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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 14 days ago

Then that completely ruins what I want my character to be. Forget it.... it's not worth this much of a headache.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Can I still join this? And would an another Vampire be alright?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Golem never said anything about multiple vampires being a bad thing, I'd presume you're fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Surani Meliane
Race: Breton/Vampire
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Appearance: Surani stands at an average height for a Breton her age. She has rich brown hair, and blue eyes. Unlike most mages, she doesn't wear robes for the simple fact she doesn't like them. She finds them to be too restrictive, and not very comfortable for movement. She has very pale skin, even before she was a vampire she had a pale complexion. The armor she wears, is more or less a modified set of leather armor under a hooded cloak to help her keep warm and try to keep her skin from direct sunlight. She normally wears the hood, except for on cloudy days.

Personality: If anyone can tell you anything about Surani just from spending a few moments with her, is that she's incredibly intelligent. She's a natural at understanding magic, how it works, and how one should be able to apply it in practical use. Surani is incredibly inquisitive and likes learning about anything, which has on more than one occasion has landed her in a heap of trouble. Magic and curiosity can be a bit of a bad combination, especially when you're tampering with dark magic, which she has done on more than one occasion - namely necromancy. That said, she's not one to mess around when she realizes that somethings gone horribly wrong, and won't hesitate to admit she screwed up and try to fix her mistakes...which she has had to do on multiple occasions. Also, she hates robes. They're annoying, and mages would do good to man up and don some light armor.

She's friendly to most, and takes great interest in her travel companions whenever she has them, though she knows when someone would rather be left alone. That doesn't stop her from trying to get to know someone, however. She doesn't mind crowds of people, in fact she enjoys them and doesn't like being alone that often. Travelling alone and without a friend or companion to her, is a huge waste and makes her uneasy.

One must also note, however, that she herself, is a vampire. While she doesn't mind being one, in fact she deems it a great opportunity, she hasn't been one for long, barely even a year. It's a touchy subject for her obviously, and hiding it is her number one priority.

Background: Surani is extremely well traveled, and has seen quite a lot of Tamriel.


While she does know the basics of sword play, she is not very good at it, and relies on her magic more often than not. She only uses the sword of she can't kill it at range with magic, a sort of last line of defense.

~Magic Skills~
- Expert Conjuration
- Adept Destruction
- Adept Alchemy
- Apprentice Illusion

~Combat Skills~
- Apprentice Light Armor
- Apprentice One-handed

- A steel Long Sword.
- A mage staff that casts fireballs.
- A light, modified set of leather armor under a hooded cloak. Enchanted to provide protection against fire. Quite lucky for her, as she's had the armor for years.
- A few Healing and Magicka Potions.
- A pouch filled with Alchemy ingredients.
- A journal filled with notes of her travels, with research notes stuffed into the pages at regular intervals. She regularly writes in it, whenever she can. Do not let her catch you reading this. Aside from the fact that she has necromatic research notes in here, it also reveals she's a vampire. You better swear yourself to secrecy, if not, she will protect herself by any means necessary.

Decided to go ahead and post her~
I can always edit it later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Ostarion: Looking forward to reading your CS!

@Gilgex: Ok. See you in another game!

@Saarebas: You're quite welcome!

@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted!

This is turning into quite a posse of adventurers! I like it :D

To you folks who are writing your CSs: get them done as soon as you can, and we'll start gaming tomorrow or the day after.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Can't wait to get started. I have a feeling this is going to be awesome
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Tandagh gro-Orsinium

Race: Orsimer, Vampire

Gender: Male

Age: 106

Appearance: Tandagh is a staggering 6'6 in height with a warriors body build. His skin is a pale green color and is racked with countless scars. His hair is long and matted dreads and are a near ebony black color. His eyes are a dark bronze color, they seem to glow in the dark.

Personality: Tandagh is a gruff mer, wanting to get to the point of things as quickly as possible, and hates the very idea of putting off a task that could be done now. He would never speak if he didn't have to, leading to long journeys with him to be in utter silence, but when he does he always seems to be annoyed and rather blunt, simply not carrying of anyone's feelings. As you'd expect from a Orc, Tandagh has a short fuse and once it is lit the explosion tends to lead to bloody walls and broken bones. Unlike most of his kind Tandagh doesn't boast of his abilities, in fact he has quite the disdain for people who do. He would rather prove his power through action than talk about it. He finds fights to be more relaxing than actually trying to relax, making down time one of the most annoying concepts to him. He has two odd traits for an Orc, the first being his hatred for alcohol, seeing it as something that does nothing but dull one's skills. The second is his love for bards and their music, he has gone as far to learn how to play the lute though he'd sooner crack someone's skull than admit it.

Background: Tandagh was born into the province of Orsinium to two black smiths as parents. Like other Orsimers he was trained in the art of smithing by his mother, though he never found any real joy in the act. It wasn't until his thirteenth birthday and he got into his first fight, with another young Orc who made the mistake of insulting his mother, that he discovered his love of besting a foe. So he set forth, like many other Orcs, to becoming a incredible warrior. He spent years training with his One-armed skills, namely with axes, to the point he could best most. It wasn't until he was twenty-five that his true life would start, or rather unlife. A Bosmer bard by the name of Allaina had come to Orsinium on her way to to Skyrim. Tandagh had found himself falling for her and quickly made it a goal to go out of his way to impress her. The young Orc had achieved his quest in getting the wood elf's attention through a series of fights with other Orcs, offerings of jewelry he crafted at the forge, and his seeming undying interest in her music. The night he thought he would finally "bed" her she told him that she thought him to be interesting and placed the kiss on his neck that ended his life. Yes Allaina was indeed a vampire and Tandagh had seemed to impress her enough to turn him. After which the two left Orsinium and traveled all over Tamriel for decades, Allaina teaching Tandagh both how to play the lute and how to use illusion spells to bend the minds of others. It was when the dragon crises arose that problems started. Allaina was killed by a dragon, sending Tandagh into a boiling rage. He then set out to get revenge for his lover and creator by slaughtering as many dragons as he could.

-Expert: One-Handed
-Adept: Light Armor
-Adept: Smithing
-Adept: Illusion
-Apprentice: Block

-A set of black fur armor
-Two Orcish axes.
-A bear hide he uses as a sleeping mat, though he uses it as a coat when it is to cold.
-Clothes he wears when not in armor. (see picture)
-A forge hammer
-A old lute that he keeps hidden away and lets no one touch
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Surani and Tandagh should get along swimmingly xP

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Saarebas: Accepted! (The orcish axes as well :D)

I don't want to wait any longer, so I'll post the IC in a minute. I expect the climb to High Hrothgar will take at least a posts, so anyone that hasn't finished its CS will have time to do so before the important bit begins ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Awesome, I shall work on a post~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Great post! Can't wait to get the story going! I've got so much good stuff in store for you guys... ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Galatea_Dreamer


Member Offline since relaunch

WHEEEE! So excited!!! *Does a little dance!* I've always wanted to RP in Skyrim! My previous attempts on other sites flop... :( GL, Golem. Oh, and to everyone else as well! *Skips of to check the IC*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Jorn(Yorn) Red-fang
Race: Nord
Gender: Male/Werewolf
Age: 28

Personality: Loud, boisterous and always ready for a good drink. In many ways he is your typical Nord, loving a good fight fallowing with a hearty meal and mead. Singing and dancing of exaggerated battles. That is the face you see, but in battle he is ruthless, his eyes gleaming with the blood lust of his inner wolf. Though he isn't losing control he simply loves battle and never feels more at home then when in a good fight.

Background: Jorn is a full breed in every since of the word. His parents full Nords. His family is a line of accomplished warriors, many of them joining the companions and fighting along side shield brother. Another reason they are so drawn to the companions is they like to stay near there own kind as the Red-Fangs are a family of werewolves. Something obviously kept hidden from the world as they keep there numbers low, Jorn having only a sister and a few cousins. Though they own a large sized estate in the north to the west of Solitude in the Haafingar it is secluded giving them the privacy they like and also rarely lived in. Most of the family across all of Tamriel looking for adventure, working this job or that as they only get together once every few years at the estate to catch up on things, and bring any new family to be blessed by Hercine.

Jorn like most of his family joined the Companions guild at a relatively young age and trained with them. Going on adventures with them, as well as the occasional hunt at night. Soon he was off adventuring on his own, and then the war started. Though for the most part he didn't pick a side, He slightly agreed with both. He had no desire to see the Aldmari Dominion acting as they did in his own land, and thought it was time to break free of the crumbling empire. But at the same time he couldn't get behind the "Nord only" philosophy of the strom cloaks. Sure he believed the nords should rule Skyrim, but at the same time his family has been well traveled and sees only value in allowing other races to live freely in Skryim. Becasue of this he has gotten into several bar room brawls with both sides. So he stayed out of the war seeing as at the end of the day for him it was only choosing which side you hate the least.

Though there was much more going on then just the war to keep him occupied with the return of the dragons, and this dragonbon. At least that was a cause he could get behind. The slaying of dragons, He soon heard rumors of a group forming to take down this dragon threat now that the dragonborn seemed to have disappeared. And soon he would be slaying dragons, and fetching a pretty septiem Though he wasn't as callus to charge people to save there lives, he was more then willing to sell the spoils that came with killing dragon and if they felt the need to pay him, well then who was he to stop them?

Expert Twohanded
Adept Heavy armor
Adept Smithing
Adept block
Apprentice speech

Skyforge Steel great sword(Superior)
Wolf Armor(superior)
A amulet of Night eye(payment for helping a Khajit Caravan)
10 Health/Stamina potions
Various nick knacks he finds laying around.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Blackwolf: Accepted, with one alteration: Jorn has not slain any dragons. None of us have. Forget the dragons of the Game; the dragons in this story won't land in front of you so you can hit them. They'll fly by and toast your ass dead. Killing dragons is the work of big companies of warriors (or the dragonborn - now dead). Our heroes are going to the Greybeards to acquire the weapon necessary to fight them on equal terms; the Thu'um. No mortal can face them alone without it and live.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

haha that is fine, but I said he did it with people not by himself.

EDIT: haha well the first draft did, I must of accedently deleted that when I was editing a bit XD

EDIT EDIT: Fixed ^.^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Excellent, accepted! :)

And with that, we're closing the applications. Those who have already stated their interest may finish their character, but no new players will be accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 8 days ago

Just in time!

Character Sheet
Name: Skeves
Race: Bosmer lycanthrope (werewolf wood elf)
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Appearance: Skeves is fairly muscular and has light skin along with a pointy face that ends with a poked out chin. He also only has one eye and his face is long and he has a pointy nose and light brown and short hair. Finally he has a large scar across his chest.
Personality: Skeves is sane on the outside but insane on the inside. If you saw him walking down the street he would look normal enough but if you got to know him you would find out that he's fairly crazy. He enjoys feasts though feasts to him is eating whatever creature he had just killed but he would probably like other stuff like bread and such. What he really hates is those that hunt for game and not to eat. He also hates Draugrs a lot because of their taste and their frost magic.
Background: Skeves was born in Falkreath but he didn't grow up there. His parents left him in the forest for the sole fact that they had wanted a girl and not a boy. The boys parents assumed he would be eaten by one of the wild life but instead the child was found by a lonely woodsman who had been living in the forest outside of Falkreath for quite a while and had little to no outside interaction. The woodsman decided to take the abounded child to his shack in the woods and raise him as his own son Skeves. As the boy got older he was taught about being a lumber jack and how to cut down trees with the utmost care. When Skeves was eight his foster father died from a bear attack that almost toppled over the home that they lived in. Luckily Skeves managed to get away but he was scarred emotionally and began to descend into madness due to his foster father passing away. He continued to love in the shack and chop down trees for no apparent reason but if you were to see him you would have been able to tell the child had been less sane than the average child.

One day when Skeves was twelve he went out hunting for some food when he came upon what at first looked like a bear from far off. He slowly crept up on the creature with his lumber axe at hand and swiftly killed the creature by taking its head off. The child began to eat the creature raw due to his habit of only getting food once he was completely famished. As he ate he found that the creature had been at a small campfire with a sack nearby containing some bread and what not. He went to collect the head when he realized what it was. It was a Werewolf. He had eaten raw werewolf meat which was covered in werewolf blood. He began to feel light headed and passed out. When he awoke again he was butt naked over the corpse of an elk with his clothing beside him. He quickly put his clothes back on including the ring and dragged bits of the elk home with him. When Skeves was seventeen he went out hunting one day as a werewolf which he rarely did due to his lack of control over his want to feed. While hunting he thought he saw people in the forest but he ignored them as he continued to hunt. Eventually he had managed to take down a elk and he began to feed on it. When suddenly a silver tipped arrow hit him in the back which made him roar in pain as he took off running. As he ran he also looked behind him and noticed that there seemed to be only three people trying to attack him and even though their arrows hurt quite a bit more Skeves ran back towards them and caught the archer by surprise and killed him with one massive swipe. He then took care of another by biting at his torso and throwing him off into a tree. As for the last of them he managed to sneak up on him and slash at his chest leavening a huge wound that made him scream out in pain. Finally while fighting through the pain he managed to get the better of the man and tear him apart. He began to feed on his kills he shifted into his Bosmer form then put his clothes on and continued to eat the men. When he went back home his gash across the chest was still bleeding which was beginning to make him feel faint so he rummaged quickly and thoroughly through a book shelf his father had and looked for something to help his wound. After almost giving up he found a basic healing spell which he used and slowly patched up his skin but leaving a scar. A year later he lost his eye when a small chunk of wood from a tree he was chopping down flew out and stabbed him in the eye. He tried to pull the chunk out but it was in to deep and he need up pulling his entire eye out. He quickly used the only spell he knew and stopped the bleeding although he couldn't make a new eye grow back. After the dragons came and began to wreak havoc everywhere Skeves came out of seclusion and headed to the only dragon related place he knew of from books. The bottom of the seven thousand steps to High Hrothgar.


List of skills
Adept- Alchemy
Expert- One Handed
Adept- Block

He has hide pants, Dwemer boots, quite a lot of soul gems, a iron short-sword, Woodcutter's axe and a mask that resembles the wooden mask from Skyrim except made of darker wood and minus the enchantment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@rocketrobie2: Accepted. You do not have to write out your novice skills as all skills apart from your higher level ones are novice. Also, is it important to you to have the ring of Namira or could you consider being a cannibal anyway without it?
OP has now been updated with links to each CS for easy referance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hey, does everyone in our group know about some characters being werewolves/vampires?

Nortrom, in his post said that he knew about some of our characters being so. I suppose it would make sense for him to at least be able to tell, or at least we would need to be more wary around, but I was under the impression no one knew, at least to start with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I think it would be best if people are unaware of this except for if the CS or its author says otherwise. One can suspect something, but not know for sure.
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