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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor-near Sturdy Stables
Interactions: Slick@FunnyGuy
Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.

Leaf watched as Slick trotted out atop the horse he’d come to purchase. Even he could admit the horse had a very fine coat and the beast certainly did look like it could run. Maybe another time he could challenge the horse to race, but his mind was far too heavy now for a race to be more than just a fleeting thought. He noticed the horse looked more or less content, and while he was no expert on the subject, he guessed the horse probably was content. Slick was fond of the horse, he’d keep it well fed, let it run, and keep it safe. Leaf doubted prey-like animals cared too much beyond that. Not like a cat, to a cat, freedom was everything.

“I’m thinkin’, what sort of cat would I be if I looked at something I knew wasn’t right and did nothin’? Then I think, those stables don’t have much in the way of security, and I’ve got just the skills to do something about it. So, as much as I’d hate to lose a hand, or end up in a cage myself, it’d be worse to know that l left that creature there to be some fool’s pet.” Leaf spoke in a quieter voice as he looked on away from Slick and Champ and back towards the stables. And maybe it was unwise to speak his thoughts so freely in front of a relative stranger, and he wasn’t entirely sure why he did so. Maybe he wanted someone to agree with him, confirm that it was the right thing. Or maybe he wanted someone to talk him out of trouble. Leaf wasn’t entirely sure which he wanted to hear.

“But maybe this isn’t a conversation to be had in the daylight. So what are you up to, with your shiny crossbow and brand new horse? Got a great adventure planned?” He asked, not so subtly changing the subject, a stranger was not the person to springboard dangerous ideas with and he knew he needed to stop searching for outside approval.

Time: Morning
Location: River Port-headed to the Surfside Cafe
Interactions: Rue@Potter
Mentions: Arn @Omni5876
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas.

Bowyn felt Rue’s gentle hand rest upon his shoulder as she spoke, accepting his apology. Even though her words were warm and comforting, to hear her say he’d been right filled him with a sense of dread. Dread that he’d made Rue doubt herself, or think that she was wrong to want the world to be a better, kinder, place than what it was. He’d had that once, or something like it, a sense of faith in people, a way to see the world as it could be, hope for better things to come. It was hard to imagine ever being like that, ever thinking that way. How do you put into words how hollow that loss felt, how much worse it was than physical pain and missing wings? There was the tightening of fear in his chest as he worried that staying with Rue might mean he’d be the terrible thing that smothered her light.

Then the conversation was back on the more tolerable subject of breakfast. The Surfside Cafe, perfect, right next to the vile flock of seagulls that shriek for scraps. But Bowyn kept that thought to himself because Rue lit up with excitement as she talked about eating by the sea. He couldn’t ruin that, and even with the sun that shone too strongly here, and the seagulls and the ever crashing waves of the sea were all too loud, it was still breakfast and it was with Rue. So before he answered he thought about hot food and Rue until the idea became appealing enough that he answered back with sincerity.

“That sounds wonderful.” Bowyn paused then, slowly beginning to suspect why it was that he felt such a distance between them. Distance from Rue, his oldest friend, someone he’d once shared every dream and fear with, without any reservations. So he focused on relaxing some, let the zemak guide him towards something more peaceful, reminding himself that Rue already knew he was all sorts of messed up and she was still here anyway. So despite the fear that clawed at him, all he wanted was to close some of that distance, to be closer to the light that was Rue.

"And for the record, I was never ‘right on the amas,’ not even a little. The way you look at the world, Rue, that’s a beautiful thing. Not your fault the rest of the world can’t meet your expectations. So you go right on and trust whoever your heart wants and I’ll be here watching your back. Once this war’s over, it’s gonna people like you who help make the world be what it outta be.” Bowyn said, confident in every word. And he meant it, even if it meant continuing to pal around with a dwarf he couldn’t trust, even if it meant more people he wouldn’t trust, because he could, at least, trust Rue.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sophie & Caelan

Time: 9am
Location: Myriamor Bed and Breakfast
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari, @Potter Rosaria, @13org Nuallán & @Mole Aurora

Sophie had slept in and groaned upon being woken up. It took her a moment of sitting up and processing her surroundings to realize the previous day had not been a dream. She stared at the city in amazement. It was something out of a movie. For a desert, the area seemed pretty rich with vegetation. She watched a waterfall on her right as they passed it and rubbed her eyes. ” This is… pretty.”She said softly and sleepily. She glanced at Rosaria as she spoke, wondering what demis were. However, she woke right up upon noticing pyramids. Were they in Egypt? No, they couldn’t be. There were floating pyramids too!

Caelan woke up to Rosaria’s voice instantly noticing the blistering heat of the desert sun. He wiped his face from the sweat that had gathered. Looking around he noticed the city he had found himself in. “Holy shit, this is amazing!” He exclaimed, waking up almost instantly from the excitement. The architecture of the city was almost like an evolved form of Egypt and the mist from the waterfalls around the area gave a cooling sensation on his skin, along with the lush vegetation of this oasis city. Caelan was completely awestruck by this place. He looked around more, noticing all the humanoid animals. “So these creatures are Demi-humans?” He questioned aloud before quickly getting distracted by the scenery once again.

Calean grabbed Sophie's hand without really thinking about it as they walked into the place “Isn’t this just the most beautiful place you ever saw?” he said quietly to Sophie.

Sophie’s gaze had followed Caelan’s once he had spoke of demi-humans. They looked like half animal half human people. She supposed their name made sense. She hadn’t noticed Caelan grabbing her hand initially, immediately answering him with, ”I think it might be… It’s like a tropical magical Egypt… How-...” She broke off as she became aware of the warmth over her hand. Her eyes slid to his hand on hers and her face turned as red as a tomato. She stared with wide eyes as she contemplated what she should do.

She did not really know him at all and he was just holding her hand as if they were a long-term couple. Sophie did not want to say anything and be rude but she was also reasonably flustered and confused. Finally, after a long time of internal panic, she whispered, ”Uh. Hi. I think you’re holding my hand.”

Caelan looked down, realizing what he was doing he let go,“I am sorry, I really didn’t mean to do that.” He whispered back just as flustered at what he was doing as she was. Moments later they sat down at a table. “The city really does live up to its name. This place almost leaves me speechless.” Caelan answered Nuallán.

Sophie picked up the menu and opened it, confused by a lot of the options. Rattlesnake soup… Camel meat kebabs… Insect bites?? ”I… I will just have eggs.”Sophie said. She yawned and laid her head down on the table. She was still so tired.

Caelan looked at the menu, surprised at what options it had he searched for a moment and decided “I will take this fruit bowl. It has many strange fruits in it and I would love to try them.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Myra @13org

“You heard it too?” Astra looked towards the west along with many others. The sound wasn’t followed up with anything more so it was easy for most people in the market area to return to business as usual. However, Astra’s gaze lingered for a moment longer. Was that him? I fuckin’ hope not. She thought before continuing her dealing with the stall vendor. Astra’s brows were furrowed now. She was not very fond of Vrexen, but she found him useful in some aspects. He was a Demon after all, and Malthemoor would not summon such alien creatures to this world if not for their usefulness.

Once the price of the painting was settled, Astra took a step back from the counter with a hefty amount of amas tucked in a pouch. She jingled the bag and forced a smile at Myra. You’re a whole lot better than he is, but I need to mold you some more. Astra let her eyes scan the rest of the wares before speaking to Myra.

“Do you know if that roar was Vrexen’s? I feel like you’d know better than anyone… But you also don’t speak. Fuck.” Astra sighed before shrugging. “Whatever, he asked for violence, and I’m sure he got some. Anyway, do you see anything you like here? Clothes, hygiene products, toys… a snack maybe?”.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning, 9am
Location: Inn By the Sea > Boardwalk
Interactions: @princess Annya & @Th3King0fChaos Ismael
Mentions: @Kazemitsu Kharne & @Tae Raven

Saoirse had spent the night frantically searching for Raven. How could a stranger such as she vanish into seemingly thin air? Shae was fighting to keep her emotions at bay. Her stomach felt as if she'd ridden the Top Thrill Dragster nine times. She didn’t know who she was more furious at, and she didn’t know what she’d do if they found Raven. At least all the endless walking had given her an overview of this town. It was larger than she’d anticipated which only made her skin crawl. After hours of hopeless wandering around, Annya forced her to retire to the Inn By the Sea. Frustrated beyond belief, Saoirse had gone to bed. She’d wanted to protest, but the gut in her stomach warned her otherwise. The weight on her shoulders was becoming difficult to handle. The walking, fretting, and rollercoaster of emotions and memories she’d blocked out for years were enough to fatigue her to sleep, though her dreams were restless.

The next morning Saoirse was woken up by voices. Groggy and wiping the sleep from her eyes, it took her a moment to pinpoint not only where she was, but who was speaking. Familiar voices filled the hallway and it made her leap up in anticipation. Was Raven back? As the voices registered and the conversation dragged on, she scowled and laid back down. No, it wasn’t Raven, but the dragon creature, electricity man, and the warrior princess. Sighing, she laid there as she listened. She stuffed the pillow over her face and tried to block it out to no avail. Groaning, she sat back up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

She crossed to the mirror and glanced at her ring. Knowing the guards would likely want to apprehend the assailant from the previous night, she twisted the ring on her finger. Her appearance changed. Her hair wasn’t as long and had become a light dirty blonde that hung in waves around her shoulder. Her eyes were blue instead of green and her face was kinder. She wished for red hair, but thought it might be too close to her previous appearance. Satisfied mostly, Saoirse changed into her new outfit and instantly felt relief flood through her. No more annoying looseness. She ditched the cape however, as she felt it’d only get in her way. Next, she began organizing her backpack and left her human ensemble behind along with the wad of cash hidden under a loose floorboard. Her heart ached, but the shit was useless to carry with her. Maybe she could burn the shit once she learned her element. Annya’s voice made her jump a mile and whip out a knife as if they were under attack.

When she realized she was being summoned to leave she relaxed and set the knife back into her boot. Outside her room, she joined Annya and Ismael, following them both to the boardwalk in silence. The sunlight assaulted her eyes and she blinked rapidly to clear the sunspots in her vision. Sighing, she kept her gaze downcast onto the boardwalk. Only when they halted did she brace herself for what was to come: the truth. She sighed and looked up at them both, then out to the sea. Her voice was quiet.

”No, it’s illegal on Earth too. The reason I reacted that way was ‘cause he reminded me of my mother (if you can call that bitch that) back on Earth. She was a drug and alcohol addict and often went into rages.” She paused as she folded her arms and stared distantly out to sea. Her voice was calm and her gaze cold. ”The damn bitch, once I’d beg and plead for her to quit her shit, would come at me with whatever she could grab, whether it was a bat or knife or gun, screamin’ and threatenin’ me where I’d have to leave the house. So I saw him like her so I wanted to teach him to leave us alone, cause I had no idea if he’d continue harassing us or get more violent.”

She didn’t glance at them and sat down on the boardwalk with her back to them and focused on the sunrise. Scowling, she gripped the edge of the boardwalk and glared. There wasn’t anything to be ashamed of, she told herself, but Annya’s cold gaze and Raven’s words stubbornly stuck to her mind. Frustrated now and hungry, she wished she had something to smoke or drink. Finally, she risked a glance up at Annya and waited with anticipation.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: Leaf @Helo
Mentions: Rosaria @potter, Mika @Tae, Kuroi @hide on mana

So it is a score… Well, sorta. Slick could feel a growing heat behind his ears that was definitely not caused by the rays of the harsh sun. Besides, he and Leaf remained in the shade, which was far more pleasant in the dry heat climate that engulfed Myriamor. Sure, Slick didn’t know the guy anymore than the duster on his back, but he liked the kid and he could sympathize with him too. Leaf had presented reasons for not committing hor- cat theft, but Slick found more reasons to do it anyway. To Slick, a man who lost a hand because of thieving just had a physical reminder of why thieving was and will never be suitable for ‘em.

This was Slick’s chance to test out his skills on a brand new pasture, and if things were as similar as they were where he came from, he thought he and Leaf would find themselves successful. Add to the fact that he was a nobody here in these parts, made Slick even more assured he wouldn’t get caught.

“Clever on you, Leaf. We can definitely discuss that matter at a later time. I’m itchin’ for a little excitement. Been sittin’ around too long and a great adventure…” Slick paused as he looked Leaf in the eyes trying to discern what he would say. He didn’t feel threatened by Leaf, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t bring trouble if the truth was let out. Slick wasn’t from this world, so he would tell a half truth to keep his story sensible. “It’s somethin’ I’m hopin’ for.” Slick nodded his head so the two could walk through the market area, with Slick leading Champ by the reins. He didn’t want an eavesdropper to conveniently hear everything he had to say from a stationary location.

“It’s not really up to me though. I’m bodyguardin’ a beautiful young lady who’s lookin’ to tour this desert town and meet up with some of her old friends. In these tryin’ times, a young lady like her can’t travel through these parts alone and a skilled stud like myself can’t just turn down amas, a gorgeous damsel, and a chance at some excitement.” Slick had a playful smirk on his face so Leaf could only speculate what sort of excitement the man spoke of. “And I ain’t her only bodyguard if you’re thinkin’ about why I ain’t right beside her. I’m takin’ a little break. The other guy is one helluva killer though. I saw the man just walk up on a fella and snap his neck. POP! Just like that! He’s one of them silent but deadly types I tell you.” Slick was exaggerating, but he wasn’t outright lying. Slick was sure Kuroi could do it. A guy like that wouldn’t just lie to him while petting a fox pup and sipping water in a damned bar of all places.

While the two walked, Slick was looking through the open windows of the shops he and Leaf passed by, trying to find Rosaria again. He could have gone to go find Mika and let her know her friend was in town, but that would simply be a waste of time. “You know I think I can get you in on this job if you can help me out. I’m lookin’ for a pretty black-haired elf in a green ‘n’ brown get-up that ain’t so pretty. I think she had a bow and was with some others when I last spotted her, but I’m sure she’s in this market.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: The Sapphire Oasis, Myriamor
Interactions: Uzul @dragonpiece @Potter Rosaria

Mika had been concerned that even with her explanation that Uzul still wouldn't accept to help her. Helping her would come with its own dangers, she knew this. She was moving against the people that had taken over her home. While the rightful heir, she was still playing a dangerous game. The twins had killed her brother, what would stop them from killing her or those who accompanied her if they found her? So when he agreed to guide her the relief she felt was immense. She wasn't surprised when he said he wished to discuss more, she wanted to make sure he knew these risks as well, but that would be better discussed in the company of the others. "Thank you, you have helped me more than you know. I shall not take too long." She told him as he left with a smile.

True to her word she didn't take much longer. While initially she'd planned to relax longer, she was too eager now that she'd found a guide. She got herself dressed in the outfit Slick suggested the day before. She looked like a strange desert princess, that is until she strapped her weapons to herself. She then walked out to meet Uzul, a smile on her face. "Thank you for waiting for me. We shall speak more of things, but first I have a breakfast date and I'd love it if you'd join me. Then you can meet the rest of those accompanying me and they can meet you. Then no one is left out of the loop." She informed him as she began to lead him towards the breakfast spot.

She took a brief moment to use her transmission bracelet to contact Rosaria. "Good morning! I am on my way to the restaurant, but I wanted to see if you could add one extra seat? We'll be having a guest joining us." When she was finished with that she looked back to Uzul, figuring they could at very least make small talk as they walked.

"So do you live here in Myriamor or are you just visiting as well?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: Slick@FunnyGuy
Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.

Leaf listened as Slick spoke, his ears alert with excitement and tail all a twitching as the man told him all about what he was doing in Myiarmor. It was hard to imagine the guy needed more excitement; out here guarding a beautiful lady, a real-life damsel in distress, and getting paid for it. Paid enough to purchase a fine horse and a top-shelf crossbow. This man was not just some wandering adventurer, he was like a great hero from the old stories, and he even had a sketchy assassin-type sidekick. The idea of killing folks, sneaking around, and snapping necks sat a little uneasy with Leaf. Although, he supposed one could be a good assassin, killing bad guys and all, the way Slick described it sounded so cold.

But Slick offered for him to tag along. It wasn’t exactly an offer one could turn down, an honest job helping out some beautiful damsels. So even though Slicks neck-snapping sidekick set him on edge, he trusted Slick. Slick had agreed with him about the lioness, which told Leaf that the man had honor, and a good spirit, and that was enough for Leaf. The young cat didn’t care for the lack of direction he currently had, he needed a purpose, and although this one sounded like quick work and tame, in comparison to what he was used to, it was a start. A journey starts with the first step, and this could be a step in the right direction. So Leaf clapped his hands once in excitement and nodded at Slick.

“You can absolutely count me in. Excitement and beautiful damsels in need of assistance, who could turn that down? Say this elf you’re looking for, ya got anything of hers? I don’t want to brag, nah who am I kidding, I love to brag, and I am an excellent tracker. One sniff of her scent and I could have her found in no time at all.” Leaf offered, making no effort to hide his enthusiasm in the least.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Annya @princess , Saorise @Potter Raven @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

Kharne's eyes cut towards the princess as she spoke, his movements paused until she was done. "Everyone blows off steam differently, and maybe working out some mental frustrations physically could have helped. Who knows, but for now I should get looking...and maybe see about getting tracking items for everyone." He said before slipping out of the room. He heard the meeting spot if he couldn't find her in what he assumed to be a timely manner. Those heavy footsteps faded from the groups ears as he went down the hall and down some stairs. A nod to the innkeep and he was out on the street.

It was fairly early in the morning, but any port worth a damn was already bustling. His stride ate the distance between the inn and the clothing shop where Raven was last seen. Closing his eyes his nostrils flared and he inhaled. His mind shifting through the different smells before locking onto Raven's scent. His nose wasn't as good as a feral dogs but it was good enough to catch brief familiar scents. The girl didn't smell like any person on Avalia that he had snuffed before, there were materials he had never smelt before.

Opening his eyes he began following that smell. He had to go slow to keep it locked on, but his size, arms, and armor got people to get out of his way. Even other mercenaries and soldiers moved when his eyes went from straight ahead from the task at hand to glaring down at them before returning to the task at hand. Intimidation was a good way of avoiding trouble, and getting people to move faster so he didn't have to get physical. Granted Raven was a high profile p.o.i and he'd normally be bulldozing the town to find her faster. But discretion was needed in this situation so as to not draw the dark elf attention to River Port.

The more he followed her scent, the seedier the surroundings got. Which got him to get more tense. The surrounding smells weren't as pleasant as before, so now he had to use his eyes more than his nose. Too much stink could drown out the most familiar of scents unfortunately. So he went looking for that startlingly white hair of hers, assuming she was up and about and on the main path that is...
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R B E D & B R E A K F A S T
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , R O S A R I A , S O P H I E , N U A L L Á N , J O M A R I
T A G S : @Potter, @13org, @Alivefalling, @princess, @baraquiel
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T

She was enjoying a nice stroll through the town's edge. Her limbs were freely hanging beneath her cloak, and the soft, padded dirt beneath her feet felt soft like feathers. For a brief moment, she pondered this sensation, since she was wearing her shoes. However, the thought fleetingly passed along its way as a distraction deteriorated her concentration. She was now in front of a tree, large like that of a jungle. Her hands could feel the bark's twists and grooves. It was apparent that she was now outside the kingdom, and the dirt felt distinctly different. She thought nothing of her shoes, at this moment. Although, something reminded her of her outfit, and yet, the thought no longer bothered her. For now, a rumbling in the forest echoed through her ears.

A monster.

And, it was coming quickly.

The stomping made it almost impossible for her to understand from which direction it was coming. She thought to run, but before she could make her trail towards safety, a large claw through wind over her head and caused her to fall to the ground. Aurora felt pains slither quickly through her palms. A thick dampness covered them. She swallowed, huddling her body inside itself. She was bleeding, and the rumbling was too terrorizing for her to move. The monster was right over her. Any second now, it would clutch her and devour her.

A last thought told her to remain was silent as possible -- Oh! And the humans. She was supposed to protect them with her own life! But, how could she protect them if she could not even protect herself.


The voice echoed through her mind. There was an ominous melody to it, as it surrounded her. The low tone sounded familiar, like the saving grace she had always known her entire childhood. It was the voice of her brother, Rowan.

Somehow, or another her body was moved to safety, but the screaming. She knew that screaming., It was the same screaming the group had heard just the other day echoed through the forest. It echoed through her mind. It was her brother's screaming, now, echoing around the trees and carrying through the air as the monster tore through his body.

Aurora was about to let out a scream, but a soft voice cradled her awake.

The voice was Princess Rosaria.

The advisor let out a sigh. It was soft, inaudible. Her shoulders relaxed. She would have time along the journey to contemplate her dream, but right now, most thankfully, she had a mission to cherish and nurture. There was no time to feel the sorrows and terrors of her brother's death linger alongside her. Her father told her to always be weary of dreams. They were helpers at best and tricksters, misleaders at worst. Falling prey to a dream has lead many elves astray. Still, she found it necessary to contemplate the dream further, even if now was not the time. If not for the time at which it was present, at least for the love of her dearest older brother.

"It smells beautiful in Myriamor," the light elf noted gently. The openness gave the air a freeing scent, and although she could not enjoy the aesthetic splendor that she had read and learned much about, she discovered quite quickly her other senses were able to admire the generous fashion of the land.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port, Cheap Inn
Interactions: Kaleb @FunnyGuy, Eris & Kharne @Kazemitsu
Eris New Outfit
Raven New Outfit

Raven blinked up at Kaleb momentarily as her brain wrapped around his words, specifically him being her Joker. He was just messing around right? Yeah he was messing around, she decided. Best not to think too much into the words and just play along. ”Aww you wanna be my puddin’? I think you’d be the perfect Mista’ J!” She said, taking on the Harley Quinn persona again briefly before laughing once more, snorting a little as she did but did her best not to get embarrassed and apologize over it. When it came to recognizing what a toxic relationship was, Raven was not skilled in it. All relationships she’d been in had been toxic and yet she never recognized it until it was too late. She, just like Kaleb, was ignorant to the fact that Joker and Harley Quinn was not a relationship to envy.

”Thank you, I’ll do my best to be more confident like the characters I portray. I’ve always wanted to be more confident, it’s just always been hard. My dad is the only one who’s ever supported me and encouraged me to just be myself.” She explained, but then her face fell as she thought more on her words. ”Or I guess he was. Unfortunately cancer took him six months ago.” Why was she telling him this? Perhaps she just needed to get it out, but at the same time it was bringing that pain right back. No, she wouldn’t let those feelings take over again. Not here, not right now. She’d surely lose control of her powers then and they couldn’t have that. She took a deep breath and shoved those feelings away. ”You know, he was a fan of yours as well. Alway used to say ‘that boy is so talented, I wonder what he’s like in real life?’ He’d love to have learned that you’re a sweetheart and a gentleman.” She gave him a soft smile.

Meanwhile behind them Eris was now watching something else. Her attention had been caught by some small commotion a ways ahead of them. Even though, as an elf, her eyes were sharper than a lot, it was hard to miss the large dragonborn pushing his way through people. She definitely recognized him as one of Raven’s companions, especially since Raven had told them about all of her companions the night before. She smirked as she watched the brute intimidate his way through the crowd, no doubt looking for Raven. She could mask them again, change the appearance of Raven, and make his searching that much harder, but that would risk suspicion of her purposely hiding the girl from them. Of course she could always talk her way out of that. It would be so simple, she’d made a scene the day before with the other two and Eris could claim she was disguising her for protection. Or she could claim Raven had pissed some off the night before, Raven didn’t remember much and would be easy to convince and Kaleb seemed to follow her lead. So simple, but they were headed to breakfast with that group anyways so no sense in stopping it. She could do something, though, and let Raven spot the dragonborn before he spotted her.

”I’m so sorry to interrupt you two, but I do believe there may be a dragonborn on the hunt for you, dear Raven.” She told the girl as she moved up beside the pair and pointed out Kharne. Raven blinked as she saw the man and she felt a bit sick to her stomach. How was Kharne going to react when finding her? She got a bit nervous, but she realized she couldn’t prolong it any longer. Time to face the music.

”Kharne! Over here!” She yelled to the dragonborn, waving at him.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: The streets of Myriamor
Interactions:@Tae Mikazuki
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul stood in the shade of a palm tree just outside of the Sapphire Oasis, waiting on whom he assume is Princess Mikazuki. Uzul could only imagine the pressure Mika was under at the moment, he can't even fault her for her trying to relax. Uzul had guarded many people in the past but none of them has been as important. Though he can say he has never guided someone to Dugmaghord since he left. Uzul keeps an active record of their whereabouts, trying to avoid them and to guide people away from there. I really hope that the princess was accompanied by some people other than old politicians. Hopefully at least one warrior of note with some decent speed to them, it would make for a more well-rounded guard for the Princess. Luckily we won't have to worry about ranged attacks other than some bolas, nets, spears, and rocks. There is the worry that some other strong orcs have appeared but I doubt too many. As Uzul rambled on in his head, Mika made her way out of the bathhouse.

Mika would see Uzul being covered in a yellow cloak that seems to have a few patches on it along with a large spear that was currently wrapped in cloth. As he turned to face her, Mika would be able to see the gauntlets he carries on his left him. Uzul was quick to notice the outfit, an outfit to fit in was a good way to move around in this city. The swords on open display though were a bit contrasting but not the most off-putting if you consider how close Roshmi is. Uzul just hopes that the sword aren't known to be her or else her disguise would be for nothing. "It was no trouble waiting on you and I would love to join you for breakfast. The fruit salad is spectacular this time of year." Uzul smiled back at Mika as he followed her to whatever restaurant Mika and her companion had decided on prior.

When Mika wanted to make small talk, Uzul was eager to oblige. "Me? I don't live in Myriamor, you just caught me after guiding some lost spice traders. You wouldn't believe how far they were off the normal routes. I was going to take them back to the normal path but it seemed that the caravan leader had instilled in them that if the shipment was late, heads would roll. So to ease some of their worries I guided them through the wyvern and spider dens. I tell you, that caravan leader was a real slave driver, I was up for two and half days protecting it from wyverns and spiders the entire way. It was quite an adventure."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: The Harem
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda @princess Helio @Infinite Cosmos Tesoro @Helo Nym @Potter Tigerlily @FunnyGuy “Two Lesser Known Twins” & Liliana

Lizzie had made a teasing comment the night before towards Barboda and Tesoro for not joining in the drinking, yet she followed it up with letting them know she could respect their decision. She’d also informed the crew that, while it was up to them how much they drank, if it ended up affecting their ability to perform their duties if they were to be attacked there would be consequences. She knew that for some, including herself, having some alcohol in their system caused them to actually perform duties better especially if it came to a fight. She didn’t second guess her decisions then and was quicker to react. So she’d only drank enough to relax and enjoy the night.

The next morning she was up early, familiarizing herself with the captain’s quarters and the map of Avalia. If her calculations were correct they were nearing those Dread Isles, if she turned them a few clicks northeast they’d head closer to the mainland and then likely come across some merchant ships if this world worked the same as theirs. So with that she left her cabin and took the helm, relieving whoever was there at the time. She then turned them in the direction she decided, not diverting too much from the path they were already taking.

It was a little later in the morning that she took notice of the schooner off to their east. She kept an eye on it, pointing it out to the crew, but not making any move towards it just yet. She did note that they seemed to be following them and this intrigued her. As the schooner got closer she could now see a black flag they were flying. It was Tigerlily who informed her that this was one of Captain Ardyn’s ships and Lizzie was sure this was going to be an interesting encounter. Might as well speak with them as this schooner was faster than them due to its smaller size. She ordered for the sails to be lowered some and to let them approach, but to be prepared for anything.

She slowly left the helm, eyeing the three on the other ship as one of them began speaking. She eyed the one mean-mugging them and merely gave him a smirk before looking back at the spokesman of the group. ”That would be me.” She said as she moved to the railing, but she made no move to go over to their ship at all. Instead she laced her fingers together, placed her elbows on the railing, then rested her chin atop her linked hands and grinned down at the three. ”However if you wish to speak to me, ye can come over here or we can stay on our proper ships and speak as we are now. Whatever ye need to discuss with me can be discussed in front of my crew.” She stood back up and gestured to her crew, glancing at all of them then back at Vellen. ”And if that doesn’t work for ya then you can right fuck off.” She told him, giving him the sweetest smile as she did so.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Astra@FunnyGuy

Myra nodded her head vigorously as Astra asked her if she heard that roar too. While the roar did alarm Myra, she also felt that she had heard it before. That roar definitely wasn't from a strange creature and the more she thought about it, the more it became clear that there was a very high possibility that the one responsible for that roar was no one other than Vrexen himself, who had separated from them in search of 'violence'. After realizing that, even though Myra knew Vrexen had said earlier how he 'couldn't die' and knew how strong he was, she couldn't help but have some mixed feelings regarding if she should go try helping him or not. He was dangerous and unpredictable and her instincts often told her to be careful around him but at the same time, they were travelling together for some time now...

As Astra asked Myra if that roar was Vrexen's, Myra nodded at her, with the conflicting thoughts she was having about helping him or not being clear in her expression as she did so. Or at least until Astra mentioned that Vrexen himself went searching for violence... That roar was a clear indication that Vrexen was completely out of control right now... and Myra still remembered of how he grabbed her the last time something similar happened.

After hearing Astra's words and seemingly taking a decision, Myra mimicked Astra's shrug, before looking at the products Astra was trying to show her as she spoke some complicated words she didn't understand. Among the products, the ones that immediately attracted Myra's attention were a bunch of shiny and pretty objects on the corner, some of which were even shinier than the 'shinies' Astra used to buy things.
Her attention was glued on those objects until Myra heard two words she knew very well. 'Clothes', which made Myra stick her tongue out and shaking her head vehemently and the word 'snacks', making her immediately look up and pay attention to Astra. Snacks were food and Myra loved food. Besides, whenever Astra used that word instead of just 'food', it meant that it was a new kind of food. Sometimes it didn't taste that great but more often than not, those 'new' foods were really tasty.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: Leaf @Helo
Mentions: Rosaria @potter

Slick couldn’t help but smile at Leaf’s expressed excitement. Not only would he have some good company, but he’d also have himself a little helper. If Slick had known what the big plan was he might have been tempted to get it done with the bit of resources he gathered so far. Sure, he was supposed to use his magic to make things right in this world, but there was no way to practice them now that there was a bounty on every human head. He also had his crossbow. Only several shots for it, but he’d earn some more amas to purchase more. It was just how he had earned his dollar. With work! Good, bad, and sometimes even ugly, but currency would keep his belly and ammo pouches full.

“One sniff of her scent, huh?” Slick took a brief pause from scanning the nearby shops and stalls to eye Leaf. The ability to track was something he’d keep a mental note of. It wasn’t a common skill and many people varied in how skillful they actually were, especially when faced with clever evaders. “As much as I’d love to see you sniff a piece of the lady’s undergarments and go sniffin’ around town with your nose up for her… I’ve never met the lady, so I got nothin’.” Slick shrugged with a brief sullen expression. “I’ll just need your eyes for this favor, but we can definitely go fishin’ for ladies with that nose of yours another time.” Slick gave a nod and a wink before looking through the window of an eatery, spotting a flash of green.

Upon further inspection it was a woman wearing green garments. He didn’t immediately say anything, not wanting to raise the expectations of the pair. The woman was seated with a group and breakfast would be the first thing to do upon strolling into town after a long carriage ride. Even if he was wrong about this woman being Rosaria, getting something to eat seemed like a good idea.

“I think that might be her.” Tilted his head up in the direction of the restaurant. “We gotta be careful though so we’ll sit close, watch, and just listen. It’d be awfully rude if we disturbed that group’s breakfast anyhow..” Slick didn’t care all that much. In truth, he just didn’t want to cause a disturbance that would put too much attention on him. Before the two could reach the entrance to the Myriamor Bed and Breakfast, Slick suddenly chuckled. “I mentioned usin’ our eyes and ears but you can use that nose of yours too if you like.” He chuckled some more as he stopped and looked up at Champ. “Pick a table for us while I get Champ situated out here.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Eris, “Valerie” @Tae, Kharne @Kazemitsu

Kaleb laughed along with Raven after she performed her Harley Quinn impression once more. The act had actually brought a genuine smile on his face as he found Raven to be quite entertaining. It was not common for someone else to perform just for him and actually be good. However, his smile soon faded as Raven spoke of her late father and how he had been the only person that supported her career. He couldn’t help but think of his mother who had passed recently as well. A sigh escaped him but it was audibly masked by the deep breath Raven took coincidentally at the same time. Trying to hide his somber expression, Kaleb pretended to look off at something and briefly shut his eyes. Like putting on a mask, he turned back to Raven with a look of interest as she spoke of her father being a fan of his.

“Well, thank you for the compliment.” He chuckled a little, but the smile didn’t stick. Kaleb couldn’t keep his act up. Not because he was emotionally unable to, but because he could relate so much to Raven. She did not need an act, but instead someone to just talk to. “My condolences by the way. It’s not easy to talk about. Trust me, I know, so if you ever uh… If you ever just want to talk… about anything. I think you’re cool enough to listen to.” He smiled as he said the last bit in order to bring the mood up.

It wasn’t much longer when Eris addressed the two humans about a dragonborn searching for her. He remembered her mentioning the guy and yes he was aware this man was large, but…

Jesus christ… Kaleb looked towards the hulking dragon man Eris drew their attention to with wide eyes. He glanced at Raven who appeared to be a little uncomfortable seeing one of her companions. Kaleb hadn’t remembered Raven saying anything negative about the guy, and it appeared he was the only one that actually came out to find her as the dragonborn appeared to be searching by himself. Poise, poise, poise! Aaaaand… Kaleb awed expression quickly morphed into one of confidence as Kharne was called over by Raven. Got it!. Kaleb raised an open hand momentarily before dropping it as his wave to express friendliness at a distance. The last thing he wanted was for Kharne to go all Liam Neeson on them.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Myra @13org

Standing in the woods decorated in blood and body parts that had exceeded the appetite of all but gluttony, was Vrexen. His form was still towering, yet he was as still as the trees around him. Dark red stained his exposed fangs while blood dripped from his claws. All was silent until through his teeth he spoke

“This world I will.... Their flesh and armor.... The weak…. My strength…. I…. Everyone…. We…. They…. This world I will change. Their flesh and armor twisting. The weak vanish. My strength grows[. I eat. Everyone bleeds. We thrive. They die. This world I will change. Their flesh and armor twisting. The weak vanish. My strength grows. I eat. Everyone bleeds. We thrive. They die. This world I will change. Their flesh and armor twisting. The weak vanish. My strength grows. I eat. Everyone bleeds. We thrive. They die. This world I will CHANGE. Their flesh and armor TWISTING. The weak VANISH. I GROW. I EAT. Everyone BLEEDS. We THRIVE. They DIE. This world I will CHANGE! Their flesh and armor TWISTING! The weak VANISH! My strength GROWS! I EAT! Everyone BLEEDS! We THRIVE! They DIE!”

Though he was shouting again, it was not as loud as his roars from moments before. Though all around and within him were dead, Vrexen was still fighting. Fighting his transition back into sanity. This is the form he claimed. Not of the body, but of the mind. The mind that thirsted for violence so much he cannot contain it. The incident at the Malthemoor docks was nothing. Traven was nothing. He thought of chasing the Dwarves that escaped, but it was much too late. Perhaps the Orcs and Dark Elves nearby? There were so many down there, but they were too useful. Lilith needed them. She needed this war and allying with the Dark Elves was the path since so few of her children were in Avalia. Only amounting to several dozen. It was no wonder that order ruled this realm.

Vrexen’s body trembled as he stopped his fighting, and allowed his lesser nature to rule him. His body slowly shrunk back down to normal size. He lowered down so he was on all fours and with a low discontent growl, he ran forward. He had reveled in violence, yet he remained unsatisfied.

“You two are gonna get fuckin’ fat, y’know that? All you demons ever do is eat and according to Vrexen, there’s one that represents gluttony of all things. Like why?” Astra rolled her eyes but all the while she was chuckling. She wasn’t all that surprised that Myra would pay more attention to snacks than the rest of the things she named. “Come on, I think they roast tons of meat over this HUGE ass fire!” Astra figured if Myra wasn’t worried about whether or not Vrexen returned, she wouldn’t bat an eye either. But if Vrexen was gone, then that meant traveling to River Port was the best option from Aldrakh. In Astra’s opinion, it was the best settlement in the River Kingdom. Aldrakh wasn’t bad, but it was only a matter of time until Astra got an ax plunged into her face for having a smart mouth. “If we ever part ways, I recommend this place. They might try to buy you, but remember, you know your worth. They hunt, they mostly eat and serve meat. And they’re pretty simple. In a good way of course.” Astra looked around to make sure her words were safe.

As they continued through the market, the smell of roasted meat filled the air, causing Astra to grin. As they moved past stalls they had no interest in, the two would find Dark Elve soldiers and Orcs crowded around a large fire pit with various shapes and sizes of different meat from the surrounding fauna.

“And they eat everything. Everything they can hunt and all the parts too.” Astra was glad she and Myra were lithe enough to squeeze between the bodies of the crowd. “You pick, I buy.” Astra raised her pouch of amas and jiggled it.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port
Interactions: Annya @princess , Saorise @Potter Raven/Eris @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Kaleb @FunnyGuy
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1580 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

The behemoth didn't get very far into the shady district of the port before a familiar voice called out his name, making his ears swivel to lock onto the sound. Kharne's head snapped over towards the sound of Raven's voice so fast a human probably would have suffered whiplash. He spotted her quickly, and she had two others next to her, a male and a female. As he approached he got seemed to get bigger, he very much had a 'fill the room' type of presence.

As he neared he took note Raven was dressed differently than the previous day. Well the girls did go clothes shopping. He took in the look of the boy, taking note of the bow and the light armor with what looked to be a steel pauldron. The woman got a once over as well, no discernible armor or weapons which made him think a normal woman or a spell-caster. Raven worked quick on making friends...or since this was the shady part of town she was being 'escorted'. The male raised an open hand, a kind of lazy wave a lot of people used as a friendly greeting.

Stepping up in front of the three he stayed there and silently looked down at Raven. His hand came up, one that looked like it could crush stone with ease, came right back down gently on top of the girls head and the giant man sighed. "At least you're safe...try not to run off again please. You had all of us worried." He rumbled to her. "At least take a weapon next time if you do need to run." And there was the pragmatic mercenary coming out. It was clear he'd have been less worried if she was armed, he'd have been even less worried than that if she was actually from Avalia.

The dragonborns attention went to the two others before his head dipped. A mock bow. "I'm going to assume you two looked after her last night and I will thank you for that. I'm going to let Annya know two more will be joining us at the cafe." He stated, it was almost painful for him to show gratitude. It wasn't in his nature to be thankful, he tended to just return favors without a word being said. A few pokes at the device on his wrist.

"Found her, and she has a couple new friends. I'll escort them to the cafe now." Kharne stated before gesturing for the three to follow him. He'd bring up having the humans get tracking devices...it'd give him some peace of mind.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed & Breakfast
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @Mole
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

Jomari could already feel the heat emanating from the desert in his sleep. He dreamed he was back in the humid forests of his hometown, laughing as he and the others his age would bathe in the cool rivers. Then, he gradually felt it become warmer to the point where the sun seemingly glared down upon him. Instead of wet mossy rocks and the feeling of water gently splashing at his feet, it was replaced by multitudes of sand that seemed to reflect the sun's heat back up.

Jomari's people had no concept of a desert as their home country was an archipelago, meaning it consisted of multiple islands dotted with lush forests and jungles, and each island was surrounded by the vast blue seas. For Jomari, the only logical place for sand to exist at was the beach but in his dream, he could not see a sign of the waters no matter how long he walked. Just an endless, vast land of scorching sand wherever he went.

Rosaria woke him up from his sleep along with the others as they had finally arrived at their destination, Myriamor. When he looked out of the carriage, he grumbled in annoyance when his dream finally made sense. It was sand as far as the eye could see but he was thankful it was not that hot in Myriamor itself. The city was not the place to be for someone like Jomari who has lived his entire life in a wet, damp climate which would possibly make him a little grumpier than he already was, even if he was considerably easily angered the second he arrived in Avalia. He even took note of the abundance of what Rosaria called demihumans. It felt weird seeing something that resembled dogs and cats back in his hometown now walk upright and speak the human language but at this point, Jomari's too tired to even care.

In any case, he and the others followed the elves to this establishment called 'Myriamor Bed & Breakfast' and were asked to put their extra luggage there. Again, Jomari and his people had no concept of hotels so he thought the owner was this very rich tycoon that built this very big house and let other people stay in their extra rooms for a fee. Still, he felt uncertain leaving his valuables unattended so he decided to just bring them all with him as he made his way downstairs to the dining area.

Jomari was then given a list of foods that were very alien to him. When asked about what they think about the city, he glanced at the other humans he's with and so far, they were very impressed with it. "I don't care about how grand the architecture is or how wonderful are its people. If it's really hot and dry, I already hate it. At least it smells a bit nice." Jomari said. "If the princess is going to pay for our food, by the way, I'll have their most expensive dish." He added, glancing at the demihumans milling about. They were in all different species and ages, eating and laughing merrily with their companions. It reminded him of home, along with the mission he and the others were in right now. "Who is this person we're going to meet again? And why do they seem so important enough for us to risk our lives just to get to them?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Governor's Office, Avian City
Interactions: Governor Talasi Brightfeather

“Governor… they can't be so selfish. King and Queen Oceanheart declined just because the war has not reached their waters?!” Augus balled his hands into fists as he glared into the eyes of Governor Talasi Brightfeather. The two were standing in her office with the governor’s desk between them. The Governor kept a neutral expression as she had already let off her steam upon hearing the news come from the Aquarian Kingdom rulers’ lips. She half expected they’d choose to stay out of this war due to past instances.

“When they required assistance, there were few that bat an eye.”

“You mean when their entire kingdom was taken hostage by a group of slavers? They should be blaming themselves for being so weak and unable to control their heiress’ foolish ventures. Are we the only of our kind that has a lick of pride?” Augus was not holding anything back as usual.

“Augus, please. They are willing to continue trade and Myriamor is willing to establish new trade agreements with us. As for the other kingdoms, only the Sun Elf Kingdom has solidified its position in the war. The others are still coming to a decision.”

“Let’s hope they choose wisely. Ironhold and River Kingdom would be powerful allies. It would make up for yesterday’s attack on the Sun Elf Kingdom military’s supplies.”

“Indeed. How is the refugee operation holding up?”

“It’s been adequate. The amoras are getting to those fleeing Roshmi without issue, it is just corralling so many people into the quarters we built here. There are more refugees than we have accounted for, but this is not the permanent solution either. The Skyguard bird scouts are helping us map out the best route to Roshmi’s throne room while also dropping leaflets to motivate those remaining in Roshmi to take up arms. Once set, we’ll take the throne room and have Kasai usurped. Maybe push for some form of republic instead of an archaic monarchy.”

“You’ve been working hard as usual I see.”

“With assistance from the other masters of course.”

“Tell me. Are the rumors about demons true?”

“They are not rumors. Those monsters are fighting on the side of Malthemoor and the Aldrakh Tribe. There have been reports of patches of Uninhabitable Zones appearing across Avalia. We believe these areas may be where these demons are bedding down. Without further intelligence, I refuse to waste any lives to investigate further. For now, we’ll focus on the immediate. Roshmi.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Location: Inn by the Sea, Riverport
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, Shadow- Light Elf, Rocco- Orc, and Katanna- feline-demi
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue beamed at Bowyn when he replied, but a part of her inside her ached. There had been a pause in which he seemed to choose his words carefully. Was he upset by her venue choice? However she let it go as she feared irritating him. The awkwardness, she hoped, would begin to dissipate as they spent more time together. He was colder than the winter at their village and distant. She didn’t know the finer details of what trauma he’d gone through but she didn’t need to know. He was here now, and if she didn't find out, she would live with that. She knew in her heart she’d help him if he wanted it and would stick by his side no matter what. In light of her fear and anxiety over the war and her job, being with Bowyn made everything less scary and brighter.

Rue forced a smile onto her face. ”Thanks, Bowyn. I’ll have your back too.” She clasped her hands together and risked a quick glance at him. ”So, breakfast. Let’s go before all the good seats are taken.” She started to walk and moved slowly so he’d be able to fall into place beside her. Moonlight strode beside her and for a while, it was quiet.

Then a deep, grumbling voice made her jump and stop in her tracks.”Rocco does not want to eat. Rocco wants to go to the blacksmith.” The trio she’d seen earlier was striding out of a nearby room up ahead. The female red haired elf’s hair was in a thick plait down her back, the feline demihuman looked cold as she had yesterday, and the orc towering over them both, was filled with an array of weaponry. He was huge! All she could do was stare, mesmerized by the orc’s height and huge build.

“And as I told you, Rocco, we need sustenance. A quick meal and then we’ll pursue the damn blacksmith.” The light elf told him dryly as she sized him up and he nodded with a quick glance to the floor.

”Yes boss.” The orc muttered under his breath to which the light elf looked ready to snap, but thought better of it when she noticed Bowyn, Rue, and Moonlight. Her gaze moved over to the wolf then back onto the two fairies.

”Good morning.” She greeted and smirked with amusement at her comrades. The feline remained silent yet gave the orc a warning glance. She then turned to face them impassively, though with a slight scowl to her face. ”You can take an orc of it’s village, but can’t take the orc out of them. Rocco here doesn’t think he needs food.” She chuckled as she patted his enormous arm as he nodded jerkily. Rue managed a sweet smile and glanced at Bowyn, not realizing she’d grabbed his hand out of apprehension. She let go quickly and the elf chuckled. ”We’ll leave you two cutie-pies alone now. Let’s go.”

The trio departed quickly and Rue turned to Bowyn, wide-eyed. ”Orcs are huge.” Her voice was hushed as she feared they might hear her. Her skin was clammy and she found herself trembling. Something deep inside of her had felt unnerved, but she tried to hide it. They hadn’t done anything wrong, so what was the problem? Confused, she decided to push past it. ”I…wow.... Okay!” She forced a cheery smile on her face and was still blushing from having grabbed his hand. She patted Moony’s head to relax him some and waited for Bowyn.
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