(The players shown below are the active ones in the RP. The list is up-to-date as much as possible)
@AzureKnight (co-GM)

"All things are in flux, and nothing is permanent. What trash!"
Name: Hangai Atsuha
Race: Jorōgumo
Appearance: Before being turned into an Jorōgumo, Atsuha was a young native woman with gentle features, with brown eyes and dark brown hair that reaches just past her shoulders. She often wore garb that was traditional with the Hangai clan while still human. In her spider form, she wears an elaborate white kimono on her human torso that still marks her as an onmyoji. Her hair has turned a silky white and hangs down low enough to reach her matching white spider limbs. In addition, she has developed a strange four pronged symbol on her forehead and grown large wooden horns on the side of her head that point downward. The most notable aspect of her being is what appears to be a small sakura tree thats growing from her arachnid abdomen. Some of her limbs also appear to have woody substances growing from them. Her pedipalps, as opposed to the rest of her spider body, were of a deep brown color.
Personality: Atsuha can be described as having an odd temperament, usually appearing to be composed and taciturn as expected of a sorceress. However, she is actually rather dainty and even snide at times. She carries herself with a stately demeanor and speaks in an elegant, loquacious manner. Underneath the surface, she is actually very resentful of the old customs and extremely protective of her younger sister, due to the incident that involved her clan.
Magic\Abilities\Equipment: Atsuha primarily relies on the ying yang sorcery that was taught to her by the clan she hails from (Hangai), a clan of powerful Onmyodo magicians. Her magical attacks consist of manipulating various elements (Mainly nature based), restricting and hampering the abilities of her foes with talismans and arcane magic seals, and limited summoning of familiars to assist her in combat. The sakura blossoms on her back csn also be fired as projectiles, cutting up whatever lies in their path.
Of course, she also possesses all of the standard abilities that are granted to her due to her arachnid biology. She can create powerful webbing that’s used for various purposes, possesses enhanced strength and agility, is able to walk on various surfaces, and has powerful jumping capabilities. In addition, she now possesses fangs that can deliver a powerful bite as an up close meand of offense. The bite can also a powerful neurotoxin that can immobilize foes. (Although a lover may come to find the toxin to have a rather different effect~)
Background: Atsuha, along with her younger sister Hinami, was born to the Hangai Onmyodo clan by the chieftain of the village. At a young age, she was trained and tutored in the family’s various magical applications; as the eldest sibling she was groomed to be the next head of the clan. While Atsuha went along with the flow and somewhat understood her position, she often felt that she would rather spend time with her little sister. She noticed Hinami was mostly ignored by her parents as she was the second born child. There were even times she would sneak out on training and the two would play together in the surrounding forest outside the village. However, one day Hinami appeared to have come down with a sickness of sorts. At first, it seemed to be nothing more than a common cold and the symptoms were simple enough to treat. However, her condition did not improve over time and in fact worsened. Eventually, she was too weak to leave the bedside and couldn’t even keep down any food she was given. The medical techniques implored by the clan could only do so much as to delay the process.
After a few months, Atsuha’s sister passed away quietly in her sleep while she sat at her side. Grief-stricken, Atsuha spent her days wallowing in her own world detached from the one around her. Her elders, however, grew annoyed that she further neglected her training. They told her that death is part of the ever present flux of natural law and that feeling just fleeting emotion over it was pointless. Disgusted by the callous, borderline nihilistic viewpoint of her parents and teachers over the loss of a family member, Atsuha drove herself away from her family and into an even darker path. Having learned her family's kinjutsu in secret, Atsuha devised a ritual in order to revive the sibling that was taken from her. She felt that she of all people deserved a second chance at life as she only knew loneliness and illness in her previous one. However, due to the ritual needing a large amount of mana to perform and Atsuha's inexperience, the revival did not go exactly as planned…
Reviving the death is considered sacrilege in most circles, and often comes at a steep price. Atsuha was completely overtaken by the dark energy generated by the ritual, and underwent a shocking transformation due to it. The quiet forest onmyoji in training had become the spider monster she is today. In the end, the ceremony was successful, but her sister wasn't quite the same either afterward. Having become what is known as a Jiangshi, Atsuha found she had to place a talisman on Hinami's head in order to quell her more...feral tendencies. When members of the clan discovered what Atsuha had wrought, she and Hinami were immediately ostracized, being forced to fend for themselves.
Having to adjust to her new form while at the same time taking care of her sister was at first quite the bitter ordeal. However, she eventually saw that her new found power and abilities could afford her many new opportunities. In the underworld, she and her sister became paranormal investigators of some renown. Settling disputes between yokai and humans and exorcising curses gave them the means to fend for themselves quite effectively.
Even Lady Kyouko had heard of their talents, and had directly reached out to them for their services. After some discussion, they accepted her offer to join her efforts in investigating the Varjo invaders.
Favorite Monster Girl: Ryu

“Everything’s so…hazy. I remember being in pain; I was coughing and couldn’t move. Then, there was darkness; I couldn’t hear or see anything. But, then, I could see my sister again! And, my pain was gone! But now, I’m kinda hungry all the time… Are we having lunch soon?”
Name: Hangai Hinami
Race: Jiangshi
Appearance: Hinami was once an average looking young native girl with fair skin who shared her sister’s brown eyes. She had short brown hair and wore a small kimono with designs denoting her as a member of the Hangai clan. Upon revival, however, her appearance took on some noticeable changes. Her skin became a pale white, almost being porcelain in appearance. Her once brown eyes had become a deep, rather eerie red and her hair now runs all the way down to her thighs. Many who’ve been around her have stated they notice an ethereal glow emanating from her, and she is rarely seen without the talisman attached to her hat.
Personality: Hinami was a sweet but lonely girl in her youth, often passing the time playing with toys and sticks in solitude. There weren’t many other children in the village in addition to Atsuha who was always preoccupied with her Onmyoji training, and Hinami was scolded harshly when she “bothered” her sister. This caused her to become a timid, sober child that barely spoke much at all. Upon being revived, Hinami still maintains much of her gentle, soft spoken nature. Being with her sister over the years has also had a positive effect on her psyche and she is much more cheerful than in her youth. However, due to her monstrous nature, she sometimes will exude a predatory hunger that causes her to lash out uncontrollably until it is sated.
Magic/Abilities/Equipment: Hinami was never trained in the magical arts her clan of origin is famous for, as she was the second born child. However, becoming an undead thanks to her sister has granted new found strength that far surpasses what she knew in life. Being a Jiangshi, she is granted attributes that one would expect from her race. She possesses physical strength far beyond that of an average human, being able to shatter boulders and large trees with a single kick. Her agility and stamina is also improved greatly; as an undead she does not fatigue in the same way living creatures do. Her feral nature has also caused her to develop heightened senses, having a strong sense of smell and chi-reading. For self-defense purposes and to aid with their new profession, Atsuha also had Hinami learn various martial teachings. Hinami is well-versed in Bajiquan and Shotokan Karate, and is skilled in using various magic weapons - swords, spears, axes, maces, chains, throwing daggers, etc. She is able to summon them to her side at will thanks to magic sigils put on her skin by her sister.
It is important to note that when Hinami goes into her feral state, all of her physical abilities are boosted to even greater heights. However, she completely loses her sense of self and goes berserk on everything around her. This is dangerous not only to those around her, but to herself as well, if she remains in this form for too long she will burn through her mana and enter into a catatonic state. It is for this purpose that Atsuha placed a talisman on her head that she instructed her not to remove at all times.
Background: Both Hinami and Atsuha were born in a village belonging to the Hangai clan of onmyoji, living in quiet seclusion deep within a vast forest. Being the younger sibling, she was not groomed to be the clan’s next successor and thus was largely ignored. Due to any attempt of her being with her sister being met with cold reprimand from the elders, Hinami turned to reading and playing by herself in order to pass the time. However, Atsuha had often played hooky and played with Hinami in secret, which brought her much joy. However, one unfortunate day Hinami contracted a strange illness that worsened over time. Because the symptoms of said sickness weren’t different from that of a common cold, they weren’t treated as thoroughly as they should’ve been. Perhaps if it were, she may have been saved. Week after week, the sickness plaguing her became worse and worse. Soon she lacked the strength to leave her bed and couldn’t even keep down food. Atsuha, riddled with grief, refused to leave her bedside. Hinami’s last words to her sister were that she hoped she would get better soon so they could continue playing together. She passed away in her sleep the following morning.
During this time, she only knew darkness and a tight pain in her chest. Before she knew it, she had reawaken and the pain she felt had all but vanished. She was greeted by a crying young woman who appeared to be in a state of happiness. She recognized the woman as her beloved sister, though she was surprised that the lower part of her body had transformed into a giant spider. Hinami, of course, wasn’t the same either and was just happy that she could be with her sister again. She was confused as Atsuha explained that they couldn’t go back home and had to learn to fend for themselves. But, she ultimately understood, it wasn’t as if she had many fond memories of her village regardless. It took some time getting used to, but eventually the sisters had settled in well to their new forms and lifestyle. Hinami had a happen of going berserk and devouring any source of mana she could get her hands on. Thankfully Atsuha with her magical expertise is able to easily keep her in check for the most past. That, and Hinami is able to eat food that any human does on a regular basis. To keep themselves afloat, they decided to take the roles of paranormal investigators. They perform various tasks under the job title: providing consulting services for those affluent with the mystic, exorcising curses, and settling disputes between yokai and human settlements.
Lady Kyouka caught wind of the sisters’ services and offered them a new role in aiding her. Interested by the prospect, they happily accepted the terms.
Favorite Monster Girl: Ryu

"My mind, clear as the blue stream. My blade, empty as the stormless sky."
Name: Kannazuki Shizuka (神無月 閑か)
Aliases: Arashi no Hitokiri or Hitokiri Kannazuki
Race: Human
Appearance: Shizuka is a fair-skinned native that is slightly above average height for a Zipangunese man, he has sharp features and has long black hair with a blue hue that he usually keeps tied up in a ponytail. He wears traditional warrior garb native to the region with a unique flair to it; it also possesses no features that tie it to any particular affiliation. He possesses auburn eyes that adorn a calm and quiet expression most of the time.
Shizuka carries with him a shikomizue (cane sword) when in battle. It has a blue blade with a wavy design etched on it. He weara a bit of armor on his traditional robes, but leaves it light in order to suit his fighting style.
Teikoku Arashi – ryū: ( 帝国嵐剣流, Imperial Storm Sword Style)
The Teikoku-Arashi – ryū is an ancient style of kenjutsu and arcane magic developed in the eastern isles by a man named Chiryoku Ame, who later became the first master of the style. The art was originally made to honor and imbue a person with the teachings of the Azure Dragon of the East, Seiryū. In folklore, the Azure Dragon is lord of the eastern sky, represented by Jupiter and the element wood, and controls the rain. The magic associated with the style consists of elements associated with storms - water, wind, and lightning.
Within this particular sword style there can be only one master and a single student, and the teachings are kept secret between the two individuals. After the student successfully learns all of the techniques and abilities of Teikoku Arashi up to the penultimate technique, the final part of their training involves them learning the final attack and using it to slay their master in single confrontation. If they are victorious they will become the new master and inherit all of the secrets of the style.
The core principles of Teikoku Arashi are rooted in the virtue of benevolence and creativity; practitioners of the style seek altruism as a whole rather than side with a specific side of the political spectrum. “The world isn’t black and white, but rather numerous shades of gray”, this is one of the quotes the current master leaves with their student during training. The style deals with the relativism of morality and how clear cut definitions of “good” and “evil” should be avoided; practitioners are also prohibited from using the style to gain wealth, political power, or social status. Also, while killing is frowned upon, it is permitted by the school in extreme circumstances.
Practitioners of Teikoku Arashi are equal part swordsmen and sorcerers; there method of fighting encompassed by combining various sword and spellcasting techniques with maneuverability that gives the user god-like speed (Known as Shinsoku-神速). The swordsmanship that defines the styles consists of various one-handed and two-handed strikes, in addition to iaijutsu techniques and some attacks that even incorporate the sheath.
Spellcasting is achieved through methods similar to how western mages utilize mana for their techniques (Called Flow-気 in Zipangu). Spells taught in the school are used primarily to augment sword techniques, which is the main focus of the style. However, the spells can be used on their own for offense and defense, in addition to including illusionary magic that can enfeeble foes. There are also CQC techniques taught as part of the style to increase its versatility. These included powerful strikes, kicks, sweeps, locks, and takedowns meant to disarm and incapacitate foes in a deft, sudden manner matching the ebb and flow of the shifting waves. Experienced users also possess a pseudo-clairvoyance that allows them to predict the next move of an attacker based on part experience and flow reading.
List of techniques:
Uryūtsuizume (雨竜槌爪, Rain Dragon Hammer Claw) – From an upward position (usually initiated by a powerful jump or from elevated footing via wind magic), the user uses the momentum of their fall to slam down on the foe with a two-handed slash.
Uryūtsuizume ● Sanka (雨竜槌爪・惨禍, Rain Dragon Hammer Claw: Calamity) – Starts the same as the normal technique, but the attack is now a stabbing motion rather than a slash. The stabbing was originally meant to impale a person and end them, however the power from the attack can also be used to impale the ground. This causes it to crack apart and kick about debris.
Uryūshōzume (雨竜翔爪, Rain Dragon Soaring Claw) – Directly opposite of the Uryūtsuizume, this technique involves the user attacking the opponent with an upward strike. Good versus airborne opponents, when used against grounded foes the user positions the blade just below the opponent’s neck and lets loose with the rising slash. It is the same as the previous technique in which wind is used to strengthen the force of the slash.
Uryūtsui ● Shōzume (雨竜槌・翔爪, Rain Dragon Hammer: Soaring Claw) – A combination attack consisting of both the Uryūtsuizume and Uryūshōzume. It starts with the user performing Uryūshōzume, then moving past them in the air, slams the foe to the ground with Uryūtsuizume. This technique can also be performed in reverse as well.
Uryū Tōhōfū Kari (雨竜 東方風 刈, Rain Dragon East Wind Shear) – This technique calls upon the god-like speed associated with Teikoku Arashi – ryū. The user charges at the opponent with full force in a single direction. Then as the opponent prepares for the user’s attack, the user suddenly splits into three targets that come at the opponent from different angles. Then, the user delivers three simultaneous strikes and the afterimages vanish without a trace.
Uryū Urami ● Mizore (雨竜 恨み・霙, Rain Dragon’s Resentment: Sleet) – The user blankets the foe in a shower of ice. While the attack can be used on the ground, it is normally performed in the air.
Uryū Ikidō ● Kaminari (雨竜 憤・雷, Rain Dragon’s Indignation: Lightning God) – The user jumps into the air and strikes the ground with a large and powerful lightning bolt. Depending on the amount of mana put into the technique it can have a very large blast radius. Stronger variants of the attack can send streams of lightning across the radius for added effect. Like the previous technique, it can also be performed on the ground via a downward thrust.
Uryū Suichū (雨竜 水柱, Rain Dragon Waterspout) – Best when used while being surrounded by a group of enemies. The user gathers water and performs a 360 spin to slash opponents from all directions. A large column of water is also created that can be used to defend against various attacks. This attack can also be used to counter forward thrusts or charging attacks, the user sidesteps a forward moving foe to move past them. They then spin at a 180 degree angle, strengthening the sword swing with centrifugal force and high water pressure, which is then aimed at either the foe’s back or neck.
Uryū Suichū ● Senki (雨竜 水柱・旋回 , Rain Dragon Waterspout: Whirl) – A variant of Suichū, this technique involves charging at the foe with a forward horizontal spin. The drilling motion resembles the spinning movement of a dragon flying through the air; after closing in, a powerful slash is delivered to the adversary. While it has other uses, this technique is best used as a counter attack.
Uryū Suichū ● Kogarashi (雨竜 水柱・凩, Rain Dragon Waterspout: Wintry Wind) - Another variant, this attack involves the user cloaking themselves in cold energy and lunging at the foe with a vertical spinning overhead attack. It is a good counter for downward and upward slashes., and the cold energy can weaken and even freeze opponents in their tracks.
Uryū Suichū ● Kirisame (雨竜 水柱・霧雨, Rain Dragon Waterspout: Misty Rain) – The third variant involves the user spinning their sword in front of them in a 360 degree motion. Magic is channelled into the blade and a stream of hazy energy is blasted at the foe. This technique is also well suited for blocking against projectile attacks.
Uryūbutōsen (雨竜舞踏閃, Rain Dragon Dancing Flash) – A massive barrage of slashes is delivered to the opponent. The sheer speed of the strikes makes it difficult to defend against.
Uryūbutōsen ● Toppū (雨竜舞踏閃・突風, Rain Dragon Dancing Flash: Squall) – A variant of the original technique, a powerful wind is added to the barrage. This variant is effective to use against a group of enemies and allows the user to gain some breathing room by pushing back with strong gusts.
Uryūbutōsen ● Raiu (雨竜舞踏閃・雷雨, Rain Dragon Dancing Flash: Thunderstorm) – Another variant, the multitude of slashes are back by both lightning and wind magic, further adding to the destructive force of the attack.
Hyōrangeki (雹嵐撃, Hailstorm Strike) – The user channels energy into their palm and then fires a powerful blizzard blast, completely trapping their opponent in a violent snowstorm – leaving the opponent to be apart by the immense magical energy.
Uryūmei (雨竜鳴, Rain Dragon Shriek) – A technique where the user utilizes iaijutsu and godspeed in order to sheath the blade, rather than draw it. As the blade is sheath, the speed and force used creates a deafening shriek akin to thunder that can stun opponents sensitive to sound.
Uryū Gensō (雨竜幻想, Rain Serpent’s Illusion) – The user creates illusions that fool the opponent into thinking that something is there when there is nothing there at all. The illusion can be of anything, although it tends to depend on the user’s taste.
Eseryu (蛻 似非竜 False Dragon) – An ability that initiates when the user is struck. At first glance it would appear the user had been successfully hit by the attack. However, the user soon fades away into a haze of mist, revealing itself to be a mere fake. The fake is actually an afterimage created by god-like speed.
Nasen no Tōhōseiza(七閃 東方星, Seven Flashes of the East Constellation) – The penultimate technique of Teikoku Arashi–ryū, proficiency with this attack is a prerequisite to learn the true final technique. It is a dashing attack that combines Shinsoku along with kendō in order to strike seven vital areas of the opponent’s body simultaneously.The speed, power, and force of the attack differs from user to user. Another important factor of the attack is that it combines all three elements associated with the sword style (water - in the form of ice, wind, and lightning). The vital points are struck by each of these elements - leaving them seared by wind, charred by lightning, and frozen by ice.
If someone is faster than the user (i.e. faster than Shinsoku), the technique can be avoided completely. The technique can also be countered or blocked if met with an attack of similar power and speed.
The seven vital points of the body struck are as follows:
Just above the head
The center of the chest
The left arm
The right right
The left leg
The right leg
The abdomen area via an upward stroke
The speed and power of the attack make it nearly unblockable and unavoidable by most.
Hand-to-Hand Techniques – A list of various bare handed techniques that include strikes, sweeps, kicks, takedowns, and parrying moves. Mainly used as a more effective way of disarming or incapacitating foes without killing them, focusing on targeting pressure points and joint manipulation. However, these techniques can be just as lethal when wielded by an expert.
Dragon Cyclone - Delivers a flurry of kicks with such speed that it thrashes the foe about as if hit by a maelstrom.
Fang Bullet - Hits the opponent’s vital points with a barrage of strikes; the attack makes use of two fingers as opposed to clenched fists or open-hand palms.
Sinew Crush - A palm or fist is delivered to a ligament on the body as a means to disable a limb by way of breaking bones.
Toho Falls - A takedown that follows after a parry. Locking the foe’s arms, the user lifts the foe off the ground using strength and their own momentum and promptly slams them on the ground.
Tidal Wave - The user instantly crouches and sweeps the opponent off their feet with a low kick. Also effective to use as a counter.
Twin Claw Smash - The user clenches both fists and extends their arms outward, positioning their fists vertical from one another. Channeling flow, the user then hits the foe head on with a two step attack that includes the physical hit along with the flow generated with it.
(ドラゴン桜) Dragon Blossom - A parry that can also be used to disarm a foe. The user blocks an incoming attack using their hands crossed into an X symbol, stopping their momentum. Then the user clenches the wrists of the attacker, using the pressure to have them drop their weapon. Then the foe is pushed back by way of throw or kick.
Talon Shear - The user channels flow into their strikes, chopping away at various vital areas on the foe’s body.
Serpent Constrict - Utilizing joint manipulation, the user places the foe within a hold. The pressure used can be increased as a means to make the foe submit.
Snout Rupture - Using a striking motion with either a fist or elbow, the user attacks the head and feebles them. The intent is to have the opponent’s brain rattle using the force generated from the strike.
Iaijutsu Techniques – Practitioners of Teikoku Arashi- ryū are all required to master iaijutsu , which is the art of drawing out the sword in quick, seamless motions. The purpose of the art was to cut down opponents with a single strike, drawing out the sword with such speed that the untrained eye is unable to register the motion.
Bōfūga (暴風牙, Gale’s Fang) - The user draws their blade from the sheath with incredible speed, backed with powerful wind magic. This sends the target flying into the air and makes it hard to recover. The user then jumps into the air above them and delivers a powerful slash, passing them on the way down. This technique has a few variants. It is possible for someone to block the wind enough to prevent being blown into the air, however it still may be strong enough to knock a person off balance (they would also have to worry about being cut by the first slash from the sheath).
Bōfūga ● Inazuma (暴風牙・稲妻, Gale’s Fang: Lightning Flash) – The technique starts out just like the base move, but instead of jumping after the opponent, the user casts lightning magic around the wind gust. This creates a small storm-like attack that leaves the target with electric burns.
Bōfūga ● Fubuki (暴風牙・吹雪, Gale’s Fang: Snowstorm) – The startup of this variant involves using ice magic to augment the initial wind gust. Then, jumping at the opponent, the user unleashes a barrage of slashes. The foe is sheared by the freezing wind and then cut by the sword strikes during the second phase.
Sōnamisen (双波閃, Twin Wave Flash) – A Two-step attack and one of the most fundamental iaijutsu techniques in the Teikoku Arashi school. The user assumes a counter-stance and as the opponent draws near, they let loose with a powerful slash that emits a blue shockwave. The shockwave leaves a rather painful wound on its target, and it can damage anything in its path. In the second step the sheath is wielded along the same path as a blunt weapon, the strike with the sheath is strong enough to shatter boulders and bone. The sheath attack is powerful insurance in case the first step fails, and it hits when one least expects it.
Sōnamisen ● Ikazuchi (双波閃・雷, Twin Wave Flash: Thunder) – A variation of Sōnamisen wherein the sword is wielded while still in its sheath. The user bludgeons the enemy with the sword encased in its sheath, then when the sheath makes contact, the user draws the sword and emits a lightning bolt from the blade. This technique was made with the assumption that the first hit of the attack will be blocked in some way.
Seiryū no Saikō Hi(青龍の最高飛, Supreme Flight of the Azure Dragon) – The final technique of Teikoku Arashi –ryū, it is the most powerful and perhaps the most dangerous attack in the school. It is actually a counter-stance, and starts like any other iaijutsu technique. However, it differs in that the stance is only taken at the last possible second of an enemy attack and the user takes an extra step toward them, risking the life of the user. Taking this step makes it so that the user’s leg is within their blade’s cutting length, making it possible for their limb to be severed whenever the attack is used. However, this makes it so that drawing speed for the technique surpasses even Shinsoku.
At the last instant, the user draws their sword from the sheath with such speed that it displaces the wind around the vicinity. The vacuum created by the slash renders the opponent immobile. Then, charging ice, lightning, and wind the user makes a second strike with the blade that matches the power of the most unforgiving storm, dwarfing the first strike in power. The opponent is sent flying back in a barrage of elemental torrents. This is perhaps the only technique in the entire style that is flawless – The speed of the techniques makes it nearly impossible to dodge, and even if the first slash doesn’t hit the opponent will be rendered immobile through the wind displacement and will be doomed to be struck down by the second attack. However, the true strength of the technique lies within the mental state of the user.
Using this attack to counter the master’s Nasen no Tōhōseiza and slay them in battle in the final test for the student to graduate from the teachings of Teikoku Arashi. Once the task is completed the student will become the new master and inherit the name of Chiryoku, in order to preserve the first master’s legacy. This system of succession is the reason why so few practitioners of the art have existed.
The style demands that whoever undergoes mastery must understand the true value of life, that is why the student is put into a life or death situation against their master’s unrestrained Nasen no Tōhōseiza. Being the only attack in the school to surpass the Nasen no Tōhōseiza in power and speed, the student must perform the ultimate technique perfectly - lest they be slain and therefore learnt the style for naught. If victorious, the student will have achieved mastery and fully inherited the final technique, but at the cost of the previous master’s life.
While the final technique seems flawless by normal means, in order to execute it to its fullest extent, one must have strong mental fortitude when performing it. Only having the will to live and being brave enough to stare death in the face will allow the user to clear all turmoil in their hearts and strike with the attack perfectly.
The Teikoku-Arashi – ryū is an ancient style of kenjutsu and arcane magic developed in the eastern isles by a man named Chiryoku Ame, who later became the first master of the style. The art was originally made to honor and imbue a person with the teachings of the Azure Dragon of the East, Seiryū. In folklore, the Azure Dragon is lord of the eastern sky, represented by Jupiter and the element wood, and controls the rain. The magic associated with the style consists of elements associated with storms - water, wind, and lightning.
Within this particular sword style there can be only one master and a single student, and the teachings are kept secret between the two individuals. After the student successfully learns all of the techniques and abilities of Teikoku Arashi up to the penultimate technique, the final part of their training involves them learning the final attack and using it to slay their master in single confrontation. If they are victorious they will become the new master and inherit all of the secrets of the style.
The core principles of Teikoku Arashi are rooted in the virtue of benevolence and creativity; practitioners of the style seek altruism as a whole rather than side with a specific side of the political spectrum. “The world isn’t black and white, but rather numerous shades of gray”, this is one of the quotes the current master leaves with their student during training. The style deals with the relativism of morality and how clear cut definitions of “good” and “evil” should be avoided; practitioners are also prohibited from using the style to gain wealth, political power, or social status. Also, while killing is frowned upon, it is permitted by the school in extreme circumstances.
Practitioners of Teikoku Arashi are equal part swordsmen and sorcerers; there method of fighting encompassed by combining various sword and spellcasting techniques with maneuverability that gives the user god-like speed (Known as Shinsoku-神速). The swordsmanship that defines the styles consists of various one-handed and two-handed strikes, in addition to iaijutsu techniques and some attacks that even incorporate the sheath.
Spellcasting is achieved through methods similar to how western mages utilize mana for their techniques (Called Flow-気 in Zipangu). Spells taught in the school are used primarily to augment sword techniques, which is the main focus of the style. However, the spells can be used on their own for offense and defense, in addition to including illusionary magic that can enfeeble foes. There are also CQC techniques taught as part of the style to increase its versatility. These included powerful strikes, kicks, sweeps, locks, and takedowns meant to disarm and incapacitate foes in a deft, sudden manner matching the ebb and flow of the shifting waves. Experienced users also possess a pseudo-clairvoyance that allows them to predict the next move of an attacker based on part experience and flow reading.
List of techniques:
Uryūtsuizume (雨竜槌爪, Rain Dragon Hammer Claw) – From an upward position (usually initiated by a powerful jump or from elevated footing via wind magic), the user uses the momentum of their fall to slam down on the foe with a two-handed slash.
Uryūtsuizume ● Sanka (雨竜槌爪・惨禍, Rain Dragon Hammer Claw: Calamity) – Starts the same as the normal technique, but the attack is now a stabbing motion rather than a slash. The stabbing was originally meant to impale a person and end them, however the power from the attack can also be used to impale the ground. This causes it to crack apart and kick about debris.
Uryūshōzume (雨竜翔爪, Rain Dragon Soaring Claw) – Directly opposite of the Uryūtsuizume, this technique involves the user attacking the opponent with an upward strike. Good versus airborne opponents, when used against grounded foes the user positions the blade just below the opponent’s neck and lets loose with the rising slash. It is the same as the previous technique in which wind is used to strengthen the force of the slash.
Uryūtsui ● Shōzume (雨竜槌・翔爪, Rain Dragon Hammer: Soaring Claw) – A combination attack consisting of both the Uryūtsuizume and Uryūshōzume. It starts with the user performing Uryūshōzume, then moving past them in the air, slams the foe to the ground with Uryūtsuizume. This technique can also be performed in reverse as well.
Uryū Tōhōfū Kari (雨竜 東方風 刈, Rain Dragon East Wind Shear) – This technique calls upon the god-like speed associated with Teikoku Arashi – ryū. The user charges at the opponent with full force in a single direction. Then as the opponent prepares for the user’s attack, the user suddenly splits into three targets that come at the opponent from different angles. Then, the user delivers three simultaneous strikes and the afterimages vanish without a trace.
Uryū Urami ● Mizore (雨竜 恨み・霙, Rain Dragon’s Resentment: Sleet) – The user blankets the foe in a shower of ice. While the attack can be used on the ground, it is normally performed in the air.
Uryū Ikidō ● Kaminari (雨竜 憤・雷, Rain Dragon’s Indignation: Lightning God) – The user jumps into the air and strikes the ground with a large and powerful lightning bolt. Depending on the amount of mana put into the technique it can have a very large blast radius. Stronger variants of the attack can send streams of lightning across the radius for added effect. Like the previous technique, it can also be performed on the ground via a downward thrust.
Uryū Suichū (雨竜 水柱, Rain Dragon Waterspout) – Best when used while being surrounded by a group of enemies. The user gathers water and performs a 360 spin to slash opponents from all directions. A large column of water is also created that can be used to defend against various attacks. This attack can also be used to counter forward thrusts or charging attacks, the user sidesteps a forward moving foe to move past them. They then spin at a 180 degree angle, strengthening the sword swing with centrifugal force and high water pressure, which is then aimed at either the foe’s back or neck.
Uryū Suichū ● Senki (雨竜 水柱・旋回 , Rain Dragon Waterspout: Whirl) – A variant of Suichū, this technique involves charging at the foe with a forward horizontal spin. The drilling motion resembles the spinning movement of a dragon flying through the air; after closing in, a powerful slash is delivered to the adversary. While it has other uses, this technique is best used as a counter attack.
Uryū Suichū ● Kogarashi (雨竜 水柱・凩, Rain Dragon Waterspout: Wintry Wind) - Another variant, this attack involves the user cloaking themselves in cold energy and lunging at the foe with a vertical spinning overhead attack. It is a good counter for downward and upward slashes., and the cold energy can weaken and even freeze opponents in their tracks.
Uryū Suichū ● Kirisame (雨竜 水柱・霧雨, Rain Dragon Waterspout: Misty Rain) – The third variant involves the user spinning their sword in front of them in a 360 degree motion. Magic is channelled into the blade and a stream of hazy energy is blasted at the foe. This technique is also well suited for blocking against projectile attacks.
Uryūbutōsen (雨竜舞踏閃, Rain Dragon Dancing Flash) – A massive barrage of slashes is delivered to the opponent. The sheer speed of the strikes makes it difficult to defend against.
Uryūbutōsen ● Toppū (雨竜舞踏閃・突風, Rain Dragon Dancing Flash: Squall) – A variant of the original technique, a powerful wind is added to the barrage. This variant is effective to use against a group of enemies and allows the user to gain some breathing room by pushing back with strong gusts.
Uryūbutōsen ● Raiu (雨竜舞踏閃・雷雨, Rain Dragon Dancing Flash: Thunderstorm) – Another variant, the multitude of slashes are back by both lightning and wind magic, further adding to the destructive force of the attack.
Hyōrangeki (雹嵐撃, Hailstorm Strike) – The user channels energy into their palm and then fires a powerful blizzard blast, completely trapping their opponent in a violent snowstorm – leaving the opponent to be apart by the immense magical energy.
Uryūmei (雨竜鳴, Rain Dragon Shriek) – A technique where the user utilizes iaijutsu and godspeed in order to sheath the blade, rather than draw it. As the blade is sheath, the speed and force used creates a deafening shriek akin to thunder that can stun opponents sensitive to sound.
Uryū Gensō (雨竜幻想, Rain Serpent’s Illusion) – The user creates illusions that fool the opponent into thinking that something is there when there is nothing there at all. The illusion can be of anything, although it tends to depend on the user’s taste.
Eseryu (蛻 似非竜 False Dragon) – An ability that initiates when the user is struck. At first glance it would appear the user had been successfully hit by the attack. However, the user soon fades away into a haze of mist, revealing itself to be a mere fake. The fake is actually an afterimage created by god-like speed.
Nasen no Tōhōseiza(七閃 東方星, Seven Flashes of the East Constellation) – The penultimate technique of Teikoku Arashi–ryū, proficiency with this attack is a prerequisite to learn the true final technique. It is a dashing attack that combines Shinsoku along with kendō in order to strike seven vital areas of the opponent’s body simultaneously.The speed, power, and force of the attack differs from user to user. Another important factor of the attack is that it combines all three elements associated with the sword style (water - in the form of ice, wind, and lightning). The vital points are struck by each of these elements - leaving them seared by wind, charred by lightning, and frozen by ice.
If someone is faster than the user (i.e. faster than Shinsoku), the technique can be avoided completely. The technique can also be countered or blocked if met with an attack of similar power and speed.
The seven vital points of the body struck are as follows:
Just above the head
The center of the chest
The left arm
The right right
The left leg
The right leg
The abdomen area via an upward stroke
The speed and power of the attack make it nearly unblockable and unavoidable by most.
Hand-to-Hand Techniques – A list of various bare handed techniques that include strikes, sweeps, kicks, takedowns, and parrying moves. Mainly used as a more effective way of disarming or incapacitating foes without killing them, focusing on targeting pressure points and joint manipulation. However, these techniques can be just as lethal when wielded by an expert.
Dragon Cyclone - Delivers a flurry of kicks with such speed that it thrashes the foe about as if hit by a maelstrom.
Fang Bullet - Hits the opponent’s vital points with a barrage of strikes; the attack makes use of two fingers as opposed to clenched fists or open-hand palms.
Sinew Crush - A palm or fist is delivered to a ligament on the body as a means to disable a limb by way of breaking bones.
Toho Falls - A takedown that follows after a parry. Locking the foe’s arms, the user lifts the foe off the ground using strength and their own momentum and promptly slams them on the ground.
Tidal Wave - The user instantly crouches and sweeps the opponent off their feet with a low kick. Also effective to use as a counter.
Twin Claw Smash - The user clenches both fists and extends their arms outward, positioning their fists vertical from one another. Channeling flow, the user then hits the foe head on with a two step attack that includes the physical hit along with the flow generated with it.
(ドラゴン桜) Dragon Blossom - A parry that can also be used to disarm a foe. The user blocks an incoming attack using their hands crossed into an X symbol, stopping their momentum. Then the user clenches the wrists of the attacker, using the pressure to have them drop their weapon. Then the foe is pushed back by way of throw or kick.
Talon Shear - The user channels flow into their strikes, chopping away at various vital areas on the foe’s body.
Serpent Constrict - Utilizing joint manipulation, the user places the foe within a hold. The pressure used can be increased as a means to make the foe submit.
Snout Rupture - Using a striking motion with either a fist or elbow, the user attacks the head and feebles them. The intent is to have the opponent’s brain rattle using the force generated from the strike.
Iaijutsu Techniques – Practitioners of Teikoku Arashi- ryū are all required to master iaijutsu , which is the art of drawing out the sword in quick, seamless motions. The purpose of the art was to cut down opponents with a single strike, drawing out the sword with such speed that the untrained eye is unable to register the motion.
Bōfūga (暴風牙, Gale’s Fang) - The user draws their blade from the sheath with incredible speed, backed with powerful wind magic. This sends the target flying into the air and makes it hard to recover. The user then jumps into the air above them and delivers a powerful slash, passing them on the way down. This technique has a few variants. It is possible for someone to block the wind enough to prevent being blown into the air, however it still may be strong enough to knock a person off balance (they would also have to worry about being cut by the first slash from the sheath).
Bōfūga ● Inazuma (暴風牙・稲妻, Gale’s Fang: Lightning Flash) – The technique starts out just like the base move, but instead of jumping after the opponent, the user casts lightning magic around the wind gust. This creates a small storm-like attack that leaves the target with electric burns.
Bōfūga ● Fubuki (暴風牙・吹雪, Gale’s Fang: Snowstorm) – The startup of this variant involves using ice magic to augment the initial wind gust. Then, jumping at the opponent, the user unleashes a barrage of slashes. The foe is sheared by the freezing wind and then cut by the sword strikes during the second phase.
Sōnamisen (双波閃, Twin Wave Flash) – A Two-step attack and one of the most fundamental iaijutsu techniques in the Teikoku Arashi school. The user assumes a counter-stance and as the opponent draws near, they let loose with a powerful slash that emits a blue shockwave. The shockwave leaves a rather painful wound on its target, and it can damage anything in its path. In the second step the sheath is wielded along the same path as a blunt weapon, the strike with the sheath is strong enough to shatter boulders and bone. The sheath attack is powerful insurance in case the first step fails, and it hits when one least expects it.
Sōnamisen ● Ikazuchi (双波閃・雷, Twin Wave Flash: Thunder) – A variation of Sōnamisen wherein the sword is wielded while still in its sheath. The user bludgeons the enemy with the sword encased in its sheath, then when the sheath makes contact, the user draws the sword and emits a lightning bolt from the blade. This technique was made with the assumption that the first hit of the attack will be blocked in some way.
Seiryū no Saikō Hi(青龍の最高飛, Supreme Flight of the Azure Dragon) – The final technique of Teikoku Arashi –ryū, it is the most powerful and perhaps the most dangerous attack in the school. It is actually a counter-stance, and starts like any other iaijutsu technique. However, it differs in that the stance is only taken at the last possible second of an enemy attack and the user takes an extra step toward them, risking the life of the user. Taking this step makes it so that the user’s leg is within their blade’s cutting length, making it possible for their limb to be severed whenever the attack is used. However, this makes it so that drawing speed for the technique surpasses even Shinsoku.
At the last instant, the user draws their sword from the sheath with such speed that it displaces the wind around the vicinity. The vacuum created by the slash renders the opponent immobile. Then, charging ice, lightning, and wind the user makes a second strike with the blade that matches the power of the most unforgiving storm, dwarfing the first strike in power. The opponent is sent flying back in a barrage of elemental torrents. This is perhaps the only technique in the entire style that is flawless – The speed of the techniques makes it nearly impossible to dodge, and even if the first slash doesn’t hit the opponent will be rendered immobile through the wind displacement and will be doomed to be struck down by the second attack. However, the true strength of the technique lies within the mental state of the user.
Using this attack to counter the master’s Nasen no Tōhōseiza and slay them in battle in the final test for the student to graduate from the teachings of Teikoku Arashi. Once the task is completed the student will become the new master and inherit the name of Chiryoku, in order to preserve the first master’s legacy. This system of succession is the reason why so few practitioners of the art have existed.
The style demands that whoever undergoes mastery must understand the true value of life, that is why the student is put into a life or death situation against their master’s unrestrained Nasen no Tōhōseiza. Being the only attack in the school to surpass the Nasen no Tōhōseiza in power and speed, the student must perform the ultimate technique perfectly - lest they be slain and therefore learnt the style for naught. If victorious, the student will have achieved mastery and fully inherited the final technique, but at the cost of the previous master’s life.
While the final technique seems flawless by normal means, in order to execute it to its fullest extent, one must have strong mental fortitude when performing it. Only having the will to live and being brave enough to stare death in the face will allow the user to clear all turmoil in their hearts and strike with the attack perfectly.
Personality: Shizuka is a quiet, calm, almost pacifistic man. At first glance Shizuka is a very average person, often appearing as unimpressive and acquiescent to most people. Under this veil, however, lies a seasoned warrior whose years of experience lend him composed surety in the face of all adversity. He is often seen with a tepid, collected expression on his face due to his conditioning as a former assassin. However, he is more than capable of showing his emotions during different circumstances. He always speaks in a well-mannered, almost intellectual tone, always using honorifics when addressing people.
Shizuka is a person who is always deep in thought, having gone through much in his life. His experiences have given him accurate insight to the ways of the world and is often good at reading people. Because of a tragedy that had befallen him in the final moments of the Seika (Divine Flame) war he participated in. Shizuka has chosen to fully embrace the teachings of Teikoku Arashi in order to atone for his mistakes. He no longer wishes to pledge his sword to a lord or a political agenda, instead of picking sides he chooses to pledge his blade for the overall well-being of all peoples. It is for this reason while being courteous to all he meets, he chooses to keep would-be friends and allies at an emotional distance.
While in battle, he remains composed and focused at all times, quickly analyzing the in’s and out’s of the opponent in front of him. While battle is not his first option, Shizuka believes that taking no action at all is the same as accepting the injustice around a person. He will not hesitate to send anyone who threatens the livelihood of others flying in a torrent of frozen wind. While preferring to raise his sword for someone else, he will not simply let one inflict harm upon him without good reason. He also doesn’t mind friendly sparring, seeing it as a good way to keep his skills sharp.
Background: Kannazuki Shizuka was born a boy from a small mountain village on the Far Eastern Isles. During this time, he went by his birth name, Saku. The boy’s parents died from illness while he was young, and most people were too poor to care for themselves, let alone a child. Due to this, the Saku was forced to fend for himself at a young age. Eventually, the young boy left in hopes of finding a better life. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned.
One thing lead to another, and the boy found himself at the mercy of a brigand ring. Just when all hope seems lost, a man appeared seemingly from nowhere and cut down the bandits in a blink of an eye. The man introduced himself as Chiryoku Ame IX, and as fate would have it he eventually took the boy in and tutored him in the art of the sword. At that point, the man had renamed the boy Kannazuki Shizuka.
Shizuka trained diligently under the teachings of his master until he turned 18 years of age. Having felt that the Revolutionists were in the right, Shizuka wanted to postpone his training and use his new found skills to assist in the Seika war stirring on Kamitsuchi Island. Going against all Teikoku Arashi stood for, Ame forbade his student from leaving and being drafted. Not willing to listen to reason, Shizuka chose to walk out on his foster father and pledge loyalty to the Revolutionists who stood against the Shogunate. He believed siding with them was the quickest way to peace. And so Shizuka became an assassin, having killed many soldiers and earning himself the moniker of Arashi no Hitokiri.
However, after certain key moments, he suddenly abandoned the battlefield near the final events of the war. The Revolutionaries ultimately won, though the victory no longer meant anything to him. Having vanished from the war, his whereabouts have been unknown for over a decade. Although, recently rumors have been spreading that a vigilante has been going around settling disputes and random acts of violence around the countryside.
Lady Kyouka was apparently one of those who caught wind. After directly reaching out to him and explaining the situation, he decided this would a cause worthy to find for.
Favorite Monster Girl: Ryu
Appearance: Red hair, a pair of horns typical of the goblin tribe. There really isn't much difference between the normal female goblin and Skarsneek in terms of appearance barring having a slight tone upper chest and muscle mass. In fact, everyone assumed that Skarsneek is a female. This also compounded that Skarsneek often wear a robe that covered him completely though the other reason he does this is to keep his weapons, twin clubs that could easily be combined into a longer quarter-staff.

Name: Skarsneek of the Red Hill
Race: Goblin male
Stealthy: Skarsneek stealth capabilities is enough to impress and even hid himself from mamonos or pursuing humans, combined with his strength as a goblin, enables him to hold onto small crevices, rocks, small alcoves or anything as a foothold easily. Honed even more throughout his stint as a thief.
Highly Intelligent: Skarsneek is a very intelligent goblin, comparable to even other higher intelligence mamono or humans. Skarsneek has learned multiple languages, spoken and written, as well as capable of learning things very fast. This has enabled him to infiltrate and hid among other nations.
Skilled fighter: Skarsneek is also a skilled fighter, getting into multiple scraps when things often don't go as smooth. While not getting the champion of fighting award amongst the really skilled and elite mamono, Skarsneek is able to last more than a few minutes against them in a head-on fight.
Twin clubs: Raised up with the traditional weapons of large clubs, Skarsneek can appreciate using the near oversized weapons but experience taught him to slim it down for easier carrying, travel and stealth. At the end of it, the two clubs enable him to screw it together to form a long quarterstaff club.
Personality: Skarsneek Red Hill, an ambitious, thrill-seeking and adventurous goblin. Always wanting to seek the most amazing adventure, seeking the next thrill and test himself by sneaking into the most secure compound. Trying to steal things, small, big, mundane or fascinating. All of it was done by his whims and nothing else, it earned him a little heat, arrest warrant, bounty post from a few states.
Background: Skarsneek was born amongst eight hills, each of them having different colors due to the soil and trees coloration. The Eight Hills themselves are a series of hills interconnected and a large area that served as a trade route, each of them controlled by different goblin tribes. It used to be populated with dwarves but the change had greatly affected them.
He originated from the red hill, famed for its red maple trees and numerous amount of goblins that served as the most outgoing, adventurous and even fighters.
As a child, he stood out amongst the goblin clans by being the only male born. Perhaps the first of his kind. Skarsneek grew up amongst a family of five, being the eldest child. Dealing with his family trade of an inn, he has heard and was regaled dozens of stories by adventurers, merchants, and the occasional ambassadors of other nations passing through the area quickly.
With that, Skarsneek packed his things and went out on his own adventure at an early age. Through that, he had journeyed across plenty of land. At times, disguising as a child, impersonating a dull-witted, childish goblin, or even a particularly flat Holstaurus in order to gain information or steal things. Adventuring was hard and didn't bring much money after all, a detail that he wasn't told through stories.
Still, this honed his skill set and even flourish and moved around from place to place. Seeing both the worst and best of both sides.
It all then culminated in his latest job offer in the far east, and one that required a subtle touch. To investigate why Varjo plans to stab their own allies in the back and what else is amiss. Skarsneek would have accepted the job for free on just the premise of screwing over Varjo.
So there he was, heading to the east to meet this Kyouko.
Favourite Monster Girl/Character: Oni/Wilmarina Noscrim

Name: Skarsneek of the Red Hill
Race: Goblin male
Stealthy: Skarsneek stealth capabilities is enough to impress and even hid himself from mamonos or pursuing humans, combined with his strength as a goblin, enables him to hold onto small crevices, rocks, small alcoves or anything as a foothold easily. Honed even more throughout his stint as a thief.
Highly Intelligent: Skarsneek is a very intelligent goblin, comparable to even other higher intelligence mamono or humans. Skarsneek has learned multiple languages, spoken and written, as well as capable of learning things very fast. This has enabled him to infiltrate and hid among other nations.
Skilled fighter: Skarsneek is also a skilled fighter, getting into multiple scraps when things often don't go as smooth. While not getting the champion of fighting award amongst the really skilled and elite mamono, Skarsneek is able to last more than a few minutes against them in a head-on fight.
Twin clubs: Raised up with the traditional weapons of large clubs, Skarsneek can appreciate using the near oversized weapons but experience taught him to slim it down for easier carrying, travel and stealth. At the end of it, the two clubs enable him to screw it together to form a long quarterstaff club.
Personality: Skarsneek Red Hill, an ambitious, thrill-seeking and adventurous goblin. Always wanting to seek the most amazing adventure, seeking the next thrill and test himself by sneaking into the most secure compound. Trying to steal things, small, big, mundane or fascinating. All of it was done by his whims and nothing else, it earned him a little heat, arrest warrant, bounty post from a few states.
Background: Skarsneek was born amongst eight hills, each of them having different colors due to the soil and trees coloration. The Eight Hills themselves are a series of hills interconnected and a large area that served as a trade route, each of them controlled by different goblin tribes. It used to be populated with dwarves but the change had greatly affected them.
He originated from the red hill, famed for its red maple trees and numerous amount of goblins that served as the most outgoing, adventurous and even fighters.
As a child, he stood out amongst the goblin clans by being the only male born. Perhaps the first of his kind. Skarsneek grew up amongst a family of five, being the eldest child. Dealing with his family trade of an inn, he has heard and was regaled dozens of stories by adventurers, merchants, and the occasional ambassadors of other nations passing through the area quickly.
With that, Skarsneek packed his things and went out on his own adventure at an early age. Through that, he had journeyed across plenty of land. At times, disguising as a child, impersonating a dull-witted, childish goblin, or even a particularly flat Holstaurus in order to gain information or steal things. Adventuring was hard and didn't bring much money after all, a detail that he wasn't told through stories.
Still, this honed his skill set and even flourish and moved around from place to place. Seeing both the worst and best of both sides.
It all then culminated in his latest job offer in the far east, and one that required a subtle touch. To investigate why Varjo plans to stab their own allies in the back and what else is amiss. Skarsneek would have accepted the job for free on just the premise of screwing over Varjo.
So there he was, heading to the east to meet this Kyouko.
Favourite Monster Girl/Character: Oni/Wilmarina Noscrim
Appearance: Tall, lanky, slightly tan and a toned body akin to steel, Gringor stands proudly and wears little to no clothes aside from the ones on his arms, pants, and legs. His white hair concealed his ears and at the bottom has a long boar-like tail.

Name: Gringor of the Ironhide tribe
Race: High Orc Male
Champion: Even amongst high orcs, competition is fierce to prove themselves the strongest and fiercest for the coveted title. Gringor however, won his title when he was still young and has held that title since then. An exceptional prodigy by high orcs standards, and an elite capable of standing toe to toe with those in the demon lord army.
Demon Realm Silver Double-handed Axe: As befitting of a Champion, Gringor has been bestowed a large double-handed axe. Made of Demon Realm Silver, it'll cut without harming the recipient and instead drain them of spirit energy.
Pheromones: Typical of most High Orcs, Gringor's own pheromones can affect allies with a strong sense of smell. Capable of sending them into a frenzy of lust and battle.
Personality: Smiling, grinning and being absolutely aggressive. Gringor is a near wild beast that lives by his passion, takes what he wants, and fight who he deems worthy. While not the most tactical of fighters, he is dedicated to fighting and improving himself, if only to become the best in the world. Regardless of who, when or where, if someone or Gringor wants a fight, there's little that can stop him from having said fight. This is both his greatest strength and largest weakness, since many traps been set for him, it's only his doggedness and unrelenting ferocity has he escaped many times from such strategies.
Background: Gringor hailed not from the western side but central, where the boundaries of the large mainland of the misty continent laid, followed by miles of open plains, then high lofty mountains and open dessert. This was where Gringor was born and raised. Fights was constant among the mamono travelling here. Some looking for challenges and others merely to pass through to ply their trade. Gringor tribe, the Ironhide, controls one the few routes to these so-called lands.
Even from young Gringor status as a male and a high orc meant he was highly sought after. What they didn't count on was that Gringor is one of the most aggressive and strongest of his kind. Defeating plenty of suitors, raiders, and even bounty-hunter sent after him in order to study his miraculous gender. It didn't take long for him to become champion of his tribe, enabling him some form of control as he took the role of leader.
Yet, it was tedious and boring. Fighting the same old thing had gotten him in a slump and nearly made him lose his mind, this was further compounded that he had duties with his tribe and tied to it. So deciding for once, he pointed his vice-leader to take lead, and proceed to head further east for a fight alone.
It took a long while but when he reached the far east, the prospect of fighting against Varjo excited him. So much so he was ready to charge alone. It was only stopped and halted due to Kyoko contacting him early, after a brief scuffle between an oni and him turned the bar upside down, he was recruited as an extra muscle.
He'll also provide a very good distraction while others are able to do the actual work. Something Gringor had no qualms with, so long he got his fights. He was happy.
[Favourite monster girl: Ogres/Oni/Minotaurs]

Name: Gringor of the Ironhide tribe
Race: High Orc Male
Champion: Even amongst high orcs, competition is fierce to prove themselves the strongest and fiercest for the coveted title. Gringor however, won his title when he was still young and has held that title since then. An exceptional prodigy by high orcs standards, and an elite capable of standing toe to toe with those in the demon lord army.
Demon Realm Silver Double-handed Axe: As befitting of a Champion, Gringor has been bestowed a large double-handed axe. Made of Demon Realm Silver, it'll cut without harming the recipient and instead drain them of spirit energy.
Pheromones: Typical of most High Orcs, Gringor's own pheromones can affect allies with a strong sense of smell. Capable of sending them into a frenzy of lust and battle.
Personality: Smiling, grinning and being absolutely aggressive. Gringor is a near wild beast that lives by his passion, takes what he wants, and fight who he deems worthy. While not the most tactical of fighters, he is dedicated to fighting and improving himself, if only to become the best in the world. Regardless of who, when or where, if someone or Gringor wants a fight, there's little that can stop him from having said fight. This is both his greatest strength and largest weakness, since many traps been set for him, it's only his doggedness and unrelenting ferocity has he escaped many times from such strategies.
Background: Gringor hailed not from the western side but central, where the boundaries of the large mainland of the misty continent laid, followed by miles of open plains, then high lofty mountains and open dessert. This was where Gringor was born and raised. Fights was constant among the mamono travelling here. Some looking for challenges and others merely to pass through to ply their trade. Gringor tribe, the Ironhide, controls one the few routes to these so-called lands.
Even from young Gringor status as a male and a high orc meant he was highly sought after. What they didn't count on was that Gringor is one of the most aggressive and strongest of his kind. Defeating plenty of suitors, raiders, and even bounty-hunter sent after him in order to study his miraculous gender. It didn't take long for him to become champion of his tribe, enabling him some form of control as he took the role of leader.
Yet, it was tedious and boring. Fighting the same old thing had gotten him in a slump and nearly made him lose his mind, this was further compounded that he had duties with his tribe and tied to it. So deciding for once, he pointed his vice-leader to take lead, and proceed to head further east for a fight alone.
It took a long while but when he reached the far east, the prospect of fighting against Varjo excited him. So much so he was ready to charge alone. It was only stopped and halted due to Kyoko contacting him early, after a brief scuffle between an oni and him turned the bar upside down, he was recruited as an extra muscle.
He'll also provide a very good distraction while others are able to do the actual work. Something Gringor had no qualms with, so long he got his fights. He was happy.
[Favourite monster girl: Ogres/Oni/Minotaurs]
Name: Kerry Maros
Race: Mamono (Hornet)

Ugh, this girl is dire need of a visual update.
Dark tanned skin with silver wings and black abdomen. Usually wearing a halter top, short shorts, combat greaves and leather gloves.
Personality: Playful, brash, clever, preceptive and not afraid to speak her mind. Will do the right thing, but HER way. Has a soft and caring side that only those close to her know about, but is often hidden from others under a tough exterior. A chaotic good tomboy.
"'re gonna go on to do great things."
Nowadays, Kerry is beginning to wonder if her dad knew early on where her life was headed.
Born to a human father and a Echidna mother, Kerry Maros wasn't like most hornets. She wasn't like most mamono kids either, where most girls would busy themselves with finding prospective husbands in their childhood youth or go into career paths in order to find their dream man, Kerry would dream of what adventures and tales laid beyond her quiet village home in the Lozagon Forest. A dream that held strong as she grew into a beautiful young woman, traveling the lands as a skilled lancer for hire. From odd jobs such as bodyguard and convoy escort to participating in fighting tournaments, Kerry lived that dream and lived it well. So when rumors of a Inari in need of brave volunteers to investigate of far off Zipangunese island in the midst of a potential war with Varjo reached the hornet's ears, well...
"Seriously!? This might as well be a calling! Sign me the hell up!"
And so, Kerry set her sights to Shizuyama, eager to see if this adventure will her best one ever.......oh, and maybe find a man to bring home. Her mom is really getting on her case about that.
Ace Of The Lance- Carries two enchanted metal spears on her back, one black and one silver. Skilled enough to dual wield both and fight effectively. The black spear, named Dusk, is made of Demon Realm steel and saps spirit energy. The silver spear, named Mort, is made of regular steel and Kerry's more lethal weapon that she only uses as a last resort. Kerry also has two bracelets, black and silver as well, that magically attuned to the spears, meaning if she were to ever lose a spear, she can just reach her hand out and the corresponding spear will fly back to her hand.
Wind Element- Due to her unique birth, Kerry gained her mother's affinity to magic and found wind to be her most effective element. Combined with her skills with the spear and her ability to fly, this increases Kerry's speed and combat prowess to levels that make her a very challenging opponent.
Favorite Monster Girl: Werewolf
Race: Mamono (Hornet)

Ugh, this girl is dire need of a visual update.
Dark tanned skin with silver wings and black abdomen. Usually wearing a halter top, short shorts, combat greaves and leather gloves.
Personality: Playful, brash, clever, preceptive and not afraid to speak her mind. Will do the right thing, but HER way. Has a soft and caring side that only those close to her know about, but is often hidden from others under a tough exterior. A chaotic good tomboy.
"'re gonna go on to do great things."
Nowadays, Kerry is beginning to wonder if her dad knew early on where her life was headed.
Born to a human father and a Echidna mother, Kerry Maros wasn't like most hornets. She wasn't like most mamono kids either, where most girls would busy themselves with finding prospective husbands in their childhood youth or go into career paths in order to find their dream man, Kerry would dream of what adventures and tales laid beyond her quiet village home in the Lozagon Forest. A dream that held strong as she grew into a beautiful young woman, traveling the lands as a skilled lancer for hire. From odd jobs such as bodyguard and convoy escort to participating in fighting tournaments, Kerry lived that dream and lived it well. So when rumors of a Inari in need of brave volunteers to investigate of far off Zipangunese island in the midst of a potential war with Varjo reached the hornet's ears, well...
"Seriously!? This might as well be a calling! Sign me the hell up!"
And so, Kerry set her sights to Shizuyama, eager to see if this adventure will her best one ever.......oh, and maybe find a man to bring home. Her mom is really getting on her case about that.
Ace Of The Lance- Carries two enchanted metal spears on her back, one black and one silver. Skilled enough to dual wield both and fight effectively. The black spear, named Dusk, is made of Demon Realm steel and saps spirit energy. The silver spear, named Mort, is made of regular steel and Kerry's more lethal weapon that she only uses as a last resort. Kerry also has two bracelets, black and silver as well, that magically attuned to the spears, meaning if she were to ever lose a spear, she can just reach her hand out and the corresponding spear will fly back to her hand.
Wind Element- Due to her unique birth, Kerry gained her mother's affinity to magic and found wind to be her most effective element. Combined with her skills with the spear and her ability to fly, this increases Kerry's speed and combat prowess to levels that make her a very challenging opponent.
Favorite Monster Girl: Werewolf

Name: Io
Race: Lich
Magic/Abilities/Equipment: (There will be fighting in the RP so having combat-related abilities is encouraged. Nothing OP, of course.)
Ancient Caster: Io's casting comes from a long-forgotten school of study, in an ancient tongue that few others would understand or remember, likely from before she became a lich. She is most comfortable with necromancy spells, such summoning minions/spirits as well as directly draining life from enemies.
Encylopaedic: Io has a veritable wealth of knowledge about magic from her time studying. While she may not be able to cast every spell she knows off the top of her head, she can often recall with meditation the right spell for the job, even outside of her forte of necromancy. She also can usually identify magic just from witnessing it, recognizing its effects as it's being cast. Particularly strong, obscure, or specialized spells may elude her ability to cast them, though she'll be able to at least recall the details of what they do.
Scrolls: Io's scrolls that she adorns herself with carry various magical enhancements written in her ancient runes. She has to activate them to gain their benefits, so they're not always on, but she can also give the scrolls to others in order to bestow the enhancements on them. These enhancements are simple in nature, like increasing strength, speed, or toughness for the wearer of the scroll.
Inscriptions: Written in magical tattos on her skin are always-active magical enhancements that give Io considerable sturdiness to phyiscal and magical attack. There are also a few that offer non-combat uses, like to disguise the pallor of her skin and warm her body, in order to blend in with non-monster people, but she will only use these if necessary (Nobody's asked, but presumably she finds it uncomfortable).
Lich traits: Io doesn't need to breathe and various other little traits that are common to undead. She merely ignores anyone asking about her phylactery, but it's presumably something that exists.
Personality: Io is defined by her immense curiousity and desire to learn. To most around her, her nearly constant deadpan expression and mostly covered face makes it hard to get a read on what she's actually feeling. Her focus is unparalleled, being able to continue working on a single thing for days on end without fatigue and all while ignoring distractions. Despite having a seemingly broad vocabulary, she often speaks in brief, truncated sentences to communicate as quickly as possible. Her enthusiasm for jewelry, especially gemstones, often surprises others with how animated (pardon the pun) she becomes in their presence.
Io talks very little about her past, especially anything before she became a lich. Even her age in broad strokes is unknown, though there may be people capable of deducing her relative age from the writing she uses for scrolls.
It's unknown how Io made it to Zipangu, though there is a legend that she emerged from the ocean in a leisurely stroll... as if she walked from one landmass to the next, completely unfazed by the ocean. Studying the islands of Zipangu, she found herself intrigued by the isolated nature of Shizuyama and warnings to not approach it, at the same time learning of Lady Kyouko's interest in it. Io proposed to help study the island for Lady Kyouko, a win-win for both of them.
(I think I gave away my favourite already but it's the Lich.)

Standing at approximately eight inches tall,
Name: Liliana, Sixth of Thirteen Bladeflowers
Race: Fairy (Royal Knight Species) [An offshoot of the usually wistful and carefree fairies that actually have an affinity for combat. Typically this species is seen exclusively defending whatever Queen Fairy employs them, serving both as their bodyguards and personal aids. While fairies are known to be weak, Royal Knight Fairies are akin to hornets, striking in huge swarms with splinter-made swords that specialize in unleashing unpredictable, volatile magical attacks.]
- Whimsy Blade: A splinter from an ancient tree, dating back to before man walked the world. This scant four inch steel-hard sword channels ancient primal magics throughout it, being capable of unleashing Wild Magic upon the user's command. While that in and of itself is impressive, the blade itself is as sturdy as the finest steel men can make.
- Wild Magic of the Whimsy Woods: By channeling power into her sword Liliana is capable of unleashing primal magic that randomly coalesces into a number of different spells. While she can never choose what spell occurs, she can "Focus" the type of spell, allowing her to use Offensive, Defensive, or Support magic. Though, as for whether that will be a useful spell for the situation is entirely up to the unseen hands of the world (AKA: The GM). The possible spells include:Ball Lightning
Spew Magma
Tidal Surge
Boulder Hurl
Summon Cow
Blade StormIronhide
Summon Cow
Absolute Barrier
Anti-Magic Field
Blinding OrbGiant's Strength
Summon Cow
Triple Reflection
Greater Healing
Invisibility - Fairy Queen's Blessing: A simple enchantment spell that gradually heals a Fairy Knight's wounds while they remain loyal to their Queen, and fulfill their duties responsibly.
- Size Trick: A spell that most fairies know but wouldn't tell you about: The ability to grow to the size of a normal human. Mostly unused by Liliana.
Personality: About as bubbly as a person can get, Liliana is every bit the whimsical fairy that one might expect one of her species to be. Beneath the demeanor of the typical fairy however lies the heart of a knight, and one that is devoted to her ideals of freedom for all life, responsibility to one's close friends, and to uphold your word no matter what. However, these two aspects of her personality can often, really, getting a fairy to do anything but fool around is already a testament to her iron will, but if the task itself is unpleasant or boring, she will make sure everyone knows.
Very loudly.
Background: In a secluded forest, far from the land of Zipangu dwells the Fairy Queen Titania, one of the oldest fairies left within the world. There, nature exists in an untouched state that has, for the most part, shielded its inhabitants from civilization due to the sheer density of the brushlands. It would be faster to burn your way through than to slash it apart, and even then the plants themselves take ire to those that take with fire, repaying them with thorn and splinter.
It is in that seldom-entered place that somehow, in some fashion, a lost traveler was happened upon by Liliana. This messenger sought an audience with Queen Titania and had brought manners of gifts to soothe the aggressive plants of the elder woods, making way without issue even without her protection. It was then that a missive was given from Kyoko to Titania, one which foretold of a need for aid in the far off island of Shizuyama...and, in response, Titania would send the little fairy that had guided the messenger there back with her blessing.
The woods honored their debts. And, even if Liliana was thousands of miles from home, she would never lose heart so long as the greatest of all tree's splinters rested in its scabbard.

Standing at a height of 5"2', Eula is on the short side of her automaton brethren, and is designed more as a "speed model" without the armored skirt.
Name: Eula 039
Race: Automaton
- Demonic Energy Stun-gun: A simple tool from an ancient civilization that utilizes energy-based projectiles that are capable of momentarily stunning a target, or outright knocking them out with sustained fire. Due to the shift in the world's nature, these bullets are now particularly effective against human beings.
- Ancient Constitution: All Androids are constructed with the basic necessities to maintain function even without a repair center, which have largely been lost to modern times. In addition to the usual enhanced monstrous strength, Eula's body can regenerate from superficial damage such as cuts, magical damage, and anything short of a limb being severed. However due to the constant flow of magical energy needed to maintain this "spell", a strong electricity spell could effectively short circuit Eula in a single hit and force her into a shut-down mode.
- Database Registry: By consuming material, Eula becomes capable of "pinpointing" sources of it, similar to how a dog's nose can accurately tell different scents apart with ease. This means that she can find where a certain type of food is if given a sample, ore from a mineral sample, or track down someone if given a sample of their genetic material.
- Might of Metal: As one might imagine, a creature made of metal and magic hits very, very hard. Automatons have golem-level strength, and have no need for melee weapons when their hands are as hard as steel. Still bizarrely warm to the touch.
Personality: "This is an onigiri, a nutritious food that has been eaten in the far East since ancient times.
A single serving of onigiri provides energy, carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, zinc, and fiber. One can add fillings to include additional sources of nutrients to their liking. In addition to energy sources that fuel the brain and body. It also includes nutrients to help maintain them and build muscle.
The great thing about onigiri is that they are highly portable and have a long shelf life, one does not need to be concerned about when and where to eat them, and they require no dishware to serve. Consuming one raises one's muscle glycogen levels, essential for a warrior heading to battle. They are also equipped to satisfy an empty stomach, this is because as the rice cools down, the starch grows resistant, making it harder to absorb into the body. In other words, it's an easy snack to avoid overeating, found tasty by many humans."
Eula is, put succinctly, robotic. She views things as analytically as she possible can, but has an eagerness to learn and analyze the hell out of anything she comes across. This can result in her wholesale eating rocks to analyze them before spitting them out, wasting money on food even when she doesn't need to eat, and proving to be surprisingly outgoing in spite of her reserved attitude.
As an Automaton she will complete any and all tasks to the utmost of her capability, whether that be assassination, combat, supply gathering, reconnaissance, or grocery runs. Despite her aptitude however, there are limitations to what she is capable (or willing to do) based upon a set of subroutines hard-coded into her personality. These are as follows:
1. This Unit cannot seriously harm or kill a human being, unless directly ordered by their Designated Master and given Level 6 Clearance. Unit must also attempt to protect humans if they are in danger.
2. This Unit cannot disobey any order given by their Designated Master, unless it violates one of the subroutines.
3. This Unit must protect its own existence, unless ceasing its existence proves necessary to protect its Designated Master.
4. This Unit must seek out a Designated Master if their current one is terminated, meeting the criterion of [DATA CORRUPTED!]
Background: Automatons are beings that were created to serve their Masters, combative units capable of construction and military action long before the current Demon Lord's rise to power. Those that are found walking around have, much like Eula, had a majority of their previous memories destroyed due to an overly long stasis. The civilization that once held dominion over these metal golems has crumbled into dust, their monuments of power and grandeur now serving as nothing more than ruins to be picked apart.
Eula 039's early activation memories are somewhat foggy, but she vaguely recalled being found and repaired by an adventurer, taken in as a farmhand, and something befalling the land she used to work for. In all, twenty years have passed since her activation. Once her registered "Master" died, Eula was left to wander the lands outside of Order territory, accumulating data and seeking out a worthwhile Master without a valid criterion to find one. All while strange feelings burgeoned in her consciousness. Automatons have no need to eat, but she found herself craving new recipes and experiences, becoming something of a legend in many taverns for defeating countless "bottomless meals" the likes of which were designed to dupe hungry travelers into thinking they could eat roughly five pounds of potatoes in one meal.
She could.
Summarily kicked out of roughly 20 taverns across the continent, Eula would wander towards the coast in her journey of self discovery before encountering one of Kyouko's attendants just as a fight began in a nearby street. Two men drew swords, only to be stopped by the diminutive android simply grabbing the blades and disarming them. Seeing as the woman had a body of steel and nerves to match, it made sense to have her protect the populace of Shizuyama from the Varjan menace.
...That and, Zipangu cuisine was too tempting for Eula to say no to.
Favorite Monster Girl
Appearance: Would You Like Some Tea?
Name: Alice
Race: Mad Hatter
Having survived nearly two-centuries, Alice has gained many abilities and spells over her campaigns; so much so that she's had to discard superfluous and redundant skills until she built a reliable repertoire.
Naturally quick and clever, Alice is a talented hand-to-hand combatant, though her martial skill is most polished in her handling of the unorthodox, esoteric "sword" of the unassuming arrow prior to adopting Carroll.
After meeting Carroll, and adopting the Cursed Sword and his mission, Alice learned to cast spells with him as a catalyst, and maintained a spell list of powerful elemental compliments to her swordplay from the Academy of Summerheld called the "Elemental Blade Style".
Alice's own personal Techniques are:
These attacks have been corrupted and upgraded by Carroll once they conquered Summerheld to suit Carroll's weapon shape as an axe.
In addition to being a skilled combatant, Alice has served as a self-styled Barbarian Warrior Queen, as she conquered several campaigns against the Queen of Hearts until finally exiled from Wonderland. As such, she's a quick study of battlefields and quicker to take the lead of a group - even if she is not the best fit.
However, she seems to have no aptitude for magic, outside of her only piece of equipment, so to speak, Carroll - the source of all her troubles.
Personality: At first glance, Alice is nothing like the stories told about Mad Hatters - meek, reclusive, and more of a wallflower than any outgoing (tea)party girl. In fact, if you brought Alice to a party, she'd probably be buried in the quietest closet as soon as you turned away. However, this is just a ruse, as Alice is merely observing the scenes with a critical eye, for a Mad Hatter a clever girl, and just as manipulative.
Able to switch from Nice Girl to Mean Girl in the blink of an eye, Alice exudes as much personality as she needs to control the situation in her favour; playing weak and scared in public, but controlling and domineering in private.
Due to her fickle nature, Alice can easily be labeled as unbearable and manipulative by anyone that knows better, but with her spores and mushroom tea, she can make attitudes against her... mellow out, if you will.
However, her most crippling flaw is her pride - Alice refuses to act as anyone's second, and actively dwells on such matters, to the point of almost dying from the distraction of her own wounded pride.
Background: A long time ago, beyond her human memory, a woman and her husband fell into a rabbit hole left by a March Hare during a hunt, and fell into a world of wonder. Like a pitcher plant, Wonderland swallowed the two, and spat them out as your average Wonderlandians. However, that was not to be for long, as their village was visited upon by a sneaky Mad Hatter, and, overnight, it vanished under a spore-addled haze of sex and debauchery. And, while most of the women turned to bog-standard Matango to fall into the harem, the one that would come to be known as Alice would become a Mad Hatter of a strange definition.
Instead of indulging, the newly hatted woman ran away, and secluded herself beyond the boundaries of her lost village, until a twist of fate in a twisted land would twist her hand and send her life into a whirlwind.
From land to land, Alice, as she would come to be known, would travel with a wicked axe in hand, and an unpredictable personality of two, different people:
A helpless Damsel-in-distress of a woman, with no-one to help her and nowhere to go; seemingly lost in the wind, as she traveled from with a Cursed Sword following her... who would soon reveal herself as the ruthless ruler, self-proclaimed as The Queen of Diamonds.
Through this scheme, Alice would attempt to settle herself a glorious kingdom within Wonderland - only to be toppled and dethroned again and again by the ever-ruling Queen of Hearts.
Eventually, Alice would be forced into exile from Wonderland in its entirety, and found herself in the Human Realm. For a while, she would go from place to place, gathering followers, converts, and eventually choose to settle upon the hilltop Academy of Summerheld - converting and conquering the Mages into her, no longer, nomadic kingdom.
However, in spite of her power and control, Alice would find that she'd ignorantly underestimated her foreign conquests in this new realm, and that an broken people would seek revenge for what was taken.
From the main throne room of her keep, Alice watched the fire of vengeance and hatred swallow her mushroom kingdom and scorch her controlling spores - freeing the controlled males and females, scattering her converts, and ending her decade reign.
But, she wouldn't run. Ready to be consumed by the inferno of her failure, Alice, the Queen of Diamonds, stood resolute.
No fire would come for her, however, as what she assumed was a Yuki-hanna that took the shape of an Inari for a lark came and froze time in a moment with an offering.
A fresh start in a land that didn't know her in return for service to its people, like a proper monarch.
Though, she didn't want to bow... she would play along for now...
Name: Alice
Race: Mad Hatter
Having survived nearly two-centuries, Alice has gained many abilities and spells over her campaigns; so much so that she's had to discard superfluous and redundant skills until she built a reliable repertoire.
Naturally quick and clever, Alice is a talented hand-to-hand combatant, though her martial skill is most polished in her handling of the unorthodox, esoteric "sword" of the unassuming arrow prior to adopting Carroll.
After meeting Carroll, and adopting the Cursed Sword and his mission, Alice learned to cast spells with him as a catalyst, and maintained a spell list of powerful elemental compliments to her swordplay from the Academy of Summerheld called the "Elemental Blade Style".
Alice's own personal Techniques are:
Seemingly lost to the ages, this esoteric sword technique is comprised of quick, dancing steps that keep the user in and out of her opponent's range, while offering an arsenal of strikes and slashes with arrowheads, and parries with study bows as a purely offensive style with little to no room for defense on either side, as the user keep pressure on her opponent while relying on her own evasion to leave unscathed and traditional archery to keep distance.
Alice may be the only living practitioner, making it easy for her to throw off opponents of the more rigid, modern sword fighting styles of the current day.
Ingrain - The opening position of the Wallflower Waltz, in which the bow is relaxed at the side, as the Tempo is set either on Andante (Slashing) or Allegro (Striking).
Invasion - A quick step forward into an attack; turning the user's bows up and angled into the oncoming attack. This quickly parries and allows for a quickly drawn arrow to slice her opponent vertically across the torso, while sending their blade above their head.
Infection - A follow-up attack to Invasion, in which the user yanks her bows down on her opponent's head to draw them into a stab from below with her free hand.
Injection - An opening gambit that is simple iaijutsu, in which the user quickly draws an arrow and slashes her opponent's face. It can leave her dangerously open if she whiffs due to the extremely light weight of her arrows.
Infestation - An indirect attack that converts her spores into a mist that slowly weakens and disorients her opponent. An underhanded tactic, yet clever, as well.
Colony Marching Band - If disarmed, Alice will resort to a hand-to-hand combat style consisting of rhythmic chops and strikes with her hands and knees, as if marching forward to an unheard drum beat.
This can be understood at the footwork for the Wallflower Waltz, itself.
Alice may be the only living practitioner, making it easy for her to throw off opponents of the more rigid, modern sword fighting styles of the current day.
Ingrain - The opening position of the Wallflower Waltz, in which the bow is relaxed at the side, as the Tempo is set either on Andante (Slashing) or Allegro (Striking).
Invasion - A quick step forward into an attack; turning the user's bows up and angled into the oncoming attack. This quickly parries and allows for a quickly drawn arrow to slice her opponent vertically across the torso, while sending their blade above their head.
Infection - A follow-up attack to Invasion, in which the user yanks her bows down on her opponent's head to draw them into a stab from below with her free hand.
Injection - An opening gambit that is simple iaijutsu, in which the user quickly draws an arrow and slashes her opponent's face. It can leave her dangerously open if she whiffs due to the extremely light weight of her arrows.
Infestation - An indirect attack that converts her spores into a mist that slowly weakens and disorients her opponent. An underhanded tactic, yet clever, as well.
Colony Marching Band - If disarmed, Alice will resort to a hand-to-hand combat style consisting of rhythmic chops and strikes with her hands and knees, as if marching forward to an unheard drum beat.
This can be understood at the footwork for the Wallflower Waltz, itself.
These attacks have been corrupted and upgraded by Carroll once they conquered Summerheld to suit Carroll's weapon shape as an axe.
In addition to being a skilled combatant, Alice has served as a self-styled Barbarian Warrior Queen, as she conquered several campaigns against the Queen of Hearts until finally exiled from Wonderland. As such, she's a quick study of battlefields and quicker to take the lead of a group - even if she is not the best fit.
However, she seems to have no aptitude for magic, outside of her only piece of equipment, so to speak, Carroll - the source of all her troubles.
Personality: At first glance, Alice is nothing like the stories told about Mad Hatters - meek, reclusive, and more of a wallflower than any outgoing (tea)party girl. In fact, if you brought Alice to a party, she'd probably be buried in the quietest closet as soon as you turned away. However, this is just a ruse, as Alice is merely observing the scenes with a critical eye, for a Mad Hatter a clever girl, and just as manipulative.
Able to switch from Nice Girl to Mean Girl in the blink of an eye, Alice exudes as much personality as she needs to control the situation in her favour; playing weak and scared in public, but controlling and domineering in private.
Due to her fickle nature, Alice can easily be labeled as unbearable and manipulative by anyone that knows better, but with her spores and mushroom tea, she can make attitudes against her... mellow out, if you will.
However, her most crippling flaw is her pride - Alice refuses to act as anyone's second, and actively dwells on such matters, to the point of almost dying from the distraction of her own wounded pride.
Background: A long time ago, beyond her human memory, a woman and her husband fell into a rabbit hole left by a March Hare during a hunt, and fell into a world of wonder. Like a pitcher plant, Wonderland swallowed the two, and spat them out as your average Wonderlandians. However, that was not to be for long, as their village was visited upon by a sneaky Mad Hatter, and, overnight, it vanished under a spore-addled haze of sex and debauchery. And, while most of the women turned to bog-standard Matango to fall into the harem, the one that would come to be known as Alice would become a Mad Hatter of a strange definition.
Instead of indulging, the newly hatted woman ran away, and secluded herself beyond the boundaries of her lost village, until a twist of fate in a twisted land would twist her hand and send her life into a whirlwind.
From land to land, Alice, as she would come to be known, would travel with a wicked axe in hand, and an unpredictable personality of two, different people:
A helpless Damsel-in-distress of a woman, with no-one to help her and nowhere to go; seemingly lost in the wind, as she traveled from with a Cursed Sword following her... who would soon reveal herself as the ruthless ruler, self-proclaimed as The Queen of Diamonds.
Through this scheme, Alice would attempt to settle herself a glorious kingdom within Wonderland - only to be toppled and dethroned again and again by the ever-ruling Queen of Hearts.
Eventually, Alice would be forced into exile from Wonderland in its entirety, and found herself in the Human Realm. For a while, she would go from place to place, gathering followers, converts, and eventually choose to settle upon the hilltop Academy of Summerheld - converting and conquering the Mages into her, no longer, nomadic kingdom.
However, in spite of her power and control, Alice would find that she'd ignorantly underestimated her foreign conquests in this new realm, and that an broken people would seek revenge for what was taken.
From the main throne room of her keep, Alice watched the fire of vengeance and hatred swallow her mushroom kingdom and scorch her controlling spores - freeing the controlled males and females, scattering her converts, and ending her decade reign.
But, she wouldn't run. Ready to be consumed by the inferno of her failure, Alice, the Queen of Diamonds, stood resolute.
No fire would come for her, however, as what she assumed was a Yuki-hanna that took the shape of an Inari for a lark came and froze time in a moment with an offering.
A fresh start in a land that didn't know her in return for service to its people, like a proper monarch.
Though, she didn't want to bow... she would play along for now...
Normal: An Axe That’s Seen Better Days
Transformed: Weapon of the Queen of Diamonds
Manifested (Post Training Arc): A Serpent Haunting Dreams
Name: Carroll
Race: Cursed Sword
A spellcaster of sorts, Carroll was born as a pair of scissors; cursed with her very existence, and a vorpal edge. As such, there is nothing that she cannot cut through, but another vorpal item.
Having gone through numerous "Alice" hosts since being discarded by her creator, Carroll has picked up countless spells from ages comes and gone, and maintains this knowledge to better her "Alice" and her combat ability.
Her current "Alice", a Mad Hatter, came with a skillset that was curious and difficult to upgrade, but she did with the handy Mages of Summerheld.
While her magic enchantments are unrivaled in their usefulness, Carroll's true strength is in her Possession Slime - normally, applied to a Human Woman to possess her mind and body and drive her to a mate, Carroll's able to envelop a weak-willed Mamono, and create a "host shell" she calls "Alice" after her creator.
As long as she is close to "Alice", Carroll can influence her and even control her through manipulative means towards her ultimate goal. However, if she is separated from her "Alice" for too long, the slime starts to dry and flake off, until it shatters completely and releases the encaged Mamono from her curse.
Weakened by her previous "Alice", Carroll's hold on her current "Alice" is tenuous, and she struggles to maintain control.
Being a Cursed Sword, Carroll has no need for equipment.
Personality: Strangely reserved, Carroll is openly crass and blunt when speaking - the personification of tempered hatred. A hatred that stems from being jilted by the woman that served as her mother and lover in a twisted way that could only be accepted in Wonderland and a desperate, built-in need to be accepted and loved by her all the same.
For the most part, Carroll does not bother with foreign conversation, unless it is to actively threaten harm to another person or to speak with Alice.
From the outside, Carroll comes off as a crude and coarse male - a persona that she adopted to keep other males away from her Alice, and keep her Alice from seeking the companionship of, so that she might stay on task. However, Carroll will, if a situation starts to turn negative, antagonize a situation, and coax Alice towards the combative. She publicly enjoys her more assertive presence more than when she is playing demure, though it is always to serve her own pleasure - the Cursed Sword as manipulative as the Mad Hatter.
Instinctively, Carroll does wish to find a female to possess to further please and pleasure her Alice, but resists in order to maintain his secrets.
Background: Born of three, Carroll is the youngest Cursed Blade of the trio that would be known as nothing but failure by their creator, the one and only, Queen of Hearts. Considering the Unique Alice as the "perfect woman", Carroll idolized her creator as a mother and a lover, and yet, she still threw her and her sisters, Macmillan and Tenniel, out like trash.
An action that neither of the three would accept as a possibility, and would return with an Alice to challenge the Queen of Hearts for her love, manipulating the poor Succubi they captured and controlled... only to be defeated and discarded, again and again, to the other three corners of Wonderland.
Eventually, the spoiled Queen would get tired of her "ugly toys" revolting, and throw each of the sisters into a March Hare's hole, and scatter them into the Human Realm.
Undeterred, Carroll would take on a masculine persona and aggressively hunt down Wererabbits, and force them to track down March Hare holes, and try again and again. However, this blind need for vengeance would eventually lead to his weakening, and force him to take on a pathetic, mundane form.
In this form, he would take his last Wererabbit, a Paladin, and attempt to use her to make one last effort. However, he was weak, years of starvation catching up, and his curse was easy to defy for the faithful Mamono; yet, one of divine kindness, she wouldn't kill him, but gently guide him to rethink his ambition wholesale as she took him on a pilgrimage across Wonderland.
During this peaceful period, Carroll and Paladin Alice would bring the angry, secretive sword to terms with her new place in life - from her hidden gender to her violent ambition. Unfortunately, before Carroll could fully come to peace with being discarded, yet loved by another, her savoir would be felled by the twists of fate that littered Wonderland like landmines, as her Paladin Alice fell through softened soil, and crashed into a cave.
Unable to do more than hold her broken body in place, and dilute her pain, Carroll would suffer in silence as her best Alice died from, ironically, falling into a hole, dug by the Mad Hatter that was awoken by someone in gleaming armor falling into her home.
Falling back into his old ways...
That was over a decade ago, but Paladin Alice was unforgotten - her stain of compassion upon him, allowing him to envelope his new Alice, Mad Hatter Alice, and create a new Alice that he didn't control, but guided into a functional better.
A functional better than wasn't going to prove his worth to the Queen of Hearts, but destroy her for deeming him unworthy, and never showing him unconditional love, as Paladin Alice had.
...once he was done with this pesky taskforce thing. Why he'd let Mad Hatter Alice agree to this, he wasn't sure. Something about the snowy Inari reminded him of her... his Paladin, his savior, and his mission of renewed vengeance to be loved.
Normal: An Axe That’s Seen Better Days
Transformed: Weapon of the Queen of Diamonds
Manifested (Post Training Arc): A Serpent Haunting Dreams
Name: Carroll
Race: Cursed Sword
A spellcaster of sorts, Carroll was born as a pair of scissors; cursed with her very existence, and a vorpal edge. As such, there is nothing that she cannot cut through, but another vorpal item.
Having gone through numerous "Alice" hosts since being discarded by her creator, Carroll has picked up countless spells from ages comes and gone, and maintains this knowledge to better her "Alice" and her combat ability.
Her current "Alice", a Mad Hatter, came with a skillset that was curious and difficult to upgrade, but she did with the handy Mages of Summerheld.
Aqua Axe: Rainbow - A direct upgrade to Invasion, Carroll adds water to her blade, and freezes it quickly to deflect multiple incoming strikes and stab with the icicles instead of just slicing with her blade.
Pyro Axe: Eruption - A direct upgrade to Infestation, Carroll changes the attack target to the space behind the target, enveloping them in embers as she passes that ignite into a column of flame.
Aero Axe: Zephyr - A direct upgrade to Injection, Carroll wraps the blade in a coat of wind that is cast off with the swing, ensuring that even a whiff has a chance to hit, should her opponent dodge back.
Terra Axe: Shatter - A purely defensive attack, by name only, as it serves to erect a forward-facing shield of Demon Energy as strong as stone. This can be seen as an optional upgrade to Infestation.
Pyro Axe: Eruption - A direct upgrade to Infestation, Carroll changes the attack target to the space behind the target, enveloping them in embers as she passes that ignite into a column of flame.
Aero Axe: Zephyr - A direct upgrade to Injection, Carroll wraps the blade in a coat of wind that is cast off with the swing, ensuring that even a whiff has a chance to hit, should her opponent dodge back.
Terra Axe: Shatter - A purely defensive attack, by name only, as it serves to erect a forward-facing shield of Demon Energy as strong as stone. This can be seen as an optional upgrade to Infestation.
While her magic enchantments are unrivaled in their usefulness, Carroll's true strength is in her Possession Slime - normally, applied to a Human Woman to possess her mind and body and drive her to a mate, Carroll's able to envelop a weak-willed Mamono, and create a "host shell" she calls "Alice" after her creator.
As long as she is close to "Alice", Carroll can influence her and even control her through manipulative means towards her ultimate goal. However, if she is separated from her "Alice" for too long, the slime starts to dry and flake off, until it shatters completely and releases the encaged Mamono from her curse.
Weakened by her previous "Alice", Carroll's hold on her current "Alice" is tenuous, and she struggles to maintain control.
Being a Cursed Sword, Carroll has no need for equipment.
Personality: Strangely reserved, Carroll is openly crass and blunt when speaking - the personification of tempered hatred. A hatred that stems from being jilted by the woman that served as her mother and lover in a twisted way that could only be accepted in Wonderland and a desperate, built-in need to be accepted and loved by her all the same.
For the most part, Carroll does not bother with foreign conversation, unless it is to actively threaten harm to another person or to speak with Alice.
From the outside, Carroll comes off as a crude and coarse male - a persona that she adopted to keep other males away from her Alice, and keep her Alice from seeking the companionship of, so that she might stay on task. However, Carroll will, if a situation starts to turn negative, antagonize a situation, and coax Alice towards the combative. She publicly enjoys her more assertive presence more than when she is playing demure, though it is always to serve her own pleasure - the Cursed Sword as manipulative as the Mad Hatter.
Instinctively, Carroll does wish to find a female to possess to further please and pleasure her Alice, but resists in order to maintain his secrets.
Background: Born of three, Carroll is the youngest Cursed Blade of the trio that would be known as nothing but failure by their creator, the one and only, Queen of Hearts. Considering the Unique Alice as the "perfect woman", Carroll idolized her creator as a mother and a lover, and yet, she still threw her and her sisters, Macmillan and Tenniel, out like trash.
An action that neither of the three would accept as a possibility, and would return with an Alice to challenge the Queen of Hearts for her love, manipulating the poor Succubi they captured and controlled... only to be defeated and discarded, again and again, to the other three corners of Wonderland.
Eventually, the spoiled Queen would get tired of her "ugly toys" revolting, and throw each of the sisters into a March Hare's hole, and scatter them into the Human Realm.
Undeterred, Carroll would take on a masculine persona and aggressively hunt down Wererabbits, and force them to track down March Hare holes, and try again and again. However, this blind need for vengeance would eventually lead to his weakening, and force him to take on a pathetic, mundane form.
In this form, he would take his last Wererabbit, a Paladin, and attempt to use her to make one last effort. However, he was weak, years of starvation catching up, and his curse was easy to defy for the faithful Mamono; yet, one of divine kindness, she wouldn't kill him, but gently guide him to rethink his ambition wholesale as she took him on a pilgrimage across Wonderland.
During this peaceful period, Carroll and Paladin Alice would bring the angry, secretive sword to terms with her new place in life - from her hidden gender to her violent ambition. Unfortunately, before Carroll could fully come to peace with being discarded, yet loved by another, her savoir would be felled by the twists of fate that littered Wonderland like landmines, as her Paladin Alice fell through softened soil, and crashed into a cave.
Unable to do more than hold her broken body in place, and dilute her pain, Carroll would suffer in silence as her best Alice died from, ironically, falling into a hole, dug by the Mad Hatter that was awoken by someone in gleaming armor falling into her home.
Falling back into his old ways...
That was over a decade ago, but Paladin Alice was unforgotten - her stain of compassion upon him, allowing him to envelope his new Alice, Mad Hatter Alice, and create a new Alice that he didn't control, but guided into a functional better.
A functional better than wasn't going to prove his worth to the Queen of Hearts, but destroy her for deeming him unworthy, and never showing him unconditional love, as Paladin Alice had.
...once he was done with this pesky taskforce thing. Why he'd let Mad Hatter Alice agree to this, he wasn't sure. Something about the snowy Inari reminded him of her... his Paladin, his savior, and his mission of renewed vengeance to be loved.
Chi Control - Taught by Shizuka, Alice is able to convert a portion of her Demon Energy into Spirit Energy, and blend them into Chi, which contains the positive strengths of both energies at once. This unlocks multiple techniques.
Shunpo - Naturally quick on her feet, by utilizing her Chi Control and copying Shizuka, Alice has doubled her movement speed, and can move at double her normal running speed in a single step.
Heavenly Strike - An extension of Injection, which Alice performs by using Shunpo to increase her movement speed by double to make her iaijutsu nearly impossible to dodge.
Fulgur Axe: Heavenly Strike - A direct upgrade to Heavenly Strike, Carroll charges lightning to empower the user’s speed to triple, and turns them into a bolt of lightning. It would take godly reflexes to dodge.
Manifestation - An abnormal skill gained by Carroll's covert attempt to use Possession Slime on Shizuka in her weakened state of being. Due to tapping into his mind, body, and soul, she has gleaned an image of a woman, and formed a physical body from that by manipulating her slime; though, it is imperfect, as Carroll only forms the upper body of said woman, but because she's never had legs, forms the lower body of a Lamia to make up for it.
Shunpo - Naturally quick on her feet, by utilizing her Chi Control and copying Shizuka, Alice has doubled her movement speed, and can move at double her normal running speed in a single step.
Heavenly Strike - An extension of Injection, which Alice performs by using Shunpo to increase her movement speed by double to make her iaijutsu nearly impossible to dodge.
Fulgur Axe: Heavenly Strike - A direct upgrade to Heavenly Strike, Carroll charges lightning to empower the user’s speed to triple, and turns them into a bolt of lightning. It would take godly reflexes to dodge.
Manifestation - An abnormal skill gained by Carroll's covert attempt to use Possession Slime on Shizuka in her weakened state of being. Due to tapping into his mind, body, and soul, she has gleaned an image of a woman, and formed a physical body from that by manipulating her slime; though, it is imperfect, as Carroll only forms the upper body of said woman, but because she's never had legs, forms the lower body of a Lamia to make up for it.
Name: Alice
Race: Mad Hatter (Lilim-Cursed) [Custom]
Unlike any Matango, and most certainly unlike any Mad Hatter, Alice has the Unique Ability of [Assimilation] - the power to assimilate the Abilities and Magicka of anyone she comes into contact with, due to absorbing the Mana of The Queen of Hearts in repeated battles with the capricious Lilim to whom she derives her name.
Due to the nature of her body being little more than a dakimakura stuffed full of mushrooms, Alice can store and shed information gained by parasitizing her victims (occasionally, allies) at her leisure, and build an unpredictable repertoire of skills that can change at the drop of a mad hat.
However, due to her three centuries of sustained battle, Alice has maintained a solid set of techniques to serve in battle, which she calls:
Due to her history as a Human, and her curse, Alice has recovered most of her memories from her Human years, and three-hundred-years of Human flexibility applies alongside Mamono strengths have enhanced her old Skills:
Lastly, due to being a Mad Hatter, the chaotic embodiment of the need to party, gossip, and made frivolous decisions that you'll regret tomorrow, Alice has one power that she holds in high regard:
O' Frabjous Day!
A power that is easily underestimated and beholden to only the Mad Hatter species. By invoking the madness seeped into their body, specifically their hat, a Mad Hatter can "seed" a wide location with Wonderlandian Magic, and create a "tea party".
Said creation comes with the unspoken ability to create Reality, specifically that of a good party with a jovial and comfortable atmosphere.
In Wonderland, such magic is trivial, but outside of it... restoration of wide-scale destruction is not so trivial.
By expending magic, Alice can restore damaged buildings, furniture, and the like across a large area, because broken things do not make for a good party.
Side effects include dealing with said party.
The Queen of Diamonds, the Barbarian Queen, and the Nomad Empress, eternal rival to the Queen of Hearts, Ruler of Wonderland, and thus has an ego appropriate. In her mind, Alice was made to rule, and speaks with authority and command, regardless of what the situation calls for.
However, she is tactful and diplomatic - when needs be - and will attempt to settle matters in a peaceful fashion, if she believes she can. If not, she will not waver to put her enemies to the sword.
Due to her particular brand of rulership, Alice is, surprisingly, self-sacrificing, and opts to lead the charge, as if she were just another sword of her roaming kingdom, and not its Queen. As such, she looks down on those that use their soldiers are shields and fight dishonorably.
...ignore her [Pacify] Spores and [Poison] Spores. Even she has a sense of self-preservation.
Background: A woman of many titles and stories, Alice was once Human, a huntress of an island village, and rather set in life. It would be one fateful day that her luck would turn, as she and her husband went hunting for rabbits, and came upon the tracks of a March Hare; a breed of Wererabbit from a twisted place called Wonderland, and, in due time, home.
However, the twist was not yet finished, as time would pass, and a vengeful Mad Hatter would target the woman that had attempted to hunt her lover, and hunt her in return. Sadistically, she would convert an entire village into collateral damage, stealing husbands, and turning the women into Matango - save for one, upon whom she would place her hat.
Her fate to become a Mamono of acclaim and status, but not in the way her sire could have ever predicted...
A chance meeting, one more turn of the wheel of fate, and Alice would be born with a brand-new hatchet in hand. Hunting her sire, she would take back her home village in blood and become the ruler of the people she inadvertently doomed to begin with.
That was three-hundred-years ago, as far as she remembers, and all that she remembers, as she stands at the foot of a hole in the ground.
The vaguest memory of a woman like a gentle snow falling on a place called Shizuyama plagues her memory...

"You stand before the Queen of Diamonds. Be honoured. Few can claim the same from their knees."
Name: Alice
Race: Mad Hatter (Lilim-Cursed) [Custom]
Unlike any Matango, and most certainly unlike any Mad Hatter, Alice has the Unique Ability of [Assimilation] - the power to assimilate the Abilities and Magicka of anyone she comes into contact with, due to absorbing the Mana of The Queen of Hearts in repeated battles with the capricious Lilim to whom she derives her name.
Due to the nature of her body being little more than a dakimakura stuffed full of mushrooms, Alice can store and shed information gained by parasitizing her victims (occasionally, allies) at her leisure, and build an unpredictable repertoire of skills that can change at the drop of a mad hat.
However, due to her three centuries of sustained battle, Alice has maintained a solid set of techniques to serve in battle, which she calls:
Seemingly lost to the ages, this esoteric sword technique is comprised of quick, dancing steps that keep the user in and out of her opponent's range, while offering an arsenal of strikes and slashes with a shikomizue, and parries with a sturdy scabbard as a purely offensive style with little to no room for defense on either side, as the user keep pressure on her opponent while relying on her own evasion to leave unscathed.
Alice may be the only living practitioner, making it easy for her to throw off opponents of the more rigid, modern sword fighting styles of the current day.
Ingrain - The opening position of the Wallflower Waltz, in which Carroll is drawn and is relaxed at Alice's side, as the "Tempo" is set either on her right side for Allegro (Slashing) or on her left side for Andante (Striking).
This defines how she flows in combat, as she will act more offensively in Tempo: Allegro, attacking with the lethal blade or more defensively in Tempo: Andante, attacking with the non-lethal scabbard.
Invasion - Activates in Tempo: Allegro, as a quick step forward into an attack; turning Carroll's scabbard up, angled into the oncoming attack. This quickly parries and allows for Carroll's blade to slice their opponent vertically across the torso, while sending Carroll's blade above their head.
In Tempo: Andante, this is used to deliver concussive and bludgeoning damage to the chin or sternum.
Infection - A follow-up attack to Invasion, in which Alice pulls Carroll's scabbard down on her opponent's neck from behind to draw them into a stab from below with her free hand.
In Tempo: Andante, this is more simply a powerful hammer attack with the scabbard to either the crown or temple, using the sword as a misdirection to move the head into the incoming strike.
Injection - An opening gambit that is simple iaijutsu, in which Alice quickly draws and slashes her opponent's body. It can result in a dangerous opening for counterattack, if whiffed due to the extremely light weight of Carroll's [Possession Slime: Benihime].
Colony Marching Band - If disarmed or unable to get to Carroll, Alice can fall back on a hand-to-hand combat style consisting of rhythmic chops and strikes with her hands and knees, as if marching forward to an unheard drum beat.
This can be understood at the footwork for the Wallflower Waltz, itself.
Alice may be the only living practitioner, making it easy for her to throw off opponents of the more rigid, modern sword fighting styles of the current day.
Ingrain - The opening position of the Wallflower Waltz, in which Carroll is drawn and is relaxed at Alice's side, as the "Tempo" is set either on her right side for Allegro (Slashing) or on her left side for Andante (Striking).
This defines how she flows in combat, as she will act more offensively in Tempo: Allegro, attacking with the lethal blade or more defensively in Tempo: Andante, attacking with the non-lethal scabbard.
Invasion - Activates in Tempo: Allegro, as a quick step forward into an attack; turning Carroll's scabbard up, angled into the oncoming attack. This quickly parries and allows for Carroll's blade to slice their opponent vertically across the torso, while sending Carroll's blade above their head.
In Tempo: Andante, this is used to deliver concussive and bludgeoning damage to the chin or sternum.
Infection - A follow-up attack to Invasion, in which Alice pulls Carroll's scabbard down on her opponent's neck from behind to draw them into a stab from below with her free hand.
In Tempo: Andante, this is more simply a powerful hammer attack with the scabbard to either the crown or temple, using the sword as a misdirection to move the head into the incoming strike.
Injection - An opening gambit that is simple iaijutsu, in which Alice quickly draws and slashes her opponent's body. It can result in a dangerous opening for counterattack, if whiffed due to the extremely light weight of Carroll's [Possession Slime: Benihime].
Colony Marching Band - If disarmed or unable to get to Carroll, Alice can fall back on a hand-to-hand combat style consisting of rhythmic chops and strikes with her hands and knees, as if marching forward to an unheard drum beat.
This can be understood at the footwork for the Wallflower Waltz, itself.
Due to her history as a Human, and her curse, Alice has recovered most of her memories from her Human years, and three-hundred-years of Human flexibility applies alongside Mamono strengths have enhanced her old Skills:
Prowl - A Basic Skill that diminishes Alice's Mamono Mana by surfacing her Human Mana, making her Energy appear more like Spirit Energy as opposed to Demon Energy. This allows her to blend in near seamlessly with normal Humans. If put to scrutiny, Alice can be exposed by a perceptive Mage.
Hatc-hit - A brutal swing with Carroll, using her [Possession Slime: Nozarashi] to transform into an unwieldy hatchet, and, well, do what is done once swung. Due to her Mamono strength, and Carroll's [Vorpal Edge], Alice can easily cleave through almost any physical defense.
Prey - The first of three specialized colonies of mushrooms that allow Alice to expel spores that create an invisible marker that she can follow without fail, unless the target passes through a body of water to wash them off or extreme heat to burn them away.
Pacify - The second of three specialized colonies of mushrooms that allow Alice to expel spores that cause slow paralysis of the heart and lungs that eventually results in unconsciousness, but not death.
The thrill of the hunt is lost, if the target dies being assisted by such impersonal means, so Alice uses this only when she is overwhelmed and out of options.
Poison - The third of three specialized colonies of mushrooms that allow Alice to expel spores that deliver a neurotoxin that slowly shuts down the brain and cognitive functions, resulting in coma and death after a time.
Prideful in her abilities as a hunter, Alice will save this for a target that completely outclasses her, and her life will be ended, if this fight goes south.
Hatc-hit - A brutal swing with Carroll, using her [Possession Slime: Nozarashi] to transform into an unwieldy hatchet, and, well, do what is done once swung. Due to her Mamono strength, and Carroll's [Vorpal Edge], Alice can easily cleave through almost any physical defense.
Prey - The first of three specialized colonies of mushrooms that allow Alice to expel spores that create an invisible marker that she can follow without fail, unless the target passes through a body of water to wash them off or extreme heat to burn them away.
Pacify - The second of three specialized colonies of mushrooms that allow Alice to expel spores that cause slow paralysis of the heart and lungs that eventually results in unconsciousness, but not death.
The thrill of the hunt is lost, if the target dies being assisted by such impersonal means, so Alice uses this only when she is overwhelmed and out of options.
Poison - The third of three specialized colonies of mushrooms that allow Alice to expel spores that deliver a neurotoxin that slowly shuts down the brain and cognitive functions, resulting in coma and death after a time.
Prideful in her abilities as a hunter, Alice will save this for a target that completely outclasses her, and her life will be ended, if this fight goes south.
Lastly, due to being a Mad Hatter, the chaotic embodiment of the need to party, gossip, and made frivolous decisions that you'll regret tomorrow, Alice has one power that she holds in high regard:
O' Frabjous Day!
A power that is easily underestimated and beholden to only the Mad Hatter species. By invoking the madness seeped into their body, specifically their hat, a Mad Hatter can "seed" a wide location with Wonderlandian Magic, and create a "tea party".
Said creation comes with the unspoken ability to create Reality, specifically that of a good party with a jovial and comfortable atmosphere.
In Wonderland, such magic is trivial, but outside of it... restoration of wide-scale destruction is not so trivial.
By expending magic, Alice can restore damaged buildings, furniture, and the like across a large area, because broken things do not make for a good party.
Side effects include dealing with said party.
The Queen of Diamonds, the Barbarian Queen, and the Nomad Empress, eternal rival to the Queen of Hearts, Ruler of Wonderland, and thus has an ego appropriate. In her mind, Alice was made to rule, and speaks with authority and command, regardless of what the situation calls for.
However, she is tactful and diplomatic - when needs be - and will attempt to settle matters in a peaceful fashion, if she believes she can. If not, she will not waver to put her enemies to the sword.
Due to her particular brand of rulership, Alice is, surprisingly, self-sacrificing, and opts to lead the charge, as if she were just another sword of her roaming kingdom, and not its Queen. As such, she looks down on those that use their soldiers are shields and fight dishonorably.
...ignore her [Pacify] Spores and [Poison] Spores. Even she has a sense of self-preservation.
Background: A woman of many titles and stories, Alice was once Human, a huntress of an island village, and rather set in life. It would be one fateful day that her luck would turn, as she and her husband went hunting for rabbits, and came upon the tracks of a March Hare; a breed of Wererabbit from a twisted place called Wonderland, and, in due time, home.
However, the twist was not yet finished, as time would pass, and a vengeful Mad Hatter would target the woman that had attempted to hunt her lover, and hunt her in return. Sadistically, she would convert an entire village into collateral damage, stealing husbands, and turning the women into Matango - save for one, upon whom she would place her hat.
Her fate to become a Mamono of acclaim and status, but not in the way her sire could have ever predicted...
A chance meeting, one more turn of the wheel of fate, and Alice would be born with a brand-new hatchet in hand. Hunting her sire, she would take back her home village in blood and become the ruler of the people she inadvertently doomed to begin with.
That was three-hundred-years ago, as far as she remembers, and all that she remembers, as she stands at the foot of a hole in the ground.
The vaguest memory of a woman like a gentle snow falling on a place called Shizuyama plagues her memory...
"Buggirls art best girls."
- William Shakespeare
- William Shakespeare

Name: Carroll
Race: Sword Devil [Lilim-born]
Personality: Born as a pair of scissors, Carroll's personality is cutting and sharp; speaking to the point of matters on one blade, yet manipulatively to poison them on the other, like a snake in the garden. Due to her nature, and her appearance, Carroll is easily mistaken for a young man - if one is being generous - but her temperament is wholly feminine, as she can become hostilely cruel one second, and adorably affectionate the next.
However, in combat, she is focused on solely gaining ground and leaving the quips at the door; acting as second pair of eyes and ears, so her defense is all but water-tight.
Background: Born, in a sense, to the capricious Queen of Hearts, the Lilim known as Alice, would be the youngest of three: Carroll. From the melted, primordial soup of a Jabberwocky's talon, a Bandersnatch's fang, a Wonderworm's hash, a Cheshire Cat's whisker, and the feather of a Jub-Jub Bird poured upon a pair of normal scissor to be born as a Sword Devil, and live as only a Cursed Sword of Wonderland could.
That is to say, not soundly or logically, The Queen of Hearts was a misnomer if ever there was, as the Alice was heartless; subject to her own whims and wants, ever-changing like the tides. Stubbornly, Carroll and her sisters would struggle for her love, receiving nothing but crumbs of care, as, one-by-one, they would fall out of love for her, and into hatred.
Into war.
Establishing themselves as Queen's Blades, and using their [Possession Slime] to create themselves an "Alice" to bring their twisted affection to their mother by force. So Wonderland would plunge into a 1,000 Year Wars, as the Queen of Spade, Clubs, and Diamonds would wage war against this mother to force her to love them.
In due time, this war would encompass each other, as well, vying for favourite daughter - a mischievous ploy set by a bored Lilim. Each would drop in time, injury and time weighing; Tenniel would be the first to leave, escaping into the Material Realm to seek a new "Alice" from different stock, and Macmillan would follow her elder sister's lead.
Left to her own devices, Carroll would gain a shockingly adaptive "Alice" and for the last 300 years of the 1,000 Year War, post a genuine threat that would result in the honourless Queen of Hearts enacting a Banishment Spell upon them that would force them out of Wonderland for as long as she breathed.
As far as Carroll remembers, that was just minutes ago. So, why is she plagued with thoughts of a bluenette bandit and some place called Shizuyama...

Name: Carroll
Race: Sword Devil [Lilim-born]
Possession Slime - A misnomer, it is the ability to both possess Mamono and Humans, and create objects from her metallic slime, as long they were once a "possession" of somesome she can maintain a bit of contact with.
This power is eeriely similar to Alice's [Assimilation] Skill, or perhaps, the root cause of it...
Due to the fact that the creation is a product of shaping her parasitic slime, Carroll cannot make 100% organic material, such as an apple, nor overly complex items, such as a functional carriage without making it piecemeal.
Autonomy - Carroll's most dangerous skill, allowing her to assume a Human form and operate with frightening autonomy from her host, but she can't access most of her skill set. While separated, she and Alice have the same diminished Mamono signature, and either can find the other across realms.
Vorpal Edge - Born of a mixture of disparate parts, one of those being the talon of a Jabberwocky and the fang of a Bandersnatch, Carroll's blade is a unique, magical metal known as Vorpal. This wonderful metal has no equal, but itself, and can sheer through anything its put against
Benihime - Carroll's normal state of being, as a hidden sword that pairs well with Alice's esoteric sword style. If she isn't in her Autonomous Form, Carroll can be often found resting or sunbathing in this form.
Nozarashi - Carroll's [Possession Slime] recreation of Hatter's old hunting axe, reborn into a barbarous weapon of war. The size of this form is not how it was born, but how it had become over centuries of warfare and bloodshed.
Symbiotic Regeneration - A powerful, but limited regenerative ability that allows Carroll to heal Alice from grievous injuries. Spurs the replication of Alice's mushroom colonies to seal wounds and regenerate limbs, but cannot spare her from decapitation or destruction of the heart.
This takes time off Alice's clock through the mitotic process, and burns a lot of energy off Carroll, which can result in a temporary coma for the Sword Devil.
Lilim Breaker - Fuse Alice and Carroll as a proper Cursed Sword and Host, resulting in an emergency transformation that can go toe-to-toe with armies, but sheers years off Alice's life in minutes, as her body rapidly regenerates to maintain the power of a Lilim's daughter.
Alice is rendered comatose immediately upon the fusion breaking, regardless of how that comes about.
This power is eeriely similar to Alice's [Assimilation] Skill, or perhaps, the root cause of it...
Due to the fact that the creation is a product of shaping her parasitic slime, Carroll cannot make 100% organic material, such as an apple, nor overly complex items, such as a functional carriage without making it piecemeal.
Autonomy - Carroll's most dangerous skill, allowing her to assume a Human form and operate with frightening autonomy from her host, but she can't access most of her skill set. While separated, she and Alice have the same diminished Mamono signature, and either can find the other across realms.
Vorpal Edge - Born of a mixture of disparate parts, one of those being the talon of a Jabberwocky and the fang of a Bandersnatch, Carroll's blade is a unique, magical metal known as Vorpal. This wonderful metal has no equal, but itself, and can sheer through anything its put against
Benihime - Carroll's normal state of being, as a hidden sword that pairs well with Alice's esoteric sword style. If she isn't in her Autonomous Form, Carroll can be often found resting or sunbathing in this form.
Nozarashi - Carroll's [Possession Slime] recreation of Hatter's old hunting axe, reborn into a barbarous weapon of war. The size of this form is not how it was born, but how it had become over centuries of warfare and bloodshed.
Symbiotic Regeneration - A powerful, but limited regenerative ability that allows Carroll to heal Alice from grievous injuries. Spurs the replication of Alice's mushroom colonies to seal wounds and regenerate limbs, but cannot spare her from decapitation or destruction of the heart.
This takes time off Alice's clock through the mitotic process, and burns a lot of energy off Carroll, which can result in a temporary coma for the Sword Devil.
Lilim Breaker - Fuse Alice and Carroll as a proper Cursed Sword and Host, resulting in an emergency transformation that can go toe-to-toe with armies, but sheers years off Alice's life in minutes, as her body rapidly regenerates to maintain the power of a Lilim's daughter.
Alice is rendered comatose immediately upon the fusion breaking, regardless of how that comes about.
Personality: Born as a pair of scissors, Carroll's personality is cutting and sharp; speaking to the point of matters on one blade, yet manipulatively to poison them on the other, like a snake in the garden. Due to her nature, and her appearance, Carroll is easily mistaken for a young man - if one is being generous - but her temperament is wholly feminine, as she can become hostilely cruel one second, and adorably affectionate the next.
However, in combat, she is focused on solely gaining ground and leaving the quips at the door; acting as second pair of eyes and ears, so her defense is all but water-tight.
Background: Born, in a sense, to the capricious Queen of Hearts, the Lilim known as Alice, would be the youngest of three: Carroll. From the melted, primordial soup of a Jabberwocky's talon, a Bandersnatch's fang, a Wonderworm's hash, a Cheshire Cat's whisker, and the feather of a Jub-Jub Bird poured upon a pair of normal scissor to be born as a Sword Devil, and live as only a Cursed Sword of Wonderland could.
That is to say, not soundly or logically, The Queen of Hearts was a misnomer if ever there was, as the Alice was heartless; subject to her own whims and wants, ever-changing like the tides. Stubbornly, Carroll and her sisters would struggle for her love, receiving nothing but crumbs of care, as, one-by-one, they would fall out of love for her, and into hatred.
Into war.
Establishing themselves as Queen's Blades, and using their [Possession Slime] to create themselves an "Alice" to bring their twisted affection to their mother by force. So Wonderland would plunge into a 1,000 Year Wars, as the Queen of Spade, Clubs, and Diamonds would wage war against this mother to force her to love them.
In due time, this war would encompass each other, as well, vying for favourite daughter - a mischievous ploy set by a bored Lilim. Each would drop in time, injury and time weighing; Tenniel would be the first to leave, escaping into the Material Realm to seek a new "Alice" from different stock, and Macmillan would follow her elder sister's lead.
Left to her own devices, Carroll would gain a shockingly adaptive "Alice" and for the last 300 years of the 1,000 Year War, post a genuine threat that would result in the honourless Queen of Hearts enacting a Banishment Spell upon them that would force them out of Wonderland for as long as she breathed.
As far as Carroll remembers, that was just minutes ago. So, why is she plagued with thoughts of a bluenette bandit and some place called Shizuyama...
- Socrates
- Socrates