Mitsuru Kirijo -
@TheElenaFisher Akihiko Sanada -
@davefromdiscordJunpei Iori -
Amongst the rampage in Metropolis’ very own concrete jungle, three individuals stood to break up the fight. Innocents were being harmed in the midst of the titans’ clash, after all. Not to mention the sheer amount of collateral damage that ensued. The group was known as S.E.E.S. (or the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, for anyone inclined to know the name). These heroes had saved the world once already. From the embodiment of Death itself, in fact.
So stopping some rampaging sorta tall monster people in the streets of a big city? That was nothing.

The one leading the charge was none other than Mitsuru Kirijo, former leader of S.E.E.S. as well as the current leader of the Kirijo Group.
A woman screamed out, this being a civilian running from the destruction that was being caused by the rampaging monsters. The reason for the scream aside from the obvious, that being the giant monsters? Buildings were being destroyed and some rubble was falling down towards said woman, aiming to crush her, her eyes closed as she waited for the end.
At first it seemed like the rubble had just destroyed itself in midair, like all it took was just that one word to destroy the rubble. But to anyone else with a certain kind of power to see that wasn’t the case for a figure, that being one of a woman, with a whip was floating in front of the woman before it disappeared and footsteps could be heard. And the source was none other than the red haired woman that was leading the charge against these monsters, Mitsuru Kirijo. Reaching the woman with a rapier in her left hand, she held a hand out to the woman.
“Can you stand?”With a nod in response to Mitsuru’s question, she took her hand and was pulled up by Mitsuru. “Th-Thank you for saving me!” A small smile appeared on Mitsuru’s face in response to the woman’s words.
“It’s no trouble. Now get to safety, my friends and I will help take care of this.” As the woman ran past her after giving Mitsuru a nod, Mitsuru sighed.
“It seems even other worlds need our help. This has to be put to a stop before more civilians get injured.” She glanced over her shoulder before looking back at the rampaging monsters.
Size wise, it reminded her of when they stopped the embodiment of Death itself, even if these were bigger, but this time it was three at once instead of just one. But it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle and it didn’t seem like anyone else in the city was attempting to stop them. Naturally, it seemed like another mission for S.E.E.S, even if they weren’t called that anymore.
Even without their entire team, they were still strong enough with just the three of them.
“Junpei! Akihiko! We all need to focus on one at a time, splitting up and trying to take on one at a time alone is suicide. From there, we’ll need to immobilize them to make sure they can’t harm anyone. Help any civilians if you can but our main priority is stopping the monsters. Are you two ready?”And as Mitsuru Kirijo took the stage, another voice barked calm, assertive orders from behind her - precise like a surgeon, not a hint of fear or uncertainty in his voice, directing the fleeing civilians as he made his way toward Mitsuru herself.
“Clear the park, all of you, as fast as you can! Quickly, come on!” Craning his head and hardening his gaze, he knelt down and caught a child clutching a stuffed animal by the shoulder, kneeling down to meet her bloodshot eyes and speaking to her gently, yet assertive as was the air he maintained.
"Can you find your parents?" he asked, and the girl shook her head no.
“Alright,” he began, looking over his shoulder and gesturing toward a nearby police cruiser, lights blaring fluorescent sapphire and ruby.
“You go find a police officer, and stay with them until I get back, alright? My name’s Akihiko Sanada. Call me Aki, if you like. Your parents are gonna be fine - I promise. Right now, you just need to keep yourself safe.” As the girl nodded to him and he nodded reassuringly in turn, he let go of her shoulders and stood to his full height, rolling his shoulders and cracking his knuckles as he took his place beside Mitsuru.
Burgundy scarf and beige blazer buffeted by the harsh wind, Akihiko surveyed the situation, raising a hand to make gestures to accompany his train of thought, even as his jaw tightened and his brow clenched, worry evident through his features, tantamount in his eyes and in the way he spoke, urgent and calculated yet a beat too fast, rushing through like the footfalls of a man running on a treadmill going a tad too fast.
“If they get out of the park’s bounds, they’ll put ten times as many civilians in danger. We should keep their attention on us, keep them distracted until we can weigh up our options properly. It’ll be difficult with two targets, but if we’re smart, we’ll be fine. You ready, Junpei? I don’t think we’ll be needing to pull our punches.”
“What kinda question is that?” The jovial, upbeat voice of Junpei Iori asked from the side. He had on his signature outfit - and in his hand, he held his signature baseball bat. Junpei wasn’t one to really bark orders - he left that sorta thing to Akihiko and Mitsuru. Nah, he was here for the dirty work. The “action”. Ya know, all that shit.
“Da Man” turned as the sounds of a little girl sobbing could be heard nearby. She’d been trapped behind what seemed to be a wall of rubble. Similar to the girl Akihiko had saved, she clutched what seemed to be a teddy bear in her hand. And... aw man, was she in her pajamas? It was getting pretty late, so it made sense. The sun was already startin’ to set, after all! What followed was the reveal of a familiar fake gun - Junpei’s evoker.
Just like Mitsuru moments prior, Junpei’s Persona was revealed behind him - though only his fellow Persona users could actually see it. It took the appearance of a shimmering gold and red knight with wide, golden wings. Unbeknownst to everyone else, the Persona proceeded to use “Gigantic Fist” to outright strike the rubble, sending it flying in several directions. The sobbing little girl flinched and let out a scream at first, afraid she was being attacked by one of the rampaging Titans. However, as the smoke cleared, she’d find Junpei kneeling down with a friendly smile.
“Hey… it’s okay now.” Junpei spoke in a calm voice, much different from the normally loud and upbeat voice he had. The girl sat there for a moment, unsure of what to do. But the subsequent sounds of further explosions rocking the streets encouraged her to run forward, leaping into Junpei’s arms. Junpei smiled and pat her on the back, before turning and running away to the nearby grass. Once there, he set her down on the ground.
“You go find your mother, okay? Or like… a police officer or somethin’!”The little girl nodded, and Junpei watched her run off with a smile.
With that, the three Persona users surged forward through the streets, ready to take down whatever other threats presented themselves… or just save whatever other lives they could.
@Lmpkio @Midle1998