Hello everyone! @Tae and I are creating a new roleplay that will hone in on the politics, drama, and romance of nobles in a fantasy world. We are looking for players who will play the offspring of nobility or outsiders looking to get in.
In the world of Eromora there resides many different countries, kingdoms, and cultures, much like our own world. There have been times of war and times of peace, times of devastation, and times of salvation. The lands are rich with history and every country has its own ways of ruling. Currently, the world seems to be in a time of relative peace, especially within the little corner of the world that our story takes place in.
Our focus is with three separate kingdoms and the nobility within these kingdoms. The offspring of these nobles are where our story truly lies as they gather once again as they’ve done their entire lives, though this time there shall be some new faces. Many of them have come of age to start considering marriage. Will romances blossom? Enemies be made? Secrets revealed? How do these future rulers deal with the pressures put upon them? What dark secrets lie within each family? Perhaps some have discovered they aren’t who they thought they were? Have some begun dabbling in magic, something that is forbidden and feared within all three countries? Or perhaps some have discovered a curse placed upon them or their family? What happens if their parents begin arranging marriages without their knowledge? Perhaps there’s some forbidden love happening or something else scandalous? Or maybe there’s something much darker at play? Whatever your story is, this season at court is sure to be an exciting one.
Our focus is with three separate kingdoms and the nobility within these kingdoms. The offspring of these nobles are where our story truly lies as they gather once again as they’ve done their entire lives, though this time there shall be some new faces. Many of them have come of age to start considering marriage. Will romances blossom? Enemies be made? Secrets revealed? How do these future rulers deal with the pressures put upon them? What dark secrets lie within each family? Perhaps some have discovered they aren’t who they thought they were? Have some begun dabbling in magic, something that is forbidden and feared within all three countries? Or perhaps some have discovered a curse placed upon them or their family? What happens if their parents begin arranging marriages without their knowledge? Perhaps there’s some forbidden love happening or something else scandalous? Or maybe there’s something much darker at play? Whatever your story is, this season at court is sure to be an exciting one.

Caesonia Kingdom

To the northeast resides two kingdoms separated by a large river. The southeastern kingdom is Caesonia, a beautiful country full of diverse, yet easily traversable land. The temperature is rather pleasant through the spring and summer months, with soft spring showers that cause summer to be green and beautiful. Fall and winter are on the colder side with some snowfall, but it’s never terribly unbearable.
The capital of Caesonia is a large city named Sorian which is located at the end of a long Fjord. Within Sorian resides King and Queen Danrose, the richest rulers of the three kingdoms. They are also considered to be the most competitive and are most concerned about their appearance to the other kingdoms. It’s for this reason that they organized a gathering of courts every year during the spring and summer months. They invite all of the nobility of their land along with the nobility of their sister kingdom, Varian.
King Edin Danrose is man raised to want to be the best of the best. Nothing short of perfection. This is what he expected of the children as well. He enjoys having not only his but the names of his children being known to all. His personality could be summed up as arrogant and selfish. He views the impoverished as the country’s laziest and is known to be a believer in negative reinforcement and harsh punishment.
He is more than willing to make moves no one else will as long as the wrongs he commits are buried under the bed. Additionally, Edin enjoys the pleasures of life too much, outwardly having mistresses.
Alibeth, despite the regal and charismatic presence she brings to the public, is rather quiet and submissive. She submits to her husband’s desires and lets him steer the ship. Politically, she will try diplomatic measures before violent ones. This goes for how she viewed the children; she will attempt to convince them to agree before deciding on the punishment, as opposed to her husband. She can be rather kind and motherly, sometimes smothering her offspring with overprotectiveness. She is a rather nervous woman who seems to struggle with secrets on her shoulders.

All of the Kingdom knows Duke Lorenzo of Veirmont lost his wife the year prior. He has laid rather low for some time but whispers say he has started to show his face again. Many credit his recovery to the kindness of the Count. The two seemed to have grown close. Emina had been a beautiful, dark-haired duchess who had fallen for Lorenzo long ago despite his middle-class status. Lorenzo had been a fish out of water in the new title of nobility, but it was a river he had long swam in since birth. Lorenzo was never quite cut out for nobility. After having their family publicly shamed by the King himself at a ball, Emina was said to take her life.
Count Calbert, Earl of Montauppe in Caesonia, is a smooth talker. He seems to be able to charm people with ease without them realizing he is collecting information for ammo. Manipulative, cunning, and scheming, this man views life as a game. Always maintaining a cool and collected demeanor, he is highly regarded and respected. People say he is immensely polite and well-mannered. When seen with his wife and daughter, he is loving and handles them like delicate glass. Behind closed doors, he continues this love and care, treating his wife like his treasure. This behavior isn’t always the same towards those he does not regard highly of. Secretly, he gets a rise out of being in control and utilizing the canards he receives to further his goal.
Kind and well-regarded, the soft-spoken Countess Liliane is beloved. She is angelic in her presence, always seeming to say what one wants to hear. Her opinions and beliefs are a mystery to all as she keeps to herself, but she may know more than she lets on.
However, she is a rather fragile woman, always in ill health. Her one and only pregnancy almost killed her.
Varian Kingdom

Varian is located to the northwest of Caesonia and, while still a beautiful land, seems to be a bit harsher. The land is filled with dense forests, rocky mountains, and much cooler weather. In the far northern part of the country, there seems to be a constant dusting of snow, even through the spring and summer months. The capital of Varian is the city of Breoven, located on the western coast of the country. Varian is ruled by Queen and King Camilia, a kind and morally righteous monarch that rules with respect and has earned the love of their people. While they are not entirely fond of the King and Queen of Caesonia, they still attend the gathering of the courts every year in order to keep the peace. This year is shaping up to be quite an interesting gathering, though, as the Alidasht empire across the sea has been invited to join for the first time ever.
Beautiful and confident, Queen Rosa Camilia is a force to be reckoned with. How she retains a youthful beauty even at her age is something that racks the mind of all she meets. She is a very serious woman who will not stand for cruelty of any sort. She is morally righteous and outspoken, not afraid to use her throne for justice. She treats her people with respect and dignity until one hurts an innocent. Then the gentle hand she holds you with will grip you until you burst. Her husband Alix is a kind-hearted King who is often too gentle for his own good. He is better at being an amazing father and husband than being a King who makes hard decisions. He is not very intelligent when it comes to conflict. He tries to be diplomatic as much as possible as he does not have the heart to hurt others.

Alice Smithwood the Duchess of Stravy was always a little too headstrong and bossy for her husband Duke Feralt. Feralt was too similar and wanted to lead and the two bumped heads. The relationship was an unhappy one and despite having an easy life, Alice did not feel as if she had everything she wanted. Feralt went missing suddenly and Alice was thus left alone and unhappy. Until one day, she met a former lady-in-waiting to Queen Rosa named Valerie who was sweet and loved Alice’s ideas and loved her for who she was. She was able to pursue her feelings eventually, to which the Duchess returned. Now, two Duchesses preside over the Varian Kingdom.
Count Sebastian Blackwood, Earl of Kolonivka in Varian Kingdom, is a rather private man, never having been married and never really being seen until the months he’s required at court. Even the people he’s appointed over in the gloomy, cold north rarely ever see him unless he is to settle an issue. While at court he seems to avoid conversing with others as much as possible and seems to only ever attend events that occur in the evening into the night. Because of this, it’s caused many dark rumors to circulate around him, but nothing has ever been confirmed. The only one that may know some of his secrets is his adoptive daughter.
Alidasht Kingdom

In the eyes of Varian and Caesonia, the empire of Alidasht is considered to be quite exotic. Located to the southwest across the sea lies a land full of desert, sand dunes, and jungle. Much warmer and quite a bit dryer in areas, Alidasht is ruled by Sultan Raif Kadir. Unlike the other countries where the eldest is next in the line of succession, Alidasht tradition has the Sultan choose their heir based on who they believe to be the fittest. Due to this tradition, the Sultan usually has many children and it isn’t unusual for these children to compete against each other for their parents' favor. Some have even been known to kill their siblings if they viewed them as too much of a threat. They were invited to this year's court gathering within Caesonia in order for each kingdom to learn more about the exotic land of Alidasht and perhaps form some sort of concrete alliance with them.
Sultan Raif Kadir was once a fierce and mildly feared man, having killed three of his siblings after they had challenged him for the throne when they were younger. Definitely the strongest of the seven siblings, he was never one that mastered the skill of speaking eloquently. That role originally fell on one of his closest confidants, one of his brothers, Hafiz Kadir. It was through Raif’s strength and Hafiz way with words that he won the favor of his father and was granted the Sultanate. Raif had then married a woman who would become an even closer confidant and even seemed to rival Hafiz in charm. The people loved Esrin Kadir and, in turn, began to love Raif even more. She helped her husband settle on ruling a lot gentler than those before him. Unfortunately, Esrin was destined to leave this world behind. After bearing Raif five children, Esrin passed away in childbirth. The loss of his wife and best friend devastated Raif and slowly he became rather cruel once more. The Grand Vizier Hafiz Kadir is a younger brother and close friend to Raif, presiding over the sultan’s council and offering advice to his brother. A rather charming man, he always seems to know the right things to say. While some might view him as manipulative, he always seems to take actions that’ll better the Sultanate and strengthen his brother.
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