"All things are in flux, and nothing is permanent. What trash!"Name: Hangai Atsuha
Age: 24
Species: Jorōgumo
Sex: Female
Height: 219.46cm (Measured from head of human torso to the ball of her appendages)
227kg "How rude!"Appearance: Before being turned into an Jorōgumo, Atsuha was a young native woman with gentle features, with brown eyes and dark brown hair that reaches just past her shoulders. She often wore garb that was traditional with the Hangai clan while still human. In her spider form, she wears unique clothing on her human torso that still marks her as an onmyoji. She has two extra pairs of golden eyes, usually hidden by her bangs. In addition, she has grown large red horns from her head. Her spider half has 4 large golden eyes with slit pupils and is covered with a thick dark red fur. It wears an ornament on its head that appears to be a helmet of sorts.
Personality: Atsuha can be described as having an odd temperament, usually appearing to be composed and taciturn as expected of a sorceress. However, she is actually rather dainty and even snide at times. She carries herself with a stately demeanor and speaks in an elegant, loquacious manner. Underneath the surface, she is actually very resentful of the old customs and extremely protective of her younger sister, due to the incident that involved her clan.
Abilities: Atsuha primarily relies on the ying yang sorcery that was taught to her by the clan she hails from (Hangai), a clan of powerful Onmyodo magicians. Her magical attacks consist of manipulating various elements, restricting and hampering the abilities of her foes with talismans and arcane magic seals, and limited summoning of familiars to assist her in combat. Of course, she also possesses all of the standard abilities that are granted to her due to her arachnid biology. She can create powerful webbing that’s used for various purposes, possesses enhanced strength and agility, walk on different surfaces, and has powerful jumping capabilities. In addition, Atsuha’s spider head has a powerful bite force due in part to the large fangs at its disposal. Moreover, the fangs are able to secrete a powerful neurotoxin that can immobilize attackers. Atsuha’s view of vision is also enhanced several times due to the extra pairs of eyes she has been granted.
Background: Atsuha, along with her younger sister Hinami, was born to the Hangai Onmyodo clan by the chieftain of the village. At a young age, she was trained and tutored in the family’s various magical applications; as the eldest sibling she was groomed to be the next head of the clan. While Atsuha went along with the flow and somewhat understood her position, she often felt that she would rather spend time with her little sister. She noticed Hinami was mostly ignored by her parents as she was the second born child. There were even times she would sneak out on training and the two would play together in the surrounding forest outside the village. However, one day Hinami appeared to have come down with a sickness of sorts. At first, it seemed to be nothing more than a common cold and the symptoms were simple enough to treat. However, her condition did not improve over time and in fact worsened. Eventually, she was too weak to leave the bedside and couldn’t even keep down any food she was given. The medical techniques implored by the clan could only do so much as to delay the process.
After a few months, Atsuha’s sister passed away quietly in her sleep while she sat at her side. Grief-stricken, Atsuha spent her days wallowing in her own world detached from the one around her. Her elders, however, grew annoyed that she further neglected her training. They told her that death is part of the ever present flux of natural law and that feeling just fleeting emotion over it was pointless. Disgusted by the callous, borderline nihilistic viewpoint of her parents and teachers over the loss of a family member, Atsuha drove herself away from her family and into an even darker path. Having learned her family's kinjutsu in secret, Atsuha devised a ritual in order to revive the sibling that was taken from her. She felt that she of all people deserved a second chance at life as she only knew loneliness and illness in her previous one. However, due to the ritual needing a large amount of mana to perform and Atsuha's inexperience, the revival did not go exactly as planned…
Reviving the death is considered sacrilege in most circles, and often comes at a steep price. Atsuha was completely overtaken by the dark energy generated by the ritual, and underwent a shocking transformation due to it. The quiet forest onmyoji in training had become the spider monster she is today. In the end, the ceremony was successful, but her sister wasn't quite the same either afterward. Having become what is known as a Jiangshi, Atsuha found she had to place a talisman on Hinami's head in order to quell her more...feral tendencies. When members of the clan discovered what Atsuha had wrought, she and Hinani were immediately ostracized, being forced to fend for themselves.
Having to adjust to her new form while at the same time taking care of her sister was at first quite the bitter ordeal. However, she eventually saw that her new found power and abilities could afford her many new opportunities. In the underworld, she and her sister became paranormal investigators of some renown. Settling disputes between yokai and humans and exorcising curses gave them the means to fend for themselves quite effectively.
Even Lady Kyouko had heard of their talents, and had directly reached out to them for their services. After some discussion, they accepted her offer to join her efforts in investigating the Varjo invaders.