Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“Hm, alright. You know the way there already?” Enli would ask. “I’ll have Bolcha and some others come to take these three somewhere.” He’d say. “If you’ll follow me back to the longhouse, I’ll have him get you want, too.”

They wouldn’t spend long getting ready. The longer they took, certainly the more the trail would grow cold. If they had realized their plans were starting to fall apart, then well, they were more likely to do something drastic. A pair of pine torches, covered in burnable resin both given to Novak. One for now, one for later if they had need of it.

All they had to do now, was make their way to the supposed location of the seal.

A trek one of them had done before, and one that when all was said and done, wouldn’t be too difficult initially. The animals they’d pass would prove fairly impeding. The gliding bird-like creatures easily dispatched, and wolves so long as they were aware of them wouldn’t prove difficult. Thankfully, they hadn’t ran into another one of those armored beasts.

The villagers were right, though - the fog had definitely started to spread. Much further, it seemed. Lighting the torch would cause it to dissipate, creating a small bubble of safety from it. Heading to where the old temple was, with presumably novak leading the way. It seemed though - the hunters were prepared for anyone coming their way.

An arrow would whizz out of the fog, barely grazing Novak.

“Damn fog! I missed!”

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll make sure no one disturbs the seal!” Four hunters would emerge from the the fog, all carrying a small stone on their person. One with a bow, two with spears, and one with a rather hefty looking axe.

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“Hmm…okay, I think it should be fine! We can totally handle this…probably.” Lazhira would Nod. “Okay…alright. I’m gonna distract them. I’ll sneak out and see what that box is and what’s in it. It’s probably some…nngh, I can’t tell what it is? Doesn’t seem to have much intelligence, it feels…mushy.” She’d shake her head. “Anyways! Uhm…I’ll leave sneak attacks to you two? Probably will want to take out anyone with a bow first…” She seemed like she would have liked a bit more input from Narkissa and Misaki on what they were doing, but assuming they didn’t have any revolutionary plan themselves, or something to say or would stop her, she’d give a nod and then summon a small little ball of light, and set off from their hiding place.

Curiously, once both of them would blink, they’d lose sight of her. After a few seconds they’d think they’d see her again, before promptly losing sight of her. It was like despite knowing she was there, and where she should be, their minds refused to process that she actually existed where she should - and it seemed like the hunters hadn’t noticed her yet. Perhaps they didn’t notice her at all, since they weren’t aware of her presence to start with.

Lazhira would stealthily approach the box, the contents of which were still growling, angrily thumping and attempting to break out of the box. Looking around, and pausing briefly as to how she could open it, before finding a large latch on one side.

“Okay…here goes…”

The young girl would open the crate.

Immediately a black tendril would lash out, striking her right in the chest and sending her flying.


The black, slimy creature would pull itself from the box - it was another one of those black slime things that had been in the temple. It would slowly pull itself from its prison, though would quickly coalesce into a form perhaps more familiar - a large, almost somewhat spherical blob, but it didn’t seem to stop growing as it would start taking a more solid form. A large, oily tail would extend from its ‘back’, covered in dangerous looking bony spikes, while a spot at the top of it would start to almost resemble that of a humanoid, a large skull serving as its head…if any remembered, it was the same skull that had been on that smaller one that had been hiding from them. More bones and other things served as parts of armor, protecting its gelatinous insides. Numerous oily tendrils would wildly lash out, striking some of the hunters in the process and catching them off guard.

“What the-!” She had successfully gotten their attention, at least.

“...Calm yourselves!” Soyala would shout. “Our prey has come to us, it seems. No one let her get away, and we’ll put this thing back in its place.”

The creature would respond with an almost mournful shriek, lashing out again.

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@Cu Chulainn

The fans were, after his initial few tests, seemed perfectly balanced. Strong, too. Maybe not strong enough to go toe to toe with heavier weapons, but with they certainly seemed suited to deflection and less conventional ways of fighting. The oni that had been lounging around the makeshift arena would give Nomura a decidedly unfriendly glare as he’d approach, obviously not thinking to terribly much of the guy.

“Who wants to fight the princess?” One of them would grunt.

“Gahahah, I bet he doesn’t even know how to use those toothpicks.”

“How much you think before he cries?”

They were definitely both underestimating and also not thinking too highly of him at the same time…save, for perhaps one of the more rougher looking Oni.

A scarred shirtless body, sharp horns protruding from his head. Standing easily over six feet, a scar running the length from his shoulder to his midsection. More easily crossed his body, in fact it seemed rarer that there wasn’t a scarred patch of skin somewhere. A necklace made from rope and a magatama hanging from it, as well as two more serving as earrings.

Curiously, he wasn’t wearing a mask like the others were.

Wordlessly, he’d ignore the words of his compatriots.

“I’ll be the first.” He’d say gruffly, the other Oni falling silent as he’d step into the arena proper. The katana he’d draw from his side, was as large as he was, the handle twice as large as a normal one, with the blade itself nearly being as long as he was tall and five inches in width.

And take the first move he would.

Despite the obvious heft and weight of the blade, he’d move without any trouble, the blade arcing downwards in a simple slash - likely nothing more than a test.

The Roma Mob

Isidore would stride into the pool, the cold water stinging his wounds as the steps carried him down waist deep into the bath. Deeper than it looked, perhaps, and cold, too. There was an odd feeling of…comfort, being in the pool though from the source one couldn’t say. Maybe it was to do with the assumed holy nature of it. Thankfully if the crimson lightning he had absorbed earlier didn’t seem bothered by it.

“Folzerrie.” She responded with a huff. “Alright, lets get this over with. Stay outta the water mutt, I’m not purifying this pool again.” Octavia gave a mildly annoyed growl but would wait obediently away from it. Seemed she was a bit put off by the water itself. The shadow elf priest would walk to the edge of the pool, in a bit of impatience it seemed.

“Alright, lets see…what was it again?” She’d walk start walking around the edge of the pool. “O’ goddess of stories, writer of fate and the trial of heroes,” Her feet would carry her around the pool, eventually ending up at the opposite end she had started on, where she’d begin walking into the pool herself. “Let not this story end, let it continue yet, mend flesh and bone, letting vigor leave the body not,” Slowly, she’d start moving her staff, letting the end of it stir the water.

The water now, was seemingly starting to move a bit on its own. Lazily circling Isidore as some unseen current would slowly carry it, taking all the blood and dirt from his body. Folzerrie would approach, slowly walking and muttering a few more what seemed to be holy prayers until she’d be standing behind Isidore. Something would start crawling up his body - the cold water slowly ascending and moving up his injured and wounded flesh, draining any fatigue and tiredness away from his body in a seemingly miraculous manner as it would travel all the way up, a thin layer of water enveloping him.

“Lay down.” She’d interrupt the prayer quickly, not giving Isidore much time to respond before the priestess would quite roughly grab him by the neck and pull him backwards into the water where he’d be briefly submerged entirely while he’d feel her hands slowly move across his body, as if guiding the water and where it should go in order to heal his body.

It certainly seemed to be working, at least. The fatigue and tiredness already left his body, and his body would be soothed and pain assuaged, a brief look at his hands would show the burns gone, and flesh replaced, the cold water renewing his body and ridding himself of wounds.

“Alright, you’re good.” The priestess would say, pulling him up out of the water. In all, the process had only taken about five minutes, all things considered. The priestess would get out of the pool fairly quickly, walking over to the podium. “Mhm, your welcome. Don’t come back. Honestly the fact you were still standing is amazing.”

…was it a trick of the somewhat low lighting in the area, or was there noticeable tiredness in the elfs visage? Her eyes seemed a bit strained, and quite like she was a going to fall asleep, and she was leaning a bit heavily on her staff moreso than she had been.

“Oh, and a bonus.” She’d say, picking up a jar of some sort. Silver in color, but earthy in feel - a clay jar, perhaps? Folzerrie would hand it to Isidore. “Water blessed by the goddess. Holy water. Helps heal minor wounds and whatever.” Supposing he took it, then there was probably nothing else for him unless he wanted to talk with the elf herself about something or another.

Supposing he accepted -


The plants would initially continue to resist. Unlike fire or electricity, the plants seemed…significantly more rigid in their nature. More physical. Harder to move, harder to cooperate, almost as if they actively were going to resist any attempts at altering the way they were growing or the way they were moving.

Hm, how did Leuca manage to do it then? Perhaps she could have asked.

Well, she would find her own solution. If they wouldn’t willingly do it - then force.

The plants, would seemingly shudder lightly at Augusta’s touch, but the more rigid resistance would soon give way to malleability. The green foliage would start to move away from Augusta, the vines curling away and starting to cling to the walls, as though they were a bit frightened of the elf before them. The flowers too, would close their petals, wilting under Augusta’s watch as they’d change their growth. One by one the tangled mess of plants would start start clinging to the wall and floor, and soon would appear less of a tangled mess as it they would start to wilt into a thorny sphere of vines, as if it was trying to protect itself from whatever else was in the room.

“...Hm, I see, congratulations. You can be a quick learner when you want to be.” Rullphana replied.

Leuca, for the most part seemed silent, looking towards the now balled up thorny plant with a bit of sadness, though she said nothing and soon the scene was interrupted by a familiar voice as they would enter the tower.

“I see everyone is working hard.”

“Ah! Sorcha!” Leuca would run over, greeting the woman as excitedly as ever. “I-I did it! Proper magic! Oh, the druids would be so impressed!”

“Ahahah, is that right? Oh, is that why you’re covered in dirt?”

“Impressed!? The entire side of that room was covered in a forest!” Raelzeth would chime in with a mild bit of impressed annoyance. “Is that even normal for a Sirithen!?”

“Heh, who knows.” Sorcha responded, picking up Leuca into a hug. “Well, we’ll need to get you cleaned up.” The warriors eyes would fall on Augusta. “Hm…done with Augusta, Rullphana?”

“Mhm, for now, yes. Feel free to drag her back to your torture routine.”

“Well then, Augusta, if you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to you about something.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Journey Begins

~ Cabin Near Liven ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

“I’ve…not seen you here before...are you with…Liven? Or…are you just a traveler?”

Nick was still resting by the fire so he never saw the stranger change positions. Although, he did hear her footsteps move. He was wary, but too tired to carefully choose his words. "Oh, just a traveler. Uhh, but I did come from Liven. Got there 'cause of... reasons. Some of them involving running away from gigantic beings that want to squish me to paste." He briefly recounted his recent adventure. "Too bad there's a lot of zombos there so I had to do some more running."

"I've heard that the undead there was the work of a witch. If that's true, then I'd definitely have words with the witch." Nick let out his naive thoughts. "What are they even doing tormenting a tiny little village? The undead aren't even running around willy-nilly, they seem to just... surround the village for some reason. Although, I guess there's that weird creature that actually invades houses..."

Nick finally turned his upper body to look at the stranger. "But enough about me, how 'bout you? What's your story? It's a good thing those zombos don't reach this place, eh?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Ah!" Novak shouted as the arrow grazed him, startled by both the surprise and slight pain. He wasn't too concerned with whether or not he was bleeding, because the injury would be minor, compared to what might happen if the hunter was able to get off a more accurate shot. Then, to make matters worse, four more hunters emerged from the fog, all of them armed.

Novak reached for his sword, perhaps not quite by instinct yet, but more adeptly than before. However, he paused midway through the motion, his free hand to the pouch where he kept his mask. If their goal was to protect the seal from being breached, perhaps it wasn't necessary to fight.

"Listen, I am not your enemy," Novak said, taking a step back. "I promise you I don't want to break the seal. One of the other hunters told me what you saw, the dreams about the land being flooded. I don't want any harm to befall the village that was so gracious to house and clothe me. Just please, listen to what I have to say first, there's no need for more death."

He'd need to speak quickly. Fortunately he had already considered this conversation several times, having held his tongue because it didn't seem prudent to reveal prior.

"Listen, the Illuminator spoke to me too. I met him in the temple in the form of the old woman. And it was he who warned me that some of his followers- namely you- were lurking in wait to attack us outside the temple. And there's more..."

Novak pulled the mask from his pouch, holding it up for the hunters to see.

"The Illuminator has been showing me things with this mask. It directed us down to the temple's lower reaches. It showed me the theft of the orb. It showed that Lazhira is more than what she seems. It showed me that you planned on ambushing us with what appeared to be poisoned arrows. And it showed your scheme to anger the Kyrinth in hopes of goading it into killing Enli."

It was risky revealing all of this, but things appeared urgent enough that he felt warranted telling them this.

"Look," Novak continued, "We weren't trying to thwart your attempts to protect the seal, we were just protecting the man who welcomed some tired and lost outsiders to the village. We were trying to help the people who live in fear of the Kyrinth's wrath. We were trying to survive against people whom we had no idea why they wanted us dead. And while we cannot agree with some of your more extreme methods, I promise you, the last thing we want is to see this seal break and this land be flooded as a consequence. We only came here to talk, to find out what you are doing."

Novak looked over each of the hunters, looking each one in the eye. If they reacted badly, he didn't have his sword drawn and thus would have to use his torch to defend himself. At least he had Nobunaga and whoever accompanied them backing him up if things went south. He wasn't sure whether they- either his allies or the hunters- could sense how nervous he really was.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

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Shigenaga Nomura
Flash of Fans

Nomura could barely contain his mirth of the two Oni poking fun at him, knowing full-well that they were unaware of the powers given to him. It did help that he had a mask to cover his face, at least. His interest was piqued, however, at the unmasked Oni. A strong and stoic man, he was, and he did not underestimate Nomura like the other two had. A slight shiver ran down Nomura's spine, briefly filled with a sense of fear. It was always the quiet ones who carried the biggest of sticks. As he approached the arena, the fear that filled Nomura began to turn into resolve as the Oni drew his massive blade, for it raised an opportunity for him.

Indeed, Nomura realized that he could show the Oni, show Lady Mie, show all these beasts the strength of Man.

Nomura did not falter as his opponent approached him. It was good that both his mask and the fan was covering his varied expressions, something he would note to take advantage of during this fight. With a deep breath, Nomura allowed the magical energy within his soul to permeate within his core once more, preparing to move at a moment's notice. The Oni, however, started the battle with a simple attack, as if he was gauging Nomura's response. With that being the case, he would quickly close the fan before merely stepping to the side in order to avoid the brunt of the brute's blow.

If he wished to test me, then perhaps I shall test him, as well!

However, rather than avoiding the attack entirely, Nomura would meet the Oni's attack in kind, clashing the blunt end of fan against his opponent's blade. The goddess had blessed him with the strength of his world's greatest athletes, after all! To not use such a blessing would be merely squandering one of his many gifts. Of course, Nomura was not completely foolish. Alongside his own strength, the magical energy gathered within him surged into his arm, enhancing his own natural strength further. All-in-all, it was the perfect opportunity to test the limits of Nomura's power against what appeared to be a superior foe, as well as show to the Oni the extent of humanity's resolve!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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This felt like death.

This felt like baptism.

Holy water seeped past the scabs of his burns, into the rent flesh and open veins beneath, as soul-effacing miracles were performed by the holy woman who drowned him. The ebb and flow of cold waters sheared away the irregularities of his body, leaving naught but smooth surfaces in the wake of the tranquil tide. As if he had slept for three days and three nights. As if he hadn’t just delved into the bowels of earth and challenged an archdemon to a fist fight.

Footprints in sand, erased with the lull of the ocean.

Isidore wiped the water off his face, stepping out of the pool with tender steps. It was simply a difference of the absence of pain and fatigue, but he felt once more that the body given to him was too strong, too energetic. Breathing life to the furnace within his body once more, he dried himself off before pulling up his pants once more. His shirt, mere rags at this point, beggared no value and were still crusted with his blood anyhow. He gazed briefly towards the pool, then towards Folzerrie, before stuffing it around his belt. It was Gloomhaven. The dress of the people weren’t so far removed from simply being half-naked.

“Good work, Folzerrie,” Isidore spoke, as he began to strap on the rest of his gear once more. “Your skill justifies your cost.” He would return though, if he found himself in such a state again. “But a chair could help.”

Isidore received the jar of consecrated water from her with a small nod, before exiting the temple. The Storyteller’s presence was everywhere, and as for himself…he remained undecided as to whether or not her continual influence, indirect as it was, came from divine clemency or unfathomable schemes. More to the list of things he needed to accomplish then. The way to self-sufficiency remained far off still.

But for now, he had a blacksmith to visit.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

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Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @PKMNB0Y

Perhaps it wasn’t one of her best decisions, but they were committed now, and the hunters had to be stopped regardless.

With Lazhira acting as the distraction, Narkissa watched from her cover as she approached and opened the box… only for the slime inside of it to launch the smaller girl away. Not what she was expecting, but it seemed she hadn’t been overly harmed, and the hunters were very distracted now.

The fact that they had been looking for Lazhira after all had been concerning, though.

“Misaki, see if you can’t get that slime to keep its focus on the hunters somehow. I’m going after them,” she whispered, drawing her sword while still in cover before quickly maneuvering to a better hidden position to act against the hunters. She had selected one of the archers on Lazhira’s suggestion. Taking a deep breath, she gathered all that she had learned about magic and focused her energy on the bow-wielding hunter. Recalling her water-jet based attacks that she had used in the temple, she prepared a similar spell, lancing out at the back of the distracted enemy with the edged burst of water.

Taking advantage of the chaos created by Lazhira and the freed slime, the white-haired girl would keep this magic fire up from her position of concealment, changing targets if and once the hunter was incapacitated, and making sure to take advantage of any of the slime’s attacks. Nonetheless, she was fully prepared to spring out with her sword if her position was compromised, or if her two companions fell into trouble.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Seeing Lazirha flicker in and out of existence was jarring, to say the least, but Misaki found that she had been given next to no time to consider how to go about handling the situation as the younger girl headed into the fray. The foxgirl paused before shaking her head and nodding. There was no turning back now, it seemed.

It was only after Lazirha had unleashed whatever it was inside the box they had seen (for better or worse), though, that she chose to take any proper move. The element of surprise was all but dead now, which really only left a more direct path of opposition.


Nodding her head towards Narkissa as she gave her directions and left, Misaki glanced back towards the slime and frowned. Keeping a semi-sentient slime trained on a group of hunters without being caught was not something anyone could call 'easy', but...

Well, anything she tried had to be better than letting Lazirha get closed in on from two sides, right?

With the hunters' attention focused towards the commotion further ahead, though, Misaki glanced back and forth between the deer at her side and the hunters before sighing and moving closer as best she could. If it was a distraction she would have to be, then there was no helping that.

Even if that means throwing small objects off the ground towards the slime from the direction of the hunters to try and draw its focus. It was possible that the deer would follow her lead, but...

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“An…old woman?” One of the hunters frowned. “Hasn’t the old woman been missing?” One said with a grunt.

“And what, we’re going to believe him?” The one with the axe responded, hefting the heavy weapon in his hands. “I bet these outsiders are the ones doing it.”

“But he’s not lying about what happened…” The conversation at least, had diffused the tension somewhat, but it didn’t seem like the hunters were entirely convinced just yet. The one with the axe didn’t seem like he was going to be taking no for an answer though, and before the other three could stop him or talk further would charge at Novak, heavy axe swinging downwards in an overhead strike for the mans head.

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“Guh, well this…is less than ideal.” Lazhira grimaced, quickly getting back to her feet. She was mostly fine, though that was definitely going to leave a bruise. The hunters were starting to surround the now rampaging slimy beast - and consequently her. The native girl would take a moment to look at her options, and notice Narkissa making a stealthy move towards the archers positioned further away from the rest.

The first blast of water would strike the hunter in the back - not penetrating his skin but enough to cause him to give a shout and then stumble over when the next one hit. She would have enough time to switch targets before one of the other archers even figured out what was happening - but before he could do raise the alarm he was swiftly silenced as well, falling upon the ground as the third would swiftly turn, trying to locate where the water blasts were coming from.

“Soyala! We’re being flanked!” He’d shout. He’d raise an arrow, attempting to fire it towards Narkissa, but the slime beast would lash its tendrils outwards, deflecting the arrow as it would grab the hunter and slam him into the ground.

“Tch, focus on wrangling that thing! Don’t let the girl die!” She’d shout back. The monstrous slime would shift focus to the loudest one - this being Soyala. The huntress would evade one of the tendrils, slashing another with her spear while taking a small blow to the shoulder from another as it lashed out at the hunters around it, its tail slamming into one unfortunate enough to get to close, impaling it upon its body where he would soon disappear inside it.

Misakis distraction well…it was difficult to tell if it was working entirely. The already now chaotic mess of a scene was devolving fast as the hunters attempted to regain control of the creature they had seemingly planned to use to capture or kill whoever had messed with the Obelisk. It seemed as though the slime was busy attempting to fight whoever was closest to it - be it hunters, or Lazhira.

Speaking of the girl, she was mostly fine as far as Misaki could tell, though now that she had been discovered it seemed her little magical trick was less effective. She’d narrowly avoid getting slammed by another tendril, only to land right at the feet of a hunter that would grab her by the neck - only for that hunter to be grabbed by the slime.

The deer, seemed scared. Understandably so, perhaps. Still, it didn’t seem to want to let Misaki down. The fox would get a vague sense of confidence and determination from the fawn as it would attempt focusing its more supernatural abilities. A small ball of wind would launch towards the slime, barreling past a few hunters and knocking them off balance before slamming into the creature with a thump.

Understandably annoyed, it’d turn to the nearest people - the hunters, and began assaulting them.

It seemed like the hunters might not be the biggest threat here.

A Traveler

The girl, if she had any thoughts about Nick relatively odd way of speaking, said nothing as he spoke. It was difficult to tell really what she was thinking, under her as of yet removed hood. She didn’t seem hostile, but she seemed guarded and cautious of Nick.

“A traveler…” It was hard to tell, though she said it with a tinge of mild anger and perhaps a bit of bitter acceptance. “...there are protective charms.” The girl replied further, after a few quiet seconds. “...parents taught me to make them…should keep evil spirits and other things away.” She’d glance out the window, but her gaze didn’t linger and soon fell back on Nick.

“I’m...Baba…of the Yaga tribe. I…live here.” She’d frown, shaking her head. “Not that it matters. I know…why you’re here. I’m accepting my fate, servant of the Goddess. I have no regrets or misgivings about what I’m doing to that village. Just…make it quick.” Seemed she might have some misconceptions about Nicholas and why he was here - but it seemed like it was something of a confession and that this girl was the ‘witch’ the villagers had mentioned.

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@Cu Chulainn

Well, why not? Of course with his blessed body and his own magical energy enhancing his body further, certainly this wouldn’t be much of an issue to match this Oni blow for blow. He had already experimented and tried with it before, so it was more or less a trivial matter to strengthen his body with magic. He’d focus, like had done before with both his legs and eyes before - except this time on his arms.

The sound of clashing of metal on metal followed.

The Oni, seemed surprised that his blow hadn’t merely cut Nomura in half. Even with Nomura’s enhanced strength his body would strain under the impact from the heavy blade and likely much stronger Oni. The blade, however, was deflected, and there seemed to be just the ever so slight smile on the Oni’s lips as he’d pull the blade back, and in a swift motion his left hand left the hilt of the blade, aiming to jab Nomura right in the face with it.

The Roma Mob

“Chair? Yeah, maybe. Maybe I’ll get one. Standings a pain in the ass.” She’d grumble, though wouldn’t say much more as Isidore left. She’d merely head out of the room, towards a small side area in the main hallway where a bed was located and plop herself down on the bed with a yawn. Heading back out onto the perhaps now familiar street, he’d walk and head back to the blacksmith that he had been at the previous day - easy enough to find now.

The streets of Gloomhaven were as busy as ever, courtesans would beckon from a few nearby places, while a patrol of soldiers would pass Isidore by on the street as he’d make his way back to the blacksmith. Octavia trotted along beside him seeming a bit restless. Couldn’t already be hungry again, could she?

He’d step into the establishment, the resounding sound of a hammer working away would meet his ears, the place appearing the same as ever. A familiar sight too, with Raelzeth carrying - well, attempting to - carry a heavy looking box of dark red colored ore from what seemed to be a storage room to the forge proper.

“Just-guh-a second,” She’d shout to the front of the store, straining a bit. “Guh this is heavy. Stupid ore. Stupid swords. Useless. First that dumb elf shows me up…to my own teacher…and now…working here…Uuugh-HEAVY.” She’d end up placing…well, really it looked more like dropping it onto the ground just out of Isidore’s sight in some backroom.

“...oh its you again.” Raelzeth seemed just as indignant as ever to be working here. “Need another weapon? Or you here to give me a reason to not be here?”


Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

For a moment, Nobunaga narrowed her eyes at Novak's willingness to parlay when he had nearly been struck by an arrow. However, it seemed like his words had thrown off the hunters more than she expected. Some very interesting words there, words that she would have to have something of a conversation with him over.

Regardless, the most important thing is that they were not paying any attention to her at the moment. Thus, using the poor visibility and Novak's distraction, the petite girl quickly closed the distance between herself and the group, going to the left and around rather then taking a straight path towards them.

When she saw one of the hunters begin to move, she was already breaking into a sprint, drawing her katana as she moved, swinging it upwards... and stopping, just in front of the hunter's neck.

"I think it would be best if you took a step back and considered my ally's words more carefully," she began, crimson eyes examining the hunter who had apparently lost his patience, "Or you'll find yourself missing something very precious."

To be honest, Nobunaga would rather have ended the man's life right then. However, killing him outright without giving him a chance to reconsider would likely draw the anger of his allies.

Getting information out of them would be easier if they were alive and cooperating, not that the girl had any qualms with more brutal methods of information acquisition if necessary.

@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Prostitutes waved from flowered balconies, dizzying perfume wafting down from luxurious tresses. His gaze lingered upon them, but his gait remained undisturbed. Doubtlessly, such an establishment would have to be visited eventually, but between the many meetings he had in the evening and the knowledge that he needed to gather before his next venture into the depths of Naraheim, Isidore had no allowance for indulgences, no matter the rate at which his heart beat, the rushing of hot blood in his veins. Octavia’s own movements were similar as the demonic hound trotted beside him. A powerful creature, but a troublesome one, frustrated by restraint and forever hungering.

She grew fast. Soon, if her appetite could not be sated or restrained, they would have to cull her or jail her.

Or perhaps the nature of magic meant that Octavia could be taught how to create her own food.

The sound of hammers against steel brought him out of his contemplation as the dark-haired youth stepped into the smithery. Raelzeth, of course, was pissed and struggling, a teenager rebelling against the need to work for the family business. Classic.

“Neither,” was Isidore’s crisp response. “Here to learn some things about weapon maintenance and forging. Know anything? Or is your old man the smarter one?”

That last taunt was likely unnecessary, in retrospect.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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The Journey Begins

~ Cabin Near Liven ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

“I’m...Baba…of the Yaga tribe. I…live here. Not that it matters. I know…why you’re here. I’m accepting my fate, servant of the Goddess. I have no regrets or misgivings about what I’m doing to that village. Just…make it quick.”

Nick gulped, his worst fears coming true. He knew it was a possibility that this red-hooded stranger living in an isolated cabin in the middle of nowhere could be the 'witch', and it appeared she also knew his true purpose here. Well, sort of the true purpose. Everyone expected Nick to eliminate the witch once found but Nick knew he was slaying no witches in this quest even if he wanted to.

Releasing a sigh, Nick stood up and decided to clear some things first. "You're right. I AM here to kill you, but I won't." He declared. "I'm not sure if I even can. I don't know magic, I don't know any awesome karate moves and I lost my knife to a dead dog. I don't think I'll be hurting anyone anytime soon." Nick glanced to the side. It may have been unwise to reveal that he was practically harmless, but maybe this could end without bloodshed.

"What's your deal with Liven anyway?" Nick asked the main question. "...If you don't mind me asking."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

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Some of the hunters seemed to be considering Novak's words, but one of them, armed with an axe, decided to attack. As he readied his torch in hopes of turning aside the blow, Nobunaga rushed in to help. To Novak's surprise, his companion did not kill the attacker, but positioned her sword at the man's neck, ready to decapitate him if he tried anything. This was a relief to him, as he was worried that killing the hunter might be enough to spur the others into fighting, too.

"Look," he told the hunters, as he pocketed his mask and transferred his torch to his off-hand in case he needed to draw his sword, "We told you we don't want to fight. We don't want to harm the seal."

"I understand we've been at odds with each other over the past few days, and have even come into conflict," he continued, hearkening back to both the attempted ambush and the assassination attempt, "But if the seal is in jeopardy, we need to set our grudges and grievances aside for the sake of this region, and quite possibly the entire world."

He wasn't sure how convincing his pleas would be, but he hoped that they'd listen to reason.

"Now, regarding the old woman, please let me elaborate. In the deepest part of the temple, we ran into a strange old woman dancing with a stitched-together dummy composed of body parts. She claimed to be the Illuminator, and was manically fretting over the loss of something that had been taken from her. She...she had knowledge about me that I've never told a living soul, something that no ordinary person could possibly know, and she somehow vanished from the temple after we spoke to her. But please, if you know anything about her," Novak said, shifting this conversation in hopes of coaxing information out of the hunters, "Exactly who or what is she, and what do you mean that she's been missing?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

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Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @PKMNB0Y

Well, whatever she was doing, it was actually working out better than she had expected. The hunters had been caught severely off-guard, and they were just about eating all of her spells like candy. It didn’t take too long for her to realize that perhaps the plan was working out far better than she had expected. Perhaps too much so…

She winced as a hunter disappeared inside of the monster slime. Oh, that was not good.

Narkissa wasn’t quite sure what Misaki was doing, meanwhile. Hell, she had entirely discounted the deer thing that was nearby, but she was pleasantly surprised when it joined the battle… with whatever strange supernatural abilities that it had. Regardless, she didn’t like the direction the engagement was turning into. Seeing the hunters were thoroughly distracted now, she decided to risk calling out from her cover at Lazhira. “Pssst! Lazhira! Get the bloody hell back, I think we’ve done enough!”

She started prepping to bail, as well. They’d done most of the job in counter-ambushing and destroying the hunter’s preparations, and that was good enough for her. Doing much more beyond that and risking Lazhira and Misaki wasn’t worth it, and the former looked like she was in quite some trouble, being near that slime. Even if its attention was focused on that hunter leader girl, the fact that it could subsume human beings whole was not something she was in the business of playing with.

She just prayed the deer could put up a good enough fight.

The white-haired girl began working her way back to Misaki, if only to tell the Japanese girl her new intentions. Occasionally, she took potshots into the battle, although her shots were increasingly focused on the out-of-control slime.

Once there, she phrased her intentions bluntly. “We need to get Lazhira and leave. Maybe bring reinforcements.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

It seemed the axe man overestimated his confidence.

As the blade pressed against his neck, he’d make a move to pull away, but Nobunaga was far faster and far more dextrous than the larger hunter. The Katana, if she so wished, would easily slice right through the man's neck. His body would instantly go limp, crumpling to the ground with a heavy thud.

“H-he’s dead!”

“Right through his neck!”

“Alright alright!” The three hunters, while seeming mostly unfazed by the death, did seem a bit perturbed by just how easy and how fast Nobunaga had dispatched the larger man. It seemed if nothing else, they recognized someone with actual fighting skills instead of their own skills better suited to hunting and tracking animals. “L-look we’ll talk.”

“The Illuminator can’t normally come to the mortal realm, y’see.” One would begin. “We don’t really know why. Something about it being really bad if he did and the fact that…what was her name again? The one that doesn’t like being spoken about.”

“Rifelshka. The Goddess of the underworld…she doesn’t like it when gods meddle in mortal affairs. Gets real angry. She and the Moon Goddess had a fight once over it.”

“R-right, anyways…so he uses the two Faces he wears. The Old man and the Hag.” The third would continue. “N-normally they’d have stayed put in the temple, sleeping until the Illuminator had needed us. But…it was a long few years ago now? Probably when my father was just a fledgling hunter himself - the Hag was just gone one day. Vanished! The old man woke up later…I think my father said he ranted about ‘one of his terminals being hijacked’.”

“We were told to hunt and find her otherwise some bad stuff would happen. The old man would leave after that, too, but he’d occasionally show up and tell us something else. Soyala has been the only one to really meet with him recently, but the rest of us haven’t seen him in awhile. That’s all we really know. She says Lazhira is the one that is the root of these problems and if we get her we can fix the seal.”

“Dunno anything else, honest.” The first one would say again, raising his hands in a defensive fashion. “The orbs are sort of the key to it. If we can get both of them we could fix it…we only know one key is a crystalline orb but…someone stole it from the temple before we could do anything with it. We thought it was Lazhira, but it doesn’t seem like she has it.”

Well, that was hopefully some helpful information from the hunters. Seemed the root of this whole problem might have been the Hag, Lazhira, and Soyala herself.

A Traveler

“...you’re naive.” The young woman replied, finally pulling down her hood, revealing the rest of her face to Nicholas finally. Two white furry wolf-like ears poked from the top of her head, her mostly pale skin on an otherwise pretty face though, was horrifically scarred on one side as though the entire left side of her face had not only been horribly burned but someone had attempted to take a sword to her head, too having once left a deep wound that left a scar across her cheek.

“Why…even come here if you didn’t intend to?” She’d quietly question, seeming a bit confused. She didn’t seem hostile at least, but she still wasn’t being overly friendly either. The apparent wolf? Girl would quietly walk over to the fireplace, getting a ladle and dipping it into the stew. “But if you…want to know…well…its the Apostles.” She’d say with obvious disdain. “The village…used to worship the Goddess of the Underworld, Rifelshka, but the Apostles…well…they didn’t approve. Turned the village against us and killed my parents…tried to kill me too, but…I was good with…magic.”

…well, she didn’t seem like she was lying and Nicholas didn’t feel in any sort of danger here…well, yet.

“...I’ve used the goddess teachings to just do what they deserve. Not like I’m living…either the villagers will get to me, or the Apostles will…if…they don’t…the Maids will.” She’d fill two bowls as she talked, placing them on the table quietly. “...If you’re not going to leave, then I guess I can let you stay here tonight.”

Well, it was a generous offer, but she did only seem to have a single bed.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

Nomura strained against the blow, gripping his fan tightly as he tried to take in the sheer force of the Oni’s strike. The parry had worked, but the strength of his foe had still done a number on the weaker Nomura. Still, he had a good enough gauge of his foe’s strength from that attack. Seeing that a simple strike from the Oni could do that much damage, Nomura at least confirmed the obvious about his foe: Getting directly hit by him should be avoided at all costs.

Nomura didn’t have much time to think on this, however, as the Oni’s jab had almost caught him by surprise. He quickly bent his knees and leaned back, impressively dodging the blow at the expense of the tip of his mask’s beaky nose. The merchant likely wouldn’t have pulled off such a maneuver if not for the various team building exercises he encouraged his followers to undertake in a past life, specifically a game that gauged the rare ability of how low one could go.

Seeing that his knees were already bent and to recover from his currently disadvantageous position, Nomura would spring backwards as he utilized the momentum to perform some sort of flip. Sadly, backflipping was not something a cult leader would normally practice, so as he began his descent, he would pray for a miracle. Luckily for Nomura, he had accomplished the miracle of flight two days ago, so it wasn’t too hard to imagine, taking much less effort to actualize once more as ethereal wings shimmered from his back. The pale man would gracefully land, earning his footing once more with the aid of his wings. He held his fan outward as he shifted himself into a more defensive stance, allowing his empty hand to actually grip his blade as he awaited his opponent to approach.

“Ho. Strong and quick.” The Oni would say, having watched Nomura’s display of both strength and agility. He’d wrap both of his hands around the hilt of the large Katana again. Seemingly intrigued by this human, the Oni rushed forwards with a deep, guttural roar in an effort to seemingly intimidate but it’d do little more than send a few shivers down Nomura’s spine.

The blade cleaved upwards, but this time the Oni would follow it up with a kick, using the momentum to shove his foot against Nomura’s chest.

The rhythm of combat slowly came to Nomura, likened to that of divine insight. The more he fought this Oni, the more he was able to notice his foe’s very movements. Of course, he had been playing on the defensive this entire time, watching and waiting for his foe to make the next move. The more Nomura thought of it, the more he began to see combat similar to how he would go about meeting new people, those he was interested in. It was simple communication skills, the ability to read one’s body language and other non-verbal queues. To Nomura, the lines between combat and communication began to blur.

You flatter me, truly. But you are mistaken.” Nomura chuckled nervously for a brief moment before his grip loosening ever so slightly. He would appear to falter briefly, as if he was truly shaken by his opponent’s attempt to demoralize Nomura. And why wouldn’t it? He held the advantage in terms of strength and experience. As the brutish swordsman made his charge towards Nomura, it would be rather apparent that his grip on his sword had been abandoned entirely. Nomura’s will would appear to be crushed. If only the Oni could see the look underneath his foe’s mask…

… Of course, Nomura knew that he couldn’t. Otherwise, he would see the deterministic grin underneath. As stated previously, Nomura had a good grasp on reading others down to even the slightest of movements. He was not a trained warrior, so he could not dare attempt to deceive his foe with any standard feint. Instead, he used his lack of training to his advantage, allowing his apparent fear to grant his adversary a sliver of confidence in his next attack, one Nomura would easily see in his movements.

What was left was simple physics. The Oni’s attacks relied primarily on the momentum of his massive blade. All Nomura needed to do was move accordingly. As his opponent approached, Nomura veered to the side opposite of his foe’s rising leg as he quickly shifted the grasp of his fan into both hands before swinging it at the Oni’s sword. However, rather than directly clashing with that steel behemoth like before, he would instead perform a more proper parry, stepping forward and directing both the blade and its wielder slightly off course, just enough for Nomura to hopefully avoid his opponent’s kick.

I’ve no doubt your strength surpasses mine. As for speed, I only appear faster due to our choice of weapons and differing builds.” Nomura stated as a matter of fact, taking a step closer as his gambit had worked. He would once more focus his magical energy into his arm, like he had done just earlier. However, rather than holding onto the fan, he would let go and pull his arm backward, winding up for an unarmed strike.

I am not strong, nor am I quick.” It was true. Even if he were blessed with such an astounding body, he was bound by the physical limits of the human form. Instead, he had to rely on the power within himself, to draw it out and actualize it into a tangible form he could use, in order to match the Oni at all. To Nomura’s understanding, in order to use this power welling within him, he had to believe he could accomplish such things. And in this very moment, he believed he could defeat his opponent.

I merely have faith in myself!” Nomura concluded, launching an outstretched palm for the swordsman’s face. The magical energy within his arm surged forth, once again granting him strength he normally would not have.

It happened fairly quickly.

The Oni’s powerful kick merely met air, the sword was pushed aside, its momentum directed away from Nomura. The Oni was merely grinning as the white-haired man would wind up a blow, perhaps finding some bit of enjoyment in this. Nomura’s palm struck the Oni right across the face in what could only be called the biggest bitch-slap in history.

The Oni’s body would be physically pushed to the side from the strength of the blow. The muscled warrior would, for the briefest of moments, be stunned from the impact…though Nomura’s hand would also now be stinging as though he had just slammed his hand as hard as he could against a massive slab of steel.

Might as well have been what he did smash it again. There was silence as the rest of the Oni seemed to look on in mild shock and perhaps, a bit of awe that would shortly be followed by loud, raucous laughter.

“Hm…” The oni would straighten himself, spitting blood out of his mouth with a grin. “You talk almost as hard as you hit, human.” He’d heft the blade onto his shoulder, extending a hand to Nomura. “Chōhei.”

Nomura stepped back at his attack, momentarily caught in surprise at how effective it actually was. As the adrenaline began to fade, he would then realize just how much in pain his hand was. If not for his mask, the Oni would likely see Nomura wincing in agony. He would look at his hand for a brief moment, actually worried that he had broken a nail.

Of course, all these worries faded away when Nomura had realized he actually “won” the battle, having been snapped out of his worrisome trance by the laughter of the other Oni. He clenched his fist in victory, having properly proved that his resolve would overcome the mere brute strength of these Oni. Nomura would look on to his opponent in question, watching him with curiosity as his hand would extend outward.

I’d hope so. I do pride myself in my silver tongue, after all.” Nomura would chuckle, before extending his sprained hand to Chōhei and doing his best to mask his pained wincing. “Shigenaga Nomura. You honor me by not underestimating my abilities.

“Underestimating someone, gets a warrior killed.” The larger humanoid would grab Nomura’s hand, the powerful grip threatening to crush the already likely to be bruised appendage, but he’d “Lady Mie’s already told us to train you.” He’d say. “Good to know we won’t accidentally kill you.” With that he’d release the human from his grip, sheathing the blade at his side as he’d turn and start walking away.

“I think you impressed them.” Mie would make herself known with a laugh of her own. “Haven’t seen Chōhei interested in someone in awhile, either, heh.” She’d pass Nomura a small bottle of what seemed to be some sort of medicinal salve with a grin. “Should help the pain in your hand. The Oni usually train in the evenings or mornings. You’ll be happy to know I’ve told them to drag you there if you don’t show up. If you don’t need anything else though, I have some business to attend to myself.”

She’d walk off, leaving Nomura to find something to do in the meantime himself…assuming he didn’t want to stick his nose into Mie’s business. Perhaps he could get more acquainted with the Oni? Seemed he had their begrudging respect at least, for now if nothing else.

The Roma Mob

“Lotta help you are.” She’d snarkily reply with a huff of frustration. “Just cuz I hate this job doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing.” Defensive tone aside, the young elf pointed towards some goods that seemed less useful for stabbing and more for cleaning. “Whetstones, oil for blade shining, cloths for cleaning.” Octavia would stand on her hind legs, leaning up on the counter and looking up at Raelzeth, her furry ears just poking above the counter.

“Uh...forging though, uh, definitely not my thing.” She’d somewhat sheepishly admit, before turning her head in the direction of the forge. “HEY DAD!” The sounds of hammer on metal would trail off, a grunt of effort followed by the sizzling of steam as a blade was quenched. A few heavy steps would follow as a Elf that was built more like a dwarf would walk out. Short, at about only five foot five, head full of swept back silver hair, with a full beard that was braided with a few decorations and dressed in full apron and thick leather gloves and boots. The rest of his face seemed covered in soot, ash, or oil. He’d heft the forging hammer over his shoulder.

“Hm? What’s up, Rael? Customer giving you problems?”

“Nah. Guy wanted to know about forging stuff.”

“Anything specifically? Or you want something special made?”

Back to Roots
@Guy0fV4lor@Crusader Lord

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y@Guy0fV4lor@Crusader Lord

Sensing that those flanking them weren’t the immediate threat, most of the hunters had turned their attention to the slime, now that they had been made aware of Narkissa’s own ambush, they seemed to be more or less able to defend or deflect the potshots she was making at them. Instead they’d turn most of their attention to the slime creature that was currently assaulting them.

“Trust me, I’m trying!” The girl would shout in response to Narkissa. She’d narrowly avoid getting grabbed by the slime, ducking and rolling across the ground as the slimy tendril would swing overhead, one of the hunters barely able to slice it off before it grabbed them. Soyala seemed to be having no difficulty surviving herself, but the other hunters didn’t seem to be fairing the same. The slime had already seemingly taken out quite a few of them.

Still, with the initial panic wearing off they were making some form of comeback.

Soyala’s eyes narrowed as the creature would lash out further. Being able to form as many tendrils wherever it wanted on its body, made it difficult not only to get close, but to even restrain the beast.

One had to wonder how they had gotten it in the crate to start with.

Still, a hunter would only see this prey as something to conquer.

The huntress would avoid the tendrils, slicing through them as she’d weave her way towards the creature's body. They just had to get close enough to crack the slimes ‘brain’ a bit in order to subdue it. In this case…A tendril she hadn’t seen wrapped around her ankle, pulling the huntress right into the air.

With a snarl, she’d lash out with her spear as she’d hover over the creatures body, and let herself fall. Her spear would be the first to hit the creature, impaling the human part of its gelatinous body on her spear. It screeched in pain, another set of tendrils grabbing Soyala and throwing her off of it not seconds later as the slime started to lose some of its cohesion.

Soyala would roll across the ground, cut, bruised, but otherwise not seeming much worse for wear as she’d get to her feet.

And this, would be the scene Donovan, Leannah, and Eirhild would find themselves coming back too. A ripple of magic in the air felt by most of the magically attuned present, as there was a small flash of light from the obelisk, just barely visible as the group would find themselves standing at a precipice near the cliff edge.

“Stones, what’s goin on here!” Eirhild would shout, reigning in one of the beasts before it simply barreled on through carrying the cart with it. The dwarf would immediately draw her hand to her sword, intending on getting herself involved if she had too.

Lazhira would take the momentary lapse in the slimes senses and the distraction made by Donovan and crew to quickly flee the scene.

"Guh, that was terrifying." Lazhira would say, panting and making an attempt to catch her breath.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Isidore considered asking for a demonstration of how those tools worked, but decided quickly enough that he could figure it out on his own time. Rather, he needed knowledge and experience elsewhere. His fights, if they could be called such, against Sorcha and the archdemon had both proved that he had neither the techniques nor the strength to prevent himself from being disarmed, whether through magnetic repulsion or flatout disintegration.

So the furnace needed to become a forge. And though he understood cars and circuitry, the nature of blacksmithing was something that he needed to see firsthand to comprehend, to visualize, to recreate.

“Call me Isidore,” the dark-haired youth spoke bringing forward a hand to shake. “It’s a matter of professional…curiosity. I use weapons, but don’t know how they’re made. I’m here to amend that.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

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@Rune_Alchemist@PKMNB0Y@Click This@Crusader Lord
"Fer fahk's sake!" Donovan cursed as he laid eyes on the gelatinous monster tearing apart the hunters that had no doubt been waiting for the expedition team to step out of the ruins. While he'd been expecting Soyala to have some kind of 'welcoming committee' prepared, Don hadn't expected things to already be going down the shitter already.

Without so much as a single word to tip off anyone to his intention, Donovan surged forward; hammer held tightly in hand. From what he could tell, the damn creature was amorphous and likely didn't have any bones or normal organs. However, the upper humanoid portion of the monster didn't seem to shift at all... Maybe its vitals were up in that area? There was only one way to know for sure.

Rushing the massive blob with [Divine Haste], Donavan launched himself above the creature and swung the point of his warhammer down at what seemed to be the head; aiming to cast [Point Fracture] through his weapon the moment it made contact.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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"The Clustertruck"

A Giant Enemy Slime? The rest of the Hunters?! A deer thing?!?! LAZHIRA?!?!?!?!?! Albeit the lattermost party seemed to bolt, which was good, but it did not look good at all.

This was not any kind of good. The Hunters were under a rather bad impression as it was about Lazhira, and this monster was nothing good in the first place. Nothing good at all. She couldn't see Narkissa or any of the others, but she did not trust the Hunters. Neither had anything slipped out of the gate with them, she knew that much. She could see the remnants of some kind of crate next to the slime as well, as if someone had...ah. The slime was an obvious threat, but hell if she was not suspecting the worst right now!

"Akando! Eirhild! Protect the Carts! The other Hunters and Soyala are enemies, and are all also after Lazhira!"

Leannah directed the cart to the side to avoid plowing forward into the mess, stopping as quickly as she could and standing up. She did not hesitate to leap off of the cart, holding out one hand and beginning to channel the same 'failed light spell' effect as she had before. Not as potent and big as she had before within the Illuminator's divine realm, but stronger than what she'd thrown back in Delphiti's old lab. Potent enough and burn-y, and without being too big or too little...or being used in a rather contained and much smaller space. She'd made that mistake once, and wanted to keep it that way. Still, Leannah gauged the distance needed to be safe of the blast radius based on her experiences with this spell's use so far, both after using it in a closed space and a not-so-closed one as well.

But there was no time to hesitate, no greater time to think or ponder the situation. She had to pick and unleash her attack at a target. A monster was here, and their obvious enemies were as well. Thus they had to act, and fast. Yet Donovan charging the slime made her initial choice of target impossible, and so the Bastelian had to choose a second target and throw her spell before it was too late or became too big.

Leannah thus desperately hurled the miniature exploding sun as hard and true as she could muster strength from her body, sending it flying beyond to the other side of the slime. With her quick change in aim the idea was to place it as close as possible to the nearest hunter on the other side. Far away from herself and the carts and known allies being in the blast radius at all, and hurled over the top of the slime to avoid hitting Donovan. It wasn't much of an aim, chosen at the last second but hopefully not having regrettable consequences.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

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Though her initial expectations towards whether or not her attempts at drawing attention were working were low, the fact that the deer at her side had managed to make up for her shortcomings were at least something of a relief to Misaki. She felt bad making the animal attack the slime, hesitant as it seemed to be, but the magic it was able to lob out was most certainly better than her random rocks and sticks.

Of course, seeing the slime consume one of the hunters caused the foxgirl's face to pale. It was most certainly a matter of life and death now, but that didn't change how it was still somewhat jarring to see someone die right in front of her.

Luckily enough, though, the escalation of combat coupled with the arrival of the group they were planning to ambush gave her enough time to compose herself enough to heed Narkissa's words as she drew closer.

"...Right, let's retreat, then. I'd rather get the people who can fight at this point now that their ambush is dead in the water," she said, gesturing towards the deer to follow as she began to head back the way she had come from.

Hopefully the chaos of combat would be enough to let them all get away without a hitch...

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 1 day ago


"The Hag told me that Lazhira indeed didn't steal it," Novak confirmed to them. "She seemed to think that Lazhira intended to, however, and was quite adamant that the girl not be allowed to obtain it. I'm not sure what that means but it's clear she's involved in this whole affair somehow." Novak left out the part where he had been tasked with finding the orb. It would likely get out eventually since Lazhira and Narkissa also witnessed the deal he had made, but he didn't want to make potential trouble by revealing it at the moment.

Perhaps I'm not too different from Lazhira in some regards, he mused.

There was a lot to consider from the hunters' words. They believed that the orb was one of two keys to the seal, and with those keys, they could fix the seal. From the sound of things, though, the hunters didn't sound like they had a plan. Or perhaps they did have a plan, and didn't want to share it with Novak and Nobunaga. Still, perhaps it was possible to coax some more relevant information out of them.

All this time they seemed to think that Lazhira was the one who took the orb. That implies they don't know who the real thieves were, nor where it now resides, so no point in asking them that, Novak reasoned. Perhaps, however, they might know something about the Hag's motivations...

"There's another thing. The hag...she wants the orb, too." he spoke with some hesitation. "You have any idea why?

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Journey Begins

~ Cabin Near Liven ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

Nick raised an eyebrow when Baba finally pulled down her hood and revealed her face. His eyes immediately zeroed in on her furry, canine ears atop her head. Would have been surprising, but Nick had already met people with horns. One side of her pale face, however, was horrifically scarred. Nick could not discern if it was hacked or burned or both.

“Why…even come here if you didn’t intend to? But if you…want to know…well…its the Apostles. The village…used to worship the Goddess of the Underworld, Rifelshka, but the Apostles…well…they didn’t approve. Turned the village against us and killed my parents…tried to kill me too, but…I was good with…magic.”

Oh, jeez. Nick gulped, that was certainly something. "Converting people probably against their will is one thing, but why did they have to attack you and your family? Were you doing anything in the village?" Was Baba and her tribe, like, bound to this Rifelshka goddess, Nick wondered. He could ask, but he opted to let Baba explain herself.

“...I’ve used the goddess teachings to just do what they deserve. Not like I’m living…either the villagers will get to me, or the Apostles will…if…they don’t…the Maids will. ...If you’re not going to leave, then I guess I can let you stay here tonight.”

Well, the Apostles were definitely after her. He took one to Liven specifically to get her, after all. But who were the Maids-- Wait, Nick realized that he had likely already met a 'Maid'. "Well, you're completely right. Everybody you just mentioned are actually after you. I, uhh, met them even."

Nick approached Baba just as she set down the stew bowls on the table. "Look, I know I'm probably asking too much of this and it's probably really naive, but can't I ask you to stop... and leave?" He boldly suggested. Without anything to offer, Nick only had his words and audacity on his side. "The villagers may have deserved whatever you're doing, but you deserve better than this. You've suffered enough. You say you're not living, but maybe it's time you do so once again."

"Besides, it's not like you're gonna succeed in killing off the whole village." Nick added. "Your hunters are already here and if an idiot like me can find you, then the others will too in time and then there'll definitely be violence." A thought then occurred to him. He probably shouldn't asked, but did anyway. "Speaking of which, why have you never attacked me? Not that I'm not grateful that you haven't, but can't you blast magic at me or something?"
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