The noble lands of Kanto, in an age long past when they expanded far beyond their modern borders. Ruled over by the honorable Shogun Fuji, this land has fallen into an inner conflict. Three of Kanto's grand Clans have taken to warring with one another, each of their leaders trying to prove their strength to the venerable Shogun and earn the right to become the leading Clan, while the fourth remains inactive. The Clans of Kanto are the Viridian Clan, led by Olive the Patient; the Vermillion Clan, led by Russet the Headstrong; the Indigo Clan led by Beryl the Adaptable; the Gold Clan, which remains uninvolved in the conflict, led by Aurel the Brilliant.
The Viridian Clan specializes in Grass-Type Pokémon and aims to grow an empire which knows no end. The Vermillion Clan specializes in Fire-Type Pokémon and hopes to forge an empire capable of crushing anyone who stands against it. The Indigo Clan specializes in Water-Type Pokémon and seeks to build an empire that can withstand any test of time. And the Gold Clan, whose members utilize Pokémon of all types, is powerful and looks only to build the Shogun's influence. Together, they have proven themselves nigh unstoppable. Split, as they find themselves now, such a powerful force my find itself toppled. A recent invention, dubbed the Pokéball, may further be their undoing, as it has allowed the warriors of these Clans to tame the untamable. Pokémon fight on the field of battle alongside samurai in vast numbers, and with such powerful weapons in such accessible quantities, the war may meet a very bloody end indeed.
Two villages mark the major trading posts of the Kanto Region: Saffron Village, where the Shogun resides, and Goldenrod Village, from whence Aurel leads her Clan. The wilds between are vast and untamed, home to Pokémon both large and fierce, where travelers would be wise to come prepared, lest a hungry Arcanine see them as food. The most terrifying of these wild creatures are known to the commonfolk as Alpha Pokémon, which are larger and more powerful than their average brethren. A lone Alpha has has the capability to defeat and entire squad of warriors and decimate merchant convoys, nevermind with a horde of like-minded followers at its back.
To make matters all the worse, bandits belonging to no clan make their homes in the forests and mountains, sometimes gaining influence over such Alpha Pokémon, and such brutes care not for who is injured during their conquests for mountains of gold and coin. Thus, travel is scarce and only undertaken with the utmost of security, as beyond the walls of a notable settlement lie danger and death. Better to remain safe than risk one's neck to trade with the next settlement.
Welcome to Pokémon: Feudal Legends! In this RP you will be trying to settle a civil war between Kanto's Clans before they destroy themselves. You will have noticed that this ancient version of Kanto also includes the portion of land modernly known as Johto. This RP takes place before the two were separate governments. To accomplish your mission, you will need a partner Pokémon and a weapon with which to defend yourself with. While the game will not be hyper-technical and hunker down on stats and the like, Pokémon will still be limited to only four moves each.
As the players will be fighting alongside their Pokémon during battle, I also had to make a way for things to be roughly translated during a fight between humans and Pokémon. Thus, I have come up with a few classes to sort player characters into, as well as a number of Pokémon moves that translate into things that members of such classes should be able to do. Lastly, each class has been assigned a Pokémon typing to give players an idea of what areas a class will excel in, as well as things that would hinder them more.
While I do not expect players to go to the trouble of using a damage calculator during battle (as that is a bit too high-maintenance for my tastes), I do hope that you would take into account the fact of your respective type matchups. Some degree of anime shenanigans (also known as "rule of cool") will be allowed. Just do try to keep things within reason.
As I fully understand that people have jobs or school, and thus time is sometimes limited, I am not overly concerned with the frequency of posts. It would be nice if we could get each person to post once weekly, but this won't be a necessity (if every other week is your limit, then so it is). My request is that if you have the ability to post more frequently than others, that you at least offer the courtesy of giving them a chance, if possible.
List of Kanto's Pokémon