Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Chas and Josh were both breathing heavily from lugging each other away from the fight, leaning against the brick wall behind them. "how you holding up Josh?" Chas asked him, checking him over to see what injuries he may have injured, but luckily, like himself, Josh just seemed to have a bang to the head from when he went forward and hit his head on the back of the front seat. "I'm alright, what about you? You hit the windscreen pretty hard Chas" Josh replied, "I'll be fine, nothing I ain't used to being John's mate" Chas smirked with a scoff, checking the state of his own head at the same time. "we gotta go back for her, it's not right leaving her alone" Josh then said, nodding his head toward the direction of which they came from. "I know, and if she don't show up in the next couple of minutes I'll go back for her" Chas said with a heavy sigh.

Fia winced apologetically as Serena hissed at the pain from her leg being banged on the way out of the cab. "ain't happening Serena. You are worth it, more than you realise right now" Fia said firmly to her Aunt figure. She wrapped Serena's arm round her own shoulders. "I need you to stay awake, just for a little longer" she told her, looking at the goons and throwing another fire ball at them to create a firewall between the goons and themselves. Satisfied that she had made a strong enough blockade, she gripped Serena tightly but not to hurt her and let her own red and orange wings appear, similar but not exactly the same to Kay's. With the flutter of her feathers, she bent slightly then took off of the ground with Serena in hold and flew up high above the buildings and headed to the safe place of hers and Drake's.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

The shadows moved behind Chas Drake appeared and said “hey guys” he smiled and said “don’t go back to the car. My partner has Serena. She’s hurt but we need to go to her now. I can take you there…oh and hi dad” he waved at Josh”

Serena leaned on Fia, fighting to stay awake. “Your are totally John and Kay’s daughter…they will be proud…” she flinched as they took to the air and she cursed. “I could use Banes healing right now…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Both Chas and Josh jumped slightly when Drake appeared, the likeness to Josh and Serena not going amiss on either of the men. Josh didn't want to believe it for a moment, it seemed outrageous that he would be looking at his future teenage son when he hadn't thst long admitted to Serena that he fancied her and was willing to try dating her if she would like to. "h-hi.." he stammered, wrapping his head around everything and being a little off guard by being called dad. Chas knew it was risky to take this kid's word and not try and figure out if this was some kind of trick or not but they literally had no choice right now. "okay, lead the way kid" Chas then said simply.

"I'm sorry if this causes you pain but it's the quickest and safest way" Fia replied after she noticed Serena was wincing from the take off. She knew she wasn't the most graceful when it came to her flying but she also k ew it was because she did all she could for the longest time to deny her phoenix side. There was a reason she was stronger in her mage abilities and not her phoenix abilities and that denial of her phoenix bloodline was it. "I guess it's pointless keeping the hood up if you've figured it out" she then said, meaning about the earlier remark of who her parents are. It didn't take longer than a couple of minutes to get the rooftop in question where she landed alot softer than she took off and put Serena down on the ground.

Without saying a word, Fia shook her shoulder blades and shoulders to make her wings vanish back into her wings birthmark tattoo on her back, that as hidden by her clothing. She pulled the hood down to reveal her bright auburn/orange and blonde hair and ice blue eyes, eyes of her mother, but the jawline of her father. "right let's get this leg sorted" she stated, kneeling down and using her magic ability, taught by John, she placed her hands on Serena's leg and began to heal the break and the injury from the cab.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drake smiled and held out his hands. “My name is Drake. Hold on tight?” He took their hands and shadows wrapped around them just as the goons rounded the corner.

Serena sat down and closed her eyes in pain. “I had to make the break nasty…it’s going to hurt no matter what happens…” she looked up at her and said “what’s going on? Why are you and my son here?”

The shadows moved up and Drake appeared with Josh and Chas. “Found them, partner. Okay but shook up.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Chas and Josh put their trust in Drake as it was a far better option than facing the goons that had managed to find them, which made them feel worried for Serena. Travelling by shadow was disorientating to them both when they landed on a roof, looking around to figure out where they were when they both gave each other the knowing look of 'I know where we are'.

Just before they arrived Fia continued to heal Serena's leg, it would have been painful but there wasn't much she could do about the pain, so she worked as methodically and carefully as she could, listening to Serena talk. At the question she sighed as she focused on her leg, "I can't say much because I don't wanna screw up the timeline and put everyone on a different path. But what I can say is this is the start of something big, in our time shit goes down rapidly" she explained vaguely. "it all starts from the trickles of trouble here and now and I selfishly wanna stop that so I--" she paused what she was saying to take a deep breath so she didn't start crying.

"so we don't lose my mum... If we lose mum to Hell's army, dad spirals out of control into the biggest rabbit hole of depression since he lost Astra...." she sighed as she finished healing Serena's leg to good as new. Then came Drake's voice that made her snap her head up and behind her to see her godfather, uncle figure and cousin figure.

"I'm glad you're all good. Serena is now good too" Fia smiled, standing up and hugging Drake briefly. "you look just like them..." Chas gasped stepping forward and taking in Fia's features. "hi Chas, I'm sorry we've ehad to meet in this way" she replied, hugging him without even thinking, taking him off guard for a split second before hugging her back.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena was panting as her leg healed, still looking winded and flinching. Drake hugged her back then moved to Serena to make sure she was okay. “It’s going to be alright. Your safe now. Those guys were after you mom…” he glanced back at josh and waved again.

Serena smiled weakly and looked at Chas. “We need to get back to the mill house. And you two are coming with us” she looked at the kids with a stern look in her eyes. “I don’t care what you think, if it’s about Kay, I need all the information we can get. I won’t lose her…or John” she tried to get up, her leg healed but her body still sore from the crash. More then likely more damage was done in the crash, blood dripping from her face.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Chas let go of Fia when Serena spoke up after being greeted with the son she was destined to have. He saw how Josh awkwardly waved back to Drake, clearly still trying to come to terms with what he was witnessing and realising. He was baffled at how Serena was seeming to just accept their kid was standing right in front of them and grown up, accepting of what was to come so easily. Especially after they all witnessed how Kay took to the news about Fia.

Josh then quickly went to Serena's side as he saw her trying to get up and put his arm round her for support. "I got you" he told her. "I agree, I think it's time the other two met you both, and we deal with this ASAP. We can't keep running forever, no matter how much certain members of our group will want to" Chas said, expressing his agreement. Fia sighed, punching her the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. She should have known better than to think Serena and Chas would accept they can only know so much.

"I guess we're going home then" she stated, taking a deep breath before exhaling deeply then opening up a portal to outside the millhouse. "after you lot, I have to go last or the portal will close behind me" she explained. She also knew that the moment she probably stepped foot into the millhouse, the warding would alarm and she'd have to rely on John to turn them off as in her time, they are different wardings.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena leaned on Josh and said “I think I’m in shock. Our kid is right there and I’m calm with that. I think it will hit later…”

When the portal opened Drake ran over and took Serena’s other side and frowned. “Fia she is still shaking. I think she might be more injuried then we thought” they walked thru the portal to find the living room and a staring Trish standing there. She was holding one of Johns fire pokers and said “what the heck…”

Just as the portal closed the alarms went off and Serena said “crap…not again…I don’t want to be flung to the wall again “
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Josh nodded at Serena's words, not surprised if she was having a cse of shock with everything that had just happened in such a short amount of time. Of all the people to save them, he never would have guessed kids from the future. As Drake came over and helped him keep Serena upright onto her feet, he too noticed how she was shaking. "just give me a second Drake! I need to concentrate!" Fia said back as she focused on getting the portal open.

When it did open, she let everyone walk through first then walked through herself. She intended for it to open a utside the millhouse, but she realised as she stepped through, she subconsciously linked it to the living room of the millhouse, seeing the portal close behind them all and the warding setting off the alarms the moment her foot stepped onto the ground.

"it's nothing bad, it's because of me. The millhouse doesn't recognise me in this time!" she said back to her as she watched Josh and Drake lead Serena to one of the couches and sat her down. She then saw Trish and realised just how many years in the past they truly were, as to Fia Trish was so much older than her, it was weird seeing her so young. "Trish go get da-John to stop the warding if you can" she asked.

"I'll go" Chas said, already leaving the room before someone could make him sit down and see to his head injury. He headed upstairs seeing Kay coming out of John's room due to the alarms, "its a long story but we need John to reset rhe warding" he explained, making Kay nod and head into John's room. "John?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Serena sat down as the room started to glow with the alarms and she said “crap…” Trish blinked at Drake and Fia and asked “what did I miss?”

John groaned when the alarms went off and slowly sat up holding his head. He looked at Chas and saw him bloody and that woke him up. “Mate what happens to you? What’s going on?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Josh made sure Serena was okay on the couch before walking the few steps over to Trish where he took the fire poker from her hands and put it down. "a lot but I'm glad you were here and safe with Kay and John" he told her, pulling her in to hug her, more for himself than her. He could have died and left Trish with no blood family members left and that mentally killed him more than anything in this moment. "I'll explain when the alarms get turned off" he said.

"it's sort of a long story, but to cut it short we got ambushed on the way back, cab got crashed into. I'm alright though...but uhh, there's someone downstairs you need to meet who is the cause of the alarms, but they enot an enemy" Chas explained to John as he saw him sit up. Kay looked at Chas and something was just telling her that it was their future kid, after seeing Drake earlier.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

John frowned then he,d his hand up and the alarms stopped with a snap of his fingers. “Then let’s go down…” he got up and swayed a little still out of it but he made his way to the door. He paused and said “love? Could you check his head wound please…”

Serena looked at Drake who was looking around as Trish looked at josh. “Are they the ones who kept sending messages?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Kay and Chas both sighed with relief when the alarms stopped going on and as John got up, Kay hovered close by to help him of he needed it. Yet she also didn't want to come across as clingy or over protective either, she watched him head to the door of his room and nodded at his request, "sure thing, I'll follow you down in a moment" she told John before heading over to Chas and checking his head over. "it's not as deep as it initially seems..." she told Chas. "good to know" Chas replied. She then gestured for him to sit on the edge of the bed so she could see if she could heal him with her ability or see to his wound the mortal way.

Josh nodded at Triah's question, "yeah...they are. They helped John in the earlier problem and helped us in another" he explained to her as he heard John coming downstairs, and looking round the living room, it seemed Fia was hearing it as well as she instantly turned round to have her back facing the side that John would appear from. "talk about dramatics" Josh whispered to Trish with a small smile.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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John stumbled down the stairs and into the living room, staring at the group before him. He first saw Serena who waved at him. “I’m fine…just banged up…” John didn’t buy it then saw Drake and Fia. He stared, all the color draining from his face. “I take it…you must be Fia…”

Trish frowned and said softly “he looks like his about to pass out again. This is more stress and shock then his body is ready for” Drake rubbed his neck and said “I’m Drake Shade…hey there. Sorry for all the confusion and such.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Doing a thorough check on Chas's head, Kay was relatively confident that she could just heal him herself without using a first aid kit and putting him through more pain and discomfort. She placed her hand on his injury and exhaled slowly but deeply. Closing her eyes, she focused on what needed to be healed and like with John before, a warming light appeared under her hand and she began healing him. It didn't take her long to heal him as the injury wasn't as deep as she thought it would be and with very little wincing as he felt his skin knit itself back together, Chas remained still.

Hearing John walking down the stairs and then say her name, Fia wasn't expecting him to just know her name without him being told it. She turned round to face him, showing her face to him for the first time. "Hi dad..." she said, calling him dad out of habit. She saw him looking peeky still and wanted to just rush over and help him, but she didn't know if it was the right thing to do, so she stayed where she was, shoving her hands in her jeans pockets, feeling awkward.

With Chas healed, he stood up and patted Kay on the shoulder, "thanks Kay..." he told her, getting a nod in response as they both then walked back downstairs together to the group with added members. The moment she saw Fia, Kay froze in her spot at the bottom of the stairs, staring at Fia. The likeness to herself and John was remarkable, not even she could deny that was indeed the daughter they were destined to have.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drake moved to Fia and muttered “he needs help Fia. Just go help…” John pulled Kay to his side and was shaking madly.

Serena looked up and said “so…what’s up?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Fia could see how much John was shaking and how Kay froze on the spot seeing her standing here in front of them all. She nodded at Drake's words when he came over and knew deep down he was right, so she walked over to both John and Kay, "I'm sorry you have to meet me in this way" she told them both, but mostly focused her comment to John. She didn't fully know what she could do to help, so she just stood there in front of them for a few moments, before she couldn't take it any longer and wrapped her arms round John, hugging him and tried to share her calming aura with him through the family bond.

Josh and Chas both just watched on as Kay and John came to the realisation they were looking at their future kid, both unable to say anything or do anything as the awkward and mostly silent exchange happened between them. When Serena finally spoke up, their heads turned to her then to Drake, "she's got a point, care to fill us in a bit more about what's happening?" Josh asked Drake.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

When the woman hugged John, the mage pulled her to his chest and hugged her back. He held her tightly and then pulled Kay over to hug him both at the same time. He was still shaking but he said “I’m glad your both alright and safe…”

Drake rubbed his neck and said “well, it’s kinda hard to explain. Basically we have been getting warnings that someone is messing with the past to change the future. So we came back thanks to a time spell to try get things back on track. Ans to save our future…along with our parents”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 17 days ago

Fia wasn't expecting John to hug her back, she knew as well as anyone who knew the infamous John constantine, he didn't let many people in, let alone trust new people. So when he hugged her back, she took it by surprise but revelled in the hug. It was strange being hugged by the younger version of her father, but right now she almost needed it as much as he may have done. Kay let John pull her into the group hug, hugging him back and even after a few seconds, put an arm round Fia. "we're more glad you're alright" Fia replied, knowing that she may not get on with her mom as much as her dad, but she felt she kbew her mom well enough, that even in this time, she could speak for Kay.

Chas and Josh listened to Drake try and explain why they were even back in this time and interfering with their troubles. Both thought hard about what Drake was saying and to Chas it didn't sound like the kind of scheme Papa Midnite would delve into. Which just made him ponder more why a man like Midnite would even get involved, or was it just coincidence that Midnite was after the girls at the same time? It almost hurt his head trying to figure it all out. "do you guys have any clue to who it is?" he asked Drake.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

John sighed and said weakly “your here to save your mother aren’t you?”

Drake shook his head and Said “we haven’t been able to figure that out. All we know is that Uncle John getting hit last night was the first time. Well, no. The first was you guys getting attacked in Seattle and aunt Kay getting grabbed. But Mom sorted that before we really had a chance to come and help” Serena looked up again and said “the mage from the tunnels…that’s why he knew so much”
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