Name: Ameliya Pyrrhus
Known Aliases: On conspiracy theorist boards, she was humorously called 'Spontaneous Human Combustion' or SHC for short. Though if she had to choose she would prefer her second nickname, Inferna
Age: 29
Appearance: 5'8" foot tall, toned muscles, warm sepia toned skin, and fire-red hair that some could even swear were alight.

Psyche Profile:
That is one angry bitch. If she isn't threatening to set you alight, she is being a sarcastic asshole and spitting fire in a metaphorical sense. An old guard was once stupid enough to give her a gift as a way to try to calm her down, she burned that teddy bear right in front of his eyes, and then of course he was fired. He was just lucky he wasn't actually set on fire by her as well.
There has been progression though, and we are happy to say she has at least stopped lighting herself on fire. It seemed after a few months, it started to become understood all that ended up giving her was exhaustion and a lack of clothes.
Skills, Talents and Learning:
Power(s) and Capabilities:
Fire Embodiment:
Power Limits:
Known Vulnerabilities:
That and of course there are many different ways of how to kill a fire:
Ameliya craves freedom, because of her past trauma she doesn't totally know what this looks like but she is damn sure it's not being in the borehole.
Recommended Containment Procedures:

Known Aliases: On conspiracy theorist boards, she was humorously called 'Spontaneous Human Combustion' or SHC for short. Though if she had to choose she would prefer her second nickname, Inferna
Age: 29
Appearance: 5'8" foot tall, toned muscles, warm sepia toned skin, and fire-red hair that some could even swear were alight.

Psyche Profile:
That is one angry bitch. If she isn't threatening to set you alight, she is being a sarcastic asshole and spitting fire in a metaphorical sense. An old guard was once stupid enough to give her a gift as a way to try to calm her down, she burned that teddy bear right in front of his eyes, and then of course he was fired. He was just lucky he wasn't actually set on fire by her as well.
There has been progression though, and we are happy to say she has at least stopped lighting herself on fire. It seemed after a few months, it started to become understood all that ended up giving her was exhaustion and a lack of clothes.
- Her mother gave her as an offering to a king of the underworld, when she just a newborn.
- Ameliya was the plaything or toy to the king, she would be given the freedom to go back to earth only to be dragged back without warning. She had the hope of normal ripped from her again and again just to remind her how small she was compared to him and how helpless she was. It was all about dominating her and making her feel useless and broken.
- Through the days where she could escape though, she did her research and finding and when she turned 24 she managed to kill the king and earn her freedom.
- Since then she spent her time as an assassin. A sharpshooter with incendiary bullets, she was the answer behind what a lot of people considered spontaneous human combustion.
- She started by taking on the jobs of people she believes deserve to die but the longer she did the work, the more she felt like she needed more. She had an insatiable hunger for death, like an itch that she couldn't scratch. She just needed to kill one more guy, one more person and maybe she would finally be free from everything.
- The numbers racked up and she got sloppy, not caring if the new target was a mafia boss, a drug dealer, or just an adultering spouse. That finally caught some powerful people's attention, powerful as in the way lasers shoot out of eyes and trains are lifted with ease... and so she once again found herself in a battle that she couldn't beat.
Skills, Talents and Learning:
- She specializes as a sharpshooter with incendiary bullets, which thanks to her powers this means when she hits her target, she lights them up and burns them to dust.
- She also has basic fighting skills, the kind you would find on the streets, and are more than likely were learned out of a need to survive.
Power(s) and Capabilities:
Fire Embodiment:
- Can create fire
- Can control the fire within her sight
- Her body can turn into a form of a woman made of flames, when in this form her healing is also accelerated
Power Limits:
- She might be able to control the flames within her view, but as soon as they are out of her sight they are just wildfire like any other fire out of control.
- Her fire form though could be seen as impressive, is not something she has much control over. She often lits anything around her without any intent to, her touch in this form hurts those around her. She also can only keep this form for an hour, without adding fuel to the fire and if used too long it will wear her out and often leads to unconsciousness.
Known Vulnerabilities:
That and of course there are many different ways of how to kill a fire:
- Water
- Ice
- Fire extinguishers
- Sand
- Lack of oxygen
Ameliya craves freedom, because of her past trauma she doesn't totally know what this looks like but she is damn sure it's not being in the borehole.
Recommended Containment Procedures:
- Power dampner cuff on her ankle to keep her powers in check, she is still able to cause smaller fires but not able to meltdown the cafeteria around her.
- Her cell is outlined in concrete, she is unable to catch anything other than her own essentials on fire. If fires are started though, there are a multitude of ways to contain her. The most preferred being fire extinguishers from anywhere in the room or the removal of oxygen.
- When she is out of the cell, she is to always be with at least two guards in fire retardant clothes, which are most often used by firefighters. They are also to be supplied with fire extinguishers and tasers.
