Satisfactory answers, less than ideal troubles.
As he stood back and waited, a woman, who he didn't recognize from the original group which had been trapped in the cage made herself known and present to everyone, specially by specifically making use of his previous points (even if it was in a more informal manner).
He nodded amicably to the woman, soon enough returning to the conversation at hand while feeling slightly nervous at the defensiveness of his partner. There was more messes in-between, including a silly, familiar face he was glad to see up to his amusing shenanigans and accidental innuendos.
Regardless, the conversation was able to move back into business at Lex's behest as he just about satisfiedevery single inquiry that had been done from visuals to explanations... yet, the cleric remained somewhat wary, but would attempt to cooperate from here onwards at least a bit. Expression remaining unreadable, he split from his support of the wall, more willing to engage with the business at hand from the display of transparency (If still not trusting the intentions of Luthor just yet).
First, someone tried to take leadership of affairs with a solid (if basic) plan, only to his nekomata to assert her independance and displaying her flawless shapeshifting to accentuate the point of her uselfulness... the cleric could only smile wryly, scratching his cheek for a moment before letting a sigh escape his lips.
This feeling of wryness would only intensify as the eccentricly-dressed woman teased Berit over her possessiveness... The duke knew what he would need to do later, but that came after addressing the plans first. Following up was a buff man who supported the initial plan from their fellow eccentricly-dressed men (What is up with so many skin-tight suits...).
"I do have a suggestion, and that is to further separate the categories into smaller groups that are meant to compliment lacking shortcomings between members, or emphasize affinities. To lead a big group of people or even three without further sub-divisions will get messy quickly, and though I have the experience, asserting yourself to be a group leader without knowing its members is a fool's errand... and not everyone will have the same level of energy and cooperation." He looked towards his partner for a moment, a pleading look which implied a request of cooperation before turning back to a more confident expression.
"Above that, as demonstrated by Berit here and her flawless shapeshifting, the tactical side specifically will need sub-divisions to be effective and make full use of available skills." His body language and hand-gestures showed resolve and confidence, punctuating specific and relevant words as he spoke, from waving to pointing to fluid motions, etc.
"We should also do two more things" Finally starting to leave his corner of the window and walking towards the middle of the room with two fingers raised, he stared at the rest of the crowd with confidence.
"First, we need to reserve the watch usages for emergencies, if we are being limited to three usages, the last thing one should do with a device akin to teleportation and 'summoning' all at once is waste it." His first finger lowered, only leaving his index raised.
"We'll need to define the implications of the categories and commit to paper or some registered way as to what each person can do, and organize the teams accordingly... to do lesser will be messy, and if we are doing something akin to bounty-hunting someone powerful, the last thing we should do is be sloppy." Finally, a slightly tired sigh escaped the duke's lips before looking around the crowd, moving towards the counter and leaning with his back against it in a relaxed manner.
"Any further suggestions or complaint about my own?" Politeness returned to his tone after the speech was finished, a small and nice smile on the man's lips as he waited in silence.
Interactions: @Thatguyinastore@ProfSpacecakes@SomeMekBoy@Starmaker @ anyone else in the room who cares to respond to him