Name: Aeorin Rothsleigh
Nickname: 'Monarch', Onyx 3 (OOC: am willing to amend)
Age: 27
Sex/Gender: Male
Species: Human
Physically, Aeorin is a fairly typical human. His physique is well-built without excessive bulk as a result of his training, enough to contend decently well with other humans and near-humans in physical confrontation. He has a small number of scars, including a prominent laceration just below his hairline on the left side of his head that he typically keeps hidden with his hair. He also has a few tattoos, including a Squadron tattoo from his old unit before his defection from the Empire.
Off-duty, he typically wears casual but practical clothes like jeans or cargos, normally with a thermal undershirt and a red-brown leather jacket. He also wears the typical gear for active-duty combatants, but with the addition of an
Imperial-style Vibro-Sabre, more as a symbol than for practical reasons.
Height: 5'11"/180cm
Personal Qualities: Diligent and Affable, but somewhat reserved. Aeorin is a typically likeable person, but he finds it difficult to form close bonds with others and tends to keep them at a distance.
Biography: Aeorin was born into a life of wealth and privilege as the second son of a prominent political dynasty in the Hegara System, but the action and excitement of being a pilot had called to him for as long as he could remember. He was still young when the Imperial Coup and subsequent rise of the Empire occurred, his own family having a non-negligible role to play in those event, and he was soon groomed for loyalty to the new regime.
Unable to shake his fascination with space-flight and the military, he became a career pilot as early as he could; private piloting lessons, then enrollment in the fledgling Imperial Cadet Corps before enlisting formally with the Imperial Military. He took easily to his duties, earning himself many small accolades and making himself as a name to remember while serving with honour and pride until the illusion was broken and he was the true face of the Empire; A small local dispute has spiraled from protests to rioting, and then into an localized uprising. His squadron was called in to clean up, but when he was ordered to level the civilian settlements, he began to doubt his orders. His commanding officer assured him that they were insurgent-held targets, but he later found out that his CO had lied and his squadron had been called in to slaughter innocent people just because there
might have been Insurgents hiding there.
He tried to convince himself that it had been a mistake, but he began to notice behind the propaganda and lost faith in the Empire he had been raised to champion. He tried to convince his squadron, but he was threatened with Insubordination charges. Given his family's influence in the Empire he likely would avoid any serious punishments, but he didn't care about that... His mind was made up and he knew what the Empire was doing was wrong, so he planned to defect to the resistance. He found his chance during a combat patrol near Resistance territory, damaging his squadmates' ships before making a series of blind FTL Jumps into known Resistance systems and broadcasting a coded signal declaring his intent to defect. He was picked up by Resistance Fighters, interrogated and detained for a while, until the ones in command decided that they could give him a chance to prove he could be trusted. He was rotated between fighter squadrons before eventually ending up in Onyx.
Fighter: Archenar Systems AS-88 Rapier
Fighter Customisations: Low-vis Slate Grey Paintjob, ID and Callsign printed just below the Canopy, Personal Emblem resembling
shattered glass in the shape of a butterfly painted just behind the canopy.