end of the cage, and directed at the robot himself. Negan was far beyond questioning the weird shit here, let alone being intimidated by them. He was tired, and he was old...

And most importantly, he was pissed.

"Now..." Negan acted calm as he approached, lackadaisically swinging dear old Lucille to-and-fro with his careful steps. "I don't know what kind of fucked up, comic book world you come from..." the man stopped once he was close enough to Ultron. Not in beating distance - but close. He turned and pointed to the singed mark on his shoulder, clicking his tongue. "But this?" Negan shook his head. "This is just downright unacceptable."

Negan leaned back, then, and whistled. Not that tuned, slow whistle from before - more of an impressed sounding whistle. Only it came off ten times more mocking thanks to his expression and body language.

"You may think you look cool, swingin' around y'er fancy lasers and firin' 'em at people. But the bottom line is..." Negan clicked his tongue again, and held out Lucille. She was pointed at every other person in the cage - one by one. "There's a looooottta competition 'fer biggest dick in this here cage..."

Negan stepped forward again, now finally in striking distance of the metal man. He may have stood a whole head taller than him, but Negan looked into his beady red eyes all the same. And all he did was smirk, snicker, and then open his mouth,

"And so far?" Negan looked Ultron up and down, as if sizing him up. A few moments of this past, until he finally met his gaze with Ultron's once more. "Well, so far? Even that white-haired pretty boy's got you beat."

@ClownTown @TheRealMonaMona @SomeMekBoy
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

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All Might

Toshinori Yagi

”I… I’m sorry, infection? What infection are you referring to?” was his immediate response, a look of utter confusion on his face. The way she spoke about it, it seemed it was something bad enough to have ground at least a major city down to a hellhole. Sure, Japan may have been turned into a complete dystopian nightmare following All for One’s massive villain jailbreak, but even with all that, one of his contacts in America would have surely mentioned something like that to him, be it Melissa, Star and Stripe, or even Commander Agpar himself. Just what was going on here?

He was stopped from further inquiry when Tess’ apparent companions approached; the father and daughter that had drawn All Might over in the first place. It then occurred to him just how disheveled the three appeared, particularly Tess and the other man. Their clothes were old, threadbare, torn and stained, and their bodies seemed lean but relatively strong. At first, when he’d assumed this was a civilian shelter in ruined Japan, he’d just chalked it up to them running from the destruction of the freed villains, perhaps even as one of the many stubborn vigilante resistors, but no. They were survivors for sure, but just what was it they’d survived?

He decided now was not the time to launch into a game of twenty questions, especially when they would likely not reveal the answers to their current predicament. Instead, he gave the man and the girl a friendly smile and small wave of greeting when he was directly addressed.

”Call me All Might. It’s nice to meet you, though I suppose the circumstances aren’t the greatest.”

Interactions - @Thatguyinastore @TheElenaFisher @cadesmith

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ratKing
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ratKing King Rat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cloud had been knocked off his feet by the single wing of the angel, easily tossed to the ground. For a moment he almost felt sorry for Falcon, though he should have known. What sort of fucked up version of Sephiroth did this asshole meet? And where can Cloud find this obviously nicer one? Can they swap? Go ahead and take Sephiroth for all he cares, Cloud wouldn't mind dealing with one that gave Falcon the impression he has.

Though to the mercs relief Falcon had been given a gracious warning, he could feel the weight lifted off his chest. Not that it was gone for long, before he knew it the spotlight was back on him, having to stare up at the horrid man. That stare, no one could ever forget such a piercing glare. Sephiroth had less than ideal scaring tactics, but fear wasn't supposed to be comfortable. Cloud couldn't help the shiver down his spine after the other had brought himself close enough for a whisper, his presence had never gotten easier and probably never will. He didn't know how much more he could handle, Sephiroth flaunted his control like it was nothing. Perhaps knowing he has no choice was what angered him most, he couldn't back down even if he wanted to. Chosen by the most sadistic fuckhead out there, disappointing....

Cloud had sat up after he was knocked down, using his arms to hold him up. He wasn't tired or hurt, the merc just didn't want to get up to see his friend from another timeline be slaughtered. And now with that added exit all he wanted to do was sit and- smell the flowers? Who brought roses in here? Sure it was a nice smell, but that was odd. Where's Where's smell of ash and burning wood? Not even a taunt? Just.. the smell of roses. With a heavy sigh and a shake of his head Cloud pushed himself up, looking at Falcon with a glare and crossing his arms.

"You're real lucky that's all he did. Take this from me, Sephiroth doesn't do kindness in any sort of sense. That was him being nice, so please.. Just don't. I'm not strong enough to fend him off if he goes after you, if you die by his hands it's not my fault you hear? Best you stay away from him, I went up to him thinking the wrong things. Until this Luther guy can show us that he can contain Sephiroth,
don't you believe for a second that he's stuck here. If he wanted out he would have gotten out by now."

With a groan the merc had turned away slightly, looking over at Sephiroth before looking away again. He wasn't confident in their captor and his ability to keep a leash on Sephiroth. Anyone else, sure there might not be as much as a hassle- but this was practically a God. He could only hope that playing his cards right would keep him alive- and if not his old "friend" might want him to be around until they got back.

"Just don't go and do anything stupid, okay? I can't bail you out of everything."

With an annoyed snort, Cloud had wandered off for a little time to think- and maybe someone infinitely better to hang around. Maybe someone he could just silently stand near and they'd get it. The highest form of approval is just standing near them, that is if you hate being touched too affectionately like Cloud does. He's just an over hyped cat with a sword, he has his people and then there's everyone else. Everyone here is part of the latter category.
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